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Page 1: Communication  & supervisory process

The Effective Communication




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Are you an effective communicator?

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Communication is not an easy word or process to define, nor it is an easy skill to master. However, it is an integral part of every endeavor. Each functional area of an organization depends on communication.

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Effective communication techniques are essential in every job. Managing, supervising, training, teaching, negotiating, selling and coaching are critically influenced by communication.

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Communication skills must constantly be sharpened if we expect to achieve success, because communication is the bridge of understanding that joins members of all departments at all levels in all organization..

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In every organization, supervisors require the essential effective communication skills and internal confidence to motivate employees - directing them to accomplish individual tasks and company goals. That is supervision and a supervisor essential.

Motivating Employees with Effective Communication

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What is Communication?

The word communication originates from the Latin word "cum" which means "with" and it is combined with the word "unus" which means "one". The combination of these two words results in the word "communio" which is translated as "communion" in the English language. Communion can be defined as togetherness and the verb "communicare" has been derived which means sharing something with someone and this word became "communicatio" which is better known as communication.

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Communication is a dynamic process that concerns itself with the

following elements: 

 1. Conveying understanding2. Seeking understanding3. Passing information with people4. Providing feedback

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Types of Communication  1. Verbal, written, and electronic communication;2. Verbal and non-verbal communication;3. Formal and informal communication;4. Intrapersonal communication or communication within oneself;5. Interpersonal communication or communication between two persons;6. Small-group communication;7. Mass- communication.

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Methods of Communicational Organization  Memos Letters Telephone calls Face-to-face contact Meetings Conferences Training Sessions Orientation programs Annual reports Bulletin boards Suggestion box Union contracts

Quality circles Company handbooks Employee newsletter Exit interviews Attitude surveys Counseling sessions Evaluation meetings Grievance procedures PA announcements Company reports Teleconferencing Electronic mail

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Regardless of form, class, categories or method, the intent of

communication is to convey an idea. By definition, communication is the transfer of an idea, between sender and receiver, that results in

in a common understanding.

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Purpose of Communication  1. Communication in the personal lives of

individuals consisting of expressing of feelings, opinions, thoughts, attitude, behavior, emotions, desires, ambitions, and wants.2. Interpersonal communication to know one another, to become friends, to discuss problems, to exchange thoughts (ideas), to make plans, to get and give help, to mutually help each other change attitudes and behavior.

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Purpose of Communication  3. Workplace communication is necessary for getting along with each other at work, create synergy with co-workers, give and receive instructions, and to overcome differences, tensions, and conflicts.4. Societal communication is necessary to unite the people, overcome societal problems, create societal progress, and produce welfare for everyone.

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Supervisory success depends on the effective, efficient practice of the supervisor

functions. Supervisor must be adept at and knowledgeable in

at least five functions:

Communication and the Supervisory process


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Supervisory Communication Linkage Process.


Work Flow Objectives





R Planning





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The initial function of the supervisory process involves the development of an effective plan, which serves as a

guideline in achieving work flow objectives. If plans are not properly

communicated, the sequence of supervisory process is seriously jeopardized. Consequently , the

supervisor will unable to adequately organize, staff, direct and control.

However, when open lines of effective communication exist , the functions are “linked” in sequence

and action.

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The communication process increase the chances for organizational success

by linking the supervisory functions toward achievement of goals.

Is your supervisor an effective communicator?

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A Model for Communication

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C o d i n g

D e c o d i n g


Transmission phase

Meeting of the Minds

Feedback phase

Sender Receiver

Initial Idea Idea received


of p





ls, a




Interpretation of

pictures, symbols,

actions, etc.

Use of w



numbers, etc. In






ds, g





rs, e


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Effective communication has become the ideal of all people who attempt to communicate with each other. Communication will become effective when the following three conditions have been met:

1. The message is received and understood precisely as meant by the sender; 2. The message has been approved by the receiver and followed-up by actions desired by the sender; 3. There are no obstacles to do whatever has to be done to follow-up on the message sent.

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The best way to improve communication

 Open door policy, create a safe, healthy environment through an open door policy. Encourage your employees to share ideas, opinions, recommendations etc. By doing this you are also empowering them as you are including them, listening to them and making them feel valued. An important note during the application of the open door-policy is to do it ethically and in compliance with policies and procedures. Open door strategies sometimes are the easiest to be manipulated and may turn into a gossiping, toe-stepping activity. If you are dealing with complaints, just follow the complaint procedures and avoid informal sharing of information.

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