+ All Categories
Page 1: Communications service provider .

• communications service provider


Page 2: Communications service provider .

Bell Canada Inception

1 For a few years, the senior Bell and his friend and business associate

Reverend Thomas Philip Henderson collected royalties from the lease of

telephones to customers in the limited late-1870s Canadian market,

who either operated their own private telephone lines or subscribed to a third party telecommunications

service provider.https://store.theartofservice.com/the-communications-service-provider-toolkit.html

Page 3: Communications service provider .

Carrier cloud

1 Carrier Cloud is a class of cloud that integrates wide area networks (WAN)

and other attributes of communications service providers’

carrier grade networks to enable the deployment of highly demanding

applications in the cloud


Page 4: Communications service provider .

Carrier cloud History

1 But many businesses and other organizations hesitated to move more demanding

applications from on-premise dedicated hardware into private or public clouds. As a response, communications service providers

started in the 2010/2011 time frame to develop carrier clouds that address perceived

weaknesses in existing cloud services. Weaknesses cited vary but often include performance, availability, security and

service level agreements (SLAs).


Page 5: Communications service provider .

Residential gateway

1 One of the world’s first residential gateway was developed for Italian

telecommunications service provider Fastweb in 2001 as part of the launch of the first commercial triple play service. Using its

fiber network, Fastweb delivered voice, video and data services to a home gateway

device – the first with embedded fiber termination – and enabled them to be

distributed around the home via set-top boxes and routers.


Page 6: Communications service provider .

Customer experience

1 With products becoming commoditized, price differentiation

no longer sustainable, and customers demanding more, companies –

particularly communications service providers (landline, wireless,

broadband, cable, satellite, etc.) – are focusing on delivering superior

customer experiences


Page 7: Communications service provider .

Telefónica Europe - Genie Internet and Genie Asia

1 After demerging from BT in 2001, the European Genie business became the basis of a central products and services division called Products O2 and the Genie Mobile business was

re-branded to O2 Online which continues in the UK as a mobile

communications service provider tied to the O2 UK network


Page 8: Communications service provider .

Telecommunications service provider

1 Telecommunications service provider


Page 9: Communications service provider .

Telecommunications service provider

1 A telecommunications service provider or TSP is a type of

communications service provider that has traditionally provided

telephone and similar services. This category includes incumbent local

exchange carriers, competitive local exchange carriers, and mobile

wireless communication companies.


Page 10: Communications service provider .

Telecommunications service provider

1 While some people use the terms "telecom service provider" and

"communications service provider" interchangeably, the term TSP

generally excludes Internet service providers (ISPs), cable companies, satellite TV, and managed service



Page 11: Communications service provider .

Customer-premises equipment

1 Customer-premises equipment or customer-provided equipment (CPE) is any terminal

and associated equipment located at a subscriber's premises and connected with a carrier's telecommunication channel at the

demarcation point ("demarc"). The demarc is a point established in a building or complex to separate customer equipment from the

equipment located in either the distribution infrastructure or central office of the Communications Service Provider.


Page 12: Communications service provider .

Customer-premises equipment

1 CPE generally refers to devices such as telephones, routers, switches, residential

gateways (RG), set-top boxes, fixed mobile convergence products, home

networking adaptors and internet access gateways that enable consumers to

access Communications Service Providers' services and distribute them

around their house via a LAN (Local Area Network).


Page 13: Communications service provider .

Passive optical network - FSAN and ITU

1 Starting in 1995, work on fiber to the home architectures was done by the Full Service Access Network (FSAN)

working group, formed by major telecommunications service

providers and system vendors


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KT Corporation - After KT-KTF Merger

1 November 11–12, 2010: As the official telecommunications service provider for the G20 Seoul Summit provided the heads of states with

powerful IT communication services.


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Voice over IP - United States

1 In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission

requires all interconnected VoIP service providers to comply with

requirements comparable to those for traditional telecommunications

service providers


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Information Technology Association of America - ITAA Publications - ITAA E-Letter

1 ITAA published a series of newsletters. The ITAA E-LETTER covers the issues of the

networked economy. These include coverage issues such as information and

telecommunications public policy, as well as pertinent news about the businesses of

electronic commerce, Internet service and enhanced telecommunications service

providers. The ITAA E-LETTER is distributed exclusively by electronic mail and available

for free


Page 17: Communications service provider .

IT risk - European Union

1 Directive 2006/24/EC of 15 March 2006 on the retention of data generated or processed in

connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or

of public communications networks and amending Directive 2002/58/EC (‘Data

Retention Directive’). Topic: Requirement for the providers of public electronic

telecommunications service providers to retain certain information for the purposes of the investigation, detection and prosecution of

serious crimehttps://store.theartofservice.com/the-communications-service-provider-toolkit.html

Page 18: Communications service provider .

Information Technology Infrastructure Library - Other frameworks

1 The enhanced Telecom Operations Map eTOM published by the TeleManagement

Forum offers a framework aimed at telecommunications service providers. In a

joined effort, TM Forum and itSMF developed an Application Note to eTOM

(GB921) that shows how the two frameworks can be mapped to each other. It addresses how eTom process elements and flows can be used to support the processes

identified in ITIL.https://store.theartofservice.com/the-communications-service-provider-toolkit.html

Page 19: Communications service provider .

Gartner Group

1 Research provided by Gartner is targeted at CIOs and senior IT

leaders in industries that include government agencies, high-tech and Telecommunications service provider|

telecom enterprises, professional services firms, and technology



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Content delivery network - Emergence of telco CDNs

1 To address this, telecommunications service providers (TSPs) have begun to launch their own content delivery networks as a means to lessen the demands on the network backbone

and to reduce infrastructure investments.


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LG Optimus One - Primary configuration

1 The Optimus One 'P500' was the first version offered for sale, with sales beginning in South Korea in mid-

November 2010. This GSM version of the phone is sold by wireless

communications service providers in Asia, Europe and Canada.


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1 'Tera-play' is the next generation of connectivity supported by communications

service providers


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Portugal Telecom

1 'Portugal Telecom (PT)' is the largest telecommunications service provider

in Portugal. Although it operates mainly in Portugal and Brazil, it has

also a significant presence in Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Mozambique, East Timor|Timor-Leste, Angola,

Kenya, and São Tomé and Príncipe.


Page 24: Communications service provider .

Communications service provider

1 A 'communications service provider' or 'CSP' is a service provider that transports

information electronically, for example a telecommunications service provider. The

term encompasses public and private companies in the telecommunications service

provider|telecom (landline and mobile telephone|wireless), Internet service

provider|Internet, cable television|cable, communication satellite|satellite, and

managed services businesses.


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Communications service provider

1 The term communications service provider is now widely accepted as a broad category encompassing all of

these businesses.


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Internet telephony - United States

1 In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission

requires all interconnected VoIP service providers to comply with

requirements comparable to those for traditional telecommunications

service providers


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Neuf Cegetel

1 'Neuf Cegetel' was a French Wireline (networking)|wireline

telecommunications service provider and a mobile virtual network

operator (MVNO)


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EFTel - History

1 In August 2011, Eftel acquired wholesale telecommunications

service provider [http://www.platformnetworks.net/

Platform Networks Pty Ltd]. Platform Networks is a Sydney-based growing

wholesale aggregator.


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Crnogorski Telekom - T-Mobile

1 T-Mobile started its commercial operations as the second mobile

telecommunications service provider in Montenegro in 2000, four years

after the first mobile provider started operations


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Telecom NZ

1 'Telecom New Zealand' is a New Zealand-wide communications service provider

(CSP), providing fixed line plain old telephone service|telephone services, a

mobile phone|mobile network, an internet service provider (through its subsidiary 'Xtra

(ISP)|Xtra'), and a major information and communications technology|ICT provider to NZ businesses (through its 'Gen-i' division).

It has operated as a publicly traded company since 1990.


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PCCW Limited - PCCW Global

1 PCCW Global is the international operating division of HKT, Hong

Kong's premier telecommunications service provider, which is majority-

owned by PCCW Limited.


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TM Forum - IPsphere

1 The group said it was concerned with quality, reliability and security

interfaces between telecommunications service

providers that were providing services for the Internet.


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Optimus Telecomunicações, S.A. - 1999/2013

1 The most curious thing is that Optimus and the competitors are constantly changing their tariff's conditions (prices to other intra-

network voice calls are dropping, a 1500 SMS bonus for the same

network is being given, the usage of the monthly fee is changing) like a kind of a battle being held by the

three Portuguese Mobile communications service providers.


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Intelligent network service

1 The intelligence is provided by network nodes on the service layer, distinct from the telephone exchange|switching layer

of the core network, as opposed to solutions based on intelligence in the core telephone exchange|switches or

telephone|telephone equipment. The IN nodes are typically owned by telephone company|telecommunications operators (telecommunications service providers).


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Bell Mobility

1 In July 2006, Bell Mobility assumed responsibility for the former Bell Aliant|Aliant wireless operations in Atlantic Canada as part

of a larger restructuring of both Bell and Aliant, and continued to do business there as

'Aliant Mobility' until re-branding as Bell in April

2008.[http://www.bce.ca/en/news/releases/corp/2006/03/07/73404.html BCE and Aliant

form one of North America's largest regional telecommunications service providers]


Page 36: Communications service provider .

Service provider

1 A 'service provider' ('SP') is a company that provides organizations

with consulting, legal, real estate, education, communications, storage, processing, and many other services. Although the term service provider

can refer to organizational sub-units, it is more generally used to refer to third party or outsourced suppliers,

including telecommunications service providers (TSPs), application service

providers (ASPs), storage service providers (SSPs), and Internet service

providers (ISPs).


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Service provider - Types of service providers

1 *Telecommunications service provider (TSP)


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Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions

1 The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions has more than 250

member companies,http://www.atis.org/about/

index.asp including various telecommunications service

providers, equipment manufacturers, and

vendors.http://www.atis.org/membership/members.asp The ATIS

encompasses numerous industry committees and fora, which discuss,

evaluate, and author guidelines concerning such topics as data security, Reliability (computer networking)|network reliability,

technological Interoperability#Telecommunications

|interoperability, subscription services, and product



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Novus Entertainment

1 Novus is also in the business of leasing dark fibre to other

communications service providers and to businesses.


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Telus - Labour dispute

1 The company expressed concerns over content on the site, saying it identified employees crossing picket lines and encouraged disruptive

behaviour, while the union alleged it amounted to censorship.[http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2005/07/24/telus-

sites050724.html Telus cuts subscriber access to pro-union website], CBC News, July 24, 2005Doctorow, Cory,

[http://www.boingboing.net/2005/07/24/phone-company-blocks.html Phone company blocks access to telecoms union's website] boingboing, July 24, 2005 The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association issued an official objection to the unilateral blocking on July 26, stating Telus is

leveraging its power as a telecommunications service provider to censor a specific group, shut down debate and limit the messages conveyed

about the current labour dispute.[http://www.bccla.org/pressreleases/05telus.htm BCCLA

Denounces Blocking of Website by Telus], BC Civil Liberties Association (press release), July 26, 2005 An Alberta court injunction ordered the

blocked website, Voices For Change, to remove postings of Telus employee photos and other intimidating or threatening material


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Local loop

1 In telephony, the 'local loop' (also referred to as a 'subscriber line') is

the physical link or circuit that connects from the demarcation point

of the Customer-premises equipment|customer premises to the

edge of the common carrier or telecommunications service

provider's network.


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G-Book - G-Link

1 In 2006, Japanese media reported that a Lexus-branded cellphone was

also being produced with compatibility for the G-Link system. This cellphone would be produced in

conjunction with the KDDI telecommunications service provider.


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Document - History

1 * radio and television Telecommunications

Service Provider|service provider


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Customer Experience Management

1 With Product (business)|products becoming commoditized, price

differentiation (economics)|differentiation no longer sustainable,

and customers demanding more, companies – particularly

communications service providers (landline, wireless, broadband, cable,

satellite, etc.) – are focusing on delivering superior customer


Page 45: Communications service provider .

Hormuud Telecom - Overview

1 More than 3000 Somali people|Somali investors have shares in Hormuud Telecom. One of the

leading telecommunications service providers (TSP) in southern and

central Somalia, the company offers a variety of telecommunication

services such as Landline|fixed line, GSM and data services.


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Tweeting - Tweets

1 Tweets are publicly visible by default, but senders can restrict message

delivery to just their followers. Users can tweet via the Twitter website, compatible external applications (such as for smartphones), or by

Short Message Service (SMS) available in certain countries. While

the service is free, accessing it through SMS may incur

Telecommunications service provider|phone service provider fees.


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Common carrier - General

1 or good (economics)|goods, in the United States the term may also

refer to telecommunications service providers and public utility|public



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Service assurance

1 'Service assurance', in telecommunications, is the

application of policies and processes by a Communications Service Provider (CSP) to ensure that

services offered over networks meet a pre-defined service quality level for

an optimal subscriber experience.


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Revenue assurance

1 In many telecommunications service providers, revenue assurance is led by a dedicated revenue assurance



Page 50: Communications service provider .

Revenue assurance - Overview

1 It is used both to describe an activity performed within

telecommunications service providers, and is a common name for a small business unit associated with

that activity


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Revenue assurance - Overview

1 The sphere of influence described by revenue assurance varies greatly

between telecommunications service providers, but is usually closely

related to back office functions where small errors may have a

disproportionately large impact on revenues or costs


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Revenue assurance - Overview

1 Revenue assurance is often regarded by practitioners as a low-cost

mechanism to generate significant financial returns for

telecommunications service providers


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Network intelligence

1 It is currently being incorporated into a wide range of applications by

vendors who provide technology solutions to Communications service

provider|Communications Service Providers (CSPs), governments and

large enterprises


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Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 - Photographs of police officers in public places

1 There are exemptions for communications service providers, web caches and web

hosting services.


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1 'Grameenphone' () (Dhaka Stock Exchange|DSE:[http://dsebd.org/displ

ayCompany.php?name=GP GP], Chittagong Stock Exchange|CSE:


%20SummarycmpName=GP GP]), widely known as GP, is the leading

telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh


Page 56: Communications service provider .

Middleware (distributed applications) - Use of middleware

1 For Future Internet network operation through traffic monitoring in Network

management|multi-domain scenarios, using mediator tools

(middleware) is a powerful help since they allow Telecommunications

service provider|operators, searchers and service providers to supervise

Quality of service and analyse eventual failures in

telecommunication services.https://store.theartofservice.com/the-communications-service-provider-toolkit.html

Page 57: Communications service provider .

Optical mesh network

1 Technological advancements in optical transport equipment in the first decade of the 21st century,

along with continuous deployment of DWDM systems, have led

telecommunications service providers to replace their SONET ring

architectures by mesh-based architectures


Page 58: Communications service provider .

Optical mesh network - History of transport networks

1 in the first decade of the 21st century, along with continuous

deployment of dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM)

systems, have led telecommunications service

providers to replace their SONET ring architectures by mesh-based architectures for new traffic


Page 59: Communications service provider .


1 'Ciena Corporation' is a United States-based global supplier of telecommunications networking equipment, software and

services that support the delivery and transport of voice, video and data services. Its products are used in telecommunications networks operated by telecommunications

service providers, cable operators, governments and enterprises. The company was founded in 1992 and is headquartered

in Hanover, Maryland.


Page 60: Communications service provider .

Content networking - Emergence of telco CDNs

1 To address this, telecommunications service providers (TSPs) have begun to launch their

own content delivery networks[http://blog.streamingmedia.com/the_business_of_online_vi/2011/06/updated-

list-of-vendors-in-the-content-delivery-ecosystem.html “Updated List Of Vendors In

The Content Delivery Ecosystem”] as a means to lessen the demands on the

network backbone and to reduce infrastructure investments.


Page 61: Communications service provider .


1 'Aircel' is an Indian mobile network operator headquartered in Chennai,

which offers voice data services ranging from postpaid and prepaid

plans, 2G and 3G services, Broadband Wireless Access (BWA), Long Term Evolution (LTE) to Value-

Added-Services (VAS). In 2006, Aircel was acquired by Malaysia’s biggest integrated communications service

provider Maxis (Maxis Communication Berhard) and is a

joint venture with Sindya Securities Investments Pvt Ltd - Maxis holds

74% equity in the company.


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Service (disambiguation) - Economics and business

1 ** Communications service provider (CSP), including:


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Service (disambiguation) - Economics and business

1 **** Telecommunications service provider (TSP)


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1 Xeround's product was initially used by Telecommunications service

provider|Telecom providers, including T-Mobile; in 2009 the company added

a MySQL front end to its product,Derrick Harris, [


For Xeround, MySQL in the Cloud Knows No Bounds], [

http://gigaom.com/ GigaOM], Retrieved 25-8-2011


Page 65: Communications service provider .

Revenue Management - Developing Industries

1 * Mass media|Media/Telecommunications

service provider|Telecom – a promotion-driven industry often

focused on attracting customers with discounted plans and then retaining

them at higher price points


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Network-neutral data center

1 While some data centers are owned and operated by a Telecommunications service provider|telecommunications or Internet

service provider, network-neutral data centers are operated by a third party who has little or no

part in providing Internet service to the end-user. This encourages competition and diversity as a Server (computing)|server in a colocation

centre can have one provider, multiple providers or only connect back to the headquarters of the

company who owns the server.


Page 67: Communications service provider .

5ESS switch

1 The '5ESS Switch' is a Class 5 telephone switch|Class 5 telephone

electronic switching system developed by Western Electric and

now sold by Western Electric's descendant, Alcatel-Lucent. This

Digital data|digital telephone exchange|central office telephone circuit switching system is used by many telecommunications service


Page 68: Communications service provider .

NetScout Systems, Inc.

1 'NetScout Systems, Inc.' is a provider of integrated computer network

performance management products. NetScout products include packet Sniffer and nGenius packet flow recorder. It is

headquartered in Westford, Massachusetts and has approximately 800 employees.

NetScout serves the enterprise community, government agencies and telecommunications service providers.


Page 69: Communications service provider .

Telephone company

1 or 'telecommunications operator', is a kind of communications service provider (CSP) (more precisely a

telecommunications service provider or TSP) that provides

telecommunications services such as telephony and data communications



Page 70: Communications service provider .

Network resource planning - Next generation services

1 Many Communications Service Provider|communications service

providers - from Wireline (networking)|wireline, wireless, broadband to Next Generation

Networking|next generation carriers - are introducing next-generation

services such as interactive video over cell phones and multi-user

conference callinghttps://store.theartofservice.com/the-communications-service-provider-toolkit.html

Page 71: Communications service provider .

Independent agencies of the United States government - Examples

1 *The 'Federal Communications Commission (FCC)' is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio,

television, wire, satellite, and cable. It licenses radio and television broadcast stations, assigns radio frequencies, and

enforces regulations designed to ensure that cable rates are reasonable. The FCC regulates

common carriers, such as telephone and telegraph companies, as well as wireless telecommunications service providers.


Page 72: Communications service provider .

Social peer-to-peer processes - Capitalism

1 The massive use of open source software in business, enthusiastically supported by

venture capital and large IT companies such as IBM, is creating a distributed software platform that will drastically undercut the monopolistic rents enjoyed by companies such as Microsoft and Oracle Corporation|

Oracle, while Skype and VoIP will drastically redistribute the Telecommunications service

provider|telecom infrastructure


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Subscriber unit

1 The demarc is a point established in a building or complex to separate

customer equipment from the equipment located in either the

distribution infrastructure or telephone exchange|central office of

the Communications Service Provider.


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Subscriber unit

1 CPE generally refers to devices such as telephones, Router (computing)|routers,

switches, residential gateways (RG), set-top boxes, fixed mobile convergence products,

home networking adaptors and internet access gateway (telecommunications)|

gateways that enable consumers to access Communications Service Providers' services and distribute them around their house via

a LAN (Local Area Network).


Page 75: Communications service provider .

Telefónica Europe - Genie Internet and Genie Asia

1 After demerging from BT in 2001, the European Genie business became the basis of a central products and

services division called 'Products O2' and the Genie Mobile business was

re-branded to 'O2 Online' which continues in the UK as a mobile

communications service provider tied to the O2 UK network


Page 76: Communications service provider .

List of HSDPA networks - Gibraltar

1 * Gibtel Is the mobile network operated by Gibtelecom, Gibraltar's

leading and longest established communications service provider.

The network was the first GSM service in Gibraltar in 1994, with full

HSDPA service rolled out in 2007


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1 On 4 March 2014, Etisalat reported net revenue of USD $10.6 billion (AED 38.85 billion) and net

profits of USD US$1.93bn (AED 7.08 billion).http://www.thenational.ae/business/etisala

t/etisalat-profit-leaps-70-per-cent The total market capitalization of the company in 2012 was

$22 billion (AED 81 billion).http://www.etisalat.com/en/about/profile/c

ompany-profile.jsp It is one of the only two telecommunications service provider companies

in the country, the other one being Emirates Integrated Telecom (Du).


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Central Monitoring System

1 According to a government official, an agency shall enter data related to

target in the CMS system and approach the Telecommunications service provider|telecom services provider (TSP), at which point the

process is automated, and the provider simply sends the data to a server which forwards the requested


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Internet Watch Foundation

1 The IWF is an incorporated charity, limited by guarantee, and largely funded by

voluntary contributions from UK communications service providers,

including ISPs, mobile phone operators, Internet trade associations, search engines,

computer hardware|hardware manufacturers, and software providers. It also receives funding from the Association

for Payment Clearing Services and the European Union.


Page 80: Communications service provider .

Maxis Communications

1 'Maxis Berhad', DBA Maxis, is the only integrated communications service provider and the first operator to launch 4G LTE in Malaysia. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, they provide a variety of communication products,

applications and value added services for consumers, large enterprises and small

medium business owners. The extensive reach and range of their network, products and services create a differentiated customer

experience for both consumers and businesses.


Page 81: Communications service provider .

Neustar - Business overview

1 Within the United States and Canada, Neustar administrates the North American Numbering Plan, the

authoritative directories that manage virtually all telephone area codes and numbers, and enables the routing of calls among thousands of competing

communications service providers (CSPs)


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Bertelsmann - Operations

1 * Arvato services|Arvato, an international media and communications service provider


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Grande Communications

1 In 1999, the company was established when the largest single round of venture capital funding in

Texas was raised, in turn starting the first-ever truly bundled

telecommunications service provider


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Telecommunications service

1 The telecommunications service user is responsible for the information

content of the message. The telecommunications service provider

has the responsibility for the acceptance, transmission

(telecommunications)|transmission, and delivery of the message.


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Yield management - Telecommunications

1 On average, Communications service providers utilize an average of just

35 to 40 percent of available network capacity. Recently,

telecommunications software vendors such as Telcordia


Page 86: Communications service provider .

Yield management - Telecommunications

1 and Ericsson have promoted yield management as a strategy for

communications service providers to generate additional revenue and reduce capital expenditures by maximizing subscriber use of available network bandwidth.

[http://www.telcordia.com/collateral/innovation-insight/telecom-yield-management.pdf Applying Yield

Management in the Mobile Broadband Market] Approaches

include basing a strategy on innovative services explicitly

designed to use only spare capacity and borrowing proven methods from

the airline industry.


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Yield management - Telecommunications

1 Differences that present challenges for communications service providers

include low-value transactions and overall network complexity


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National broadband plans from around the world - South Africa

1 Following the deregulation of the VANS industry in South Africa, a

number of leading operators have diversified from being a top-tier ISP

to becoming a converged communications service provider offering a range of voice and data services, particularly voice over IP,

through the conversion of VANS licenses into ECS licenses.


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Internet in Colombia - Broadband Internet access

1 The appearance of ADSL Internet access meant a commercial war

between the Telecommunications service provider|Telecom companies and the cable operators (mainly in

Bogotá and Bucaramanga)


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Real-time charging

1 'Real-time charging' is an extension of call accounting that enables communications service

providers (CSPs) to apply customer-specific rules for rating, discounting, promotions and settlements to better personalize the telecom experience


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Chancellorship of Gordon Brown - Taxation and spending

1 Under Brown, Telecommunications service provider|telecom radio

frequency auctions gathered £22.5 billion for the government


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Foreign Intelligence Act - Protect America Act of 2007

1 * The acquisition involves obtaining the communications data from or

with the assistance of a communications service provider

who has access to communications;


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GENBAND - History

1 In 2013, Genband acquired fring, an Over-the-top (OTT) mobile IP communications service



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Internet in Qatar - Penetration and usage

1 Qatar Telecom (Qtel) is the telecommunications service provider licensed by the ictQATAR|Supreme

Council of Information and Communication Technology

(ictQATAR) to provide both fixed and mobile telecommunications



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Telecommunications billing

1 'Telecommunications billing' is the group of processes of

communications service providers that are responsible to collect

consumption data, calculate charging and billing information, produce bills

to customers, process their payments and manage debt

collection.«Billing» is the group of processes and systems that are

responsible for collection of appropriate usage records,

determining charging and billing information, production of timely and accurate bills, for providing pre-bill

use information and billing to customers, for processing their

payments, and performing payment collections


Page 96: Communications service provider .

Telecommunications billing

1 Telecommunications billing is a significant component of any commercial

communications service provider regardless specialization: Telephone company|

telephone, mobile wireless communication, VoIP companies, mobile virtual network

operators, internet service providers, transit traffic companies, cable and satellite TV

companies could not operate without billing, because it creates an economic value of

their business.


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Real time policy

1 'Real time policy', in telecommunications, is a technical

capability used to implement a wide array of business rules and

subscriber preferences. While the genesis of policy was in Quality of

Service (QoS) and congestion control, it has evolved as Communications Service Providers (CSPs) use it to create personalized, user-directed

and interactive services and implement business objectives.


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Service fulfillment

1 Fulfillment of telecommunications services involves a series of supply chain activities

responsible for assembling and making services available to subscribers. These

activities delineate an operational infrastructure whose efficiency relies upon

its ability to allow a communications service provider (CSP) to match the supply of

services with demand in an economical way and with consistently high levels of quality

and reliability.


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Operations support system

1 'Operations Support Systems' (OSS), or 'operational support systems' in British usage,See Wikipedia article Operations

research. are computer systems used by telecommunications service providers to manage their networks (e.g., telephone networks). They support management

functions such as inventory|network inventory, provisioning|service provisioning,

configuration management|network configuration and fault management.


Page 100: Communications service provider .


1 'Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access' ('FOMA') is the brand name

of the W-CDMA-based 3G telecommunications services being

offered by the Japanese telecommunications service provider NTT DoCoMo. It is an implementation

of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and was the world's first 3G service

to commence operation.https://store.theartofservice.com/the-communications-service-provider-toolkit.html

Page 101: Communications service provider .

TalkSwitch - Corporate history

1 They can be used as standalone devices, or in a network and can

combine both traditional telephone lines and ITSP|VoIP services, using

analog and/or IP phones. The company has interoperability partnerships with a number of

leading VoIP Telecommunications Service Provider|service providers including Primus Telecom|Primus,

Covad, Bandwidth.com, Broadvoice and SureWest.


Page 102: Communications service provider .

Protect America Act of 2007 - 3. Requirement to assist

1 :* The acquisition involves obtaining the foreign intelligence information from or with the assistance of a communications service

provider, custodian, or other person (including any officer, employee, agent, or

other specified person of such service provider, custodian, or other person) who has access to communications, either as they are

transmitted or while they are stored, or equipment that is being or may be used to

transmit or store such communications;


Page 103: Communications service provider .

Online charging system

1 'Online charging system' (OCS) is a system allowing a

Communications service provider to charge their customers, in real time,

based on service usage


Page 104: Communications service provider .

Demographics of Washington - Economy

1 Significant business within the state include the design and manufacture of aircraft (Boeing),

automotive (Paccar), computer software development (Microsoft, Bungie, Amazon.com,

Nintendo|Nintendo of America, Valve Corporation, ArenaNet), Telecommunications

service provider|telecom (T-Mobile USA), electronics, biotechnology, aluminium|aluminum

production, lumber and wood products (Weyerhaeuser), mining, beverages (Starbucks,

Jones Soda), real estate (John L


Page 105: Communications service provider .

2G spectrum scam - 2009

1 * '16 November 2009': CBI seeks details of tapped conversation of corporate lobbyist

Niira Radia to find out involvement of middlemen in the grant of spectrum to

Telecommunications service provider|telecom companies. It has sought help from the

Directorate General of Income Tax Investigation regarding information on Ms. Nira Radia of M/s Noesis Consultancy and

records pertaining to middlemen regarding award of 2G spectrum licences


Page 106: Communications service provider .

Telecommunications provider

1 A 'telecommunications service provider' ('TSP') is a type of

communications service provider that has traditionally provided

telephone and similar services. This category includes incumbent local

exchange carriers, competitive local exchange carriers, and mobile

wireless communication companies.


Page 107: Communications service provider .

Telecommunications provider

1 While some people use the terms telecom service provider and

communications service provider interchangeably, the term TSP

generally excludes Internet service providers (ISPs), cable companies, satellite TV, and managed service



Page 108: Communications service provider .

Three-way hybrid

1 A 'three-way hybrid' set-top box is a hybrid device typically used by Pay TV

operators and Telecommunications service providers to converge content delivered via three different video transport networks – satellite, Cable television|terrestrial and Internet Protocol|IP [managed or public

Internet]. Three-way Hybrid [or tribrid] Set-Top Boxes enable consumers to navigate between a wide range of content quickly and intuitively, and view it all on the main household TV set.


Page 109: Communications service provider .

Database search engine

1 In more advanced Database search systems relational databases are indexed by

compounding multiple tables into a single table containing only the fields that need to be

queried (or displayed in search results). The actual data matching engines can include any

functions from basic string matching, normalization, transformation, Database search

technology is heavily used by government database services, e-commerce companies, web

advertising platforms, telecommunications service providers, etc.


Page 110: Communications service provider .

Economy of Puerto Rico - Telecommunications

1 Several communications service providers offer triple play

(telecommunications)|triple play (Internet + television + telephony)

on the island with Claro Puerto Rico, Choice Cable TV, and Liberty Media

being the most prominent


Page 111: Communications service provider .

Cobra Command - Renegades

1 Here Cobra is presented as 'Cobra Industries', a Megacorporation|

company involved in Communications service provider|communications, Pharmaceutical

industry|pharmaceuticals, and Arms industry|military technologies


Page 112: Communications service provider .


1 'Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A.' (; 'ETECSA') is a

government owned full telecommunications service provider

for the island of Cuba.


Page 113: Communications service provider .


1 'SETAR N.V.', is the privatised full telecommunications service provider for the island of Aruba. The services

provided by SETAR include: telephone, internet and GSM-related wireless services. SETAR also owns

Tele Aruba.


Page 114: Communications service provider .

Indosat - History

1 Indosat has long history of ownership and change of purpose and goals from its establishment on 10 November 1967.

[http://www.indosat.com/About_Us/Corporate_Profile/History Indosat.com: Corporate Profile History] Accessed on May 1, 2013 After being

bought by Indonesian government from foreign investment company, the company

began as a commercial international telecommunications service provider (IDD) in

September 1969


Page 115: Communications service provider .


1 The company serves telecommunications service

providers (including mobile wireless communication companies),

independent operating companies, multiple-system operator cable

companies, enterprises and government agencies.


Page 116: Communications service provider .

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited

1 'Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited' ('MTNL') is a Government-

owned corporation|state-owned telecommunications service provider

in the metro cities of Mumbai and New Delhi in India and in the island

nation of Mauritius in Africa


Page 117: Communications service provider .

Emirates Telecommunications Corporation

1 On 4 March 2014, Etisalat reported net revenue of US$10.6 billion (AED 38.85 billion) and net

profits of USD US$1.93bn (AED 7.08 billion).http://www.thenational.ae/business/etisala

t/etisalat-profit-leaps-70-per-cent The total market capitalization of the company in 2012 was

$22 billion (AED 81 billion).http://www.etisalat.com/en/about/profile/c

ompany-profile.jsp It is one of the only two telecommunications service provider companies

in the country, the other one being Emirates Integrated Telecom (Du).


Page 118: Communications service provider .

Advisory board - Technical Advisory Board

1 *advising the home secretary on whether the obligations imposed on communications service providers

(CSPs) under the terms of Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000|Regulation of Investigatory Powers

Act (RIPA) are reasonable.


Page 119: Communications service provider .

Sprint Canada

1 'Sprint Canada' was a Canada|Canadian telecommunications

service provider from 1993 to 2005, when it was acquired by Rogers

Communications. Sprint offered both residential and business services. It

was a key company in the long distance wars of Canada.


Page 120: Communications service provider .

List of United States wireless communications service providers

1 This is a 'list of United States wireless

communications service providers'


Page 121: Communications service provider .

Primus Canada

1 'Primus Telecommunications Canada, Inc.' is one of the largest alternative telecommunications service provider

in Canada


Page 122: Communications service provider .

Christopher Soghoian - Education

1 Soghoian, who holds British and US nationality,Brown, David. FBI foils student's air

scam site The Times November 3, 2006 received a B.S. from James Madison University

(Computer Science; 2002), a Masters from Johns Hopkins University (Security Informatics; 2005), and a PhD from Indiana University (Informatics; 2012). His dissertation focused on the role that

third party internet and telecommunications service providers play in facilitating law

enforcement surveillance of their customers.


Page 123: Communications service provider .

Ilagan - Telecommunications

1 PLDT and Digital Telecommunications Phils., Inc.|Digitel are the main Telecommunications service

providers in Ilagan City


Page 124: Communications service provider .


1 *Partner Communications Company, an Israeli wireless telecommunications service provider


Page 125: Communications service provider .

Fairfield, Iowa - Economy

1 In 2008, the city was the home of 40 software development and

Telecommunications service provider|telecom companiesWall Street

Journal, In this Farm Town, Gurus Transcend Party, Chris Cooper, Jan 3

2008, [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1199

32860523364137.html?mod=todays_us_nonsub_page_one] and according to a 2009 report from the University of Iowa's Community

Vitality Center, Fairfield has had more than $250 million invested

across 50 different companies since 1990


Page 126: Communications service provider .

IctQATAR - Regulation

1 The Telecommunications Executive By-Law includes regulatory

procedures, rules and instructions that must be followed by

telecommunications service providers in Qatar, including

licensees such as Qatar Telecom (QTel) QSC and Vodafone Qatar QSC.


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