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Page 1: Communities near and far

3rd Grade Curriculum Objectives

Social Studies Content Standard: Peoples of the Nations and World - Students will understand how people in Maryland, the United States and around the world are alike and different.

Media Content Standard: The students at all grade levels 2-3 will demonstrate the ability to use resources, in a wide variety of formats, to locate information to meet an identified need.

Presentation created by Janet Yarn

Page 2: Communities near and far

Where in the World?

Page 3: Communities near and far

Finding Information Using

Task DefinitionInformation Seeking StrategiesLocation and AccessUse of InformationSynthesisEvaluation

Page 4: Communities near and far

Step 1…Task Definition:

Our Task for today is to find out how people live in the communities around the world.

Senegal, Africa

Page 5: Communities near and far

Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies

Where are places we could look for information about the communities in

Senegal, Africa?

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Step 3: Location and Access Culture Grams is

our source…

Let’s take a tour of Senegal Africa and see what we can learn about their community.

Lambert, Michael C. "Senegal." World Book Student. World Book, 2009. Web. 1 Nov. 2009.

Page 7: Communities near and far

Watch and learn about daily meals in Senegal.

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Culture Grams Culture Grams is a database of

information about the U.S., Canada, and other countries.

You can find… Maps Pictures Videos articles

Click on the link above for Culture Grams and see what more you can learn about Senegal,


Page 9: Communities near and far

Use of Information

At your table each of you will be learning about a different culture.

In pairs you will be accessing different tools that teach about the same place.

Record the information you locate on the document link below.

Be sure to type in your assigned space.

Google Doc

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Synthesis of Information

Print your notes and use them to create a brochure about your country and its culture. You can use the template in your folder as a starting point.

community template.doc

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Click on the link below to evaluate the process we have gone through to

complete our task. Evaluation

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Works Cited "Sengal Cooking A Meal." CultureGrams. Web. 13 Nov 2009.


"Traditional Music of Africa." Discovery Education. Web. 13 Nov 2009. <http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=F1DE78B2-651F-4AD6-BD23-D447D45C863C&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US>.

"Howard County Public School System Academics." HCPSS. HCPSS, Web. 13 Nov 2009. http://hcpss.org/academics/media/

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