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Page 1: Community Action Plan Menindee Central Darling...Page 1 of 21 16/04/2020 Community Action Plan – Menindee – 16/4/2020 (VERSION 4c UPDATED 28/5/2020. NO CHANGES MADE TO LEVEL 1

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Community Action Plan – Menindee – 16/4/2020 (VERSION 4c UPDATED 28/5/2020. NO CHANGES MADE TO LEVEL 1 AND COMMUNITY CONSULTATION UPDATED)

Central Darling Local Emergency Management Committee

Level 1: Prepare: COVID-19 has not entered the community Level 1: Prepare: COVID-19 has not entered the community

Action (reviewed weekly) Responsibility / Status (reviewed weekly)

Travel restriction messaging to community and non-residents, re risk of importing COVID-19 cases applied:

Emergency Response Team – LALC, School, Council, Police, Health, Community Leaders agree to continue educate the community on social distancing measures / stay at home rule as per NSW Health COVID 19 Guidelines The Community agree to notify Police, if non-residents arrive in community to visit or stay Local signage on roadway entering community erected, discouraging non-residents not to stop at township except for essential requirement

Emergency Response Team– Ongoing (ERT Identified as - Health Service Manager Menindee Health Service Barbara Turner, Director Aboriginal Health and Planning Donna Cruickshank, Regional Manager Aboriginal Affairs Tegan Hinchey-Gerard, General Manager Central Darling Shire Greg Hill, Community Member Jan Fennell Project Manager ABSEC, Fiona Kelly Principal Central School, OIC Wilcannia Sectors Chief Inspector Moodie, Menindee Officer Sergeant Dean Jones Police to monitor people coming in and out of community ON GOING Council/Aboriginal Affairs/Police – To be completed prior to 22.4.20. EXTENDED. Signs produced and with Council. Menindee Signs in place 11/5/2020

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Level 1: Prepare: COVID-19 has not entered the community

Action (reviewed weekly) Responsibility / Status (reviewed weekly)

Communication to community through discussion, flyers, social media that non-residents are discouraged due to the potential risk to vulnerable community members and current travel restrictions Community agree to only leave for essential travel as per NSW Health COVID guidelines; including food, hygiene products, medical appointments; work. Police to consult regularly each week with Community leaders as to current status of community and any response required Media engagements with local media and social media platforms eg ABC, re restrictions on non-essential travel, to discourage and educate travellers / non-residents

All Services/Community Leaders – ON GOING Community Leaders - ON GOING Police ON GOING Police ON GOING

Enforcement of Ministers Directions Police concentrate patrols on roads and Highway into community conducting vehicle stops and checking bonafides of persons to ensure non-essential travelling is not occurring Police utilise current legislation of ‘non-essential travel’ to stop and enforce non- residents entering the community.

Police – ON GOING Police - ON GOING

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Level 1: Prepare: COVID-19 has not entered the community

Action (reviewed weekly) Responsibility / Status (reviewed weekly)

Community Bus to Broken Hill to be checked prior to return to Menindee for non- essential travel.

Police – ON GOING

Health Checks on residents with concerns re COVID-19

Health to undertake screening as per the NSW Health COVID 19 guidelines

Health – ON GOING Health Service Manager Menindee Health Service

Restricted Access Education and Awareness Inform and prepare community – flyers, posters, social media updates to advise that the community discourage non-essential travel to a vulnerable community

Community Leaders/Health/Services – This will be ongoing via multiple mediums ON GOING

Health Education and Awareness Display public health messages on social media and in community spaces on how to stop the spread of COVID-19

Practice good hygiene: wash and dry hands, cough into elbow, don’t touch your face.

Physical distancing encouraged Social isolation House parties to cease Gatherings outside Directions to


Community Leaders/Health – ON GOING

Funeral Risk Assessment Inform community that Funerals are high risk for non-residents attending community. Sensitive consultation and collaboration with family, Community Leaders, Funeral Home and Police.

Funeral Director, Community, Police – ON GOING Police

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Level 1: Prepare: COVID-19 has not entered the community

Action (reviewed weekly) Responsibility / Status (reviewed weekly)

Consideration to alternative options with regard to respect of deceased, such as friends standing at front of homes as Funeral vehicles pass by identified areas.

Funeral Director, Community, Police

Residents become ill or show symptoms of Covid-19

Self-isolate and contact Menindee Health Service for assessment and advice

Community members, Health – Ongoing Health Service Manager Menindee Health Service

Service Stations In Townships to provide appropriate sanitiser and disposal gloves for use by patrons at pumps.

Service Station to be approached by Police for compliance

Coordinated by LEOCON. – Station provides sanitiser for customers and on going cleaning. Complete at this time.

Aboriginal Community members to be added to LEMC for period of pandemic.

Menindee Members to be identified and notified.

Part Completed 29/4/20 by AA and Police. Members. Jan Fennel Deputy Chair CWP and Fiona Kelly attended LEMC 5/4/20.


Level 2: Confirmed Cases in Community Level 2: Confirmed Cases in Community

Action Responsibility / Status

Community Information High-risk people advised to remain at home (e.g. those over 50 or those with other existing medical conditions) as per NSW Health COVID-19 guidelines Further re-enforcement of how to stop the spread of COVID-19 :hygiene practices and

Health / Community Leaders – To be completed on day of first confirmed case To be reinforced and ongoing as this should already be in place as per Level 1 with the current public health social distancing measures Health / Community Leaders - ON GOING

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Level 2: Confirmed Cases in Community

Action Responsibility / Status

social distancing through flyer drop delivery, social media and community leaders

Isolation of patients and identified close contacts of case

If able to isolate in own home in the community, then directed to self-isolation. If unable to self-isolate in own home community, but not requiring hospitalisation, then alternate accommodation will be arranged by health at agreed location in each town Health to arrange cleaning contractor, and maximise hygienic processes at alternate accommodation upon cessation of quarantine requirements

Health/ – To be done when positive case confirmed Health – To be done when positive case confirmed Health – To be done when positive case confirmed

Isolation checks on confirmed cases and identified close contacts

Checks conducted at residents to ensure confirmed case and identified close contacts are self-isolating as required

Police – Physical checks daily Health – Public Health Unit will undertake a daily wellness check on confirmed case and close contacts via phone call



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Level 3: Elimination – virus is not contained Level 3: Elimination – virus is not contained

Action Responsibility / Status

Community to self-isolate Community to self-isolate in their own homes or in alternate accommodation if required. Intrusive enforcement of current Minister’s Direction School to close Food and essential supplies to be obtained and distributed to individual homes Health to ensure co-ordination and priority of confirmed cases and ensure appropriate care provided People requiring hospitalisation for

management of symptoms are transferred out of community to a higher level care facility.

Health/ - To be done as needed Police/ - To be done as needed Education - To be done as needed DCJ - To be done as needed Health - To be done as needed



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Community Consultation – Each 7 days (this version 22/5/2020 to 28/5/2020) Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / Status

What community consultation has been done over the last 7 days

Report by each agency regarding community consultation over the last 7Day Including – Who was spoken to? What issues were raised? Were the issues addressed? Further proposed action by the agency? Any assistance needed by other

agencies / groups to resolve concerns?

Agency report on the above, to be forwarded to the LEOCON prior to each LEMC meeting

Health / LALC / Aboriginal Affairs / Local Gov / Education / Police – ONGOING

AGENCY 24/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie 24/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie 25-28/5/2020 Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Aboriginal Affairs, Chris Graham Maari Ma, Greg Hill GM Council and C/Inspector Tony Moodie. 26/5/2020 NSW Health/RFDS

ACTION/ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Email weeks events and CAP planes to Emergency response Teams. Community Information Sheet Signage discussion re changes in restrictions. Pop Up testing site in Wilcannia

ISSUE/OUTCOME/STATUS Complete Prepared and circulated by barrier Police District Facebook and shared widely. Signage agreed between working group. Wilcannia confirmed for signs, Ivanhoe and Menindee to be discussed further at LEMC 1/6/2020. Conducted Wilcannia 26/5/2020, Menindee and Ivanhoe visits to be confirmed by NSW Health/RFDS.

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Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / Status

26/5/2020 Bob Davis, Justin Files Maari Ma & Andrew Spliet and Tony Moodie NSW Police 28/5/2020 Business Community & Supt Spliet, C/Insp Moodie, Sgt Amos & ACLO Williams. 28/5/2020 Greg McMahon and selected members of LEMC and observers. NO CHANGES MADE TO LEVEL 1

General discussion re COVID 19 Discussion re response and continued response including signage and preventative measures. Exercise relating to level 2 and 3 responses to COVID 19 as per Wilcannia CAP. NO LEMC THIS WEEK, NEXT MEETING 1/6/2020    

Record only Supportive of Community concerns. Exercise completed and relevant to all three communities in CDS. Feedback discussion to LEMC 1/6/2020 re CAP changes.

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Previous Community Consultation

Community Consultation – Each 7 days (this version 15/5/2020 to 21/5/2020) Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / Status

AGENCY 17/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie 18/5/2020 LEMC 19/5/2020 Supt Spliet & C/Insp Moodie 20/5/2020 Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Aboriginal Affairs, Chris Graham Maari Ma, Greg Hill GM Council and C/Inspector Tony Moodie. 21/5/2020 Denise McCullum NSW Health 21/5/2020 Brendan Hedger NSW Health , Greg McMahon REMO, C/Inspector Moodie

ACTION/ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Email weeks events and CAP planes to Emergency response Teams. LEMC Proposed exercise planned for 19/5/2020 postponed and now date to be considered is 2pm 28/5/2020. Discussion re additional signage leading into communities. AA to discuss with contacts in Menindee and Ivanhoe to assess willingness to support signage. Advised police of Pop Up testing site in Wilcannia on 26/5/2020, and looking to involve community and AA Discussion on planned exercise and confirmed 2pm 28/5/2020.  

ISSUE/OUTCOME/STATUS Complete As per minutes Record Draft signage to be circulated Monday 25/5/2020. Signage applicable even with removal of travel restrictions. Complete Record

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Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / Status



C/Inspector Moodie to advised involved agencies and persons of planned exercise and dial in procedures 22/5/2020. Complete .

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LEMC Held – 18/5/20 (TBC in minutes) Present:

Sally Aitken District Ivanhoe Health Service  Craig Oxford Wilcannia Health Service  Barbara Turner Menindee Health Denise McCallum FWHealth  Fay Johnstone Ivanhoe Community  Leah Dougherty CDSC  Greg Hill Administrator CDSC  Gerry Collins Department Premier and Cabinet  Anthony Moodie NSW Police  Adam Amos NSW Police  Lynda Lynott Maari Ma  Chris Graham Maari Ma  Lyndon Gray DCJ   Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Aboriginal Affairs  Lauren Cooney RFDS  Jenny Beach RFDS  Jenny Twaites Wilcannia Community  Monica Whyman Wilcannia Community  Michael Cassidy Wilcannia Community  Cathy Seward FWHealth 


Reece Wilson CDSC Brendan Hedges FW Health Dean Jones Sergeant Menindee Police Jan Fennell Menindee Community 

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Community Consultation – Each 7 days (this version 8/5/2020 to 14/5/2020) Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / Status

AGENCY 10/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie 11/5/2020 Supt Spliet & REMO 11/5/2020 Supt Spliet & Tegan Hinchey-Gerard AA 11/5/2020 Supt Spliet/REMO email to LEOCON 11/5/2020 Supt Spliet 14/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie 14/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie NO CHANGES MADE TO LEVEL1

ACTION/ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Email weeks events and CAP planes to Emergency response Teams.

Discuss Desktop exercise.

Nil issues. She stated they have money for Community Kitchens. Signs will need to be updated as restriction ease. Support for a desk top exercise.

Re proposed exercise to test action plan. Number of discussions look to plan for 19/5/20.

Attempt contact Brendan Hedger Health

Speak with Sergeant JONES. DO NOT ENTER signs up since Monday and nil issues raised.

Message left for Community member JF.

NO LEMC this week – Next 18/5/20  

ISSUE/OUTCOME/STATUS Complete Record Record Plan exercise proposed for 19/5/20 postponed and now confirmed 2pm 28/5/2020. Awaiting reply. No follow up required. RECORD Follow up, record only.

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Community Consultation – Each 7 days (this version 1/5/2020 to 7/5/2020) Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / Status

AGENCY 1/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie 3/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie 4/5/2020 C/Inspector Moodie 4/5/2020 All LEMC members 4/5/2020 Jan Fennell, Fiona Kelly, Tony Moodie 4/5/2020 Email communication Bob Davis CEO Maari Ma Aboriginal Health 6/5/2020 Central Darling Council

ACTION/ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES I/V with Wilcannia News re concerns regarding signage and negative impact signs will cause to travellers. Summary of last weeks actions and CAP emailed to Emergency Response Team Home visit to NOK and family re funeral in Menindee taking place 4/5/20 LEMC Meeting conducted General discussion in person following meeting. Request to LEOCON to share Maari Ma response to CAPs Inquiry re Soap availability to Community .

ISSUE/OUTCOME/STATUS Story published 3/5/2020 with factual information as supplied. Complete No issues As per minutes Record Authorised 7/5/20 to LEMC members. LEOCON email to DCJ and DPC for further information.

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Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / Status

LEMC Held – 4/5/20 Present:

Sally Aitken District Ivanhoe Health Service Craig Oxford Wilcannia Health Service Denise McCallum FWHealth Greg Edwards Ivanhoe Community (principal) Leah Dougherty CDSC Greg Hill Administrator CDSC Gerry Collins Department Premier and Cabinet Anthony Moodie NSW Police Adam Amos NSW Police Lynda Lynott Maari Ma Lyndon Gray DCJ Jan Fennell Menindee Community Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Aboriginal Affairs Lauren Cooney RFDS Jenny Beach RFDS Marc Coulter SES Jenny Twaites Wilcannia Community Cathy Seward FWHealth Fiona Kelly Menindee Community (principal) Belinda Roberts Dept Transport Sergeant Jones NSW Police Apologies:

Reece Wilson CDSC

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Barbara Turner Menindee Health Brendan Hedges FW Health Justin Files Maari Ma Craig Oxford Wilcannia Health  

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Community Consultation – Each 7 days (this version 24/4/20 to 30/4/20) Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / StatusAGENCY 27/4/20 C/Inspector Tony Moodie 27/4/20 All LEMC members 29/4/20 Bob Davis Maari Ma & C/Inspector Tony Moodie 29/4/20 C/Inspector Tony Moodie 29/4/20 Superintendent Spliet & Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Aboriginal Affairs 29/4/20 C/Inspector Tony Moodie 30/4/20 Regional Emergency Operations Controller Meeting with Community, Wilcannia

ACTION/ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Local Wilcannia News Media Release concerning COVID 19 and Road Signs LEMC Meeting conducted Clarification of comments made at LEMC by C/Inspector Moodie Information re Funeral in Menindee on date to be advised. General discussion Contact Jan Fennell Menindee, and phone calls to Maari Ma and Aboriginal Affairs re meeting with REOCON at Wilcannia 11am 30/4/20. Discussion with REOCON and Community. Present: REOCON A/Assist Commissioner McKenna, (by phone), Tegan Gerard-Hinchey (AA), Bilyarra Bates (AA), Aunty Shirley Evans (Elder), Mary Ronayne (DV Manager), Jenny Thwaites (CEO LALC),

ISSUE/OUTCOME/STATUS Wilcannia News 27/4/20 As per minutes – circulated 30/4/20. (All community concerns raised in discussion with AA were tabled in meeting and discussed. LEMC minutes and actions to address issues raised.) C/Insp Moodie to correct in minutes at LEMC 4/5/20. Corrected 4/5/20 Complete. Follow up required with Funeral Director and Family. TO BE COMPLETED by Police> Meeting with family 4/5/20. NFA. On going Apology for Jan Fennell Menindee due to weather and road issues. General Discussion Points…Concerns by Gov’t rollback, Non Essential Travellers, Teachers testing, children school and at large, Petrol Stations Cleanliness, Signage,

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Community Consultation – Action Responsibility / Status 30/4/20 C/Inspector Moodie TWO CHANGES MADE TO LEVEL 1

Michael Cassidy Chair LALC), Brendan Adams (Community member and Radio Station Manager), Greg Hill (GM Council), Gina AEO Wilcannia Central School, Annette CAM (Ex Principal Wilcannia Central School), Andrew Spliet, (Commander Barrier PD), Ike Williams (Police ACLO), Sgt Amos & S/C Chalmers (Wilcannia Police), Chief Inspector Moodie (LEOCON Speak with Inspector Smith OIC Broken Hill re continued taskings of checking Menindee Community Bus daily.

Changes made to reporting tasks and supervisors Broken Hill advised. Complete.

LEMC Held – 27/4/20 Present:

Sally Aitken Ivanhoe District Health Services Barb Turner Menindee LHS Leah Dougherty CDSC Brendon Hedger NSW Health Greg Hill Administrator CDSC Andrew Spliet NSW Police Gerry Collins DPC Craig Oxford NSW Health Jenny Beach RFDS Anthony Moodie LEOCON Adam Amos NSW Police

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Lynott Lynott Maari Ma Greg McMahon REMO Lyndon Gray DCJ Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Aboriginal Affairs Lauren Cooney RFDS


Reece Wilson CDS Craig Oxford Wilcannia LHS

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Community Consultation – Each 7 days (this version 17/4/20 to 23/4/20) Community Consultation – 17/4/20 to 23/4/20

Action Responsibility / Status

What community consultation has been done over the last 7 days

Report by each agency regarding community consultation over the last 7Day Including – Who was spoken to? What issues were raised? Were the issues addressed? Further proposed action by the agency? Any assistance needed by other

agencies / groups to resolve concerns?

Agency report on the above, to be forwarded to the LEOCON prior to each LEMC meeting

Health / LALC / Aboriginal Affairs / Local Gov / Education / Police – ONGOING

AGENCY 17/4/20 LEOCON 20/4/20 All LEMC members 20/4/20 LEOCON 20/4/20 Brendan Hedger NDW Health 21/4/20 Brendan Hedger NSW Health

ACTION/ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Media release re bus check Menindee LEMC Meeting conducted Communication document regarding the Community Action Plan circulated to community members Discussion with Barrier Cmdr re Health Sub Group members

ISSUE/OUTCOME/STATUS Media release Issued on Barrier Police District F/B 17/4/20 and Wilcannia News As per minutes – circulated 22/4/20 Communication Strategy discussed briefly. Agencies to provide comment by COB 21/4/20 if opposed or additional required. Nil replies received. TO BE COMPLETED once format approved by REOCON 24/4/20 To be developed as sub group to LEMC to raise issues with CAP Support of LEOCON. Raised LEMC 27/4/20. Further discussion 4/5/20 LEMC.

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Community Consultation – 17/4/20 to 23/4/20

Action Responsibility / Status

21/4/20 Greg Hill CDS G/Mger & Tony Moodie LEOCON 21/4/20 Bob Davis CEO Maari Ma 22/4/20 Tony Moodie 22/4/20 LEOCON, Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Regional Director Aboriginal Affairs 24.4.20 – Meeting planned with Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Regional Director Aboriginal Affairs NO CHANGES MADE TO LEVELS 1/2/3

Discussion with LEOCON re request for Health Sub Group Communications strategy/road signage Email to LEOCON re CAP and Lockouts Phone (no answer/message left) and email fwd to Jan Fennell Project Off ABSEC re action plan Discussion re road signs and CAP Meeting between Barrier Cmdr and Tegan Hinchey-Gerard Regional Director Aboriginal Affairs to discuss local issues. Planning to meet at least weekly

Record Reply to email by LEOCON. Signs format on going discussion. Completed Follow up completed and information provided via AA. ALL issues identified raised at LEMC 27/4/20. LEMC minutes and actions to address issues. Complete this action. Road Signs completed, printed and supplied to Council 30/4/20 for placement. Completed. Ongoing

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LEMC Held – 20/4/20 Present:

Sally Aitken District Ivanhoe Health Service  Belinda Roberts Transport NSW Leah Dougherty CDSC Brendon Hedger NSW Health Greg Hill Administrator CDSC Andrew Spliet NSW Police Gerry Collins Department Premier and Cabinet Craig Oxford NSW Health Jenny Beach RFDS Anthony Moodie NSW Police


Reece Wilson CDSC Johlene Shalders Barb Turner Ben Loiacono Aboriginal Affairs Maari Ma Aboriginal Health

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