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Page 1: Community-Based Distribution of DMPA in Malawi

Community-Based Distribution of DMPA in Malawi

Margot FahnestockFutures Group

September 30, 2009

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Presentation Outline

1. Context for CBD of DMPA in Malawi2. From Debate to Policy Decision3. Implementation4. Future Directions

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1. Context for CBD of DMPAin Malawi

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More About Malawi

• Bordered by Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia

• 14% urban, 86% rural population• Decentralized government, with 28 districts • Predominantly Christian population

(approximately 80%)

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Family Planning in Malawi

• Malawi has been a success story in sub-Saharan Africa• Country enjoys strong policy environment for family

planning; included in:– Reproductive Health Policy– Reproductive Health Strategy– Road Map for Accelerating Reduction of Maternal Mortality

• According to MICS, CPR has increased but fertility still high. . .

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Making the Case for CBD of DMPA in Malawi

• By 2010, Malawi’s RH strategy aims to:– Reduce TFR to 4.9– Increase modern CPR to 40%

• Fertility rates are still very high• Rural access to health centers is challenging• Health centers are extremely understaffed• Malawi has 20-year history with CBD agents

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"There are so many patients here to see. The number is about 75 to 100 patients per day. Sometimes people

wait for hours to be attended to. Yesterday I was alone on duty

without even any medical assistant to help me. Sometimes I have to do

both day and night shifts in the same day!

– Loveness Makeyi, 35, Nurse/Midwife, Khonjeni Clinic, Malawi

Source: “Help Wanted: Confronting the healthcare worker crisis to expand access to HIV/AIDS treatment: MSF experience in southern Africa.” Medecins Sans Frontieres. 2007.

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But Who Should Administer?

• Malawi is one of the only countries in Africa with a low-level, paraprofessional, MOH employee – the Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA)– Are they overloaded?

• Malawi’s CBD agents (CBDAs):– Many do not have high

school education– Most are volunteers, with few

or no incentives

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Malawi’s Secret Ingredient: The Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA)

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2. From Debate to Policy Decision

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A Long Debate

• In Malawi, the debate to allow lower-level health workers to administer DMPA was very controversial

• Medical professionals were hesitant to allow “paraprofessionals” to administer injections

• BUT – HSAs already administer immunizations to children under five

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March 2008 – Ministry’s Big Policy Decision

• March 2008, Senior Management team of the MOH decided to allow HSAs to administer DMPA in communities

• Reproductive Health Unit critical to this decision:– Presented literature from other countries– Argued that CBD approach is safe– Highlighted large demand for DMPA

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Multiple Factors May Have Contributed tothe Policy Decision

Late 1980s Malawi implements CBD programs

Mid-1990s Several districts in Malawi begin to allow HSAs to provide DMPA

1999 – 2003 World Bank-funded CBD project using traditional birth attendants

September 2007 SWAp Review

September – December 2007

USAID | Health Policy Initiative stakeholder assessment and focus group discussions

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Current Policy in Malawi on CBD Provision of DMPA

• Current policy:– HSAs can administer DMPA at the community level

(phase-in process)– Guidelines for HSA administration of DMPA approved

late 2008

• Policy challenges:– DMPA and pills still not deregulated– Districts required to pay 12% handling fee to Central

Medical Stores for DMPA (essentially 112%)– HSAs still not allowed to provide oral contraceptives,

resulting in referral issues

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3. Implementation

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USAID-funded CBD Initiatives in Malawi

• USAID | Health Policy Initiative (HPI)– Analysis of feasibility and acceptability of CBD of DMPA– Operational policy barriers analysis to financing and

procurement of contraceptives

• Community-based Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Services Program (CFPHS)– Mission bilateral– MSH is prime contractor– Subcontractors:

• PSI• Futures Group

– Three-year project with one year option

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• Through the MSH-led CFPHS Project• Project includes HSAs and CBDAs:

– CFPHS trained CBDAs in 8 project districts – One HSA has 10 CBDAs reporting– CBDA provides oral contraceptives; female and male

condoms; CycleBeads; counsels on multiple methods– CBDAs refer clients requiring DMPA to the HSA

• Project hired and trained CBDAs from 8 districts in 2008-2009 – more than 1,000

• FP trainers trained HSAs from 9 districts in 2008-2009

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Implementation (Cont.)

• Training– Select HSAs chosen to be training for DMPA provision– HSAs providing DMPA receive 5-day training session

• Supervision– HSA supervisors– Supervision linked to health centers – Nurses-in-charge, environmental health officers, supervise

HSAs at health centers• Supply

– USAID | DELIVER Project assistingwith reporting

– HSAs resupply DMPA at health centers– Sharps containers provided

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4. Future Directions

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Future Directions

• Phase-in period– Ends in November 2009– FHI will evaluate HSA provision of DMPA in 9 districts

• Scalability of program– HSAs make scale-up more achievable– National coverage of HSAs

• Plans for scale-up– MOH plans to scale up after evaluation– Pilot-test CBDA provision of DMPA?

• Challenges for scale-up– Public sector supply of DMPA – Future of HSA cadre

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Is the CBDA the Future of CBD of DMPA in Malawi?

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