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Community Development Committee Agenda Thursday 27 February 2020, 8.30am Manawatū District Council Chambers, 135 Manchester Street, Feilding


MEMBERSHIP Chairperson

Councillor Hilary Humphrey

Deputy Chairperson



Councillor Steve Bielski Councillor Shane Casey Councillor Heather Gee-Taylor Councillor Alison Short Her Worship the Mayor Helen Worboys



1 Rates Remissions for Charitable Organisations

2 Manawatū District Community Honours Awards:

The calling of nominations and selection of suitable candidates to receive awards under the Council’s community honours scheme.

3 Community Development Strategy:

Oversee the monitoring of the Community Development Strategy and the action plans therein.

Delegated Authority

Rates Remissions for Charitable Organisations – approve the remission of rates in accordance with the Rates Remission for Charitable Organisations policy.

Manawatū District Community Honours Awards – decide on recipients of Community Honours Awards under the Community Honours Scheme.


Three members of the committee.

Meeting Cycle

Meetings held bi-monthly on the fourth Thursday of the month at 8.30am

Dr Richard Templer Chief Executive








Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting, that item may be dealt with atthat meeting if:

3.1 The Council by resolution so decides; and

3.2 The Chairperson explains at the meeting at a time when it is open to the public the reason why the item is not on the agenda and the reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.


Notification from elected members of:

4.1 Any interests that may create a conflict with their role as an elected member relating to the items of business for this meeting; and

4.2 Any interests in items in which they have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest as provided for in the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968



Report of the General Manager – Community and Strategy dated 12 February 2020


Report of the General Manager – Community and Strategy dated 13 February 2020



Report of the General Manager – Community and Strategy dated 12 February 2020



Report of the General Manager – Corporate and Regulatory dated 14 January 2020




Community Development Committee

Meeting of 27 February 2020

Business Unit: Community and Strategy Date Created: 12 February 2020

2018-19 Partnership Fund Accountability Reports


To present for consideration the 12-month accountability reports from the following organisations who had received partnership funding and entered into an agreement with Council for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019:

• Feilding and District Promotion Inc• Feilding and Districts Youth Board• Feilding Brass• Feilding Community Patrol• Manawatū District Neighbourhood Support• Manawatū Historic Vehicle Collection Trust• Manawatū Rural Support Service• Manchester House Social Services Society• Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club• Social Issues Network Council of Social Services• SuperGrans Manawatū Charitable Trust• Te Manawa Family Services – Anti-Bullying• Te Manawa Family Services – Youth and Parenting Programme

Significance of Decision

The Council’s Significance and Engagement policy is not triggered by matters discussed in this report.


That the following Partnership Fund 12-month accountability reports for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 be received and noted:

• Feilding and District Promotion Inc• Feilding and Districts Youth Board• Feilding Brass• Feilding Community Patrol• Manawatū District Neighbourhood Support• Manawatū Historic Vehicle Collection Trust• Manawatū Rural Support Service• Manchester House Social Services Society• Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club• Social Issues Network Council of Social Services


• SuperGrans Manawatū Charitable Trust • Te Manawa Family Services – Anti-Bullying • Te Manawa Family Services – Youth and Parenting Programme

Report prepared by: Janine Hawthorn Community Development Adviser

Approved for submission by: Brent Limmer General Manager - Community and Strategy

1 Contribution to the Council Vision and Council Outcomes

1.1 Relationship to the Council Outcomes that underpin the Council’s Vision:

Connected, vibrant and thriving Manawatū District – the best lifestyle in New Zealand

Manawatū District protects the natural environment through stewardship of the District’s natural and physical resources.

Manawatū District attracts and retains residents and businesses.

Manawatū District develops a broad economic base from its solid foundation in the primary sector.

Manawatū District is connected via quality infrastructure, services and technology.

Manawatū District’s built environment is safe, resilient and attractive.

Manawatū District Council is a customer-focussed and efficient organisation.

2 Background

2.1 Council entered into the following contracts of service for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 under the criteria and guidelines set out in the Community Development Funding Policy:

• Feilding and District Promotion Inc - for the purpose of delivery of events, community and business services, and administering the Farmers Market in accordance with the agreed key reporting outcomes included in Feilding and District Promotion Inc’s Strategic Plan.

• Feilding and Districts Youth Board - to ensure the provision of the services provided by this organisation continues to contribute to ensuring that Manawatū’s built environment is safe, reliable and attractive for current and future Manawatū District residents.

• Feilding Brass - to ensure that the organisation continues to encourage the learning and appreciation of music for current and future residents, specifically in the youth of the Manawatū District.


• Feilding Community Patrol - to deliver a patrol service to the Feilding local community to help reduce crime in the area.

• Manawatū District Neighbourhood Support - to ensure the continued provision of services provided by the Manawatū District Neighbourhood Support Area Coordinator to Manawatū District current and future residents.

• Manawatū Historic Vehicle Collection Trust - to provide heritage and history services through the Feilding and Districts Community Archives to current and future residents of the Manawatū District.

• Manawatū Rural Support Service - to ensure the continued provision of home-based support services to those in need in the outlying northern Manawatū district and Pohangina Valley area.

• Manchester House Social Services Society - to ensure a range of social service support accessible to current and future residents of the Manawatū District.

• Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club - to ensure the provision of lifeguard services at Himatangi Beach are provided from December to February, Monday to Friday and training of members as well as Manawatū District residents in water safety.

• Social Issues Network Council of Social Services - to provide opportunities for networking for not for profit organisations and social and community workers that operate locally or service clients in the Manawatū District.

• SuperGrans Manawatū Charitable Trust - to provide practical hands-on workshops on everyday life skills to the Manawatū community passing on skills for safe, healthy, low impact, budget living and to help people flourish through a volunteer based, home and life skills mentoring service.

• Te Manawa Family Services:

• Anti-Bullying - for the delivery of the ICan anti-bullying youth based initiatives in local schools.

• Youth and Parenting Programme - to ensure that the provision of the Youth and Parenting Programme for young people aged 8 to 18 and their parent/caregiver continues to be accessible to current and future residents of the Manawatū District.

3 Discussion and Options considered

3.1 Organisations that receive partnership funding are required to submit to Council a 12-month accountability report during the term of the contract, providing a detailed account of how their organisation delivered on outcomes and key expectations outlined in their respective contracts of service for the reporting year.

3.2 All 12 organisations listed above have provided Council with an accountability report for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.


3.3 Details of the key expectations to be reported against for each organisation is included as an attachment to this report.

4 Operational Implications

4.1 There are no capital/operating expenditure implications or maintenance costs associated with this paper.

5 Financial implications

5.1 The amount of Partnership Funding allocated for the 2018/19 financial year from the Community Development Fund was as follows:

• Feilding and District Promotion Inc - $165,273.89

• Feilding and Districts Youth Board - $5,000.00

• Feilding Brass - $3,000.00

• Feilding Community Patrol - $3,000.00

• Manawatū District Neighbourhood Support - $20,000.00

• Manawatū Historic Vehicle Collection Trust - $10,000.00

• Manawatū Rural Support Service - $10,000.00

• Manchester House Social Services Society - $15,000.00

• Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club - $10,000.00

• Social Issues Network Council of Social Services - $1,000.00

• SuperGrans Manawatū Charitable Trust - $1,000.00

• Te Manawa Family Services

• Anti-Bullying – $22,349.00 • Youth and Parenting Programme - $25,000.00

6 Statutory Requirements

6.1 There are no statutory requirements relating to this paper.

7 Delegations

7.1 The Community Development Committee has delegated authority to receive reports.

8 Consultation

8.1 There is no consultation required in relation to this paper.


9 Cultural Considerations

9.1 There are no cultural considerations to be taken into account for this paper.

10 Conclusion

10.1 A copy of the 12-month accountability reports and financial reports to 30 June 2019 are attached.

10.2 Representatives from the following organisations will be in attendance at the meeting to speak further to their reports:

• 8.45 am - Feilding and District Promotion Inc • 9.00 am - Feilding and Districts Youth Board • 9.10 am - Feilding Brass • 9.20 am - Feilding Community Patrol • 9.30 am - Manawatū District Neighbourhood Support • 9.40 am - Manawatū Historic Vehicle Collection Trust • 9.50 am - Manawatū Rural Support Service • 10.20 am - Manchester House Social Services Society • 10.30 am - Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club • 10.40 am - Social Issues Network Council of Social Services • 10.50 am - SuperGrans Manawatū Charitable Trust • 11.00 am - Te Manawa Family Services – Anti-Bullying • 11.10 am - Te Manawa Family Services – Youth and Parenting Programme

11 Attachments

• Details of Services Contracted and Key Expectations to be Reported Against • Feilding and District Promotion Inc Report and Financials • Feilding and Districts Youth Board Report • Feilding Brass Report and Financials • Feilding Community Patrol Report and Financials • Manawatū District Neighbourhood Support Report and Financials • Manawatū Historic Vehicle Collection Trust Report and Financials • Manawatū Rural Support Service Report and Financials • Manchester House Social Services Society Report and Financials • Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club Report and Financials • Social Issues Network Council of Social Services Report and Financials • SuperGrans Manawatū Charitable Trust Report and Financials • Te Manawa Family Services Report and Financials



































Community Development Committee

Meeting of 27 February 2020

Business Unit: Community and Strategy Date Created: 13 February 2020

Community Development Strategy - Priority Services


To review the schedule of proposed priority services that link to the actions contained within the Community Development Strategy and to recommend to Council its adoption.

Significance of Decision

The Council’s Significance and Engagement policy is not triggered by matters discussed in this report.


That the Council adopts the revised schedule of priority services which link to the actions contained within the Community Development Strategy to assist the Community Development Assessment Panel in evaluating priority service proposals submitted by organisations for Community Development funding.

Report prepared by: Janine Hawthorn Community Development Adviser

Approved for submission by: Brent Limmer General Manager - Community and Strategy


1 Contribution to the Council Vision and Council Outcomes

1.1 Relationship to the Council Outcomes that underpin the Council’s Vision:

Connected, vibrant and thriving Manawatū District – the best lifestyle in New Zealand

Manawatū District protects the natural environment through stewardship of the District’s natural and physical resources.

Manawatū District attracts and retains residents and businesses.

Manawatū District develops a broad economic base from its solid foundation in the primary sector.

Manawatū District is connected via quality infrastructure, services and technology.

Manawatū District’s built environment is safe, resilient and attractive.

Manawatū District Council is a customer-focussed and efficient organisation.

2 Background

2.1 On 19 September 2019 Council adopted the Community Development Strategy as well as the Community Development Policy to assist the strategy’s implementation.

2.2 The Community Development Policy sets out the process for the various funds administered within the Community Development activity.

2.3 One of these funds is the Community Development Fund.

3 Discussion and Options considered

3.1 The Community Development Fund includes funding for the delivery of priority services that link to the Community Development Strategy.

3.2 To assist the Assessment Panel, who will be assessing the proposals, Council needs to have ascertained what its priority services are.

3.3 Applications for priority services close 30 April 2020.

3.4 Two Council workshops were held on 19 December 2019 and 4 February 2020 where Council members brainstormed priority services that link to the actions contained in the strategy.

3.5 The outcomes from these workshops were further brainstormed by the Community Development Committee at a workshop held on 13 February 2020.

3.6 Attached for the Committee’s consideration is a schedule of the draft priority services arising from the workshops referred to above.

4 Operational Implications

4.1 There are no capital/operating expenditure implications or maintenance costs associated with this report.

5 Financial implications

5.1 There are no financial implications associated with this report.


6 Statutory Requirements

6.1 There are no statutory requirements associated with this report.

7 Delegations

7.1 The Community Development Committee does not have delegated authority to make a decision on this matter.

8 Consultation

8.1 There is no consultation requirements associated with this report.

9 Cultural Considerations

9.1 There are no cultural considerations associated with this report. However, Ngā Manu Tāiko was taken through the draft schedule of priority services at their hui held on 11 February 2020.

10 Conclusion

10.1 The Committee is now being asked to consider the attached schedule of proposed priority services and to make a recommendation to Council for its adoption.

11 Attachments

• Schedule of Proposed Community Development Strategy Priority Services


Schedule of Proposed Community Development Strategy Priority Services

Wellbeing Action Themes Priority Services Council Provides



Support the promotion of, and participation in, sport and active recreation.

Sport and Recreation

Surf Lifesaving Events

Sport Manawatū Contract

Review sports facility needs

Provision of sports facilities

Sportsground review


Makino Aquatic Centre and Programmes

Representative Grants

Support community facilities for community activities and events.

Community Facilities

Community Activities and Events

Events Funding

Sports, Civic Functions, Theatre, Multipurpose

Review of Community Facilities/Halls

Rates Remissions

Community Halls and Centres (ie contestable funding)

Library Services and Programmes

Manfeild Park



Wellbeing Action Themes Priority Services Council Provides

Support community initiatives that seek to overcome social isolation

Mental Health






Volunteer Programmes and Activities

Social Isolation Prevention Programmes/Services


Multicultural Initiatives

Elderly Groups/Activities

Action Plan Development

Events Funding

Transport Advocacy

Health Advocacy

Provision of facilities – library, hall, playcentre



Support organisations that protect and promote the heritage, identity and social wellbeing of the district

Heritage Event Opportunities

Heritage Sites Trails/Tours

Community Archives

Promoting and preserving our history/ heritage

Buildings – EQ Issue/ Painting/Renovation

Support key heritage buildings

District Plan



Identity Events

• Cultural

• Sporting

Green Spaces and Civic Space

Social Wellbeing Events

Social Services/Programmes

Provision of Halls and Community Centres

Library Programmes

Green Spaces and Civic Space


Wellbeing Action Themes Priority Services Council Provides

Support the care and maintenance of urupā and private cemeteries

Private Cemeteries and Urupā Funding

Support works of art and sculpture in public places across the district


Installation of pieces of art

Community Committees via Community Plans



Support organisations that enhance the wellbeing of the natural, physical and social environment

Natural Environmental Strategy

Physical District Plan

Social Youth Programmes

Community/Security Patrols

Core Infrastructure

Sports facilities (indoors and outdoors)

Community Committee Project Funding

Support community initiatives that protect, beautify and communicate the value of our natural land, water and coastal environments

Community gardens

Community planting projects

Catchment Care Groups

Environmental networks

Environmental Strategy

Dune Restoration

Beach Access

Community Plans

Support the development and review of Community Plans and encourages and partially funds their implementation

Community Committees

Community Plans

Hinengaro Support career pathways for youth in the district

Sort-it Expo (CEDA)


Wellbeing Action Themes Priority Services Council Provides

(Cognitive) Support school work days and Council Tours


Mayors’ Taskforce for Jobs

Youth Initiatives

Support volunteering in our community

Volunteer Recognition Events/Awards/National Volunteer Week

Volunteer Training and Development

Volunteer Database – “match-making”

Community Honour Awards

Invest in community development sector governance capability

Support home-based learning and small business professional development

Library programmes

Support for small businesses and mentoring (CEDA)


Community Development Committee

Meeting of 27 February 2020

Business Unit: Community and Strategy Date Created: 12 February 2020

Schedule of Funding Applications


To receive and note the funding applications which have been received and processed under delegated authority in accordance with the Community Development Policy for the period 1 January to 13 February 2020.

Significance of Decision

The Council’s Significance and Engagement policy is not triggered by matters discussed in this report.


That the Community Development Committee receives and notes the schedule of applications received and processed under delegated authority in accordance with the Community Development Policy for the period 1 January to 13 February 2020.

Report prepared by: Janine Hawthorn Community Development Adviser

Approved for submission by: Brent Limmer General Manager - Community and Strategy


1 Contribution to the Council Vision and Council Outcomes

1.1 Relationship to the Council Outcomes that underpin the Council’s Vision:

Connected, vibrant and thriving Manawatū District – the best lifestyle in New Zealand

Manawatū District protects the natural environment through stewardship of the District’s natural and physical resources.

Manawatū District attracts and retains residents and businesses.

Manawatū District develops a broad economic base from its solid foundation in the primary sector.

Manawatū District is connected via quality infrastructure, services and technology.

Manawatū District’s built environment is safe, resilient and attractive.

Manawatū District Council is a customer-focussed and efficient organisation.

2 Background

2.1 On 19 September 2019 Council adopted the Community Development Strategy to come into effect on 1 January 2020. At the same time, Council also adopted the Community Development Policy which supports the implementation of the Strategy.

2.2 The Community Development Policy sets out the process to be followed for assessing and determining funding applications to the Community Development, Representative and Event Funds.

3 Discussion and Options considered

3.1 In adopting the Community Development Policy, Council had approved delegated authority to the General Manager – Community and Strategy for applications valued $5,000.00 and less. It has also approved delegated authority to an Assessment Panel for applications valued more than $5,000.00.

3.2 The Assessment Panel is made up of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson – Community Development Committee, the General Manager – Community and Strategy and the Community Development Adviser.

3.3 All decisions of funding applications considered under the Community Development Policy are to be regularly reported to the Community Development Committee.

3.4 During the period 1 January to 13 February 2020 three applications were received and considered in accordance with the Community Development Policy. Details of these applications including the decisions is attached for the Committee’s information.

4 Operational Implications

4.1 There are no capital/operating expenditure implications or maintenance costs associated with this report.

5 Financial implications

5.1 There is no financial implications associated with this report.


6 Statutory Requirements

6.1 There are no statutory requirements associated with this report.

7 Delegations

7.1 The Community Development Committee has delegated authority to receive the report.

8 Consultation

8.1 There are no consultation requirements associated with this report.

9 Cultural Considerations

9.1 There are no cultural considerations associated with this report

10 Attachments

• Schedule of Funding Applications Considered – 1 January to 13 February 2020


Schedule of Funding Applications Considered for the period 1 January 2020 to 13 February 2020

Representative Fund

Applicant Project/Event Amount Applied

CDS Outcome Alignment CDS Goal Alignment Criteria Met

Decision Amount Approved

Amount Remaining

Date of Decision

Space Dogs / Team 11273A

VEX Robotics World Championship 2020 being held in Louisville, Kentucky, USA 26-28 April 2020

$2,000.00 We are Lifelong Learners – our people gain and share knowledge and understanding as they progress through life.

Our people have learning opportunities that enhance their life choices.

We encourage and enable people to shape their future.

Met Approved $2,000.00 $9,377.45 12/2/2020 GM – C&S

Total Applications Received to date

Amount Applied Approved Declined Amount of Funding Allocated

Amount of Funding Remaining

1 $2,000.00 1 0 $2,000.00 $9,377.45

Community Development Fund

Applicant Project/Event Amount Applied

CDS Outcome Alignment CDS Goal Alignment Criteria Met

Decision Amount Approved

Amount Remaining

Date of Decision

Bill Towler Seeking financial assistance towards the venue hire for the reunion of the descendants of Frederick and Maria Towler who were one of the first settlers to Feilding being held in the Feilding Civic Centre over Easter Weekend 2020.

$2,000.00 We are connected and inclusive – our strength is in the diversity of our people and our heritage.

Everyone has a sense of belonging and are proud of where they live.

We value who we are and where we have come from.

Met Approved $2,000.00 $25,105.11 13/1/2010 GM – C&S

Total Applications Received to date

Amount Applied Approved Declined Amount of Funding Allocated

Amount of Funding Remaining

1 $2,000.00 1 0 $2,000.00 $25,105.11

Event Fund

Applicant Project/Event Amount Applied

CDS Outcome Alignment CDS Goal Alignment Criteria Met

Decision Amount Approved

Amount Remaining

Date of Decision

Manawatū Softball Association Inc

WBSC U18 Men’s Softball World Cup being held at Colquhoun Park, Palmerston North

$50,000.00 We are connected and inclusive – our strength is in the diversity of our people and our heritage.

We are a welcoming community

Everyone has a sense of belonging and are proud of where they live

We value who we are and where we have come from

Met Approved $10,000.00 $27,654.75 12/2/2020 Assessment Panel

Total Applications Received to date

Amount Applied Approved Declined Amount of Funding Allocated

Amount of Funding Remaining

1 $50,000.00 1 0 $10,000.00 $27,654.75


Community Development Committee

Meeting of 27 February 2020

Business Unit: Corporate and Regulatory Date Created: 14 January 2020

Appointment of Deputy Chairperson - Community Development Committee


To appoint a Deputy Chairperson for the Community Development Committee.

Significance of Decision

The Council’s Significance and Engagement policy is not triggered by matters discussed in this report.


1. That the Community Development Committee uses System B of Clause 25 of Schedule 7 of theLocal Government Act 2002 for the election of its Deputy Chairperson.

2. That the Community Development Committee appoints Councillor ……………… as its Deputy Chairperson.

Report prepared by: Allie Dunn Governance Team Leader

Approved for submission by: Shayne Harris General Manager - Corporate and Regulatory


1 Contribution to the Council Vision and Council Outcomes

1.1 Relationship to the Council Outcomes that underpin the Council’s Vision:

Connected, vibrant and thriving Manawatū District – the best lifestyle in New Zealand

Manawatū District protects the natural environment through stewardship of the District’s natural and physical resources.

Manawatū District attracts and retains residents and businesses.

Manawatū District develops a broad economic base from its solid foundation in the primary sector.

Manawatū District is connected via quality infrastructure, services and technology.

Manawatū District’s built environment is safe, resilient and attractive.

Manawatū District Council is a customer-focussed and efficient organisation.

2 Background

2.1 The Community Development Committee was established following the 12 October 2019 local elections, under the Mayoral powers set out in section 41A of the Local Government Act 2002.

2.2 The Chairperson of the Committee was also appointed under section 41A of the Local Government Act 2002.

2.3 The Council noted the establishment of the committee and appointment of the Chairperson at its reconvened meeting held 1 November 2019 (refer minute item MDC 19/009).

3 Discussion and Options considered

3.1 Following the establishment of the committee, and the appointment of its Chairperson, the Council at its meeting on 21 November 2019 determined the membership, terms of reference and delegations of authority for the committee.

3.2 The Council left the election of the Deputy Chairperson for the committee to undertake at its first meeting.

3.3 There are specific requirements around the voting system used for electing a deputy chairperson set out in the Local Government Act 2002. The meeting is required to choose between two systems of voting (known as System A and System B) prior to undertaking the election:

System A

Under System A, there is a first round of voting for all candidates, and if no candidate is successful then there is a second round of voting from which the candidate with the fewest votes in the first round is excluded. Further rounds are held as required and if two or more candidates tie for the lowest number of votes, the person to be excluded is resolved by lot.

System B

System B has one round of voting, and if two or more candidates tie for the most votes, the tie is resolved by lot.

3.4 Once the committee has agreed which system of voting it will use, nominations can be sought from the members present and a vote undertaken to appoint the Deputy Chairperson.


3.5 System B is recommended as the simplest system to use, however the choice of system is up to the committee to make.

4 Operational Implications

4.1 There are no capital / operating expenditure implications or maintenance costs associated with this report.

5 Financial implications

5.1 There are no financial implications associated with this report.

6 Statutory Requirements

6.1 Clause 25 of Schedule 7 to the Local Government Act 2002 sets out the choices for systems of voting that must be used for electing a Deputy Chairperson of a committee. The committee must decide which system it will use prior to undertaking its election:

System A—

(a) requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives the votes of a majority of the members of the local authority or committee present and voting; and

(b) has the following characteristics:

(i) there is a first round of voting for all candidates; and

(ii) if no candidate is successful in that round there is a second round of voting from which the candidate with the fewest votes in the first round is excluded; and

(iii) if no candidate is successful in the second round there is a third, and if necessary subsequent, round of voting from which, each time, the candidate with the fewest votes in the previous round is excluded; and

(iv) in any round of voting, if 2 or more candidates tie for the lowest number of votes, the person excluded from the next round is resolved by lot.

System B—

(a) requires that a person is elected or appointed if he or she receives more votes than any other candidate; and

(b) has the following characteristics:

(i) there is only 1 round of voting; and

(ii) if 2 or more candidates tie for the most votes, the tie is resolved by lot.


7 Delegations

7.1 Under the Local Government Act 2002 the Council has the power to appoint the Deputy Chairperson of the committee. However if the Council does not exercise that power, then the committee has the authority to elect its Deputy Chairperson.

8 Consultation

8.1 There are no community consultation requirements associated with this report.

9 Cultural Considerations

9.1 There are no cultural considerations associated with this report.

10 Conclusion

10.1 The committee needs to make its decision in two parts. Firstly, deciding which system of appointment under the Local Government Act 2002 that it will use. Having made that the decision, the committee can then call for nominations and undertake the election of its Deputy Chairperson.

11 Attachments

• There are no attachments to this report.


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