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Comox Valley

Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild www.schoolhousequilters.com

October 2012

President’s Address

Welcome Fall!

Where did September go? By the

time you read this, it will be Octo-

ber. Halloween costumes & good-

ies have been in the stores for

some time & Christmas is begin-

ning to make an appearance.

So.....we think about new projects

to start. A new table runner or

placemats for Thanksgiving would

be nice. A few of us are silly

enough to do Halloween projects,

so I’m going to make postcards to

send to my Grandkids.

The Christmas fabric is in the

stores & some of it has already

been on sale. Oh temptation!!! De-

spite having loads in my stash, I’ll

probably have to buy some “fresh”

for those seasonal placemats my

daughter has hinted about. I

had planned to finish some

UFO’s before I started any-

thing new, but I think I will

sneak in a Merry project or

two and perhaps they’ll be

finished before December


October is Retreat month.

I’ll be going to the Edmon-

ton Guild one on Oct. 19, 20

& 21. Then, Camp Home-

wood is the weekend after.

Some are more productive at

Retreats than others. I am

one of the not-so-productive

ones, but do get lots of visit-

ing done.

I think that one of the best

parts of Retreat is the inspi-

ration one gets from seeing

the other quilters “doing

their thing”. Seldom is any-

one doing the same project

as anyone else, and the pro-

jects are as diverse as the la-

dies themselves.

It’s a great learning experi-

ence as everyone is more

than willing to share their

ideas, patterns & techniques.

2012—2013 Executive Book Review—Lois Warner Intersections—Jessie Schut

2 3 4

Workshop News Block of the Month

6 7

BOM Pictures Calendars

8 9

Program Committee News Loonie Auction

10 10

HAW 2013 Birthdays Do you EQ?

11 11 11

Upcoming Events Refreshments Christmas Hampers

12 13 14

Pressing Tips—Marilyn Schick Our Advertisers Word Puzzle

15 16—23



Of course, we Valley girls

have that opportunity every

Thursday! This is some-

thing that my Edmonton

friends find incredible.

Have a Fun Fall and....

Quilt On!

Nerissa & Carol

Page 2: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 2

Presidents: Nerissa Thomas & Carol Metner

Past Presidents: Joan Fentiman & Gail Abel

Vice President: Maureen McCannel

Secretary: Trudy Thorne

Treasurer: Vicki Willems


Block of the Month: Sharon Latham

Community Needs: Chair Baby Quilts (Joy Whitehouse & group) Lilli House (Verna Power) Breast Cancer & Teen Vanier Moms (Gladi Lyall & Barb Messer) Christmas Hampers & Placemats (Sharon Latham) Fire Victims (Marie Trimmer) & group Seniors (Nerissa Thomas)

Hands Across The Water: Sheila Scrase (2012), Lynda Reid, Bonnie Rospond(2013)

In-House Raffle: Shirley Woodbeck

Library: Marilyn Schick plus many others

Membership: Patti Kemp, Beth Ritchie, Arlene Veenhof

Newsletter: Hope Rychkun with help from Ardythe Crawford

Newsletter Advertising: Joan Johnsen

Notification: Sharron Woodland, Gayle Lobban, Joanne McLeod

Programs: Florence Labrecque, June Boyle, Gayle Lobban

Publications & Communications: Margaret Craig

Refreshments: Carreen Webber

Retreat: Terry Vadeboncoeur, Sharron Woodland, Beverly Luck

Sunshine: Jennifer Harrison

Venue: position available

Website: Hope Rychkun

Workshops: Margaret Yells, Judy Morrison, Hennie Aikman, Carol Metner Florence Labrecque, Sandy MacDonell Word Puzzle: Moreen Reed

2012 - 2013 Executive!

Page 3: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 3

Book Review

Scrap therapy Cut the Scraps!

7 steps to Quilting Your Way through Your Stash

Joan Ford

The Taunton Press 2011

Quilt Guild Library # 436

The term "stash", when uttered by a quilter, could be said with pride -

or with dread. We all have leftover or extra fabric which takes up

more and more space until something is done about it. Hard to throw

away (after all, you paid for it), sometimes hard to give away (who

necessarily wants your scraps), so - you are left with the alternative -

make something with them!

Joan Ford has written an easy to read, easy to follow book which may solve your problem....what to do

with that ever increasing stash! This book is divided into two sections: Part One deals with how to cut,

sort and assemble your bits and pieces into projects. Part Two provides complete, well illustrated instruc-

tions for twenty projects, ranging from totes to full size quilts.

The author uses 5", 3 1/2" and 2" squares which, when combined, almost interlock. (4 - 2" squares make a

4 patch which can now be teamed up with the 3 1/2" square), 9 - 2" squares make a 9 patch which fits

with a 5" square). Half square triangles are used extensively in many of the projects. As well, four flying

geese are created at once, using the quick method of sewing smaller squares to a larger square, then cut-

ting - necessary for the "Duck, Duck Goose placemats and table runner" class which was taught at Huck-

leberry's last year.

Throughout the book, care is taken to describe and show how to use labour saving new tools such as the

"Wing Clipper" (trims flying geese to matching size). Small square rulers, 6" or 7" square, are invaluable

for squaring up and trimming a shape after it has been sewn and pressed. A revolving cutting mat makes

cutting smaller squares a breeze since the fabric doesn't have to be shifted out of alignment as it is cut to


From a simple quilt made from a panel with the addition of bands of squares, to a more complex log

cabin variation (Wild Salmon Run), this book has stash busting ideas for the beginner to the experienced


Lois Warner

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Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 4

Intersections: Where Writing and Quilting Meet

How I Spent My Summer Vacation.

By Jessie Schut

Since I’m writing this in September, and since I’m a former schoolteacher, I thought I would turn

to a theme familiar to every child at the beginning of a new school year: write about how you

spent your summer.

In August we had a wedding in the family: son and daughter-in-love finally decided to make it

official after 10 years together. But you probably already know that if you’ve been listening to me

gab on and on and on and on this summer. Even I was getting bored with myself.

They dreamed the big vision for the wedding, booked the hall and invited the guests. I was the

main Wedding Planner and support staff that would make it happen. I won’t get into all the de-

tails about finding out two weeks before the wedding that the reception hall kitchen had no

stove, just a tiny bar fridge, and only room for one person to hang out in. (But it had a great es-

presso machine!) I won’t dwell on the fact that the hall was designed to hold about 60 people –

even though 95 had been invited. Let’s not get into the menu, which changed from day to day

depending on the “desire du jour.” The key word to this wedding was “Whatever!” (said with a

smile and a happy lilt in the voice, you understand). “It will all work out,” they said – and guess

what? It did! We had a wonderful day.

So what did I learn that has anything to do with sewing and quilting? Lots and lots.

First, I learned that you can make men's’ and boys’ neck-

ties in about 1.5 hours each. 1.5 hours is a good thing

when you’re asked 10 days before the wedding to make 6

of them – three for the groom’s attendants, and 3 for our

son and his two boys. I learned that the pattern you find

on the internet when you Google “men’s tie pattern”

won’t work – the pieces don’t match. I learned that your

husband has a pretty good eye – he spotted the discrep-

ancy before I began cutting out the fabric! I learned that

rayon drapes beautifully. And that one of Al’s old ties made a great pattern. And that reducing a

man’s tie pattern to 3/4 size works for kids. And that everyone loved their ties and got lots of (Continued on page 5)

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Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 5

compliments on them. That was a lot of good learning!

And I also learned that, whereas many brides choose their wedding colours first, and pick out

table linens afterwards, if the bride doesn’t pick out a colour, the chief table decorator (that’s me)

can do as she wishes. Those of you who know me, know that “bright” doesn’t begin to describe

my colour palette. So bright is what they got: the table cloths were made from bargain bin fabric

in a rainbow of colours, accented with thrift store vintage embroidered tea cloths, and the effect

was very, very lovely. Honest! When Emma picked out green as her wedding “colour” about a

week before the party, we plunked pots of greenery on the tables and fulfilled the theme.

I learned that it is possible, through trial and error and a dose of sweaty desperation, to create a

floor length cloth to cover a 16 foot head table. I learned that I could patch together a 20 foot ta-

ble runner from the leftover rainbow coloured table cloths, as well as em-

bellish the runner with more leftovers cut into flowers and leaves and

fused to the background.

Through all of this, I also learned a great life lesson. When my sister ar-

rived a week before the wedding to be the chief support staff to the chief

wedding planner (me), she taught me the importance of three little letters:

LIG, which stands for Let It Go. LIG became a refrain as we dealt with

glitches and irritations and unexpected “surprises.” It won’t all be perfect.

LIG. Sometimes tensions and anxieties lead people to say things they

shouldn’t say. LIG. Sometimes people have different priorities from mine. LIG. Go with the love.

(These are good letters for quilters to live by, too.)

When the bride and groom checked out the decorated hall the night before the wedding, they

were thrilled. My daughter-in-law gave me the supreme compliment:

“A hall only a quilter could have designed!” she said with a hug.


(Continued from page 4)

Page 6: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 6

Workshops 2012-2013

November 24, 2012 10:00 am to 4 pm

“Quilted Bag” Joan Johnsen will present a one day class to make her wonderful quilted bag.

Cost is $25

January 12, 2013 10:00 am to 4 pm

“Journal Cover” Anne McCullough will present a one day class to make a creative and textured, and embellished journal cover.

Cost is $25

March 2, 2013 10:00 am to 4:00 pm


Janis Davis will once again present a Mystery Quilt workshop. Cost is $25

April 6 & 13, 2013 10:00 am to 4 pm

“Animal Images” Two day workshop with Judy Farrow.

Cost is not determined at this time Contact someone on your workshop committee if you have any questions. Sign up for work-shops any Thursday between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m., or on Thursday evenings if Judy Morrison is there or at the general meeting. Your Workshop Committee

Florence Labrecque, Judy Morrison, Margaret Yells,

Sandy MacDonell, Carol Metner, Hennie Aikman

Page 7: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 7

Block of the Month for 2012/2013

Hope you have fun & participate this year...each block is quite easy to do!

Happy Quilting!! Sharon Latham





Sapphire deep blue Aster/morning glory mauve, reddish



Opal multi/pinkish

blue Marigold/calendula golden yellow


Topaz amber Chrysanthemum golden brown/rust


Turquoise mid blue Narcissus or Holly white or Red/green


Garnet dark red Carnation or snow-

drop red/pink/white


Amethyst purple Violet or primrose violet blue/yellow


Aquamarine pale blue/teal Daffodil yellow/white


Diamond white/clear Daisy/Sweet pea white/yellow/red


Emerald green Lily of Valley creamy white/green


Pearl creamy/pink Rose red& deep pink


Ruby red larkspur or water lily blue/purple or russet


Peridot light lime green Gladioli Orange red

Page 8: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 8

Block of the Month 2012-2013

Page 9: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 9


1 2 3 4 General Meeting

5 6

7 8 Happy Thanksgiving

9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 Executive Meeting

19 20

21 22 23 24 25 Retreat 26 Retreat 27 Retreat

28 Retreat 29 30 31 Happy Halloween

October 2012

November 2012

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 General


2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10




12 13 14 15 Executive


16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

Page 10: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 10

News from the Program Committee

We have been busy planning some amazing programs for the coming season.

October 4 will be a fun and instructional program with Janet Finch from Port Alberni. She will be giving

us tips on dyeing, and the use of inks (I have seen a demo and used some of the inks, a fabulous addition

to your quilting skills).

Janet will also bring some of her other supplies from her business including Superior threads and Auriful.

NOTE: Janet accepts cash or cheques so visit that bank machine before coming to the meeting.

November will be the demo night with four very interesting topics including bobbin work and a special

demo on bindings and mitred corners.

We have great plans for the Christmas pot luck and into the New Year so watch the newsletter for details.

We are still working on the programs for the balance of the year so as always we are open to sug-


Program Committee

June Boyle

Gayle Lobban

Florence Labrecque

Library Loonie Auction Coming Soon!!!

We are looking for donations of quilting books towards our next Library Loonie Auction.

We hope to be able to do this at our October Meeting.

Check your cupboards and donate a book or pattern towards the next Library Loonie Auction.

Donations can be placed in the boxes in the bottom of the Library Cupboards.

Thank you for your help.

The Library Staff

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Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 11

Happy October Birthdays


If you have EQ6 or EQ7 and haven't felt you've

gotten the most of this amazing software, please

join us!

We're going to have our first 'Official' meeting of

EQer's on the second Thurs of Oct.( the 11th)

from 1 - 3 pm. at the guild hall. There will be a

sign above where we'll be meeting. To get an

idea of the level of interest, there will be a sign-

up sheet at the Business Meeting day (Oct. 4th).

If you want to learn and/or share what you know

about EQ, please come on the 11th with your lap-

top (with EQ on it), your EQ manual, a notebook,

pen/pencil, and any questions you have.

It would also be helpful if you bring an extension

cord for your laptop.

If you have any questions before we meet, con-

tact, Julie Wind, Vicki Willems or Marilyn Schick.

HAW 2013

October 19th 2013

We have a terrific committee planning for HAW 2013. There is still lots of room for ideas and

energetic volunteers. At our 1st meeting a consensus on a theme was reached.

Our theme will be:

“The Wheels go Round and Round”

Bring your ideas for favours and décor to our next meeting on:

Thursday October 11th at 2:00 pm at our guild hall.

Lynda Reid—HAW 2013 Coordinator

Gail Abel Oct-06

Merrilee Cameron Oct-10

Maureen McCannel Oct-13

Louise Argyle Oct-14

Debbie Flanagan Oct-22

Diane Beacham Oct-25

Deanne Candler Oct-25

Janette Purdy Oct-29

Kim Hammond Oct-31

Page 12: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 12

Upcoming Events/Quilt Shows

HAW Campbell River BC October 13 2012

Triennial Quilt Show Penticton

October 19—20 2012 www.pentictonquilters.com

Stitches from the Heart Quilt Show

October 19—21 2012 Castlegar BC

PieceMaking in the Valley Quilt Show

October 19—20 2012 Chilliwack BC

Decade of Quilts

Coquitlam BC October 21 2012

International Quilt Festival/Houston George R. Brown Convention Center

Houston, Texas November 3 - 6 2012


Quilt Canada 2013—Halifax Penticton Trade & Convention Center

May 15—18 2013 www.canadianquilter.com

Check out the www.canadianquilter.com website calendar of events for more show...


If anyone knows a guild member who has

been ill or has illness or a death in their

family or who just needs to be cheered,

please call:

Jennifer Harrison at 250-339-4754

so that a card may be sent

Florence—Show n’ Tell September

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Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 13


2012 – 2013 Each month has been allocated letters of the

alphabet. If your name begins with one of the

letters for that month, then that is the month

that you are responsible for bringing a snack

to the business meeting in the evening.

Having said that, if you just feel like baking

or bringing something to any business meet-

ing, regardless if it is your “turn” or not, you

are more than welcome to do so!


Month Surnames

beginning with

October A, B, C

November D, E, F

December G, H, I, J, K

January L

February M

March N, O, P

April R

May S, T

June U, V, W, X, Y, Z

"Frankie Bobier, VP of the Resident Council at Cum-

berland Lodge accepts the donation of 10 Seniors quilts

from Nerissa"

Amanda’s Baby Quilt

For those of us who frequently have dinner at the

Waverly Hotel. Kim Hammond is collecting 9.5

inch primary (red., blue, yellow, green) colour

blocks for Amanda - her baby is due in Novem-


Kim would appreciate getting the blocks for the

October meeting in order to have time to put the

quilt together. For more information please con-

tact Kim.


—Show n’ Tell September Tote Bag Workshop

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Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 14


Still a little early to be thinking of Christmas, but in terms of sharing our good fortune with those less

fortunate, this is as good a time as any other. Lean times have not lessened to any great degree this

past year, in fact seem worse for some, and many still need our help. To that end, I am going to ask

once again that we donate money over the next few months from October to December. It worked

really well last year and the shopping volunteers had a blast!!!

Someone was going to take over the job of the Christmas Hampers but has decided not to anymore, so

I really need a volunteer(s), especially to take care of the delivery of the hampers once we have pur-

chased the foodstuffs. If anyone wants to take on the job, please let me know ASAP.

We will stay with the Coast Realty hamper program again this year unless anyone has other sugges-

tions. Once we get the information on our families in late November, I will get the information out

regarding the kids and what we need for gifts. Family quilts for the hampers will be needed and I

have 1 quilt completed and 1 ready to be quilted and one that needs to be finished…any volunteers???

Christmas placemats… we need lots of placemats! Last year we gave Coast Realty about 300 place-

mats for the unsponsored hampers and more would have been welcome.

I will take placemats at any time…I have 2 big plastic containers only one of which is partially full.

Patterns are available in the locked room in the laundry basket labeled “Placemats” and there are

some placemat kits in there also.

If anyone needs fabric, Christmas or not, just ask…we have lots of fabric! If you have placemats ready

to donate, you can leave them in the laundry basket. Placemats with Christmas fabric on one side only

are great as they can be used for a longer period of time. If everyone made 2 placemats, we would

have our 300 again!

I will leave a coffee can for monetary donations in the library cupboard. Thanks for your support.

Sharon Latham work (338-7367) home (339-6492)

e-mail addresses work [email protected] or home [email protected]

Page 15: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 15

Pressing Tips for Quilters: a random collections of ideas off the internet

To keep from burning your fingers from the steam or heat of your iron, use a bamboo skewer to hold

open your seams as you press them.

I keep a spray bottle of 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar beside my iron. The mixture will take out any un-

wanted creases (especially "on the bolt line") and will also sometimes give you that extra 1/8" to make

a perfect size block.

For those of us that use a dry iron when ironing quilt seams:

Sometimes small, little puckers appear out of nowhere - keep a small plastic squeeze bottle with a very

fine tip next to the ironing board. Most of the time just one tiny drop of water will ease out the

pucker and you don't need to take out the seam. This really is a great time saver.

Use your iron to set the seam: Before pressing a seam open or to one side, first just press the seam as

it was sewn, without opening up the fabric pieces. Doing so helps meld or sink the stitches into the

fabric, leaving you with a less bulky seam allowance after you press it open or to one side.

Press your quilts... don't iron them. Always press your quilt blocks, allowing the weight of the iron

to do the work for you. Avoid moving the iron back and forth vigorously across the surface of your

blocks, because the movement will possibly stretch them out of shape. You can use movement when

pressing large pieces of fabric, but take care not to pull and tug too hard.

Steam or No Steam? Quilters disagree on whether or not to steam press. I rarely use steam to press

my quilt blocks, but sometimes it is helpful.

Steam Pros

Careful steam pressing can help you square-up a skewed block.

Steam pressing produces crisply pressed seam allowances and fabrics.

Steam Cons

If you tug at a block that's been dampened with steam it is more likely to stretch.

Steam could cause some fabrics to bleed, leaving stains.

Keep a spritzer bottle filled with water on the ironing board. If you need a little moisture, mist a spe-

cific area and avoid sending loads of hot steam throughout the quilt blocks.

Try pressing your quilt components and blocks with and without steam to find out which method

works best for different situations. (Continued on page 16)

Page 16: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 16

Let the seams cool. Once fabric pieces have been pressed, let them cool in place. This prevents dis-

tortion of bias edges.

Finger-press first. Finger pressing isn’t a substitute for using an iron, but it does temporarily press

a seam in one direction or another. It’s a good method to use if you’re unsure which way a seam

eventually will need to be pressed.

Avoid seeing seam shadows. Generally speaking, press seams toward the darker fabric to avoid

creating a shadow on the lighter fabric. If pressing toward the lighter fabric is a must, trim the

darker fabric seam allowance by 1/16" after the seam is sewn to prevent any shadows.

Begin again: If a seam allowance has been pressed the wrong way, return it to its original un-

pressed state and press the unit flat to remove the crease. Allow the fabric to cool, then press the

seam in the desired direction.

When multiple seams come together in one area, press them open. This helps distribute the fabric

bulk evenly, eliminating lumps and making the seams easier to quilt through.

To prevent flattening your appliqués, turn an appliquéd block facedown on a terry-cloth towel for


Straight seams should be pressed from the right side of the fabric with the iron parallel to the

straight of grain. This helps avoid pressing tucks and pleats into the seam.

A bias seam should be pressed with the iron at a 45-degree angle to the seam and along the

straight of grain to prevent distortion.

Quilting can be good exercise too! Keep your ironing board well away from your machine and get in

the habit of getting up to press every seam as you sew.

Submitted by Marilyn Schick

Bev Michaluk

CVEX 2012—1st

(Continued from page 15)

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Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 17

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More Than A Day

As Thanksgiving Day rolls around,

It brings up some facts,

quite profound.

We may think that we're poor,

Feel like bums, insecure,

But in truth, our riches astound.

We have friends and family we


We have guidance from heaven


We have so much more

Than they sell in a store,

We're wealthy, when push comes

to shove.

So add up your blessings, I say;

Make Thanksgiving last more than

a day.

Enjoy what you've got;

Realize it's a lot,

And you'll make all your cares go


By Karl Fuchs

Page 18: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 18

[email protected]

Scent Free Environment

Please remember that we are a scent free

environment. It is greatly appreciated if we

all abstain from strong perfumes and hand

creams as well as any other scented prod-

ucts during meeting nights.

The Thread Candy Shoppe

will be a merchant Oct. 13th @ Hands Across the Water,

Campbell River. See you there!



Show n’ Tell

Page 19: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 19

Page 20: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 20

Huckleberry’s Fabrics Inc. is located at: 1930 Ryan Road East Comox, BC V9M 4C9 (250)339-4059 or Toll Free: 1(877)339-4059

e-mail: [email protected]

BERNINA 750QE Extra Long Arm The BERNINA 750 QE includes a meticulously-engineered extra-long freearm with ten inches / 254 mm of space to right of the needle—plenty of room for large sewing projects. With more space and the added benefit of the super-sized embroi-dery area, your creativity can have free rein. And when you’re ready to expand your options, you’ll find a wide range of accessories available to help you develop your quilting and sewing skills

Order Today!

Page 21: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 21


October Sale

All leaf prints

All rusts, golds, tans and browns

All Halloween prints

25% off

35% off 2m or more (same bolt)

½ m minimum cuts

343 Bay Street (at Turner) Victoria,BC

(Lower Rear GRAVEL YARD parking lot)

386-6512 (Mon- Thurs 10-4, Sat 12-4)

From the Editor’s Desk

Newsletter Advertising:

To advertise in the newsletter

please contact Joan Johnsen.

[email protected]

Newsletter Deadline:

Please submit all entries for the

newsletter by the 20th of the month

for inclusion in the next month’s


All our newsletters are printed and

distributed by the 1st Thursday of

the month from September to June.

Submit articles to the editor’s email:

[email protected]

Guild Meetings:

Our guild meets every Thursday

from 9:00am to 9:00pm for quilting

at the Cumberland OAP Hall.

General Meeting 1st Thursday of

each month at 7:00pm

Executive Meeting 3rd Thursday of

each month at 1:00pm

Our Website:


Page 22: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 22

Page 23: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 23

Happy Halloween

Page 24: Comox Valley - Schoolhouse Quilters · 2012-10-02 · Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - Editor@schoolhousequilters.com Page 3 Book

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters’ Guild


CVSQG - Box 1507, Comox, B.C. V9M 8A2 - [email protected]

Page 24

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