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Mr. Stan’s Compact Disk

English Language ProgramSTUDENT TEXTBOOK

The fastest and best way to learn Conversational English and to have a great American English Accent!


Other Languages Available In Mr. Stan’s English:This program is designed to be used in English only “immersion” classes. The purpose of the translated material is to eliminate the need to look words up in a bi-lingual dictionary which is time wasting and frustrating for the students. Because English Language Classes frequently have several different languages spoken by students in a single class, this program uses the same English text for every student in the class. Based on the 1000 most frequently used words in the English language, words are presented “in-context” in typical everyday conversational situations. The program is designed to be used like “flash cards” where spaced repetition enhances the student’s ability to quickly lock words and phrases into long-term memory. This unique system is research based and has been scientifically shown to greatly speed English language learning. Used with the accompanying Computer Program & Audio CD the student also acquires the proper pronunciation right from the start. Students progress to conversational ability in as short a time as possible. Extensive classroom testing has proven this process to be the most effective strategy an English language teacher can use to help students learn English quickly and easily.

Mr. Stan’s English Language Program is available in:

Arabic Hindi PunjabiArmenian Hmong RomanianBulgarian Hungarian RussianChinese Italian SpanishCzech Japanese TeluguEnglish Korean ThaiFarsi Mongolian TurkishFrench Nepalese UrduGerman Polish &Hebrew Portuguese Vietnamese

To Order Mr. Stan’s English Language Program Call:(916) 410-5539

Or [email protected]



There are so many people to thank that to start with any name would be to risk forgetting one. All I can say is that this work was a joint effort of so many people over so many years that I can hardly be said to be its author. At most it is merely my framework modified by clearer thinkers than myself. But thanks must go to the teachers and colleagues who not only proofread and corrected my text but tested its veracity in the classroom with many, many students to document its validity. To my superiors in the administration who not only encouraged me but supported the introduction of the material into the classrooms, I can only offer my heartfelt thanks. Many others would not have looked so kindly upon new and novel material and teaching methodologies. The nearly uncountable number of students, and in some cases family members of students, who volunteered their time and efforts to translate the material and the many others whose critical review and confirmation of translated material ensured its accuracy and completeness were a joy to work with and to learn from. Lastly, my family who endured my near obsession with the minutest of details in the work not to mention the thousands of hours and expenses incurred along the way with their support and active encouragement at every turn in the road, I can scarcely begin to explain how much that love was felt and so very deeply appreciated.


Mr. Stan’s English Language ProgramMr. Stan’s English Language Program602 Merlin Court602 Merlin Court

Lincoln, CA 95648Lincoln, CA 95648(916) 410-5539(916) 410-5539

[email protected]@yahoo.comhttp://eslwithmrstan.pbwiki.comhttp://eslwithmrstan.pbwiki.com

English/Romanian VersionEnglish/Romanian Version

Copyright © Stan Burmich 2011All rights reserved

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Table Of Contents

Daily Dialogs Pages 8 to 87

Rhythms Pages 88 to 100

Setting A Goal Page 101

Conversation Starters Pages 102 to 128

Evaluating Your Accomplishments Page 129

Appendix 1. Messages For Your Teacher Page 130

Appendix 2. Reasons For Your Call Page 131

Appendix 3. Would You Repeat That Please Page 132


STUDENTS PLEASE . . . THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!English is a very different language from all other languages. Words are not always spelled the way they sound . . . . and some letters of the alphabet have several different sounds. Therefore, you must (absolutely must) . . . . HEAR the word . . . SEE the word . . . and SAY the word “OUT LOUD” when you are studying English.

1. You must pronounce the words in a clear voice to get the proper English Accent! This is very important. Only with a recording that you can repeat, and repeat, and repeat again will you get the accent perfected.

2. This is why you must hear the words being spoken by a native English speaker and say them aloud yourself. It is impossible to read silently and learn to actually speak English with a good accent.

3. And finally you must look at the words on the printed page while both hearing and saying them out loud. This is the only way to learn how to spell the word. You will not be able to write English sentences unless you can spell the words correctly.

Remember: 30 minutes a day, everyday, and you will achieve your goal!






Limba engleza difera de toate celelalte limbi. Cuvintele nu se scriu totdeauna asa cum se pronunta, si unele litere ale alfabetului pot suna diferit in diferite cazuri. Deacea, cind studiati limba engleza, voi trebuie (anume trebuie) . . . SA AUZITI cuvintul . . . SA VEZI cuvintul . . . si SA PRONUNTI cuvintul CU VOCE TARE.

1. Trebuie pronuntat clar si correct fiecare cuvint pentru a prelucra pronuntarea engleza corecta. Aceasta-i foarte important. Numai folosindu-va de banda casetofonica si repetind fiecare cuvint din nou si din nou, puteti capata o pronuntare si un accent englez corect.2. Deaceea numai decit trebuie sa ascultati cum pronunta cuvintele un om a carui limba materna este engleza, si sa repetati dupa el in glas. Imposibil sa pronunti cuvintele engleze corect daca nu cititi in glas, ci in gind.3. Si in sfirsit, trebuie sa vezi cuvintele scrise in acel timp cind asculti si le pronunti in glas. Numai asa puteti invata a scrie correct. Daca nu invatati a scrie corect cuvintele, nu veti putea scrie in engleza.

Tineti minte: 30 de minute de zilnice repetari va vor ajuta sa va atingeti!





1、 Hello. My name is ___________________ .

2、 What is your name?

3、 Good afternoon. How are you?

4、 I am fine, thank you. And you?

5、 Nice to meet you.

6、 Very nice to meet you too.

7、 Where are you from?

8、 I am from Sacramento.

9、 How long have you been in the United States?

10、 I have been here about four years.

Past Present Future

I was I am I will beYou were You are You will beShe was He/She is She will beWe were We are We will beThey were They are They will be


1. Salut. Numele meu este ________________ .

2. Cum te cheama?

3. Buna seara. Ce mai faci?

4. Eu sint bine, multumesc. Dar Tu?

5. Ma bucur sa te intilnesc.

6. Si eu ma bucur sa te intilnesc de asemenea.

7. De unde esti?

8. Eu sint din Sacramento.

9. De cit timp esti in Statele Unite?

10. Sint aici de aproximativ 4 ani.


Eu am fost Eu sunt Eu voi fiTu ai fost Tu esti Tu vei fiEa a fost El/ Ea este El/ Ea va fiNoi am fost Noi suntem Noi vom fiEi au fost Ei sunt Ei vor fi


10、Do you speak English?

11、A little bit. But my sister speaks English very well.

12、My brother is learning German in school.

13、The best way to learn a language is to visit the country.

14、Did you study Spanish in college?

15、Do you like English or do you prefer Russian?

16、She does not speak Chinese. It is too hard.

17、It is a big advantage to speak a foreign language.

18、We practice English at home every day.

19、Do you want to speak English perfectly?

Past Present Future

(yesterday) (today) (tomorrow)

I did I do I will doYou did You do You will doShe did He does It will doWe did We do We will doThey did They do They will do


1. Vorbesti limba Engleza?

2. Putin. Dar sora mea vorbeste Engleza foarte bine.

3. Fratele meu invata limba Germana in scoala.

4. Metoda cea mai buna pentru a invata o limba este a visita tara.

5. Ai studiat Spaniola in facultate?

6. Iti place Engleza sau preferi Russa?

7. Ea nu vorbeste Chinezeste. Este prea grea.

8. Este un mare avantaj sa vorbesti o limba straina.

9. Noi practicam Engleza acasa in fiecare zi.

10. Vrei sa vorbesti limba Engleza perfect?


Eu am facut Eu fac Eu voi faceTu ai facut Tu faci Tu vei faceEa a facut El a facut Va faceNoi am facut Noi facem Noi vom face Ei au facut Ei fac Ei vor face


10、I have to go to the supermarket today.

11、Yesterday they had a sale on vegetables.

12、I really like fresh fruit.

13、She hopes they have some fish left.

14、They had some yesterday.

15、I know they will be out by tomorrow.

16、Do you have the time?

17、Yes. It is 6:30.

18、I have to go to English class at 7:00.

19、She has worked too hard today.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

I had I have I will haveYou had You have You will haveShe had He/She has She will haveWe had We have We will haveThey had They have They will have


1. Trebuie sa merg la alimentara astazi.

2. Ieri au avut o eftinire la vegetale.

3. I-mi plac fructele proaspete.

4. Ea spera sa mai fi ramas peste.

5. Ei au mai avut ceva ieri.

6. Stiu ca maine nu vor mai avea.

7. Ai ceas?

8. Da. Este 6:30.

9. Trebuie sa merg la clasa de Engleza la ora 7:00.

10. El a lucrat din greu azi.


Eu am avut Eu am u voi aveaTu ai avut Tu ai Tu vei aveaEa a avut El/Ea are Ea va aveaNoi am avut Noi avem Noi vom aveaEi au avut Ei au Ei vor avea


10、My sister lives in a big apartment building.

11、She goes to work on the bus.

12、I live in a small house.

13、I go to school in my old car.

14、My wife went to work on a bicycle.

15、She will ride her bicycle in the big race.

16、My house has three bathrooms.

17、We need to do more work around the house.

18、Do you have any money?

19、I don’t have enough to fix my house.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow(past) (present) (future)

I went I go I will goYou went You go You will goShe went She goes He will goWe went We go We will goThey went They go They will go


1. Sora mea locuieste intr-un mare complex de apartamente.

2. Ea merge la lucru cu autobuzul.

3. Eu locuiesc intr-o casa mica.

4. Eu merg la scoala cu masina mea veche.

5. Sotia mea a fost la lucru cu bicicleta.

6. Ea va merge cu bicicleata la un mare concurs.

7. Casa mea are trei dormitoare.

8. Noi avem de lucru mai mult in jurul casei.

9. Ai ceva bani?

10. Nu am destui pentru a repara casa.


Am mers Eu merg Eu voi mergeTu ai mers Tu mergi Tu vei mergeEa a fost Ea merge El va mergeNoi am mers Noi mergem Noi vom mergeEi au mers Ei merg Eu voi merge


1. Good afternoon. How are you doing?

2. Not too bad. I have some homework this evening.

3. I have an English class tomorrow morning.

4. What time do you have to get up?

5. Well, I leave home about 7:30.

6. When will you get back?

7. I don’t know . . . . sometime after noon.

8. Would you like to have dinner together?

9. I’m sorry. I can’t. I’ve made other plans.

10. Oh! That’s too bad. Maybe another time.

Past Present Future

(regular)Talked Talk Will TalkWalked Walk Will WalkWanted Want Will Want

(irregular)Went Go Will GoGot Get Will GetLeft Leave Will Leave


1. Buna seara. Ce mai faci?

2. Nu prea rau. Am tema de casa in dupamasa aceasta.

3. Am un curs de Engleza maine dimineata.

4. La ce ora te vei trezi?

5. Pai plec de acasa pe la 7:30.6. Cind te vei intoarce?

7. Nu stiu In timpul dupaamiezei.8. Ai dorii sa servim cina impreuna?

9. I-mi pare rau. Nu pot. Mi-am facut alte planuri.

10. Oh! Destul de rau. Poate alta data.


(regulat)sa vorbit se vorbeste se va vorbiisa umblat se umbla se va umblasa vrut se vrea se va vrea

(ne regulat)

sa mers se merge se va mergelua luat voi luaa plecat pleaca va pleca


1. Yesterday I walked for three miles.

2. Tomorrow I will walk to the store.

3. Do you walk a lot?

4. Not really. I don’t have the time.

5. What do you do?

6. I study English at night and work during the day.

7. What kind of work do you do?

8. I work in construction, building offices.

9. That must be very difficult work.

10.It is, but it is also very rewarding.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Studied Study Will StudyWatched Watch Will WatchCalled Call Will CallVisited Visit Will Visit

(but irregular)Taught Teach Will Teach



1. Ieri am umblat 3 mile.

2. Maine voi merge la magazin.

3. Mergi mult?

4. Nu prea. Nu am timp.

5. Ce faci?

6. Studiez Engleza seara si in timpul zilei lucrez.

7. Ce fel de munca faci?

8. Eu lucrez in constructi, construind birouri.

9. Aceea trebuie sa fie o munca foarte dificila.

10. Este, dar de asemenea este foarte rasplatita.

Ieri Astazi Miine

Studiat A Studia Voi StudiaPrivit A Privi Voi PriviChemat A Chema Voi ChemaVisitat A Visita Voi Visita____________________________________________________________

(Dar neregular) Predat A Preda Voi Preda



1. Hi. This is my sister.

2. Oh. Hello. What is her name?

3. Her name is Anna. She’s nineteen years old.

4. Is she living with you now in Sacramento?

5. No. She is living with my brother.

6. I didn’t know you had a brother.

7. Sure. I have two brothers and two sisters.

8. You have two of everything. Two cars, two jobs, and two sisters.

9. Well, you can’t have too much of some things.

10. Right. Like chocolate and cash.

PLURALS . . . add “s” or “es”

(one) (more than one)Brother BrothersSister SistersWindow WindowsClass Classes

IRREGULARChild ChildrenMan MenWoman WomenMouse Mice



1. Salut. Aceasta este sora mea.

2. Oh. Hello. Care este numele ei?

3. Numele ei este Ana. Ea are 19 ani.

4. Ea locuieste cu tine acum in Sacramento?

5. No. Ea locuieste cu fratele meu.

6. Nu am stiut ca tu ai un frate.

7. Sigur. Eu am doi frati si doua surori.

8. Tu ai doua de fiecare. Doua masini, doua servici si doua surori.

9. Pai, nu poti sa ai prea multe de unele lucruri.

10. Adevarat. Cum ar fi Chicolata si Bani

PLURAL...adaugi “s” sau “es”

(Unu) (Multi)Frate Frati Sora SuroriGeam GeamuriClasa Clase_______________________________________

(neregulat)Copil CopiiOm OameniFemeie FemeiSoarece Soareci



1. I heard you just got married.

2. When was the wedding?

3. Last Sunday at St. Paul’s Church.

4. It must have been a beautiful ceremony.

5. Oh. It was. The music was terrific.

6. I’m sure that Mike will be a good husband.

7. What kind of work does he do?

8. He works for the Sheriff’s Department.

9. Is he working days or nights?

10. He just changed to nights. It pays better.

From Sunrise to 12:00 noon –“Good Morning”

From 12:00 noon until Sunset –“Good Afternoon”

Then “Good Evening” . . . . .coming!

“Good Night” . . . . . . . . leaving! or going to bed!



1. Am auzit ca teai casatorit.

2. Cin a fost nunta?

3. Duminicat trecuta la biserica St. Paul.

4. Trebuie sa fi fost o ceremonie frumoasa.

5. Oh. A fost. Muzica a fost extraordinara.

6. Sunt sigur ca Mike va fi un bun sot.

7. Ce fel de servici are?

8. El lucreaza pentru Sheriff’s Departament.

9. El lucreaza de ziua sau noaptea.

10. El tocmai a schimbat de noapte. Este platit mai bine.

De la rasarit la 12:00 la ameaza-“Buna Dimineata”

De la 12:00 ameaza pana la asfintit-“ Buna Ziua”

Apoi “Buna Seara”...... venind!

“ Noapte Buna”.....plecand! Sau mergaind la culcare!



1. Hello. Welcome to Joe’s Restaurant.

2. My name is Todd and I’ll be your server.

3. Our specials tonight are salmon and prime rib.

4. What would you recommend?

5. Well, they are both very good.

6. OK. I’ll have the prime rib with baked potato.

7. Would you like soup or salad?

8. I’ll have the salad with oil and vinegar.

9. What is the soup today?

10. We have French onion or vegetable beef.


Would you like coffee with dessert?

Yes. I’d like some coffee.

Do you take cream and sugar?

No. Just black.



1. Salut. Bine ai venit la Resaturanutul lui Joe.

2. Numele meu este Todd si voi fi servitorul dumneavoastra.

3. Specialitatea noastra in aceasta seara este Salmon (peste) si Costite


4. Ce ai recomanda tu?

5. Pai, ambele sunt bune.

6. OK, O sa am Costite Proaspate si Cartofi Copti.

7. Ai dori Supa sau Salata?

8. O sa am Salata cu Ulei si Otet.

9. Care este supa pentru astazi?

10. Noi avem Ciapa Franceza sau Ciorba Vegetala cu Carne de Vita.


Ai dori cafea cu desert? Da. Mi-ar place ceva cafea. Doresti frisca si zahar? Nu. Doar neagra.


CARD #10

1. How are you feeling today?

2. Not too good. I’ve been sick all week.

3. Have you gone to the doctor?

4. No. Not yet. I have an appointment tomorrow at 3:00 o’clock.

5. Have you taken any medicine?

6. I don’t really like to take pills.

7. Aspirin may help. You should try it.

8. OK. I’ll take some tonight before going to bed.

9. Well, I hope you feel better soon.

10. I’m sure I’ll be fine.

On The Telephone:

Hello. Can I make an appointment for tomorrow afternoon?(doctor or dentist)

Hello. Can I make a reservation for tonight around 8:00 p.m.(restaurant or theater)


CARD #10

1. Cum te simpti astazi?

2. Nu prea bine. Am fost bolnav toata saptamana.

3. Ai fost la Doctor?

4. Nu. Nu inca. Am programare pentru miine la ora 3.

5. Ai luat ceva medicamente?

6. Nu prea imi place sa iau pastile.

7. Aspirina poate ajuta. Ar trebui sa o incerci.

8. OK. Voi lua ceva de seara inainte de a merge in pat.

9. Bine, sper ca te vei simpti mai bine curind.

10. Sunt sigura ca voi fi bine.

La Telefon:

Hello.As putea sa fac o programare pentru miine dupamasa? (Doctor sau Dentist)

Hello.Pot sa fac o reservatie pentru deseara in jurul orei 8pm.? (Restaurant sau Teatru)


CARD #11

1. I need some new clothes for work.

2. My husband says it’s not in the budget.

3. We can’t charge it on a credit card.

4. The interest on credit cards is too high.

5. If we watch our budget maybe we can save some money for Christmas.

6. How much money are you saving for retirement?

7. First we need to save for the children’s college tuition.

8. Well, they can always work part time.

9. We are hoping for a soccer scholarship.

10. Better to save. You can’t depend on luck.

At the Bank:

Can I open an account? Sure. Savings or Checking?

Actually, I need both. And do you sell CD’s? Of course.

We can even help you with an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).


CARD #11

1. Am nevoie de ceva haine noi pentru lucru.

2. Sotul meu spune ca nu e in buget.

3. Noi nu putem incarca credit cardurile.

4. Dobinda la credit carduri este prea mare/inalta.

5. Daca ne uitam la buget probabil noi putem economisi ceva bani pentru


6. Citi de multi bani ai economisit pentru pensionare?

7. Prima data prebuie sa economisim pentru facultatea copilului.

8. Pai, ei pot oricum lucra program redus.

9. Noi speram pentru bursa de fotbal.

10. Mai bine sa economisim. Nu poti depinde de noroc.

La Banca:

Pot sa deschid un cont bancar? Sigur. Pentru economisire sau cheltuiala zilnica?

De fapt am nevoie de ambele. Si vindeti CD’s? Sigur.

Noi putem chiar sa putem sa te ajutam cu un cont individual de pensionare. (IRA).


CARD #12

1. John, let me introduce you to my friend Bill.

2. John Smith, this is my friend Bill Adams.

3. Bill plays soccer for the Sacramento Knights.

4. Nice to meet you Bill. I’m a big fan.

5. Oh. Do you like soccer?

6. I love soccer, but I played basketball in high school.

7. Did you guys win your game tonight?

8. No. We lost, but we beat Dallas yesterday.

9. They won the championship last year, didn’t they?

10. Yes. But we will win it this year.

Past Present Future(last year) (right now) (next year)

I won/lost I win/lose I will win/will loseYou won/lost You win/lose You will win/will loseHe won/lost She wins/loses He will win/will loseWe won/lost We win/lose We will win/will loseThey won/lost They win/lose They will win/will lose


CARD #12

1. John, lasa-ma sa te prezint prietenului meu Bill.

2. John Smith, acesta este prietenul meu Bill Adams.

3. Bill se joaca fotbal pentru Sacramento Knights.

4. Imi pare bine Bill. Sunt un mare fan.

5. Oh, iti place fotbalul?

6. I’mi place fotbalul dar eu am jucat basketball in liceu.

7. Ati cistigat jocul seara asta?

8. Nu. Am pierdut dar am batut pe Dallas ieri.

9. Ei au cistigat campionatul anult trecut, nui asa?

10. Da, dar noi o sa-l cistigam anul acesta.

Trecut Present Viitor(anul trecut) (acum) (anul ce vine)

Am castigat/pierdut Eu castig/pierd Eu o sa castig/ pierdTu as castigat/ pierdut Tu cistigi/ pierzi Tu vei cistiga/pierdeEl a castigat/ pierdut El cistiga/pierde El o sa cistige/ piardaNoi am castigat/pierdut Noi castigam/pierdem Noi o sa cistigam/pierdem Ei au castigat/ pierdut Ei castiga/ pierd Ei au castigat/ pierdut


CARD #13

1. Good evening. It sure is a nice night, isn’t it?

2. Yes it is. The weather was great today.

3. Very warm days. Last year it was very cold by this time.

4. Does it ever snow here in winter?

5. No, but it rains a lot. Almost every day.

6. It never rains in Sacramento during the summer.

7. But you have snow in the mountains, don’t you?

8. Oh, yes, and the skiing is terrific.

9. You should see the beautiful sunsets in the mountains.

10. I would like to go there on vacation.

The Weather

It was raining “cats and dogs” today.

It sure was nice out yesterday.

I hope the weather is good this weekend for our picnic.

It will probably snow and be foggy all day.


CARD #13

1.Buna Seara. E o seara foarte placuta, nu-I asa?

2.Da este. Vremea a fost grozava astazi.

3.Zile foarte calduroase. Anul trecut a fost foarte frig pe vremea asta.

4.Ninge vreodata aicea iarna?

5.Nu dar ploua mult. Aproape in fiecare zi.

6.Nu ploua nici odata in Sacramento in timpul verii.

7.Dar voi aveti zapada in munti, nu-I asa?

8.O, da, si schiatul este extraordinar.

9.Ar trebuii sa vezi frumosul apus in munti.

10. Mi-ar place sa merg acolo in vacanta.


A plouat cu “caini si pisici” astazi.

De sigur, a fost placut afara ieri.

Sper ca vremea va fi buna in weekendul acesta pentru picnicul nostru.

Probabil va ninge si va fi ceata toata ziua.


CARD #14

1. In America don’t forget to say “Thank You” and “Please”.

2. Thank you very much. That’s very nice of you.

3. Could you please pass the salt and pepper?

4. Would you help me please? How do I get to the airport?

5. Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

6. I’m very sorry, but I’m saving it for my husband.

7. Oh, that’s OK. I’ll find another one. Thank you anyway.

8. Pardon me. Could you repeat that please?

9. I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.

10. Oh, that doesn’t matter. I’m sure you didn’t do it on purpose.


Listen. I don’t want any! Go away!

You need to get lost and leave me alone.

Shut up and sit down!

You are really getting on my nerves.


CARD #14

1.In America nu uita sa spui “Multumesc si Te Rog.”

2.Multumesc foarte mult, a fost frumos din partea ta.

3.Vrei sa dai mai departe sarea si piperul?

4.Poti sa ma ajuti, te rog? Cum as putea ajunge la aieroport?

5.Scuzama. Este ocupat locul?

6.I-mi pare foarte rau, I-l tin pentru sotul meu.

7.Oh, este ok. Voi gasi altul. Multumesc oricum.

8.Pardon. Ai putea repeat te rog?

9.I-mi pare rau. Nu te-am auzit.

10.Oh, asta nu conteaza. Sint sigur ca nu ai facut-o intentionat.

Tu nu poti fi politicos tot timpul!!!!!

Asculta! Eu nu vreau nimic ! Pleaca!

Tu trebuie sa dispari si lasa-ma in pace! Taci din gura si stai jos! Tu chiar ma calci pe nervi.


CARD #15

1. Excuse me. Could you tell me which bus I take to get downtown, please?

2. Sure. You need to take the Madison Avenue bus east and change at Watt.

3. Does the Watt Avenue bus run north and south?

4. Yes. And the bus south goes all the way.

5. Is it very far from here?

6. Yes. It is too far to walk.

7. But there is a train station very close.

8. Oh. Can I take the train instead of the bus?

9. Sure. It’s faster and you don’t have to change.

10. I didn’t know they had a direct line downtown. Thank you very much.

Asking for Directions:

Excuse me. Which way is the post office?

Straight ahead to the stop sign and then turn right.

You can’t miss it. It’s the big building on the right hand side.

The one across the street from the mall?

Yes. That’s it. Thank you very much. Don’t mention it.


CARD #15

1、 Scuza-ma. Poti sa-mi spui care autobus as putea sa iau sa ajung

in centru, va rog.

2、 Sigur. Trebuie sa iei autobusul de “Madison Avenue” spre est si

schimbi la strada Watt.

3、 Autobuzul de “Watt Avenue” merge in nord si sud?

4、 Da. Autobusul cu cursa de sud merge tot drumul.

5、 Este foarte departe de aici?

6、 Da, este prea departe pentru a merge pe jos.

7、 Dar este o statie de tren foarte aproate.

8、 Oh. Pot sa iau trenul in loc de autobus?

9、 Sigur. Este mai rapid si nu trebuie sa schimbi.

10、 N-am stiut ca este o ruta directa spre centru. Multumesc foarte mult.

Intrebind pentru directii

Scuza-ma, in care directie este posta.

Drept inainte pina la stop si apoi o iei la dreapta.

Nu poti sa ratezi. Este o cladire mare pe partea dreapta.

Este aceea visavis de magazin?

Da. Aceasta este. Multumesc foarte mult.

Pentru putin.


CARD #16

1. Pardon me. Do you have change for a dollar?

2. Is four quarters OK? I don’t have anything smaller.

3. No. I need a dime for the telephone.

4. You can always call collect.

5. Yes. But it costs a lot more.

6. Maybe there is a change machine in the bank.

7. The coke machine takes coins or dollar bills.

8. Do you have enough money for the parking meter?

9. Do you have time to go to the store today?

10. I have a lot of studying to do for English class.

Money Matters

Do you have two dimes and a nickel for a quarter?

Do you have anything smaller than a twenty?

Don’t forget to add 15% to the bill for the tip.


CARD #16

10、Pardon. Ai sa schimbi un dollar?

11、Sint ok patru monede de douzeci si cinci? Nu am nimic mai


12、Nu, am nevoie de moneda de zece centi pentru telefon.

13、Oricind poti forma cu taxa inversa.

14、Da. Dar costa cu mult mai mult.

15、Poate este o machina de schimb in Banka.

16、Machina de Coke ia monede sau bancnote de dollar.

17、Ai destui bani pentru taxarea parcarii?

18、Ai timp sa mergi la magazin azi?

19、Am mult de studiat pentru cursul de Engleza.

Situatia banilor

Ai doua monede de zece centi si una de cinci centi in schimb la una de douazeci si cinci?

Ai o bancnota mai mica de douazeci?

Nu uita sa adaugi 15% (la suta) pe nota de plata ca ciubuc.


CARD #17

1. It’s almost time for dinner.

2. Could you help me set the table?

3. OK. How many plates should I set?

4. Let’s see. We will need six. Uncle Jim is coming.

5. Mom. Where do I put the fork, knife and spoon?

6. Here, let me show you. There, like that.

7. Thanks. What are we having for dinner tonight?

8. We are having roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy.

9. Umm. That sounds good. What about dessert?

10. Your father’s favorite, chocolate cake with raspberries.

Dinnertime in America

Dinner is ready! Everybody come to the table.

Did you remember to wash your hands?

Please wait until our guests are served.

Don’t forget to ask your father to be excused from the table after dinner.


CARD #17

1. Este aproape timpul pentru cina.

2. Poti sa ma ajuti sa pun masa?

3. OK. Cite farfuri trebuie sa asez?

4. Sa vedem. Avem nevoie de sase. Unchiul Jim vine.

5. Mama. Unde sa pun furculita, cutitul si lingura?

6. Aici, dami voie sa-ti arat. Acolo, cam asa.

7. Mlutumesc. Ce avem pentru cina deseara?

8. Avem friptura de vita cu pireu de cartofi si sos.

9. Umm. Suna bine. Dar pentru desert?

10. Favoritul lui tatal tau, tort de ciocolata cu smeura.

Timpul cinei in America

Cina e gata! Toata lumea sa vina la masa.

Ti-ai amintit sa te speli pe mainile?

Te rog asteapta pina musafiri nostiri sunt serviti.

Nu uita sa intrebi pe tatal tau sa te scuze de la masa dupa cina.


CARD #18

1. Where are we going for vacation this year?

2. Well, we could go to the mountains again.

3. No. We’ve done that three years in a row.

4. OK. How about going to the beach this time.

5. Great. We should go to Big Sur or Carmel-by-the-Sea.

6. That would be lovely this time of year.

7. It’s hard to beat sea, surf, and sand.

8. Don’t forget about sunshine. Do you think it will rain?

9. I don’t care. There are lots of things to do even if it does rain.

10. Sure. We can build a fire in the fireplace and enjoy some classical music.

Vacations are Wonderful

Did you remember to bring your swimsuit?

It’s fun to take a walk on the beach.

We love to swim in the ocean.

And the seafood is delicious in the restaurant.

What do you like to do on vacation besides sleep?


CARD #18

1. Unde vom merge in vacanta anul acesta?

2. Pai, putem sa mergem la munte din nou.

3. No. Noi am facut aia trei ani in rand.

4. OK. Ce ar fi sa mergem pe litoral de data asta?

5. Grozav. Ar trebui sa mergem la Big Sur sau Carmel-by- the- Sea.

6. Ar fi placut de data aceasta, anul acesta.

7. E greu sa bati marea, sarf, si nisipul.

8. Nu uita de soare. Crezi caci o sa ploaie?

9. Nu ma intereseaza. Sunt multe lucruri de facut chiar daca ploua.

10. Sigur. Putem face foc in soba si sa ne bucuram de ceva muzica clasica.

Vacantele sunt frumoase

Tiai adus aminte sa iti aduci costumul de baie?

E distractiv sa te plimbi pe litoral.

Noua ne place sa inotam in oncean.

Si mincarea procurata din mare e delicioasa in restaurant.

Ce iti place sa faci in vacante inafara de a dormi?


CARD #19

1. We need to clean the house.

2. Yes. My friends are coming this weekend.

3. Suzy, you can wash the dishes and your brother can dry them.

4. I will vacuum the carpet.

5. When your father gets home he can clean out the garage.

6. Who wants to dust the furniture?

7. Put those papers in the trashcan.

8. OK. I will take out the garbage.

9. Don’t forget to put your clothes away.

10. You can do the laundry tomorrow.

Getting Ready For A Party

We are going to need some drinks.

Yes. And some snack food like potato chips and pretzels.

Did you bring your CD’s for the music?

Sure. And I brought some balloons for the kids to play with.


CARD #19

1. Trebuie sa facem curat in casa.

2. Da. Prieteni mei vin in acest sfarsit de saptamana.

3. Suzy, tu poti sa speli vasele si fratele tau poate sa le usuce.

4. Eu voi aspira mocheta.

5. Cind tatal tau ajunge acasa poate curata garajul.

6. Cine vrea sa stearga praful de pe mobilier.

7. Pune acele harti in cosul de gunoi.

8. OK, voi scoate afara gunoiul.

9. Nu uita sa-ti pui hainile la locul lor.

10. Tu poti sa speli maine.

Pregatire pentru ospat

O sa ne trebuiasca niste bautura.

Da. Si niste aperitive, cum ar fi cips de cartofi si covrigi.

Ti-ai adus CD-urile pentru muzica.

Sigur. Si am adus ceva baloane pentru copii sa se joace.


CARD #20

1. Hello, Maria. Thank you for coming to my party.

2. Thank you for inviting me. Your house is really lovely.

3. Have you met my husband, Fred?

4. Nice to finally meet you Maria. My wife has told me so much about you.

5. Can I offer you something to drink?

6. A glass of white wine would be nice.

7. Help yourself to the food.

8. Oh. It all looks delicious. What is this?

9. That is a vegetable dip for the chips.

10. Let me introduce you to some of our other guests.

At The Party

Hi. My name is Jerry. Would you like to dance?

OK. I really like this Latin salsa music, don’t you?

Yes. It’s great. But it’s hard to talk. The music is a little bit too loud.

Let’s take our drinks outside where we can talk and get some fresh air.


CARD #20

1. Buna, Maria. Multumesc ca ai venit la petrecerea mea.

2. Multumesc ca mai invitat. Casa ta este intradevar placuta.

3. Ai intilnit pe sotul meu, Fred?

4. Ma bucur sa te intalnesc insfirsit Maria. Sotia mia mea spus

foarte multe despre tine.

5. Pot sa-ti ofer ceva de baut?

6. Un pahar cu vin alb ar fi placut.

7. Servestete cu mancare.

8. Oh. Totul arata delicious. Ce este aceasta?

9. Aceea este un sos de vegetale pentru cips.

10. Dami voie sa te prezint la alti citiva prieteni.

La Petrecere

Hi. Numele meu este Jerry. Ti-ar place sa danses?

OK. Imi place intradevar muzica de dans Latina “Salsa”, tie nu?

Da. Este grozav. Dar este greu de vorbit. Muzica este putin prea tare.

Hai sa ne luam bauturile si sa iesim afara unde putem vorbi si sa luam

ceva aer proaspat.


CARD #21

1. Are you studying English in school?

2. Yes. I'm taking night classes three times a week.

3. Can you learn English just by going to three classes a week?

4. Not really. I have to practice at home every day too.

5. How much homework do you have?

6. It's not that much. We have cards that you read aloud.

7. By reading them out loud it helps perfect my English accent.

8. We also read stories out loud to build vocabulary.

9. Why do you always say the words aloud?

10. Because it trains the muscles and tongue to say the words properly.

Studying English at Home

To learn a foreign language you must practice at home everyday.

It is better to practice twenty minutes every day than to study longer but skip days.

I always go to every class. I never miss a day of practice.

My English is getting better and better.


CARD #21

1. Studiez Engleza in scoala?

2. Da. Iau clase de seara de trei ori pe saptamana.

3. Poti sa inveti Engleza mergand numai de trei ori pe saptamana?

4. Nu prea. Trebuie sa practic si acasa.

5. Cit de multe teme ai?

6. Nu e asa de mult. Avem carduri de citit cu voce tare.

7. Citind cu voce tare ajuta sa perfectioneze accentul Englez.

8. Citim si povestiri cu voce tare pentru inbunatatirea


9. De ce totdeauna spui cuvintele cu voce tare?

10. Pentru-ca antreneaza muschi si limba sa spuie cuvintele bine.

Studind Engleza Acasa

Ca-sa inveti o limba straina trebuie sa practici acasa in fiecare zi.

E mai bine sa practici 20 de minute pe zi decit sa studiez timp mai

mult trecind peste zile.

Eu totdeauna ma duc la fiecare clasa. Nici odata nu am pierdut o zi

pe practica.

Engleza mea merge din bine in bine.


CARD #22

1. How was your grandmother's birthday party?

2. It was very nice. I baked her a chocolate cake.

3. This year I had to help her blow out the candles.

4. Did she get very many gifts?

5. Oh, did she ever. All my aunts, uncles, and cousins were there.

6. What did your mother and father buy her?

7. They bought her a very nice present. They gave her a photo album of

all her children and grandchildren.

8. You should have seen her smile when I took her picture.

9. Did everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to her?

10. Yes. And then she cut the cake and opened the birthday cards.

Getting a Present

Oh! This package is beautiful. I wonder what it could be?

Wow! This is terrific. Just what I always wanted.

How did you know what size to buy? It fits perfectly.

You shouldn't have spent so much money on my gift.

How can I ever thank you?


CARD #22

1. Cum a fost la ziua Bunicii tale?

2. A fost foarte frumos. Eu i-am facut o prajitura de ciocolata.

3. Anul acesta a trebuit sa o ajut sa stinga lumanarile.

4. A primit cadouri multe?

5. Oh, chiar ca da. Toate matusile, unchi, si verisori au fost acol.

6. Ce au cumparat mama si tatal tau pentru ea?

7. I-au cumparat un cadou foarte frumos. I-au dat un album cu

toti copii si nepoti.

8. Sa-I fi vazut zambetul cand i-am facut poza.

9. I-au cantat toti la multi ani?

10. Da. Dupa aia a taiat tortul si a deschis felicitarile.

Primind Cadou

Oh! Pacetul acesta este frumos. Oare ce ar fi?

Wow! Asa este terific. Tot ce-a ce am vrut.

De unde ai stiut ce marime sa cumperi? Cuprinde perfect.

Nu trebuia sa straci atatia bani pe cadoul meu.

Cum as putea sa iti multumesc?


CARD #23

1. What did you do today?

2. Well, let's see. I got up very early this morning.

3. I had a job interview and I didn't want to be late.

4. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got dressed.

5. Did you wear a suit and tie to the meeting?

6. Yes. And I took my briefcase and a pen and paper in case I needed to

take notes.

7. Was the interview completely in English?

8. Completely! I think I did very well actually.

9. It really helped to practice introductions and meetings in my English class.

10. Do you think you got the job?

The Job Interview

I've heard a lot of good things about your company.

Everybody says you have the best products on the market today.

I'm really very interested in the opening. Can you tell me more about what

you are looking for?

How soon would you want me to start? My present company has been very

good to me and I would like to give them at least two weeks notice.


CARD #23

1. Ce ai facut astazi?

2. Pai, sa vedem. Mam trezit foarte devreme dimineata asta.

3. Am avut un interview de lucru si nu am vrut sa fiu tarziu.

4. Mam spalat pe dinti, am facut un dus, si mam imbracat.

5. Ai purtat costum si cravata la sedinta?

6. Da . Mi-am luat diplomatul si un pix si hartie in caz ca trebuia

sa iau notite.

7. A fost interview-ul complect in Engleza?

8. Complect! Dar cred ca am facut destul de bine.

9. Ma ajutat sa practic introduceri si intilniri in clasa de Engleza.

10. Crezi caci ai luat serviciul?

Interviul de Servici

Am auzit foarte multe lucruri despre compania ta.

Toata lumea spune caci tu ai cele mai buna produse pe piata.

Funt foarte interesat in deschiderea poziti. Poti sa imi spui ceva mai mult

despre ce cauti?

Cai de rapid ai vrea ca eu sa incep? Compania presenta a mea a fost foarte

bun cu mine si as vrea sa le spun cel putin cu doua saptamani inainte.


CARD #24

1. Can you tell me about yourself?

2. Well, I was born in Romania but moved to Austria when I was ten years old.

3. So you speak both Romanian and German fluently.

4. Yes, I do. But I'm afraid my English is not exactly perfect yet.

5. I think your English is very good. How long have you been studying?

6. Only about three months now. My class lasts until June, so I hope I'll get better.

7. You are doing very well for only three months. I'm sure it will be very

good by the time you graduate.

8. What kind of job are you hoping to get?

9. Well, in Germany I worked as a chemist.

10. Here in the United States I will take part-time work while I study English.

Personal Data

I have been here for only about six months.

I am married and have two children.

A boy eight years old and a girl six years old.

Both of them are in school here and already speak and understand English very well.

If I can find a job, my wife and I are hoping to buy a small house.


CARD #24

1. Poti sa imi spui despre tine?

2. Pai, am fost nascut in Romania, dar mam mutat la Australia cand am fost de 10


3. Aia inseamna caci vorbesti Romaneste si Germana fluent.

4. Da. Dar mie frica caci Engleza mea nu exact perfecta inca.

5. Cred caci Engleza ta este foarte buna. De cat timp studiez?

6. Numai cam de trei luni acum. Clasa mea tine pana in Iunie si sper caci o sa fie

si mai bine

7. Faci foarte bine pentru numai 3 luni. Precis o sa fie foarte buna pana la


8. Ce fel de serviciu speri sa obti?

9. Pai, in Germania am lucrat ca si Chimist.

10. Aici in Statele Unite voi lua servici numai parte din timp cit timp invat


Date Personale

Eu am fost aici de numai aproape 6 luni.

Eu sunt casatorit/a si am doi copii.

Un baiat de 8 ani si o fata de 6 ani.

Amandoi sunt in scoala aicia si deja vorbesc si intaleg Engleza foarte bine.

Daca o sa gasesc serviciu sotia si eu speram sa cumparam o casa micuta.


CARD #25

1. What time is your English Class?

2. We start at 7:00 p.m. and go until 9:30 p.m.

3. How many students are there in your Class?

4. We usually have about twenty students show up.

5. You mean some students actually skip class?

6. Not too often. If you miss class, it will slow your progress.

7. Do you use computers to study English?

8. We don't in the beginning class, but the advanced class does.

9. What do you like most in your class?

10. I like the stories if they are not too hard to understand.

In the Classroom

Which one is your desk? That one over there in the corner.

I need to sit up front so I can see the board easier.

Is your teacher funny? Well, he thinks he is . . . .

Do you read all your cards everyday?

Yes. I practice at home and then the teacher listens to us in class.


CARD #25

1. La cit e clasa ta de Engleza?

2. Incepem la 7:00 p.m. si merge pana la 9:30 p.m.

3. Citi studenti sunt in clasa ta?

4. Avem normal cam 20 de studenti presenti.

5. Deci zici caci uni studenti lipsesc?

6. Nu prea des. Daca pierzi clasa, iti incetinese progresul.

7. Folosesti calculator sa studiez Engleza?

8. Noi nu in clasa de incepatori, dar clasa advansata foloseste.

9. Ce iti place cel mai mult de clasa?

10. Imi place povestile daca nu sunt prea greu de intales.

In Clasa

Care e masa ta? Aceea, acol din colt.

Trebuie sa stau mai in fata sa vad tabla mai usor.

Invatatorul tau e comic? Pai, el crede ca e...

Citesti toate cardurile in fiecare zi?

Da. Practic acasa si invatatorul asculta in clasa.


CARD #26

1. I have a flight to Chicago today at 11:00 a.m.

2. You have to check in at least an hour before your flight.

3. I know, and I have a lot of bags to check too.

4. Do you have any carry-on luggage?

5. Yes. Just one small suitcase that I like to keep with me.

6. It has all my overnight stuff in case my bags get lost.

7. You mean like your toothbrush and toothpaste?

8. Yes. Plus pajamas and clean underwear.

9. I always like to take a good book to read on the flight.

10. Well? Can you drop me off at the gate this morning?

At the Airport

Has anyone given you anything to carry on board today? No Sir.

Have your bags been out of your control at any time? No Sir.

OK. You are checked all the way to Chicago.

Thank you very much. Here's something for you.

Have a nice day! You too!


CARD #26

1. Am un zbor la Chicago astazi la 11:00 a.m.

2. Trebuie sa te prezinti cel putin o ora inainte de zbor.

3. Stiu, si eu am multe bagaje de predat.

4. Ai bagaje de luat pe avion?

5. Da. Numai un diplomat micut care imi place sa tin cu mine.

6. Are toate lucrurile de noapte in caz ca bagajele mi se pierd.

7. Adica ca si peria de dinti si pasta de dinti?

8. Da. Plus pijamalele si lenjeria de corp.

9. Mie totdeauna imi place sa iau o carte buna de citit pe sbor.

10. Pai? Poti sa ma lasi la poarta dimineata asta?

La Aeroport

Ti-a dat cineva ceva sa iei cu tine pe bord astazi? Nu domnule.

Bagajele tiau fost inafara controlului tau in oricetimp? Nu domnule.

OK. Esti asigurat pina la Chicago.

Multumesc frumos. Aici e ceva pentru tine.

Sa ai o zi placuta! La fel!


CARD #27

1. How are you doing today? I am not too good.

2. Oh! What's wrong? Is something the matter?

3. Well, it's nothing serious. Just a lot of little problems.

4. Do you want to tell me about it?

5. Yesterday my sink got stopped up and now it's leaking water on my floor.

6. Bad news. Plumbers are very expensive these days.

7. That's not all. I tried to fix it myself and broke the water faucet.

8. That's not so bad. You can replace that yourself.

9. Well, I already tried and now the pipe is broken.

10.Look, you’d better just call a repairman and pay someone to do it right.

Customer Service

How can I help you Sir?

Can you give me my money back?

Your product doesn't work.

What seems to be the problem?

Can I speak with the manager?


CARD #27

1. Ce mai faci astazi? Nu sunt asa de bine.

2. Oh! Ce-I rau? E ceva problema?

3. Pai, nu e nimic serios. Numai multe probleme mici.

4. Vrei sa-mi spui despre ele?

5. Ieri giveta mi sa oprit si acum curge apa pe jos.

6. Vesti rale. Instalatori sunt foarte scumpi in zilele de astazi.

7. Nu numai aia. Am incercat sa o repar singur si am stricat si robinetul.

8. Aia nu e asa de rau. Poti sa o repui aia singur.

9. Pai, deja am incercat si acum tiava e sparta.

10. Uita, mai bine suni omul de reparati, si sa platesti pe cineva sa o

faca bine.

Biroul Personal

Cum pot sa te ajut domnule?

Poti sa-mi dai bani inapoi?

Produsul vostru nu functioneaza.

Care pare a fi problema?

Pot sa vorbesc cu menagerul?


CARD #28

1. John. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home.

2. I have to go out back and light the barbecue.

3. OK. I'll go outside with you and keep you company.

4. Great. Give me a hand, will you? Bring the salt and pepper with you.

5. OK. Do you need anything else?

6. No. I have the hot dogs and the hamburgers.

7. The rest of the stuff is already out there.

8. Do you cook outside a lot?

9. As much as possible. My wife isn't a very good cook.

10. But I prefer a thick, juicy steak myself.

On the Lawn

You have a very nice backyard.

Yes. It's a little too big though.

I hate to cut the grass.

Do you have a vegetable garden?

No. Just some flowers that I planted.


CARD #28

1. John. Haida inauntru si stai jos. Fate ca si acasa.

2. Trebuie sa ma duc in spate si sa aprind gratarul.

3. OK. O sa vin afara cu tine sa iti tin companie.

4. Grozav. Dami o mina de ajutor. Adu sarea si piperul cu tine.

5. OK. Ai nevoie si de altceva?

6. No. Am eu crembusi si hamburgarurile.

7. Restul din lucruri deja sunt acol.

8. Gatesti mult afara?

9. Cit de mult posibil. Sotia mea nu e prea buna bocatareasa.

10. Dar eu prefer un gratar gros si zamos.

Pe iarba

Ai gradina frumoasa.

Da. Dar e putin prea mare.

Trebuie sa tai iarba.

Ai gradina de vegetale?

Nu. Numai niste flori ce am plantat eu.


CARD #29

1. Hey Steve. What are you doing today?

2. I'm going over to the art museum today to help with a class.

3. Come in and tell me all about it.

4. Thanks. Well, they need someone to tell the school kids about art.

5. Sit down. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like anything?

6. Oh. No thanks. I just finished eating.

7. Do you know a lot about art?

8. No. You don't have to know about art to volunteer.

9. Why are you doing it?

10. Because it's a good way to meet people and to practice my English at the

same time.

In the Museum

Please don't touch the artworks.

Do you like sculpture or do you prefer the paintings?

I really like the old oil paintings myself.

Have you ever tried to learn how to paint?

Oh! I don't think I have the talent for painting.

You never know until you try!


CARD #29

1. Hey Steve. Ce faci astazi?

2. Ma duc la un Muzeu de Arta astazi ca sa ajut cu o clasa.

3. Haida inauntru si spunemi.

4. Multumesc. Pai, ei au nevoie de cineva sa le spuie copiilor de

scoala despre arta.

5. Stai jos. Fate comfortabil. Doresti ceva?

6. Oh. Nu multumesc. Numai ce am terminat de mincat.

7. Sti mult despre arta?

8. No. Nu trebuie sa sti despre arta sa fi voluntar.

9. De ce o faci?

10. Dece e un fel bun de a intilni oameni si sa prectic Engleza in acelas


La Muzeu

Te rog nu atinge lucririle de arta.

Iti place sculptura sau preferi pictureile?

Mie imi place picturile in ulei vechi.

Ai incercat sa inveti sa pictezi vreodata?

Oh! Nu cred caci am talentul pentru a picta.

Nici odata nu sti pana nu incerci.


CARD #30

1. I need to fill my car with gas and get the oil changed.

2. How are you paying? Cash or credit card?

3. Can I use my ATM card?

4. Sure. Just slide the card through the slot and enter your PIN number.

5. Do you want any cash back?

6. Yes. Can you give me $30.00? And I also need a new air filter.

7. OK. Here you go. Is there anything else I can help you with?

8. Well, I need to rotate and balance the tires.

9. Sure. We can do that. We always check the brakes at the same time.

10. Good. If it won't take too long, I'll wait in the lobby.

At the Gas Station

How much air pressure do I need in the tires?

We usually pump them up to about 35 pounds.

How often should I change the oil and rotate the tires?

We recommend doing it every 5,000 miles at least.


CARD #30

1. Imi trebuie sa imi umplu masina cu benzina si sa schimb uleiul.

2. Cum platesti? Cash sau Credit Card?

3. Pot sa imi folosesc cardul de ATM.

4. Sigur. Numai trece cardul prin fanta si pune codul.

5. Doresti cash inapoi?

6. Da. Poti sa-mi $30.00 si as dori un filtur de aer.

7. OK. Uita aici. Mai este altceva cu ce pot sa te ajut?

8. Pai, trebuie sa invart si sa balansez rotile.

9. Sigur. Putem sa facem noi aia. Noi intotdeauna verificam

frinele in acelas timp.

10. Bine. Daca nu o sa tie prea mult, o sa astept in camera de asteptare.

La Benzinarie

Cita presiune de aer imi trebuie la roti?

Normal le umplem pana la 35 de pounds.

Cit de des trebuie sa schimb uleiul si sa rotesc rotile?

Noi recomandam cam tot la 5,000 de mile pe putin.


CARD #31

1. Tom, can I borrow your English book?

2. I wish I could lend it to you, but yesterday I lost my English book.

3. Maybe you could get another one from the library.

4. O.K. In the meantime can I take a look at your notes from English class

last week?

5. Sure. Why didn't you go to class last week?

6. I told the teacher that I was sick, but that was just an excuse.

7. The truth is that I went to San Francisco with my girlfriend for a couple

of days.

8. Man! You shouldn't make up excuses like that!

9. Besides, you'll never learn English if you don't study every day and go to class.

10.O.K. No more excuses. May I please borrow a piece of paper and a pencil?

Excuses, Excuses

I'm sorry that I'm late. The traffic was terrible today.

I'm sorry that I broke your pencil. I didn't mean to do it.

I'm sorry I forgot about our date. I've just been so busy lately.

Can you ever forgive me?


CARD #31

1. Tom, pot sa imprumut cartea ta de Engleza?

2. Asi dori sa pot sa ti-o imprumut dar ieri miam pierdut cartea de Engleza.

3. Poate poti sa iei alta dela librarie.

4. O.K. Intre timp pot sa ma uit la notele tale din clasa de Engleza

de saptamana trecuta?

5. Sigur. De ce nu te-ai dus la clasa saptamana trecuta?

6. Am spus la invatator caci sunt bolnav dar aia a fost doar un motiv.

7. Adevarul e caci am fost la San Francisco cu prietena mea pentru

cateva zile.

8. Omule. Nu ar trebui sa bagi motive asa.

9. Pe linga, nici odata nu o sa inveti Engleza daca nu studiez in

fiecare zi si sa mergi la clasa.

10. O.K. Numai cu motive. Pot sa imprumut o coala de hartie si un creion?

Motive, Motive

Imi pare rau caci sunt tarziu. Traficul a fost teribil astazi.

Imi pare rau caci ti-am rupt creionul. Nu am vrut.

Imi pare rau caci am uitat despre intalnirea noastra. Am jost asa de

ocupat in ultimul timp.

Ai putea cumva sa ma ierti?


CARD #32

1. If I were you, I'd take a vacation. You need some time off.

2. I wish I could, but I can't afford one.

3. Then, I suggest that you go camping.

4. It's cheap and the forest is beautiful this time of year.

5. That's a great idea! Why don't you come with me?

6. That would be fun and I have a tent and sleeping bags.

7. Great! I have some camping equipment myself that we can use.

8. Do you know how to start a campfire?

9. Yes, but in California you need to get a fire permit from the Forest

Ranger Station first.

10. This is going to be so much fun. I love to hike in the mountains.

Giving Advice and Making Suggestions

I think you should take some time off from work.

Me too! What do you recommend?

Well, my advice is to look for a better job.

And I think you should mind your own business!

Well, I think you owe me an apology! O.K. I apologize.


CARD #32

1. Daca as fi in locul tau, mi-as lua o vacanta. Iti trebuie niste timp liber.

2. As dori sa pot, dar nu pot sa-mi permit.

3. Atunci, sugerez sa mergi in camp.

4. E ieftin si padurea e frumoasa in acest timp din an.

5. Aia e o ideie buna! De ce nu vi cu mine?

6. Ar fi distractiv si am cort si saci de dormit.

7. Grozav! Am si eu niste ecipament de camp care am putea folosi.

8. Sti sa aprinzi un foc de tabara?

9. Da. Dar in California trebuie sa iei un permit de foc dela Forest

Ranger Station in primul rind.

10. O sa fie asa de grozav. Imi place drumatia in munti.

Dind sfaturi si facand sugesti

Cred caci treubie sa iei niste timp liber dela lucru.

Si eu! Ce recomanzi?

Pai, te sfatuiesc sa te uiti pentru un serviciu mai bun.

Si eu cred caci trebuie sa iti vezi de atale!

Pai, Eu cred ca imi datorezi


CARD #33

1. What do you think, Judy, about this coat?

2. It really fits you very nicely.

3. Don't you agree with me Bob?

4. Well, yes, but the color would be better if it were darker.

5. I agree with Bob. It is too light.

6. Why don't you try on a different style?

7. That's a good idea. I need some new shirts and a black belt too.

8. Do you like solid colors or do you prefer stripes?

9. For work I need shirts that I can wear with a tie.

10. What's your opinion of this one? Oh! That's ugly!

At The Clothing Store

Can I help you find anything?

No thanks. We're just looking.

Well. Be sure to ask if you have any questions.

O.K. Do you have anything on sale today?

Sure. What size do you wear?


CARD #33

1. Ce crezi tu, Judy, despre haina aceasta?

2. Te cuprinde foarte bine.

3. Nu agreiezi cu mine Bob?

4. Pai, da, dar culoarea ar fi mai buna daca ar fi mai inchisa.

5. Agreiez cu tine Bob.

6. De ce nu incerci un stil diferit.

7. Aia e o ideie buna. Imi trebuie niste camesi si si o curea


8. Iti place culorile solide sau preferi cu dungi?

9. Pentru lucru imi trebuie camesi sa pot sa port cu cravata.

10. Care este opinia ta de asta? Oh! E urita.

La magazinul de haine

Pot sa te ajut sa gasasti ceva?

Nu multumesc. Numai ne uitam.

Pai. Sa ma intrebi daca ai ceva intrebari.

O.K. Ai ceva in reducere astazi?

Sigur. Ce marime porti?


CARD #34

1. Is that your dog? What's his name?

2. Her name is Daisy. She's a poodle.

3. Do you have any other pets?

4. Yes. I have two cats and a goldfish.

5. What about you? Do you like animals?

6. Well, I do, but they are very expensive.

7. Tell me about it. My pets cost me a fortune in food and vet bills.

8. I heard that pet birds can be really costly.

9. Yes. I have a friend that has to buy special food for his pet snake.

10.Don't tell me! I don't want to know!

Man's Best Friend

Can your dog do any tricks?

Sure. He's very smart. You won't believe what he did yesterday!

I dropped some money in the river and he jumped in to get it for me.

He brought back a big fish and twenty-five cents in change!!!


CARD #34

1. Acel este ciinele tau? Cum il cheama?

2. Numele EI este Daisy. Ea e poodle.

3. Ai si alte animale?

4. Da. Am doua pisici si un pestisor auriu.

5. Dar tu? Iti plac animalele?

6. Pai, imi plac dar sunt foarte scumpe.

7. Spunemi despre aceasta. Animalele mele ma costa o avere in

mincare si intretinerea medicala.

8. Am auzit caci pasarile pot fi foarte scumpe.

9. Da. Am un prieten care trebuie sa cumpere mincare speciala

pentru sarpele lui.

10. Nu-mi spune! Nu vreau sa stiu.

Cel Mai Bun Prieten al Omului

Poate cainele tau sa faca ceva truc?

Sigur. El este foarte destept. Tu nu o sa crezi ce a facut ieri!

Am scapat ceva bani in rau si el a sarit ca sa-i aduca.

El a adus inapoi un peste mare si 25 de centi in schimb!!!


CARD #35

1. Excuse me. Could I ask you something?

2. Sure. What do you need?

3. We're looking for Mrs. Johnson's classroom.

4. I think she's in Building B. Down this hallway and then turn left.

5. Hello. We're the Smiths. Our son Tommy is in your class.

6. Oh. How nice to meet you. Thanks for coming in for the parent-

teacher conference.

7. How's Tommy doing? His grades are pretty good.

8. He's a good student. He might be able to do even better with a little

more work.

9. Does he study at home in the evenings?

10. He's pretty good. Sometimes we have to make him turn off the TV.

Meeting The Teacher

Excuse me. May I talk to you for a minute?

Your daughter isn't behaving herself in class.

I'm not following you. What is she doing?

Well, she’s not paying attention in class, she’s talking to her neighbors, and

she’s disturbing the other students. Things like that.

Well, it was nice talking to you.


CARD #35

1. Scuza ma. Pot sa te intreb ceva?

2. Sigur. De ce ai nevoie?

3. Noi cautam clasa doamnei Johnson.

4. Cred ca e in cladirea B. Jos pe hol si apoi faci stanga.

5. Hello. Noi suntem Smith’s. Fiul nostru Tommy este in clasa ta.

6. Oh. Ce bine imi pare sa va intalnesc. Multumesc ca ati venit la

sedinta cu parinti.

7. Cum merge Tommy? Notele lui sunt destul foarte bune.

8. El este un student bun. El ar putea sa fie capabil sa mearga si

mai bine cu putin mai multa munca.

9. Studiaza acasa dupamasa?

10. Ii destul de bine. Cite-o data trebuie sa-l facem sa inchida televisorul.

Intalnind Invatatorul

Scuzama, pot sa vorbesc cu tine un minut?

Fata ta nu este cuminte in clasa.

Nu te urmaresc. Ce face?

Nu asculta in clasa, vorbeste cu vecini, si deranjeaza pe ceilalti

studenti, lucruri de felul acesta.

Bine, a fost o placere sa vorbesc cu tine.


CARD #36

1. Can I ask you something?

2. Well, I'm kind of busy at the moment.

3. It will only take a few minutes.

4. O.K. But I have a business meeting in fifteen minutes so it will have to be fast.

5. Maybe it would be better if we set up another time to get together.

6. I'd love to continue this conversation, but I really do have to go now.

7. Well, I don't want to take up any more of your time.

8. Sorry I'm so rushed right now. Maybe we can get together tomorrow.

9. Oh. I understand completely. Thanks anyway.

10. Please forgive me. I really have to run now.

Responding To Criticism

Oh! I'm so sorry.

I promise it won't happen again.

I'm sorry to hear that. Please forgive me.

Please accept my apology.


CARD #36

1. Pot sa te intreb ceva?

2. Pai, sunt cam ocupat pentru moment.

3. Nu o sa ia numai cateva minute.

4. O.K. Dar am o intilnire de afaceri in 15 minute, deci va trebui sa fie rapid.

5. Poate ar fi mai bine daca am programa pentru alta data sa ne intalnim.

6. Miar place sa continiu aceasta conversatie, dar chiar trebuie sa plec acum.

7. Bine, nu vreau sa-ti mai rapesc din timpul tau.

8. Imi pare rau, sunt asa grabit chiar acum. Poate putem sa ne intilnim maine.

9. Oh. Intaleg foarte bine(complect). Multumesc oricum.

10. Te rog iartama. Eu chiar trebuie s fug acum.

Raspunzand la Critica

Oh! Imi pare rau.

Promit ca nu se va mai intimpla.

Imi pare rau sa aud aceea. Te rog iartama.

Te rog accepta-mi scuzele.


CARD #37

1. Hello, James. Tell me, when was your last physical?

2. Hello, Doctor. Probably last year when I went out for the basketball team.

3. So is this your last year in school?

4. Yes. I am studying English literature and hope to be a teacher.

5. Excellent. What seems to be the problem today?

6. I have frequent backaches and headaches.

7. Are you getting enough exercise on a daily basis?

8. Not much. Not since basketball season ended.

9. How about nutrition? Well, doctor, I've been on a diet actually.

10. You need more protein in your diet and regular exercise.

At The Doctors Office

First we need to get your vital statistics.

How tall are you? What is your weight?

Well, John, you would be the perfect weight if you were just eight feet tall.

Take two (2) of these daily. One is Vitamin E and the other is for the headaches.


CARD #37

1. Buna, James. Spunemi cind ti-a fost ultimul control medical.

2. Buna, Doctore. Probabil anul trecut cand eu am fost scos in

echipa de baschet.

3. Deci este acesta ultimul tau an in scoala?

4. Da. Studiez Literatura Engleza si sper sa fiu invatator.

5. Excelent. Ce problema pare sa fie astazi?

6. Am dureri de spate si de cap fregvent.

7. Faci exerciti destule zilnic?

8. Nu mult. Nu de cand sa terminat sesonul de bascet.

9. Dar despre nutritie? Pai, doctore, eu sunt la regim de fapt.

10. Ai nevoie de mai multe proteine in regimul tau si exerciti regulate.

La Cabinetul Doctorului

Prima data trebuie sa luam statisticile vitale.

Ce inaltime ai? Care este greutatea ta?

Bine, John, greutatea ta ar fi perfecta daca tu ai avea inaltimea de 8 ft.

Ia doua (2) din acestea zilnic. Una este vitamina E si cealalta este

pentru durere de cap.


CARD #38

1. What time is our business meeting tomorrow?

2. The boss wants us all to meet in the conference room at 9:00 a.m.

3. Do you know what's on the agenda?

4. We're going to talk about new product ideas first. I know that much.

5. And probably cost reductions. We're always trying to cut costs around here.

6. Well, profits are always slim during a recession.

7. Why don't we just raise our prices? That would increase our profit.

8. I disagree with you. We would just sell less.

9. I'm not sure I agree with that.

10.It seems to me that we have a product people really want.

Meetings, Meetings, and More Meetings

Could you tell us more about your ideas?

In other words, you think that we should lower our prices.

Sorry for interrupting, but that just won't work either.

Not everyone will agree with me, but here's what I think we should do.


CARD #38

1. La cit este intilnirea noastra de afaceri miine.

2. Seful vrea sa ne intilnim in sala de conferinta la 9:00 a.m.

3. Tu sti ce este pe agenda?

4. Noi vom vorbi in primul rand despre idea noului produs, Stiu

doar atat.

5. Si probabil reduceri de cost. Noi tot deauna incercam sa taiem

din preturi pe aicia.

6. Bine, profiturile sunt slabe in timpul crizei.

7. De ce noi nu doar urcam preturile? Aia ar ridica profiturile.

8. Eu desagreezi cu tine. Noi am vinde mai puin.

9. Eu nu sunt sigur caci agreiez cu tine.

10. Mie imi pare caci noi avem un product care oameni doresc.

Afaceri, Afaceri, si mai multe afaceri

Poti sa-ne spui mai mult despre ideile tale?

In alte cuvinte tu crezi ca noi ar trebuii sa scadem preturile.

Imi pare rau pentru intrerupere, dar nici aceea nu va lucra.

Nu toti vor agrea cu mine, dar asta-i ce cred eu caci ar trebui sa facem.


CARD #39

1. So, how is your English coming along?

2. Pretty good. I understand almost everything.

3. But I still make mistakes once in awhile.

4. Well, it's hard work to learn a foreign language.

5. Yes. My teacher says it sometimes takes years to master.

6. And you have to practice every day. Otherwise you will begin to forget

the words again.

7. If you can't find someone to talk to, you can buy English tapes to

practice with at home.

8. Yes. And reading a lot of books or newspapers keeps your vocabulary up.

9. Movies and TV shows are good practice too.

10. But they use so much slang it's hard to follow.

Find A Friend

The best way to practice is to find someone that speaks only English.

Meet a neighbor or join a club.

Visit a retirement (assisted living) home and ask for someone who needs

company and would like to meet a new friend.

Of course, the best way is to get a handsome American boyfriend.


CARD #39

1. Deci, cum iti merge Engleza?

2. Destul de bine. Intaleg aproape tot.

3. Dar tot fac greseli din cind in cind.

4. Pai, e munca grea sa inveti o limba straina.

5. Da. Invatatorul spune citeodata iti ia ani ca sa o stapanesti.

6. Si tu trebuie sa practici zilnic. Pe de alta parte tu vei incepe sa uiti

cuvinte din nou.

7. Daca nu poti sa gasesti pe cineva cu care poti sa vorbesti, tu poti

cumpara casete cu Engleza cu care sa practici acasa.

8. Da. Si cititul multor carti sau ziare iti mentine vocabularul.

9. Filmele si sourile de la televizor sunt o practica buna de asemenea.

10. Dar ei folosec asa de multe jargoane caci e greu de urmarit.

Gaseste un Prieten

Cel mai bun fel a practica este sa gasesti un prieten care vorbeste numai Engleza.

Intilneste un vecin sau ia parte de un club.

Viziteaza un azil de batrini si cere pe cineva care are nevoie de companie si i-ar place

sa intalneasca un nou prieten.

Bine inteles, cea mai buna cale e ca sa iei un prieten frumos American.


CARD #40

1. You don't have to leave already, do you?

2. Yes. We really must be going.

3. Well, I don't want to take up any more of your time.

4. I'd love to continue this conversation, but I just have so much to do today.

5. I understand. Maybe we can get together again sometime.

6. I'd like that. Call me and we'll get together for lunch. O.K.?

7. That would be great! I'll talk to you again soon.

8. Take it easy. See you later.

9. I can't tell you how much I'm going to miss you.

10. I've got to go now! I hate good-byes!

Saying Goodbye!!!

Goodbye! We love you!

Don't forget to write.

Do you have my E-Mail address?

Come back and see us again soon!!!


CARD #40

1. Tu nu trebuie sa pleci inca, trebuie?

2. Da. Noi chiar trebuie sa plecam.

3. Bine, nu vreau ca sa mai iau din timpul tau.

4. Mi-ar place sa continui conversatia aceasta, dar am atatea de facut


5. Intaleg. Poate putem sa ne mai intilnim cindva.

6. Miar place. Suna-ma si ne vom mai intilni la pranz. O.K.?

7. Aceea va fi grozav. Voi vorbi cu tine curind.

8. Iau-o usor. Te vad mai tarziu.

9. Nu pot sa-ti spun cit de dor imi va fi de tine.

10. Trebuie sa plec acum! Urasc despartirile.

Spunind la revedere

La revedere! Noi te iubim.

Nu uita sa scrii.

Ai adresa mia de e-mail?

Vino inapoi si sa e vedem din nou curind!!!


Rhythm #1

English Rhythms

CATS EAT MICE. (3 Beats)

The CATS EAT MICE. (3 Beats)

The CATS EAT the MICE. (3 Beats)

The CATS have EATEN the MICE. (3 Beats)

The CATS might have EATEN the MICE (3 Beats)


Rhythm #2

English Rhythms KIDS LOVE TOYS. (Again 3 beats)

The KIDS LOVE TOYS. (Again 3 beats)

The KIDS LOVE the TOYS. (Again 3 beats)

The KIDS might LOVE the TOYS. (Again 3 beats)

The KIDS might have LOVED the TOYS. (Again 3 beats)


Rhythm #3

English RhythmsHere is one with four (4) beats. Imagine yourself as the conductor of a large group of musicians:



a ONE and a TWO and a THREE and a FOUR

a ONE and then a TWO and then a THREE and then a FOUR


Rhythm #4

English Rhythms

Here is a "Rhythm" exercise to practice with:

I read the book.

I read the book that you lent.

I read the book that you lent to me.

I read the book that you lent to me yesterday.

I read the book that you lent to me yesterday at the coffee shop.

I read the book that you lent to me yesterday at the coffee shop beside the parking


I read the book that you lent to me yesterday at the coffee shop beside the parking lot

near the apartment.


Rhythm #5

English RhythmsSay this “Rhythm” softly like you are whispering:

Here is a Rhythm with /th/ sound:

1. It’s nothing.

2. I told you it’s nothing.

3. I thought I told you it’s nothing.

4. I thought I told you a thousand times it’s nothing.

5. I thought I told you a thousand times it’s nothing worth thinking through.

6. I thought I told you a thousand times it’s nothing worth thinking through at

the theater.

7. I thought I told you a thousand times it’s nothing worth thinking through at

the theater on Thursday, enthusiastically.


Rhythm #6

English RhythmsSay this “Rhythm” loud like you are angry!

Here is another Rhythm with a different /th/ sound:

1. Don’t bother.

2. Don’t bother your father.

3. Don’t bother your father, ask your mother.

4. Don’t bother your father, ask your mother then your brother.

5. Don’t bother your father, ask your mother then your brother you have


6. Don’t bother your father, ask your mother then your brother you have

another sister and another brother.

7. Don’t bother your father, ask your mother then your brother you have

another sister and another brother you can bother.


Rhythm #7

English RhythmsA rhythm that works on the letter /l/:

1. My love called me.

2. My love called me late.

3. My love called me late last night.

4. My love called me late last night to let me know.

5. My love called me late last night to let me know that he would leave.

6. My love called me late last night to let me know that he would leave


7. My love called me late last night to let me know that he would leave

Illinois and go to California.

8. My love called me late last night to let me know that he would leave

Illinois and go to California to look for a little work.


Rhythm #8

English RhythmsHere is a Rhythm that works on the letter /r/:

1. My brother wrote.

2. My brother wrote his secretary a card.

3. My brother wrote his secretary a card three times.

4. My brother wrote his secretary a card three times to ask her.

5. My brother wrote his secretary a card three times to ask her to marry


6. My brother wrote his secretary a card three times to ask her to marry

him but she worried.

7. My brother wrote his secretary a card three times to ask her to marry

him but she worried about how to react.


Rhythm #9

English RhythmsA rhythm that works on the letter /e/:

1. He used to sleep.

2. He used to sleep at least thirteen hours.

3. He used to sleep at least thirteen hours, eat ham and cheese.

4. He used to sleep at least thirteen hours, eat ham and cheese, and leave

the house.

5. He used to sleep at least thirteen hours, eat ham and cheese and leave

the house to play soccer.

6. He used to sleep at least thirteen hours, eat ham and cheese, and leave

the house to play soccer on a team.

7. He used to sleep at least thirteen hours, eat ham and cheese, and leave

the house to play soccer on a team until he hurt his heel.


Rhythm #10

English RhythmsAnd here is a Rhythm that works on the letter /i/:

1. It was silly.

2. It was silly that my sister Cindy picked.

3. It was silly that my sister Cindy picked the simple red bricks.

4. It was silly that my sister Cindy picked the simple red bricks to fix the


5. It was silly that my sister Cindy picked the simple red bricks to fix the

doorway since the color simply didn’t fit.

6. It was silly that my sister Cindy picked the simple red bricks to fix the

doorway since the color simply didn’t fit into the vintage style house.


Rhythm #11

English RhythmsThis Rhythm will help you work on the letter /b/:

1. The boy.

2. The boy’s brother.

3. The boy’s brother used to be a bad baseball player.

4. The boy’s brother used to be a bad baseball player, but now he is

probably the best.

5. The boy’s brother used to be a bad baseball player, but now he is

probably the best baseball player.

6. The boy’s brother used to be a bad baseball player, but now he is

probably the best baseball player on his baseball team.


Rhythm #12

English RhythmsThis Rhythm will help you with the letter /v/:

1. They live.

2. They live in a valley.

3. They live in a valley and bought a very expensive television.

4. They live in a valley and bought a very expensive television, video.

5. They live in a valley and bought a very expensive television, video

and oven.

6. They live in a valley and bought a very expensive television, video

and oven so they invited us over.

7. They live in a valley and bought a very expensive television, video

and oven so they invited us over to show off their valuables.


Rhythm #13


English RhythmsThis Rhythm will help you with the letter /w/:

1. Who wants?

2. Who wants a window?

3. Who wants a window wound down?

4. Who wants a window wound down in the wind?

5. Who wants a window wound down in the wind on a winding way?

6. Who wants a window wound down in the wind on a winding way in

the west?

7. Who wants a window wound down in the wind on a winding way in

the west when driving in Wyoming?


Before You Start . . .

Setting A Goal

I need to improve my accent and pronunciation so that

I can __________________________________________________________________




This is what I will do in the next three months (12 weeks) to be certain that I hit my goal:


Now! Find out what goal 3 other students have set for themselves and what they will do to hit their goal. Are they

the same as yours or different?


Conversation Starter #1

How to Begin a ConversationHello. How are you?

I am fine, thanks, and you?

I am very good.

What is your name?

My name is Fred.

Nice to meet you Fred.

Great! Now you’re talking. Ask each other questions. Find out all about each

other. For example:

Where are you from?Are you married or single?

How long have you studied English?How long have you been in the United States?

Now find another conversation partner and practice again!


Conversation Starter #2

Tell Me About Your Family

Do you have a big family?

Yes, it’s very big. What about you?

No. My family is very small.

Do you have any pictures?

Sure. Would you like to see them?

Bring in pictures of your family to class. Show the other students your

pictures and tell them about your family.

Pictures of your Children.

Pictures of your Mother and Father.

How about Brothers, Sisters, Aunts and Uncles?

Do you have pictures of your Grandfather and Grandmother?

Now ask another student to see their pictures and hear about their family.


Conversation Starter #3

Ending A ConversationHi. Do you remember me? We met last week in English class.Yes, of course, I do. But I’m afraid that I’ve forgotten your name.Bill. Bill Smith. And your name is Maria, isn’t it?Yes. It is. Nice to see you again Bill.Very nice to see you, too, Maria.

Now say “Excuse me”, and end the conversation . . .

Oh! Look at the time. I really have to go.

Could we get together later today?

No, I have so many things to do today.

Well, it was really nice talking with you.

Yes, I hope that I see you again sometime!

Now find another partner and practice saying “Hello” and “Goodbye”!


Conversation Starter #4

Which Do You Prefer?

Hi, Sandy! Would you like something to drink?Yes. That would be very nice. It is really hot today!Do you prefer iced tea or a cold soda?Actually, I prefer the ice tea to the soda.O.K. Sit down and make yourself comfortable while I get the drinks.

Now find a Conversation Partner and ask them which of the following things they prefer. Then ask them why they prefer that one to the other one.

Pepsi CokeRunning Biking

Mountains OceanBears TigersDogs Cats

Hamburg HotdogSoup Salad

Classical Music JazzTango SalsaBooks Movies

Now find another Conversation Partner and see if they prefer the same things that your first Partner preferred.


Conversation Starter #5

Taking Telephone Messages(Ring! Ring!) Hello.

Hello. Is (Teacher’s name) there?

No. I’m sorry but he’s not here right now. Can I take a message?

Yes. Would you tell him that (Your name) called and that


First you will be given a Message for your Teacher. Then you will call another student and give them the message. They will then give the message to the Teacher.

Student Name Telephone Number Message






*Sample messages are on Page #130.


Conversation Starter #6

Making Excuses(Ring! Ring!) Hello.

Hello. Is (Your Friend’s Name) there?

Yes. Speaking.

Hi (Your Friend’s Name) this is (Your Name). And I am calling

about our lunch today because (Reason For The Call).

First get five telephone numbers of classmates. Please write down your classmate’s name and telephone number. Then select a card with your “reason for the call”.Student Name Telephone Number Reason






*Sample reasons for the call are on Page #131.


Conversation Starter #7

At The Restaurant

MENUStarters Bread and Butter ………..……………………………………………..……..………$5.49Garlic Bread …..………………………………………………………...……………$5.99French Onion Soup ……………………………………………….…....................….$4.49Vegetable Soup ………………………………………………………………………$3.99Calamari …...…………………………………………………………………………$7.99

Ask your waiter about the soup of the day!!

Main coursesRoast Beef with mixed vegetables …..……………….....…………………………..$14.00Grilled Lamb Chops with garlic sauce ……………………………...………………$15.00Broiled Salmon with lemon butter …….....…………………………………………$12.00Steak & Grilled Shrimp .……………………………………...…………………….$15.00Spaghetti with Meat balls ….……………………………………………...…………$9.00Seafood Pasta…………………………………………………………….………….$10.00

Dessert Ice Cream (Vanilla, Chocolate, or Strawberry) ……….…………….……………….$3.00Blueberry Cheese Cake……….………………………..…………….……………….$5.00Apple Pie………………………………………………………..………………….....$4.00

DrinksCoffee…………………………………………………………………………………$2.50Coke, Pepsi, and Sprite …………….………………………………………..……….$2.50Juice (Orange, Apple, or Cranberry) …..….………………………………………….$3.50Wine (Red or White) …...………………………………….…………………………$5.50

You want to go to a very nice restaurant for a special dinner. Select a Conversation Partner to take phone calls for Dinner Reservations. Then have another student act as Hostess and seat the “guests” and give them the Menu. Finally, have your “Waiter” take your orders and serve the food. Don’t forget to pay the bill . . . and leave a tip for the waiter!!!


Conversation Starter #8

Pardon The Interruption

Two people practice starting a conversation and then another student comes over and interrupts their conversation. One of the students practices ending the conversation and leaving:

Excuse me. Do you mind if I talk to Sherrie for a minute?

Oh, no, not at all. I have to go anyway.

Thank you so much! See you again soon.

Have a nice day you two!

You too!

Then the person leaving becomes “the interrupter” and goes to find two other people that are having a conversation. This way you can practice starting, ending, and interrupting conversations at the same time.


Conversation Starter #9

What’s For Dinner Tonight?

What are we having for dinner tonight?

I don’t know. What do you want?

I don’t know either. How about fish?

O.K. We haven’t had fish for a long time.

Find a classmate and start a conversation. Ask them what they are going to have for dinner tonight. Then ask them what they had for dinner last night. Tell them about your meals.

Student Name Last Night Plans For Tonight







Conversation Starter #10

Would You Repeat That Please?

I’ve been studying “veganism”.

I don’t know that word. How do you spell it? V E G A N I S M.

I’m afraid that I don’t understand. Can you tell me the meaning?

Oh, sure. That’s when you don’t eat any animal products.

Well, what are some examples of things that you can eat?

Spelling Meaning Examples

Your Teacher will give you a card with words that the other students do not know. They have to ask you questions about your word until they understand all about it. Then you have to ask questions about their card.*Sample Cards are on Page #132.


Conversation Starter #11

What’s wrong? / What’s the matter?You don’t look well. What’s wrong with you?

I’ve had a headache and a sore throat since last night.

Well, maybe you caught a cold.

You should take an aspirin and drink hot tea with lemon.

Examples of Symptomssore throat bad cough rash sprained wrist a bad burn cut have allergies stomachache have a fever stomach flu toothache

Examples of Adviceapply lotion take pain medicine take an aspirintake a blood test drink fluids get some rest need an operation pregnancy test chicken soupcough syrup hot tea with lemon see a doctor

Ask your partner about their symptoms and give some advice!!


Conversation Starter #12

How Often Do You . . . . . ?How often do you work-out?

Three times a week. What about you?

Me? Never! I’m in such bad shape.

Well, it’s never too late to start working out you know.

Frequency wordsNever AlwaysSometimes UsuallyOften Not very oftenTwice a week A couple of times a year Everyday Once a day

Find a classmate and start a conversation. Ask how often they do these activities. You can also add some more questions that you want to ask.

Activity Classmate’s Name How Often?Speak EnglishCheck your e-mailGo shoppingGo to schoolGo out to eatClean your houseTake a showerCall your mother


Conversation Starter #13

Helping Or Hurting?

With your classmates make a list of things “Helping” you

get to your Goal. Then make a list of things “Hurting” you

and keeping you from getting to your Goal.

*Look at Page #101 to review your Goal!

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

Now work together to find Solutions to your Problems.

How can you help each other to reach your Goals?


Conversation Starter #14

The Best Place To Vacation.

June, I heard that you are going to visit my country next month.

Yes, but I don’t know where to go. Where do you recommend?

Well, actually there are a lot of good places to go in my country.

But I don’t have a lot of time. So, where is the best place to go?

Find a Conversation Partner that is from a country different from the

country where you were born. Now ask them to tell you about the best

place to go on vacation in their country. Ask for all the information that

you would need to see everything and do everything on vacation.

Have them draw you a map:

Remember you can only visit one time so you have to go to the “best place”.

Now tell them about the best place to go on vacation in your country!


Conversation Starter #15

How Do I Get To . . . ?

A: Excuse me. Is there a hotel near here?

B: Yes, there’s a hotel on the corner of 1st Ave. and Beach Drive.

A: How do I get there from the Post Office?

B: At the traffic light, turn right and go straight ahead. It’s on

your right.

*Ask your conversation partner how to get to 3 different places/from 3 different places…….using the expressions below.

Where would I find the …? At the stoplightWould you tell me the best way to…? Go straight ahead.

Turn right onto … /Make a right turn onto…. Go all the way to…

Next to … Between

At the end of… On the corner…

In front of… Behind….

Around the corner… When you get to…

At the stop sign … Sorry, I don’t live around here.


Conversation Starter #16

What Would You Like To Do?

Hey Bobby! Would you like to go for a bike ride in the park?

I’d like to but I can’t. I have to go to the supermarket with my


Maybe we can do it after you get back. Give me a call, O.K.?

O.K. But it might be pretty late before we get back.

Think of something that you would like to do . . . and something

that you have to do. Now find a classmate and ask them to tell

you what they would like to do and what they have to do.

Student Name Like To D Have To Do







Conversation Starter #17

At The Post Office

Hello. I would like to get a post office box for my new business.

Certainly. I just need you to fill out this application for me.

O.K. May I borrow a pen, please?

Of course, there’s one over there on the counter you can use.

APPLICATION FOR POST OFFICE BOX FULL NAME _________________________________________________

(First) (Middle)(Last)

SEX M F COLOR EYES __________ COLOR HAIR __________DATE OF BIRTH ___/ ___/ ___ HEIGHT _______ WEIGHT ________


MAILING ADDRESS ____________________________ APT. # ___________________________________________________________________CITY _________________________ STATE _____ ZIP CODE ________TELEPHONE # (____) _______ - _______________EMAIL ADDRESS ________________________@__________________

SIGNATURE _________________________________________________

Now find a Conversation Partner and exchange forms.

Write a letter to your Conversation Partner.

Say something ice about them in your letter.

Get an envelope from your Teacher.

Address the envelope and put the letter inside.

Give the letter to your Teacher.


Conversation Starter #18

Talking About The Wedding.

I heard that Sara just got married!

Yes, the wedding was last Sunday.

It must have been a beautiful wedding.

It was, and the music was terrific.

Oh! I’m sure she was a beautiful bride.

Bring in pictures from your wedding (or your parents

wedding) to share with the class. Show the other

students your wedding pictures and answer these


1. How did you meet? Was it “Love at first sight?”

2. How did he propose marriage?

3. Describe the wedding.

4. Where did you get married?

5. Where did you go on your “Honeymoon”?

6. How long have you been married now?

Now find another student with wedding pictures to enjoy!


Conversation Starter #19

What are we going to do tonight?

Hey, it’s Friday. What are we going to do tonight?

I want to go out dancing. What about you?

I feel like dinner and a movie.

How about pizza at Adolfo’s and then we go dancing!

Write down three things you might want to do tonight.(1)



Find a conversation partner and ask them what they want to

do tonight. Then, tell your partner about your plans.

Decide what you and your partner can do together.


Conversation Starter #20

Talking About Last Weekend.

Hi. How was your weekend?

Actually, it was really great!

Really? What did you do?

We went to San Francisco and saw a play.

Oh! That must have been so much fun!

Find a classmate and start a conversation.

Ask them to tell you what they did last weekend.

Student Name Did Last Weekend






Now tell them what you did last weekend!


Conversation Starter #21

Talking About Next Weekend.

What are your plans for next weekend?

I’m not sure yet. But I would really like to go to the beach.

That sounds like fun! I have to stay home. I have a lot of

work to do.

Well, that doesn’t sound like any fun at all!

Find a classmate (preferably one that doesn’t speak your

language) and start a conversation. Ask them what they are

going to do next weekend.

Student Name Plans For Next Weekend






Now tell them what you are going to do next weekend!


Conversation Starter #22

Have you ever gone to…?

Have you ever gone to Australia?

Yes, I went there last year for a week.

You did! Where all did you go and what did you do?

I went to the Sydney Opera House. It was so


Find a Conversation Partner and then ask them if they have ever gone to any country (or city) on the map. Then, ask as many questions as you can think of about their trip.

Now tell them about a place you have gone and let them ask you questions about your trip.


Conversation Starter #23

Plans For Your Vacation.

Do you have any plans for your vacation?

I’m planning on going to Europe with my family. How about you?

I’m not sure but I’m thinking about camping at Lake Tahoe.

That sounds like a lot of fun!

Write three things that you want to do during vacation(1)



Find a classmate and start a conversation. Ask about their plans for vacation and tell them your plans, too!!

Student Name Plans for Vacation1





Conversation Starter #24

Talking About Music

Do you like music?

Oh yes! I really like music!

Do you play a musical instrument?

Well, I play the piano a little. But I’m not very good.

What kind of music do you listen to usually?

Name Type of Music Favorite Artist Favorite Song




Now find someone who likes the same type of music that you like.


Conversation Starter #25

Education And Work Experience

Well, I went to High School in Oregon. But I studied Accounting

at the University of California in San Diego. My first job was

with a manufacturing company. But right now I am not

working. I would like to find something in advertising.

Find a Conversation Partner and complete all the information about their Education and Work Experience. Then let them complete the chart about your experience.School Dates Attended Subjects Studied

Company Job Title Dates Salary Duties

Now work with your Classmate to prepare a Resume!


Conversation Starter #26

Talking About The Future

So, Carol, what will you do after school is finished?

I have a job lined-up in a small dress shop downtown.

Oh! That sounds like a very good experience.

Yes, I have to save some money to go to college.

Why? What do you want to study?

Fashion Design. I want to have my own line of clothes.

Find out what your Classmates are going to do in the future:

Student Name Next Year 5 Years 10 Years

Now! Tell the Class about their hopes and dreams!


Conversation Starter #27

Tell Me About Yourself

You are interviewing students for a job. Ask them to tell you all

about themselves. You are to write down everything they tell

you. Which student is the best candidate for the job?

Well, I was born in Thailand. But I studied Engineering in

Singapore. I have seven sisters and two brothers, and I really

like sailing and golf. Someday, I would like to work in Europe.

Applicant #1 Applicant #2 Applicant #3

Now report your findings to the class!


Evaluating Your Accomplishments

Go back to Page #1 and look at your written goal. How would

you describe your progress toward reaching your goal? Where

do you think you are today?

Answer the following questions: Yes No

11、 I feel comfortable talking to my neighbors in English.

12、 I have no problem speaking English with my boss at work.

13、 On the telephone speaking English is easy.

14、 Talking to Teachers at School is enjoyable in English.

15、 When shopping I can get information in English.

16、 At the Bank, Post Office and Library I can speak English.

17、 With the Doctor or at the Hospital I do not need a translator.

18、 I can go to a Job Interview and speak only English.

19、 If a friend has a problem I can translate for them.

20、 Mr. Stan’s is the best English Language Program ever!

Thank You for using Mr. Stan’s English Language Program!!!


Appendix for Conversation Starter #5. . . Messages For Your Teacher.

His soccer game is canceled. You can’t meet with him at two

o’clock tomorrow

You want him to call you. You have to work tomorrow and

cannot come to class.

His Dentist appointment has

been moved to three o’clock.

His Doctor appointment has

been moved to Thursday.

You will come to school next

Friday to talk to him.

You will return his CD


You found his wallet. You need the money that he

borrowed from you.

Does he want free tickets to the

Theater on Sunday?.

His class has been canceled

because of bad weather.

His mother is home from the

Hospital and wants him to visit.

Your child is sick so you have to

go to the Doctor.

You missed the test and want to

reschedule a time to take it.

It is his Birthday and you want

to wish him a Happy Birthday.


Appendix for Conversation Starter #6 . . . Reasons For Your Call.

Your car won’t start. You have to work through lunch

today for a big meeting later.

You have to stop at the bank to

get some money.

Your child is sick and you have

to go see the Doctor.

You are stuck in traffic and you

are going to be very late.

Your Mother’s Doctor

appointment is changed to today.

Your cousin from out of town is

calling from the airport.

You need directions to the

restaurant and are on the way.

You have to take the cat to the


You forgot all about your Dental

appointment today.

An old boyfriend (girlfriend)

wants to have lunch with you.

You are not feeling very well

today and may be sick.

Your husband’s (wife’s) mother

is in the hospital.

Your husband (wife) just invited

their boss to dinner tonight.

Your Boss just called and wants

you to come in to work.

You haven’t finished your

homework yet!


Appendix for Conversation Starter #10 . . . Would You Repeat That Please?


Meaning: belonging or relating to a group of pipe-shaped musical instruments which are played by blown through a thin flattened tube at one end or across a hole near one end.Examples: Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Saxophone


Meaning: musical instruments that you play by hitting them with your hand or object such a stick.Examples: Piano, Drum, Tambourine


Meaning: musical instruments made of metal and played by blowing.Examples: Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba


Meaning: a thin wire or cord which is stretched across a musical instrument and is used toproduce a range of notes which depend on its thickness, length and tightness.Examples: Violin, Cello, Guitar


Meaning: Animal which lives both on land and in water but must lay its eggs in water.Examples: Frog, Newt, Toad


Meaning: an animal which produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm.Examples: Alligator, Crocodile, Rattlesnake, Turtle, Lizard


Meaning: any animal of which the female gives birth to babies, not eggs, and feeds them on milk from her own body.Examples: Whale, Seal, Otter, Dolphin and Human Beings!



Stan Burmich earned his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) from Ohio University and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Stanford University. He lived in France for three years studying French and then worked in International Sales and Marketing positions for large high-tech multi-national companies for more than 20 years traveling extensively.

He has been teaching ESL for the last 10 years and is the author of several language books.

Mr. Stan’s English Language Program has been translated into 30 different languages and is used by students around the world.

His belief that people of any age can acquire the perfect accent in any language if given the proper material and teaching method resulted in the creation of a bi-lingual accent reduction program that stresses the 1000 most frequently used words in the English language. By utilizing scientifically research proven methods that have only been discovered in the last couple of years, students can learn English much more quickly and develop an excellent “American English Accent” in less time than ever thought possible before.

For more information visit:



Textbook includes an Audio CD Program with40 Dialogues of typical American situations using the 1000 most frequently used words in English. All words are presented in-context and are perfect for an English only immersion program.

Conversation Starters are designed to give you “Chunks of English” in high frequency situations such as taking a telephone message. The places where you will have to use English every day in the same way.

Audacity voice recording software is a like having a tape recorder on your computer. You can practice whole sentences or single words over and over. You can get “instant feedback” on your accent by recording the dialogues along with the original and comparing them side-by-side.

English Rhythms let you practice your accent and target specific sounds that may give you problems such as the “TH” sounds or the “L” or “R” sounds. You can repeat as often as necessary to get the perfect American English accent.

This unique combination of practice formats is a research based system and has been scientifically shown to both speed up English language learning and to ensure proper pronunciation from the very beginning.

[email protected].$60.00/Canada $69.00


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