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  • 8/14/2019 Company Thomas Artzt


  • 8/14/2019 Company Thomas Artzt


    Our enterprise helps toopen you lines of business

    again and your productsbetter to marked out, in

    order to develop contactsin Germany and maintain


    We are on the search for newbusiness partner and final

    customer, new sales marketsfor these enterprises. Thus we

    promote the import exportbetween the countries and

    contribute to the stimulation of the economic situation.

    We offer the possibility new toyou. To bring products into the

    market or to increase with

    already imported products theconversion!

    The world grows together, theborders and the tariffs falls.We work as an internationalcommercial representation.

    We represent qualifiedmanufacturers, as well as

    wholesale houses from theworld market and

    successfully obtain theproducts manufactured for

    our customers.

    The motivated team of theindustrial agency Thomas

    Artzt, under the direction of Thomas Artzt, sees its task

    being additional in it, for thetraditional function of theclassical general agency a

    reliable link betweenmanufacturers and German

    customers, the understandingon both pages creates for each


    W E A R E R E P R E S EN T A T I V E S

  • 8/14/2019 Company Thomas Artzt


    You produce we sell

    Representation of your enterprise

    An address of their enterprise inGermany

    A competent selling partner

    A base of their enterprise in d irectcustomer proximity

    A competent selling partner in hissurrounding field is been versed in thebest way

    An agency of their enterprise with thenecessary bite

    A specialist for problem solutionsapproximately around the sales

    A constant advisor and informant forrepresented companies and customers

    Sales office in customer proximity

  • 8/14/2019 Company Thomas Artzt


    Enterprise conception

    The motivated team of the industrial agency ThomasArtzt, under the direction of Thomas Artzt, sees its task

    being additional in it, for the traditional function of theclassical general agency a reliable link betweenmanufacturers and German customers, theunderstanding on both pages creates for each other.

    Our enterprise helps to open you lines of businessagain and your products better to marked out, in orderto develop contacts in Germany and maintain these.

    The world grows together, the borders and the tariffsfalls. We work as an international commercialrepresentation. We represent qualified manufacturers,

    as well as wholesale houses from the world market andsuccessfully obtain the products manufactured for ourcustomers.

    We are on the search for new business partner andfinal customer, new sales markets for theseenterprises. Thus we promote the import exportbetween the countries and contribute to the stimulationof the economic situation.

  • 8/14/2019 Company Thomas Artzt


    We are a industrie and a commercial representation with seat at the edge of the Ruhr district in Germany. Our company is a steady enterprise withextensive experiences in the area of the selling of consumer goods and capitalgoods in completely Germany.

    By our good contacts to industrial enterprises of all industries: Specializedtechnical, specialist dealer, consumer markets, cash & Carry, versandhandel,department stores, furniture markets, carpet markets, building markets, officemarkets, technique markets, home textiles, supermarkets as well as

    Air and space industry, automobile industry, automation/robot industry,chemical industry, electrical and electronic industry, interior arrangements,furniture, household industry, leather and fur industry, leather and shoeindustry, metal and machine industry, measuring and automatic controlindustry, medicine, medical mechanisms and technology, Kosmetik, pape rindustry, plastic industry, souvenir, gift article, arts and crafts, toys, textile

    industry, textile, Konfektion and equipment industry, transportation,storekeeping, packing industry, clock and decoration industry

    we offer the possibility of bringing new products into the market or of increasing with already imported products the conversion!

    Our industrie and commercial representation are partner after two sides.For the represented enterprises we take over the sales function. The versatileactivities of our commercial representation lead to the fact that we can giveboth information as well as advice and assistance to the representedcompanies and the customers.

    Apart from the contractual connection the common interest inpreservation and extension of the customer master and the increase of theconversions steps in the relationship of our commercial representation to the

    represented companies. Also to the customers our owner and the coworkersof our commercial representation have a close relationship, which is carried bymutual confidence, and which represents a substantial condition for successfulselling.

    In regular business attendance the customers are informed and advised.They profit from cooperation with commercial representations also by the factthat they can be during a commercial representation by the arrangedassortment an offer supplementing products and complete so the purchasewith few business partners more rationally. Also they have a fast attainablecompetent partner for questions and problems always. The business successof our commercial representation is closely linked with the business success of the companies, for which we are active. Our commercial representation canhave only success in the long term, if it makes constantly business withcontent customers possible for the companies represented by us.

    W e are aindustrie and a


  • 8/14/2019 Company Thomas Artzt


    Sales office in customer proximity Representation of your enterprise An address of their enterprise in Germany

    A competent selling partner A base of their enterprise in direct customer proximity A competent selling partner in his surrounding field is been

    versed in the best way An agency of their enterprise with the necessary bite A specialist for problem solutions approximately around the

    sales A constant advisor and informant for represented companies

    and customers

    Acquisition of new customers Customer advertisement, customer attendance, customer

    service Structure of new target groups and markets Consultation and support of the customer master To develop existing turnover potential Written and telephone offers, sampling Consultation of the customers and the suppliers market observation and market reports Treatment of complaints The commercial reminder procedure

    They should w ith us cooperation, if you liked this

    1. Or develops strengthens their market position2. New markets open

    3. Their Marketingstrategie with the customers converts4. Their explanation-needy products make understandable5. Fixed costs of distribution save6. Services in the selling in requirement take7. Information about the market tendency and the competition

    uses8. maintains a continuous connection to your customers9. A partner, which develops initiative


    Contact ability, flexibility Self-sufficiency, creative Organizational ability Safe occurrence, fun at selling

    Pronounced customer orientation More indepen dently, solely responsible Work style Good technical understanding Negotiation fate Conviction ability Technical one and commercial Training Founded knowledge in handling also EDP systems (Ms Office, InterN et) Good general education

  • 8/14/2019 Company Thomas Artzt


    SellingThis contains in particular:

    The regular field service attendance of allcustomer groups and the contact care todepartment managers and planning managers.

    The constant support of the centers generally,the independent or common execution of yearlydiscussions and the contact care to the mostimportant central buyers.

    The independent collection of the customerpotential for your products as well as the specialacquisition after your defaults.

    An important condition for an optimal selling isthat the entire enterprise is aligned to theselling/sales and the customer. The selling of self manufactured products is not alone task of theVerkaufsteam`s, on the contrary should allcoworkers customer-orients a thinking and anacting and the customer into the center of theirwork to place.

    In order to come these goals a step more near,should entrench department thinking and behindauthority to be overcome. The key to this goal iscalled teamwork.

  • 8/14/2019 Company Thomas Artzt


    Danziger Str. 158256 EnnepetalDeutschland

    Fon: +49 (0) 2333.2040Mob il: +49 (0) 1577.317.0824Fax: +49 01805 060 344 422 01Fax: +49 01212 5077 76 725

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Intern et - Fon: +49 032 227 174 954

    If you should be interested in acooperation, contact please us !

    Thank you foryour interest!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.vertretung.kilu.de/http://www.salesoffice.kilu.de/http://www.agents.kilu.de/

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