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The impact of community-based development onvarious communities in the Philippines has beenwell-documented. Community-based develop-ment projects have provided basic services andinfrastructures to many poor communities. Theyhave empowered communities through greaterparticipation in governance. However, there is aneed to further understand the ability of commu-nity-based development to deliver the same bene-fits in conflict-affected areas. Do community-based development projects contribute to conflictmanagement and peacebuilding?

Specifically,• Can community-based development pro-jects in conflict-affected areas contribute toconflict management and peacebuilding? Ifso, how?• How do socio, economic, and politicalcontexts of conflict-affected areas affectthe implementation of community-basedprojects? • What is the country’s strategic frameworkfor development in conflict affected areasand how is this translated in terms of theoperation of international developmentagencies in conflict-affected areas?

With support from the State and Peace-buildingFund administered by the World Bank, The AsiaFoundation is implementing a review of commu-nity-based development projects in conflict-affected areas of the Philippines. The researchaims to provide a greater understanding of com-munity-based development in these areas and itspotential impact on peacebuilding and conflictmanagement.

Communities in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao,where there is a presence of non-state armedgroups like the CPP-NPA-NDF, CPLA, MNLFand the MILF, will be included in this study.Qualitative and quantitative research methodswill be used in the analysis of community-baseddevelopment projects.

These include:• Review of donor portfolios and analysisof monitoring and evaluation data.• Focus group discussions and interviewswith stakeholders—community members,local government units, civil society organi-zations, project implementers, and donors. • Interview of national governmentagencies, non-state actors, and otherrelevant institutions.

The Comparative

Review Study is a one-

year grant from the

World Bank’s State and

Peace-building Fund.

In the last 15 years, community-based approaches to development have been pursued in many of theprograms and projects implemented by both the national government and the various internationaldevelopment agencies in the Philippines. This approach builds upon the robust experience of civil soci-ety organizations in community-based development and a comprehensive local government code thatprovides wide latitude for local governments to implement development programs at the community level.

Comparative Review of Community-Based Developmentin Conflict-Affected Areas in the Philippines


The study will

examine the possible

impact of community-

based development

projects in conflict-

affected areas particu-

larly on peace-building

and conflict

Page 2: Comparative Review of Community-Based Development in ... · PDF filereview of community-based development in conflict affected ... groups like the cpp-npa-ndf, cpla, ... strategic

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WASHINGTON, DC1779 Massachusetts Ave., NWSuite 815Washington, D.C. 20036 USATel: (202) 588-9420Fax: (202) [email protected]

PHILIPPINESP.O. Box 7072Domestic Airport Post OfficePasay City, Metro ManilaPhilippinesTel: + 63 (2) 851-1466Fax: + 63 (2) [email protected]


• Trend analysis between types of community-based development projects and social, polit-ical, economic, and conflict indicators.



Community-based development may contribute topeacebuilding through the convergence of partici-patory processes that empower stakeholders andoutcomes that contribute to significant politicalchanges and access to resources.

Substantial or significant political changes includereform or building of institutions that addressgrievances or governance issues, improve trans-parency, and create initiatives for working on peace.

Significant changes in material basis include theprovision of basic social needs and economic facili-ties, food security, economic sustenance, and anincrease in feeling or perception of security such asmitigation of socio-economic tensions, includingissues regarding the environment.

Empowering processes include:• Giving voice and allowing participation• Facilitating understanding and dialogue• Building horizontal and vertical relationships• Generating options through involvement indecision-making• Exploring entry points for peace, and devel-opment and governance

Processes and outcomes of community-baseddevelopment depend on the socio-economic andpolitical contexts of the community.



This study will also analyze the government’sstrategic development framework for conflict-affected areas. The study will also examine thealignment of international development projectsand national government’s development policy inconflict-affected areas. Many international donorsand government agencies are operating in suchareas and how these efforts are coordinated andanchored will be assessed.

The result of the study may provide inputs todonors when designing community-based develop-ment programs in conflict-affected areas and to thegovernment on how it can further strengthenstrategies to bring development and peace in con-flict-affected areas particularly in Mindanao.


The Asia Foundation is

a private, non-profit,


organization. Through

its programs, the

Foundation builds

leadership, improves

policies, and strengthens

institutions to foster

greater openness and

shared prosperity in the

Asia-Pacific region. It is

funded by contributions

from corporations,

foundations, individuals,

and governmental

organizations in the

U.S., Europe, Canada,

Australia, and Asia, and

an annual appropriation

from the U.S. Congress.

Context- Type and Intensity ofConflict

- Functionality ofGovernment

- Level of Social Capital- Socio-EconomicConditions

Empowering Processes- Giving voice and allowing participation - Facilitating understanding and dialogue - Building horizontal and vertical relationships - Generating options through involvement indecision-making

- Exploring entry points for peace, develop-ment and governance

Outcomes- Substantial or significant political changes- Substantial or significant changes in material basis- Increase feeling or perception of security

Conflict in the PhilippinesInternal armed conflict in the Philippines haspersisted for almost half a century and hasbrought extreme poverty in the affected areas.

Of the 41,995 barangays in the Philippines,13% are classified as conflict-affected areas,and more than 80% of these barangays are inMindanao. (Office of the Presidential Adviseron the Peace Process)

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