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  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    Cost Analysis Of


    Power Systems


    Rafay Ahmad


    Professor Nimish Gupta

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    Non-Teaching Credit Course

    Cost analysis of solar power systems



    S# No nro$$ment Num%ers Names

    & A&'()*&&+,& Rafay Ba.tiar Ahmad


    Professor Nimish Gupta

    MBA CE-QS 2nd SEM


    RICS SC/001 02 BUI1T N4IR0NMNT



  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    I hereby declare that the Non-teaching credit course projectwor entitled !Cost analysis of solar power systems”sub"itted to the RICS Scool of !"ilt #n$ironment% is arecord o# an original wor done under the guidance o# $r%Ni"ish &upta' #aculty "e"ber'  RICS Scool of !"ilt#n$ironment% Amity &ni$ersity 'CR (#)*I+


  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    I would lie to than our guide pro#essor Ni"ish &upta#or his support and inspiration in co"pleting this report%

    Additionally (inju )haria #ro" A"ity *ni+ersity'responsible #or setting up the roo# top solar power plant atthe uni+ersity co"ple, has guided the tea" inunderstanding the solar power syste"%

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    ale of Contents

    1+ Oecti$es++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    3+ .etooloy++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    4+ Intro"ction+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    5+ Case St"y+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++12%.% Case )tudy .%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%./

    5.1.1. Bill of Materials.........................................................................................21

    5.1.2. Total costs.................................................................................................. 29

    5.1.3. Life cycle costs..........................................................................................30

    5.1.4. Break even analysis..................................................................................31

    %/% Case )tudy /%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0/5.2.1. Bill of materials.........................................................................................37

    5.2.2. Total costs.................................................................................................. 43

    5.2.3. Life cycle costs..........................................................................................44

    5.2.4. Break even analysis..................................................................................45

    6+ Concl"sions++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++46

    7+ -lossary an Are$iations+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++47

    + References+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    )ist of 8i"res

    1igure 2%. Co"ponents o# a photo+oltaic syste"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%31igure 2%/ A typical roo# based solar power syste"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.41igure %.%0 &oogle site "ap o# A"ity *ni+ersity' Noida' *ttar (radesh%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%./1igure %.%2 (lan #or solar panel arrange"ent on the roo#top o# E.% )i"ilar layout #orthe terraces at 1.' 5.' I.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.1igure %.% (lan #or solar panel arrange"ent on the roo#top o# E/% )i"ilar layout #orthe terraces at 1/' 5/' I/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.1igure %.%6 (lan #or solar panel arrange"ent on the roo#top o# E0% )i"ilar layout #orthe terraces at 10' 50' I0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.61igure %.%7 (lan #or solar panel arrange"ent on the roo#top o# 8%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.61igure %.%9 (lan #or solar panel arrange"ent on the roo#top o# 86%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.71igure %.%3 (lan #or solar panel arrange"ent on the roo#top o# 87%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.71igure %..4 )olar panels on the roo#top o# E. building%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.9

    1igure %.%.. (olycrystalline solar panels by Reno )olar :2442 in nu"bers total;%%%%%%%%.91igure %.%./ )tring in+erter 04 < at 50 building roo# top%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.31igure %.%.0 ACD= panel at 50 building roo#top%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.31igure %.%.2 Ar"ored cable ./ "" at 50 building roo#top%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/41igure %.%. Tea" "e"ber at the roo# o# A"ity *ni+ersity 50 building%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/41igure %/%.6 Location o# 0 solar power plants in the district located close pro,i"ity%% 0/1igure %/%.7 )ite o# . $< power plant by Rajratna energy holdings p+t ltd :E(Ccontractor;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%021igure %/%.9 >iew o# the . $< solar power plant%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%021igure %/%.3 Trans#or"er at the site to increase the +oltage be#ore trans"ission%%%%%%0

    1igure %/%/4 Lt (anel' present to regulate the supply to the grid%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%01igure %/%/. Tea" "e"ber at the site%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%06

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    )ist of ales

     Table %.%. =rie# description o# the project at A"ity *ni+ersity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.0 Table %.%/ Design su""ary #or the solar project at A"ity *ni+ersity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.2 Table %.%0 =ill o# "aterials :DC side; #or roo# top solar power plant at A"ity *ni+ersity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /0 Table %.%2 =ill o# "aterials :AC side; #or roo# top solar power plant at A"ity *ni+ersity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /9 Table %.%/% $iscellaneous costs #or roo# top solar power plant at A"ity *ni+ersity%% %/3 Table %.%0%6 Li#e cycle costs and re+enue generation #or roo#top solar power plant atA"ity *ni+ersity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%04

     Table %.%2%7 =rea e+en ti"e #or the project at A"ity *ni+ersity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0. Table %.%2%9 yearly return at .4 ? discount rate #or roo#top project at A"ity *ni+ersity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0. Table %/%3 =rie# description o# the project at @adhri' Andhra (radesh%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%00

     Table %/%.%.4 =ill o# "aterials :AC side; #or roo# top solar power plant at @adhri'Andhra (radesh%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%09

     Table %/%.%.. =ill o# "aterials :AC side; #or roo# top solar power plant at @adhri'Andhra (radesh%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2/

     Table %/%./ $iscellaneous costs #or roo# top solar power plant at A"ity *ni+ersity%% %%20 Table %/%0%.0 Li#e cycle costs and re+enue generation #or roo#top solar power plant at@adhri' Andhra (radesh%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%22

     Table %/%2%.2 =rea e+en ti"e #or the ground "ounted project at @adhri' Andhra(radesh%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2

     Table . early N(> at .4? dicount #or ground "ounted project at @adhri' Andhra

    (radesh%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    1+ Oecti$es

     To study costs in+ol+ed #or setting up a solar power plant%

    2+ Synopsis

     The project in+ol+es analysis o# a solar power plant based on the #ollowingconsiderationsB

    • Li#e cycle costs%

    • Costs benet co"parison to other syste"s%

    • (aybac period analysis%

    As a student o# construction econo"ics and uantity sur+eying we ha+eanalyed +arious costs in+ol+ed #ro" production to supplying the power toend user and its possible benets to the built en+iron"ent sector%

    3+ .etooloy

    F Analysis o# a solar plant as a case study% / case studies done as part o# project%F )tudy o# co"parison o# historical and #uture cost breadown o# the plant%F Re+iew o# literature and the latest practices #ollowed%F Interaction with people in+ol+ed in solar power industry%

    4+ Intro"ction

     The utiliation o# solar energy as an alternati+e energy to o+erco"e energy crisis'especially oil' and has piced up pace since the late .374Gs% The solar ray has beco"ea +aluable resource to the power sector% =ut con+ersion eHciency and aordability hassince been ha"pering its pre+alent usage% Its econo"ic +iability is yet unclear%

    Location o# India gi+es it an ad+antage o# high solar insolation% Though India is oneo# the leaders in wind power electricity generation% )o"e large project ha+e beenproposed in the solar sector which will "ae India co"petiti+e in the solar sector onthe world stage% A 0'444 "%s area in the Thar Desert has been set aside #or solarpower generation' which will generate 744 to /'.44 &< o# electricity% IndiaGs "inistry#or new and renewable resource in it 5awaharlal Nehru national soalr "ission hasproposed to install a total o# .4 &< solar power plants o# which 6 &< will be undercentral sche"e and the rest 2 &< will #all under the state sche"es% The India

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    $eteorological Depart"ent :I$D; "aintains a nationwide networ o# radiation stationswhich "easure solar radiation and also the daily duration o# sunshine% In "ost parts o# India' clear sunny weather is e,perienced /4 to 044 days a year% The annual globalradiation +aries #ro" .644 to //44

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    electricity produced% This alternate current is now ready to be supplied through the LTpanel% This LT panel can pro+ide electricity to the e,isting building load or can beconnected to the grid%

    8i"re 4+2 A typical roof ase solar power system

    )o a typical building co"ple, has these co"ponents #or woring% The groundbased syste" diers to roo#top based syste" in ter"s o# the in+erter type and anadditional trans#or"er is present in ground based p+ syste"s which adds substantiallyto the cost% Trans#or"ers are used to stabilie the +oltage co"ing #ro" the in+erter%

    8ere are #ew considerations i"portant be#ore setting up a solar power plantB

    1+ )ocation of te site9 This criteria helps understanding the total solar insolation per day and annually%)olar insolation is the a"ount o# solar radiation in a gi+en area% This data ise,tre"ely i"portant to esti"ate the total yearly production o# electricity%

    2+ .o"ntin type

     The (> syste" could be ground "ounted or roo# "ounted% They could be "ounted

    on a new buildingGs roo# or be retrotted in an e,isting building% )ignicant costdierence can occur between the two syste"s based on choice o# euip"ent%Costs such as trans#or"ers and ci+il costs are e,tra on a ground "ounted solarsyste"%

    3+ ilt anles re:"ire for te panels

     This criterion helps in deciding the type o# panel% (arabolic shaped solar panels canbe used to concentrate the solar insolation at the center o# the panel syste"%

    Rotation o# the panel' auto"atic or "anual nature o# the panel can be decided%

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    4+ In$erter type

    An in+erter can be with trans#or"er or without% $ultiple in+erters are used in case

    o# roo# "ounted solar syste"% &round based solar syste" usually . or / in+erters#or .$< plant suHce%

    5+ ;attae of solar mo"les

    A range #ro" .44 watts /4 watts can be #ound #or sale% These panels would be"ore e,pensi+e when consu"ed by retail consu"ers and co"parati+ely lesserwhen consu"e by wholesale contractors such as the one in ground "ounted solar(> syste"s will be less e,pensi+e co"pared to the roo#top based solar (> syste"s%1ro" .44 watts to /24 watts panels can be procured in the range o# 7'444 rupeesto .'444 rupees%

    6+ Solar mo"le type

     The "ost popular solar "odules are poly crystalline "odule and "ono crystalline"odule% $ono crystalline cells are cut #ro" a single silicon crystal% It has a s"oothte,ture and has +isible thicness' they are rigid and they "ust be "ounted on a

    rigid #ra"ewor% (olycrystalline cells are cut #ro" a large blocs o# silicon crystals% They ha+e a specled appearance% They are less e,pensi+e than "ono crystallinecells' but the usage eHciency re"ain al"ost sa"e' with polycrystalline cells ha+ing"a,i"u" pea con+ersion eHciency o# around /4?% The third type is thea"orphous type o# panel' these cells are "anu#actured by placing a thin l" o# a"orphous :non-crystalline; silicon onto a wide choice o# sur#aces% These are leasteHcient in co"parison% Due to their a"orphous nature they are +ery e,ible #orinstallation% Their eHciency stabilies a#ter #ew "onths o# usage% And the capacityshould be judged only a#ter this #ew "onths o# stabiliing%

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    5+ Case St"y

    Roo# top "ounted solar power syste" and ground "ounted solar power syste" arethe two types o# cases studied in the project% =oth being o# . $< production capacity%One being located in *ttar (radesh and the other being located in Andhra (radeshboth with high solar insolation o# about 044 days a year%

    %.% Case )tudy .

     The roo# top "ounted project is located in the A"ity *ni+ersity' Noida' *ttar (radeshco"ple, that is also the *ni+ersity o# the )tudents conducting this research% Total .nos building roo# ha+e been identied #or .44. @

    syste"% These buildingspresent in A"ity *ni+ersity are #urther di+ided into blocs and terraces are selected asper their terrace layouts% )o the buildings considered #or the solar power syste" arehostel '6'7 educational buildings E.' E/' E0' 5.' 5/' 50' 1.' 1/' 10' I.' I/' I0% 8ostelbuilding .' /' 0 and A'='C and D bloc building are not considered #or the syste"%

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    8i"re 5+1+3 -oole site map of Amity &ni$ersity% 'oia% &ttar Praes+

     The project located in A"ity *ni+ersity' Noida is based on a 6 acre ca"pusadjacent to the Delhi Noida yway% The plan #or roo# top solar power syste" isappropriate #or the uni+ersity in a long ter" in+est"ent perspecti+e as theconsu"ption o# the "ajorly centrally air conditioned ca"pus is at around pea 7$<per hour% This power plant will ease the total consu"ption by . $< bringing it downand resulting in potential sa+ings #or the uni+ersity% The panels designed are ,ed atpanels% These days rotating parabolic panels are a+ailable which gi+e "a,i"u"eHciency% The array capacity has been designed based upon the shadow #ree areaa+ailability on the roo# and "ini"u" connected load at the college ca"pus%

    Nos Description Details

    . Na"e o# the co"pany IL M 1)

    / Na"e o# the consultants 8arsha Abaus)olar

    0 (roject Location A"ity *ni+ersity'Noida

    2 District Na"e &haiabad

    )tate *ttar (radesh

    6 (ower plant capacity .44.

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    7 Irradiation details considered NA)A

    9 A+erage solar insolation %79

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    0 =uilding no E0 76 2 nos o# 04<

    .22 //7%2

    2 =uilding no 1. /99 . no o# .<

    7/ ..0%.

    =uilding no 1/ / / nos o# 04<

    .0 /4%6

    6 =uilding no 10 /73 / nos o# 04<

    63%7 .43%6

    7 =uilding no 8 .64 / nos o# /4<

    24 6/%7

    9 =uilding no 86 /99 / nos o# 04<

    7/ ..0%.

    3 =uilding no 87 .64 / nos o# /4<

    24 6/%7

    .4 =uilding no 5. 2/4 0 nos o# 04<

    .4 .66%2

    .. =uilding no 5/ 4 . no o# .<

    ./% .3%9

    ./ =uilding no 50 64 2 Nos o# 04< M . Noo# /4 <

    .6/% /6%2

    .0 =uilding no I. /99 / nos o# 04< 7/ ..0%.

    .2 =uilding no I/ 64 . no o# .<

    . /0%9

    . =uilding no I0 034 0 nos o# 04<

    37% .2%0

     Total 2442 .44. .77%3

    ale 5+1+2 (esin s"mmary for te solar proect at Amity &ni$ersity

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    8i"re 5+1+4 Plan for solar panel arranement on te rooftop of #1+ Similar layo"t for teterraces at 81%

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    8i"re 5+1+6 Plan for solar panel arranement on te rooftop of #3+ Similar layo"t for teterraces at 83%

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    8i"re 5+1+ Plan for solar panel arranement on te rooftop of *6+

    8i"re 5+1+ Plan for solar panel arranement on te rooftop of *7+

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    8i"re 5+110 Solar panels on te rooftop of #1 "ilin+

    $ounting structures are gi+en a #oundation o# %0 , %0 , %/ :h;% This are casted on siteand the "ounting structures are bolted to these #oundations% The height o# "ountingstructure is dependent on the distance o# panels which is / "eters apart% The"ounting structure carries a total o# .4 panels% $ounting structures are cross braced#or structural stability% The panel rests on interloced "etal sections%

    8i"re 5+1+11 Polycrystalline solar panels y Reno Solar =4004 in n"mers total>

    (olycrystalline solar panels "anu#actured by Reno solar are used in this project%

    (olycrystalline "odules are o# per#ect rectangular appearance and ha+e a +ariablecolor shade co"pared to "ono crystalline "odules which ha+e a blac shade and a

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    polygonal prole% The "odules here are o# /24 watts that is each such panel iscapable o# producing /24 watts per hour% They ha+e cost 7'444 rupees to the project%

     These occupy the bul o# the costs #or such a project and hence the co"pany behindthe production o# these is o# ut"ost i"portance% As the usage eHciency or thecon+ersion percentage o# the solar insolation depends on this eHciency%

    8i"re 5+1+12 Strin in$erter 30 ?; at

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    8i"re 5+1+13 AC(! panel at

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    Ar"ored cables as seen in the i"age abo+e is a hard wearing power cable usedto supply electricity to the "ains% Ar"ored cable is ar"ed with layers o# "aterials%

     These "aterials would be as #ollows conductor' insulator' bedding' ar"or and p+csheath% A #errule connects the in+erter to the ar"ored cable which in this case is ./"" ar"ored cable%

    8i"re 5+1+15 eam memer at te roof of Amity &ni$ersity

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    / )tring In+erter 04 @< )tringIn+erter with $a,%reco""ended (>power 09

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant



    0%2 $iddle Cla"p#or $odule$ounting

    0% End Cla"p #or$odule$ounting

    2 DC CableQ #ro"string toIn+erter


    2%. .C , 2 )% ""DC cable

    $tr /4444 ..  /0'44'444

    2 )% "" )olargrade' *>resistant .%. >Cablesconr"ing toIEC IEC 6472-.M IEC 6472-/'IEC 6400/-.'

    IEC 6400/-0-/2%' IEC6.402 ' Te"peraturerange -24 to34 C

    Leoni J(olycab J(rys"ianJ&e"scab


    2%0 $ale DC CableConnector

    Nos% 302 74  6'094

    $C2 $aleconnectors withsuitable lugs #or2 ) "" Cable

    $ultiContactor $C2Co"patible


    2%2 1e"ale DCCableconnector

    Nos 302 24  07'064

    $C2 1e"aleconnectors withsuitable lugs #or

    2 ) "" Cable

    $ultiContactor $C2



    2% /S *>resistancee,ibleconduits

    $trs 634 ..  73'04

    /S *> resistancee,ible conduits



    2%6 Cable tie *>(rotected



    24 "" (t .4 /64  /7'044

    24 "" *>stabilied nylone,ible cable tie

    % Assu"ing thateach pacet has/44 noPs








    Amo"nt Specication

    .a?e Remar?s

    4+6 Cale tie &BProtecte



    450 mm P?t 105 260 27%300

    450 mm &Bstailie

    nylon DeEilecale tie +Ass"min tat

    Rep"te .a?e


  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    eac pac?etas 200 noFs


    200 mm P?t 44 200 %00

    200 mm &Bstailienylon DeEilecale tie

    Rep"te .a?e


    4+6+3 100 mm P?t 4 150 7%200 100 mm &Bstailienylon DeEilecale tie

    Rep"te .a?e  

    otal coston (C SI(#



    ale 5+1+3 !ill of materials =(C sie> for roof top solar power plant at Amity &ni$ersity





    Rate Amo"nt


    .a?e Remar?  

    AC SI(#

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    . 2C,.4 )%""'Cu ' L(E'unar"ored: #ro" In+erterto ACD=;

    "eter 44 02 .77444 .%. @> &rade'2C,.4 )%""'Cu' )tranded'L(E'unar"ored

    Lapp J(olycab J(rys"ianJ&e"scabJCCIJTorrent


    .%. (ro+idingsuitable (>Cgland #orabo+e cable

    NoPs /6 0 79 (>C gland #or2C,.4 )% ""'.%. @> &rade'LT L(EInsulated' 2Core Cuunar"oredcable


    .%/ (in type CuLug

    NoPs ./ 9 .444 .4 )% "" pintype Cu lug



    .%0 =oot lace#errules C*Lug #or .4 )

    "" Cable

    NoPs ./ 7 97 =oot lace#errules C* Lug#or .4 ) ""



    / ACD= ' I( 6Outdoor Type'wall "ounted:)uitable #orter"inating.R' 0% C 74) "" Al%Cable onoutput side;shall con#or"to IEC 6//49'along with the#ollowingB

    set .2 .4/44 .2/944 standard

    - / Nos% o# 60A' 2 (ole'RCC=' 044 "A



    - / Nos% o# 60A' 2 (ole'Isolator


    - . No% o# .64A' 2 (ole'$CC= with )JCand OJLprotection



    - . No% o# 0/A' 2 (ole' $C=#or au,illarysupply


    - IndicationLa"ps #orphases



    (escripti &nit @"anti Rat Amo"n Specicatio .a?e Remar?  

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    o on s ty e t n

    0 .%. > LTL(E' 0%C,74)% "" Al%Ar"ored Cable: ACD= to LT(anel;

    "eter 324 /9/ /6494 .%. > LT L(E'0%C,74 )% ""

    Al% Ar"ored Cable

    Lapp J(olycab J(rys"ian




    0%. 74 ) ""Alu"inu"Ring type lugs

    NoPs ./2 / /29 74 ) ""Alu"inu" Ring

    type lugs


    0%/ 044 ) ""Alu"inu"Ring type lugs

    NoPs ./ 64 044 ) ""Alu"inu" Ring

    type lugs


    0%0 /24 ) ""Alu"inu"Ring type lugs

    NoPs ./ 2 29 /24 ) ""Alu"inu" Ring

    type lugs


    0%2 .4 ) ""Alu"inu"Ring type lugs

    NoPs 76 0% /66 .4 ) ""Alu"inu" Ring

    type lugs


    0% ./4 ) ""Alu"inu"Ring type lugs

    NoPs 9 0 /2 ./4 ) ""Alu"inu" Ring

    type lugs


    0%6 0 ) ""Alu"inu"Ring type lugs

    NoPs /2 4%7 .6%9 0 ) ""Alu"inu" Ring

    type lugs


    0%7 .6 ) ""Alu"inu"Ring type lugs

    NoPs 6 4% /9 Dowells

    0%9 (ro+idingsuitableDoubleco"pression$etal gland#or abo+ecable

    NoPs 26 .4 6344 $etal gland #or0%C , 74 )%""' .%. @>

    &rade' LT L(EInsulated ar"ored




    2 LT (anel'indoor typewall "ounted:)uitable #orter"inating.R' 0%C 74

    ) "" Al%Cable on inputside M .R'0%C 74 )"" Al% Cableon outputside; shallcon#or" to IEC6//49' alongwith the#ollowingB

    )et . 0/44


    - . Nos o# .64A '2( )1*


  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant









    .a?e Remar?  

      - .4JA' 7%>A CT with

    Energy $eter '4%) classAccuracy -/)et


    - 2.>' Class.%4 )urgeArrestor - .)et


    - Indicationla"p #orphases- . )et: . )et . Noo# ACD=;



    %. Che"ical Treated earthpits 4 ""dia' 0 "" Thic and 0$long &I pipeearth lectrode'along withaccessorieslie &I Co+er

    8inged to &I1ra"e' 1unnelwith

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant









    .a?e Remar?  

    6 Lightning



    6%. Early )trea"erE"ission typeLightning )piewith &I "ast o# $trs alongwith all"ountingstructures #or"ounting onC Insulated$ulti strandedCopper Cable


    6%0 Che"ical Treated earthpits

    NoPs .4 ..444

    ..4444 Che"ical Treated earthpits 4 "" dia'0 "" Thic and0$ long &I pipeearth electrode'

    along withaccessories lie&I Co+er 8ingedto &I 1ra"e'1unnel with

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant



    $6 , 7 ""' &INut-bolt with /Nos o# plainC


    7% T Connectors'ID-24 ""

    NoPs 942 .4 ./4644 T Connectors'ID-24 "" *(>C


    7%6 Coupler' ID-24""

    NoPs /004 74 .60.44 Coupler' ID-24"" *(>C


    7%7 1errules:A-1U.-6U(lus sign and

    "inus sign; #or.4 ) ""

    lot . 044 044 )tandard Reputed"ae

    It is co""on#or whole

    (roject% Andwe shall gi+ethe scope o#supply to thecontractor

    7%9 Insulation Taperoll :.44 Noseach #or red'yellow' blue'blac andgreen;

    set . ..44 ..44 )tandard Reputed"aer

    7%3 Alu"inu" Tag#or 0% C AlAr"ored Cable

    Lot . /4 /4 )tandard Reputed"aer

      otal cost

    on ACSI(#




    ale 5+1+4 !ill of materials =AC sie> for roof top solar power plant at Amity &ni$ersity

     Total cost o# "aterials #or roo# top solar plant :AC and DC side "aterials; is:0'73'22'334 22'/'992; 2'/0'94'972 :2%/0 crore;

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    5+1+2+ otal costs

    Sr+'o (escription &nits

    @"antity Rate Amo"nt Remar?s

    1 Ci$il Cost

    .%.Cost o# concrete #or"ounting structure cu" 03%996 744 //704%/

    Concrete o#$/4 grade

    .%/ Cost o# installation "w . .7'44'444 .744444

     Total ci+il cost .3/704%/

    2 Prelims an S"per$ision Cost

    /%.%. Insurance cost per "w .  ./'7.'./

    6%/. ./7../6%/.2

    /%.%/Appro+al andper"issions per "w .

      /'4'444%44 /4444

     Total cost o# preli"s ./../6%/.2

    2+2 Salaries

    /%/%. )r% Engineer NoPs . 0'444 0444

    /%/%/ Technical Engineer NoPs .  /

    4'444 /4'444

    /%/%0 )uper+isor NoPs /  .

    /'444 /2'444

    /%/% Total labour charges NoPs . 

    044 .'0'444 daily wages

      Total salaries duringconstruction /%


    4 .ontly #Epenit"re

    2%. Telephone bills and othere,penses "onth . /4444


     Total other e,penses "onth /% /4444 4'444

     Total cost o# construction' (M)' other costs 24'00'276

    Cost o# "aterial #or solar power plant:DCAC )ide; 2'/0'74'972 1ro" =O$

    otal cost of 1 .ea ;att SO)AR P)A' on roof top


    ale 5+1+2+5 .iscellaneo"s costs for roof top solar power plant at Amity &ni$ersity+

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    5+1+3+ )ife cycle costs

    Sr+'o (escription &nits

    @"antity Rate Amo"nt Remar?s

     Ann"al #Epenit"re

    . )alaries

    .%. TechnicalEngineer noPs .



    .%/ )uper+isor noPs / ..'444


     Total noPs2

    /'444Annual salariescost ./


    / Other E,penses


     Telephone billsand othere,penses "onth . .444


     Total other

    e,penses cost "onth ./ .444


    '4440 $aintenance


    A$C #or (>"odules +acuu"cleaning' "odulesM cables repair M"aintenanceJ"onth "onth . /4444


    0%/Annual"aintenance cost "onth ./ /4444


    2 Total AnnualE,penditure  

     Total Annual

    E,pense Rs



    Ann"al Re$en"e

    . Re+enue

    .%. (roductionJhour unitsJhour .444 . .444per hourproduction

    .%/ Daily production unitsJday .444 9 9444

     In .day 9hrs areconsidered asproducti+e hours

    .%0 early production unitsJyear 9444 044



    In an year 044day are consideredas producti+e daysM 9 hrsJday as

    producti+e hours

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant



     Total AnnualRe+enue:be#oree,penses; rupeesJunit

     /2'44'444 7


    7 per unit saleprice

    otal ross income =After eEpenses>


    ale 5+1+3+6 )ife cycle costs an re$en"e eneration for rooftop solar power plant at Amity&ni$ersity

    5+1+4+ !rea? e$en analysis

    Sr+'o (escription &nit @"antity Amo"nt

    =rea E+en Analysis

    . Total in+est"ent per "w . 2'62'42'04%/.

    / Total gross inco"e per "w . .'9'76'444%44

    0=reae+en point :.4? discountrate; years

    0 years 3"onths

    ale 5+1+4+7 !rea? e$en time for te proect at Amity &ni$ersity



    'et CasInDow

     Gearly 'PB at10H

    . -2'62'42'04%/. .'9'76'444%44 -/'34'6'...%76

    / .'9'76'444%44 -.'7.'07'/07%33

    0 .'9'76'444%44 -6/'30'7.6%07

    2 .'9'76'444%44 0'62'404%6

    .'9'76'444%44 .'/'/'6.9%67

    6 .'9'76'444%44 /'46'7/'.6%36

    7 .'9'76'444%44 /'94'79'799%./

    9 .'9'76'444%44 0'29'..'76.%3.

    3 .'9'76'444%44 2'43'0/'627%.9

    .4 .'9'76'444%44 2'62'37'499%0/

    .. .'9'76'444%44 '.''67.%.3

    ./ .'9'76'444%44 '6.'2'09/%99

    .0 .'9'76'444%44 6'40'0'4/3%97

    .2 .'9'76'444%44 6'2.'0'6.9%4

    . .'9'76'444%44 6'7'34'639%/.ale 5+1+4+ yearly ret"rn at 10 H isco"nt rate for rooftop proect at Amity &ni$ersity

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    5+2+Case St"y 2

    A total o# 0 solar plants are located within / "s distance o# each other being doneby three dierent E(C contractors% Two plants are o# .$< and one plant is o# $

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    8i"re 5+2+16 )ocation of 3 solar power plants in te istrict locate close proEimity+

    Anantapur :D; nown #or arid weather conditions as one which recei+es solar

    radiation %/ W 6

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    6 (ower plant capacity . $

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    8i"re 5+2+1 Biew of te 1 .; solar power plant

     The site is di+ided into "ultiple parcels o# land which ha+e dierentgeographical ele+ations% The p+ "odules are arranged as per these geographicalconstraints% It has a centrally located r%c%c structure which houses the LT panels andspace #or the super+isors and engineers% Adjacent to which lie the trans#or"er andthe in+erters%

    8i"re 5+2+1 ransformer at te site to increase te $oltae efore transmission+

    A trans#or"er is an electrical de+ice that trans#ers energy between two or "ore

    circuits through electro"agnetic induction% In other words it is utilied to con+ert AC

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    +oltage #ro" one +olt to another within power networs% Two trans#or"ers o# 4$+aeach are used at the site%

    8i"re 5+2+20 )t Panel% present to re"late te s"pply to te ri+

    8T panels connects the grid to the power generated% The +oltage recei+ed is steppedup by the trans#or"er% The whole circuit is connected to the control panel whichregulates the woring o# the syste"%

    8i"re 5+2+21 eam memer at te site

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


     Tea" "e"ber has +isited the site and collected data as per the group understandingand uestions prepared as part o# the e,ercise% The site +isits added +aluable insightsto the +arious co"ponents and worings o# a solar power plant% The site super+isorswere help#ul and they were the reason #or a clear picture in our "inds #or the woringso# a solar power plant%

    5+2+1+ !ill of materials










    Rate Amo"nt Specication .a?e

    (C P)A' SI(# 

    . )OLAR (>$OD*LE) '/4

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    / )tring In+erter Nos / 3'44'444

    .'34'44'444 44 cp )tring In+erter with$a,% reco""ended (>power 09 resistant .%. > Cablesconr"ing to IEC IEC 6472-. M IEC 6472-/' IEC 6400/-.' IEC 6400/-0-/2%' IEC6.402 ' Te"perature range-24 to 34 C

    Leoni J(olycab J(rys"ian J&e"scab










    Rate Amo"nt Specication .a?e

    2%0 $ale DC CableConnector

    Nos% .4.4 74 7'.4'44 $C2 $ale connectors withsuitable lugs #or /) ""Cable

    $ultiContact or


    2%2 1e"ale DCCable connector

    Nos .4.4 24 2'46'444 $C2 1e"ale connectorswith suitable lugs #or /)"" Cable

    $ultiContact or



  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    2% /S *> resistancee,ible conduits

    $trs ..44 .. .'/6'44 /S *> resistance e,ibleconduits


    2%6 Cable tie *>(rotected



    24 "" (t .944 /64 2'69'444 24 "" *> stabiliednylon e,ible cable tie %Assu"ing that each pacethas /44 noPs



    /44 "" (t .244 /44 /'94'444 /44 "" *> stabiliednylon e,ible cable tie



    .44 "" (t 344 .4 .'0'444 .44 "" *> stabiliednylon e,ible cable tie


      otal coston (CSI(#



    ale 5+2+1+10 !ill of materials =AC sie> for roof top solar power plant at ,ari% Anra











    Rate Amo"nt Specication .a?e

    AC SI(#

    . 2C,.4 )%""'Cu ' L(E'unar"ored: #ro" In+erterto ACD=;

    "etre 344 02 0.9644 .%. @> &rade' 2C,.4 )%""'Cu' )tranded' L(E'


    Lapp J(olycab J

    (rys"ian J&e"scab


  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    .%. (ro+idingsuitable (>Cgland #or abo+ecable

    NoPs 6 0 .9 (>C gland #or 2C,.4 )%""' .%. @> &rade' LT L(E

    Insulated' 2 Core Cuunar"oured cable


    .%/ (in type Cu Lug NoPs ./ 9 36 /% )% "" pin type Cu lug reputed"ae

    .%0 =oot lace#errules C* Lug#or .4 ) ""Cable

    NoPs /4 7 .24 =oot lace #errules C* Lug #or/%) "" Cable


    / ACD= ' I( 6Outdoor Type'wall "ounted:)uitable #orter"inating .R'0% C 74 )"" Al% Cable on

    output side;shall con#or" toIEC 6//49'along with the#ollowingB

    set / .4/44 /4244 standard

    0 .%. > 8T L(E'0%C,74 )%"" Al%Ar"oured Cable: ACD= to 8T(anel;

    "etre .74 /9/ 27324 .%. > 8T L(E' 0%C,74 )%"" Al% Ar"oured Cable

    Lapp J(olycab J

    (rys"ian J&e"scab


    0%. 74 ) ""Alu"iniu" Ring

    type lugs

    NoPs // / 22 74 ) "" Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs


    0%/ 044 ) ""Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs

    NoPs 3 2 044 ) "" Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs


    0%0 /24 ) ""Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs

    NoPs ./ 2 29 /24 ) "" Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs


    0%2 .4 ) ""Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs

    NoPs // 0% 77 .4 ) "" Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs


    0% ./4 ) ""Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs

    NoPs //4 0 664 ./4 ) "" Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs











    Rate Amo"nt Specication .a?e

    0%6 0 ) ""Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs

    NoPs .04 4%7 3. 0 ) "" Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs


  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    0%7 .6 ) ""Alu"iniu" Ringtype lugs

    NoPs /44 4% .44 Dowells

    0%9 (ro+idingsuitable Doubleco"pression

    $etal gland #orabo+e cable

    NoPs 944 .4 ./4444 $etal gland #or 0%C , 74 )%""' .%. @> &rade' LT L(EInsulated ar"oured cable


    2 * Panel'indoor type wall"ounted:)uitable #orter"inating .R'0%C 74 )"" Al% Cable oninput side M .R'0%C 74 )"" Al% Cable onoutput side;shall con#or" toIEC 6//49'

    along with the#ollowingB

    )et 2 0/44 .04444

    TRAN)1OR$ER) Nos / Rs%.'04'44'444%44


    Capacity 4$+a% )tep uptrans#or"er


    6 EART8IN&))TE$


    6%. Che"ical Treated earthpits 4 "" dia'0 "" Thic and0$ long &I pipeearth electrode'along withaccessories lie&I Co+er 8ingedto &I 1ra"e'1unnel with

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    6%. Che"ical Treated earthpits 4 "" dia'0 "" Thic and0$ long &I pipeearth electrode'along withaccessories lie&I Co+er 8ingedto &I 1ra"e'1unnel withCInsulated $ulti strandedCopper Cable


    7%0 Che"ical Treated earthpits

    NoPs ..444 4 Che"ical Treated earth pits4 "" dia' 0 "" Thic and0$ long &I pipe earthelectrode' along withaccessories lie &I Co+er8inged to &I 1ra"e' 1unnelwith

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant











    Rate Amo"nt Specication .a?e

    9 $I)CELLANEO*)


    9%. &I per#oratedCable tray' .4, / , / ""with co+er'coupler plates MNut-bolt

    "etre ./4 244 29444 &I per#orated Cable tray'4 , / , / "" with co+er'coupler plates M Nut-bolt



    )tandoJ$ountingbracets #orholding cabletray

    NoPs ./4 4 )tandoJ $ountingbracets #or holding cabletray



    Cable tray co+erholding cla"ps

    NoPs /24 4 Cable tray co+er holdingcla"ps


    9%.%2 $6 , / ""' &INut-bolt with /Nos o# plain

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    ale 5+2+1+11 !ill of materials =AC sie> for roof top solar power plant at ,ari% AnraPraes

     Total cost o# "aterials #or roo# top solar plant :AC and DC side "aterials; is:2'37'66'444 /'77'9/'93; 7'7'29'93 :7%7 crore;

    5+2+2+ otal costs

    Sr+'o (escription


    @"antity Rate Amo"nt

    Remar? s

    1 Ci$il Cost

    .%. Land Cost acre .4 44444 444444

    non-agricultural land

    .%/Cost o# e,ca+ation #or "ountingstructures cu" 74 .74 ..344

    .%0 Land le+elling cu" 9 6444 29444

    .%2Cost o# concrete #or "ountingstructure cu" /4 744 ..2444

    Concreteo# $/4grade

    .% Cost o# #oundation #or trans#or"er cu" . /4444 /4444

    .%6 Cost o# site oHce NoPs . .44444 .44444

    .%7 &ate NoPs . /4444 /4444

    .%9 Cost o# installation "w . .7'44'444 .744444

     Total ci+il cost 0.0344

    2 Prelims

    /%. Insurance costper"w /0/627%67

    /%/ Appro+al and per"issionsper"w /4444

     Total cost o# preli"s /7627%67

    3 S"per$ision

    0%. )r% Engineer noPs . 0'444 0444

    0%/ Technical Engineer noPs . /4'444 


    0%0 )uper+isor noPs / ./'444 


    0%2 OHce assistant noPs / 6'44 


    0% Total labour charges noPs .  04



      Total salaries during construction /% 


    4 .ontly #Epenit"re

    2%. Telephone bills and other e,penses"ont

    h . /4'444 


  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


      Total other e,penses"ont

    hs /% /4'444 


     Total cost o# construction' (M)' other costs9


    Cost o# "aterial #or solar power plant:DCAC )ide;7'7'29'9

    3 1ro"=O$

    otal cost 1 .ea ;att solar power plant on )an


    ale 5+2+12 .iscellaneo"s costs for roof top solar power plant at Amity &ni$ersity+

    5+2+3+ )ife cycle costs

    Sr+'o (escription &nits

    @"antity Rate Amo"nt Remar?s

     Ann"al #Epenit"re

    . )alaries  .%. )r% Engineer NoPs . 04'444 04444

    .%/ Technical Engineer NoPs . /4'444


    .%0 )uper+isor NoPs / ..'444


    .%2 OHce Assistant NoPs / 7'444 .2'444

    .% Total NoPs 96'444

    Annual )alaries Cost ./ .4'0/'444

    / Other E,penses

    /%. Telephone bills andother e,penses .'444

    Other E,penses cost ./ .'94'444

    0 $aintenance


    A$C #or (> "odules+acuu" cleaning'"odules M cablesrepair M"aintenanceJ"onth /4'444

    Annual $aintenance

    cost "onth ./ /'24'444

    2 Total AnnualE,penditure

     Total Annual E,pense Rs.2'


    Ann"al Re$en"e

    . Re+enue  

    .%. (roductionJhour unitsJhour .444 . .444per hourproduction

    .%/ Daily production unitsJday .444 9 9444

     In a day 9hrsare consideredas producti+e


  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    .%0 early production unitsJhours 9444 044



    In an year044 day areconsidered asproducti+edays M 9hrsJday asproducti+e

    hours Total AnnualRe+enue:be#oree,penses; rupeesJunit

     /2'44'444 7


    7 per unitsale price

    otal ross income =after eEpenses>1%53%4%00

    0ale 5+2+3+13 )ife cycle costs an re$en"e eneration for rooftop solar power plant at ,ari%

    Anra Praes+

    5+2+4+ !rea? e$en analysis

    Sr+'o (escription &nits @"antity Rate Amo"nt

    =rea E+en Analysis

    . Total in+est"ent per "w .

     9'64'6'226%67 9'64'6'226%67

    / Total gross inco"e per "w .


    .'0'29'444%44 .'0'29'444%44

    0 =reae+en point years 9%6ale 5+2+4+14 !rea? e$en time for te ro"n mo"nte proect at ,ari% Anra Praes



    'et CasInDow

     Gearly 'PBat 10H

    . -9'64'6'226%67 .'0'29'444%44 -6''29'90%9/

    / .'0'29'444%44 -'24'.7'66%/

    0 .'0'29'444%44 -2'0'02'76%72

    2 .'0'29'444%44 -0'24'42'96%/7

    .'0'29'444%44 -/'0'2.'0.3%03

    6 .'0'29'444%44 -.'72'6'069%64

    7 .'0'29'444%44 -.'40'4'2.0%0/

    9 .'0'29'444%44 -07'36'060%49

    3 .'0'29'444%44 /.'/4'3%00

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    .4 .'0'29'444%44 7'44'00%74

    .. .'0'29'444%44 .'/0'34'69.%23

    ./ .'0'29'444%44 .'69'06'24%03

    .0 .'0'29'444%44 /'49'79'49%29

    .2 .'0'29'444%44 /'2'/'/27%6

    . .'0'29'444%44 /'79'3/'2.3%60ale 15 Gearly 'PB at 10H isco"nt for ro"n mo"nte proect at ,ari% Anra Praes

    6+ Concl"sions

     These two projects ha+e gi+en us a considerable idea' and we hope will also gi+ethe readers a clear idea o# which ind o# solar plant should be set up and the +ariouscosts o# the co"ponents in+ol+ed%

    Our understanding o# the case study shows a clear ad+antage in setting up a roo# top solar syste" in co"parison to a ground "ounted solar syste"s% The two syste"sdier based on #ew co"ponents such as the land co"ponent' In+erter and trans#or"erco"ponent% The ground "ounted project reuires in+est"ent in the land' but #urther

    the land cannot be used #or any other purposes other than the plant% It will be bestsuited #or deserts and barren lands outside city li"its% 1or city based land is reuired#or construction and a"enities% 1urther the land based solar syste" reuirestrans#or"er to increase the total +oltage o# the circuit' such cost is not necessary indirect consu"ption based roo# top solar power syste"% 1urther the in+erter in asyste" is o# co"parati+e less cost can be depending on the roo# load o# the design)tring in+erters on roo# top are brought only #or the specic load that the roo# caters toand hence does not reuire hea+y and e,pensi+e "achinery%

    8ence #ro" an in+est"ent perspecti+e a roo# top project brea e+en be#ore andground "ounted project% 1or our roo# top project the breae+en is around 2 years but

    #or ground "ounted project the brea e+en stands at "ore than 9 yearsG ti"e% These+alues are considered at a discount rate o# .4?% Considering a roo# top solar power

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    plant is "uch "ore benecial especially in city li"its where roo# top are not addingany +alue to the building syste"s% 8ence this report reco""ends that institutional'oHces and large co"ple,es should consider the idea o# roo# top solar power plant andreduce their consu"ption load on the grid and sa+e "oney #or their projects%

    7+ -lossary an Are$iations

    Poto$oltaic  The physical eect o# direct Con+ersion o# light :sunlight; toelectrical energy

    PB cell  The s"allest photo+oltaic :(>; ele"ent that generateselectricity #ro" light%

    PB mo"le A collection o# interconnected (> cells' encapsulated betweenprotecti+e "aterials such as glass and bac sheet :(oly >inyl1luoride; or glass and glass' and "ounted in an alu"iniu"#ra"e% This is a her"etically sealed unit%

    Strin $ultiple (> "odules connected in series electrically%

    Array )e+eral strings o# "odules with the sa"e orientation and tiltangle' located together%

    In$erter An electronic de+ice that con+erts direct current electricity into

    alternating current electricity suitable #or #eeding directly to theelectrical grid or to nor"al AC loads%

  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    Insolation It is a "easure o# solar radiation energy recei+ed on a gi+ensur#ace area in a gi+en ti"e% It is co""only e,pressed asa+erage irradiance in watts per suare "eter : (ower (lant is trans"itted to apoint :substation; where it is distributed #or consu"er use%

    S"Station  The place where the generated power #ro" solar is

    synchronied with utility grid and "etered%

    Control room A roo" housing control euip"ent

    Cale A conductor with one or "ore strands bound together' used #ortrans"itting electrical power%

    #Jciency  The ratio o# the output to the input o# any syste"%


  • 8/18/2019 Comparision of roof top solar to ground mounted solar power plant


    * 8igh tension

    ) Low tension

    )B Low +oltage.'R# $inistry o# new and renewable energy

    ?; @ilo watt per hour

    .C! $iniature circuit breaer J $ain co"biner bo,

    .8. $ulti-#unction bo,

    PPA (ower purchase agree"ent

    P (ower trans#or"er

    BC! >acuu" circuit breaerK)P# Cross lined polyethylene

    + ReferencesQ. A"rit' $andal% :)ep /4.0;U Detailed project report #or .$< )(>%Q/ Robert $argolis' and &ar+in 8eath :5une /4.0;U Land-*se Reuire"ents #or )olar (ower

    (lants in the *nited )tates%Q0 )pec solar solutions%Q2 A+ijit Naya' :1eb /4./;U Cost econo"ics o# solar

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