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  • 8/7/2019 Competition and Trade Regulation Within the WTO


    Competition and Trade Regulation Within the WTO

    Marcelo Berdet


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    Regulation and governance are defined upon institutionalised parameters, which include

    economic and extra-economic factors. A mode of regulation comp rends social processesand struggles, which define and stabilise norms of economic conduct. The emerged

    Finance-Trade mode of regulation is examined here as an organisational and institutional

    features of the contemporary capitalism, furthermore itself constituting principles of

    political and economic action and interests within supranational bodies such as World

    Trade Organisation (WTO).

    Regulation is based on competitive principles, which are indeed organising principles of

    economic structures, organisations and institutions of contemporary capitalism. The role of

    the WTO as a conflict-resolution mechanism within the broader Finance-Trade mode of

    regulation is the object of study here. The trade and competition regulation in the WTO

    concerns norms and rules governing economic relations and social interactions through

    trade disputes and conflicts.

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction Competition and trade regulation Chapter 1 The role of Competitiveness 1.1

    Social Structure of Competition


    Competitiveness in the global economy and WTO

    Chapter 2- The Bananas and Beef Hormones Cases 2.1 The Beef Hormones Case 2.2 Dialogical Competition 2.3 Technologozation of discourses 2.4 The Bananas Case 2.5 The meaning and interpretation contentions Chapter 3- The WTO Competition and Trade Regulation 3.1 Trade Disputes within the Dispute Settlement System 3.2 The WTO Regulation 3.3 Competition, no-trade restrictions and market access contentions 3.4 Regulatory Structure Chapter 4- Interests and Strategies within the WTO 4.1 The role of the WTO within a broader mode of regulation Conclusion References Bibliography

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    The logic of Fordism in the West was partially based on models of import-substitution

    prevailed in developing countries. Whereas the crisis of Fordism in the 1970s afforded a

    period of experimentation, the culmination of which was a flexibilization and

    transnationalized model though one less stable than its predecessor. The intensive

    internationalisation of markets, financial and productive networks brought competitive

    constraints to centre-stage upon the majority of economic activities. As a result, new formsof economic and political regulation and governance were required, and also new (inter)

    institutional and organisational relations in resolving actual problems.

    Jessop (1995: 312) points out that national capitalisms have both comprised and mobilised

    their socio-economic structures in the competitive international battle, in accordance with

    the point of view of national competitiveness. Indeed, there has been an increasing

    interdependence between national economies, leading to an unified global economy;

    when demand slows down in a country, it is compensated by expanding markets in other

    countries. In this context, financialization is at the same time a result and an accelerator of

    the global economy model, whereby wealth is consumed and accumulated as financial

    assets. According to Lipietz (2001:23) the globalization of the financial markets

    intensifies financialization, because financial capital, in search for a productive base to milk

    can play firms (or governments if they prefer bonds) off against another on a global scale.

    Finance capital rather remains intimately tied to economic structures of production,

    distribution and trade. Although trade is not necessarily organised in terms of monetaryexchange, it is organised upon reciprocal relationships and administered from the above

    economic structures.


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    The attraction of finance capital into national territories has occurred in order to finance

    economic growth within the competitive global economy, further enhanced by fiscal and

    monetary measures taken by governments. In the absence of the Fordist (demand)

    regulation, finance capital realises that the overaccumulation of productive capital no

    longer depends exclusively on real demand, and further that financial deregulation and

    liberalisation of trade reinforce the internationalisation of markets. As a result, finance

    capital and trade are focussing their efforts on global markets, which imply the arrival of

    new players, new responses to new political and economic needs and renewed institutional

    systems such as International Monetary Fund (IMF); World Bank and World Trade

    Organization (WTO).

    The political and economic symbiosis between liberalised trade and finance capital asargued by Harvey (2005: 67, 2005a: 54) and OHara (2003: 483) has been sustained upon

    neo-classic economic theory, or generally neoliberal discourses, and constitutes directives

    dominating national economies, further articulating commodity and non-commodity capital

    relation as social practices. Capitalist relations exist in articulation with other social

    relations in the extensive economic formation or productive system, which implies that

    capital accumulation is never automatic, but depends on continuing prevention of the

    disarticulation of such capital relational property. Thus, Finance and Trade as a mode of

    regulation in terms of Regulation Theory comprehends a package of governing rules

    stabilised by a network of collective bargaining between groups, or rather political agents

    and their economic status. These governing rules represent statuses or functions in and

    through the stable articulation between the invariant elements of capitalism and variant

    elements of Finance-Trade (Jessop, 1990 and 1995).

    In the Regulation Theory (Aglietta 1979; Boyer 1990; Boyer and Saillard 1994; Lipietz;

    1988) the concept of regulation is understood to be economic action grounded in socially

    embedded institutional rules. Jessop (1995: 309-311) infers that modes of regulation

    provide powerful narratives of the contemporary world, and further discursively constitute

    problems and interests. The emerging Finance-Trade mode of regulation define objects to

    regulate, in and through specific practices under its hegemonic economic system, given


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    attention to global financial stability and global conflict resolution extending to trade

    disputes. The development of a societal (and institutional) mode of regulation seeks to

    sustain the interdependence of economic structures and their recurrence, which guarantees

    the stability and unity of an instituted economic process. In fact, the Finance-Trade mode of

    regulation produces institutional structures with a clear function in the global economy,

    and further centres interest on values, purposes and policy (OHara, 2003).

    The term global economy is here understood as multiple social and economic formations

    running into each other, in terms of connections between activities in global scale as a sort

    of global production. Such relationships are manifested in specific configurations in

    specific places, as nation-states, which remain an important unit of the global economy

    (Dicken, 2005).

    Both objects (financial stability and global trade conflict resolution) of the Finance-Trade

    mode of regulation reflect the complexity of the real world, and the capillarity and plurality

    of mediations in the global economy. For instance, in spatial terms, such regulation

    involves articulation between national and international levels, which frames economic

    space constituted in and through global activities. Furthermore, different institutional sites

    (having an independent existence) assign and articulate in various ways the diversity and

    contingency of regulatory practices.

    Regulation and governance occur within parameters defined by institutionalised structural

    forms, which include economic and extra-economic factors, and further collective

    identities, common rules, norms, agreements, networks and procedures. Therefore, a mode

    of regulation comprehends social processes and struggles, which define and stabilise

    economic rationale and norms of economic conduct. The Finance-Trade mode of regulation

    emerged in the seventies as political and economic practices, and was enhanced in the

    eighties and acknowledged in the nineties as guiding a principle of a certain economic

    thought and management around free market principles of the neo-classical economic

    theory (Boyer and Hollingsworth, 1997 and Harvey, 2005).


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    Money and credit have been stirring the global economy processes to action by the

    demands of finance, which activate production and distribution by means of global trade. In

    this context, the IMF and WTO are central to the organisational and institutional levels of

    the competitive mode of regulation currently in place, in accordance with an internationally

    competitive economy. A globalising capitalist economy requires multilateral structural

    forms coupling and adjusting other systems with the prevailed logic of accumulation and

    reproduction of the Finance-Trade mode of regulation. This continuous political and

    economic process imposes a dominant principle of societalisation, in which the imperatives

    of structural or systemic competition surpass economic criteria to comprise the

    restructuring of organisations and institutions on competitiveness. The IMF and WTO have

    taken action, organising principles and setting specific institutional objectives supported by

    definite political and economic agents, which distinctive methods aim at the establishmentof self-regulating markets relying on deregulation and liberalised trade.

    Competition and trade regulation

    There will be particular attention in this dissertation upon the role of the WTO as conflict-

    resolution device in the establishment of the Finance-Trade mode of regulation as a broader

    social formation. An institutional form of conflict resolution is a necessary supporting

    structure in the global economy to mediate trade disputes, which arise as competition

    between capitals, and/or contentions between nation-states. Indeed, the WTO exerts a broad

    regulation through the totality of its institutional arrangements, which coordinate and

    regulate transactions inside and across the boundaries of economic sectors. Thus, national

    and international capitals compete and play their interests and associations through the

    various trade agreements, legal activities and judgments in the WTO (Coleman, 1997).

    The contemporary regulation of the WTO is determined by the requirements of the modern

    practices of capitalism, which combine organisational and institutional frameworks, and act

    through organising and enforcing behaviour between their members. According to Jessop

    (1995; 320) the social character of the WTO regulatory processes rests as functional space


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    within the horizon of a social formation with the need for institutional regulation in a social

    formation. Such a view is supported when WTO is considered as an action-oriented

    structure, which concerns norms and rules governing economic relations as social relations

    (Bourdieu, 2005: 231). Furthermore, according with Hollingsworth and Boyer (1997:2) an

    embedded institutional logic is symbolically grounded, organizationally structured,

    technically and materially constrained, and politically defended. Such institutional

    relations within the WTO focus on the multiple networks in which members are embedded,

    and further define identities, interests, capacities and practices.

    Inter-organisational and inter-institutional relations within the WTO have properties which

    involve both internal cohesion and sheer practicality in rendering negotiations. The

    operational structures of the WTO are supposed to resolve trade disputes between nations,and indirectly reconcile conflicting interests regarding a share of the global economic

    surplus. Due the high trade stakes and interests playing on the WTO, many members make

    this the stage to air their own concerns about and interpretation of free and fair trade, and

    ongoing negotiations help to identify conflicting interests, objectives and strategies. In this

    context, members appropriate vocabularies and systems of logic for pursuing their goals in

    accordance with institutional imperatives (and a broader social formation) for defining what

    is valued, and designing the norms and rules by which they have to obey (Hollingsworth

    and Boyer, 1997 and OHara, 2003).

    The WTO comprehends the existence of heterarchic institutional frameworks, each with its

    own objects and codes, which constitute the whole institutional and regulatory context

    where economic activities take place. Further, competition as a premise provides the

    ground rules and governance practices for the institutional regulation in the WTO, which

    forms cognitive expectations in and through the trade disputes regarding specific issues and

    governance. Thus, it ensures that interests and strategies play an important role in

    enhancing institutional arrangements and rulings within the WTO.

    Regulatory issues are key reasons for disputes between WTO member-states, which raise

    related issues, such as economic power relations and the character of a politically driven


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    system of negotiated agreements, in spite of presenting itself as an institution increasingly

    enforcing the rules of international law applied. Furthermore, it suggests an increased

    potential for struggles between domestic regulatory objectives and international

    agreements. Although, this view has been countered by others (for example, Holmes et al;

    2003: 2), whose consider the share trade of countries as the pretty robust indicator of

    likehood disputes into the WTO.

    In this dissertation the WTO and particularly the Dispute Settlement System are conceived

    as persuasive political battlefields to facilitate political settlement of inter-states disputes on

    trade and regulatory dispositions. In other aspects, the dissertation proposes a new analysis

    and theoretical approach for the study of regulation: discourse analysis. Such an approach

    considers the communicative and performative interactions that occurrs in and on theinstitutional and regulatory system of the WTO as a vital part of its structure. Discourse

    analysis evokes that such interactions actually constitute the regulatory processes, and

    further serve important functions and basis ordinated actions, and are important arenas of

    struggle .

    This approach has recently been demonstrated by Black (2002: 170), who worked on

    regulatory conversations and contentions of discourse analysis, such as the meaning of

    language and the coordination of social practices; the construction of identities; the

    relationship of language, thought, and knowledge; the relationship of language and power,

    and finally that meaning, thought, knowledge, and power are wepons to challange and

    change structures.

    Regulation is a developing process with its own dynamics wherein agents, interactions and

    regulatory processes are framed and constrained by institutional and social forces. This

    dissertation explores the Regulatory Structure competition within the WTO from the

    concept of institution as a self-sustaining system of shared beliefs, rules and resources.

    Hence, the Regulatory Structure is termed here as a pattern of social (and institutional of

    course) interactions having a relatively stable structure, which organise and shape values

    and regulate norms and conducts. Furthermore, the concept of Regulatory Structure


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    comprehends networks of power organising allocative practices and authoritative practices.

    Such Regulatory Structure might be understood within the broader new order of

    regulatory capitalism or Finance-Trade mode of regulation, and the WTO as the

    formalisation of competition and trade regulation. That said, the agents within the WTO

    play endowing technologized discourses and perceptually feasible actions, which

    combination of action and interaction refer to a specific payoff distribution of allocative

    and authoritative practices. The institutional game is to maximize the payoff.

    Therefore, the Regulatory Structure comprises political and socio-economic relationships,

    and not a mere re-embedding movement within the global economy considering that

    global markets have to be established and enforced by socio-economic relations and

    political actions. In fact, such regulatory structure is the re-articulation of politics andeconomics, in a manner that such re-articulation has a functional interest: the functioning

    of the global economy and the accordance of the other social spheres with its core

    imperative of international competition.

    The imperative of international competition is a constitutive element of the Finance-Trade

    mode of regulation, which involves a wide and diverse range of governing institutions.

    Hence the imperative of competition also is within the regulatory structure of the WTO,

    which concerns national competitiveness. In the particular matter of trade, the basic

    principle of competitiveness lies in the comparative advantage theory of David Ricardo

    (The principles of Political Economy), which states that a country needs to specialise

    production and export goods in which its comparative advantage is greatest, or comparative

    disadvantage is smallest. In addition, the refining of the comparative advantage theory with

    respect to international exchanges infers that part of the gains from exchange are realised

    by foreigners, who attempt to capture all the gains for themselves. As a result certain

    amount of resources are transferred from domestic markets (producers and consumers) to

    foreign exchange opportunities, which decreases or increases wealth around the world

    (Trebilcock and Howse, 2005).


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    Thus, the re-articulation between politics and economics has designed and articulated

    relations and practices in international trade concerning regulation and governance within

    the WTO. Competition has become multidimensional and spread across national borders as

    a single dominant model of economic arrangement in the increasing interconnection

    between national economies. Hirst and Thompson (1997: 338) argue: Trade relation, as a

    result, takes on the form of national specialization and the division of labor. The global

    economy has been determined in its structure and distribution of resources within the

    power relations between nations respecting their competitiveness, thus outcomes are results

    of distinct and differential performances. Global economic interactions function as

    opportunities or constraints to national economies.

    This dissertation will examine how the institutional structures and regulatory process in theWTO operate, and what interests and strategies prevail in the light of the thesis of

    international competitiveness between national economies and states in the global

    economy. In order to achieve such goal the Bananas and Beef Hormones disputes in the

    middle of the 1990s are used to illustrate the legal, economic, political and institutional

    difficulties created by the nesting and overlapping of institutional commitments, interests

    and strategies. Both disputes involved the most important trading economies, which have

    the largest stakes in the international trade system. The disputes challenged the resolution

    system of the WTO, as well as the effective enforcement of its rules. The WTOs own

    regulatory structure (continually produced and reproduced) is seen to be stake through the

    existing tension between agreements, which, on the one hand, provide precise formulations

    about the purpose and meaning to facilitate implementation and adjudication of the trade

    rulings; and, on the other, yield vague formulations open to wide interpretations which

    enhance views and interests of what the whole system ought to be.

    The political and institutional significance of bananas and beef hormones disputes exceed

    their commercial value, compared with other economic sectors and even traditional

    protectionist interests. Despite the impressive growth of trade between the North America

    and EU, it is not the share trade that is in dispute, the real struggle concerns the Regulatory

    Structure, which is the ongoing stake in the WTO. That is, the non-observance of free


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    trade beliefs jeopardise the authoritative model of liberalised trade, upon which

    international trade rules are based. Therefore, some of the core principles (competition, no

    trade restrictions and market access) of the liberalised trade game had been threatened. The

    disputes highlight the agents interests and strategies in and through the regulatory structure

    of the WTO, whose aim the controlling of the own regulatory structure.

    Chapter 1 shows the roles and uses of the concept and discourses of competitiveness in this

    dissertation considering it as an element of regulation and serviceability of social

    interactions, particularly in the global economy and institutional interactions within the

    WTO. Furthermore, is discussed as competitiveness form discursive interactions integrating

    and articulating practices and strategies with respect to competition and trade regulation.

    Which engender and interact helping to configuration of social and institutional spaces of regulation social structure of competition and Regulatory Structure.

    Chapter 2 provides both descriptive and theoretical accounts about the bananas and beef

    hormones disputes within the Dispute settlement System. This chapter deals with regulation

    as a communicative process, wherein obligations and agreements of the WTO are

    strategically used as technologized discourse to meaning and interpretation of written trade

    law in order to achieve interests and constrain behaviours through the control of allocative

    and authoritative decision-making in the Regulatory Structure in the WTO.

    In chapter 3 the Dispute Settlement System in the WTO is pointed out as one of the most

    important structures of the WTO with respect to the multilateral trade system and current

    issues. This chapter discusses the regulatory structure in the WTO as part of a broader

    global regulatory networking for global economic management. Further, it exposes the idea

    of the Regulatory Structure in the WTO as a space of competition, discursive practices

    and strategies within the technical and political structures of the WTO.

    In chapter 4 is discussed the role of the WTO as an international dispute resolution

    mechanism structuring international trade, though such regulatory process is conceived as

    an ongoing political-economic game wherein large economies play to sustain their political


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    and economic hegemonies. Further, the Regulatory Structure in the WTO is conceived as

    part of a global legal order, which comprises and defines the interests of large economies

    within an entire social formation global economy or globalisation.

    Chapter 1


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    The role of Competitiveness

    The concept of competitiveness is used in this dissertation as a theoretical andmethodological tool, which permits the examination of patterns of competition within a

    given social structure. Furthermore, such an analytical tool enables us to capture the

    interplay of conflicts and competition relations in a determined social structure. That is,

    how a social structure of competition organises certain beliefs, agents and institutions

    constantly in struggle.

    To establish the theoretical and methodological development of this dissertation, there is

    the need to define the perspective of competitiveness and social structure of competition;

    the first is related to international trade theory (and new variants) and the Hechscher-Ohlin-

    Samuelson model of free trade and growth (Dalum, 1992: 192). Competitiveness is

    determined by the comparative advantage of a country, due to specialisation of economic

    activities and maximisation of resources. The notion of competitiveness used here goes

    beyond, while resembling a medium of interactions, which permits agents to learn about the

    behaviour of interacting agents and the nature and effects of certain institutional

    framework. Thus, competitiveness is integrated into the interplay of institutional agents and

    cognitive rules exploring the analysis of economic formations.

    The understanding of the Regulatory Structure in the WTO as a political, socio-economic

    and cultural engine, which has helped to operate and regulate the global economy and

    particularly reshaping trade relationships, enhances the choice of competitiveness as

    methodological category. In addition, competition remains as one of the strongest

    principles of the market economy, which take the form of social interaction and discursivepractice (spoken and written). In the WTO context, competition (and competitiveness) is a

    discursive formation regulating dispersed subject positions into a single statement

    integrated to operations and strategies, which form objects and articulated practices.


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    Competitiveness therefore used as strategic discourse in political-economic interaction, and

    further organises fields (politics and economics) and agent- networks serving as the

    articulation between agents. Furthermore, competitiveness determines the totality of

    exchange relations between competing agents, which include both direct interactions and

    indirect conflicts. In other words, competitiveness is not a mechanical principle of action

    and reaction; it exerts a relational function, an intelligent response to forces in the social

    structure of competition. To sum up, competitiveness is a strategic and discursive resource

    for political and institutional legitimisation, which enables agents to mobilise and enrol

    other agents and resources to reach interests. Methodologically, the articulation between

    competitiveness interactions and interests enable to query how structures change and what

    interests and strategies prevail within a given state of relations of production and exchange.

    1.1 Social Structure of Competition

    The notion of social structure of competition, as argued by Burt (2004: 325) focuses on a

    network of contacts, in other words the structure of the players network and the location

    of the players contacts in the social structure of the arena provides a competitive

    advantage. This idea states that an economic action is embedded in certain social

    structures, and such structures play a significant role in economic behaviour. Hence, within

    the theoretical account already developed competitiveness is an investment in social

    relations with expected returns, and further an investment on resources embedded in a

    social structure of competition accessed and mobilised in purposive actions (allocative and

    authoritative). In short, the Regulatory Structure in the WTO satisfies the requirements of

    one social structure of competition in the international trade system.

    Within the Regulatory Structure an economic agent acts and competes within the market

    economy and international trade system; each agent has contacts and social interactions,

    which provide a competitive advantage in such imperfect social structure of competition.


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    From Burts account (1992; 327), competitiveness interactions count, because they provide

    for the agent location and position, which are defined upon the social relationships within

    the social structure of competition, and may provide a competitive advantage rewarding as

    opportunities. Competitiveness is a critical variable within an imperfect social structure of

    competition such as the global economy; which depends on the social relations among

    agents in contemporary capitalism.

    The use of competitiveness in the analysis of the Regulatory Structure (as a social

    structure of competition) evokes not only structural constraints and opportunities, but also

    actions and choices. In this context, competitiveness means effectiveness of interactions on

    networks and hierarchies, and further produces main statements and statutes of competition

    policy. Thus, competitiveness aims to maximize social actions engaging interests,relationships, hierarchical structures, social networks and other agents. That is,

    competitiveness is acquired through social relations to accrue to an individual or a group by

    possessing a strength and durable social network within a particular social structure of


    Every such structure of is formed by agents obliged to behave to others under certain

    practices, and further are dependent on exchanges with the others. Such exchanges create a

    correlation between the agents within a network of opportunities, which course of action is

    to engage other agents towards to access other agents and resources to gain better results

    (Burt, 1992).

    The links between the global economy and the Regulatory Structure in the WTO to

    some extent have created a governance regime in contemporary capitalism, whereby trade

    regulation has operated its demands and enforce its precepts. In this context,

    competitiveness is an important instructive operational logic, which constructs a new

    relational and economic identity among political and economic agents established on the

    doctrine of liberalised trade, deregulated markets and exporting-lead economies.


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    1.2 Competitiveness in the global economy and WTO

    Competitiveness beyond medium of interactions has theoretically to be understood as an

    economic action, and further conceived as a multidimensional and multifunctional practice

    on ongoing interests relationships into the WTO. Such a practice enhances economic

    dispositions of the economic agents into the WTO, dispositions capable of generating

    behaviours and even anticipations which might be termed reasonable than rational.

    Furthermore, competitiveness as best practice in modern capitalism constitutes agents and

    their space of action, even more is the encounter between dispositions socially constructed

    in relation to the global economy and the structures of the WTO (Bourdieu, 2005).

    The precepts of the Finance-Trade mode of regulation (in particular competition) created a

    social structure of competition, which constructed a political, economic and historical

    social formation. Accordingly, the Regulatory Structure in the WTO has not been created

    just on the will of agents and institutions for specific ends trade liberalisation. The

    agreements of the WTO are political creations designed to regulate propensities and

    expectations, being the product of historical arrangements or, recurring situations

    immediately adapted and incorporated. Within this political context the WTO with IMF and

    World Bank together represent a socially constructed battlefield in which agents provided

    with different resources confront each other in order to gain access to exchanges and to

    perpetuate or transform the prevalent relations of force.

    Forms of competition are historically modified to reproduction of capital in general,

    imposing demands on social relations as a whole. The increasing internationalisation of

    trade, investment, finance, (and of course money) obligated each firm, region or nation to

    compete in the global arena. Such political and economic agents can no longer be protected

    by oligopolistic national markets, as tended to be the case during the sixties (as argued by

    Hollinsworth and Boyer, 1997:56). The agents in the WTO context, in this case state-

    nations, undertake actions which depend for their ends and effectiveness, on the agents

    position in the Regulatory Structure. In other words, the distribution of capital (in all


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    species) depends on the active competitiveness (or effectiveness of interactions) of each

    agent, that is, the position occupied in such a social structure of competition. Hence such

    structure acts in behalf of the most competitive agents.

    The exertion of Finance and Trade symbiosis in the global economy occurs in and

    through the imperative of international competition. That said, the exertion of full

    competitiveness is the premise of a global and institutional regulation, which has been

    restructuring societal relationships in modern capitalism. This emerging mode of regulation

    in Jessops terms concerns the constitution of identity, interests and action through

    struggles around new norms of production and consumption and the associated

    development of a new mode of societalization (1995; 315). Further, competitiveness is a

    response, when a state-nation or economic sectors are no longer competitive in the globaleconomy. For instance, state structures have functioned toward the achievement of

    international scales or standards throughout job training and supply-side intervention, and

    collective stimulus to production. Purcell (2002: 292) states that state-nations have

    implemented workfare policies in order to restructure national economies to promote

    competitiveness and accumulation. The state structures have moved from a set of welfare-

    oriented to workfare-oriented policies, which aim to meet the new economic imperative

    that emphasises supply-side competition.

    Most of the state-nations have developed a medium -to long-term plan to favour competing

    sectors. Rather than abandon them, such sectors have been subsidised or protected counting

    on their adaptation to the new competitive environment, although the distribution of

    strengths, which in the end leads to competitiveness, governs the distribution of chances of

    success and profits through various mechanisms. In fact, economic structures and economic

    agents or, more exactly, their dispositions, are indissociable from the totality of social

    constitutive of certain social order. The agents interplay on the economy of conditions of

    their production and reproduction, such as global production and demand; financial stability

    and conflicts trade resolution. To tackle factual and potential conflicts there is the need of a

    widespread regulatory structure, which concerns political and economic power relations.


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    There has been stated in this chapter the distinctive use and features of competitiveness

    (medium of interactions, behaviours and institutional interplay), which engenders a network

    of political and socio-economic interactions. As a result, competitiveness also comprehends

    a political process whereby the relationship between politics and economics rearticulates

    itself. The required economic deregulation is followed by a legal and political regulation, of

    which the agreements of the WTO are the finest examples. The current international trade

    regulation is based on disciplines, right instruments and technocratic direction (Brand

    and Gorg, 2001).

    The Regulatory Structure in WTO directly or indirectly states competitiveness as a

    fundamental part of the whole of legal obligations. Hence, competitiveness is

    institutionalised and manifested through the organisational and institutional structures of the WTO, which are discursive spaces within the organisation. That is, competitiveness is

    taken as a discursive formation by the convergence and politically articulation of discursive

    practices and identities played upon competitive interactions. Several legal obligations in

    the Regulatory Structure in the WTO are based upon principles of reciprocity, non-

    discrimination and equal treatment, which are designed to expand market access and

    liberalise trade. In other words, the rules are designed to ensure fair competition, and

    further to respect the need of a supra-state governance structure to solve potential

    polarisation and general crisis.

    In fact, this emerging global regulatory structure operated by WTO is committed to the

    principle of progressive trade liberalisation and consequently the opening of new markets.

    The glorification of the WTO as a supra-national regulatory structure has progressively

    attempted to superimpose itself above national institutions of regulation, despite of several

    explicit exceptions to protect domestic economies within its legal framework.

    Kirkpatrick and Parker (2004:7) have demonstrated how the privatisation of water services

    in developing countries, in the 1990s, served to enforcing of the Regulatory Structure of

    the WTO, in particular the General Agreement on Trade in Services- GATS upon

    public/domestic regulation. There was the reducing or removing of the right of national


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    governments to regulate or restrict services, which occurred due to commitments made by

    member-states respecting market access and equal treatment to foreign companies or

    investments. That is an example of regulatory schedules acting to guarantee access to

    global markets for international capital, and also establishes a global competition in terms

    of the WTO regulation.

    The regulatory framework within the WTO is the combination of separate agreements,

    which assist the need to guarantee the continuous accumulation and investments through

    the competitive trade game. Therefore, competition is mutually important for developed

    countries and developing countries to gain and protect (national) markets. In the context of

    the WTO, competitiveness conceived as an economic action is always oriented to member-

    states behaviour, because it takes account of the behaviour of others through institutionallyconstructed meanings.

    The meaning of the competitiveness exposed previously in this chapter is not of a pure and

    free competition, due to its interactional character. In fact, as a socially and economically

    situated action within the WTO, competitiveness is embedded in ongoing structural and

    institutional interactions and interplay. In an ideal competition, there is no room for

    bargaining or negotiation, and what determine the conditions in which agents come to

    decide are the objective relations. Competitiveness in the Regulatory Structure of the

    WTO is a complex network of technical relations and boundary-spanning exchanges in

    institutionalised contexts, which develop and force political and economic agents to

    incorporate new practices and procedures.

    To understand the role of competitive interactions in the WTO, the institution has to be

    recognised as a space, composed of different processes and levels of regulation and

    disparity, a hierarchical distribution of power, which reflects the different regulatory levels,

    interests and strategies. Within the WTO occurs competition between political and

    economic agents interacting upon constructed structures of relations of force, aiming to

    control and guide the character and operation of the whole structure of regulation.


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    Thus, in the WTO, competitiveness is an institutional perspective, an imperative and

    constructed practice which is product of collective beliefs, conventions and codes.

    In the context of the WTO competitiveness deals with competitive pressures and reflects an

    efficient form of organised and rational strategic choices dominating the global economy,

    whatever cultural and institutional variations exist. According to Burt (2004: 327) says:

    The rules of trade are ambiguous in the aggregate and everywhere negotiable in

    particular, because the rules of the trade game vary between societal and contextual

    priorities and dominant conceptions of appropriate forms of economic competition.

    The regulation of the WTO exists only through the agents that are found within it and

    confers a certain structure on it, which provides information about potential actions of other

    agents. Competitive strategies are in the nature of the trade game in WTO, in predictability,strategic dispositions and calculation vision, and most elaborated strategies can be

    implemented only within the limits and in the directions assigned to them by the

    institutional and practical knowledge of constraints.

    Chapter 2

    The Bananas and Beef Hormones Cases


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    2.1 The Beef Hormones Case

    The US (on 26 th January 1996) and Canada (on 28 th June of 1996) requested consultations

    with the EU regarding the prohibition of the use in livestock farming of certain hormones

    and related measures, which affected the importation of Canadian and American livestock

    and meat livestock. Canada and US claimed that EU measures were inconsistent with the

    agreements into the WTO, in particular: Article 11 of the Agreement on the Application of

    Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ("SPS Agreement"), Article 14 of the Agreement on

    Technical Barriers to Trade ("TBT Agreement"), Article 19 of the Agreement on

    Agriculture, and Article XXII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994


    Canada and US structured their arguments on the combination of obligations accorded in

    the WTO agreements, which located and positioned the practices and strategies of the

    parties involved in this issue. The complainant parties as well as the respondent one acted

    to interpret, classify and impose constraints on alternative classificatory strategies, in this

    particular case of completion of the WTO obligations. Obligations and agreements

    considered here as discursive formations constituted the basis of functional and

    coordinative social actions in this communicative process of regulation, functional toachieve certain ends and coordinative in producing meaning and shared senses as argued

    by Black (2002: 164). Here, competitiveness, apart of being one feature of neoliberal

    discourse and international strategy, is the imposition of a particular and effective

    interpretation on the WTO obligations throughout members-states legitimate their practices.

    Thus, from the point of view of the institutional interactions on competitiveness the matter

    is about a hierarchical interpretation, and making clear curbs of the WTO agreements.

    Therefore, what is at issue is the proper Regulatory Structure in the WTO, which means

    the wider field where subjects, objects and concepts are formed. The WTO obligations and

    agreements form the basis of discursive formations constructing understanding and

    definition of problems, objects and practices (Black; 2002 and Fairclough; 2006).


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    The US and Canada argued that the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement lay on the

    principles of liberalised international trade invoked in the WTO Agreement, and that the

    measures of the EU directly affected Canadian beef exports. Consequently, the measures

    were violations with respect to market access and constituted unjustifiable restrictions

    prejudicing international trade. Such arguing as a discursive practice was designed in

    accordance with institutional strategies and objectives, a technologization of discourse

    according to Fairclough (1995:72), which comprehends strategies, techniques and

    procedures to render and relay authoritative and operable practices. Technologization is a

    mobilised and elaborated framework on expertise discourse and policing discourse

    strategically motivated toward to standardisation of discourse practices.

    The EC level of protection for growth promoting hormones was significantly higher thanthe EC level of protection for antimicrobial growth promoters () resulting in adiscrimination against Canadian beef imports and a disguised restriction on international trade (WTO Panel Complaint by Canada, 1997.

    Canada claimed that Canadian beef produced with growth promoting hormones was a like

    product to beef produced in EU from animals whose the hormones had been administered

    for therapeutic reasons, thus the like beef also contained residues of antimicrobial growth

    promoters and the other veterinary drugs. Accordingly, the EU measures were violations of

    the WTO obligations, which guarantee market access and treatment no less favourable

    than like products of the EU origin. This is an argumentation for epistemic and normative

    claims, structured from epistemic to normative arguing and the main argument is that

    protectionist or restrictive measures threaten liberalised trade (Fairclough, 2006).

    2.2 Dialogical Competition

    At this point statements and discursive formations interact through the arguing, and

    discursive objects are identified and classified by the statements themselves. The positions

    start to become clear as well as the strategies chose, and mediated in the context of the


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    WTO agreements, and the strategic use of rule design is deployed on skills of

    argumentation and rhetoric (Black, 2002: 165). The dispute focused on the attempt to

    regulate and control the trade rules and their completion, altering behaviours according to

    identified purposes involving mechanisms of standard-setting, information-gathering and

    behaviour-modification (Black, 2002: 170). All parties resorted to technologization of

    discourse as a calculated intervention to shift meaning and interpretations.

    Also the US argued that sanitary and phytosanitary measures directly or indirectly affected

    international trade and nullified or impaired the benefits of the liberalised international

    trade system. Further, such measures were in fact a discrimination action between members

    where identical or similar conditions prevailed, being a clear violation of the Article II (3)

    of the SPS Agreement, which constituted a disguised restriction on international trade andfailed to accord to imports from US the advantages, privileges or immunities granted to

    other countries.

    The EU claimed that the measures had not nullified or impaired the benefits accruing to

    Canada and US pursuant to the WTO agreements, its argument was that such a practice (the

    ban of certain hormones) was a prior policy and that the benefits were claimed by Canada

    and US after the adoption of such measures.

    The dispute is hence a dialogue conducted through interactions on written agreements and

    obligations, where broader strategic discourses (competition and liberalised trade) are

    contextualized, operationalized, and enacted. There is the discursive construction of

    purpose and legitimation in relation to authoritative practices, in relation to the obligations

    and agreements of the WTO. Such authoritative practices constitute in fact the

    authoritativeness of the Regulatory Structure, which is legitimated throughout the

    recognition of shared linguistic practices entailing and forming the basis of social actions,

    in this case institutional practices in WTO (Black, 2002; Jessop, 2000 and Leeuwen, 2000).

    In general the WTO panels reach agreement behind the scenes through negotiations and

    manoeuvres. Their rulings are ambiguous recommendations to benefit the major bargaining


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    forces. The conciliation and bargaining strategies argued by Garrett and Smith (2002:14)

    rely on market power, which benefit the large economies. Hence, the Dispute Settlement

    System is used as a persuasive political battlefield for the interplay of political-economic

    issues, and its operation and results back and shape the regulatory structure in the WTO.

    The beef hormones dispute reveals the interacting of key agents over the distribution of

    allocative and authoritative decision-making.

    Both parties strategically based their arguments on the interpretation, meaning and

    hierarchy of the WTO agreements. The EU argued that a first violation of GATT

    obligations was a precondition before the SPS Agreement could be applied, a fact that had

    not occurred, which interrupted all proceedings. To strengthen its arguments, the EU

    attempted to focus the dispute on the SPS Agreement, and demonstrate the legality of measures under GATT terms. In opposition, the strategy of Canada and US was to

    demonstrate that the obstacles imposed by the EU measures were more trade-restrictive

    than necessary and violated the most important imperatives of the WTO agreements.

    The Regulatory Structure assembles practices and meanings in the WTO, which shapes its

    structures and agents toward to trade and competition regulation. Thus, in the Dispute

    Settlement System, the contracting parties are both regulators and regulated, whose

    regulatory conversations involve a regulatory process concerning the operation of the

    regulatory system as a whole (Black, 2002).

    Similarly, Canada strategically focused and claimed that the SPS Agreement, GATT and

    TBT Agreement were agreements of equal status under the broader WTO Agreement

    (following Article II). Thus, Canada required the examination of the application of the SPS

    Agreement rules on the EU measures, since they are more detailed, and then the GATT


    The strategy of the EU was to use the SPS Agreement to interpret provisions of the GATT,

    and adding procedural requirements by itself. The SPS Agreement was used to interpret the

    Article XX (b) of GATT in a manner that the substantive provisions of the SPS Agreement


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    could be judge only under the same conditions applied to the Article XX of GATT, which

    states that any recourse might be made only after a violation of another provision of GATT

    was first established.

    Subject to the requirement that such measures are not applied in a manner which would constitutea means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between countries where the same conditionsprevail, or a disguised restriction on international trade, nothing in this Agreement shall beconstrued to prevent the adoption or enforcement by any contracting party of measures:b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health; (General Exceptions, Article XX (b),GATT).

    2.3 Technologization of discourses

    The assemblage of agreements and obligations on argumentation occurred in order to

    enhancing the technologization of discourses, and become operative to the achievement of

    goals. The strategic use of technological discourses was used differently and by different

    agents in the Dispute Settlement System, in accordance with the position of the agents and

    institutional terms of struggle. Hence, the beef hormones dispute institutionalised and

    rationalised the dispute mechanism in the WTO, the disputes came to be handled byrelationships implicated by the particular construction of trade law ((Dezalay and Garth,

    1996 and Fairclough, 1995).

    The argument of the EU on Article XX (b) of GATT was intended to strengthen its

    standing on the specific legality of the SPS Agreement and TBT Agreement to tackle the

    issue only as technical restrictions, instead of a violation of the constitutive principles of

    liberalised trade and competition, which guide international trade system.

    Canada argued that the SPS Agreement did not possess such substantive worth to interpret

    Article XX (b) of GATT, with the addition of procedural rules. Furthermore, Canada

    argued that the self-standing character of the SPS Agreement is itself equal to the status of

    GATT, and stands as more than an interpretation of Article XX (b) of GATT, which itself


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    constitutes a multilateral framework of sanitary and phytosanitary rules in order to

    minimize SPS effects on trade. The strategy of Canada was to demonstrated how the SPS

    Agreement stands independently from GATT, emphasizing that Articles 3 and 4

    (Harmonization and Equivalence) had no relation to any provisions of GATT but had

    rather to be understood as more than additional procedural requirements.

    Canada and US argued that the banning of the importation of meat and meat products from

    animals administered with growth hormones was a measure inconsistent with its agreement.

    It was also claimed that the EU measures were contrary to GATT precepts regarding

    treatment no less favourable and non-trade restrictions (Articles III and XI). In fact,

    Canada and US argued that the prohibition import was an internal measure designed to

    discriminate in favour of the EU cattle and beef products and against Canadian andAmerican cattle and beef products. The tacit question was about the interpretation of

    procedures and obedience to the Regulatory Structure in the WTO. Canada also claimed

    that the non-trade restrictions and non-discrimination precepts of GATT are present in

    the TBT Agreement, as far as the violation of the Article 2:1 was invoked with respect to

    no less favourable treatment to imported products than to domestic products.

    The EU continually argued about the interpretation and meaning of the provisions, and

    further about the understanding of procedures. The right of a member to establish the level

    of protection within this territory was emphasized, and the EU also argued that the SPS

    Agreement exempted any level of sanitary change applying before the Agreement.

    Furthermore, the EU used the note to Annex 1a of the WTO Agreement to strengthen its

    arguments based on the member right to protect human health according to the SPS

    Agreement in derogation of GATT.

    In the event of conflict between a provision of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994and a provision of another agreement in Annex 1A to the Agreement Establishing the World TradeOrganization (referred to in the agreements in Annex 1A as the "WTO Agreement"), the provisionof the other agreement shall prevai l to the extent of the conflict ( General interpretative note toAnnex 1a: MULTILATERAL AGREEMENTS ON TRADE IN GOODS).


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    The practices of the parties involved into the Dispute Settlement System regarding this case

    were oriented to classify and hierarchize the obligations and agreements of the WTO; in

    other words, the objects in dispute or at stake received linguistic designation; the criteria of

    inclusion or exclusion and their boundaries became a theme of interest. The parties sought

    to enact defining types of interactions through the WTO institutional frame, and its

    discursive constraints. Obligations were strategically used as technologized discourses. The

    technologization of discourse was used as a resource by key agents to embody ideology

    (competition, no-trade restrictions and market access) to make them an effective

    mechanism for sustaining hegemonies (Fairclough, 1995).

    The discursive identification of the parties with obligations or agreements enter into

    competition to describe and meaning the Regulatory Structure in the WTO by thedominance of the legitimate use of the legal framework. Which attempts were to enforce

    the dominance and interpretation of certain parties (complainant or respondent) upon all

    interactions between obligations and agreements. For instance, the EU attempted to

    prioritise the right to health protection under the SPS Agreement above other obligations

    and agreements of the WTO. Therefore, the disputes involving the EU on one side and

    Canada and US on other into the Dispute Settlement System had the institutionalism of

    trade at stake, and further the interpretation, meaning and nature of procedures of the WTO


    In the WTO context, competitiveness takes the form of discursive practices producing and

    interpreting interests and strategies, in spoken and written interaction. Competitiveness as

    practice is constructed upon the broader Finance-Trade mode of regulation, which

    constitutes a kind of contemporary capitalist identity the unification of capital. The

    competition-orientation structures practices, experiences and discourses, and further

    constructs languages games which articulate objects and practices. Therefore, in the context

    of contemporary capitalism, the WTO attempts of regulation to establish a new exporting

    culture, and competitiveness is an important discursive logic constructing interactions in

    and of economics (Daly, 1991and Dezalay and Bryant, 1996).


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    2.4 The Bananas Case

    On 5 th February of 1996, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and the United States

    jointly requested consultation with the EU regarding the regime for the importation, sale

    and distribution of bananas, and the EU legislation, regulations and administrative

    measures, including those reflecting the provisions of the framework agreement on

    bananas, which implemented, supplemented and amended that regime. The complainants

    claimed that EU importing restriction measures were inconsistent with Article XXIII of the

    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT), Article 6 of the Agreement onImport Licensing Procedures (to the extent that it related to Article XXIII of GATT),

    Article XXIII of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), Article 19 of the

    Agreement on Agriculture (to the extent that it related to Article XXIII of GATT), and

    Article 8 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS, to the extent

    that it related to Article XXIII of GATT).

    In the bananas dispute Ecuador (cooperatively with Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and US)argued that the EU import restriction measures produced trade distortions, which nullified

    or impaired benefits granted by the WTO Agreement, and the measures impeded the

    objective goals of the GATT and other agreements.

    The dispute interconnected materialities of politics, economics and institutional ensembles

    highlighting the constraints involved in processes that operate behind the backs of the

    relevant agents (Jessop, 2004: 5). The discursive relations in this dispute occurred through

    institutional orders rooted in conflicting trade conflict interests, which oriented discursive

    practices and identified objects of intervention. The discursive selectivities revealed the

    danger of a lack of control on regulatory processes of competition and trade, the main drive

    of the large economies in this dispute (Muchlinski, 1997).


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    The use of the tariff quotas structure by the EU was contested by the complainant parties,

    who claimed that such a system imposed differential rates among banana exporters. The

    issues concerned the differential treatment between traditional banana exporting countries

    on the one hand, and non-traditional African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries on the

    other. According to the complainants, the application of such differential based on foreign

    source constituted a direct contradiction of one of the most fundamental guarantees of the

    GATT, the non-discriminatory tariff treatment stated in the Article I:1.

    The contracting parties competing on the recognition of institutional boundaries involved in

    the dispute deployed coordinative and discursive strategies to produce meanings and

    interpretations. These communicative interactions occurred through both obligations and

    agreements in the WTO and shared linguistic practices which serve to frame thought andknowledge. Meaning and interpretation were taken as being open, and as the coordinative

    engine to shape agents and regulatory structure in the WTO (Black, 2002 and Jessop,


    According to the complainant parties, the EU measures allocated shares to its market

    among banana export countries in a manner inconsistent with Article XIII:2 of GATT,

    which authorises the suspension of any concession or inappropriate adjustment. The

    country-specific share considered other aspects than trade, and even failed to respect

    similar or even greater historical levels of trade. In the view of the complainant parties view

    the quotas favoured particular countries, who had not reached such shares of trade in the

    absence of the restrictions. The quotas system (or import licensing system) was accused by

    the complainant parties to confer market advantages to some foreign sources over others,

    which was claimed as a clear violation of the Article I:1 of GATT.

    2.5 The meaning and interpretation contentions


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    Written obligations include standards, principles and values but they provide no clear

    distinction between rules and discretion. Normative and coordinative claims are textually

    constructed upon obligations and agreements, for instance: treatment no less favourable;

    no-trade restrictions and liberalization of market access. These elements of discourses

    relate with each other through the elaboration of meaning or specifying or describing

    another, and further one extend the meaning to another adding new elements, and finally

    one enhances the meaning of another qualifying it in vary ways (Fairclough, 1992 and

    Fairclough, 2006).

    The Latin countries and the US claimed that the EU regulations imposed on imports from

    Latin America created unfavourable conditions of competition and discriminatory, trade-

    restrictive and trade-distortive effects. The EU measures directly contradicted the GATTguarantees of tariff non-discrimination in Article I, and the treatment no less favourable


    In opposition, the EU saw no discrimination or violation within the tariff quotas system,

    which allocated shares of imports in the EU market in accordance with the legal

    frameworks of the WTO. Furthermore, the EU argued that the tariff quotas system was

    consistent with Article XIII (Non-discriminatory Administration of Quantitative

    Restrictions) of GATT, due to only one specific tariff quota being considered and

    particularly its administration. No allegation regarding discrimination had to be applied to

    administration of two different and independent regimes, both being justified on different


    The process of interpretation requires that the parties involved have an interest in the

    operation of meanings as discourses and social actions, that is, the competing agents invest

    because the game matters and the stakes are worth pursuing. Therefore, the interactive

    relationships between discourse and argument in the Dispute Settlement System constitute

    it as both; a social structure of competition and agency, and the prevailing of the

    interpretative practices is one of the stakes. The regulatory structure is interpreted in


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    accordance with the strategies and pre-interpretative positions of behaviours to curb

    (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992 and Black, 2002).

    Classificatory conflicts about the interpretation, meaning and hierarchical arrangement of

    the obligations and agreements of the WTO were constitutive features of the banana

    dispute. The Regulatory Structure comprises the articulation of politics and economics in

    the WTO, and when considered as a social structure of competition, itself became an object

    and simultaneously the medium of conflicts between complainant and respondent parties

    involved in such trade disputes. Both parties used a relational strategy to understanding and

    interpretation with respect to obligations and agreements of the WTO. In other words, the

    institutional relations and competing agents on the legal framework of the WTO operate the

    structuring of dominant principles and views of its Regulatory Structure.

    Such play on both written obligations and discursive practices is critical to the regulatory

    process, and such play further occurs thought the materiality of trade conflicts and

    textuality of obligations and agreements. The bananas dispute brought uncertainty about the

    precision of obligations and agreements, though precision does not mean certainty. The

    regularisation of practices is the goal, and the inconsistencies and contradictions of detailed

    provisions are cognitive strategies to achieve this end. The interpretation involves the

    development of new cognitive frames and form of practical reasoning (Black, 2002: 180),

    through the selection of particular obligations and agreements for interpreting events and

    legitimising practices to formation of shared normative commitments. (Black, 2002 and

    Jessop, 2004).

    The arguments of the complainant parties included the operation of two discriminatory

    access regimes as a violation of GATT wider obligations, and further the violation of the

    Articles I and XIII (Definition of Terms and Due Restrain) of the Agreement on

    Agriculture. Furthermore, the Latin countries and the US asserted the non-applicability of

    the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures with respect to tariff quotas, and the non-

    applicability of the Articles III:4 and X (National Treatment on Internal Taxation and

    Regulation and Publication and Administration of Trade Regulations) of GATT regarding


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    borders measures. According to Guatemala and Honduras the EU ignored legal standards

    by conferring trade advantages to non-traditional ACP countries over traditional banana

    export countries in order to ensure interests of a satisfactory domestic marketing for


    The discursive formations of both parties sought to integrate textual and intellectual

    technologies in an articulated discursive strategy to ban or bar contrary discourses and

    practices. This was demonstrated by the use of contextualised obligations and agreements,

    which sought to sustain or challenge events, and further interconnected a global competing

    narrative resonance into the institutional dimension of the WTO. Technologization of

    discourses was enhanced by the deployment of a meta narrative searching for for a

    meaningful post-Fordist' macro-economic order in an increasingly integrated worldmarket (Jessop, 2004:15). The role of the Dispute Settlement System, a decision-making

    structure, leads to broader configurations of the global economy and to interpretative

    control of important features of competition and trade regulation. Thus, the interpretation of

    obligations and agreements provides the potential for power and the enhancement of

    positions, that is: control over interpretation is control over power resources. In this context,

    interpretation mean meaning and application, both as authority and as a means of biding

    obligations and the effectiveness of different types of agreements (Black, 2002 ;

    Fairclough, 2006 and Jessop, 2004).

    Chapter 3

    The WTO Competition and Trade Regulation

    3.1 Trade Disputes within the Dispute Settlement System


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    The WTO is founded upon adherence to the imperative principles of multilateral trading

    system, among them competition, no-trade restrictions and market access, which

    constitute ground-rules of trade between nations. Such principles are settled in the

    agreements of the WTO, negotiated and ratified by the member-states. Among the aims of

    the WTO are: administering the agreements; promoting trade negotiations; handling trade

    disputes and monitoring national policies. Although with regard to its actual functioning,

    the WTO itself concerns the development of modern capitalism on issues of identity,

    agency and strategy in accounts of discourses and narrativity (Jessop, 1995: 313).

    The trade liberalisation of all assets - human, industrial, agricultural, natural, financial

    implies the production of goods and services in domestic markets to compete overseas. Thisis the principle of comparative advantage whereby national economies take advantage of

    their assets in order to produce most and trade best. Trade liberalisation means the

    unrestricted flow of good and services in deepened competition. Nevertheless, obstacles to

    imports are always present to protect domestic producers, which mean both a potential

    reduction in world economic activity, and also jeopardy to competitiveness in WTO

    agreements terms.

    Members-states of the WTO are contracting parties under the whole of its agreements or as

    called in this dissertation as Regulatory Structure in the WTO. As contracting parties, the

    conjoined members have in the Dispute Settlement System a resort to strengthen and

    improve the obligations of the regulatory framework of the WTO. The management of

    disputes in WTO is a process where the focus is on interpreting agreements and

    commitments, and ensuring the compromise of national policies within them. Hence, the

    disputes in the WTO refer to broken obligations perpetrated by member-states, which

    constitute violations of its trade rules.

    A dispute arises when a member-state takes trade measures or actions that are considered to

    break the WTO agreements, or when it fails to accomplish its legal obligations. The

    Uruguay Round agreement structured a process with clearly defined stages and procedures,


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    and further emphasized the function of such a dispute resolution structure to the

    effectiveness of WTO. The Dispute Settlement System is the most important structure in

    WTO providing security and predictability to the multilateral trading system. It serves to

    preserve the rights as well as enforcing obligations to member-states under the covered

    agreements, and ensures that the agreements are in accordance with international public


    Another shift in the Uruguay Round agreement compared to the previous General Accord

    on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) procedures on trade disputes is that whereas authoritative

    decisions could previously only be adopted by consensus, now such decisions are

    automatically adopted unless there is a consensus to reject it. Furthermore, the settling of

    disputes is performed under the responsibility of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB),which includes all WTO members. Recommendations and rulings of the DSB are taken

    upon the findings provided by appointed panels to consider each case, which comply clear

    procedures. Such a change implies that the objects of WTO regulation could not exist

    before the constituted imperatival and identity of trade as an element of different

    articulations in different ways (Jessop, 1990: 186). The objects of regulation are known

    through the processes of their regulation.

    The Dispute Settlement System of the WTO is one of the cornerstones of the multilateral

    trade order, due to the establishment of an integrated system permitting the WTO members

    to base their claims upon any of the multilateral agreements. Such multilateral agreements

    or Regulatory Structure of the WTO attempt to improve the transparency in national

    policy-making. The concepts and precepts to accomplish free trade in terms of the

    agreements of the WTO interact with each other to achieve coherent global economic

    policy-making in accordance with trade liberalisation. In the context of the WTO, the

    multilateral agreements suppose regulatory exchanges between members in order to

    guarantee the expansion of trade and avoid world imbalances.


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    3.2 The WTO Regulation

    The bananas and beef hormones cases in the Dispute Settlement System are remarkably

    useful for comprehending the current developments regarding the multilateral trade system

    and international political economy. The disagreements over normative rules concerning

    the covered agreements of the WTO request means of evaluating actual changes and trends

    in the ongoing global economy, and particularly the international trade system. Jessop

    (1995: 315) argues that in the real world there are only definite objects of regulation that

    are shaped in and through definite mode of regulation, and that the ongoing competitive

    struggles regarding Finance-Trade mode of regulation have changed the political and

    economic structures governing modern capitalism, while remodelling such structures of

    power through the redefinition of the forms and inter-relations between political and

    economic agents.

    The Dispute Settlement System is a new development in international economic relationsand international law, and this development has inaugurated a shift from a politically

    driven system based on negotiations to one where universal rules apply. The key cases,

    bananas and beef hormones between EU and North America (US and Canada) and some

    Latin countries raised strong perceptions both on the intrinsic values of each case, and also

    on the legitimacy and completion of the Regulatory Structure in the WTO.

    A wide global market based on liberalised trade and competition is a political-economic

    process, in terms of connections of activities into circuits and networks. Dicken (2007:11)

    has argued that trade interdependencies are embedded into the macro-structures of the

    global economy, and these macro-structures are the institutions, conventions and rules of

    the capitalist market system. Hence, the authoritative dictates of the capitalist, liberalised

    market system are the basis of the WTO regulation. Member-states are thus allowed to


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    maintain controls to restore or develop national economies, although within a supra-

    national institutional framework designed to ensure equal market access to national markets

    for foreigner competitors. The action of member-states has occurred considering the

    agreements of the WTO as a regulatory networking for a global economic management,

    which gradually controls nationally-based economic structures.

    Such regulation is not an evolutionary process, consisting in fact of complex interactions

    focused toward political regulation based on the reproduction of broader capitalist relations.

    The rise of neoliberalism (re) articulate economic and political structures upon a market-

    oriented view and international competition (in this context the WTO) appear as a supra-

    state governance structure to mitigate polarisation and general crises. Hence, the WTO

    resembles the political and asymmetric distribution of opportunities in terms of resources,participation and influence manifested on unequal relations between developed and

    developing countries, north and south (Purcell, 2002 and Favreau, 2000)

    Since the trade rules of the WTO have become more detailed, as a result more precise and

    biding, the Dispute Settlement System has transformed itself into a sophisticated legal

    analysis mechanism. Increasingly, international competition is followed by the need of

    regulation in and through WTO, which is characterised by the formalisation or

    juridification of regulation to provide equal market access to all. The regulation of the

    global economy has been structured upon principles of liberalisation and the

    implementation of substantive rules, which have governed the economic structures and

    grant the WTO as a contemporary and broader social structure of competition.

    3.3 Competition, no-trade restrictions and market access contentions

    The bananas and beef hormones disputes reveal the tensions and interactions between

    deregulation and competition on the regulatory structure in the context of the WTO


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    agreements. As argued by Picciotto (2002:3) liberalisation initially involved deregulation

    swifty followed by reregulation by a wide variety of new regulatory processes referred to

    as neoliberal on politics and economics spheres to appease special interest groups.

    Furthermore, WTO disputes reveal, according to Jessop (1995; 314) constructivist

    elements in discourse- analytic accounts of how organizations and other social forces

    besides individuals come to develop distinctive identities, interests and strategies. Hence,

    the bananas and beef hormones disputes disclose the institutional efforts and particular

    member-states interests in controlling the development of the liberalised trade agenda. Both

    disputes were related to alleged policies or measures restricting imports into the EU

    territory, and further constituted in conflicts respecting the domestic regulatory objectives

    and the suitable completion of the WTO agreements.

    Both disputes involved major economic forces in the global economy providing a means

    to examine how the trade liberalisation game has been based on schedules of concessions

    and biddings tabled under the agreements of the WTO and respective obligations. Garrett

    and Smith (2002:3) have argued that international trade game in the WTO is characterised

    by three strategies: strategic restraint (or lack of it); strategic conciliation or strategic

    bargaining. The ongoing use of such strategies is acknowledged, though the emphasis of

    this dissertation regards the regulatory structure in the WTO as stake and discursive object

    to be controlled, in a process where the regulatory propriety has been constructed and

    classified upon dispersed, but connected and acclaimed, WTO obligations. Furthermore,

    particular obligations of the agreements help to identify the competence of the Regulatory

    Structure in the WTO, which concerns the accomplishment of liberalised trade, and

    guarantees of equal competition. To apologists of liberalised trade the imperfect

    competition is explicitly dealt in the agreements of the WTO, through the attainment of

    trade benefits to member-states.

    The WTO Agreement creates an order with reference to international commerce and

    classifies legal constraints (provisions, norms, procedures) regarding the functional relation

    between the institutional goals and discourses: treatment no less favourable and do not

    arbitrarily or unjustifiably discriminate between members where identical or similar


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    conditions prevail. For instance, the fundamental law of treatment no less favourable is

    assured to every member, as a signatory contracting party under the WTO Agreement.

    Such broader law appears in several Articles in the agreements of the WTO (GATT, The

    Agreement on Agriculture, GATS, Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and The

    Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures -TRIMs), with respect to different

    markets. Furthermore, there are several excerpts in the WTO agreements referring to

    lower trade barriers, such as members shall ensure that such measures are not more trade-

    restrictive than required.

    Organisational and institutional capacities and strategies of the agents into the WTO are a

    discursively mediated form of regulation, which constitute the different objects, processes

    and practices of regulation. The WTO obligations establish relationships between andwithin the organisational and institutional structures, and such relationships are drawn into

    the dichotomous language of public authority versus private interests. The WTO

    obligations are also recipients of embedded actions relating to practices and procedures,

    which aim and form the consolidation of the Regulatory Structure in the WTO. For

    instance, no-trade restrictions statements pursue a goal within the broader Regulatory

    Structure, which creates a kind of order and classifies other trade objects within the

    Regulatory Structure. That is, no-trade restrictions statements accorded as obligations by

    the contracting parties, sought to accrue equal benefits (any advantage, favour, privilege or

    immunity) in imperfect global markets (Jessop, 1995 and Picciotto, 2002).

    Therefore, the constructed concept of (interactional) competitiveness used here helps to

    examine the articulation between discursive formations and linguistic context within the

    Regulatory Structure in the WTO. Furthermore, the concept of competitiveness orders

    and coordinates the relational functions between provisions of the agreements, the

    incorporation of substantive statements in active discourses: treatment no less favourable,

    the liberalization of market access, no protection to domestic production and disguised

    restriction on international trade.


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    3.4 Regulatory Structure

    Objectively, the idea of interactions upon competitiveness ascribes practices and interests to

    the Regulatory Structure in the WTO, further refers to the capacity for organising and

    connecting obligations that belong to a whole. Furthermore, the idea of competitiveness as

    practice to prevent trade distortions is settled in agreements regulating international trade.

    The interaction between competitiveness and competition provides both a dynamic and the

    requirements of regulatory structure to promote global economic policy-making, which

    imply a wide range of normative orders across the globe. Article IV (a) of GATS

    -Increasing the Participation of Developing Countries states:

    (a) the strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency andcompetitiveness, inter alia through access to technology on a commercialbasis;

    Further, the competition policy of the WTO as a result of the Ministerial Conference in

    Singapore (1996), is progressively reinforced to attend to the interests of globalising

    business activities. Competition, trade liberalisation and competitiveness are tied in order to

    promote economic efficiency, development and growth.

    Therefore, the Regulatory Structure in the WTO constitutes itself a space of competition

    principles and international competition, where the force of the rules are interpreted as

    legally binding, as argued by Maher (2002: 114). Such a competition code is both a

    discursive formation with normative perceptions and agency, and a powerful rhetorical

    device. Furthermore, the Regulatory Structure in the WTO (besides IMF and World

    Bank) is part of heterarchical, and specialised regulatory processes, which constitute

    control and authority at all levels exploring the weakness of state institutions. Hence, the

    WTO trade law is a world wide legal discourse, which ties trade law meaning with the use


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    of the legal/illegal code, and where the Regulatory Structure is an organisational and

    functional network (Muchlinski, 1997 and Teubner, 1997).

    In the bananas and beef hormones cases, the complainant parties claimed that domestic

    regulation and requirements caused prejudicial effects on international trade and

    discriminated against foreign competitiveness. In other words, the quantitative restrictions

    concerning banana imports imposed by EU against certain Latin Countries (Ecuador,

    Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico) nullified or impaired the principles of liberalised trade

    and competition. In the beef hormones dispute, Canada and the US also c

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