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Clean Cloud ToolkitGreenpeace Green My Internet Submission 2012

Monday, 17 December 12

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Campaigning to change Apple, Facebook and

Google is one thing

Monday, 17 December 12

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Why it works for these companies:

- Well known among consumers

- They control their own infrastructure and datacentres

- Have their own green IT staff

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What about these guys though?

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Why they’re different

-Few if any green IT specialists on staff

-Most don’t own their own datacentres or infrastructure

-Most of it from likes of Rackspace and Amazon

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The thing withAWS and Rackspace:-Most of their customers don’t know what metrics to request for sustainable IT

-Publishing sustainability metrics not a priority them right until more customers are ask for it

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Campaigning to see change at Amazon or Rackspace needs a different approach

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A new approach

Let the people building sites see the impact of their choices

Provide a channel to let users ask them to make greener choices

Show the people building these sites what options are out there

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Or, put another way…


Constructive Engagement


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Three things the net is great for:


Constructive Engagement


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Open source tools exist to see how traffic routes around the net, to see which datacentres are serving a particular website

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Some open data already exists for showing these datacentres’ CO2 emissions, based on company & location.

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This gives us a starting point to move to…

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Constructive Engagement

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Open source tools like Alavateli exist to help public conversation about this too, for transparency requests. They can be installed an customised just like Wordpress or Drupal

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Users can use tools like this to publicly ask what kind of energy powers a datacentre, or where a company runs its servers

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Collating this data is useful and valuable, but we still

need to provide next steps afterwards

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The developer community has a tradition of open sourcing and sharing best practices, that anyone can improve. The Hackday Manifesto is such open source guide.

1. the site

2. the source code

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There is a growing audience of people looking for one such guide of best practices to apply in the field of green cloud computing

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What I’m proposing

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1. Making a web-app to find the sites you use, and see their environmental impact

2. Providing a way for users to publicly ask those running these sites, if the data isn’t already available

3. Creating an open source “clean clouds” guide on sharing best practices for switching to green cloud computing

4. Sharing these tools and guides with existing, interested communities at events

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1. Making a web-app to find the sites you use, and see their environmental impact


Green My Internet

Find a site | Existing requests | Sites | Guide |

Search for a site, see its impact


Let users quickly see why greening the internet is important with a video, then see how a site they’ve heard of is doing

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1. Making a web-app to find the sites you use, and see their environmental impact

Ask them to switch

Green My Internet

Find a site | Existing requests | Sites | Guide |

You searched for dirtypoweredsite.com…

DirtyPowerSite run on Amazon's datacentres, in North Virginia, and is powered by coal.

heavy user of dirty power

emits 66 tonnes / yr of CO2

15 other people looked up this site today

Tell others about DirtyPowerSite

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Searching a site would perform the same traffic tracing, to workout where the servers are, and the likely power source

Monday, 17 December 12

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2. Providing a way for users to publicly ask those running these sites, if the data isn’t already available

Find a site | Existing requests | Sites | Guide |

This request was successful

Question for dirtypoweredsite.com

Hi dirtypoweredsite

I’m a long time happy user of your site, and have been for at least two years now.

However, I was disappointed to see that it looks like the site I have relied on to help me find good places to stay when seeing my friends, largely runs dirty power.

Could you confirm where the servers that power your site are based on, and what kind of power they run on?



Jane M asked this question on Dec 13th

There are 35 people following this question


Tell others about your question

tweet it

share on facebook


Questions would be handled with a version of the Ataveli platform, designed for asking a few specific questions for this campaign

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3. Creating an open source “clean clouds” guide on sharing best practices for switching to green cloud computing

We’d share this guide as an open source repository on github, for others to fork and improve, so it becomes a living document

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4. Sharing these tools and guides with existing, interested communities

We’d share everything we learn back - and be amazed with what they come up with next.

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To get in touch:

- Chris Adams

- twitter: @mrchrisadams

- email: [email protected]

Thank you.

Monday, 17 December 12

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