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Page 1: Complementary-View Multiple Human Trackingcse.sc.edu/~songwang/document/aaai20c.pdfComplementary-View Multiple Human Tracking Ruize Han,1,2 Wei Feng,1,2 Jiewen Zhao,1,2 Zicheng Niu,1

Complementary-View Multiple Human Tracking

Ruize Han,1,2 Wei Feng,1,2∗ Jiewen Zhao,1,2 Zicheng Niu,1 Yujun Zhang,1,2

Liang Wan,1,2 Song Wang1,2,3∗1 College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China

2 Key Research Center for Surface Monitoring and Analysis of Cultural Relics, SACH, China3 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA

{han ruize, wfeng, zhaojw, niuzchina, yujunzhang, lwan}@tju.edu.cn, [email protected]


The global trajectories of targets on ground can be well cap-tured from a top view in a high altitude, e.g., by a drone-mounted camera, while their local detailed appearances canbe better recorded from horizontal views, e.g., by a helmetcamera worn by a person. This paper studies a new problemof multiple human tracking from a pair of top- and horizontal-view videos taken at the same time. Our goal is to track thehumans in both views and identify the same person acrossthe two complementary views frame by frame, which is verychallenging due to very large field of view difference. In thispaper, we model the data similarity in each view using ap-pearance and motion reasoning and across views using ap-pearance and spatial reasoning. Combing them, we formulatethe proposed multiple human tracking as a joint optimizationproblem, which can be solved by constrained integer pro-gramming. We collect a new dataset consisting of top- andhorizontal-view video pairs for performance evaluation andthe experimental results show the effectiveness of the pro-posed method.

1 IntroductionMultiple object tracking especially human tracking is one ofthe most crucial problems in AI and vision (Luo et al. 2015;Wen et al. 2019), with many applications such as videosurveillance and environmental monitoring. Although manyadvanced tracking algorithms are proposed and break theperformance records on public benchmarks in every year,there are still many challenges e.g., occlusions and out-of-view problems, which are far from being well addressed intracking (Han, Guo, and Feng 2018; Feng et al. 2019).

While tracking has many applications (Guo et al. 2020),typically two pieces of information can be provided bytracking results: accurate trajectories and appearances ofthe targets over time. This clearly introduces a conflict –if the camera is too close to the targets, limited coverageand frequent mutual occlusions prevent the accurate detec-tion of their trajectories; if the camera is too far away fromthe targets, it is difficult to capture the detailed appearanceof targets that are important for many applications such as

∗Co-corresponding authors.Copyright c© 2020, Association for the Advancement of ArtificialIntelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.

Subject #1

Subject #2

Subject #1

Subject #2

Horizontal viewTop view

(a) (b)

Figure 1: An illustration of the top-view (a) and horizontal-view (b) videos. The former is taken by a camera mountedto a drone in the air and the latter is taken by a GoProworn by a wearer who walked on the ground. The proposedmethod jointly tracking multiple subjects, indicated by iden-tical color boxes, across the two videos. Note that the globalmotion trajectory and local appearance are well presented inthese two complementary views.

person identification, action recognition, etc. In this paper,we present a new camera setting to address this problem.To track a group of people, which we refer to as subjects inthis paper, on the ground, we use two cameras with differ-ent views and synchronized clock: A top-view camera at ahigh altitude, e.g, mounted to flying drone, provides a globalbirds-eye view of the subjects and the whole scene as shownin Fig. 1(a). A horizontal-view camera on the ground, e.g.,mounted to a helmet worn by one person, which is static ormoves/rotates smoothly without drastic visual field changes,captures the detailed appearances of subjects of interest, asshown in Fig. 1(b). We expect the collaborative tracking onthese two complementary views produces both global mo-tion trajectories and local appearance details of the subjects.

In this paper, we tackle this collaborative tracking bytracking multiple subjects on each view, together with iden-tifying the same persons across the two complementaryviews frame by frame, as shown in Fig 1. For this we basi-cally need to accurately associate subjects between the twoviews at any time and between different frames along eachvideo. Prior works (Xu et al. 2016; 2017) on multi-view ob-ject tracking usually assume the multiple horizontal viewsfrom different angles, e.g., frontal, side and back views andappearance consistency can still be applied for associatingsubjects. Differently, in this paper we adopt a top view from

Page 2: Complementary-View Multiple Human Trackingcse.sc.edu/~songwang/document/aaai20c.pdfComplementary-View Multiple Human Tracking Ruize Han,1,2 Wei Feng,1,2 Jiewen Zhao,1,2 Zicheng Niu,1

a high altitude where view direction is largely perpendicularto the ground, as shown in Fig. 1(a), to capture the subjects’global trajectories. This leads to completely inconsistent ap-pearance and motion features between the two complemen-tary views: on the top view, each subject is largely a smalldark region with only the head top and two shoulders visible.

We propose a new joint optimization model to addressthe proposed collaborative tracking problem. Specifically,we split the video in each view into short clips with equallength and extract the tracklets in each clip, which we referto as single-view tracklets. The tracklets from adjacent clipsin both two views are then used for establishing the spatial-temporal data association, resulting in the cross-view shorttrajectories. We formulate the multi-clip cross-view data as-sociation as a joint optimization model and solve it by a con-strained integer programming algorithm. In this model, thesingle-view data similarity on each video is based on sub-jects’ appearance and motion consistency while the cross-view data similarity is built by the spatial and appearancereasoning. We finally stitch the short trajectories over timeto get the cross-view long trajectories as the final trackingresults. In the experiments, we collect a new dataset for per-formance evaluation and the experimental results verify theeffectiveness of the proposed method.

The main contributions of this paper are: 1) This is thefirst work to address the multiple human tracking by com-bining the complementary top and horizontal views, whichcan simultaneously capture the global trajectories and localdetailed appearances of the subjects. 2) We build a new jointoptimization model to associate the subjects across views aswell as over time and solve it by constrained integer pro-gramming. 3) We collect a new dataset of top-view andhorizontal-view videos for performance evaluation1.

2 Related WorkMultiple object tracking. In general, multiple object track-ing (MOT) can be divided into offline tracking and onlinetracking. The former takes MOT as an optimization prob-lem of global data association (Tang et al. 2016; 2017;Wang et al. 2016) and is limited to offline applications. Thelatter only uses the information on the current frame and pre-vious frames (Xiang, Alahi, and Savarese 2015; Zhu et al.2018), which is suitable for real-time applications but maynot handle well long-term occlusions or mis-detections. Dif-ferent features are used for data association in MOT. Mostwidely used are appearance and motion features. Color his-togram is a popular feature representation for appearance inMOT (Dehghan, Assari, and Shah 2015; Tang et al. 2016).Recently, deeply learned appearance features are also usedin tracking (Lealtaixe, Cantonferrer, and Schindler 2016;Chu et al. 2017; Zhu et al. 2018). Both linear and non-linear models have been used for representing motion fea-tures in MOT. While linear motion models assume a linearmovement with constant velocity across frames (Zamir, De-hghan, and Shah 2012; Dehghan, Assari, and Shah 2015;Ristani and Tomasi 2018), nonlinear motion models maylead to more accurate predictions (Yang and Nevatia 2012a;


2012b). However, in this paper the consistency of either ap-pearance or motion features are poor across the top and hor-izontal views.

Multi-view multi-object tracking. Also related to ourwork is the previous research on multi-view MOT. Someof them focus on excavating more information from mul-tiple views for tracking, such as geometrical relations basedtracking methods (Ayazoglu et al. 2011) and reconstruction-assistant trackers (Hofmann, Wolf, and Rigoll 2013). Manyothers focus on new problem formulations and solutions. Forexample, Fleuret et al. (2008) propose a generative modelwith dynamic programming for tracking. Liu (2016) pro-poses a multi-view method for tracking people in crowded3D scene. More recently, Xu et al. (2016; 2017) integratemore semantic attributes, e.g., human postures and actionsbesides appearance and motion features, for cross-view ob-ject tracking. However, multi-views in these methods are ac-tually all horizontal views, but with different view angles.This way, most of these multi-view MOTs still use appear-ance and motion matching to infer the cross-view data asso-ciation. As mentioned above, this paper aims to track andassociate subjects across top and horizontal views, wherecross-view appearance and motion consistency are poor.

Top view and horizontal view. Top view and horizontalview are two complementary views and the conjoint analy-sis of them have drawn much attention recently. Ardeshirand Borji (2016; 2018a) propose a method to identifycamera wearers on a top-view video given the horizontal-view videos recorded by these wearable cameras. Similarly,given a horizontal video and a top-view video, Ardeshirand Borji (2018b) study how to identify the horizontal-view camera holder in the top-view video, and re-identifythe subjects present in both the horizontal- and top-viewvideos. Han et al. (2019) exploit the spatial distribution ofthe subjects to match all the subjects between the top- andhorizontal-views, and builds the subject association acrossthe two views. To the best of our knowledge, this paper isthe first to track multiple subjects across the top and hori-zontal views by considering subject association both acrossviews and over time.

3 The Proposed Method3.1 OverviewGiven a pair of temporally-aligned videos that are takenfrom the top view and horizontal view, respectively, we firstsynchronously split these two videos into short clips withthe same length, e.g., 10 frames. In each video clip, we ex-tract a set of subject tracklets using a simple overlap criteria:detected subjects (in the form of bounding boxes) with goodoverlap, e.g., higher than 50%, between two adjacent frames,are connected to form tracklets. We discard the tracklets thatare overly short, e.g., traversing less than 3 frames. We referto the resulting tracklets as single-view tracklets since theyare extracted from the top-view and horizontal-view videos,respectively. We then conduct cross-view cross-clip data as-sociation for these single-view tracklets. More specifically,as shown in Fig. 2, the single-view tracklets from two ad-jacent clips in two views are fed into corresponding cluster

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m n

q p

... ...

... ...





Clip t+1Clip t


Real node Dummy node

Cluster 0 Cluster 1

Cluster 3 Cluster 2

Figure 2: An illustration of subject association between con-secutive clips and across two views. Solid triangle in eachcluster represent its dummy node.

as nodes. We then establish the subject association betweenclips and across views by using a joint optimization func-tion. We refer to the generated tracking trajectories betweentwo clips and across two views as cross-view short trajecto-ries. Finally, we stitch the short trajectories by consideringthe frame overlap over time and obtain the cross-view longtrajectories as the final tracking results.

3.2 Problem FormulationThe single-view tracklets from two adjacent clips in twoviews constitute four clusters 0, 1, 2, and 3, as shown inFig 2. Each (real) node in a cluster represents a single-viewtracklet in respective clip/view. We define e imn as the binaryvariable for the edge between the nodem in cluster i and thenode n in cluster (i+ 1)|4, where | is the modulo operation.For the four clusters shown in Fig 2, cluster (i + 1)|4 is ad-jacent to cluster i in a clockwise order. This way, edge con-nection is only considered between tracklets from the sameview or from the same clip. Besides, the edge connectionis intended to be unidirectional and we define c imn as theweight of edge e imn. Edge weight reflects the similarity oftwo tracklets over time or across views and we will elabo-rate on its constructions later.

The energy function of the problem can be formulated as






c imn · e imn + c0 · di), (1)

where Ni denotes the number of real nodes (tracklets) incluster i, and i′ = (i + 1)|4. Other than real nodes, we alsoadd a dummy node (Dehghan, Assari, and Shah 2015) foreach cluster, which can be connected to multiple nodes (bothreal and dummy node) in other clusters2. The variable dicounts the number of edges connected to the dummy nodein cluster i, which can take any nonnegative integer value.

This is an mixed integer programming (MIP) problem andwe further consider three constraints:

2We add dummy nodes to handle the cases of misdetection,occlusion and out of view. For example, a match between a realnode in cluster 1 and the dummy node in cluster 2 indicates thatthe tracked subject underlying the real node in cluster 1 is not de-tected/tracked in cluster 2.

Constraint 1 limits that there is at most one edge between1) nodes in cluster i and a (real) node in cluster i′, 2) a (real)node in cluster i and nodes in cluster i′, i′ = (i+ 1)|4:


e imn ≤ 1,


e imn ≤ 1. (2)

Constraint 2 ensures that resulting edge connections formloops among four clusters:

e imn + e i′

np + e i′′

pq ≤ 2 + e i′′′

qm , (3)

where i′ = (i+ 1)|4, i′′ = (i′ + 1)|4, and i′′′ = (i′′ + 1)|4.Constraint 3 ensures that a same number of K nodes (in-cluding the number of real nodes and the value of dummynode) are selected for association from each cluster:



e i′′′

qm +



e imn + di = 2K. (4)

With above three constraints, we solve the integer pro-gramming to obtain edge sets between different clusters,which provide the desired subject association across twoviews and two clips. Next we define the edge weights, i.e.,the similarity between tracklets.

3.3 Cross-View Data AssociationSpatial reasoning. For a pair of synchronized clips fromthe top view and horizontal view, respectively, we first use aspatial distribution based method (Han et al. 2019) to get theassociation results of the subjects frame by frame. Specif-ically, let T = {Tm}Mm=1 be the collection of M subjectsdetected on a frame in one view, and H = {Hq}Qq=1 bethe collection of Q subjects detected on the correspond-ing frame in the other view. The result of cross-view sub-ject association is to identify all the matched subjects be-tween T andH. The association results can be expressed asA(Tm, Hq) = 1 if Tm, Hq represent the same person, whileA(Tm, Hq) = 0 otherwise. Given two single-view track-lets Tm,Hq extracted from synchronized clips in two viewsclips, respectively, we identify their temporally overlappedL frames, on each of which we have subjects T lm and H l

q ,l = 1, · · · , L. The similarity between Tm,Hq can be calcu-lated by

ciqm =

∑Ll=1 A(T lm, H


max(|Tm|, |Hq|), i = 1, 3 (5)

where |Tm| denotes the length of the tracklet Tm (numberof contained subjects) and i = 1, 3 indicate the two sets ofedges in Fig. 2 that reflect cross-view data association.

Appearance reasoning. In addition to the spatial reason-ing, we also consider the appearance similarity. In consider-ation of the difficulty of data annotation and algorithm effi-ciency, we design a one-short learning based Siamese net-work (Koch, Zemel, and Salakhutdinov 2015) to measurethe similarity between two tracklets. The detailed Siamesenetwork structure is shown in Fig. 3. Given two tracklets,each of which consisting of a sequence of image patches, we

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first compute the mean image of these patches in each track-let. As shown in Fig. 3, the mean images of two tracklet arefed into the Siamese network, which is composed of threeconvolution layers and two connection layers, and uses thepair-based contrastive loss function (Hadsell, Chopra, andLecun 2006). By calculating the Euclidean distance of thetwo streams’ output vectors, we obtain the similarity scoreciqm of the two tracklets Tm,Hq for i = 1, 3.

Horizontal-view tracklet

…Top-view tracklet

Input Image



100x100x4 100x100x8100x100x8





100x100x4100x100x8 100x100x8



Input Label

1 / 0


Figure 3: Siamese neural network structure for measuringthe cross-view appearance similarity.

3.4 Cross-Clip Data AssociationAppearance consistency. To measure the appearance simi-larity of single-view subjects, we use color histogram as therepresentation. We first compute the histogram for all thesubjects of a single-view tracklet. Then the median of allthe histogram is selected as the appearance descriptor of thetracklet (Dehghan, Assari, and Shah 2015). Let ϕ(Tm) andϕ(Tn) be the appearance descriptor of the tracklets Tm andTn respectively. We use Histogram Intersection (Grauman2005) to calculate the appearance similarity between them:

cimn = K(ϕ(Tm), ϕ(Tn)), i = 0, 2 (6)where K denotes a kernel function (Grauman 2005) and i =0, 2 indicate the two sets of edges in Fig. 2 that reflect cross-clip data association.

Motion consistency. We also consider the motion consis-tency for single-view subject association. We use the con-stant velocity motion model to predict motion consistency asin most previous MOT tracking methods. Given two track-lets, the forward and backward deviation error δf and δbcan be computed by the motion model. The deviation errorδ = α(δf +δb) is to measure the difference of the two track-lets Tm and Tn, where α is a scaling factor. We convert theerrors into similarity by cimn = e−δ , which takes the valuein [0, 1] for i = 0, 2.

3.5 Tracking FrameworkGiven two cross-view tracklets Tm,Hq , we can use theabove methods to get the spatial similarity score ciqm andappearance similarity score ciqm, respectively (i = 1, 3). Weuse the linear combination to compute the final edge weightciqm as

ciqm = w1ciqm + (1− w1)c

iqm, i = 1, 3 (7)

where w1 is a pre-set parameter. Similarly, given two single-view tracklets Tm,Tn from different clips, we calculate theedge weight cimn (i = 0, 2) by

cimn = w2cimn + (1− w2)c

imn, i = 0, 2 (8)

where w2 is a pre-set parameter, and cimn, cimn are the track-let similarity scores calculated by the appearance color his-togram feature and motion model, respectively.

The proposed MOT tracking method can be summarizedin Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1: Complementary-View MOT:Input: VT , VH : Top-view and horizontal-view videos;

parameters w1, w2, c0.Output: Tracked subject bounding boxes with ID numbers.

1 Split the cross-view videos into T clips respectively.2 for t = 1 : T do3 Detect the subjects then extract the single-view

tracklets Ttm ,Ht

q , Tt+1n , Ht+1

p in clip t and t+ 1.4 Calculte the tracklets similarity scores then compute

the edge weight c by Eq. (7) and Eq. (8).5 Solve e by Eq. (1) to get cross-view short-trajectories.6 if t = 1 then7 if eqm = 1 then8 Assign the same ID numbers to the bounding

boxes in the tracklets Ttm,Ht

q .

9 else10 Assign the incremental ID to the other ones.

11 else12 if emn = 1 (epq = 1) then13 Assign the ID number of Tt

m (Htq) to

Tt+1n (Ht+1

p ), respectively.

14 else if enp = 1 then15 Assign the ID number of Tt+1

n to Ht+1p .

16 else17 Assign the incremental ID to the other ones.

18 return bounding boxes with ID numbers

4 Experiments4.1 Dataset and MetricsWe do not find publicly available dataset with temporallysynchronizing top-view and horizontal-view videos withground-truth labeling for cross-view multiple object track-ing. Therefore, we collect a new dataset by flying a dronewith a camera to take top-view videos and mounting GoProover the head of a person to take the horizontal-view videosfor performance evaluation. Videos are taken at five siteswith different background. The subjects are free to move orstop in the scene without any specific instructions and theremay be random mutual occlusions between subjects. Wemanually synchronize these videos such that correspondingframes between them are taken at the same time. We thencut out 15 pairs of sequences with length from 600 to 1,200frames as our dataset. We manually annotate the subjects inthe forms of rectangular bounding boxes and ID numbers:

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Table 1: Comparative results of different methods. IDP, IDR, IDF1, IDS, MOTP, MOTA are standard MOT metrics. CVIDF1

and CVMA are the new metrics for evaluating the cross-view MOT.Method IDP IDR IDF1 IDS MOTP MOTA CVIDF1 CVMAGMMCP 49.4 50.7 50.1 1172 75.2 79.3 17.9 27.2MDP 65.8 68.4 67.1 723 75.2 84.9 33.7 38.1DMAN 72.3 77.2 74.7 311 75.1 82.4 44.7 43.2Ours 77.6 76.6 77.1 382 74.9 84.2 84.0 78.3

Table 2: Comparative results of different methods on the subsets of top-view videos and horizontal-view videos, respectively.


GMMCP 50.7 50.7 50.7 822 69.3 76.5 47.7 50.8 49.2 350 83.6 83.4MDP 76.2 77.8 77.0 331 69.6 86.3 50.8 54.3 52.5 392 83.6 82.7DMAN 85.1 87.4 86.2 65 70.0 85.8 54.8 61.9 58.1 246 82.7 77.4Ours 79.5 80.9 80.2 115 69.2 84.0 74.3 70.1 72.2 267 83.8 84.5

the same subject across two views are labeled with the sameID number.

We apply standard MOT metrics for evaluating the track-ing performance (Lealtaixe et al. 2015), including multi-object tracking precision (MOTP) and multi-object trackingaccuracy (MOTA). One key task of the proposed collabo-rative MOT is to identify/track the same subject across twoviews. Therefore, we also select four ID-based metrics, i.e.,ID precision (IDP), ID recall (IDR), ID F1 measure (IDF1)and ID switches (IDS) for performance evaluation.

Besides, to fully measure the performance of the proposedcross-view multiple object tracking, we define the followingnew metrics. First, the cross-view ID F1 metric – CVIDF1 isdefined as



where CVIDP and CVIDR denote the cross-view subjectmatching precision and recall, respectively. We further de-fine the cross-view matching accuracy – CVMA, as

CVMA = 1−(∑

tmt + fpt + 2mmet∑t gt

), (10)

where mt, fpt, mmet are the numbers of misses, false posi-tives, mismatch pairs of cross-view object matching at timet, and gt is the total number of objects in both top and hori-zontal views at time t.

4.2 Experiment SetupWe implement the main program in Matlab and on a desk-top computer with an Intel Core i5 3.4GHz CPU, andthe Siamese network for cross-view appearance similaritymeasurement is implemented on GPU. We use the generalYOLOv3 (Redmon et al. 2016) detector to detect subjectsin the form of bounding boxes in both top- and horizontal-view videos. For top-view subject detection, we fine-tunethe network using 600 top-view human images. For trainingthe Siamese based network, given a subject detected in thetop-view frame, we use it paired with its corresponding sub-ject in horizontal view as a positive sample, and paired withother subjects as a negative training sample. Note that all

the training data have no overlap with our test dataset. Thepre-specified parameters w1, w2 and c0 are set to 0.3,0.5 and0.3, respectively. The mixed integer programming problemis solved by the MIP solver of cplex.

We choose three multiple object trackers, i.e., GMMCP(Dehghan, Assari, and Shah 2015), MDP (Xiang, Alahi,and Savarese 2015), and DMAN (Zhu et al. 2018) as thecompared methods. Among them, GMMCP uses the colorhistogram based appearance feature and constant velocitymodel based motion feature for data association, which issame with our single-view data association. Both MDP andDMAN are single object tracker based online MOT ap-proaches, where DMAN learns deep appearance featuresfor data association. All the comparison trackers are imple-mented to track on the top-view and horizontal-view videosseparately, initialized with the ground-truth subjects and la-bels on the first frame. Note that, for fair comparison, we usethe same subject detector for all the methods, including theproposed method and these comparison methods. In prac-tice, we did not find existing methods with code that can han-dle the proposed cross-view multiple objects tracking. Oneseemingly related work is Xu et al. (2016; 2017) for cross-view multiple people tracking. However, we could not in-clude it directly into comparison because it assumes multiplehorizontal or sloped views and can still use pose/appearancefeatures for data association, which is not applicable to thetop-view videos used in this paper.

4.3 ResultsWe evaluate the proposed method on our dataset. We eval-uate the single-view MOT results using the standard MOTmetrics. We show the results of different trackers in Ta-ble 1(left). We find that although using the same features asGMMCP in single-view data association, our method out-performs GMMCP by a wide margin in the ID-related met-rics. The proposed method achieves the comparable perfor-mance with the state-of-the-art DMAN tracker.

Moreover, we divide the dataset into top-view andhorizontal-view videos and evaluate the MOT performance,respectively. As shown in Table 2, we can first find that thetracking results in top view shows better performance com-

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0 100 200 300 400 500 600










0 100 200 300 400 500 600



















Figure 4: Cross-view subject matching results over time.

pared to horizontal view. This is due to the mutual occlu-sions which frequently appear in the horizontal view but arerare in top view. In this case, the proposed method achievesbetter tracking results in horizontal view with the assistanceof tracking in top view. As for top-view tracking, the pro-posed method outperforms GMMCP by a large margin withthe cross-view joint optimization for data association. Theresult verifies that the top view and horizontal view are com-plementary in improving the tracking accuracy.

Besides the standard MOT metrics, we also compare thecross-view MOT performance using CVIDF1 and CVMAas shown in Table 1(right). While the selected comparisonmethods can only handle the single-view tracking, we pro-vide the ground-truth ID of each subject on the first frameof both views. This way, the tracking on each view actu-ally propagate the subject IDs to later frames and from theIDs, we can match the subjects across views over time. Wecan find that all the three compared trackers produce verypoor results because the cross-view subject matching willfail once a target is lost in tracking in any one view. Theproposed method can produce an acceptable CVIDF1 andCVMA results of 84.0% and 78.3%, respectively. To betterevaluate the cross-view MOT, we show the average CVIDF1

and CVMA scores over time3. As shown in Fig. 4, we canfind that the performance of all the single-view trackersshow a downward trend. Our method shows a steady scoreswith no performance decrease over time.

Actually, MOT is expected to maintain the subject ID af-ter the initialization on the first frame. We evaluate the IDaccuracy over time based on the consistency of current andinitial ID numbers. As shown in Fig. 5, DMAN performsbest in the top view. However, in the horizontal view, ourapproach gets better performance than other trackers as theframe number increases. This is because our approach canre-identify the horizontal-view subjects by associating to thetracked subjects in the top view.

4.4 Ablation StudiesFeatures for similarity measurements. We study the in-fluence of using different similarity measures. As shown inTable 3, ‘w/o sv-App’ and ‘w/o Motion’ denote the pro-posed method without the appearance and motion features

3In this experiment, we only consider the first M frames of eachvideo, where M is the minimum length of all the videos. This way,we can compute the average CVIDF1 and CVMA scores of all thevideos frame by frame.



















1000 200 300 400 500 600




















1000 200 300 400 500 600

Figure 5: ID consistency accuracy over time in top view (a)and horizontal view (b).

in single-view data association, respectively. And ‘w/o cv-App’ and ‘w/o Spatial’ denote the proposed method withoutthe appearance and spatial features in cross-view data asso-ciation, respectively. The results in the first and second rowsshow that using only one of the single-view data associa-tion features cannot achieve performance as good as the pro-posed method that combines both two. However, using anyone of the two types of features can achieve the acceptableresults. By comparing the results in the third and fourth rowswith the last row, we can see that the proposed method usingonly appearance features produces poor results in cross-viewsubjects matching, which verifies the appearance is not veryuseful for human association across two views. Fortunately,spatial reasoning provides more accurate information thanappearance features in cross-view data association.

Table 3: Comparative study of using different associationfeatures. ‘sv-App’ and ‘w/o Motion’ denote the appearanceand motion features in single views. ‘cv-App’ and ‘Spatial’denote the appearance and spatial features in cross views.

Features IDF1 MOTA CVIDF1 CVMAw/o sv-App 71.4 84.0 83.4 77.6w/o Motion 71.1 83.9 81.9 76.4w/o cv-App 72.1 84.1 82.6 76.5w/o Spatial 62.6 81.4 15.5 25.9Ours 77.1 84.2 84.0 78.3

Parameters selection. There are three free parameters inthe proposed method: w1, w2 in Eq. (8), Eq. (9) and c0 inEq. (1). We examine their influence to the final trackingperformance. Table 4 reports the results by varying one ofthese three parameters while fixing the other two. We can seethat the final tracking performance, including standard MOTmetrics, i.e., IDF1 and MOTA or cross-view MOT metrics,i.e., CVIDF1 and CVMA, are not very sensitive to the se-lected values of these three parameters.

4.5 DiscussionOcclusion and out of view. In horizontal-view videos, itis common to have subjects with mutual occlusion and be-ing out-of-view. In this case, existing online trackers, e.g.,DMAN can not associate the long-term lost subjects whenthey reappear in the view. Two examples are shown in Fig. 6.The top two rows show the case of mutual occlusions. Fromthe top view at frame #180, we can find that two subjects (ID

Page 7: Complementary-View Multiple Human Trackingcse.sc.edu/~songwang/document/aaai20c.pdfComplementary-View Multiple Human Tracking Ruize Han,1,2 Wei Feng,1,2 Jiewen Zhao,1,2 Zicheng Niu,1

Table 4: Results by varying values of w1, w2 and c0.w1 IDF1 CVIDF1 MOTA CVMA w2 IDF1 CVIDF1 MOTA CVMA c0 IDF1 CVIDF1 MOTA CVMA0.2 74.9 82.7 84.2 77.4 0.4 76.2 83.7 84.1 78.1 0.2 77.0 81.4 84.3 77.10.3 77.1 84.0 84.2 78.3 0.5 77.1 84.0 84.2 78.3 0.3 77.1 84.0 84.2 78.30.4 77.5 82.8 84.3 77.8 0.6 76.8 83.6 84.2 78.2 0.4 73.3 83.2 84.3 77.5

57 64



86 311 5



311 5





7 8 34



2 86 35

7 2 8 6 3 4


52 38


7 2 5 6 8 3 43872 5

37 6 2 5 84



7 2 357 2 5

6 4 3

7 2 510 4




7 85

7 5 84


7 5 84 10



7 5 910

2 7 5 4 3


102 7 5 43






7 3








310 4



















































6104 4






















































7 5








# 150# 001 # 210# 180

# 001 # 085 # 165 # 210

Top view

Horizontal view

Top view

Horizontal view

DMAN Ours GT Key target

Figure 6: Case analysis of long-term occlusion (top) and out-of-view (bottom) scenario.

number 2, 3) are occluded by others and DMAN switchesthe ID of them when they reappear in the field of view atframe #210. Our method keeps the original ID number. Sim-ilarly, we focus on the key subject (ID number 4) which goesout of view at frame #165 in the horizontal view. We canfind that this subject is reassigned to a new ID number byDMAN. Our approach gets the original ID number of thetarget, which is consistent to its ID number in the top view.

Table 5: Time performance of each component (sec/frame).Component tracklet sv-sim cv-sim solutionTime 0.16 0.26 0.06 0.10Proportion 27.5% 44.7% 9.6% 18.2%

Speed analysis. As shown in Table 5, we record the run-ning time taken by each component of the proposed method.In this table, ‘tracklet’ denotes the single-view tracklet con-struction, ‘sv-sim’ and ‘cv-sim’ denote the single-view andcross-view data similarity computation, respectively. ‘so-lution’ denotes the step of solving the optimization prob-lem. We can find that the single-view similarity computationtakes 44.7% of the total running time. The total time takenby cross-view similarity computation and final optimizationis similar to that taken by the tracklet construction. Thisdemonstrates the time efficiency of the proposed cross-viewsimilarity computation and optimization. We further com-pare the speed of our approach with three comparison MOT

trackers. From Table 6, we can find that our method runsfaster than MDP and DMAN. Note that, our main programis implemented in Matlab with CPU and it can get muchfaster with the multithreading or GPU acceleration.

Table 6: Running speeds of different methods (frames/sec).

Type Ours GMMCP MDP DMANSpeed 1.74 2.44 0.77 0.91

5 ConclusionIn this paper, we have studied a new problem to track multi-ple subjects in the complementary top and horizontal views.We formulate a joint optimization problem for the subjectsassociation in the time-space domain. In each view, the datasimilarity over time is represented by appearance and mo-tion features. Across the top and horizontal views, the datasimilarity is represented by spatial and appearance reason-ing. We solve the optimization problem by a constrainedmixed integer programming algorithm for final cross-viewmultiple subject tracking. We collect a new complementary-view dataset, as well as manually label the ground truth, forperformance evaluation. Experimental results on this datasetdemonstrate that the proposed MOT method can collabora-tively track subjects in both views, by providing both theglobal trajectory and the local details of the subjects.

Page 8: Complementary-View Multiple Human Trackingcse.sc.edu/~songwang/document/aaai20c.pdfComplementary-View Multiple Human Tracking Ruize Han,1,2 Wei Feng,1,2 Jiewen Zhao,1,2 Zicheng Niu,1

6 AcknowledgmentsWe thank Sibo Wang, Shuai Wang, Chenxing Gong fortheir kind assistance in the collection and annotation of ourdataset. This work was supported, in part, by the NSFC un-der Grants U1803264, 61672376, 61671325, 61572354.

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