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  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


    Why communication is important??

    One can never imagine a world where no personis able to understand others emotions but if ithappens then they are failing to understand thatthey are in the same boat!!!

    How can one express oneself in such a situation?

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



    Effective communication occurs only if the receiver

    understands the exact information or idea that thesender intended to transmit.

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



    Thought: First, information exists in the mind of the

    sender. This can be a concept, idea, information, orfeelings.

    Encoding: Next, a message is sent to a receiver in

    words or other symbols.

    Decoding: lastly, the receiver translates the words orsymbols into a concept or information that he or she

    can understand.

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



    Content is the actual words or

    symbols of the message which isknown as language - the spoken

    and written words combined into

    phrases that make grammatical

    and semantic sense.

    Context is the way the message is

    delivered and is known asparalanguage - it is the non

    verbal elements in speech such as

    the tone of voice, the look in the

    sender's eyes, body language,

    hand gestures, and state ofemotions.

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



    Nothing is so simple that it cannot be

    misunderstood. - Freeman Teague, Jr

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



    due to the nature of the environment.

    the natural barrier which exists, if staff are located indifferent buildings or on different sites.

    Likewise, poor or outdated equipment, particularlythe failure of management to introduce

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



    faults refer to problems with the structures orsystems in place in an organization.

    For example the mic system in our lecture hall

    sometimes it works out and some times not!!!!

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


    PSYCOLOGICAL FACTORS People's state of mind.

    We all tend to feel happier and morereceptive to information when the sun shines.

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



    The most important factor in leading tomiscommunication.

    The way we speak, we act while wecommunicate, our body gestures all account for

    the message we want to send.

    Examples are put forward

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


    Case Study: The Logistic Company

    Most of the courier and cargo companies, when they sendtheir total consignments (load in their language) to a

    particular station, they do it with advance intimation byway of sending E-mail (pre-alert message in theirlanguage). ABC Logistics was no exception to thisprocedure. Whenever they sent their load by evening flightto Mumbai, they sent pre-alert to Mumbai giving details ofthe load like flight number, total number of bags, total

    weight of the bags etc. Night-duty Airport Executive atMumbai Airport use to retrieve the load and use to confirmthe receipt of the load to the Bangalore office.

    The arrangement worked fine for months and even years.Airport Executive continued to get the pre-alert messageand after retrieval of the load, he continued to confirm thereceipt of the load.

    Dinesh V DivekarFreelance Soft Skill & Behavioural TrainerBangalore - 560 094

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


    On one fine night, Satish who was on night-duty atMumbai airport observed that neither any pre-alert has

    been received from Bangalore . Nor Bangalore office hadsent any load to them. He tried calling Bangalore office.But it was well past midnight and there was no responsefrom Bangalore office. Security guard on duty told to the

    Airport Executive that nobody is available in theBangalore office and staff on duty had left already. Satish

    knew that generally Ravi works in the night time. He triedcalling on Ravi s mobile number but it was switched off.

    Satish had no other option except calling Asst ManagerOperations of Bangalore , Charles. Charles tried

    contacting Ravi but he observed same what Satish hadobserved, that Ravi s mobile was off.

    Dinesh V DivekarFreelance Soft Skill & Behavioural TrainerBangalore - 560 094

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


    This was unique situation. He was concerned about whathad happened. Charles tried calling other operations staffsto find out whether anybody knew home of Ravi . But noneof them knew where Ravi s house was. Charles wasdisappointed. Though he had disturbed couple of staffs inthe dead of the night, there was no much headway. Charles

    was on the horns of dilemma. Should I defer the matter forearly morning or settle right away? After deliberating for

    couple of minutes, he chose latter.

    As a last resort, Charles called Hari, HR Executive. Charlesexplained situation to him and told him to go to office andfind out address of Ravi from the personal documents of

    Ravi . By the time it was 01:30 hours and Hari was aghast tofind out that he was told to go to office at dead of the night.

    Dinesh V DivekarFreelance Soft Skill & Behavioural TrainerBangalore - 560 094

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


    Hari went to his office, pulled out personal documents of Ravi andnoted his address. Later he confirmed the address to Charles.

    Charles had no option but to commute 15 KM in order to go tohouse of Ravi . He reached Ravi s home at 02:15 hours.

    For Ravi , it was a strange experience to find out that his managerwas knocking his door at well past midnight. When questioned whyhe did not send the pre-alert, he just told that very simple, todaythere was excess booking by other logistic companies and there wasno space, so cargo officials of all the airlines refused to accept our

    load. And since no load was connected, I did not send pre-alert aswell. However, I have done booking for morning flight and load willbe connected through morning flight.

    Charles was damn infuriated by his answer. But his fate had stored alittle more frustration for him as while returning home from Ravi shome, night duty patrol cops caught for him driving his two-wheeler

    without driving license.

    Dinesh V DivekarFreelance Soft Skill & Behavioural TrainerBangalore - 560 094

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


    Case Study The Wet Floor

    Sushma works in Infosoft Solutions Pvt Ltd. She works there asProject Leader. Occasionally her job demands coming early forher duties or stay till late evening hours.

    Once she was handling 2 projects simultaneously and on onesuch day she had convened a meeting with her team membersregarding project delivery. She had called her team members at0800 hours.

    Sushma is a disciplinarian and generally she follows dutytimings strictly.Discipline starts with me, was her firm

    principle. She had made a habit of coming 5 minutes early atleast. However, on that day she could not make meeting time of0800 hours and she was worried of her reputation could be at

    stake.Dinesh V DivekarFreelance Soft Skill & Behavioural TrainerBangalore - 560 094

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


    Time was 0805 and she reached main gate of her company. Hurriedly sheswiped her card and rushed towards board room. That time few housemenwere doing cleaning. One of the housemen had spread soap solution on thefloor. Unaware of what is on the floor, she continued to rush to the board

    room. In hurry, Sushma slipped her foot. The floor was made of marblesand soap solution was sprinkled over it. The floor had become quiteslippery. Sushma, could not control her balance on the slippery floor andfell down. Slippery floor dragged her couple of feet further.

    The impact was so strong that she wailed loudly. Her team membersrushed to help her. Somehow she could get up with the help of her team

    members. Considering her wailing because of pain, she was taken to thehospital. In the hospital it was discovered that her hip bone was broken.Later she was immobile for about two months because of hip injury.

    Later in investigation, it was revealed that the houseman who wascleaning the floor had not put the display boardCaution: Floor isWet.

    Dinesh V DivekarFreelance Soft Skill & Behavioural TrainerBangalore - 560 094

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team



    Be a good listener. Remember always that hearing isnot what listening means. It is only part of it.

    Provide feedback for every exchange.

    Use nonverbal behaviors to raise the channel ofinterpersonal communication: -

    Eye contact:Facial Expressions:


    Posture and body orientation

  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


  • 8/14/2019 Completed Comunication1- Kartikeya Tiwari and team


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