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Composer is the new Drush

Perttu Ehn // Exove Ltd // 2106-12-20


Drush Recap


Workflow with the Composer


Semantic versioning

More recipes

Drupal Console

Perttu Ehnhttps://www.drupal.org/u/rpsu @ropsue

Competence manager @ Exove Ltd www.exove.com

10 years of Drupal, three (small) contrib modules

Motto:Q: Can this be done?A: Yes. Most certainly. It’s just a matter of the size of your budget.

blah blah blah.. about me

Drush recapdrush.org

Drush recap“Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal.“- www.drush.org

Build codebase based on the recipe (.make-file)$drushmakemy-makefile.make

Download and enable modules, themes

Set variables, reset passwords, rebuild or revert features…

Write your own custom commands to do practically anything with Drupal

Drush is not a dependency manager, but a fixed recipe for the codebase


"Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP"

Dependency manager, per project, within a project

Node: npm

Ruby: bundler


Composer does everything with the codebase Drush does, but better

Composer Does not touch Drupal

.. however, Drupal console does


Workflow with the Composer

Set up a project repository (localdev…!)

You add project requirements$composerrequiredrupal/drupal

Composer will solve requirement's dependencies

Commit composer.json and composer.lock -files to Git

Don’t commit code hosted elsewhere - Drupal core, modules, libraries

Workflow with the Composer

Use Composer template for Drupal, it comes with steroids! $composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-devcoolio--stabilitydev—no-interaction--prefer-dist


Image: http://www.e-steroid.com/steroid-articles/negative-effects-of-steroids.html

Use Composer template for Drupal$composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-devcoolio--stabilitydev--no-interaction --prefer-dist

Composer may be installed globally or per project 1)

Composer == composer.phar -file, “Php ARchive”


1) https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#installation-linux-unix-osx

Use Composer template for Drupal $composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-devcoolio--stabilitydev--no-interaction --prefer-dist

create-project creates a new project from an existing project (think gitclone)


Use Composer template for Drupal $composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-devcoolio--stabilitydev--no-interaction --prefer-dist

Use Composer template for Drupal as the base

8.xproject version (relates to the Drupal core version)

-devuse dev -version, ie. a git commit (latest one in this case)


Use Composer template for Drupal $composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-devcoolio--stabilitydev--no-interaction --prefer-dist

cooliois the directory where the project will be created

also where composer.json and composer.lock files will be created


$composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-devcoolio--stabilitydev--no-interaction --prefer-dist

--stabilitydevMinimum stability of package

--no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question


$composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-devcoolio--stabilitydev--no-interaction --prefer-dist

--prefer-dist Prefer distributions over source, ie. use vendor zip/gzip/tar/whatever if found. Faster.


$composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-devcoolio-d8--stabilitydev--no-interaction --prefer-dist……(wait)……(stillworkingonit)……Createasites/default/settings.phpfilewithchmod0666 Createasites/default/services.ymlfilewithchmod0666 Createasites/default/filesdirectorywithchmod0777


Ladies and gentleman, start your engines!


Codebase (D8)coolio-d8$ls-Aweb.csslintrc.editorconfig.eslintignore.eslintrc.htaccess.gitattributesautoload.phpindex.phprobots.txtupdate.phpweb.configcore/modules/profiles/sites/themes/

$composercreate-projectdrupal-composer/drupal-project:7.x-devcoolio-d7--stabilitydev--no-interaction —prefer-dist……(wait)……(stillworkingonit)……WritinglockfileGeneratingautoloadfiles>rmREADME.mdLICENSE.travis.ymlphpunit.xml.dist


Ladies and gentleman, start your engines!


Codebase (D7)coolio-d7$ls-A1web.editorconfig.gitignore.htaccessCHANGELOG.txtCOPYRIGHT.txtINSTALL.mysql.txtINSTALL.pgsql.txtINSTALL.sqlite.txtINSTALL.txtLICENSE.txtMAINTAINERS.txtREADME.txtUPGRADE.txtauthorize.phpcron.phpincludesindex.phpinstall.phpmiscmodulesprofilesrobots.txtscriptssitesthemesupdate.phpweb.configxmlrpc.php

Web root is in coolio/web

All libraries are protected from direct accesscoolio/vendor/*

vendor code rarely needs to be accessible directly from the world


core/update.php (well...)

Folder structure








RecipesGet some modules (.make)

List the modules you have with Drupal:$drushpmlRemove module code manually








RecipesGet some modules (.make.yml)

List the modules you have with Drupal:$drushpmlRemove module code manually


Changes core version 8.2.3 -> 8.2.2 (with template project)


List the modules you have with Drupal:$composershowdrupal/*

Remove a module - affects composer.json and the codebase, too$composerremovedrupal/ctools

Add Drush and Registry Rebuild module (Drupal 7 only)$composeradddrush/drush:7.*drupal/registry_rebuild

RecipesGet some modules (composer)

zsh requires quoted parameter when it contains an asterisk: $ composershow"drupal/*"

You request a (Drupal) package$composerrequiredrupal/ctools

Composer finds it (https://packages.drupal.org/8)

Composer updates composer.json -file

Composer downloads the package

Composer checks if this new package has other requirements (composer.json file)

Composer searches for the requirement… => this is a dependency tree!

Composer dependency resolving 1/2

zsh requires quoted parameter when it contains an asterisk: $ composershow"drupal/*"

All good! && Write composer.lock file


Exception!!! Exception!!! && Revert the changes in composer.json file

Composer dependency resolving 2/2

zsh requires quoted parameter when it contains an asterisk: $ composershow"drupal/*"

1. Clone project repository.

2. Run composerinstall

Composer reads composer.lock -file

Composer retrieves all the required dependencies

Composer generates autoloader

3. That’s it! (+ some vagrantup and Drupal site installs)

zsh requires quoted parameter when it contains an asterisk: $ composershow"drupal/*"

Fellow developer’s local

Run composerupdate to get the latest available (version constraints!)

Update code

Write updates to composer.lock -file

Change version (ie change version constraints)$composerrequiredrupal/commerce:2.*

zsh requires quoted parameter when it contains an asterisk: $ composershow"drupal/*"

How to do code updates?

Semantic versioning

Three digits; 1.2.3

1st changes might be backwards incompatible (major)

API removals, API changes

2nd changes with API additions, new features (minor)

3rd changes with bug fixes (patch)

Semantic versioning


Comparison operators, specified range of allowed versions>=1.0>=1.0<2.0>=1.0<1.1||>=1.21.0-2.0


* is a wildcard: 1.0.* is the equivalent of >=1.0<1.1




~ specifies a minimum version, but allows the last digit specified to go up: ~1.2 is the equivalent of >=1.2<2.*


^ sticks closer to semantic versioning; sub-major version updates should not break anything: ^1.2.3 is equivalent to >=1.2.3<2.0.0



Specify allowed versions, not a specific version

composer.lock -file will contain the specific version which composerinstall will use

drupal/core:8.2.2=> drupal/core:~8.2 or drupal/core:^8.2

drupal/commerce:2.0-beta3 => drupal/commerce:~2


Git HEAD (not recommended): drupal/console:dev-1.xdrupal/console:dev-master-forGitHub



More recipes

Problem: Feature or fix you must have may be in Git, but not in the latest release

Solution:Use a specified Git commit

More recipes

Use a specified Git commit


More recipes

Use a specified Git commit


More recipes

Use a specified Git commit


More recipes

Use a specified Git commit

READ: never use HEAD (“latest whatever code”)

More recipes

Problem:-> Found and fixed a bug in a contrib module, and now you need to use your fixes (a patch file) from drupal.org? No prob.-> Perhaps you were lazy and never uploaded the patch? No prob either.

Solution: Drush and Composer can apply remote and local patches

Patching modules

projects[field_group][version]="1.0-rc4";Explainbrieflywhythispatchisneeded.projects[field_group][patch][2761159]=https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/field_group-empty_group_nonnumeric_index-2761159-2-D8.patch ;Localpatch(pathrelativeto.make-file)projects[field_group][patch][other_fix]=patches/field_group-fix_it.patch

Apply the patch either by re-running$drushmakemy_project.make

…or manually$patch-p0<path/to/important.patch

Patching modules

projects:field_group:version:'1.0-rc4'patch:#Explainbrieflywhythispatchisneeded. 2761159:'https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/field_group-empty_group_nonnumeric_index-2761159-2-D8.patch'#Localpatch(pathrelativeto.make.yml-file)other_fix:‘patches/field_group-fix_it.patch'

Apply the patch the same way with old style .make file

Patching modules

Install module field_group$composerrequiredrupal/field_group:1.0-rc4

Edit composer.json and edit (or add) "extra": "extra":{"patches":{"drupal/field_group":{"ApatchwithURL”:“https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/field_group-empty_group_nonnumeric_index-2761159-2-D8.patch",“Localpatch(pathrelativetocomposer.json)”:"patches/field_group-fix_it.patch"}}}

Apply the patches and update composer.lock -file$composerinstall#appliesthepatch$composerupdate--lock#writespatchinfoto.lockfile

Patching modules

There is a module for that… but it requires an external library!

As an example:

Chosen -module is a wrapper for chosen-library

Chosen library must be downloaded separately

Other libraries

Image: https://opensource.com/life/16/1/indiahacks-2016


libraries[chosen][directory_name]="chosen" libraries[chosen][type]="library"libraries[chosen][download][type]="get"libraries[chosen][download][url]="https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/releases/download/1.4.2/chosen_v1.4.2.zip"

Apply the patch either by re-running drushmakemy_project.make

…or downloading the library manually

Other libraries

Image: https://opensource.com/life/16/1/indiahacks-2016


Apply the patch the same way with old style .make file

Other libraries

Image: https://opensource.com/life/16/1/indiahacks-2016

Manually add new item to your repository -section in composer.json:"repositories":[{"type":“package","package":{"name":"customlibs/chosen","version":"master","dist":{"type":"zip","url":"https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/releases/download/1.4.2/chosen_v1.4.2.zip","reference":“1.4.2"},"autoload":{"classmap":["."]}}],

Request the library $composerrequirecustomlibs/chosen:1.4.2

Then update your packages as per what you've just done: $composerupdate

NOTE: Chosen modules declares this dependency in Drupal 8 version via composer.json

Other libraries

Image: https://opensource.com/life/16/1/indiahacks-2016

Drupal Console

Briefly about Drupal Console

Composer manages (Drupal) codebase

Drupal Console does tricks with Drupal itself (Drupal 8)

Help your self by aliasing drupal if it is not in your $PATH

#localdev VM bash alias isaliasdrupal="/vagrant/drupal_root/vendor/drupal/console/bin/drupal"

Site installation

Install Drupal site (default -folder) $drupalsite:installminimal--langcode="en"--db-type="mysql"--db-host=""--db-port="3306"--db-name="local_1"--db-user="root"--db-pass="root"--site-name="Drupal8"--site-mail="[email protected]"--account-mail="[email protected]"--account-name="admin"--account-pass="admin"--no-interaction--learning-vvv

Site installation

Install Drupal site (default -folder)$drupalsite:installminimal--no-interaction

Command aliases ❤ $drupalsi

Multisite installation

1. Create multisite folder and directory aliasing file sites/sites.php$drupalmultisite:newexample.com--site-uri=“local-2.example.com”> creates sites/example.com -folder> creates site-alias local-2.example.com => sites/example.com

2. Install the site$drupalsiminimal--uri="local-2.example.com"--no-interaction

Multisite tools

Check multisite structure$drupalmultisite:debug

Clone (!) existing default site to a multisite folder $drupalmultisite:new--copy-install--site-uri="local2.example.com"example.com

Module commands

Install a module$drupalmodule:install|mou

Uninstall a module$drupalmodule:uninstall|mou

Generate module$drupalgenerate:module|gm

Rebuild D8 cache$drupalcache:rebuild|cr

Some random commands

Go nuts!$drupal[-l=local-1.example.com]list$drupal[--uri=local-1.example.com]list

Get help!$drupalhelp[topic]

Documentation https://drupalconsole.com/docs , also in Vietnamese and Hindi among some other languages

NOTE: Drupal Console v1.0.0-rc12 (not yet released) is needed for properly working (automated) multisite installation process



Drush Recap


Workflow with the Composer


Semantic versioning

More recipes

Drupal Console

Take also look at these

Composer template for Drupal projectshttps://github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-project

Improving your Drupal 8 development workflow by Jesus Manuel Olivas http://weknowinc.com/talks/2016/drupalgov-workflow

Drupal Console Docshttps://drupalconsole.com/docs

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