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Composting & Vermicomposting

Composting & Vermicomposting


Martin Wafler, seecon international gmbh

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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DisclaimerThe contents of the SSWM Toolbox reflect the opinions of the respective authors and not necessarily the official opinion of the funding or supporting partner organisations. Depending on the initial situations and respective local circumstances, there is no guarantee that single measures described in the toolbox will make the local water and sanitation system more sustainable. The main aim of the SSWM Toolbox is to be a reference tool to provide ideas for improving the local water and sanitation situation in a sustainable manner. Results depend largely on the respective situation and the implementation and combination of the measures described. An in-depth analysis of respective advantages and disadvantages and the suitability of the measure is necessary in every single case. We do not assume any responsibility for and make no warranty with respect to the results that may be obtained from the use of the information provided. 

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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1. Composting2. Vermicomposting3. Applicability4. Advantages and disadvantages


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Composting & Vermicomposting

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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Why composting?1. Composting

• about 70 % of municipal waste is normally organic• organic waste can cause problems of smell, leachate, gas, and

stray animals in landfills• recycling at source is most economic and environment friendly

method of waste management• simple methods available• compost is valuable resource for farmers• composting at source keeps inorganic waste clean and makes

it easier for recycling

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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6Source: adapted from ENPHO

• process of decomposition of organic waste by micro-organism

• natural process (be made faster and more effective by mixing various types of waste and adjusting moisture, temperature and aeration)

• contains NPK and other plant nutrients including micro-organisms

steps of composting: • prepaeration (converting waste

into raw material)• production of compost• marketing

Concept1. Composting

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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7Source: adapted from ENPHO

• waste collection• sorting into organic and inorganic• reduce size if necessary• adjust moisture content• starters/additives• adjust C:N ratio

Preparation1. Composting

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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8Source: adapted from ENPHO

C/N-ratio in various substrates1. Composting

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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9Source: adapted from ENPHO

Compost preparation1. Composting

• place prepared waste in piles, windrows, chamber or bins • turn the compost regularly or arrange other ways to aerate the

waste• regularly monitor temperature & moisture

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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10Source: adapted from ENPHO

Temperature during composting process1. Composting

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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11Source: adapted from ENPHO

Finishing & Marketing1. Composting

• screening & packaging• marketing strategy

◦ product- quality- packaging

◦ price- main distributor- Consumer

◦ place- distribution network

◦ promotion- mass communication- interpersonal


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Composting & Vermicomposting

Find this presentation and more on: www.sswm.info.


Home composting options1. Composting

Source: adapted from ENPHO

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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Composting at community & municipal level1. Composting

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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14Source: adapted from ENPHO

• separate waste at source. Glass in the waste can result in injuries

• ensure proper C/N-ratio & chop waste in small pieces

• ensure proper amount of water and air to avoid smell

• prepare and implement proper marketing strategy (most compost projects fail because of poor marketing)

• regularly monitor composting process

Important points to remember1. Composting

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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2. VermicompostingConcept

Source: http://www.yelmworms.com/_images/vermicomposting.gif

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Composting & Vermicomposting

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2. VermicompostingHow to do at home

Source: adapted from ENPHO

• prepare vessel or bin• add 2 inches (5 cm) of bedding materials• add worms• cut waste into small pieces and put in the

bin• keep bin covered with a moist cloth• put bin away from direct sunlight• regularly check moisture• harvest vermicompost every 3 to 4 months• store harvested compost for 2-3 weeks and

then remove the young worms

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Composting & Vermicomposting

Find this presentation and more on: www.sswm.info.


3. ApplicabilityComposting & vermicomposting• at source management of wet organic waste at household,

community, and/or city level

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Composting & Vermicomposting

Find this presentation and more on: www.sswm.info.



Disadvantages:•waste segregation required

4. Advantages and disadvantages


Advantages:•see above•selling of worms

Disadvantages:•maintain proper environmental conditions for worms

Advantages:•recycling at source•economic and environment friendly waste management•simple methods available•compost is valuable resource for gardeners/farmers

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Composting & Vermicomposting 20

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