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  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


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    Section C

    ( 25 marks )

    Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

    1 It was 4 a.m. and still dark outside. Doan Thi Khoa opened her eyes and

    for a moment was not sure where she was. Her whole ody a!hed"

    espe!ially the stump on the left" where her le# used to e. $he suddenly

    realised the importan!e of that day % seein# &r Hun#" the trainer" for the first

    time in her life" and startin# her trainin# for the !ompetition for the disaled 5

    from all o'er the !ountry.

    2 Khoa sat up" tryin# to keep her alan!e on oth her le# stumps. It was

    diffi!ult e!ause the ri#ht one was a little lon#er than the left one. Deftly"

    she swun# herself onto the wheel!hair and ui!kly mo'ed to the other end

    of the room she used as a kit!hen. Throu#h one of the many small holes in 1

    the that!hed roof" she !ould see a twinklin# star. It was like the rou#ht smile

    of a friend in her lonely life. It was her hait to smile a!k at the star e'ery

    mornin#" at aout the same hour.

    * $he had orphaned at the a#e se'en" when a traffi! a!!ident on the

    way to her father+s hometown killed oth her parents" and depri'ed her of 15

    her le#s. The followin# days" weeks" months and years were one lon#

    ni#htmare for her. $he li'ed amon# the poor nei#hours who were farmers

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    like her parents. Her nei#hours shared whate'er they !ould spare with the

    little orphan. ,eedless to say" humiliation" sorrow and self-pity were her 

    !onstant !ompanions in learnin# to look after herself. $he learnt to do all 2

    kinds of odd os for li'in#. $he learnt to read and write with the help of a

    hi#h-s!hool student. /et" in spite of all the hardships" she #rew up stron#

    and eautiful" like a wild flower.

    4 Ten years later" a !ousin took her to Hanoi to li'e with his family. They

    needed someone to take !are of their small son while they were at work. 25

    The small oy was happy to ha'e a i##er sister to play althou#h that

    sister !ould ne'er !at!h him in their ra!es. Khoa was well aware of her 

    disaility" and her desire to walk like a normal person e!ame stron#er than

    e'er. 0hen the oy started s!hool" she mo'ed out to li'e on her own. Her 

    !ousin helped her to find a room she !ould rent in poor part of the !ity" *

    where a!!ommodation was !heap. Khoa e#an to sell read for a li'in#.

    $he had to fa!e the diffi!ulties of li'in# in po'erty all o'er a#ain - this time

    in a i# !ity.

    5 $he left her house and went around the streets" !allin# out her wares.

    eople liked to uy read for their reakfast from this smilin#" !heerful #irl" *5

    who always thanked them sin!erely. u!k was with her and Khoa sold all

    her read y ei#ht o+!lo!k. $he rushed a!k home" left her askets" and hid

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    the money in a small o3 ehind the !ra!ked sto'e. If she steered her 

    wheel!hair fast enou#h" she would ust e in time for meetin#.

    Three days earlier" on a !ool e'enin#" Khoa had #one to a park to talk to 4

    some of her friends who also had to sit in a wheel!hair like her. ust for fun"

    they started a wheel!hair ra!e" without noti!in# that a man was wat!hin#

    them !arefully from distan!e. He was a well-known sports trainer" and

    when the ra!e was o'er" he approa!hed Khoa to ask if she would like to oin

    a #roup of disaled people who were trainin# for a !ompetition. It was so 45

    sudden that she did not know what to say at first" ut her friends had all

    persuaded her to a#ree. $o" today she would meet the trainer at the stadium

    for the first time" and he had promised to help her as mu!h as he !ould.

    6 7or the ne3t si3 months" e'ery day" in sunshine or in rain" after sellin# her 

    wares" Khoa was ne'er asent from the small stadium where the #roup 5

    trained. Her hands led at first and then hard !alluses of skin appeared. 8ll

    her mus!les a!hed" and at ni#ht she tossed and turned on her hard ed"

    unale to #et to sleep. 8ll she thou#ht aout was to end forward on her 

    wheel!hair" to speed ahead" and ne'er stop until she rea!hed the finishin#

    line the trainer drew on the #round.

     Adapted from Asian Stories For Young Readers, Vol 1

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    Questions 26 – 30

     Answer all the questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.

    2.   (a) 7rom para#raph 1" who was Doan Thi Khoa9

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    () 7rom para#raph 2" why did Doan Thi Khoa !onsider the twinklin# star a


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    26. 7rom para#raph *"

    (a) uote a phrase to show that Khoa had a 'ery diffi!ult life after the deaths

    of her parents.

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    () 0hi!h word has the same meanin# as emarrassment 9

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    2=.   (a) 7rom para#raph 4" who was responsile for settin# up Khoa>s

    life in the !ity9

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    () 7rom para#raph 5" what made people uy read from Khoa9

    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    2?.   (a) 7rom para#raph " who influen!ed Khoa to oin the !ompetition for the


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    () 7rom para#raph 6" #i'e e'iden!e to show that Khoa was !ommitted to her 


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    *. In your own words e3plain how Khoa fa!ed the !hallen#es in her life with her


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    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...............; 2 marks <

    *1. @ased on the passa#e #i'en" write summary on A

    • What happened to Khoa afte the !oss of he paents"

    Bredit will e #i'en for use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e

    the ori#inal meanin#.

    /our summary must

    • @e in !ontinuous writin# ( not in note form )

    • Cse materials from !ine 16 to #3

    • ,ot e lon#er than 130 $ods inc!udin% the 10 $ods #i'en elow

    @e#in in your summary as follows A

     After the deaths of her parents, she lived in povert!"..












    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::;15 marks

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    Section C

    ( 25 marks )

    Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

    1 Ten years a#o" I led a fast-pa!ed life. I was an a!!ount mana#er for a top

    tradin# !ompany" puttin# in at least 12 hours a day at the offi!e. 7or three

      !onse!uti'e years" my team had raked in the hi#hest profit and I had re!ei'ed

    numerous awards. ife was e3!itin# and I was fortunate to ha'e hired help at home.

    ittle did I know that I would lose it  all in the ne3t few months. 5

    2 It happened after a usiness trip to Bhina. I de'eloped a persistent a!k

    pain and a low #rade fe'er at ni#ht. I thou#ht I was o'erworked and de!ided to

    take some painkillers. 0hen I told my husand aout it" he said I proaly needed

    a holiday. He promptly ooked a holiday for us oth to @ali the ne3t day. In @ali"

    thin#s #ot worse" espe!ially at ni#ht. I had ni#ht sweats and I e#an !ou#hin#. 1

      I was so e3hausted that I !ut short the holiday and flew home.

    * The ne3t day" I !ould hardly #et out of ed. &y family do!tor ad'ised me

    to take an 3-ray. To my utter dismay" the -rays re'ealed that I had tuer!ulosisE

    He put me on a re#imen of 2 talets a day" !ontainin# the usual dru#s to fi#ht T@.

    I soon felt etter and e'erythin# was a!k to normal. Howe'er" when I returned 15

      from my trip to $in#apore" I had de'eloped a persistent !ou#h a#ain.

    4 This time" I de!ided to make an appointment with my friend" Dr 8Flin"

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    a !onsultant !hest physi!ian. 8nother -ray re'ealed a fist-siFe !a'ity in my lower

    left lun#" !aused y multidru# resistant strain. &r T@ was definitely still around.

    @y this time" my wei#ht had dropped to 4 kilos. I !ould hardly eat anythin# as the 2

      powerful dru#s made me si!k. I was warned that the treatment would !ause

    nausea" heart palpitations and oint pains. It mi#ht also lead to li'er prolems and

    lindness. I did not hesitate" as I did not ha'e any !hoi!e. I !ould hardly reathe

    and a simple !on'ersation was almost impossile.

    5 In the meantime" I had a heart-to-heart talk with my oss" Gn!ik aFman" 25

    and we de!ided that I should hand o'er my team to my assistant while I

    re!uperate. He was 'ery understandin# and kind whi!h made it e'en more

    diffi!ult for me. I was used to fi#htin# my way up and we always had heated

    ar#uments aout our proe!ts. $eein# his sympathy and kindness made me

    refle!t upon the seriousness of my !ondition. I told him that I wanted to take *

      no-pay lea'e and he assured me that the o would always e there waitin# for

    me. I was the first time he saw me !ry.

    I e#an to think aout my o and my a!!omplishments. I spent a total

    of four months in ed. Durin# that time" my family and friends !ould not

    'isit me for fear of infe!tion. I !ontemplated my future" if I had one. I wanted *5

    to die at one points as I had ne'er felt so hopeless. I was slowly losin# the

    attle. Then" my husand ou#ht a ournal for me and I e#an writin# a#ain.

    It was somethin# that I had always wanted to do ut did not ha'e time. I

    #uessed he must ha'e seen the emptiness in my eyes and he desperately

    wanted to help. ne ni#ht" when I wanted to #o to the toilet" I heard him 4

    !ryin# in the study room. It was then that I resol'ed to #et well. I realised

    that I had put him throu#h so mu!h and he had ne'er on!e !omplained to

    me aout the household. 0hen I was etter" my !hildren 'isited me. I

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    missed them more than I realised. 8 week later" I e#an paintin# a#ain" a

    hoy whi!h I had pursued as a !hild. I painted and wrote as if I had only 45

    weeks to li'e. &y dri'e and will e#an to return. I felt etter ut dared not

    elie'e the first ne#ati'e test results that !ome a!k. I had een there efore.

    7inally" after * harrowin# months" I was de!lared free of T. Howe'er" the

    disease had taken its toll on me. It had destroyed 25 per!ent of my left lun#.

    Ga!h day" for the ne3t si3 months" I still had to !ontinue takin# the medi!ine 5

    to a'oid any relapse.

    6 7inally" a year later" I was pronoun!ed !ured. I was finally ale to #o a!k

    to work. 8 sea of new fa!es #reeted me on that day. I felt inse!ure ut happy

    to e a!k. Then" Gn!ik aFman and my team were waitin# in my room for me.

    I was o'er enoyed that they had maintained the room for me. I !ried tears 55

    of oy as I hu##ed my team memers.

    = 8lthou#h I feel weak and I am !onstantly on antiioti!s" I am enoyin# life

    a#ain. I am thankful for the reak that the disease #a'e me as it had tau#ht

    me life+s lessons. I learnt to appre!iate my family and life. I learnt that it is

    all ri#ht to lean a!k and let others #et ahead of me. I learnt that material

    wealth is nothin# !ompared to health lo'e and life.

    Questions 26 – 30

     Answer all the questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.

    2. 7rom para#raph 1"

    (a) 0hat a!!omplishment did the writer and her team a!hie'e9

      :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..; 1 mark

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      () 0hat does it in ine 5 refer to9

      :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ; 1 mark <

    26. 7rom para#raph 2"

      (a) 0hy did her husand ook a holiday to @ali9

      :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ; 1 mark <

      () How do we know that she was still unwell in @ali9

      :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ; 1 mark <

    2=. 7rom para#raph 4"

      Ji'e TW& effe!ts the writer would e3perien!e from the treatment.

      i):.:.::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ; 1 mark <

      ii):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ; 1 mark <

    2?. 7rom para#raph "

      (a) 0hy was the writer unale to re!ei'e any 'isitors9


    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..; 1 mark <

      () 0hat does the phrase the disease had ta#en its toll on me$ means.

      ::::::::::::::::::::::..::::::::::::.; 1 mark <

    *. If you were in the writer>s shoes" how would you deal with the situation9 Ji'e a

      reason for your answer.


      ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; 2 marks

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    *1. @ased on the passa#e #i'en" write summary on A

    • The $ite's eactions and fee!in%s"

    • What she did to dea! $ith the situation"

    Bredit will e #i'en for use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e

    the ori#inal meanin#.

    /our summary must

    • ased on material from !ine 2# to #6

    • written in your own words

    • e in !ontinuous writin# ( not in note form )

    • not e lon#er than 130 $ods( inc!udin% the 10 $ods #i'en elow.

    @e#in in your summary as follows A

    %he writer had a serious dis&ussion with her oss and """














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    ; 15 marks <


    $e!tion B

    ;25 marks<

    Questions 26 – 31 are ased on the following passage.




    The #olden rules of healthy a#ein# are 'ery simpleA eat ri#ht" e3er!ise" e

    your a#e and do not smoke. &ost of all" fo!us on ein# happy and don>t for#et

    your life #oals. rofessor &akoto $uFuki" =6" says that one !elerate lon# life.

    LThe onus is on us to fo!us on uality" and work on ha'in# many momentous

    o!!asions.M $uFuki" !hief dire!tor of the kinawa esear!h Benter for on#e'ity

    $!ien!e" was speakin# to a !apti'e audien!e at the 1st 0orld Bon#ress of 

    Healthy 8#in#" in Kuala umpur last 0ednesday. The title of his talk was" Se&rets

    'f %he '#inawan entenarians$ ongevit! .

    He ad'ises the audien!e to keep a!ti'e" eat moderately and emra!e the

    years. He says a diet laden with 'e#etales" ut less meat" plays a i# part in

    healthy a#ein#. The kinawans ha'e a !ustom of sayin# haraha&hiu$   efore

    ea!h meal. This is a reminder not to o'ereat. referaly" one should stop when

    the stoma!h is aout 6N full. He also points out that the kinawan diet is ri!h in

    anti-a#ein# in#redients su!h as polyphenol" phytoestro#en" isofla'ones" #ood

    amyloids as well as 'itamins and nutrients whi!h are #ood for our health. These

    are !ommonly found in itter #ourd" soyean produ!ts like tofu" rown ri!e and





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    G3er!ise also !omes into the euation and $uFuki ad'ises the youn# to

    start as early as possile as the effe!ti'e enefits of that lessens after the a#e of 

    4. 8s an ar!her and mountain !limer himself" he emphasises that the elderly

    must find a way to sweat it out. If we want to stay healthy" we !annot afford to stay

    idle. Instead" we should find a hoy that we !an fo!us and reuired us to mo'e

    aout. $in!e his mo'e to the flat plains of kinawa" he has exchanged his

    climbing gear for a hoe e!ause his wife" /oko" has a farm where they spend

    most of their weekends. LDon>t worry aout the wrinkles or ein# slow. ust e

    usy"M says $uFuki" who still le!tures and !ondu!ts resear!h at yukyus.

    Death is also ine'itale" ut for the elderly in that island" what>s far more

    important than the end of one>s days is the role of the !ommunity in ensurin# that

    they ha'e a pla!e in so!iety. LGlderly people need to ha'e a sense of elon#in#"

    to know their role in a family is still 'alued. ne of the reasons why the

    !entenarians of kinawa are ale to lead a happy life is e!ause they are re'ered

    y the youn#er people"M he says.

    rayin# is another !ommon pra!ti!e that !an impro'e your physi!al and

    emotional health as it may lower lood pressure and heart rates. eople may use

    the time efore #oin# to sleep to say their prayers y 'oi!in# out their hopes and

    wishes" whi!h will help them to keep !alm. 7urthermore" $uFuki elaorates on a

    daily ritual !alled ugan" durin# whi!h the kinawans pay respe!t to their an!estors

    at the family altar" and air their #rie'an!es to the dead. This has a therapeuti!

    effe!t for the li'in#" as it helps to alle'iate stress.

    n the home front" a spe!ialist in healthy a#ein# at antai &edi!al Bentre"

    K" says often" senior !itiFens are not en!oura#ed to keep pushin# themsel'es"

    oth physi!ally and mentally. LThe &alaysian mindset is that old people should not

    e3ert themsel'es. 8s a result" their physi!al and mental fa!ulties are left to







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    de!line"M says Dr aans $in#h" 52. To ha'e wellness and health in old a#e" it is

    !ru!ial for an indi'idual to take a proa!ti'e stand" like takin# up tai !hi" for 


    It may also e ne!essary to astain from fast food and fiFFy drinks" Dr 

    aans adds" e!ause the hi#h fat" su#ar and sodium !ontents of these foods

    !an lead to or a##ra'ate !onditions like hypertension and diaetes.

    7or Tan $ri Dr 8hmad &ustaffa @aee" a fellow of 8!ademy of $!ien!e

    &alaysia" a!!eptan!e of one>s a#e is !ru!ial so that #rowin# old !an e seen as a

    positi'e" natural pro!ess. Do not" for e3ample" tell others that you are 46 when

    you are in fa!t 64E Instead" learn to enoy ein# your a#e.

    LIt is important to e what you are and follow the ways of nature"M says Dr 

     8hmad" 65" who still !uts a dashin# fi#ure with his lon# snowy lo!ks and thi!k


     (8dapted from %he Star 'nline" &ar!h 212)



    2 7rom para#raph 1"

    (a) what are the #olden rules of healthy a#ein#9

    ( 1 mark )

    () where was $uFuki>s talk held9

    ( 1 mark )

    26 7rom para#raph 2 and *"

    (a) why did $uFuki re!ommend eatin# a lot of 'e#etales9

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    ( 1 mark )

    () what do you think the senten!e he has exchanged his climbing gear for a hoe>


    ( 1 mark )

    2= 7rom para#raph 4 and 5"

    (a) #i'e two reasons the elderly people need to ha'e a sense of elon#in#9



    ( 2 marks )

    () why do you think the kinawans hold the ugan ritual daily9

    ( 1 mark )

     2? 7rom para#raph =" why did some people lie aout their a#e9

    ( 1 mark )

    * In your opinion" what fulfillin# a!ti'ity !an you do as you #et older9 Glaorate

      on your answer.


     ( 2 marks )

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    Page | 15*1 @ased on the passa#e #i'en" write a summary onA

    • the tips on how to a!hie'e healthy a#ein#

    Bredit will e #i'en for use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e the ori#inal


    /our summary must

    • e in !ontinuous writin# form (not in note from)

    • use materials from lines ) to #3

    • not e lon#er than 1* words" in!ludin# the 1 words #i'en elow

    @e#in your summary as followsA

    *n order to a&hieve health! ageing, one must rememer to"""""""""""












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    $e!tion B

    ;25 marks<

    Questions 26 – 31 are ased on the following passage.

    1 0e !an all safely say that we ha'e stru##led with sleep at one point or  

    another in our li'es. The diffi!ulty is we all seem to ha'e 'aryin# and indi'idual

    de#rees of sleep prolems. $ome people fall asleep ust fine ut wake up in the

    middle of the ni#ht and !an>t #et a!k to sleep. thers sleep throu#h the ni#ht ut

    wake too early in the mornin#. 8nd still others appear to sleep throu#h the ni#ht 5

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    with no prolem" ut ne'er wake rested.

    0hile it>s normal to e3perien!e an o!!asional ad ni#ht of sleep" if your 

    sleep prolems e!ome !hroni!" it>s time to do somethin# aout them. a!k of 

    sleep interferes with immune fun!tion and in!reases your risk of insulin

    resistan!e. Then there are the dan#ers of tryin# to #et throu#h the day when you

    are o'ertired e!ause of your sleep-depri'ed state. This is ad" espe!ially if you

    ha'e to dri'e.

    Parious health issues may !ontriute to sleep prolems" in!ludin#

    menopause" depression" and ust aout any !ondition that !auses pain. ther 

    !ulprits in!lude restless le#s syndrome and sleep apnea" in whi!h you sli#htly

    awaken doFens of times a ni#ht e!ause your reathin# stops.

    ust as important as the aility to fall asleep and stay asleep is the aility

    to !y!le in an orderly fashion throu#h the fi'e sta#es of sleep se'eral times a

    ni#ht. Bhildren" adoles!ents and teena#ers need to #et the re!ommended = hours

    of sleep as this is !riti!al to their !ell #rowth and repair. If somethin# interrupts the

    pro#ression of these sleep sta#es" you won>t feel well rested and your mood and

    memory may suffer.

    ,ot ein# ale to sleep !an e e3tremely frustratin#. @ut efore you turn to

    sleepin# pills" there are plenty of natural approa!hes to try. &any do!tors

    re!ommend maintainin# a normal wei#ht. $tudies find that oesity !an make

    sleep prolems like sleep apnea worse. It !an also affe!t important sleep-related

    hormone le'els in the ody" in!reasin# le'els of the stress hormone !ortisol while

    de!reasin# le'els of sleep-indu!in# melatonin.

    If you find yourself in a stressful situation" e !areful. 8lways try to mana#e

    your stress. Bon!entrate on makin# your ody rela3 and stress-free ust efore

    #oin# to sleep. /ou should take yo#a !lasses or doin# meditation in your free

    time" as they !an help you to a!hie'e a restful sleep.

    &oreo'er" if you are under the do!tor>s orders to take medi!ation" !he!k






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    your pres!ription. &any pres!riptions and o'er-the-!ounter medi!ations !an

    interfere with sleep" in!ludin# eta-lo!kers" thyroid medi!ation" !ertain

    antidepressants like the sele!ti'e serotonin reuptake inhiitors ($$Is)"

    de!on#estants" !orti!osteroids" and medi!ations with !affeine. Talk to your do!tor 

    aout !han#in# dosa#es or medi!ation if you>re takin# any of these dru#s.

    /ou must rememer to a'oid al!ohol" espe!ially efore edtime. 8lthou#h

    many people think a #lass of wine efore ed !an help with insomnia" the

    opposite is a!tually true. 8s al!ohol is a!tually a type of depressant" it mi#ht help

    you fall asleep. Howe'er" it>s often the !ulprit ehind middle-of-the-ni#ht

    awakenin#s as your ody e3perien!es al!ohol withdrawal. 8s soon as it wears off"

    you will aruptly awaken and it will e harder than e'er to fall asleep. It also

    interferes with your sleep !y!le" so e'en if you do sleep throu#h the ni#ht" you>ll

    wake up tired.

    /et another reason to uit smokin#A ,i!otine is a stimulant. eople who

    smoke will ha'e a harder time tryin# to #et to sleep. If you>re still smokin#" try not

    to smoke for at least two hours efore edtime. ne way to astain from smokin#

    is to rush your teeth so you won>t e tempted to smoke for the remainder of the


    Jettin# rid of !hroni! insomnia will in'ol'e makin# some lon#-term

    !han#es to your haits. /ou must e prepared to ask yourself" are you ready to

    make the ne!essary sa!rifi!es9

    (8dapted from rd.&om on 8pril 5" 212)





    2 7rom para#raph 1" #i'e one !hara!teristi! of an insomnia!.

    ( 1 mark )

    26 7rom para#raph 2"

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    Page | 19

    (a) what are the effe!ts of insomnia9

    ( 2 marks )

    () what do you think would happen if you !ontinue to dri'e when you are tired9

    ( 1 mark )

    2= 7rom para#raph *"

    (a) what is the !ause of insomnia9

    ( 1 mark )

    () what are the symptoms of sleep apnea9

    ( 1 mark )

    2? 7rom para#raph and 6"

    (a) why should you ask your do!tor to !han#e the dosa#e if you are takin# !ertain

    antidepressants like $$Is9

    ( 1 mark )

    () what happens to you when your ody e3perien!es al!ohol withdrawal9

    ( 1 mark )

    * If you suffer from !hroni! insomnia" what !an you do to impro'e your sleepin# pattern9

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    Page | 20

      Glaorate on your answer.


     ( 2 marks )

    *1 @ased on the passa#e #i'en" write a summary onA

    • the effe!ts of insomnia

    • the ways to o'er!ome insomnia

    Bredit will e #i'en for use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e the ori#inal


    /our summary must

    • e in !ontinuous writin# form (not in note from)

    • use materials from lines + to the end

    • not e lon#er than 1* words" in!ludin# the 1 words #i'en elow

    @e#in your summary as followsA

    %here is more to insomnia than +ust troule falling asleep"""""""""":..





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    Page | 21


















    Pactice *

    2 8n insomnia! will ha'e troule fallin# asleep. $ometimes" e'en thou#h they fall

    asleep" they wake up in the middle of the ni#ht and !annot #et a!k to sleep.

    26(a) a!k of sleep interferes with immune fun!tion and in!reases your risk of insulin


      () If I !ontinue to dri'e when I am tired" I would e unale to fo!us on the road and an

    a!!ident mi#ht o!!ur.

    2= (a) Parious health issues like menopauseQ depression !an !ause insomnia

      () /ou will sli#htly awaken doFens of time a ni#ht e!ause your reathin# stops.

  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


    Page | 22

    2? (a) The antidepressant may interfere with my sleep.

      () He or she may aruptly awaken at ni#ht and it will e harder than e'er to fall asleep.

    * 8!!ept any rele'ant answer.

    *1 Su,,a-


    B1 The first effe!t is it will interfere with immune fun!tion

    B2 in!reases the ody>s risk of insulin resistan!e

    B* The ody e!omes o'ertired

    B4 to assist !ell #rowth and repair 

    B5 will not feel rested and your mood and memory may suffer 

    Wa-s to &.eco,e

    B &aintain a normal wei#ht

    B6 8lways try to mana#e your stress

    B= Take yo#a !lasses or meditation

    B? !han#e the dosa#e or medi!ations if you ha'e to take !ertain dru#s

    B1 8'oid al!ohol

    B11 $top smokin#

    B12 @e prepared to make !han#es in your haits.

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    Page | 23


    $e!tion B

    ;25 marks<

    (%ime suggested 5 minutes)

    Questions 26 – 31 are ased on the following passage.



    $hopliftin# is a phenomenon that haunts estalished supermarkets like a

    pla#ue. This !ould e due to the easy a!!ess of shoppers to the !ommodities plus

    the fa!t that !ommodities are displayed so attra!ti'ely whi!h tempt the !ustomers.

    Howe'er" not e'ery !ustomer is ale to pur!hase the attra!ti'e #oods. $o" not

    surprisin#ly" they resort to shopliftin#.

    This is ad news for supermarkets. The attra!ti'e display of #oods to woo

    !ustomers is now en!oura#in# the !ustomers to shoplift. Therefore" to !omat this


  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


    Page | 24




    mena!e" supermarkets need to step up se!urity measures.

    To e#in with" the supermarkets should install !ameras at strate#i! pla!es.

    This will help the sur'eillan!e of diffi!ult to see pla!es. 8lso" it will e only fair to

    put up a noti!e informin# !ustomers that the supermarket is under !amera

    sur'eillan!e. The mere noti!e will deter !ustomers from shopliftin# for fear of 

    ein# !aptured on !amera. This will also a!t as e'iden!e. 8lso" the seriousness of 

    the !rime" the arrests and !ourt pro!eedin#s must e puli!ised. Hopefully" this

    will deter other !riminals.

    In addition" the supermarkets should in!rease the numer of se!urity

    #uards that they employ. These se!urity #uards are to patrol ea!h floor and ea!h

    department in the supermarket. The mere e3isten!e of the se!urity #uards will

    ward off any intentions of shopliftin#. The se!urity #uards should e alert and ale

    to distin#uish suspi!ious !hara!ters and follow them. 0ith se!urity #uards

    reathin# down their ne!ks" the idea of shopliftin# !an e erased from their minds.

     8nother effe!ti'e way of dwindlin# down the numer of shoplifters is y

    annin# shoppers from rin#in# in a#s espe!ially tote a#s. The !ustomers

    should only e allowed to rin# in their handa#s or purses. This will definitely

    redu!e the numer of shopliftin# !ases as shoplifters ha'e no pla!e to hide their 

    stolen items. In fa!t" a#s" espe!ially tote a#s" are not ne!essary as shoppers

    are pro'ided with a#s to put in their shopped items.

    To further ti#hten se!urity" irremo'ale plasti! ands should e used to

    seal the shoppin# a#s to further dis!oura#e shopliftin#. 8s the supermarkets

    ha'e many departments" they should pay for their #oods at ea!h department. This

    seal is not easily opened y shoppers. To further a'oid shopliftin#" se!urity #uards

    should e pla!ed at e3it doors to ensure that the seals ha'e not een tampered

    with. 8ny suspi!ion should e dealt with dis!reetly. The !on!erned shoppers !an

    e es!orted to a se!luded room where a thorou#h !he!k !an e !ondu!ted to

    ensure there are no stolen items.







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    Page | 25



    7inally" ea!h item must e pla!ed with se!urity ta#s. The ta#s are remo'ed

    on!e the !ustomer has paid for the item. Howe'er" if the item has een shoplifted"

    it will e dete!ted at the e3it throu#h a monitorin# system pla!ed at the e3it. Ga!h

    time an unpaid item passes throu#h the system" it will tri##er an alarm. The

    shopper is then es!orted to a room where the !ontents of the a# and e'en the

    shopper himself will e sue!ted to a thorou#h !he!k. 8s a matter of fa!t" the

    mere e3isten!e of the monitorin# system is a deterrent to shoplifters as they do

    not want to e emarrassed as the alarm #oes off. This is e!ause the alarm

    indi!ates the possiility of shopliftin#.

    Hopefully" with these measures" the numer of shopliftin# !ases will

    dwindle. These measures may in!ur a lot of e3penses. ,e'ertheless" in the lon#

    run" it will pro'e to e enefi!ial to the supermarkets.



    2 7rom para#raph 1 and 2"

    (a) why is shopliftin# !onsidered a pla#ue to the estalished supermarkets9


     ;1 mark<

      () how !an supermarkets fi#ht rampant shopliftin#9


    ;1 mark<

      26 7rom para#raph *" how does installin# sur'eillan!e !ameras keep !riminals




    ;2 marks<

      2= 7rom para#raph 4" what are the !hara!teristi!s of a #ood se!urity #uard9


  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


    Page | 26


    ;2 marks<

      2? 7rom para#raph 5"

      (a) how does annin# the usa#e of a#s dis!oura#e shopliftin#9


    ;1 mark<

      () why are a#s not ne!essary for shoppers9


    ;1 mark<

      * In your opinion" will these measures help pre'ent shopliftin#9 ro'ide a reason(s)

      to support your answer.



      ;2 marks<

    *1 @ased on the passa#e #i'en" write a summary onA

    • the reasons for shopliftin# in supermarkets

    • the measures taken and the reasons for takin# them to eef up se!urity at

    the supermarkets

    Bredit will e #i'en for use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e the ori#inal


    /our summary must

    • e in !ontinuous writin# form (not in note from)

    • use materials from lines 2 / **

    • not e lon#er than 1* words" in!ludin# the 1 words #i'en elow

    @e#in your summary as followsA

  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


    Page | 27

    %he phenomenon that has plagued estalished supermar#ets is shoplifting

    e&ause "


























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    Page | 28


















    ( 15 marks )

    &8K $BHG&G

    26 (a) supermarkets !ose a !ot of ,one-supe,aets incu !osses

    () Step up secuit- measures

      26 (i) help in su.ei!!ance of difficu!t to see p!aces

      (ii) instil the fea of ein% captued on ca,ea

      (iii) will act as e.idence when the !riminals are arrested

     R a!!ept any two !orre!t answers" whi!he'er !omes first R

      2= (i) should e alert

      (ii) should e ale to distin#uish suspi!ious !hara!ters

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    Page | 29

      (iii) should follow the suspi!ious !hara!ters

      R a!!ept any two !orre!t answers" whi!he'er !omes first R

      2? (a) $hoppers will ha'e no p!ace to hide thei sto!en ite,s

      () supe,aets po.ide !ustomers with p!astic a%s

      * /esQ,o

    R a!!ept any rele'ant reasonQreasons R

      *1 B1 the eas- access of shoppers to the co,,odities

    B2 the co,,odities ae disp!a-ed attacti.e!- 

    B* whi!h te,pt the custo,es $ho cannot affod them to shoplift

    B4 supermarkets should insta!! ca,eas at state%ic p!aces

    B5 help in su.ei!!ance of difficu!t to see p!aces

    B to insti! fea of ein% captued on ca,ea for shopliftin#

    B6 also a!t as e.idence duin% cout poceedin%s

    B= incease the numer of secuit- %uads

    B? to pato! each f!oo and depat,ent in the supermarkets

    B1 an shoppers from rin#in# in a%s

    B11 shoplifters ha'e no p!ace to hide thei sto!en ite,s

    B12 ie,o.a!e p!astic ands should e used to sea! the shoppin% a%s

    B1* they are not easi!- opened

    B14 !ustomers should pa- for their #oods at the sa,e depat,ent

    B15 e!ause supe,aets ha.e ,an- diffeent depat,ents

    B1 secuit- %uads to e pla!ed at eit doos

    B16 to ensue that the sea!s ha.e not een ta,peed.

    B1= ea!h ite, must e p!aced $ith secuit- ta%s

    B1? whi!h $i!! e e,o.ed afte pa-,ent

  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


    Page | 30


    Section C

    (25 mar#s)

    (%ime suggested 5 minutes)

    Questions 26 – 31 are ased on the following passage.

    1 L If you don>t #i'e them S65"" they will kill me. There was a

    !li!k" and then the hum of a dead line.

  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


    Page | 31

    2 7or @enny @au!om" founder and president of @e!o Industries"

    an ele!troni!s !ompany in a &arue" Te3as" that hum si#nalled the e#innin# of an

    a#onisin# wait. @enny had een !alled to the phone 5

    in his offi!e on $eptemer 22" 1?=2" a 0ednesday. The 'oi!e that

    !ame faintly o'er the wire elon#ed to his 21-year-old son" &i!hael"

    and @au!om re!o#nised that it was on tape. He !ould make out only

    a phrase or two and then the !hillin# final senten!e A MThese people 1

    mean usiness.M

    * @au!om fou#ht a!k pani! as he realised that his son had

    een kidnapped. He walked into the outer offi!e and asked $herry"

    his dau#hter and se!retary" if she knew who had asked for him on

    the phone. It had een a man. @au!om then !alled In se'eral 15

    !ompany offi!ials and told them &i!hael had een adu!ted. They

    should maintain an appearan!e of usiness-as-usual" he said" and

    they should tell no-one.

    4 n the way home to tell his wife" Jlendell" @enny>s mind kept

    ra!in# around in a 'orte3" at the !entre of whi!h was a man" onald 2

    7loyd 0hite" a @e!o salesman" who had uit his o that sprin#.

    ersonally" he had seemed to @enny to e a sort of !on man" a #un

    nut who liked to refer to himself as a Lmer!enaryM.

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    Page | 32

    5 $uddenly it all fell into pla!e. @enny had een wonderin#

    aout the S65" ransom demand. 0hy that amount9 0hy not 25

    three times that mu!h9 He rememered that a few months earlier

    he had sold some property for S=". 0hite knew aout this sale"

    and must ha'e reasoned that his former employer had that mu!h

    money readily a'ailale. ,ow @enny had no dout that on 0hite

    was the man who had kidnapped his son. *

    8t ?.* the pre'ious e'enin#" &ike @au!om was wat!hin#

    tele'ision at his a!helor>s home in the residential !ommunity of

    $ante 7e" 11 kilometres from his father>s plant. 0hen he heard three

    raps on the door" he went to open it and found himself lookin#

    down the arrel of a .*56 &a#num. The man with the pistol had *5

    lon# hair and was aout his own a#e. @ehind him was a man with

     et-la!k hair holdin# a shot-#un. They for!ed &ike to the kit!hen"

    lind-folded and #a##ed him with du!t tape. They walked him out

    to his own tru!k" pushed him into the !a and a!ked out the

    dri'eway. 4

    6 They dro'e throu#h Houston and then north for half an

    hour to a se!luded" hea'ily wooded area in an aandoned oil field.

    There the adu!tors made &ike repeat two separate messa#es into

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    Page | 33

    a tape re!order. 0hen the tapin# was done" the two men walked

    &ike a!ross a field to a hole in the #round. 8t the ottom of the 45

    hole was a flimsy plywood o3" 24 metres lon#" !entimetres

    wide and *5 !entimetres hi#h. They for!ed &ike to a lyin#

    position in the o3" pla!ed a lid on top" ammed in four len#ths of 

    1=-millimetre-thi!k plasti! pipes for reathin# and started sho'ellin#

    dirt to fill the hole. To !o'er their handiwork" they s!attered some 5

    worn-out tyres o'er the urial site. Then they do'e away.

    = 8fter !on'eyin# the ad news to his wife" @enny @au!om

    !alled Bhief @ryan am of the $anta 7e poli!e. am arri'ed in

    ten minutes and thorou#hly uestioned @enny" who mentioned

    his suspi!ions aout 0hite. am told him to return to the 55

    fa!tory and wait. @a!k at the poli!e station" am notified the 7@I.

      (Adapted from Reader$s -igest, Feruar! 1/0)

    2 7rom para#raph 2" who is @enny @au!om 9


    ( 1 mark )

    26 7rom para#raph *" what had happened to his son" &i!hael 9


  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


    Page | 34

    ( 1 mark )

    2= 7rom para#raph 4 and 5"

      (a) who do you think @enny suspe!ted of adu!tin# his !hild9


    ( 1 mark )

    () why did @enny suspe!t himQher9



    ( 2 marks)

    2? 7rom para#raph and 6"

    (a) where was &i!hael adu!ted from9


    ( 1 mark )

    () how was &i!hael adu!ted9


    ( 1 mark )

     (!) what did the kidnappers ask &i!hael to do when they stopped at an

      aandoned oil field9


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    Page | 35

    (1 mark )

    * In your own words" des!rie what you would do if you were kidnapped.




    ( 2 marks )

    *1 @ased on the passa#e #i'en" write a summary onA

    • @enny>s rea!tion on his !hild>s kidnappin# and

    • what his !hild fa!ed when he was kidnapped.

    Bredit will e #i'en for use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e the ori#inal


    /our summary must

    • e in !ontinuous writin# form (not in note from)

    • use materials from lines 15 to 51

    • not e lon#er than 1* words" in!ludin# the 1 words #i'en elow

    @e#in your summary as followsA

     As soon as au&om realised that 2i&hael had een adu&ted, "

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    Page | 36



























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    ( 15 marks )

    &8K $BHG&G

    26 The founder and president of @e!o Industries.

    2+ He was kidnapped.

    24 onald 7lyod 0hite Q a former salesman of @e!o Industries

    2) (a) his a!helor home in the residential !ommunity of $anta 7e.

    () at #un-point Q he was lind-folded and #a##ed with du!t tape and

    for!ed into his own tru!k and dri'en away.

    (!) repeat two separate messa#es into a tape re!order 

    30 R a!!ept any rele'ant answerR

    31 B1 heQ@au!om ca!!ed in se'eral co,pan- officia!s

    B2 they should ,aintain an appeaance of usiness/as/usua!

    B* they should te!! nood-no/one

    B4 he suspected a fo,e e,p!o-ee of kidnappin# his


    B5 5ichae! $as idnapped when he was at ho,eQat his

    a!helor ho,e while wat!hin# tele'ision

    B the kidnappers ound his handsQhis hands were ound

    B6 !ind/fo!ded and %a%%ed hi, with du!t tapeQhe was

  • 8/16/2019 Comprehension & Summary(Excellent) SPM


    Page | 38

    !indfo!ded and %a%%ed with du!t tape

    B= the kidnappers then pushed &i!haelQ&ike into his o$n tuc

    B? in an aandoned oil field" &ikeQ&i!hael was foced to epeat 

    t$o separate ,essa%es into a tape ecode 

    B1 &i!haelQ&ike $as $a!ed to a ho!e in the %ound

    B11 and foced to !ie do$n in the o

    B12 the adu!tors sho'elled dirt to fi!! the ho!e

    Pactice +

    Uuestion 2-*1 are ased on the followin# passa#e.

    SECTI& C

    72# 5ARKS8

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    Page | 39

    Keepin% 9ouse!f Sa.e At :o,e

    1 Home 8lone> and its seuel Home 8lone 2> were o3 offi!e mo'ies that were well-

    re!ei'ed y 'iewers all o'er the world. The inno'ati'e and !reati'e strate#ies displayed y

    the prota#onist won many-a-hearts.

    2 Howe'er" this is not realityE The inno'ati'e and !reati'e strate#ies of the prota#onists are

    not displayed y a re#ular !hild. &any !hildren fall prey to intruders who reak into their   5

    houses. $ome are physi!ally and mentally aused while others are adu!ted" raped and

    e'en murdered.

    *  8lthou#h parents #loally are aware of this mena!e" yet they are unale to e with their 

    !hildren all the time. The risin# !ost of li'in# styles and standards keep parents in the offi!e

    most of the time rather than their homes. Hen!e" the lat!h-door-kid> phenomenon is here 1

    to  stay.

    4 ,ow" there is #ood news for parents and !hildren who are left alone at home. 8dhere to

    these #olden rules to ensure your safety at home.

    5 7irstly" ne'er enter the house if you suspe!t somethin# is wron#. @efore you lea'e the

    house" ensure that you ha'e !losed and olted the doors and windows. 0hen you 15

    rea!h home" !he!k the doors and windows first efore enterin# the house. Gnsure that they

    are still lo!ked efore you open the door. If you find somethin# amiss" like the door ein#

    sli#htly aar or a window is opened" do not enter the house. Instead" !all your parents and

    inform them. 0ait until they arri'e to in'esti#ate what was amiss.

    $e!ondly" make sure that your parents know where you will e after s!hool. 2

    repare your after-s!hool s!hedule and inform your parents aout the meetin#s" pra!ti!es or 

    tuitions that you ha'e to attend. This will help them !onta!t or lo!ate you if there is an

    emer#en!y. 8lso" they !an !he!k on you from time to time to ensure that you are safe.

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    Page | 40

    6 Thirdly" make sure you ha'e a pla!e to #o if you ha'e lost your key. This pla!e that you

    #o to should e a familiar pla!e where your parents !an easily !onta!t or lo!ate 25

    you. /ou !an #o to a friend>s or relati'e>s house. If it is a friend" introdu!e your parents to

    your friend and his or her family. Pisit your friend>s home with your family so that they !an

    estalish a 'ery #ood rapport with your friend>s family. 8lso" this will pro'ide your parents an

    opportunity to #au#e the !ompany you keep with.

    = In addition" ne'er inform anyone that you are home alone. This is e!ause your *

    friend may un!ons!iously inform others or an ea'esdropper may di#est the information and

    pass it around. G'entually" this information may fall on the ears of uns!rupulous people

    !ausin# more harm than #ood.

    ? ,e3t" if you are alone at home and somethin# is amiss" make sure you ha'e someone to

    !onta!t. ist down all the numers of your lo'ed ones espe!ially hand phones and also *5

    important numers su!h as the hospital" the poli!e station and the fire ri#ade" in !ase of 

    emer#en!ies. Display these essential numers on the refri#erator so that they are easily


    1 7inally" do not use kni'es and other oe!ts whi!h pose a dan#er to you. If you suspe!t

    that there is a reak in and you want to in'esti#ate" !arry a lunt oe!t rather than a 4

    sharp one. This is e!ause the intruder may o'er-power you and use your oe!t of 

    prote!tion a#ainst you. The wise thin# to do in !ase of a reak-in is to inform the poli!e than

    oppose the intruder yourself.

    11 @ein# home alone is not a phenomenon wel!omed y oth parents and !hildren alike.

    Bir!umstan!es lea'e them no !hoi!e. @y followin# the #olden rules ao'e you !an 45

    keep yourself safe.

    2.7rom para#raphs 1 and 2"

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    Page | 41

    a)0hat were displayed from the o3 offi!e mo'ies9

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    )0hat !an happen to !hildren who fall prey to intruders who reak into their



    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(1 mark)

    26.a)7rom para#raph *" what made parents stay at the offi!e most of the time than at

      their homes9

     :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

      )7rom para#raph 5" #i'e one e3ample of dan#er that mi#ht o!!ur if we noti!e

    somethin# amiss and enter the house.

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    2=.a)7rom para#raph " what is the rational of informin# your parents where you will

    e after s!hool9


    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(1 mark)

      )7rom para#raph 6" where should you #o if you ha'e lost your key9

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    2?.a)7rom para#raph =" what mi#ht happen if we inform our friend that we are home

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    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(1 mark)

      )7rom para#raph =" e3plain the meanin# of ea'esdropper>.

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    *.a)7rom para#raph ?" what should we do if we are alone at home and somethin# is



    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(1 mark)

      )In your opinion" what are the est thin# to !arry if we want to in'esti#ate if there

    is a reak in9

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    Question 31

    @ased on the passa#e" write a summary on

    • The rules to ensure our safety at home

    • The rational of pra!tisin# safety pre!autions at home

    Bredit will e #i'en for use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e the ori#inal


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    Page | 43

    /our summary must

    • @e in !ontinuous writin#

    • Cse material from line 14 to 4*

    ,ot to e lon#er than 1* words" in!ludin# the words #i'en elow

    @e#in your summary as follows

      ,owadays" there are #olden rules to ensure safety at home:::::::..





















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    Passa%e +

    2a.The inno'ati'e and !reati'e strate#ies

      .Bhildren are physi!ally and mentally aused while others are adu!ted"raped and e'en


    26a.The risin# !ost of li'in# styles and standards

      .8!!ept any possile answers

    2=a.To help parents !onta!tQlo!ate their !hildren if there is an emer#en!y and !he!k their

    !hildren from time to time to ensure that their !hildren are safe

      .8 familiar pla!e where the parents !an easily !onta!t or lo!ate their !hildren su!h as to

    a friend>s or relati'e>s house

    2?a.7riends may un!ons!iously inform others or an ea'esdropper may di#est the

    information and pass it around

      .eople who indire!tly hears a !ertain information

    *a.Gnsure we ha'e all the important numers to !onta!t and its easily a!!essile

      .8!!ept any possile answers


    B1 7irsly"ne'er enter the house if you suspe!t somethin# is wron#

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    Page | 45

    B2 @efore you lea'e the house" ensure that you ha'e !losed and olted the doors and


    B* If you find somethin# amiss"like the door ein# sli#htly aar or a window is opened" do

    not enter the house

    B4 $e!ondly"make sure that your parents know where you will e after s!hool

    B5 This will help them !onta!t or lo!ate their !hildren if there is any emer#en!y and

    !he!k on their !hildren

    B Thirdly" make sure you ha'e a pla!e to #o if you ha'e lost your key to enale parents

    to !onta!t or lo!ate their !hildren

    B6 If it is a friend" introdu!e your parents to your friend and hisQher family

    B= ,e'er inform anyone if we are home alone

    B? This is e!ause your friend may un!ons!iously inform others or an ea'esdropper

    may di#est the information and pass it around and !ause more harm

    B1 If we are alone at home and somethin# is amiss" make sure you ha'e someone to


    B11 ist down all the numers of your lo'ed ones espe!ially hand phones and other

    important numers in !ase of emer#en!ies

    B12 Do not use kni'es and other oe!ts whi!h pose a dan#er to you

    B1* This is e!ause the intruder may o'er-power you and use your oe!t of prote!tion

    a#ainst you

    B14 The wise thin# to do in !ase of a reak-in is to inform the poli!e rather than oppose

    the intruder yourself 

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    Page | 46

    Passa%e 4

    SECTI& C

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    72# 5ARKS8

    Uuestion 2-*1 are ased on the followin# passa#e.

    Incu!catin% ;ood s aspiration.

    /et" it is not easy to mould a !hild or a nation>s eha'iour. &any fa!tors !ome to

    play where #ood eha'iour is !on!erned.

    The in!ul!ation of #ood eha'iour e#ins at home. 8 !hild spends most of his

    !hildhood and teena#e life at home. Hen!e" the home and its surroundin#s are

    the fo!al points for in!ul!atin# #ood eha'iour. 8 !hild is physi!ally" emotionally

    and finan!ially dependent on hisQher family. 8lso" the !hild looks up to his parents

    and silin#s as role models. If the family upholds #ood 'alues" it is only natural

    that the !hild will emulate these #ood 'alues. ikewise" if the parents and silin#s

    are at lo##erheads all the time" the !hild will #row up to e uarrelsome and find it

    diffi!ult to #et alon# with the norms of so!iety. Hen!e" the family holds the

    responsiility of in!ul!atin# positi'e 'alues uphold y the so!iety in the !hild.

      @esides the family" the ne3t most important pla!e to in!ul!ate #ood eha'iour 

    is the s!hool. 8s a !hild #rows up" the s!hool and its surroundin#s form his

    se!ond home. Tea!hers and peers ha'e an enormous effe!t on the !hild>s

    eha'iour. If the !hild or teena#er keeps #ood !ompany" he will de'elop #ood

    eha'iour and mannerism. n the other hand" if the !hild keeps ad !ompany" it

    will not take him lon# to del'e into so!ial ills. 0ithout a dout" the parents" family

    and s!hool ha'e to keep a ta on on the !hild>s or teena#er>s friends and their 

    mo'ements. 8s the !hild spends mu!h of his formulati'e years in s!hool" the

    tea!hers and parents ha'e to work hand in hand to a!hie'e the ,ational

    Gdu!ational hilosophy>s aspiration of de'elopin# a alan!ed indi'idual. Hen!e"





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    Page | 48



    the s!hool plays an eually important role in in!ul!atin# #ood eha'iour.

      Cndoutledly" reli#ion does play a 'ital role in in!ul!atin# #ood eha'iour.

    G'ery reli#ion tea!hes its followers to in!ul!ate #ood eha'iour and aide y the

    norms of the reli#ion. It emphasiFes on 'irtues" nole deeds and toleran!e. 8

    #od-fearin# person will pra!ti!e #ood eha'iour as heQshe does not want to

    !ommit a sin !ons!iously. Bonseuently" he or she will in!ul!ate #ood eha'iour"

    either intrinsi!ally or e3trinsi!ally. I am sure that we a#ree that reli#ion is the

    #uide that enli#htens our ourney in this world. Therefore" reli#ion moulds a !hild

    with 'irtues and ad'ises them to repel a#ainst worldly sins. In !ontrast" a !hild

    who does not ha'e a #ood reli#ious uprin#in# does not fear Jod. $o" he or she

    is not afraid of Jod. They throw !aution to the wind as they steal" ro" rape or 

    e'en murder a person. Thus" it is 'ital to in!ul!ate reli#ious 'alues in a !hild to

    ensure that he or she #rows up with #ood eha'iour.

      7inally" the so!io-e!onomi! !onditions of a !ountry may ha'e an ad'erse effe!t

    on its nation" espe!ially the youn# and impressionale teena#ers. This is

    espe!ially so when the flow of ne#ati'e !ulture is eminent. Pandalism" loiterin#"

    ullyin# and pre-marital se3 are ne#ati'e influen!es that aound in our !ountry.

    This is further emphasiFed with the influ3 of immi#rants who flood our !ountry in

    sear!h of a etter life. 8s they ha'e endured e3treme hardship and sufferin#s"

    they are old and darin# and are unafraid of the !onseuen!es. ,aturally" with

    the rise of the numer of le#al and ille#al immi#rants" so!ial prolems e!ome

    !omple3 and una'oidale. oeries" rapes and murders adorn our lo!al

    newspapers. These !rimes are now part and par!el of our daily li'es. Cltimately"

    these ne#ati'e eha'iours will ru off on the !itiFens of our !ountry. Hen!e" the

    #o'ernment has a !ru!ial role in in!ul!atin# #ood eha'iour. ositi'e measures

    and poli!ies ha'e to e implemented to !ur the flow of so!ial ills into our !ountry.

    therwise" these so!ial ills will ro!k the staility of the !ountry to its !ore.

      In !on!lusion" the responsiility of in!ul!atin# #ood eha'iour in a !hild is a







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    Page | 49

     oint responsiility of internal and e3ternal fa!tors. The internal fa!tors here refer 

    to the !hild>s immediate surroundin#s-the parents" silin#s and relati'es. The

    e3ternal fa!tors" on the other hand" refer to the s!hool" tea!hers" peers and their 

    surroundin#s as well as the #o'ernment. 8ll these fa!tors must !ome to play to

    ensure the positi'e in!ul!ation of #ood eha'iour in a !hild.


    2.a)7rom para#raph 1"what trait is aspired y e'ery !ountry9

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

      )0hat are the fo!al points for in!ul!atin# #ood eha'iour9

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    26.7rom para#raph *"

      a)0hat will influen!e a !hild>s eha'iour at s!hool9

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

      )G3plain so!ial ills>

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    2=.a)7rom para#raph 4" #i'e two emphasiFes a reli#ion tea!hes9

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    2?.7rom para#raph 5" state two ne#ati'e influen!es that are still aound in our !ountry9

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(1 mark)

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    Page | 50

    *.In your opinion"does a tea!her in!ul!ate #ood eha'iour in a !hild9


    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.(2 marks)

    Question 31

    @ased on the passa#e" write a summary on

    • The internal and e3ternal fa!tors that in!ul!ate #ood eha'iour in a !hild

    Bredit will e #i'en for use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e the ori#inal


    /our summary must

    • @e in !ontinuous writin#

    • Cse material from line to 55

    • ,ot to e lon#er than 1* words" in!ludin# the words #i'en elow

    @e#in your summary as follows

      Jood eha'iour in a !hild is influen!ed y many fa!tors:::::::..











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    Passa%e 4

    2a.Ha'in# #ood !itiFens with #ood eha'iour 

      .The home and its surroundin#s

    26a.Tea!hers"peers and its surroundin#s

      .@ad a!ti'ities whi!h dama#es the students> moral

    2=a.Pirtues"nole deeds and toleran!e

    2?.Pandalism"loiterin#"ullyin# and pre-marital se3

    *./esQ,o. 8!!ept any possile answer 


    B1 The home and its surroundin#s are the fo!al points for in!ul!atin# #ood eha'iour 

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    Page | 52

    B2 The !hild looks up to his parents and silin#s as role models

    B* If the family upholds #ood 'irtues" it is only natural that the !hild will emulate #ood


    B4 If the parents and silin#s are at lo##erheads all the time" the !hild will #row up to e

    uarrelsome and find it diffi!ult to #et alon# with the norms of so!iety

    B4 @esides the family" the ne3t most important pla!e to in!ul!ate #ood eha'iour is the


    B5 Tea!hers and peers ha'e an enormous effe!t on the !hild>s eha'iour 

    B eli#ion play a 'ital role in in!ul!atin# #ood eha'iour 

    B6 G'ery reli#ion tea!hes its followers to in!ul!ate #ood eha'iour and aide y the

    norms of the reli#ion and emphasiFes on 'irtues" nole deeds and toleran!e

    B= The $o!io-e!onomi! !onditions of a !ountry may ha'e ad effe!t on its nation

    B? Pandalism"loiterin#"ullyin# and pre-marital se3 are ne#ati'e influen!es that aound

    in our !ountry

    B1 This is further emphasiFed with the influ3 of le#al and ille#al immi#rants who flood

    our !ountry in sear!h of a etter life

    B11 The #o'ernment has to implement positi'e measures and poli!ies to !ur the flow of

    so!ial ills into our !ountry


    SECTI& C

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    Page | 53

    72# 5ARKS8

    Uuestion 2-*1 are ased on the followin# passa#e.






      8lmost e'ery day we read aout a!!idents that o!!ur at home. 8 home is

    supposedly to e a safe hea'en for the family yet this 'ery home has !laimed li'es

    of millions of !hildren #loally. These a!!idents !ould e a'oided if pre'enti'e

    measures are taken to keep the home a!!ident-free.

      The kit!hen is a death trap. $harp and dan#erous euipments are found here

    in!ludin# kni'es and !lea'ers. These dan#erous !utleries should e stat!hed away

    in hi#her shel'es where !hildren !annot rea!h them. 8lso" when oilin# or !ookin#

    on the sto'e" ensure that the handles of pots and pans are not sti!kin# out. Burious

    !hildren may e in!lined to pull them down. 8s a result" the hot !ontent may s!ald or 

    urn the !hildren.

    ,e3t" when storin# medi!ines in the kit!hen or in the athroom" pra!ti!e !aution.

    Do not store medi!ines" !hemi!als or washin# liuids in soft drink ottles. Bhildren

    may mistake them for drinks and drink them. Gnsure that all medi!ines and

    !hemi!als are !learly laeled and put them under lo!k and key or in pla!es where

    !hildren !annot rea!h them.

      n a similar note" put away all mat!hes and ele!tri!al euipments away from

    !hildren>s rea!h. Bhildren are 'ery !urious in nature. 8s su!h" they like to e3plore to

    satiate their !uriosity. 8lso" use so!ket shields to make sure that !hildren !annot

    insert somethin# into the so!ket. This is to a'oid ele!tro!ution.

      The athroom is also hi#hly a!!ident prone. 0et and slippery surfa!e are

    in'itations to falls. If possile" pla!e non-slip floor mats in athrooms. 8lso" ne'er 





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    Page | 54



    lea'e tus or pails of water in the athroom. $tatisti!s ha'e shown that many

    toddlers ha'e drowned in their own athrooms.

      In addition" e !areful of stair!ases. ,e'er lea'e a !hild unattended at stair!ases.

    &any !hildren ha'e fallen from stair!ases and died due to internal leedin#. In'est

    in a stair fen!e to ensure that !hildren do not walk on the stair!ase alone.

      7inally" there are in!idents where !hildren are killed at the dri'e-way y their 

    lo'ed ones. &ake sure that !hildren do not play ehind the !ars espe!ially when

    re'ersin#. &ake it a point to ensure where the !hildren are efore re'ersin# the

    !ars. In this way" you ensure their safety and your pea!e of mind.

      The total numer of fatal !ases in'ol'in# !hildren !an e redu!ed if parents and

    silin#s are more thou#htful. ememer" keep your home an a!!ident-free Fone.



    2. a) 7rom para#raph 1" defines LhomeM.


      ) 7rom para#raph 2" name two euipments whi!h are dan#erous to the !hildren.



    26. a) 7rom para#raph *" how to make sure that the medi!ine is safe when it is stored in the

    kit!hen or in the athroom9



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    Page | 55

    2=. 7rom para#raph 4"

    a) whi!h word !on'eys the meanin# of inteestin% 9


    ) how !an ele!tro!ution e a'oided9


    2?. 7rom para#raph " what is the use of a stair fen!e9


    *. In your own words" do you think a!!idents !ases !an e redu!ed at home9 Ji'e your 

    own reason to support your answer.




    Uuestion *1

    The passa#e is aout how to redu!e a!!idents at home.

    @ased on the te3t" write a summary on

    • where a!!ident normally happened at home

    • how to pre'ent the a!!ident from happenin#

    Bredits will e #i'en for the use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e the

    ori#inal meanin#.

    /our summary mustA

    • e in !ontinuous writin# (not in note form)

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    Page | 56

    • use materials from line 5 to *2

    • not lon#er than 1* words" in!ludin# the 1 words #i'en elow

    One of the places where accident normally happened is in…























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    Page | 57 8,$0G$

    2 a 8 home is supposedly to e a safe hea'en for the family.

    (iftin# line 1 and 2A 8 home is supposedly to e a safe hea'en for the family.)

      . i) kni'es (line )

    ii) !lea'ers (line )

    iii) pots (line =)

    'i) pans (line =)

    (8!!ept any two answers)

    26 i) !hemi!als or washin# liuids in soft drink ottles

    ii) all medi!ines and !hemi!als are !learly laeled

    iii) put them under lo!k and key or in pla!es where !hildren !annot rea!h them.

    (8!!ept any two answers)

    2= a !urious

      Cse so!ket shields to make sure that !hildren !annot insert somethin# into the


    (iftin# line 1=-1?A Cse so!ket shields to make sure that !hildren !annot insert

    somethin# into the so!ket.)

    2? Gnsure that !hildren do not walk on the stair!ase alone.

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    Page | 59

    B16. do not play ehind the !ars


    SECTI& C

    72# 5ARKS8

    Uuestion 2-*1 are ased on the followin# passa#e.





      Gn#lish an#ua#e is a popular lin#ua fran!a in today>s world. It has een #i'en

    the status of the international lan#ua#e as it is ale to !ut a!ross #eo#raphi!al

    oundaries as well as ra!ial and lan#ua#e arriers. Today>s #loal !ommunity has

    !ome to a!!ept the Gn#lish an#ua#e as not only the international lan#ua#e ut the

    lan#ua#e of usiness and trade as well as the lan#ua#e of s!ien!e and te!hnolo#y.


    /et" sadly" the le'el of Gn#lish in &alaysia is droppin# drasti!ally to a le'el where

    it is now at a !riti!al sta#e. There are two main !ontriutin# fa!tors why the le'el of 

    Gn#lish is on its way down. 7irstly" the la!k of use of the lan#ua#e and se!ondly"

    limited opportunities for !ommuni!ation.

      8fter re!o#niFin# the fa!tors" we should now take the ull y its horns. &alaysian

    students are shy and are afraid of makin# mistakes. They are ashamed of ein# the

    runt of people>s okes. Hen!e" they would rather not speak and keep uiet.

    Howe'er" this is not a positi'e attitude in impro'in# any lan#ua#e for that matter.

    The only way to impro'e one>s !ommand and mastery of the lan#ua#e is y usin#

    the lan#ua#e.

      Hen!e" the only way to impro'e the Gn#lish an#ua#e is y enalin# the




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    Page | 60



    students to use the lan#ua#e throu#h fun ways shows" ha'in# sin#in# !ompetitions

    and e'en the no'i!e lan#ua#e #ames.

      8nimated shows like L7indin# ,emoM" L&ada#as!arM and Lilo and $tit!hM interest

    students. $o" they wat!h the mo'ies willin#ly. Hen!e" there is an intrinsi! moti'ation

    to wat!h these mo'ies as they are personally interested in them. 8s we all know" we

    !an ne'er for!e a student to learn unless he or she is willin# to do so. $in!e they

    are interested" they wat!h the mo'ies for 1V to 2 hours. Indire!tly" they are listenin#

    to 1V hours to 2 hours of Gn#lish an#ua#e.

      In addition" sin#in# !ompetitions !an e or#aniFed where students are

    en!oura#ed to sin# in Gn#lish. $tudents espe!ially adoles!ents are more interested

    in son#s than te3t ooks. This is !learly shown 'ia the Disney mo'ie LHi#h $!hool

    &usi!alM. The mo'ie whi!h has a sin# alon# session has 'ery hi#h ratin#s from

    'iewers all o'er the world. $imply e!ause of the melodious son#s and the

    interestin# plot" the students wat!h the mo'ies whi!h is spoken entirely in Gn#lish.

    n!e a#ain" students are intrinsi!ally moti'ated to sin# in Gn#lish. Hen!e" we

    should !apitaliFe talentime or karaoke !ompetitions where students ha'e to sin# in


    7inally" the no'i!e lan#ua#e #ames and puFFles !an stir interest in Gn#lish.

    Impro'ised 'ersions of popular #ame shows !an e !arried out in s!hools. L0heel

    of 7urtuneM" L@in#oM and L0in" ose or DrawM are popular #ame shows that

    !hallen#e the mind to think. ,o dout" these #ames !an e impro'ised to !ater to

    the students> le'el of !omprehension. I am sure that students will enoy these

    #ames. Therefore" to put it in a nutshell" learnin# Gn#lish should e fun and not






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    Page | 612. a) 7rom para#raph 1" why Gn#lish an#ua#e has een #i'en the status of the

    International an#ua#e9



      ) 7rom para#raph 2" name the two main !ontriutin# fa!tors why the le'el of Gn#lish is

    at a !riti!al sta#e9





    26. 7rom para#raph *" des!rie the attitudes of &alaysian students towards Gn#lish9





    2=. 7rom para#raph 5" #i'e two animated shows that interest the students.

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    Page | 62





    2?. 7rom para#raph " whi!h word !on'eys the meanin# of ,ain% fu!! use of 9



    *. In your own words" do you think Gn#lish is fun9 Ji'e your own reason to support

    your answer.




    Uuestion *1

    The passa#e is aout the fun ways how to impro'e the Gn#lish an#ua#e.

    @ased on the te3t" write a summary on

    • reasons why &alaysian students are not #ood in Gn#lish

    • how to o'er!ome the prolem

    Bredits will e #i'en for the use of own words ut !are must e taken not to !han#e the

    ori#inal meanin#.

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    Page | 63

    /our summary mustA

    • e in !ontinuous writin# (not in note form)

    • use materials from line = to *6

    not lon#er than 1* words" in!ludin# the 1 words #i'en elow

    The students are not good in English are mainly because…























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    Page | 64

    Ans$es P1

    2. a) 8 disaled person.

      ) The star was like the ri#ht smile of a friend in her lonely life

    26. a) one lon# ni#htmare

      ) humiliation

    2=. a) her !ousin and his family

      ) $he is a smilin#" !heerful #irl" who always thanked them sin!erely

      (8llow liftin# ine *5 * A Leople liked:............them sin!erelyM)

    2?. a) her friends

      ) $he was ne'er asent from her trainin#

      (8llow liftin# ine 4? 5 A L7or the ne3t:::.where the #roup trainedM)

    *. ( 8!!ept any rele'ant answer )

    *1. B1 - learnt to do all kinds of odd os for a li'in#.

    B2 - learnt to read and write. ( with the help of a hi#h-s!hool student )

      B* - ( Despite all the hardships ) she #rew up stron# and eautiful.

      B4 - went to li'e in Hanoi ( with her !ousin and his family )

      B5 - mo'ed out to li'e on her own

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      B - rented a room ( in a poor part of the !ity )

      B6 - e#an to sell read for a li'in#

      B= - had to fa!e the diffi!ulties of li'in# in po'erty all o'er a#ain.

      B? - went to a park to talk to her friend ( who were also wheel!hair ound )

    B1 - ra!ed with her friends for fun.

      B11 - a ( well-known ) sports trainer.

      B12 - asked if she would like to oin (a #roup of disaled people who were trainin#

      for a !ompetition.)

    B1* - her friends persuaded her to a#ree.

      B14 - today she would meet the trainer at the stadium.

    B15 - was ne'er asent from the stadium for trainin#.

    Ans$es P2

    2. a) :e  team raked in the hi#hest profit and she had re!ei'ed numerous awards.

      (8llow liftin# ine 2 4 A L7or three::..numerous awardsM !han#e in pronouns is

      mandatoryA my he " I she )

    ) Her a!!omplishments Q her !areer 

    26. a) He thou#ht she needed a holiday

      ) $he had ni#ht sweats and e#an !ou#hin#.

    2=. ,ausea Q heart palpitations Q oint pains Q li'er prolems Q lindness

    ( Bhoose any TW& )

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    2?. a) $he !ould infe!t them Q fear of infe!tion

      (8llow liftin# ine *4 *5 A LDurin# that:....of infe!tionM !han#e in pronouns is

    mandatoryA my he " me he )

    ) The si!kness had affe!ted her physi!ally

      ( 8!!ept any rele'ant answer)

    *. ( 8!!ept any rele'ant answer )

    *1. B1 - handed o'er her team to her assistant

      B2 - felt ad

      B* - wanted to take no-pay lea'e

      B4 - his kindness in keepin# her o made her !ry

      B5 - she thou#ht aout her o" her a!hie'ements and her leak future

      B - felt like dyin# due to her hopelessness

      B6 - she started writin#

      B= - resol'ed to #et well when she happened to see her husand !ryin#

    B? - started paintin# a#ain

      B1 - her will to li'e returned

      B11 - althou#h she felt etter" she dared not elie'e the first ne#ati'e test results of


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