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Page 1: Compton and Shawford Parish Council€¦ · factors such as inflation, the anticipated cost of the project has risen by £41,000-00 to £271,500-00. Of this £41,000-00, £30,000-00

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 8t h January 2002, in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. N.J.Campbel l -White (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr. G.Beckett , Mrs. J .Mi l lar , Mrs C.Simmons Mrs. M.Shaw, Mrs. J.Val l is , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: 2 members of the Publ ic . 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le contain ing the correspondence for the month of December 2001 was circulated to a l l Counci l lors. The Chairman, Cl l r N.Campbel l -White made a statement that in order to ensure that a l l business publ ished on the Agenda is covered, he intended to be very str ict on not a l lowing unnecessary discussion to take place, thereby prevent ing the business of the Par ish Counci l being completed.

2. Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley, Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley and Counci l lor Mr. T.Threl fal l .

3. Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 4 t h December 2001 Cllr . N.Campbel l-White ra ised the amendment to i tem 15 c) on page 8, last paragraph:- “Cl l r M.Bel l observed the Fol lowing” to be changed to “Cl l r M.Bel l opined:-“ The f i rs t bul let point to be changed to read; “ I t appeared that the decis ions about a l ter ing the junct ion layout had been made by H.C.C. wi thout any support ing evidence/documentat ion.” Under i tem 15 d) , second paragraph, second l ine, i t should read “……….work had been done before and af ter the meet ing of 8/11/01 in provid ing sound and…..” Agreed: These changes were unanimously agreed by a show of hands.

Having made the above changes, the Chairman s igned the minutes as being a true record of the meet ing of 4 t h December 2001.

4. Matters aris ing and Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the

Agenda. At the last meet ing i t was determined that 7 copies of the “Draf t Minutes” would be made avai lable to members of the Publ ic at the subsequent meet ing. Due to cost considerat ions, the Chairman had taken the decis ion to reduce th is number to two copies. Some discussion ensued. Agreed: On the Publ ished Agenda for Parish Counci l meet ings, a statement advis ing members of the Publ ic that a copy of the Draf t Minutes of the previous meet ing can be suppl ied by pr ior request to the Clerk. Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous.

Action: The Clerk to incorporate a sui tably worded statement to appear on al l future Agenda’s for the Par ish Counci l Meet ings.

Only “Act ion Points” , known by the Chairman to be outstanding, were raised as fo l lows:- Page 4, i tem 9 (Agreed – Compton Lock Trees) – complet ion unknown as Cl l r . T.Threl fal l was not in at tendance. Page 4, i tem 11 – Cl lr Campbel l-White/Cl lr Beckett to wr i te to Steve Opacic, W.C.C., - st i l l outstanding. Page 4, i tem 15 – Cl l r C.Simmons to address th is matter later in the meet ing.

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The Meeting wil l be closed Statements , Observat ions and Questions from Members of the Publ ic wil l be received and addressed. Maximum of 15 minutes al lowed. Quest ions were received from Bob Jordan concerning the proposed new tennis court for the tennis Club. These quest ions covered the lack of Consul tat ion wi th local residents, the lack of accurate information concerning proposals and misunderstandings that some of f icers of the Tennis Club and Counci l lors appeared to have. These quest ions were answered, but not necessari ly ent i rely to the sat isfact ion of Mr. Bob Jordan.

The Meeting wil l be re-opened.

5. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley was not in attendance but had submit ted a wri t ten report , which is as per Appendix “A”. This report was read out to the meet ing by the Clerk.

6. District Counci l lor's Report. Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley was not in at tendance and had not submit ted any report .

7. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Cllr . C.Simmons advised that she had nothing to report .

8 . Parish Tree Warden's Report.

Cllr . T.Threl fa l l was not in at tendance but had submit ted a wr i t ten report , which is as per Appendix “B”.

9 . Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report.

Cllr . T.Threl fa l l was not in at tendance but had submit ted a wr i t ten report , which is as per Appendix “B”.

10. Finance and Administrat ion Sub-Committee . - Convenor's Report . Cllr . G. Beckett ’s report is as per Appendix “C”. (a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The Par ish Counci l accounts as at the date of this meet ing were as per Appendix “D”. Cheques for payment were c irculated for s ignatures. (b) Sports Club Licence/Tennis Club Lease. Covered in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “C”. (c) Sports Club - Let ter of in tent . Covered in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “C”. (d) Budgets for Financial Year 2002/2003 Detai ls of the proposed Budget for the Financial Year 2002/2003 are contained in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “C”. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White thanked the Clerk for the very considerable work undertaken on th is matter . (e) Precept for Financial Year 2002/2003 - Recommendation £22,680. Resultant f rom the product ion of the Budget for the Financial Year 2002/2003, the recommended Precept for the same per iod is £22,680-00, an increase of only %3.09, a l l as c irculated to members pr ior to the meet ing. Agreed: The annual Precept for the Financial Year 2002/2003 be set at £22,680-00. Proposed: Cl l r . G.Beckett Seconded: Cl l r . M.Shaw Vote: Unanimous.

11. Planning Sub-Committee. - Convenor's report .

Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “E” a) Applicat ions and decis ions. Reports on Appl icat ions and decisions for the month of December 2001 are as per Appendix “F” . Having been asked, Counci l lors conf i rmed that they had no problem with the new report ing methodology now being used.

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Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that i t was regrettable that the Par ish Counci l ’s response to the Winchester Distr ic t Local Plan Review had not met the deadl ine set by Winchester Ci ty Counci l .

12. New Pavil ion Sub-committee. – Convenor’s report. (a) New Pavil ion planning appl icat ion. (b) Tennis Club - New Court p lans/planning appl icat ion. Cllr . A.Walmsley had not submit ted a wr i t ten report , but advised the meet ing as fo l lows:-

Cl l r . Walmsley had met wi th Nei l Mackintosh, W.C.C. Planning Department and discussions confirmed the fo l lowing:

I f p lanning permission is granted, the same condi t ions as before wi l l apply.

The Car-park entrance should be moved s l ight ly to accommodate the required “si te- l ines” , resul t ing in a curved dr iveway to the proposed car park.

Planning Permission for the new Tennis Court wi l l not be required, as the or ig inal is st i l l val id.

Planning permission for an “equipment storage faci l i ty” , the s ize of a t r ip le garage, wi l l not be required. The locat ion of th is faci l i ty is yet to be discussed with the Sports Club.

The Planning Appl icat ion, with the changes out l ined above wi l l be submit ted by the end of th is week.

A draft Planning Appl icat ion was made avai lable for Counci l lors inspect ion. The s ize of the proposed car park has been reduced from 57 car spaces to 37

car spaces. Paul Murray’s Bui ld ing Committee have addressed and sat isf ied al l issues

raised by Sport England. Due to addit ional requirements imposed by Sport England, together wi th other

factors such as inf lat ion, the ant ic ipated cost of the project has r isen by £41,000-00 to £271,500-00.

Of th is £41,000-00, £30,000-00 is being appl ied for f rom Sport England and the remaining £11,000-00 wi l l be ra ised by “ fund Raising” by Paul Murray’s Committee. No addit ional funds wi l l be required from the Par ish Counci l .

The Figure of £271,500-00 being the ant ic ipated total cost of the project , is only a soft est imate as precise f igures cannot be obtained unt i l the tendering process has been completed.

Var ious discussions ensued on the above, the sal ient points being:

The Par ish Counci l is not yet committed to proceeding with the project at the ant ic ipated cost .

I t is not surpr is ing that an escalat ion of or ig inal ly ant ic ipated costs has ar isen I f the costs have r isen due to Sport England requirements, then part of those

addi t ional costs should be met by Sport England. (c) STA Designs Quotat ion - deferred f rom las t meet ing. In accordance with Standing Orders, a l l i tems of work requested by the Par ish Counci l must have three quotat ions provided. Action: Cll r . A.Walmsley to provide the Clerk wi th copies of the other two quotat ions for Archi tectural work, the Quotat ion from STA Designs being already held on f i le.

Cl l r . A.Walmsley advised that whi ls t three requests for quotat ions had been sent out , only two had actual ly provided a quotat ion, the th ird having decl ined to quote. Cl l r . M.Shaw accepted that i t is not always easy to obtain the three quotat ions, but insisted that conformance with Standing Orders be adhered to in the same manner as she had been required to do.

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(d) Contour Survey. This task had been completed. Two quotat ions for th is work had been obtained and copies of these were given to the Clerk for hold ing on f i le. The quotat ion f rom Solent Surveys had been accepted and the work undertaken in the sum of £485-00 plus VAT. The resul tant invoice was passed to the Clerk for payment.

12. Playing Fields Management Sub-committee. - Convenor's report .

Cllr . M.Shaw advised there was nothing to report th is month, therefore there was no wr i t ten report . a) Public is ing Compton Street Play Equipment. With regard to the fund rais ing necessary to in i t iat ing this issue, the Par ish Counci l had just received the returned “Financial Agreement” covering the major donat ion which wi l l enable th is aspect of the overal l Chi ldren’s Play Equipment to proceed. Action: Cllr . M.Shaw to in i t iate the publ ic is ing of the Compton Street Play Equipment, preparatory to progressing the insta l lat ion of the new Play Equipment as previously speci f ied.

b) Temporary Cricket Nets - Memorial Playing Field. Discussion on th is subject took place, the main point ’s being:-

The locat ion of the proposed Cr icket Nets as proposed by the Sports Club, is unsat is factory to the Par ish Counci l

This proposed locat ion is a lso unacceptable to local res idents. Al ternat ive locat ions as speci f ied by the Playing Field Management Sub-

committee are understood to be unacceptable to the Sports Club. The Sports Club have put their request in wr i t ing together wi th their reasons

for choosing their proposed locat ion. Local res idents should not have a veto on the Playing Field Management

decis ions. Action: Cllr . M.Bel l /Cl l r . M.Shaw to draft a let ter advis ing the Sports Club that their proposed locat ion for the Cricket Nets is unsat is factory to the Parish Counci l .

Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to have informal d iscussions wi th the Sports Club to engender a compromise solut ion.

Cl l r . M.Shaw advised the meeting that the issue of overhanging branches on the t ree adjacent to the exist ing car park on Memorial Playing Field, ra ised under Health and Safety issues by the Sports Club has been attended to. Simi lar ly, the quest ion of not ices concerning Heal th and Safety raised by the Sports Club, in the vic ini ty of the Play Area on Memoria l Playing Field, is being addressed. Action: Cllr . M.Shaw to contact the Par ish Counci l Insurers concerning this issue.

Due to a number of Dogs being al lowed to roam within the Play Area on Memorial Playing Field, “No Dogs” not ices have been placed in that Play Area.

14. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “E”. In addi t ion, Cl l r . Mi l lar advised that CASCA had had a problem with the cooker in Shawford Par ish Hal l . Also, the recent presentat ion of “The Three Musketeers” had been very successful and a smal l prof i t had been achieved.

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(b) Dogs in the Heathcote Room. This matter had been discussed by the CASCA Management Committee and i t was confi rmed that a l l precaut ions were being taken and that the bookings should continue.

15. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Sub-committee – Convenor’s report . Cllr . C.Simmons had not prepared a wr i t ten report as there had been no meeting of the Sub-commit tee. (a) Junct ion at Shepherds Lane/Access to the school . A let ter had been received from Richard Oldham, Hampshire County Counci l , the sal ient point ’s being:-

Due to the Safety impl icat ions, the matter had been put to external Safety Consul tants.

Estates Pract ice were only involved because they were involved wi th the interchange area of the school .

Richard Oldham would be pleased to give a presentat ion of proposals to the Par ish Counci l – on two separate occasions i f required.

Nothing wi l l be imposed, the matter is only being looked at as a resul t of the Par ish Counci l ra is ing concerns over the Safety issue of the road junct ion.

I t was considered that a detai led Traf f ic Count/Survey, should be undertaken to support any recommendat ions, wi th the t ime of day when such a survey is conducted recorded. Action: Cl l r . C.Simmons to arrange for a presentat ion to be made to the Parish Counci l when the Traff ic Count/Survey has been completed, and representat ives of the appropr iate Residents Associat ions to be invi ted to attend.

(b) M3 Noise - update . Leaf lets covering the “Update” in progress on th is issue have been del ivered to every household in the Par ish. Another “M3 Noise Commit tee” meet ing wi l l take place later in January 2002. I t is the Committee’s desire to encourage as many residents to wri te let ters to the Minister responsible. (c) Dog Bins on Shawford Down. Cllr . C.Simmons advised that she had spoken to Hampshire County Counci l on th is topic, the sal ient points ar is ing being:-

Hampshire County Counci l is aware of the problem. Finance is l imited and therefore Hampshire County Counci l are not able to

fund the provis ion and emptying of two Dog Bins on Shawford Down. Hampshire County Counci l would be happy for the Par ish Counci l to provide

and empty two such Dog Bins, a lbei t located on Hampshire County Counci l Land.

I t was concluded that the Par ish Counci l could not just i fy proceeding wi th the p lac ing of Dog Bins on land that is owned by Hampshire County Counci l

Whi lst on the subject of Dog Foul ing, several complaints had been received by Counci l lors concerning Dog Foul ing speci f ical ly in Compton Street and Shepherds Lane. Cl l r . M.Shaw had been advised by the Dog Warden, that Winchester Ci ty Counci l wi l l instal l Dog Bins on the Publ ic Highway, but only i f the local residents agree. Without speci f ic agreement for residents to have such Dog Bins outside their property, Winchester Ci ty Counci l wi l l not insta l l them. Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to pursue the matter , ident i fy ing sui table locat ions for addit ional Dog Bins which do not impact any local resident.

(d) "Walking Bus". Due to the Chr istmas recess when the School Head Teacher was not avai lable, th is matter is deferred unt i l the next meet ing.

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16. Youth Survey As part of h is research into th is matter , Cl l r . M.Bel l had wr i t ten and sent a let ter d irect to Winchester Detached Youth Work Project , see Appendix “G” The Chairman, Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White, expressed his annoyance wi th this in that sending such let ters direct by Counci l lors contravened Standing Orders. Al l le t ters sent out in the name of the Par ish Counci l , must be sent through the Clerk. This to ensure conformity wi th Par ish Counci l pol icy on issues and to ensure that nothing considered quest ionable by the Clerk is sent wi thout a second opinion. Cl l r .M.Bel l had reviewed the documentat ion concerning th is subject , the main point ’s being:-

Winchester Detached Youth Project are interested in assist ing the Par ish Counci l in undertak ing a Youth Survey.

The object ive would be to establ ish what could be done for the Youth of the Par ish.

The approximate cost to the Par ish would be £450-00. A legacy from the defunct Youth Club in the sum of £500-00 could be ut i l ised

and i ts re lease could be appl ied for . Addi t ional funding could be appl ied for from Hampshire County Counci l . Cl l r . M.Bel l envisaged a “Mobi le Youth Project” as being the most appropriate

outcome. Concern was expressed about the number of youth in the Par ish who are away

at boarding school and therefore unable to part ic ipate. Agreed: Cllr . M.Bel l to proceed wi th establ ishing more detai led proposals and report back to the next meet ing. Proposed: Cl l r . M.Bel l Seconded: Cllr . J .Val l is Vote for: 7 Abstention: 1

17. Land adjoining Compton Heights, Clif f Way, Compton.

Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that a let ter had been sent to Hampshire County Counci l concerning th is subject and a response is awaited. I t was stated that i t was desirable for th is p iece of land to be incorporated into the Memorial Playing Field.

18. Replacement of Telephone Kiosk in Shawford. This has been completed wi th the re- instal lat ion of the old style red telephone kiosk together wi th a pay-phone, which is now ful ly operat ional .

19. The New Code of Conduct. The Chairman emphasised the importance of th is issue and the fact that al l Counci l lors wi l l have to s ign up to th is “Code of Conduct” by May 2002. Signi f icant d iscussion ensued, the sal ient points being:

Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l had previously submit ted wr i t ten concerns cover ing Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 15. The Chairman agreed wi th these concerns.

Al l provis ions were mandatory, but addi t ional qual i fy ing provis ions could be added by the Par ish Counci l where appropr iate.

Suggest ions to adopt Parts 1 and 2 in isolat ion, could not be enter ta ined as Part 2 referenced Part 3.

No decis ion concerning adopt ion could be made at th is meet ing. Part 3, “The Register of Members Interests” presented some Counci l lors wi th

s igni f icant problems. The Par ish Counci l need to take advice on th is matter . Action: Cllr . M.Bel l and Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White to wr i te let ters to “The Standards Board for England” and S.Whetnal l , Winchester Ci ty Counci l , seeking advice and guidance and report back.

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20. South Downs National Park - Parish Council Response. The Chairman, Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White, asked i f Counci l lors had studied the Proposal document; i t was evident that they had not. Discussions covered:

L i t t le interest arose i f the Par ish is outs ide the Proposed Nat ional Park. Concern was expressed regarding the desire by County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley

to inc lude Compton Down within the proposed Nat ional Park. General consensus was that Counci l lors knew too l i t t le about the proposals. Action: All Counci l lors to study the proposals for the next meet ing, wi th a view to determining a Par ish Counci l response and who is to make that response.

21. Quality Parish and Town Councils .

Cllr . N.Campbel l-White and Cl lr . M.Bel l had reviewed this subject and determined the fo l lowing:

Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l probably already qual i fy. Consul tat ion is ongoing. The process is designed for a l l Author i t ies, inc luding the smal lest Par ish

Counci ls . Not al l Par ish Counci ls would qual i fy. L i t t le benefi t is provided. Formal compl iance is seen to be unnecessary, but fa i lure to do so could have

a negative ef fect . The cost to the Par ish Counci l for accredi tat ion is l ikely to be £100-00 Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White/Cl l r M.Bel l to wr i te back to DEFRA and respond to the quest ionnaire.

22. Parish Project for the year 2002. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White suggested the fol lowing:

Jubi lee Project - The refurbishment of the Victor ian Jubi lee Fountain wi th addi t ions to commemorate the current Jubi lee. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to explore th is matter fur ther and report back to the next meet ing on the understanding that any proposals can be funded from external grants.

A.O.B. 1. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that a Committee had been establ ished to co-ordinate the Jubi lee Celebrat ions. This Commit tee has asked i f the Par ish Counci l wi l l underwri te the cost of providing a marquee and associated equipment in which to hold these Celebrat ions. Agreed: Cllr . G.Beckett to progress this issue subject to the Clerk ver i fy ing that legis lat ion permits the Par ish Counci l underwri t ing the costs. Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous.

2. Cl l r . C.Simmons raised the issue of Fireworks and the fact that the sett ing off of Fireworks at unsociable hours on numerous occasions other than 5 t h November seems to be more prevalent now than in the past. Can the Par ish Counci l do anything about i t? The general v iew was that l i t t le could be done other than wr i te let ters to the part ies concerned.

23. Date of Next Meeting. Tuesday, 5 t h February 2002.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 5t h February 2002, in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. N.J.Campbel l -White (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr. G.Beckett , Mrs. J .Mi l lar , Mrs C.Simmons Mrs. M.Shaw, Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mrs. J.Val l is , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley, Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley, and 2 members of the Publ ic . 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le contain ing the correspondence for the month of January 2002 was c i rculated to al l Counci l lors.

2. Apologies for absence.


3. Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 8 t h January 2002. There were no changes/amendments to the minutes requested, therefore the Chairman signed those minutes as being a true record of that meeting.

4. Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. Only “Act ion Points” known by the Chairman to be outstanding were raised by the Chairman as fol lows:- Page 4, i tem 12:- Not ices concerning Heal th and Safety in and around the new Chi ldren’s Play Area on the Memorial Playing Field. Cl l r . M.Shaw has not yet contacted our insurers, but wi l l do so. Page 5, i tem 15:- Shepherds Lane junct ion – addressed in Cl l r . C.Simmons’ report . Page 6, i tem 19:- Letters to the “Standards Board for England” – matter in abeyance await ing fur ther informat ion. Page 7, i tem 22:- i tem now completed. Cl l r M.Bel l referenced i tem16 – Youth Survey – and the second paragraph stat ing “The Chairman, Cl l r N.Campbel l -White, expressed his annoyance wi th this in that sending such let ters d irect by Counci l lors contravened Standing Orders” . Whi ls t Cl l r Bel l agreed wi th the intent ion of the statement and the fact that i t was said, he pointed out that the sending out of let ters through the Clerk is not in fact dictated by a “Standing Order” , only by best pract ice procedures. This was general ly agreed.

The Meeting wil l be closed Statements, Observat ions and Quest ions f rom Members of the Publ ic wil l be received and addressed. Maximum of 15 minutes al lowed. There were no Statements/Observat ions or Quest ions from the members of the Publ ic . A let ter f rom Mr. R.Jordan concerning minor landscaping requests around the exist ing and proposed new Tennis Court wi l l be passed to Cl l r . M.Shaw for act ion.

The Meeting wil l be re-opened.

5. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley had not prepared a wr i t ten report, but reported oral ly on the fol lowing:-

Anybody whose 50t h Bir thday fal ls on the 6t h February 2002, (accession day), may be invi ted to a Garden Party being arranged by the Lord Lieutenant of the County to mark the Queen’s Golden Jubi lee.

Another t ranche of funding for assistance towards Teacher Housing in Hampshire is to be made avai lable - £10,000 per appl icant .

Els ie Fisher of 8 Mart ins Fie ld had recently had an accident due to poor street l ight ing outs ide her home. Cl l r Bai ley had been requested to look into the matter . She advised that th is is a matter to be addressed by the Par ish Counci l .

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Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to invest igate the matter and report back to the next meeting.

South downs Nat ional Park – a response is yet to be formulated. The potent ia l inc lus ion of Shawford Down with in the Nat ional Park may assist in the funding of achieving a quieter road surface on the M3 motorway.

A Green Paper has been produced concerning Planning. The County Counci l are concerned about this issue and acknowledge that “Planning” needs an overhaul, but the Green Paper says l i t t le .

Train ing for Counci l lors. New Surveyor at Petersf ie ld. I t is l ikely that Serco wi l l lose their f ranchise under a new reorganisat ion

of Waste Management. An “Extraordinary Meet ing” was convened concerning Educat ion. More

money is to be made avai lable for Nursery Educat ion. A Budget meet ing is short ly to take place; i t is expected that there wi l l be

a 9% increase in Budgets. Meet ing on M3 Noise.

6. District Counci l lor's Report.

Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “A”. Discussion took place on the Planning Appl icat ion concerning land adjacent to Highdown, Cl i f f Way. I t was pointed out that the expiry date for th is appl icat ion had passed.

7. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Cllr . C.Simmons’ report is as per Appendix “B”. Cl l r . Simmons went on to advise that when she took on the role of “Transport Representat ive”, i t was intended to be on a temporary basis unt i l a permanent representat ive could be found. This was approximately one year ago. This s i tuat ion now needed to be reviewed as Cl l r Simmons f inds that she does not have the suff ic ient t ime to devote to the task. Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to re-advert ise the posi t ion of “Transport Representat ive” in the Par ish Magazine. Addi t ional ly, she wi l l enquire i f there is anybody interested in the job dur ing her d iscussions wi th Parents concerning the Walk ing Bus proposals.

8. Parish Tree Warden's Report. (a) Tree maintenance - Compton Lock. Cllr T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “C”. Cl l r . Threl fa l l had nothing fur ther to add and there were no quest ions.

9. Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report. Cllr T.Threlfal l ’s report is as per Appendix “C”. Cl lr . Threlfal l had nothing further to add and there were no quest ions

10. Finance and Administrat ion Sub-Committee . - Convenor's Report . Cllr . G.Beckett ’s report is as per Appendix “D”. (a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The state of the Par ish Counci l Accounts at the t ime of the meeting are as per Appendix “E”. There were no cheques for payment as th is had been undertaken in advance of the meet ing as al l cheque books etc. , were current ly wi th the Distr ic t Audi tor . (b) Sports Club Lease. Discussions wi th of f icers of the Sports Club had resulted in agreement on the basis for which the running costs of the Sports Club faci l i t ies could be apport ioned, once the new Pavi l ion had been bui l t . The net resul t would be, as previously ant ic ipated, that in i t ia l ly the Par ish Counci l would receive no rent for the new Pavi l ion. Detai led f igures covering th is had been prepared and used as a basis for d iscussions. Action: The Clerk to c irculate to al l Counci l lors a copy of the document showing the apport ionment of costs of the Sports Club faci l i t ies over seven years subsequent to

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the complet ion of the New Pavi l ion.

(c) Tennis Club Resurfacing. This matter is covered in Cl l r . Beckett ’s report , culminat ing in a recommendat ion to the Par ish Counci l . Before considerat ion of the recommendat ion could be undertaken, s igni f icant d iscussion took place, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:- Cl l r . M.Bel l s tated:-

Negot iat ions had been ongoing for some twelve months. These negot iat ions were not being undertaken wel l . A number of issues concerning the th ird court remain outstanding, such as:-

o Landscaping. o Height of the new Court . o Posi t ioning of the new Court . o Impact and acceptance by local residents. o Drainage. o Legal Fees.

Al l of the above needs to be resolved before permission is g iven to resurfacing the exist ing two Tennis Courts.

To agree to the current proposals el iminates the Par ish Counci l ’s bargaining chips when negot iat ing the th ird Court .

Two members of the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee had a “prejudic ia l interest” in this subject , both being members of the Tennis Club.

Had the Parish Counci l enquired of the immediate neighbours as to their opinion concerning the proposed new Court.

Why is the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee handl ing th is issue and not the Playing Field Management Sub-commit tee.

Cl l r M.Bel l wished i t to be recorded that he registered his d issat isfact ion wi th the Par ish Counci l in that the Parish Counci l had not consul ted local res idents in respect of the posi t ioning, height etc. , of the proposed th ird Tennis Court . Cl l r G.Beckett and Cl l r N.Campbel l-White responded by stat ing that the landlord’s permission to resurface the two exist ing Tennis Courts is not l inked to the issue of bui ld ing a th ird court . With regard to obtain ing the opin ions of the local residents, th is had been undertaken by the Tennis Club. Cl l r . M.Bel l then raised the issue of the “Let ter of Intent” sent to the Tennis Club, stat ing the fo l lowing:-

I t was previously stated that Legal Advice would be obtained concerning the issuance of a Letter of Intent.

The quest ion of who would pay for such Legal Advice was raised. A Letter of Intent was prepared by Cl l r G.Beckett , as convenor of the Finance

and Administrat ion Sub-committee, wi thout obtain ing Legal Advice and sent to the Tennis Club, a lbei t having been approved by al l members of the Sub-commit tee.

The issuing of such a let ter of intent reduced the Par ish Counci l ’s bargaining posi t ion.

A Sub-commit tee has no powers to wr i te and send a let ter of th is nature. Cl l r . G.Beckett responded by advis ing the fol lowing:-

The Par ish Counci l had instructed him as convenor of the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee to at tend to the matter.

The Letter of Intent rei terated the motion that was passed at the October 2001 Par ish Counci l meet ing and incorporated the proviso that a) the un-expired current lease be surrendered and b) the of fer is condi t ional upon the New Pavi l ion Project proceeds to fru i t ion.

The Letter of Intent said nothing else and therefore i t was considered un-necessary to obtain Legal Advice.

Cl l r . M.Bel l had agreed, wi th other members of the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee, to the contents and issuance of th is Letter of Intent.

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Cl l r . M.Bel l requested that an amendment to the motion recommended in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , be tabled.

Agreed: The motion as recommended in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report have the fo l lowing added to i t . “Subject to sat isfactory agreement on, a)The posi t ion of the th ird Tennis Court , b) Landscaping, c) Legal Fees, d) Drainage.” By a show of hands : Vote for = 1 Vote against = 5 Abstention = 3 The mot ion therefore fe l l . The fo l lowing Motion was put to the Par ish Counci l : Agreed: That the Parish Counci l grant “Landlord’s Permission” for the resurfacing of the exist ing two Courts, involving the raising of the surface by 26.5cms. The surround nett ing to be at 2.75m above the surface. The southern nett ing to be at an increased height to avoid the nuisance of bal ls in private gardens, i f discussion with affected householders shows this to be wanted. Vote for = 7 Abstention = 2 The Chairman, Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White, noted Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s observat ion concerning which Sub-committee is handl ing these issues. Accordingly the fo l lowing was put to the Par ish Counci l and agreed upon. Agreed: In respect of the Tennis Club’s proposal for a new th ird Court , the Playing Fie lds Management Sub-commit tee wi l l at tend to the fo l lowing:

o Landscaping. o Height of the new Court . o Posi t ioning of the new Court . o The gap between the Courts. o Impact and acceptance by local residents. o Drainage.

The Finance and Administrat ion Sub-commit tee wi l l at tend to the fol lowing: o Legal Fees. o Lease.

By a show of hands - Vote for = 8 Vote Against = 1.

(d) Jubi lee Celebrat ions. This matter is covered in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s Report , Appendix “D”. Agreed: That the Parish Counci l make avai lable up to £1000-00 by forward payment or guarantee to assist our Golden Jubi lee Celebrat ions on the Memorial Playing Field on the 1s t June 2002, on the proviso:-

1. That Parish Counci l monies be repaid from the proceeds of the event. 2. That the Finance and Administration Sub-committee review and approve

the events planned budget before releasing any funds. By a show of hands – Vote For = Unanimous. The quest ions previously raised concerning “Publ ic Liabi l i ty Insurance” for the proposed event had been answered by the Par ish Counci l ’s Insurers, a copy of their let ter is held on f i le by the Clerk. I t was suggested that a “Let ter of Support” to the committee undertaking the organis ing of this event on behalf of the Par ish Counci l , should be sent. Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to draft a let ter for the Clerk to send, g iv ing the Committee who are organis ing the proposed event, the support of the whole of the Par ish Counci l .

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(e) Draf t Procedural Instruct ions covering f inancial t ransact ions. A “draft” document ent i t led “Financial Transact ion Procedures” , prepared by the Clerk, was c irculated to al l Counci l lors for review and comment. Action: Al l Counci l lors to review the document “Financial Transact ion Procedures” and provide comments at the next Parish Counci l meeting. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that i t was his intent ion to use th is document as the basis for advis ing Paul Murray’s “New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Commit tee” on the procedures to be adopted for the processing and payment of invoices. The subject of “Par ish Projects” ra ised in Cl l r G.Beckett ’s report is covered under i tem 20. The issues of “Par ish Hal l Maintenance” referenced in Cl l r G.Beckett ’s report is being researched by Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White is obtain ing quotat ions for CASCA for the remedial work necessary wi th in the Caretaker’s Cottage and report back. Agreed: I t was unanimously agreed that the “Gas Cooker problems in the Vi l lage Hal l Ki tchen” is not the responsibi l i ty of the Parish Counci l .

11. Planning Sub-Committee. - Convenor's report .

Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “F” a) Applicat ions and decis ions. Reports covering “Appl icat ions” and “Decis ions” are as per Appendix “G”. Discussion then ensued covering the fo l lowing:-

“The Hielands” – Concerns over the appl icat ion re the second storey – Sole occupancy was not made a condit ion – Demol i t ion of the exist ing structure resul t ing in the new bui ld ing being s imi lar in s ize.

“Longacre” – Rumours that p lans for more than three dwel l ings on the s i te are c irculat ing. (The WDLP Urban Capaci ty Study indicates possible scope for 2 dwel l ings.)

The development of th is s i te wi l l const i tute a precedent in respect of the Winchester Distr ict Urban Capacity Plan.

Action: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley to keep the Parish Counci l informed of any developments re Longacre.

“Telecoms Mast” at Shepherds Lane, what is happening – nothing at present. Action: Cll r J .Mi l lar to moni tor the issue.

12. New Pavil ion Sub-committee. – Convenor’s report. Cllr . A.Walmsley, being out of the Country, was unable to submit a wr i t ten report . However, he reported oral ly as fol lows:-

1) The New Pavi l ion plans had been submit ted to Winchester City Counci l for Planning Permission. Only a few minor changes were necessary concerning access and bicycle racks. The “Orange Not ices” have been put up and Local residents have been informed. Cl l r . A.Walmsley had advised local residents and i t was pointed out that such not i f icat ion has dupl icated the effor ts of Cl l r . J . Mi l lar , Convenor of the Planning Sub-committee. I t is understood that Mr. El l is has wr i t ten to Winchester City Counci l suggest ing that the proposed car-park is too smal l .

2) An “Auct ion of Promises” is being held on the 23r d February. Current ly there is a l is t of 75 i tems to be auct ioned and this l is t c loses on Fr iday 8 t h February

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2002. These was some discussion concerning the Snooker Table, whether i t should be in the auct ion, who actual ly owned i t and where i t is now located.

Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to invest igate th is matter and report back to the Par ish Counci l .

Cl l r . M.Bel l ra ised the issue of escalat ing costs of the New Pavi l ion Project and the related issue of “Borrowing”. The sal ient points ar is ing being as fo l lows:-

The Par ish Counci l has committed £100,000 to the New Pavi l ion Project. Any escalat ion of costs is thought to resul t in increased funds to be provided

by the Par ish Counci l , which they have not got. Borrowing is not thought to be an acceptable way to manage any short fa l l . Enter ing into a project of th is nature wi thout the cushion of the possibi l i ty to

borrow is not thought to be good business pract ice. I t is considered too ear ly to determine wi th any degree of certainty as to the

f inal cost of the New Pavi l ion Project . I t is necessary to determine precisely what money is to come in and the

resul ts of the tender ing process must be known before any potent ia l short fa l l can be ident i f ied.

Any short fa l l in funding is intended to be covered by fund ra is ing by Paul Murray’s Commit tee and i t is a l l Counci l lor ’s responsibi l i ty to assess the l ikel ihood of that Commit tee to raise any required funding.

The general consensus amongst Counci l lor ’s was that i t is too ear ly to assess whether borrowing wi l l be necessary, a lbei t there being a reluctance to borrow to meet any short fa l l .

13. Playing Fields Management Sub-committee. - Convenor's report .

Cllr . M.Shaw’s report is as per Appendix “H”. a) Public is ing Compton Street Play Equipment. A “Publ ic Meet ing” was held in the Scout Hut on Fr iday, 1s t February 2002, at which three Par ishioners were in at tendance. The meeting resulted in the fol lowing points being made:-

In addit ion to the proposed Play Equipment, a Junior Swing is required. Repair to the dips in the ground in front of the goal posts was requested. Basket-bal l fac i l i t ies were requested.

Due to inf lat ion as wel l as the requested increase in p lay equipment, i t is est imated by Cl lr . M.Shaw that for the Chi ldren’s Play Equipment alone, a short fa l l of up to £900 wi l l occur. This is af ter a £1,000 discount negot iated by Cl l r . M.Shaw. Agreed: Cllr M.Shaw may draw up to £900 from the “Open Spaces Fund” to cover any short fa l l between the cost of the revised speci f icat ion for Chi ldren’s Play Equipment to be instal led in the Compton Street Play Area, and the funding received to date v ia Char i table Donat ions and Grants etc. This is on the proviso that detai led f igures can be provided to the Chairman and the Clerk for their agreement. Condit ional upon those f igures being sat is factory, Cl l r . M.Shaw should proceed immediately wi th the project . By a show of hands: Vote: - Unanimous. The subject of repairs to the dip in the ground in f ront of the goal posts in the Compton Street p lay area, together wi th the quest ion of provis ion of Basket-bal l faci l i t ies, is considered to be an ent i re ly separate issue. Action: Cl l r . M.Shaw to invest igate the repair in the ground and Basket-bal l fac i l i t ies at the Compton Street Play Area and submit proposals to the Parish Counci l .

Cl l r . C.Simmons stated that Cl l r . M.Shaw should be congratulated by the Par ish

Counci l for her work in rais ing Grants and Donat ions for the Chi ldren’s p lay equipment, and fol lowing the project through to fru i t ion. This was unanimously agreed to by al l counci l lors.

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b) Temporary Cricket Nets - Memorial Playing Field. The Par ish Counci l ’s posi t ion on th is issue had been conveyed by let ter to Gordon de la Mare of the Sports Club. A response is awai ted. c) Health and Safety issues – Memorial Playing Field Deferred unt i l the next Par ish Counci l Meet ing. d) Open Spaces Strategy. Cllr . M.Shaw reported that she had completed the “Open Spaces Strategy Qustionnaire” and had sent i t d irect to Winchester Ci ty Counci l . A copy was provided to the Clerk to be held on f i le. The Chairman, Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White, reminded Cl l r . Shaw that al l such documents, let ters etc., should not be sent d irect by the Counci l lor concerned, but should only be sent through the Clerk. Cl l r . M.Shaw accepted th is . At th is point in the meet ing, Counci l lor J.Val l is lef t the meet ing due to domest ic reasons.

14. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix ”F” . Some discussion ensued, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

“Quiz Evening” – are the Par ish Counci l ra is ing a team. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White wi l l te lephone Counci l lors to see i f a team can be establ ished.

Cl l r . M.Bel l asked about Sunday Hire of the Hal l and was to ld that because Sunday was the Caretaker ’s day of f , a charge of £100 would be made which he thought was excessive. He was of the opinion that arrangements could be made which al lowed for Sunday Hire and also al lowed for the Caretaker ’s day of f .

Action: Cllr . J .Mi l lar to ra ise the matter of Sunday Hire wi th the CASCA Management Committee and report back to the Par ish Counci l . (b) Parish Hal l Maintenance. Covered under i tem 10 above.

14. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Sub-committee – Convenor’s report . Cllr . C.Simmons’ report is as per Appendix “B”. (a) Junct ion at Shepherds Lane/Access to the school . This issue is covered wi th in Cl l r C.Simmons’ report . Agreed: I t was agreed that an on-si te meet ing wi th Highways Department and the Consul tants would take place to discuss the detai ls as now understood. The two local Residents Associat ions wi l l be kept informed. By a show of hands: Vote: - Unanimous. (b) M3 Noise - update . This issue is covered wi th in Cl l r . C.Simmons’ report . In addit ion, Cl l r . Simmons advised that there is to be a meet ing wi th Mark Oaten M.P. next week. (c) “Dog Bins” – sui table locat ions. Cllr . C.Simmons had spoken wi th the Dog Warden and the fo l lowing is understood:-

I f the owners of dogs who make the mess can be ident i f ied, then the Dog Warden wi l l g ive that person an of f ic ia l warning.

The Dog Warden wi l l invest igate the speci f ic case of Compton Street. (d) "Walking Bus". Issue dealt wi th in Cl l r . Simmons’ report , Appendix “B”.

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16. Youth Survey

Cllr . M.Bel l had met wi th Jackie Porter who had provided him with a quotat ion for the work to be undertaken, th is is as per Appendix “ I” . With regard to the previously advised £500, i t appears that th is money is held in a Bank account held for the now defunct Youth Club. I t is understood that Simon Theobald and Tim Pr iddle are s ignator ies to th is account and they need to be persuaded to re lease the funds for the purpose of undertaking the proposed Youth Survey. Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to pursue th is matter and establ ish i f these funds can be released to fund the proposed Youth Survey, report ing back to the Par ish Counci l .

17. The New Code of Conduct.

Cllr . M.Bel l had previously requested the Chairman for the Par ish Counci l to adopt the New Code of Conduct. The Chairman considered th is to be premature. Motion: The Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l adopt the New Code of Conduct. Proposed:- Cl l r M.Bel l Seconded:- Ni l . As there was no “Seconder” to the mot ion, the mot ion fe l l . Signi f icant d iscussion ensued on the New Code of Conduct, the sal ient points were as fol lows:-

I t was stated that fu l l in formation was held by the Parish Counci l and therefore adopt ion should proceed, but ;

I t was considered that fur ther c lar i f icat ion of “Declarat ion of Interests” was required.

Def in i t ions of “Prejudic ia l Interests” was required. HAPTC had recommended that adopt ion of the New Code of Conduct should

be undertaken by al l Par ish Counci ls , en bloc, at the same t ime. Part of the process of adopt ion necessi tated publ icat ion of such adoption in

the local press. I t had been suggested that th is could be arranged at a lesser cost i f a l l Par ish Counci ls adopted the Code en bloc, thereby fac i l i tat ing a s ingle publ ic is ing of such adopt ion by al l Counci ls by Winchester Ci ty Counci l .

Train ing Sessions are being arranged by Winchester Ci ty Counci l , the f i rs t being on 6 t h February 2002. Attendance at th is would assist the Parish Counci l moving towards adopt ion.

18. South Downs National Park - Parish Council Response.

Having studied the Consul tat ion Documents on the proposed South Downs Nat ional Park, Counci l lors made the fo l lowing comments:-

Why is there a need to create a “South Downs National Park? There are no sound reasons for putt ing in place such a Nat ional Park. Planning issues concerning the proposed Nat ional Park are of par t icular

concern. Planning off icers wi th in the present Planning Author i ty are elected. In the

proposed Nat ional Park the equivalent Off icers would not be elected, but appointed.

The proposed Nat ional Park would not work in terms of administrat ion. Too wide an area is inc luded wi thin the proposal. No benef i t is envisaged, i t is ant ic ipated that harm wi l l come from i t therefore

i t is not needed. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White had at tended a seminar conducted by ENTEC who are

act ing as Consul tants on the proposed South Downs Nat ional Park; the sal ient point ar is ing from the W.D.A.P.C. meet ing:-

o Clear from the meet ing that i t is not needed. o There are no added values. o There would be greater pressure on roads to the proposed Nat ional


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o Area is too wide. o Planning pressure on areas adjacent to the park intensi f ied. o Strengthening of A.N.O.B. is considered to be the way forward. o Representat ive membership is an issue o The consensus was that i t was not wanted as i t only serves to create

another layer of bureaucracy. The Par ish Counci l is asked to send a response v ia the Countryside Agency

quest ionnaire, but the quest ionnaire is biased in favour of the proposal . Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White wi l l formulate a response in accordance with the Par ish Counci l v iews expressed above. The issue of County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley’s desire to inc lude Shawford Down in the proposed South Downs Nat ional Park was discussed. Agreed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to draf t and send a let ter to County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley indicat ing that Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l cannot support her in her wish to see Shawford Down inc luded within the proposed Nat ional Park in v iew of the previous comments. By a show of hands: Vote – Unanimous.

19. Quality Parish and Town Councils .

Cllr . M.Bel l , supported by Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White had formulated a response to th is consul tat ion document. A response is awaited.

20. Parish Project for the year 2002. Funding for such “Par ish Projects” by WDAPC is understood to be in doubt as there is no money being al located to WDAPC for such issues by Winchester City Counci l . The proposed Parish Project is the renovat ion of the “Victor ian Jubi lee Dr ink ing Fountain” in Shawford Vi l lage. A fur ther suggest ion is the insta l lat ion of another Jubi lee memoria l on the other s ide of the Road, th is is to be considered fur ther. Action: Cllr N.Campbel l -White to invest igate fur ther and obtain cost ings . AOB.Cllr . M.Bel l ra ised the quest ion of membership of CPRE. Agreed: The Par ish Counci l should renew i ts membership of CPRE at an annual subscr ipt ion cost of £17-50.

21. Date of Next Meet ing. Tuesday 5t h March 2002.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 5t h March 2002, in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. N.J.Campbel l -White (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr. G.Beckett , Mrs. J .Mi l lar , Mrs C.Simmons Mrs. M.Shaw, Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley, and 3 members of the Publ ic . 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le containing the correspondence for the month of February 2002 was c i rculated to al l Counci l lors.

2. Apologies for absence.

County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley Cl l r . Mrs. J.Val l is

3. Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 8 t h January 2002. There were no changes/amendments to the minutes requested, therefore the Chairman signed those minutes as being a t rue record of that meet ing.

4. Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. Only “Act ion Points” known by the Chairman to be outstanding were raised by the Chairman as fol lows:- Page 2, i tem 5:- Cl l r C.Simmons to report back on the quest ion of s treet l ight ing in Mart ins Field. Cl l r C.Simmons advised that she was unsure as to whether i t was her responsibi l i ty to take on th is matter , but having discussed i t she wi l l now pursue i t and report back at the next Par ish Counci l meet ing. Action: Cl l r . C.Simmons to invest igate street l ight ing in Mart ins Field and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meeting. Page2, I tem 7;- Advert is ing for a replacement Transport Representat ive. Cl l r . C.Simmons advised that an advert isement had not been placed in the Par ish Magazine. However, discussions wi th Char lot te Bai ley indicated that she may be prepared to take on the ro le, discussions are cont inuing. Action: Cl l r C.Simmons to discuss with Char lotte Bai ley the f i l l ing of the “Transport Representat ive” ro le. Page 4, I tem 10 (d) :- Cl l r . G.Beckett to draft a let ter of support to the Sub-committee who are organising the Jubi lee Celebrat ions. This had not been done. Action: Cllr G.Beckett to draf t a let ter for the Clerk to send, g iv ing the Sub-commit tee who are organising the proposed event on behalf of the Par ish Counci l , the fu l l support of the Par ish Counci l . Page 6, I tem 12:- Cl l r . M.Bel l advised that the Snooker Table had been sold in the Auct ion for the sum of £185-00. Page 6, I tem 13:- Cl l r . M.Shaw had undertaken prel iminary invest igat ions regarding the provis ion of Basket Bal l faci l i t ies, th is matter is in hand. Page 7, I tem 14:- Cl l r J .Mi l lar had invest igated the quest ion of “Sunday Hire” of the Par ish Hal l , her f indings are as per Appendix “A”, as advised by J.Pi t t . Page 8, I tem 16:- Release of funds from defunct Youth Club for undertaking a Youth Survey. Cl l r . M.Bel l advised th is was covered wi thin the Agenda.

The Meet ing wi l l be c losed S ta tements , Observa t ions and Ques t i ons f rom Members o f the Pub l i c w i l l be rece ived and addressed. Max imum o f 15 minu tes a l l owed . There were no quest ions or submissions from members of the Publ ic .

The Meet ing wi l l be re-opened.

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5. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley was not in attendance, but had submitted a wr i t ten report , which is as per Appendix “B”. The Clerk read th is report to the meet ing. Quest ions were ra ised concerning the request for Street L ight ing in Otterbourne Road and the increase in budgets for the Pol ice Author i ty in the amount of 27.3%. Action: The Clerk to wri te to County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley request ing detai ls of the requested Street L ight ing in Otterbourne Road and a breakdown of the 27.3% increase in budgets for the Pol ice Author i ty.

6 . District Counci l lor's Report.

Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley had not prepared a wr i t ten report , but reported oral ly on the fol lowing:-

a) “Par ish Project” monies wi l l now be made avai lable v ia W.D.A.P.C. for the Financial Year 2002/3 only – th is reverses the previous decis ion to el iminate such funding.

b) Resurfacing of Compton Street had taken place wi th l i t t le d isrupt ion. c) Planning permission for development of land adjacent to “Highdown”, Cl i f f Way

had been refused. I t was stated that the development was not for suf f ic ient ly densely populated dwel l ings – three dwel l ings would be a possibi l i ty .

d) The Planning Appl icat ion for the New Pavi l ion is proceeding wel l – i t is understood that the planning of f icer responsible wi l l decide.

e) Nei l Mackintosh of the Planning Off ice is not happy regarding the proposed demol i t ion of the Malms and the subsequent rebui ld.

f ) A wr i t ten Appeal against the decis ion concerning development proposals at Shawford Park is ant ic ipated.

g) The resurfacing of pavements in Mart ins Fields is due to take place in Apr i l 2002.

h) The Bushf ie ld Camp project is to be considered by Cabinet on 6 t h March 2002 wi th a v iew to a decis ion in pr incip le.

i ) Telecommunicat ion masts at Si lkstead Farm have been approved with Tree Preservat ion Orders being pursued on surrounding trees.

j ) A meet ing on the M3 Noise project has been held. Further noise measurement exercises are being undertaken wi th in the School as wel l as in the School grounds.

k) A Pay r ise has been awarded - £5,200-00 pa – th is was recommended by an independent panel and was based upon 2 days per week wi th 30% of the t ime being undertaken on a voluntary basis.

l ) The Bishops Waltham training seminar on the New Code of Conduct was wel l at tended (better than the f i rs t one at Winchester Gui ldhal l ) . The “Declarat ion of Interests” package wi l l be distr ibuted by Winchester Ci ty Counci l wi th in the next two weeks.

m) With regard to the Annual Par ish Assembly, Cl l r Bai ley advised that she would be in at tendance to answer any quest ions. She would also be prepared to give a report should the Par ish Counci l so decide.

Cl l r . A.Walmsley requested c lar i f icat ion that monies for Par ish Project that would now be made avai lable was for the Financia l Year 2002/2003. Cl lr . C.Bai ley conf i rmed that th is was correct . Cl l r . J.Mi l lar referenced the Telecommunicat ion Mast, approved for Si lkstead Farm, and advised that she had received representat ions from Harry Ree in that access to and from the si te should not be along Shepherds Lane. Action: Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley wi l l pass on these representat ions to the planning department, such access to be through Si lkstead Farm. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White welcomed the progress of the Bushf ield Camp issue and the proposed decis ion in pr inciple expected from cabinet . Having made enquir ies, he was previously of the opinion that the planners would defer the matter . Action: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley to put in a plea for the Par ish Counci l to be kept informed of progress on this issue.

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17. The New Code of Conduct . ( A t th e d i s c r e t i o n o f t h e C h a ir ma n , t h e o rd e r o f t h e Ag e n da w as

c h a ng e d to i nc l u d e t h i s i t em a t t h i s po i n t . ) Cllr . N.Campbel l-White reported on the Train ing Seminar that he and the Clerk had attended. A wr i t ten report of the Seminar had been previously c irculated to al l Counci l lors. General discussion ensued cover ing the fol lowing:-

The new Code of Conduct must be adopted at some stage. The new code only documented that which had always previously been

intended, ie. , to act wi th integr i ty. The t iming for i ts adopt ion should coincide wi th the adoption by other Par ish

Counci l ’s thereby benef i t ing from the opportuni ty of a s ingle press advert isement of adopt ion.

The Declarat ion of Interests pack is awai ted from Winchester Ci ty Counci l . The Clerk ’s concerns over h is maintaining the Register of Interests is

cont ingent upon the content of the Declarat ion of Interests pack. Adopt ing the New Code of Conduct in pr incip le now, with formal adopt ion at a

later date was acceptable to al l Counci l lors. Agreed: Compton and Shawford Parish Counci l agreed to adopt the New Code of Conduct in pr inciple, pending receipt of the documentat ion to be received from Winchester Ci ty Counci l cover ing the Declarat ion of Interests. Formal adopt ion of the New Code of Conduct wi l l take place at the Apr i l 2002 Par ish Counci l Meet ing. Vote:- By a show of hands – unanimous.

7. Parish Transport Representative's Report .

Cllr . C.Simmons advised that there was nothing to report this month. (a) Permanent Transpor t Representat ive With regard to f inding a permanent replacement as Transport Representat ive, Cl l r . Simmons was in discussion wi th Char lot te Bai ley who may be prepared to take on th is role. See “Act ion Point” under i tem 4 above.

8. Parish Tree Warden's Report.

Cllr . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “C”. 9 . Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report.

Cllr . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “C”. Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l a lso reported that the refurbished Compton Lock and Meads Project is due to open at 11.00am on 7 t h September 2002. these projects had raised a quest ion over which Cl l r . Threl fa l l expressed a degree of concern. This is the quest ion of the Par ish Boundary between the Par ishes of Compton & Shawford and Twyford. Whi lst the Ordinance Survey maps of 1990 showed the boundary running up the middle of Compton Lock and the navigat ion, ear l ier maps showed i t to be fur ther to the west above Compton Lock. I t appears that Twyford Par ish Counci l have di f fer ing views as to the precise locat ion of th is boundary from those held by Compton and Shawford par ish Counci l . Some discussion on th is took place as fo l lows:-

Why not accede to Twyford Par ish Counci l v iews and let them assume responsibi l i ty for the area in doubt.

I t is logical that the Boundary should run up the middle Compton Lock and the Navigat ion.

The only reason that could be determined for any change was the bui ld ing of the M3 motorway.

I t was general ly considered that i t would be wrong to “give” areas of what is considered Compton and Shawford Par ish to the neighbouring Parish without some def ini t ive reason.

Action: Cllr . T.Threl fa l l to discuss the issue wi th the Chairman of Twyford Par ish Counci l and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meet ing. Action: The Clerk to wri te to the Ordinance Survey, quot ing the two maps showing di f ferent

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boundar ies and f ind out i f there was a reason for the change. 10. Finance and Administrat ion Sub-Committee . - Convenor's Report .

Cllr . G.Beckett advised that there had not been a meeting of the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee dur ing February 2002 and therefore there was no wr i t ten report . (a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The state of the Par ish Counci l Accounts at the t ime of the meeting were as per Appendix “D”. This was c irculated to Counci l lors at the meet ing. Cheques for s igning were c irculated for s igning. (b) Reformation of the “Tennis Club Lease” Sub-commit tee . With the introduct ion of the New Code of Conduct, Cl l r N.Campbel l -White, as Chairman, had been made aware that i t was some Counci l lor ’s perception that the New Code of Conduct made i t necessary to change the composit ion of the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee when deal ing wi th the Tennis Club Lease. This perception concerned the quest ion of personal “ Interests” and “Prejudic ial Interests” of those Counci l lors serving on the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee. Cl l r . Campbel l-White stated that i t was his personal opinion that Cl l r . G.Beckett had a personal “ interest” , Cl l r . A.Walmsley had a personal “ Interest” and Cl lr . M.Bel l had both a personal and Prejudic ia l Interest . Accordingly, Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White asked the quest ion whether the composit ion of the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee should be changed when deal ing wi th the Tennis Club Lease. Extensive discussion ensued, the sal ient points being as fol lows:-

Issues of content ion upon which agreement wi th in the Sub-commit tee could not be reached could be referred to the fu l l Counci l .

In any case, the fu l l Counci l has to rat i fy decis ions/recommendat ions of the Sub-commit tee.

The suggest ion that due to disagreement on one issue wi th in a Sub-committee, that separate arrangements need to be establ ished, has wider impl icat ions than th is one issue under considerat ion.

The suggest ion that the Tennis Club Lease should be handled by a separate body ar ises from the perception that some members of the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee have Interests/Prejudic ia l Interests, but:-

o The onus is on the individual Counci l lor to declare any interest , prejudic ia l or otherwise.

o The Counci l has no author i ty to decide i f a Counci l lor has an Interest/Prejudic ial Interest .

o I t is the individual Counci l lor ’s interpretat ion of the Publ ic ’s percept ion as to whether he/she has an Interest /Prejudic ia l Interest , and must act accordingly.

o The Chairman cannot ru le on whether an individual Counci l lor has an Interest/Prejudic ial Interest .

The current members of the Finance and Administrat ion Sub-committee are negot iat ing the Tennis Club Lease as representat ives of the Parish Counci l , not as members of the Tennis Club.

Instead of the Sub-committee making “recommendations” to the ful l Counci l , could such matters be s imply “referred” to the fu l l Counci l . “Recommendat ions” have a degree of author i ty.

Agreed: Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l has fu l l conf idence in the composit ion and arrangements of the Finance and Administrat ions Sub-committee. Proposed:- Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l Seconded:- Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote for:- 7 votes Vote against:- 0 votes Abstentions:- 1 abstent ion.

(c) Re-designate “Sub-commit tees” to Commit tees” This issue was placed on the Agenda as quest ions had been raised concerning th is matter and the powers that a “Sub-commit tee” had as opposed to a “Commit tee”. I t was reported that the reasons to refer to the Parish Counci l Committees as Sub-

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committees were based upon a previously incorrect premise in that the Publ ic were ent i t led to at tend al l Committee Meet ings, but not necessari ly Sub-committee meet ings. Agreed: All Committees, previously referred to as Sub-committees, of Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l wi l l hencefor th be referred to as “Committees”. Proposed: Cllr . G.Beckett . Seconded: Cllr . M.Bel l Vote: Unanimous. (d) Sports Club Licence. Cllr . G.Beckett advised that there had not been a meeting wi th Gordon de la Mare of the Sports Club and consequent ly no fur ther progress had been made. (e) Tennis Club Lease. Cllr . G.Beckett reported that a Draft Lease had been prepared wi th a view to submit t ing i t to White and Bowker, the Par ish Counci l ’s Sol ic i tor for Legal opin ion. Quest ions had been raised by other members of the Finance and Administrat ion Committee and consequent ly the Draft Lease had not been submit ted to the Sol ic i tor . The matter wi l l be discussed further by the Finance and Administrat ion Committee. (f) Jubi lee Celebrat ions. Cllr . G.Beckett advised that Judith Harr is of the Sub-committee who are organis ing th is event had reported to h im as fo l lows:-

To date the fol lowing have been hired: a) Marquee b) Three porta loos. c) A Spi t Roast for the evening. d) Hampshire Youth – two big games. e) St. Johns ambulance cover. f ) Carousel and Barrel Organ.

The required tables and chairs have been sourced. Tom Threl fa l l has agreed to do something wi th v intage cars. A local Farmer wi l l provide two horses/ponies for r ides. Musical enter ta inment p lans are progressing. Inter Vi l lage games are in the pipel ine.

The Sub-committee have contacted al l local organisat ions and none has decl ined to help. (g) Draf t Procedural Instruct ions covering f inancial t ransact ions. Agreed: The procedures for f inancial t ransact ions as detai led in the document “Financial Transact ion Procedures”, c irculated to a l l Counci l lors at the Par ish Counci l Meet ing of 5 t h February 2002, be adopted and hencefor th fo l lowed by Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l . Vote: By a show of hands, unanimous.

11. Planning Committee. - Convenor's report .

Cllr J .Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “E”. a) Applicat ions and decis ions. Planning Appl icat ions for the month of February are as per Appendix “F”. There were no Planning Decis ions not i f ied dur ing February. Cl l r . J .Mi l lar advised that CPRE had put out a note drawing people’s at tent ion to a change of ru les regarding Planning. HAPTC had made a response to these changes and i t was suggested that the Par ish Counci l should respond to CPRE in a s imi lar vein. Action: Cl l r . M.Bel l to draft a response to CPRE in a s imi lar vein as the HAPTC response, for the Clerk to send. Discussions took place concerning the refusal of planning permission in respect of land adjacent to “Highdown”, Cl i f f Way, as reported by Distr ict Counci l lor Char lot te

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Bai ley. The refusal being on the grounds of not being of suff ic ient ly dense occupat ion. The main points d iscussed encompassed the fo l lowing:-

No frontage, therefore backland development. Reference was made to the let ter f rom Steve Opacic of W.C.C. concerning the

Winchester Ci ty Urban Capaci ty Study. Cannot re ly any longer on the previous ru les – PPG3 now prevai l ing. The “design pr inc ip le” is not relevant. The posi t ion now creates a precedent especial ly in respect of Longacre. Sustainabi l i ty – not a good argument. High densi ty housing, eg. A block of f lats, does not f i t in wi th the character of

the Par ish. With the apparent change in Planning Pol icy, the Par ish Counci l needs to

develop their own pol icy that s i ts comfortably wi th Planning Pol icy. Without a def ini t ive Pol icy i t is di f f icul t to formulate a cohesive argument.

The Par ish Counci l needs to l ia ise wi th the appropr iate Residents Associat ion and ensure that views are the same and then be proact ive in representat ion.

Action: Cllr . J .Mi l lar to co-ordinate wi th Cl l r . G.Beckett and Cl l r . M.Bel l , a response to the “Highdown” s i tuat ion.

12. New Pavil ion Committee. – Convenor’s report.

Cllr . A.Walmsley’s report is as per Appendix “G”. (a) Auct ion of Promises – Snooker Table. The Snooker Table was included wi th in the Auct ion and raised £185-00. Detai ls of the Auct ion are as per Appendix “G”. Cl l r . A.Walmsley advised that Bi l l Everton has not as yet received a Letter of Appointment f rom the Par ish Counci l . Agreed/Action: Cllr . A.Walmsley to draf t a let ter of appointment to Bi l l Everton for the Clerk to send. Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous. Cl l r . A.Walmsley advised that more money needs to be spent. The issue of drawing up plans for Bui ld ing Regulat ions needs to be undertaken with urgency. Such costs could be funded by monies raised by Paul Murray’s Commit tee and their Fundrais ing act iv i t ies. Unfortunately, the detai ls of these costs were not avai lable at th is meet ing. Agreed: Detai ls of the Bui ld ing Regulat ions Drawings/Plans to be provided at the Finance and Administrat ion Committee meeting on Wednesday 13 t h March 2002 and that Commit tee wi l l Author ise the expendi ture. Paul Murray wi l l donate the equivalent amount of the costs, to the Par ish Counci l to meet those costs. Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous. Cl l r A.Walmsley also advised that whi lst Hampshire Waste were not able to make a donat ion towards the New Pavi l ion, they had agreed to undertake the demol i t ion and c learance of the old Pavi l ion free of charge. However, an “Asbestos Report” on the old pavi l ion at a cost of £150 to £200 wi l l have to be undertaken. Action: Paul Murray to wr i te a let ter to Hampshire Waste thanking them for their of fer . Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White expressed the Par ish Counci l ’s thanks to Paul Murray for his Fundrais ing ef for ts on behal f of the Par ish Counci l .

13. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report.

Cllr . M.Shaw’s report is as per Appendix “H”. a) Temporary Cricket Nets - Memorial Playing Field. No response to the Par ish Counci l ’s proposals has yet been received. b) Health and Safety issues – Memorial Playing Field See Report.

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c) Repairs to “Goal Mouth” ground – Compton Street Play Area See report . d) Basketbal l faci l i t ies a t Compton Street Play Area. Prel iminary invest igat ions have taken place on th is subject, fur ther work has yet to be undertaken together wi th the issue of fund rais ing. The subject of Landscaping/Screening of the Tennis Courts, subsequent to the resurfacing of the exist ing courts was discussed at length. The sal ient points ar is ing being:-

Cl l r . C.Simmons had spoken to Al ison Hanson who was not happy because she would be over looked by people using the resurfaced Courts.

Leylandi had been suggested as a screening. Maintenance of these would be an issue i f p lanted on Par ish Counci l Land. I t is understood that the Tennis Club would be happy to maintain the

screening. Not a l l res idents concerned necessar i ly want such screening – some consider

such screening would disrupt their v iews. The plant ing of such screening may impact the sewer, which runs along that

area of land, and could cause a problem. I t would not be appropriate to establ ish screening to only one property. Action: The Playing Fie lds Management Committee to contact a l l four residents affected together with Mr Bob Jordan who may be af fected by the new Tennis Court and establ ish exact ly what those residents would l ike by way of screening, i f any. The resul ts of these enquir ies to be referred back to the Ful l Counci l Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White enquired as to why, wi th regard to the work to be undertaken on the northern boundary of the Memoria l Playing Field, the quotat ion from Richard Morr is had been chosen as i t was not the cheapest. Cl l r . M.Shaw advised that the quotat ions were not comparable in that they did not compare “ l ike with L ike” and consequent ly i t was considered that the Richard Morr is quotat ion was the best value.

14. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “E”. (b) Caretakers Cottage – remedial work quotat ions. Quotat ions to undertake th is work are st i l l awai ted. (c) Hire of Hall on Sundays. This issue is answered wi th in Appendix “A” – a report f rom J.Pit t . I t was pointed out that CASCA have yet to pay the rent of £12-00 for the f inancial year 2001/2002, Action: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar to ra ise the issue of CASCA’s rent for the Par ish Hal l wi th Peter Mol l . Cl l r . J .Mi l lar had been advised that due to dampness and cold condi t ions wi th in the storeroom at the Par ish Hal l , the archived documents belonging to the Par ish Counci l might be prone to damage. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White and the Clerk to review the s i tuat ion.

14. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Sub-committee – Convenor’s report .

Cllr . C.Simmons had not submitted a wr i t ten report , but reported oral ly . (a) Junct ion at Shepherds Lane/Access to the school .

An on s i te meeting wi th Hampshire County Counci l is being arranged for af ter Easter.

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(b) M3 Noise - update . A meet ing wi th Mark Oaten MP had been undertaken. I t is understood that Mark Oaten is looking at the issue from the viewpoint of 5 to 15 years t ime together with the impact upon the School . (c) "Walking Bus". No progress on th is issue has been made as yet. (d) Street Lighting – 8 Mart ins Field Cllr . C.Simmons had not real ised that i t was her responsibi l i ty to address th is matter . She wi l l now do so. Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to invest igate the quest ion of Street L ight ing in Mart ins Field and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meet ing.

16. Youth Survey (a) Release of Funds from Defunct Youth Club. Cllr . M.Bel l reported that he had received a wr i t ten response from Simon Theobald concerning the release of funds from the now defunct Youth Club which essent ia l ly stated:-

The monies should not be used for paying for consultants. The Par ish Counci l should contr ibute a proport ion of the monies to be spent.

As the proposal for a Youth Survey rel ied heavi ly upon the use of consul tants and that the Par ish Counci l had no money for th is project, i t was thought that the matter could proceed no fur ther. Some discussion ensued as to whether Simon Theobald had the author i ty to make such condit ions. Action: The Clerk to locate the Youth Club’s Const i tut ion to establ ish the procedure for d isposal of any funds remaining from the now defunct Youth Club. This to determine the way forward on th is issue.

17. Parish Boundary – Badger Farm Parish Counci l The proposal to change the Parish Boundary whereby Badger Farm Par ish Counci l assume responsibi l i ty for Bushf ie ld Camp, as put forward in their let ter – Appendix “ I” – was discussed at length. The main points ar is ing were as fo l lows:-

From Compton and Shawford’s point of v iew, there was no reason to change. I t is assumed that wi th the proposed development of Bushf ield Camp, Badger

Farm Par ish Counci l are seeking the money that wi l l ensue from such development.

There is no statutory method for forc ing Compton and Shawford to comply wi th the Badger Farm Parish Counci l request.

There is a strong histor ical argument for reta in ing the Bushf ield Camp area wi th in Compton and Shawford Par ish.

The fact that a re lat ively new road separates that area from the rest of Compton and Shawford is not suff ic ient reason to change the exist ing Parish Boundary.

The conclusion reached was that there is no reason to g ive that area of land in quest ion to Badger Farm Par ish Counci l . However, Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l would be happy to discuss issues of re levance in connect ion wi th any Planning and/or development of the area wi th Badger Farm Par ish Counci l . Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to draft a let ter for the Clerk to send to Badger Farm Parish Counci l , out l in ing Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l ’s views on th is matter .

18. Audit for Financial Year 2000/2001 – Complet ion.

Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised the meet ing that the Par ish Counci l ’s accounts for the Financial Year 2000/2001 had been audited – ful l audi t – and found to be correct. Only two minor comments were made by the Audi tor , both of which were answered wi th in the Minutes for that per iod. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White wished to record the Par ish Counci l ’s thanks to the Clerk, Mike Langford, for his work in th is respect.

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19. Parish Project for the year 2002. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised that in view of the cancel lat ion of WDAPC grants for the Financial Year 2002/2003 as previously advised, no act ion had been undertaken on this subject. However, as these grants are now to be reinstated, a lbei t for the Financial Year 2002/2003 only, the issue wi l l now be progressed. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to inst igate the grant appl icat ion to WDAPC for the f inancia l year 2002/2003 and to obtain quotes for the refurbishment of the Victor ian Jubi lee Fountain together wi th associated proposals.

20. Annual Parish Assembly – Wednesday 24t h Apri l 2002 The proposed Agenda for the Annual Par ish Assembly only required the addit ion of “M3” under i tem 7 c), see Appendix “J” . The accompanying notes (Appendix “J”) were accepted in ful l . The quest ion of arranging a “Keynote Speaker” was raised. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to ask Mr. Steve Opacic of Winchester Ci ty Counci l i f he would at tend the Annual Par ish Assembly and be the “Keynote Speaker” . The suggest ion f rom Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley that she could give a report was discussed. I t was concluded that th is being a Par ish Assembly, i t should be kept to just Par ish Matters. Agreed: I t was agreed that County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley and Distr ic t Counci l lor would not be required to give a report , but i t would be appreciated i f they could at tend to answer any quest ions that may ar ise. Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous. Cl l r A.Walmsley advised that as i t had been previously agreed that he would produce a “Par ish Counci l Newssheet” in advance of the Annual Par ish Assembly, reports f rom al l convenors would be required by the week before Easter . Action: All Convenors of Committees and Representat ives to provide copies of their proposed reports for the Annual Par ish Assembly to Cl l r A.Walmsley by the week before Easter 2002. Any Other Business. Cllr A.Walmsley advised the meet ing that i t is l ikely that the Par ish Magazine Editor is to resign. This was due to undue cr i t ic ism being directed to the Edi tor . The Edi tor ia l Board are prepar ing a statement to appear in the magazine on this issue.

21. Date of Next Meet ing.

Tuesday 2n d Apr i l 2002.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 2n d Apri l 2002, in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , starting at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. N.J.Campbel l -White (delayed arr ival , took over the Chair hal f way through the meet ing), Mr. G.Beckett , Mrs. J .Mi l lar (act ing Chairman at s tart of meet ing), Mrs C.Simmons Mrs. M.Shaw, Mr. T.Threl fal l , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley, and 2 members of the Publ ic . 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le contain ing the correspondence for the month of March 2002 was c irculated to a l l Counci l lors.

2. Apologies for absence.

County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley Cl l r . Mr.M.Bel l

3. Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 5 t h March 2002. Page 3, i tem 9, second paragraph, s ixth l ine, the words “…the middle of Compton Lock and the navigat ion, subsequent maps showed…..” should read “…the middle of Compton Lock and the navigat ion, ear l ier maps showed…..” . There being no other al terat ion to the Minutes, they were accepted as a true record of the Par ish Counci l Meeting of 5 t h March 2002, and were s igned of f by Cl l r J.Mi l lar as act ing Chairman.

4. Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the Agenda. Only the fol lowing “act ion points” were establ ished as being outstanding:- a) Cl l r . M.Bel l to draft a let ter to CPRE regarding the proposed change in ru les

concerning Planning – issue st i l l outstanding. b) Cl l r . A.Walmsley to draf t a let ter of appointment for Mr. Bi l l Everton, Project

Manager – issue st i l l outstanding. c) Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White and the Clerk to review the archived documents s i tuat ion

at the Par ish Hal l – issue st i l l outstanding. d) Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White to in i t iate a Grant Appl icat ion to WDAPC – issue st i l l

outstanding. e) Al l Counci l lors to provide Cl l r A.Walmsley wi th copies of their reports to be made

to the Annual Parish Assembly – some are st i l l outstanding. The Meeting wil l be closed

Statements, Observat ions and Quest ions f rom Members of the Publ ic wil l be received and addressed. Maximum of 15 minutes al lowed. Mrs. J.Lockett asked for an explanat ion as to why the proposed car park for the New Pavi l ion was being l imited to 37 spaces when 43 parked cars were counted around the old pavi l ion today when there was minimal act iv i ty on the Sports Fie ld. Cl l r . A Walmsley advised that Winchester Ci ty Counci l , in their Planning Consent, had encouraged the minimum of car-park ing spaces. This matter has been discussed and is being moni tored. Mr. Barry L ipscomb, Winchester Conservat ive Associat ion, submit ted a wr i t ten quest ion, which is as per Appendix “A”. Cl l r . C.Simmons advised that as the not ices were for a report of the Distr ic t Counci l lor ’s act iv i t ies over the past twelve months and as such did not, in her opinion, const i tute an elect ioneer ing plat form, she gave her permission for the not ices to be put up in the Parish Not ice boards. As convenor of the Highways and Byways Committee, the Not ice boards came under her area of responsibi l i ty. General d iscussion ensued and i t was accepted by the major i ty of Counci l lors that as an elect ion of Distr ict Counci l lors had been announced by Winchester City Counci l , any publ ic meet ing of incumbent Distr ic t Counci l lors takes on a s igni f icant change of emphasis, i f such meet ings are held dur ing the s ix week per iod pr ior to an elect ion. Accordingly, in order to maintain the Parish Counci l ’s apol i t ical pol icy, the Parish

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Counci l Not ice boards should not be used for publ ic is ing meet ings being held by incumbent Distr ic t Counci l lors dur ing any elect ion per iod. At th is point , Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White jo ined the meet ing. Cl l r . J .Mi l lar re l inquished the “Chair” to Cl lr N.Campbel l -White. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to respond in wr i t ing to Mr. Barry Lipscomb, advis ing that permission to use the Par ish Counci l Not ice boards was given in error .

The Meeting wil l be re-opened. 5. County Council lor's Report.

County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley was not in attendance and had not submit ted a report .

6. District Counci l lor's Report. Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “B”. Some discussion ensued on the subject of Bushf ie ld Camp, the sal ient points being as fol lows:-

The subject keeps appear ing in the Winchester Ci ty Counci l ’s l ist of “ forward Key Decis ions”.

The second Key Decis ion so l is ted concerns “Consultat ion” , but unt i l the f i rs t Key Decis ion of “Decis ion in Pr incip le” is achieved, th is never appears to come to f rui t ion.

Are the Church Commissioners involved. I t is thought that the Church Commissioners would only be interested i f the

fu l l development value was paid to them. The quest ion of Compulsory Purchase was not considered a viable opt ion.

7. New Code of Conduct .

(a) Motion: All Counci l lors had been c irculated wi th documents and detai ls concerning the Model Code of Conduct. The Clerk had prepared a “ t imetable of Events” cover ing Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l , th is is as per Appendix “C”. Agreed: I t was general ly agreed to comply with the “Timetable of Events” , Appendix “C”. Whi ls t the Par ish Counci l had agreed to adopt the Model Code of Conduct in pr inc ip le at i ts last meet ing, i t was necessary to formal ly adopt the Code at th is meet ing. I t was also pointed out that the adoption of the code was the adopt ion by the Parish Counci l , not the individual Counci l lors. Agreed:

“The Compton and Shawford Parish Counci l formal ly adopt the Model Code of Conduct at i ts meeting held 2n d Apr i l 2002, to take ef fect from 5t h May 2002.”

Proposed: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar Seconded: Cl l r M.Shaw Vote: 7 for . 1 against

(b) Signing of new “Declara t ions of Acceptance of Off ice” . The Par ish Counci l , having adopted the Model Code of Conduct, now as individual members of that Counci l have to s ign up to that Model Code of Conduct by signing new Declarat ion of Acceptance of Off ice. Al l Par ish Counci l lors in at tendance at the meet ing s igned the new Declarat ion of acceptance of Off ice forms, which were wi tnessed by the Clerk as “Proper Off icer to the Par ish Counci l ” . Action: The Clerk to ensure that Cl l r . M.Bel l s igns the new Declarat ion of Acceptance of Off ice on his return from hol iday.

(c) Register of Members Interests . Some discussion ensued on the “Register of Members Interest” which has to be completed and s igned by each Counci l lor and wi tnessed by the Clerk as “Proper

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Off icer to the Par ish Counci l ” . I t was pointed out that these documents must be completed and submitted to the Moni tor ing Off icer, Winchester Ci ty Counci l , wi th in 28 days from the Par ish Counci l adopt ing the Model Code of Conduct, i .e. , 6 t h June 2002.

8. Parish Transport Representative's Report . (a) Permanent Transpor t Representat ive. Cllr . C.Simmons advised that Char lot te Bai ley had agreed to take on the ro le of the “Par ish Transport Representat ive”. The Par ish Counci l ’s thanks to Char lot te were expressed.

9. Parish Tree Warden's Report. Cllr . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “E”, which was taken as read.

10. Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report. Cllr . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “E”, which was taken as read. Cl l r . J .Mi l lar advised that the “Br idleway” s igns at the end of Shepherds Lane/entrance to the M3 underpass, had been broken. Action: Cllr T.Threl fa l l wi l l look into the matter and report back to the next meet ing. (a) Parish Boundar ies between Compton & Shawford and Twyford. Cllr . T.Threl fa l l had been in d iscussion with Mrs. Pott inger, Clerk to Twyford Parish Counci l , and he continues to consider the boundary runs up the centre of Compton Lock and the Navigat ion. This view is supported by the response from the “Ordnance Survey”. Action: Cllr . T.Threl fa l l to d iscuss the matter fur ther with the Chairman of Twyford Parish Counci l and f inal ly resolve the matter.

11. Finance and Administrat ion Committee . - Convenor's Report. Cllr G.Beckett ’s report is as per Appendix “F” . (a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The state of the Par ish Counci l ’s accounts as at the c lose of business on the 31s t March 2002, the end of the f inancial year, were as per Appendix “G”. Cheques for payment were c irculated for s ignatures. (b) New Pavil ion Project – pre-contract costs . This issue is covered wi th in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “F” Signi f icant d iscussion took place on th is subject , the main points being as fol lows:

Cl l r . G.Beckett wanted to inc lude Cl l r . M.Bel l in d iscussions as i t was bel ieved that Cl l r . Bel l had some strong v iews on this matter .

Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White was not happy in that the Archi tect Fees were not quoted as being a “ f ixed Pr ice” , he bel ieved that the Par ish Counci l could be open to addit ional costs wi thout th is being accepted as an al l encompassing “Fixed Pr ice”.

I f a “Fixed Price” could not be obtained, the Archi tect Fees of £4,470 should be quoted as being the upper l imi t of the Fees.

Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White was happy that £4,740 represented a reasonable sum for the work. He also explained to the Par ish Counci l the necessity for a l l the other pre-contract expenditure and had agreed the f igures.

Rel iance on Paul Murray and Bi l l Everton, the Project Manager, was necessary in order to “manage” such issues. A “Recorded Vote” was requested.

Agreed: The Par ish Counci l approves in pr inciple the quotat ions and est imates as summarised in Appendix “A” of Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report Appendix “F” . Proposed: Cl l r . G.Beckett Seconded: Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l Vote For: 4 votes – Cl l r . G.Becket t , C l l r . A.Walmsley, Cl l r . T .Thre l fa l l , C l l r . J .Mi l lar Vote Against: 0 votes Abstentions: 4 votes – Cl l r . N.Campbel l -Whi te, C l l r . C.Simmons, Cl l r . M.Shaw, Cl l r . J .Val l is .

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Having agreed in pr incip le to the pre-Tender costs as quoted in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “F”, the second recommendation was addressed. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised the meet ing that Paul Murray’s New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Committee had paid a cheque to the Par ish Counci l , v ia the Clerk, in the sum of £15,040. This sum was the resul t of Paul Murray’s “ fund rais ing act ivi t ies” and was paid to the Par ish Counci l to be used speci f ical ly for the New Pavi l ion Project and in part icular to cover the cost of “pre-contract” work to be undertaken. A “Recorded Vote” was requested.

Agreed: The Par ish Counci l approves the expendi ture of “pre-contract” work in the sum of £15,040 as detai led in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “F”. Proposed: Cl l r . G.Beckett Seconded: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar . Vote For: 4 votes – Cl l r . G.Becket t , C l l r . A.Walmsley, Cl l r . T .Thre l fa l l , C l l r . J .Mi l lar Vote Against: 0 votes Abstentions: 4 votes – Cl l r . N.Campbel l -Whi te, C l l r . C.Simmons, Cl l r . M.Shaw, Cl l r . J .Val l is .

The quest ion of Legal Fees in respect of the “S 106 Agreement” which has to be entered into wi th Winchester Ci ty Counci l in order to obtain Planning Permission was raised. Agreed: The Par ish Counci l wi l l pay the Legal Fees in the sum of £100, negotiated wi th Winchester Ci ty Counci l . Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous. (c) Sports Club Licence. Not reported on. (d) Tennis Club Lease. Not reported on in so far as the proposed new lease. However, as reported in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “F” , the Tennis Club have requested a condit ional extension of their current Lease in order to secure funding for the re-surfacing of the exist ing two tennis courts. Agreed: That the Par ish Counci l extend the exist ing lease to an un-expired term of 21 years, on the understanding that th is extended lease is surrendered on issue of the new agreement in due course, on the proviso that : -

a) The cost of any legal work is met by the Tennis Club. b) The extension includes a “break c lause” at the point , which would have been

the expiry date of the or ig inal lease, for re-negotiat ion of the rent basis, wi th provis ion for arbi trat ion in the event of fa i lure to reach agreement.

Proposed: Cl l r . G.Beckett Seconded: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Vote For: 6 votes. Vote against: 0 votes Abstentions: 2 votes. (e) Jubi lee Celebrat ions. This issue is covered wi th in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “F” . Addit ional ly, Mrs. J.Harr is had reported as fo l lows:-

The Subcommittee thanked the Par ish Counci l for formal is ing their posi t ion. A Bank current account had been opened wi th Barc lays Bank. Chris Coster has agreed to judge a dog show. Have the possibi l i ty of a Hel ium Bal loon race. Have ordered souvenir Jubi lee Mugs for the vi l lage chi ldren. A four-piece Jazz Band has been hired for the f i rs t par t of the evening

celebrat ions.

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A meet ing of the Subcommittee and Volunteers from local organisat ions is being arranged for the 10t h Apr i l to sor t out “s ta l ls” .

The quest ion of the Par ish Counci l making a grant of £600 towards the Chi ldren’s Party was br ief ly discussed. Agreed: The Par ish Counci l makes a grant of £600 towards the Jubi lee Celebrat ions, on the condi t ion that :

a) This £600 is “r ing fenced” and is to be used solely for the Chi ldren’s Party expenditure.

b) In the event of greater than ant ic ipated demand for the party, i t be understood that th is grant is the l imit of the Par ish Counci l ’s contr ibut ion.

Proposed: Cl l r . G.Beckett Seconded: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Vote For: 8 votes, unanimous.

(f) Bank of I reland – Deposi t Rollover - £100,000. This issue is covered wi th in Cl l r . G.Beckett ’s report , Appendix “F” . Indicat ive Rates of interest at the Bank of I re land as at 2n d Apr i l 2002, are as per Appendix “H”. Agreed: The Clerk be instructed to “ro l l -over” the total deposi t (£100,000) for a further per iod of three months at the Bank of Ireland. Proposed: Cl l r . G.Beckett Seconded: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar Vote For: 8 votes, unanimous. Action: The Clerk to instruct the Bank of I re land on the 4t h Apr i l 2002, to “Rol l Over” the £100,000 deposit for a fur ther per iod of three months. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised the meet ing that he had responded to the Compton Pre-School request for help on funding, to the ef fect that the Par ish Counci l could not assist in the current f inancial year. However, fur ther approaches would be enter tained in December 2002 when the Par ish Counci l are undertak ing their Budget del iberat ions for the fo l lowing Financia l Year.

12. Planning Committee. - Convenor's report . Cllr J .Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “ I” . a) Applicat ions and decis ions. Appl icat ions and Decisions not i f ied dur ing the month of March 2002 are as per Appendix “J” . Signi f icant d iscussion took place wi th regard to the Planning Appl icat ion, ID69, at Mawdlam Lodge, Southdown Road, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

What is the Par ish Counci l ’s posi t ion on th is proposed development? Should the Par ish Counci l object now? The proposed development const i tutes “Backland Development” . Previously “Backland Development” would not be al lowed, however new and

as yet unknown cr i ter ia now seems to a l low such development. Suggested cr i ter ia being made apparent f rom the “Highdown” issue indicates

higher densi ty development is to be encouraged. Requests for c lar i f icat ion as to the cr i ter ia now used in determining sui table

developments from a Planning perspect ive are st i l l awai ted. I t is thought that such clar i f icat ion wi l l not be for thcoming from Winchester Ci ty Counci l .

Reference to a let ter f rom Mr. Freeland indicates that Winchester City Counci l would accept mult ip le dwel l ing backland developments.

I t is the plot of land that receives planning Permission, not the occupiers of the land.

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I f “Backland Development” is a l lowed, the precedent would open the f loodgates for fur ther such developments.

I f the new pol icy on developments being fol lowed by Winchester Ci ty Counci l a l lows for “Backland Development” , then the Par ish Counci l must comply and try to inf luence rather than stop i t .

Unt i l the Par ish Counci l has more informat ion on the new pol icy being fo l lowed by Winchester Ci ty Counci l , the Par ish Counci l can only make object ions under the exist ing guidel ines.

I t was recommended that in th is instance, the Southdown Residents Associat ion should encourage as many let ters of object ion to be submit ted to Winchester Ci ty Counci l .

Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to draft a let ter of object ion, based upon exist ing guidel ines, to Winchester Ci ty Counci l , concerning the Proposed Development ID69, Mawdlam Lodge, Southdown Road. Further discussion ensued on Planning Appl icat ion ID67, The Malms Rest Home, Shawford, the main points being:-

Previous Planning Permission for conversion to 14 sel f-contained f lats had been granted.

The developer now considers that convers ion is not v iable. The Planning Appl icat ion now proposes demoli t ion and the construct ion of a

block of 18 sel f-contained f lats. I t is considered that th is appl icat ion for Higher Densi ty development is

d i f ferent to the Higher Density proposi t ions 0of “Highdown” and “Mawdlam Lodge”.

The comments of Mr. Col in Bir t were recognised. The Par ish Counci l is cognizant of the access, roadway and footpath concerns. Compton and Shawford is in need of 1 and 2 bedroom dwel l ings. Consequent ly, to refuse the Malms appl icat ion would not be logical . Does the Par ish Counci l proact ively support the Appl icat ion.

Agreed: The Par ish Counci l supports the Appl icat ion, provided that quest ions of access and road/footpath safety are adequately addressed. Vote : by a show of hands, unanimous. Action: Cllr J .Mi l lar to draft a let ter of support , provid ing the Par ish Counci l ’s concerns are addressed.

12. New Pavil ion Committee. – Convenor’s report. Cllr . A Walmsley’s report is as per Appendix “K”. (a) Pre-contract cos ts – Building New Pavi l ion. This issue is covered under I tem 11 b) above. (b) Bil l Everton’s le t ter of appointment – Project Manager Cllr . A.Walmsley advised the meet ing that th is had not been undertaken and would be short ly. (c) New Pavi l ion Planning Permission. Cllr A.Walmsley covered th is issue in his report , Appendix “K”. However, the current posi t ion of the “S 106 Agreement” is as per Appendix “L” . I t was pointed out that in addi t ion to the Legal Fees of £100, referenced under I tem 11 b) above, there would be the as yet unknown Legal Fees of White and Bowker, the Par ish Counci l ’s Sol ic i tor .

13. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report.

Cllr . M.Shaw advised that as there had not been a meet ing of the Playing Fields Management Commit tee, there was no wr i t ten report .

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(a) Basketbal l faci l i t ies a t Compton Street Play Area. In i t ia l invest igat ions into th is issue have revealed the fo l lowing:-

The cost of an acceptable faci l i ty would be in the region of £2,000. The Parish Counci l does not have the money for such a proposal th is

f inancial year. A locat ion wi th in the Compton Play Area cannot as yet be ident i f ied. The possibi l i ty of instal l ing a reduced in s ize faci l i ty would resul t in not

being able to qual i fy for any Grants. Action: Cll r . M.Shaw to cont inue her invest igat ions. (b) Landscaping/screening Tennis Courts . Cllr . M.Shaw advised that she had spoken to the af fected residents and had received a mixed response as to the nature of the proposed screening. General discussion ensued cover ing the fo l lowing:-

There would be a re luctance to p lant Leylandi i t rees due to the quest ion of maintenance

The Tennis Club have confi rmed that they would bear the costs of screening. I t would be preferable to p lant a screen of deciduous trees, however i t is

accepted that such trees would not give the degree of screening dur ing the winter months.

The possibi l i ty of a fence was raised. Action: Cllr . M.Shaw to draw up a plan, resultant f rom her d iscussions wi th a l l in terested part ies, and put such a plan to the af fected residents.

Mr. Mark Jenkins had requested permission from the Par ish Counci l to erect on a temporary basis, a Tennis Club Not ice board in the porch of the exist ing Pavi l ion. Agreed: The Par ish Counci l agrees to the erect ion of the Tennis Club Not ice board in the porch of the exist ing Pavi l ion on the understanding that no responsibi l i ty wi l l accrue to the Par ish Counci l . Vote:- By a show of Hands – unanimous.

14. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “ I” . (b) Caretakers Cottage – remedial work quotat ions. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White reported on the obtain ing of quotat ions for remedial work on the Caretaker ’s Cottage and that he is having di f f icul ty f inding three contractors wi l l ing to quote. (c) Par ish Counci l Archived Documents . CASCA Management Commit tee had raised th is issue again at their meeting and Cl lr . N.Campbel l -White advised that the matter has yet to be addressed.

15. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee – Convenor’s report . Cl l r . C.Simmons’ report is as per Appendix “M”.

(a) Junct ion at Shepherds Lane/Access to the school . A meet ing is arranged for 18t h Apr i l 2002. (b) "Walking Bus". Cllr . C.Simmons is await ing progress in consul tat ion wi th the Head Teacher of Compton School .

(c) Street Lighting – 18 Mart ins Field This issue is covered in Cl l r . C.Simmons’ report , Appendix “M”. As there is no money avai lable in the Par ish Counci l Budget for 2002/2003, and the af fected residents

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were Tenants of Winchester Ci ty Counci l , i t was suggested that approaches be made to them for assistance in funding. Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to ascerta in how many dwel l ings were st i l l tenanted in the cul-de-sac and with this informat ion to draft a let ter to Winchester City Counci l , seeking assistance wi th funding for an addi t ional street l ight . (d) Street Lighting Otterbourne Road A request for Street L ight ing had been made by Mr. Stuart Taylor. Some discussion ensued cover ing the fo l lowing:-

There had been no accidents on the road in quest ion, thereby just i fy ing Street L ight ing on safety grounds.

I t was thought that some residents would rather not have Street Lights on the road in quest ion.

The Par ish Counci l do not have the Budget to address the matter . Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to draft a let ter to Mr. Stuart Taylor expressing the Par ish Counci l ’s posi t ion. I t was reported that “subsidence” of the road at the junct ion of Fair f ie ld Road and Grove Road had occurred again. Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to draft a let ter to the Highways Agency report ing the matter and obtain repairs.

16. Youth Survey (a) Release of Funds f rom Defunct Youth Club. Deferred unt i l the next meet ing.

17. Parish Project for the year 2002. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White br ief ly out l ined the proposals to refurbish the corner where the Victor ian Jubi lee Memoria l s tands. To undertake th is work, an appl icat ion for a grant f rom WDAPC had been completed. However, this grant appl icat ion would be a late submission. Action: The Clerk to submit the Grant Appl icat ion to WDAPC, only handed to h im at the meet ing.

18. Annual Parish Assembly – Wednesday 24t h Apri l 2002 In preparat ion for the Annual Par ish Assembly, Cl l r . A.Walmsley had prepared a Newsletter covering the act iv i t ies of the Par ish Counci l over the preceding twelve months. This comprised of reports to be given at the Annual Par ish Assembly by Convenors of Committees. I t is proposed to hand del iver these Newsletters wi th the Agenda for the Annual Par ish Assembly to every household in the Par ish. Accordingly the fo l lowing wi l l be prepared by the c lerk:- 550 copies of the Agenda

550 Copies of the Newsletter , (each of 3 pages A4 pr inted double s ided – black & white)

These wi l l be del ivered to Cl lr . J .Mi l lar when pr inted.

Agreed: All Counci l lors wi l l hand del iver the Agenda and Newsletter to al l households on their “patch”, under the co-ordinat ion of Counci l lor J .Mi l lar . Vote: By a show of Hands, unanimous.

(a) Keynote Speaker – Steve Opacic, Winchester City Council . Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised that Steve Opacic had agreed to give a presentat ion as “Keynote Speaker”. Addi t ional ly he wi l l answer quest ion i f so required.

19. Date of Next Meeting. 7 t h May 2002.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 7t h May 2002, in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. G.Beckett , Mr. M.Bel l , Mrs. J .Mi l lar , Mrs C.Simmons Mrs. M.Shaw, Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mrs. J .Val l is , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: 1 member of the Publ ic . 1. ELECTION of CHAIRMAN

Being the Par ish Counci l Annual Meet ing, the f i rs t i tem that had to be at tended to was the elect ion of a Chairman for the for thcoming year. In the absence of the exist ing Chairman, Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White, the Vice Chairman Cl l r . M.Bel l took the Chair for the purpose of e lect ing a new Chairman. The elect ion took place, detai ls as per Appendix “A”. Agreed: Cllr . Mr. G.Beckett to serve as Chairman of Compton and Shawford Parish Counci l for the for thcoming year. Proposed: Cllr . A.Walmsley Seconded: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar Vote: Unanimous. Cllr . G.Beckett took the Chair and thanked the Par ish Counci l for their support in unanimously elect ing him Chairman. He went on to say that i t was ten years to the day since he ended his previous term as Chairman of the Par ish Counci l .

2. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response. The correspondence f i le containing the correspondence for the month of Apri l 2002 was c irculated to a l l Counci l lors.

3. Apologies for absence.

County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White

4 . Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 2n d Apri l 2002 (as circulated) The minutes, having been reviewed, were accepted as being a t rue record of the

meet ing. Cl l r . G.Beckett , as Chairman, s igned the Minutes. 5. Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. A review of the minutes was undertaken to identi fy any outstanding act ion points which were as fol lows:-

1. Page 1, i tem 4 a) – Cl l r . M.Bel l advised that this had not been undertaken as the deadl ine for submit t ing comments had passed.

2. Page 7, i tem 13 a) – Cl l r . M.Shaw advised that the matter is s t i l l under invest igat ion.

3. Page 7, i tem 13 b) – Cl l r . M.Shaw advised that th is wi l l be discussed dur ing her report . The Meeting wil l be closed

Statements, Observat ions and Quest ions f rom Members of the Publ ic wil l be received and addressed. Maximum of 15 minutes al lowed. Mrs Gi l l ian Webster ra ised the question of bui ld ing developments not requir ing Planning Permission. She was advised that under current planning legis lat ion, up to 10% of the bui ld ing total area could be permit ted wi thout Planning Permission. The Par ish Counci l wi l l obtain detai ls of the rules relat ing to Permit ted Development. Action: The Clerk to obtain detai ls of “Permit ted Development” f rom Winchester Ci ty Counci l .

The Meeting wil l be re-opened.

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6. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley was not in at tendance, but had submit ted a wr i t ten

report , which is as per Appendix “C”. This report was read out to the meet ing and there were no quest ions ar is ing. 7. District Counci l lor's Report. Distr ic t Counci l lors Char lot te Bai ley and Peter Mason were not in at tendance, but had

submit ted a wri t ten report , which is as per Appendix “D”. This report was read out to the meet ing and there were no quest ions ar is ing.

Cl l r . G.Beckett suggested that as there are now two Distr ict Counci l lors represent ing the Par ish and in view of Char lot te Bai ley’s past d i f f icul ty in put t ing forward the Par ish Counci l ’s representat ions on planning matters due to her being on the Winchester Ci ty Counci l Planning Commit tee, i t may be benef ic ia l to request Peter Mason to put forward the Parish Counci l ’s v iews on Planning matters. Through such an avenue the Par ish Counci l could possibly advise Distr ic t Counci l lor P.Mason in representat ions to Winchester City Counci l . This is on the assumption that Distr ic t Counci l lor C.Bai ley is re-elected to the Planning Committee. Action/Agreed: Upon confi rmation that Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lotte Bai ley is re-elected to the Winchester City Counci l Planning Committee, Cl l r . G.Beckett to draft a let ter to Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason asking him i f he wi l l take on the ro le of being the Par ish Counci l ’s representat ive in respect of issues re lat ing to Planning. Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous.

8. New Code of Conduct .

(b) Repeat Signing of new “Declarat ions of Acceptance of Off ice”. As a resul t of the direct ive f rom the Monitor ing Off icer, Winchester Ci ty Counci l , the s igning of the new Declarat ion of Acceptance of Off ice had to be repeated. New declarat ions were s igned by al l Counci l lors in at tendance. Action: The Clerk to ensure that Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White has the opportuni ty to sign a new Declarat ion of Acceptance of Off ice on his return from hol iday. (c) Register of Members Interests . All Counci l lors were reminded of the need to ensure that completed “Registrat ion of Members Interests” forms are submit ted to the Monitor ing Off icer, v ia the Clerk, by the 6t h June 2002. Action: All Counci l lors to complete the forms “Register of Members Interests” and pass them to the Clerk by 29t h May 2002.

9. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Char lot te Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “D” which was taken as read. 10. Parish Tree Warden's /Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report. Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “E” which was taken as read. 11. Finance and Administrat ion Committee . - Convenor's Report.

(a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The state of the Par ish Counci l ’s accounts as at the c lose of business on 7 t h May 2002, were as per Appendix “F” . Cheques for payment were c irculated for s ignatures. (b) Extended Tennis Club Lease. Cllr . G.Beckett advised that a draf t of the extended lease had been received f rom the Par ish Counci l ’s sol ic i tors, White and Bowker, and th is had been copied to members of the Finance and Administrat ion Committee as wel l as representat ives of the Tennis Club. Cl l r Beckett went on to say that he was disappointed with the qual i ty of the document received f rom White and Bowker in that i t contained errors, quoted

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incorrect Rent amounts, ignored instruct ions on break c lauses. In general the qual i ty of the document was not acceptable f rom White and Bowker. Action: Cllr G.Beckett to revert to White and Bowker when al l comments on the Draft Lease had been accumulated, passing those comments to White and Bowker together wi th the Par ish Counci l ’s views on the qual i ty of the work undertaken to-date. (c) Jubi lee Celebrat ions. Cllr . G.Beckett had been advised by Mrs. Judy Harr is of the Jubi lee Celebrat ions Committee that p lans are going wel l . The required furni ture had been booked and the ant ic ipated 250 t ickets had been sold out . I t was envisaged that the underwri t ing of costs by the Par ish Counci l , in the amount of £1,000, wi l l not now be cal led upon. Cl l r . Beckett suggested that a bouquet of f lowers together wi th a bot t le of wine be presented to each of the three main organisers of the event as a token of the Par ish Counci l ’s appreciat ion. Agreed/Action: A bouquet of f lowers together with a bott le of wine be presented to each of the three main organisers of the event as a token of the Par ish Counci l ’s appreciat ion. Cl l r . M.Shaw to arrange the provis ion of the bouquets of f lowers. The cost to be taken from “The Chairman’s a l lowance”. Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous.

(d) Review of Clerk’s Salary/Off ice Allowance. Despi te being publ ished on the Agenda, the Chairman had no information on this subject and therefore th is matter would be referred to the Finance and Administrat ion Committee for recommendat ions, accordingly th is i tem was passed over.

12. Planning Committee. - Convenor’s report . Cllr . J .Mi l lar had nothing speci f ic to report beyond that which was reported at the Annual Par ish Assembly.

a) Applicat ions and decis ions. Appl icat ions and Decis ions for the month of Apr i l 2002 are as per Appendix “G”. Cl l r . M.Bel l asked why the Par ish Counci l ’s views on “The Malms” planning appl icat ion had changed. Cl l r . J .Mi l lar advised that Winchester Ci ty Counci l were making i t d i f f icul t for the developer and i t was concluded that support was needed from the Par ish Counci l . Some general discussion ensued with regard to the recent ly publ ished l is t of “Omission Sites” to be added to the Winchester Distr ic t Local Plan/Urban Capacity Study. Action: The new Committee responsible for Planning issues to look at this subject. Further to the Presentat ion given by Mr. Steve Opacic at the Annual Par ish Assembly, Cl l r . G.Beckett had spoken to a number of people who has concluded as fo l lows:-

We do not have to accept what Mr. Opacic says. The statutory Local Plan has the force of Law. PPG3 is guidance only, but has to be given some “ ins ight” . I f PPG3 is incorporated into the Winchester Distr ic t Local Plan, then i t

assumes the force of Law. Current ly PPG3 is not in the Winchester Distr ic t Local Plan and therefore the

planners are wrong to give PPG3 overr id ing considerat ion in their del iberat ions for Planning decis ions.

Current ly i t sui ts Winchester City Counci l to use PPG3 in order to achieve higher densi ty housing.

The dr ive to ut i l ise “Brownfie ld Si tes” for development is understood, but peoples back gardens cannot be construed as “Brownfie ld Sites” – Mr.Opacic ’s interpretat ion is arguable.

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The Urban Capacity Plan is accepted in i ts broadest sense, but not necessar i ly the issue of bui ld ings for mul t ip le occupat ion.

Action: Cllr G.Beckett to draft a let ter on this subject for the Planning Committee to consider.

13. New Pavi l ion Committee. – Convenor’s report.

(a) New Pavi l ion Planning Permission. Cllr . A.Walmsley advised that there was no change to report . (b) S.106 Agreement . Cllr . A.Walmsley reported that the matter is st i l l in the hands of the Par ish Counci l ’s Sol ic i tors.

14. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report. Cl l r . M.Shaw’s report is as per Appendix “H”.

(a) Landscaping/screening Tennis Cour ts . Signi f icant d iscussion took place on th is subject , the sal ient points being:-

The Hansens are the residents who are most overlooked by the proposed resurfaced tennis courts and who want some form of screening.

They do not want f lower ing cherry trees as the screening wi l l not be ef fect ive in winter months.

The Par ish Counci l do not want Leylandi i t rees/hedges due to maintenance problems.

Other conifers wi l l take too long to be ef fect ive. Suggest ions concerning “ tre l l is” or “plast ic mesh” screening were made

al though height and appearance might be a problem. The Tennis Club have agreed to undertake anything reasonable the Par ish

Counci l wants in respect of th is issue. A Compromise solut ion must be sought.

Action: Cllr . M.Shaw to invest igate fur ther and to prepare a proposal that is acceptable to al l part ies. Cl l r . M.Shaw had been advised by Messrs Jordan/Pooley that the shrubbery alongside the dr iveway access to the Memorial Playing Field needs to be tr immed/cut back. The quest ion of the precise boundary was ra ised by Cl l r . M.Bel l . Action: Cllr . G.Beckett wi l l invest igate the issue and report back to the next meet ing.

15. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J .Mi l lar advised that she had nothing fur ther to report th is month over and above that which was reported at the Annual Par ish Assembly. (b) Caretakers Cottage – remedial work quotat ions. The remedial work on the Caretakers Cottage had been completed – a note cover ing th is issue submit ted by Cl lr . N.Campbel l-White is as per Appendix “ I” . General d iscussion ensued on th is matter , the main points being as fol lows:-

Members were general ly unhappy with the uni lateral decis ion by Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White author is ing and proceeding with the work without reference to ei ther the ful l Par ish Counci l or the Finance and Administrat ion Committee.

The agreed procedures for author is ing such work had not been fol lowed. However, i t was accepted that Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White was up against certa in

deadl ines and the work was becoming urgent. In v iew of the urgency of the necessary work, the si tuat ion was accepted.

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(c) Par ish Counci l Archived Documents . The Clerk reported as fo l lows:-

The archived documents had been looked at. Those documents belonging to Otterbourne Parish Counci l to be removed.

Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to request Otterbourne Par ish Counci l to remove their archived documents.

Steel shelv ing or cupboards are required in which to place the boxes of archived documents

The boxes of documents to be sealed in p last ic bags to prevent deter iorat ion. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to invest igate the provis ion of steel shelving or cupboards.

16. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee – Convenor’s report . Cl l r . C.Simmons’ report is as per Appendix “J” .

(a) Junct ion at Shepherds Lane/Access to the school . Cllr . C.Simmons advised that with regard to “whi te l in ing” a long Shepherds lane – f rom the junct ion in quest ion to the entrance of the Playing f ie ld – a problem has ar isen. The Problem is that Hampshire County Counci l advise that th is stretch of road is a “pr ivate road” and as such they are not a l lowed to inst igate whi te l ines. This being in spi te of Hampshire County Counci l undertaking maintenance of the road, which they now say, has been done in error . General d iscussion ensued as fo l lows:-

As Winchester Ci ty Counci l had bui l t houses along that road, i t was thought unl ikely that the road would have remained “un-adopted”.

I f the road is a pr ivate road, then i t would be necessary for a local res idents associat ion to be formed in order to establ ish a body that could administer the maintenance of the road.

Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to invest igate further and to argue the case wi th Hampshire County Counci l , eventual ly obtain ing the rul ing on ownership in wr i t ing.

(b) "Walking Bus". No progress to date. (c) Street Lighting – 18 Mart ins Field Cllr . C.Simmons had received numerous telephone cal ls f rom local res idents saying that they do not want addi t ional street l ight ing in Mart ins Field. I t is proposed to invest igate fur ther . Action: Cl l r . C.Simmons and Cl l r . J.Val l is to meet wi th a l l householders in the cul-de-sac and immediate v ic ini ty to ascerta in the precise requirements of the residents. Cl l r . J.Mi l lar advised that the bench opposi te the School has no back in i t . Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to invest igate and report back to the next meet ing.

17. Youth Survey (a) Release of Funds f rom Defunct Youth Club. Cllr M.Bel l reported that he had reviewed the Youth Club Const i tut ion and establ ished that d isposal of funds was down to the of f icers of the Youth Club. A response to Mr. Theobalds concerning the re lease of these funds in order to undertake a Youth Survey had been rejected. Accordingly, unless an al ternate source of funding can be ident i f ied, the proposed project can proceed no fur ther . Cl l r G.Beckett enquired as to whether Mr. Tim Pr iddle, the other of f icer of the Youth Club had been consulted by Mr. Theobalds about re leasing the funds. Action: Cllr . A.Walmsley to ver i fy whether Tim Pr iddle was consul ted as to the release of the defunct Youth Club funds for the purpose of undertaking a Youth Survey.

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18. Data Protect ion Act - Registrat ion. Cl l r . A.Walmsley ra ised th is issue as he was concerned that the Chairmen, Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White had uni lateral ly a l lowed the Par ish Counci l ’s Registrat ion under the Data Protect ion Act to lapse. Cl l r . Walmsley was concerned that th is matter had not been put to the ful l Par ish Counci l as the or ig inal registrat ion had been. The Clerk advised as fo l lows:

The Par ish Counci l ’s Register Entry Y3813145 expired on 15 t h February 2002. On the 1s t March 2002, the “Data Protect ion Act 1998” took ef fect. “Registrat ion” under the 1984 Act has been replaced by “Not i f icat ion” under

the 1998 Act. Under the 1998 Act, exemption from noti f icat ion has been introduced. A “Self Assessment” decis ion tree indicates that the Par ish Counci l no longer

has to Not i fy. The “Sel f Assessment” booklet was passed to Cl lr . A.Walmsley for review.

19. Committees – Elect ion of Off icers Vice Chairman Finance and Adminis trat ion Planning New Pavil ion Playing Fie lds Management Tree Warden/Footpaths/Compton Lock Highways & Byways CASCA Representat ive

Transpor t Representat ive WDAPC Representat ive CAH Representat ive CPRE Representat ive Sports Club Representat ive Winchester Rural Dis tr ic t Welfare


In order to s impl i fy the procedure, the fo l lowing was agreed:- Agreed: I t was proposed that al l Off icers, Committee Members and Representat ives remain as for the year 2001/2002, unless otherwise proposed, seconded and elected. Proposed: Cl l r . G.Beckett Seconded: Cl l r . J .Val l is Vote: Unanimous. Accordingly the detai ls of the elect ion process are as per Appendix “A”. I t was suggested that the New Pavi l ion Commit tee be disbanded and th is was agreed – see Appendix “A”. Agreed: Paul Murray’s New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Committee wi l l now report d irect to the Finance and Administrat ion Committee. Vote: By a show of hands – unanimous. Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to wr i te to Mrs Lyn Spickernel l invi t ing her to cont inue as the Par ish Counci l ’s Representat ive for the Winchester Rural Distr ic t Welfare Trust. As a resul t of the Off icer and Representat ives Elect ions, a revised structure chart for the year 2002/2003 is as per Appendix “B”.

20. Annual Parish Assembly - Review of Assembly 24 t h April 2002. (a) Actions ar is ing. Cllr . G.Beckett summarised his perception of the Annual Par ish Assembly as fol lows:-

The “Keynote Speaker” , Mr. Steve Opacic was good and informative. In general i t was a useful meeting.

Cl l r . A.Walmsley asked i f the “Newslet ter” , publ ished and c irculated to every household was worthwhi le and whether presentat ions f rom the Hampshire County Counci l lor and the Distr ic t Counci l lor should be included next year.

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In response, i t was agreed that the Newsletter was wel l received and the quest ion of having presentat ions f rom the County and Distr ic t Counci l lors next year wi l l be addressed later , tak ing into account that th is year (2002), the Annual Par ish Assembly was held dur ing an elect ion per iod. Agreed: A vote of thanks and congratulat ions to Cl l r . A.Walmsley for h is work in producing the newsletter was proposed. Vote : By a show of hands – unanimous. A.O.B. Agreed:

Cllr . G.Beckett asked that the Par ish Counci l ’s thanks to Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White be recorded for undertaking the posi t ion of Chairman for the last three years.

Proposed: Cllr . G.Beckett Seconded: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar Vote : Unanimous

21. Date of Next Meet ing. Due to the advent of the Queen’s Golden Jubi lee celebrat ions, the f i rs t Tuesday in the month of June fa l ls on the Bank Hol iday of 4 t h June 2002, the date for the next Par ish Counci l meet ing has therefore except ional ly been moved to Thursday 6 t h June 2002.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting, held on Thursday 6t h June 2002, in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. G.Beckett (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr.N.Campbel l -White, Mrs. J .Mi l lar , Mrs C.Simmons Mrs. M.Shaw, Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mrs. J .Val l is , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason 4 Members of the Publ ic 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le contain ing the correspondence for the month of May 2002 was c irculated to a l l Counci l lors.

2 . Apologies for absence. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley. 3. Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 7 t h May 2002 (as circulated) The minutes of the meeting held on 7 t h May 2002 were reviewed and there were no

amendments requested. The Chairman s igned those minutes as being a true record of that meet ing.

4. Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. There were no “matters ar is ing” which were not referenced in the agenda for th is

meet ing. Only one outstanding “act ion point” , not referenced elsewhere in the Agenda for th is meet ing was ident i f ied as fo l lows:-

Page 5 – I tem 15 – “Cl lr N.Campbel l-White to invest igate the provis ion of steel shelving or cupboards.” – This is yet to be undertaken, the matter is in hand.

The Meeting wil l be closed

Statements, Observat ions and Quest ions f rom Members of the Publ ic wil l be received and addressed. Maximum of 15 minutes al lowed. There were no quest ions from members of the Publ ic .

The Meeting wil l be re-opened.

5. County Council lor's Report . County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley was not in at tendance and had not submit ted a wr i t ten report .

6. District Counci l lor's Report. Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “A”. With regard to the Planning Appl icat ion concerning “Mawdlam Lodge”, the Chairman, Cl l r . G.Beckett asked i f the appl icat ion was now out of t ime. I t was suspected that i t was. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White noted the comment regarding Bushfield Camp and emphasised the need for the Par ish Counci l to re inforce i ts posi t ion on this issue. With the recent change in Distr ic t Counci l lor representat ion, Compton and Shawford now have two Distr ic t Counci l lors and as a consequence he welcomed Distr ict Counci l lor Peter Mason to the meet ing Distr ic t Counci l lor P.Mason br ief ly out l ined one of h is responsibi l i t ies on the Distr ict Counci l as fo l lows:-

He s i ts on the “Licensing Committee” . There is a growing pressure on issuance of “Enter ta inment L icenses” Enter ta inment Licenses result in extending late l icenses for the sale of

a lcohol . The resul t is a trend of extending the l icensing of a lcohol sales.

Cl l r . Mason considered that th is is a matter worthy of being brought to the at tent ion of the Par ish Counci l .

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7. New Code of Conduct . (b) Register of Members Interests . The Par ish Counci l lors were reminded that the deadl ine for submission of their “Register of Financial and other Interests” forms to the Moni tor ing Off icer had now passed. At the date of th is meeting three Parish Counci l lors had not submit ted their forms to the Clerk for onward transmission to the Moni tor ing Off icer, Winchester City Counci l .

8. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Mrs. C.Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “B”. 9. Parish Tree Warden's /Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report. Cllr . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “C” which was taken as read. 10. Finance and Administrat ion Committee . - Convenor's Report.

As Paul Murray’s New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Commit tee now reports to the Finance and Administrat ion Committee, the Chairman, Cl lr . G.Beckett invi ted Mr. P.Murray to give the Par ish Counci l an update on the New Pavi l ion. Mr. Murray’s report is as per Appendix “D”. Cl l r . G.Beckett asked i f there were any concerns over fund-rais ing to cover any short fa l l in funding and when the Par ish Counci l could ant ic ipate receipt of the Sport England funding. Paul Murray advised that he had no concerns over the funding quest ion. Addit ional ly he advised that Sport England would undertake the provision of their payment once the Tendering process had been completed and the chosen Tender accepted. Unt i l that t ime there is no guarantee that such funding would be received, al though i t is understood that there wi l l be no problems. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White raised the observat ion that the “Tender” per iod is July 2002, wi th the need to choose the successful Tender in August 2002. The Par ish Counci l does not meet in August and therefore in order to prevent any undue delay a special Par ish Counci l Meet ing may need to be convened. Cl l r . G.Beckett thought that 14 days publ ic not ice for a Special Par ish Counci l Meet ing needs to be given. I f th is is the case, the suggested “Special Meeting” would coincide with the September Par ish Counci l Meet ing. Action: The Clerk to determine the statutory requirements and notice per iod for convening a Special Meet ing of the Par ish Counci l . Cl l r . A.Walmsley observed that dependant upon the date when appl icat ion to Sport England is made, there could be a delay of up to four weeks in order for Sport England to consider the appl icat ion at their monthly meeting to consider such issues. Addit ional ly, Cl l r . A.Walmsley suggested that the giv ing of a Publ ic Not ice of any proposed Special Par ish Counci l Meeting could be faci l i tated by plac ing an advert isement in the Par ish Magazine, a lbei t a def ini t ive date not being avai lable. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s Finance and Administrat ion Committee report is as per Appendix “F” . a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment Cheques for Payment were c irculated to Counci l lors for s ignature. The state of the Par ish Counci l ’s accounts as at the date of th is meet ing is as per Appendix “E”. b) Tennis Club – extended lease Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “F” . Cl l r . Campbel l-White also advised:-

The revised Draft Lease had been received from the Sol ic i tors and the Tennis Club were now studying i t .

A number of comments/suggested amendments had already been col lected – fur ther comments suggested amendments ant ic ipated.

Due to pressure to resolve th is long outstanding issue, the Par ish Counci l are confronted with t ight t ime constraints.

Accordingly, to expedite the issue, the fo l lowing proposal was put to the Par ish Counci l : -

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Agreed: The Par ish Counci l delegate to the Finance and Administrat ion Committee the power to engross and duly s ign the f inal Tennis Club Lease wi thout reference back to the Ful l Par ish Counci l , on the condit ion that members of the Finance and Administrat ion Committee are unanimous in their decision to take such act ions. Proposed: Cll r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cl l r . M.Bel l . Vote: Unanimous. Cl l r . C.Simmons sought re-assurance that a l l Counci l lors would be able to see the Final Tennis Club Lease. The Chairman conf irmed that a l l Counci l lors would be able to see the document whenever required.

c) The Par ish Council’s Insurances. Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “F” . Cl l r . Campbel l-White also advised:-

I t had now been establ ished that certa in i tems located wi th in the Par ish Hal l have been insured by CASCA, even though they are contained wi th in the Par ish Counci l ’s Insurance. These are of minor value and the posi t ion wi l l be rect i f ied next year.

The new Chi ldren’s Play Equipment, recently instal led in the Compton Street Play Area has also been inc luded with in the requested revised quotat ion from Cornhi l l Insurance. This is on the understanding that such Play Equipment has been accepted from the suppl ier , Playdale Playgrounds Ltd. Cl l r M.Shaw confi rmed that she has accepted the Play Equipment as being sat is factor i ly instal led.

d) New Pavil ion pre Tender Costs – Bore Holes £120 addi t ional costs . Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “F” . Agreed: The addi t ional cost of £120 which is over and above the est imated £1500 sanct ioned at the Apr i l 2002 meet ing, for “borehole work” in connection wi th the New Pavi l ion Project , is accepted by the Par ish Counci l and wi l l be paid out of the £2000 budgeted for the New Pavi l ion Project in th is f inancial year. Proposed: Cll r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote: Unanimous. e) S.106 Agreement Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “F” . Cl l r . Campbel l-White also advised:-

When the f inal invoice from the Parish Counci l ’s Sol ic i tor is received, a detai led breakdown wi l l be required in order to just i fy the ant ic ipated high cost of this piece of work.

In future, use of a l ternate legal advice must be considered wi th a view to contain such costs.

Agreed: The ant ic ipated legal cost of £500 for processing the S.106 Agreement, due from the Par ish Counci l ’s Sol ic i tor , White and Bowker, to be paid from the £2000 budgeted for the New Pavi l ion Project for th is Financial Year. Proposed: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cl l r . M.Bel l Vote: Unanimous. f) The Caretaker’s Cottage, Shawford Par ish Hall , remedial work costs . Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “F” . Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White apologised to the Parish Counci l for tak ing the necessary uni lateral decis ion to proceed with the urgent work on the Caretakers Cottage wi thout pr ior reference to the Ful l Parish Counci l . The Chairman, Cl l r . G.Beckett , accepted the apology on behalf of the Par ish Counci l .

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Agreed: The Par ish Counci l wi l l contr ibute £1143-37 (net of VAT) towards the repairs to the Caretaker’s Cottage as ident i f ied to date, in the total amount of £1802-07. Proposed: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cl l r . M.Shaw Vote: Unanimous. Cl l r . J .Mi l lar asked i f the Par ish Counci l had contr ibuted enough towards the cost of renovation of the Caretaker ’s Cottage. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White responded by advis ing that he considered that by paying the £1143-37 towards the current renovat ion work, the Par ish Counci l had discharged their responsibi l i ty for funding such maintenance work. Action: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White to advise CASCA that the Par ish Counci l consider that their responsibi l i ty for funding maintenance work on the Caretaker ’s Cottage has been discharged, and no fur ther requests for rout ine maintenance wi l l be enterta ined. g) The Clerk’s Salary/Allowances review. Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “F” . There being no request for further d iscussion, the Finance and Administrat ion Committee’s recommendat ion was put to the Parish Counci l . Agreed:

1. The Clerk ’s Salary to be set at the NALC/SLCC recommended scale of SCP 16 which is current ly at £7.094 per hour, resul t ing in an increase of £701.64 per annum (18.84% increase).

2. The “Off ice Al lowance” to be increased by £200 - £100 towards Computer and £100 towards the Off ice being at the Clerk ’s Home.

3. The Clerk ’s hours to be reduced f rom 14.31 hours per week to 12 hours per week.

4. Adjustment to be backdated to star t of Financial Year. Proposed: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar Seconded: Cl l r . M.Shaw Vote: Unanimous. Cl l r . G.Beckett emphasised that by implementing the NALC/SLCC recommended scale of remunerat ion for the Clerk, the quest ion of such reviews in future years is s impl i f ied in that i t is an external body that now sets the parameters of recommended awards. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White emphasised the need to reduce the volume of work undertaken by the Clerk, suggest ing that Counci l lors should undertake more of the work. Further to Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White ’s report , Appendix “F”, Cl l r . G.Beckett pursued the issue of undertaking a “Vi l lage Appraisal” and discussion ensued, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

Recent meet ings concerning the impl icat ions of “PPG3” and the interpretat ion being place upon i t by Winchester City Counci l Planning Department, indicate a need to be proact ive in addressing the issue.

Mark Oaten, the local M.P., suggests that a “Vi l lage Appraisal” is the appropr iate avenue for establ ishing the views of the Parish in combating undesirable planning developments.

The benefi ts of establ ishing a “Vi l lage Appraisal” are seen to be:- The document would represent the views and desires of the whole

Par ish, not just the Parish Counci l or a few vocal individuals. Such v iews would then be taken into considerat ion by the “Planners”

when consider ing future planning appl icat ions. The Parish Counci l , whi ls t sponsor ing the project to produce a “Vi l lage

Appraisal” , must not be the body to actual ly produce the document – a wider involvement is essentia l .

A lot of work is involved in producing a “Vi l lage Appraisal” , and not only Planning issues should be inc luded.

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Any recommendat ions contained in the f inal document must be carr ied out and as such may constra in the Parish Counci l . The “Vi l lage Appraisal” document wi l l not be a Par ish Counci l document but may wel l impact upon the Par ish Counci l .

The cost of producing a “Vi l lage Appraisal” to be assessed for inclus ion in next years budgets.

CASCA have a computer package for undertaking the product ion of a “Vi l lage Appraisal” , a l though previous discussions indicated that CASCA did not have the wi l l ing resources to undertake the task.

Action: Cllr . G.Beckett and Cl l r . M.Bel l to invest igate the Statutory requirements for a Vi l lage Appraisal , ident i fy wi l l ing volunteers to undertake the task, establ ish approximate costs and make recommendat ions to the next Parish Counci l Meet ing. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to arrange for the subject of a “Vi l lage Appraisal” to be placed upon the CASCA Management Committee Agenda for fur ther d iscussion.

11. Planning Committee. - Convenor’s report . Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s report is as per Appendix “G”.

a) Applicat ions and decis ions. Appl icat ions and decis ions for the month of May 2002 are as per Appendix “H”. b) Permit ted Development Detai ls of “Permit ted Development” had been obtained from Winchester Ci ty Counci l and conveyed to Mrs Gi l l ian Webster as requested at the last Par ish Counci l meet ing. c) Winchester Distr ic t Local Plan - Omission Si tes Further to Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s report, some discussion took place concerning “Omission Si tes”, the main points being as fo l lows:-

A second tranche of potent ia l development s i tes have now been proposed in the Winchester Distr ict Local Plan under the heading “Omission Sites” .

As a consequence, certa in adjustments in the “Sett lement Boundar ies” would become necessary.

I t is hoped that such changes in the “Sett lement Boundaries” wi l l not be accepted by Winchester City Counci l .

The Par ish Counci l needs to be consistent and therefore should comment. Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to draft a let ter to Winchester Ci ty Counci l , support ing the or ig inal Winchester Distr ic t Local Plan, but opposing any al terat ion in the “Sett lement Boundaries” for the Parish. Proposed: Cl l r . M.Bel l Seconded: Cll r . J .Mi l lar Vote: 8 For the proposal. Abstentions: 1 abstent ion I t was reported that a response had been received f rom Steven Bee, Winchester Ci ty Counci l , in response to the Chairman’s let ter concerning the impact of proposals under PPG3 on the vi l lage of Compton and Shawford. This “expected” response was contained wi th in the correspondence f i le . Cl l r . M.Bel l advised the meet ing that he had received not i f icat ion of a planning appl icat ion in respect of two l inked detached dwel l ings on land adjacent o “Highdown”, Cl i f f Way. (see Appl icat ions for June 2002 – ID88) Discussions ensued cover ing:-

The Par ish Counci l could condemn outr ight. However, two dwel l ings are far less for th is s i te than the density proposals of

PPG3. This appl icat ion is envisaged to be a “ tr ia l appl icat ion” therefore is important . Could be construed as an undesirable precedent.

Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to convene a Planning Commit tee meet ing to consider the issue and respond to Winchester Ci ty Counci l accordingly.

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12. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report. Cl l r . M.Shaw’s report is as per Appendix “ I” .

(a) Landscaping/screening Tennis Cour ts . Covered with in Cl lr . M.Shaw’s report – Appendix “ I” . Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to produce a speci f icat ion of requirements for screening the tennis courts from the Hansens property by the addi t ion of t re l l is on top of the fence and plant ing of Cherry Trees outs ide of their boundary, for submission to and considerat ion of the Tennis Club. I t was noted that the t rees planted as a resul t of th is “screening” exercise, would become the responsibi l i ty of the Par ish Counci l in terms of maintenance etc. (b) Shrubbery – access dr ive to Memorial Playing Field . This issue was not addressed. (c) Compton Street Play Area. Covered with in Cl lr . M.Shaw’s report – Appendix “ I” . With regard to the quest ion of rotat ing the Footbal l Pi tch for a s ix month per iod to al low the grass to re-generate i tsel f in the goal mouths of the exist ing Footbal l Pi tch, Cl l r M.Shaw conf i rmed that there would be no cost to the Parish Counci l and that the work would be undertaken by local parents of chi ldren who use that Footbal l Pi tch. Action: Cllr . M.Shaw to discuss wi th local residents the quest ion of rotat ing the Footbal l Pi tch in the Compton Street Play area to ensure that no adverse impact on those neighbours ar ises. Agreed: On the condit ion that there are no object ions to the proposal, the Parish Counci l agrees to the Footbal l Pi tch in the Compton Street Play Area to be rotated 90 degrees for a six month tr ia l per iod, in order to al low for the regenerat ion of the grass in the goal mouths of the exist ing Footbal l Pi tch. This work to be carr ied out by the parents of chi ldren using the Footbal l Pi tch, wi th no cost to the Par ish Counci l . Vote: By a show of hands- unanimous. Cl l r . M.Shaw requested author i ty f rom the Par ish Counci l to p lace a Li t ter Bin in the Compton Street Play Area at a cost of £15-00. Agreed: Cllr . M.Shaw to arrange the instal lat ion of a l i t ter b in in the Compton Street Play Area, the cost of which to be met f rom the Playing Field Management budget. Vote: By a show of hands - unanimous Cl l r . M.Shaw also reported on the matter of the “Wetpour” safety surface under the Chi ldren’s Play Equipment at Memoria l Playing Field. Some subsidence had occurred and as a resul t , d iscussions had taken place wi th Playdale Playgrounds Ltd. , the suppl iers of the playground equipment. Plans for correct ive act ion are in hand and there wi l l be no cost to the Parish Counci l as the matter is being addressed under the terms of the Warranty.

13. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “J”, which was taken as read.

14. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee – Convenor’s report . Cl l r . C.Simmons’ report is as per Appendix “K”.

(a) Junct ion at Shepherds Lane/Access to the school – ownership of road. Cllr . Simmons added to her report by advis ing that Richard Oldham is referr ing back to Nei l Broadbent. Accordingly the subject is to be lef t as i t is with no fur ther act ion at th is t ime. (b) "Walking Bus". No progress to date.

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(c) Street Lighting – 18 Mart ins Field Cllr . C.Simmons advised that s ince producing her report , the number of residents against having addi t ional Street L ight ing had changed. There were 6 residents in favour and now 7 residents against . Some discussion ensued, the main points being as fol lows:-

The Par ish Counci l are not the only Author i ty provid ing Street L ight ing. There was no overwhelming demand for the provis ion of addi t ional Street

L ight ing. The Par ish Counci l cannot commit to Street L ight ing expendi ture wi thout

overwhelming demand or need being demonstrated. Action: Cl l r . C.Simmons to draf t a letter to the Tenants Associat ion out l in ing the Par ish Counci ls posi t ion and advis ing that th is matter wi l l not be pursued without an overwhelming demand being demonstrated. Cl l r . Simmons raised the issue of the bench seat opposite the school and some discussion as fol lows took place:-

I t was concluded that the damage was caused through normal “wear and tear” . I t was considered that there were no grounds for making an insurance claim. The bench seat was or ig inal ly provided by the Woman’s Inst i tute. The cost of replacement would be approximately £385-00 – there is no budget

to cover th is at th is t ime. Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to wri te to the Woman’s Inst i tute advising them of the s i tuat ion and seeking i f they have any input to the quest ion of replacing the bench seat. Cl l r . Simmons had been contacted by Mrs. Cel ia Cox who had requested that the Bench Seat located outs ide her house, be taken away. This bench seat is not owned by the Par ish Counci l and i t was asked on whose land th is bench seat now stands. Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to establ ish on whose land th is bench seat now stands and through that establ ish who owns that bench seat.

15. Youth Survey (a) Release of Funds f rom Defunct Youth Club. Cllr . A.Walmsley had conf irmed that Mr. Tim Pr iddle had been consul ted by Mr. Theobalds wi th regard disposal of residue funds from the defunct Youth Club. Mr. Pr iddle was in agreement wi th Mr Theobalds. In v iew of the above, Cl l r M.Bel l concluded that there was no means of pursuing the quest ion of a Youth Survey at the current t ime or in the foreseeable future. Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to draft a let ter to “Winchester Detached Youth Work Project” , thanking them for their interest and advis ing them that the Par ish Counci l wi l l not be pursuing the matter fur ther.

16. Data Protect ion Act – Registrat ion/Notif icat ion. Cllr . A.Walmsley advised that he had studied the documents provided at the last meet ing and had sat isf ied himsel f that the Par ish Counci l does not have to “Noti fy” under the Data Protect ion Act. A.O.B. The Chairman, Cl l r G.Beckett commented upon the success of the Jubi lee Celebrat ions held on the Memorial Playing Fields on 4 t h June 2002. Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to draft a let ter to the organisers of the event, congratulat ing them on the success of the arrangements made. Cl l r . J .Mi l lar had been advised of vandal ism to the War Memorial . The Clerk had also been advised and detai ls had been passed to the Chairman, Cl l r G.Beckett , and Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White, Convenor of the Finance and Administrat ion Commit tee. Cl l r .

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Campbel l-White advised that he would invest igate the matter and in i t iate the appropr iate act ion. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to invest igate the reported vandal ism to the War Memoria l on Shawford Down and in i t iate the appropr iate act ion. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White advised Counci l lors that he wi l l be at tending a seminar on the proposed Southdowns Nat ional Park on Tuesday 11 t h June 2002. A copy of the Southdowns Nat ional Park consul tat ion document was provided to each Counci l lor wi th a v iew to making comments. Cl l r . A.Walmsley noted that i t was ment ioned wi th in the Correspondence Fi le that a P.C.Mark Smith has been appointed as Beat Off icer for the Parish. The Clerk advised that conf irmat ion of th is is st i l l awai ted from Twyford Pol ice Stat ion. Cl l r . A Walmsley commented on the Tennis Club Lease and raised the quest ion of “Succession of Ti t le” . Action: Cllr . G.Beckett wi l l invest igate the matter of “Succession of Ti t le” as referenced wi th in the Tennis Club draf t Lease. Cl l r . A.Walmsley observed that the “Free Resource” f igure of £3.50 per capita had been increased to £5.00.

17. Date of Next Meet ing. Tuesday 2n d July 2002.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting, held on Thursday 2n d July 2002, in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. G.Beckett (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr.N.Campbel l -White, Mrs. J .Mi l lar , Mrs C.Simmons Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley.

Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley – jo ined the meet ing late. Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason – jo ined the meet ing late. 2 Members of the Publ ic 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le contain ing the correspondence for the month of May 2002 was c irculated to a l l Counci l lors.

2. Apologies for absence. Cllr . Mrs. M.Shaw. Cl l r . Mrs. J.Val l is 3. Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 6 t h June 2002 (as circulated) The Minutes of the meet ing held on6th June 2002 were reviewed and the fo l lowing

amendments were made:- Page 4, i tem 10 ( f ) – the act ion point culminat ing in the words “… work on the

Caretaker ’s Cottage has been discharged.” To have the words “, and no further requests for routine maintenance wil l be entertained.” added.

Page 4, i tem 10 (g) – the “Agreed” box to have a 4t h agreement c lause to read - “4. Adjustment to be backdated to start of Financial Year.”

There being no other changes or amendments, the Minutes of the meeting held on the 6 t h June 2002 were s igned off by the Chairman as being a true record of that meet ing.

4. Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. There were no matters ar is ing from the Minutes of the meet ing held on 6t h June 2002,

not ment ioned elsewhere wi th in the Agenda for this meet ing. Three “act ion points” in the Minutes of the meeting held 6 t h June 2002 were ident i f ied

as being outstanding, these were as fo l lows:- Page 6, i tem 12:- “Cl l r . G.Becket t to produce a spec i f icat ion of requi rements for screening

the tennis cour ts f rom the Hansens proper ty by the addi t ion of t re l l is on top of the fence and p lant ing of Cherry Trees outs ide of the i r boundary, for submiss ion to and cons iderat ion of the Tennis Club. ” This issue is st i l l to be addressed.

Page 7, i tem 14 (c) :- “Cl l r . C.Simmons to wr i te to the Woman’s Inst i tu te adv is ing them of the s i tuat ion and seek ing i f they have any input to the quest ion of rep lac ing the bench seat . ” Cl l r . C.Simmons conf irmed that th is matter is in hand.

Page 7, i tem 16 A.O.B.:- “C l l r . G.Becket t to draf t a le t ter to the organisers o f the event , congratu lat ing them on the success of the ar rangements made. ” Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that th is had not been done, but wi l l be undertaken short ly.

The Meeting wil l be closed

S t a t e me n t s , O b s e rv a t i o n s an d Qu e s t io n s f r o m M e mb e r s o f t h e Pu b l i c w i l l b e r e c e i v ed and a d d r es s ed . M a x i mu m o f 15 mi n u t es a l l ow e d . There were no Statements, Observat ions and Quest ions from Members of the Publ ic .

The Meeting wil l be re-opened.

5. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley had not submit ted a wr i t ten report , but reported oral ly on the fol lowing:-

Enquir ies into the “New Forest Park” . Southdowns Nat ional Park.

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“Ear ly Years Learning Centre” – impact upon Shepherds down School /Berewick Road.

Shepherds Down School – assisted housing schemes. L ibrar ies – appointment of a new Chief L ibrar ian – establ ishment of C.L.Q. ’s

for the provision of Legal Informat ion. Addi t ional ly, proposed improvements in the Library services.

A new Head of Recreat ion has been appointed. A new “Cycl ing Website” has been launched. Transport – “best value in i t iat ive” – informat ion guides cover ing bus routes and

discount vouchers. Schools – proposals for a “6 term School Year” . Long distance footpath between Winchester Cathedral and Farnham. Local Strategic Partnership and Community Strategy. M3 Noise – meet ing – Newslet ter being prepared. The noise levels

exper ienced with in Shepherds Down School exceed the recommended guidel ines.

Cl l r . G.Beckett asked i f Hampshire County Counci l had discussed the quest ion of the proposed Southdowns Nat ional Park. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley responded that such discussions had not taken place as yet.

6 . District Counci l lor's Report. Distr ic t Counci l lors Char lot te Bai ley and Peter Mason were not in at tendance at th is

point and their report was read out to the meeting by the Clerk – th is report is as per Appendix “A”.

There were no quest ions raised. 7. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Char lot te Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “B”, which was read out to the meet ing

by the Clerk. 8 . Parish Tree Warden's /Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report. Cllr . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “C”. Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l added that he had received a response from Mrs. L iz Gi les,

Hampshire County Counci l Rights of Way Off icer , detai l ing the maintenance work to be undertaken to the Par ish Footpaths. The cost of th is work wi l l be borne by Hampshire County Counci l and as a consequence the £1000 budget al located to Footpaths for th is f inancial year should not be required. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that th is matter would be reviewed by the Finance and Administrat ion Committee.

9 . Finance and Administrat ion Committee . - Convenor's Report. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report is as per Appendix “D”.

a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The state of the Par ish Counci l Accounts at the date of th is meet ing is as per Appendix “E”. Cheques for payment were circulated for s ignatures. b) Parish Counci l Accounts – Financial Year ending 31s t March 2002. The Parish Counci l Accounts for the Financial Year 2001/2002 were c irculated to al l Counci l lors pr ior to the meet ing for review. Agreed: Proposal :-

The Par ish Counci l Accounts for the Financial Year 2001/2002 as presented, be adopted by the Par ish Counci l .

Proposed: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White. Seconded: Cl l r . M.Bel l . Vote: Unanimous. c) Funds on Deposi t a t Bank of I reland – Matur i ty Date 4 t h Ju ly 2002.

Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “D”. Agreed: Proposal :-

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The Parish Counci l ’s reserve funds in the sum of £100,000. be reinvested in a s imi lar “Term Deposit” wi th the Bank of I re land for a fur ther per iod of three months.

Proposed: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cllr . A.Walmsley Vote: Unanimous. c) Audit Commission Proposals Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “D”. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White added the fol lowing:-

As a matter of urgency the Parish Counci l needs to appoint an “ Internal Auditor” who must be someone not connected with the Parish Counci l .

Audit fees in the future wi l l increase s igni f icant ly – one fee to the Distr ic t Audi tor /Audi t Commission and one fee to the Internal Audi tor .

I t is necessary to invest igate the matter fur ther and obtain more informat ion A t ra in ing seminar to be held on the 16t h July 2002 may assist in th is .

Action: Cllr . N. Campbel l-White to wr i te v ia the Clerk the fo l lowing let ters:-

1. To wr i te to Audi t Commission to advise them we might not be able to comply wi th their t imetable, because of lack of informat ion and t ime

2. To wr i te to HAPTC to ask for their guidance, presumably there are many other PCs in our posi t ion

Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to report back to the Par ish Counci l at the September meet ing, wi th detai led proposals to sat isfy th is issue. d) Tennis Club Lease/Sports Club Licence Sports Club Licence. Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “D”. General d iscussion ensued, the sal ient points being:-

In i t ia l assistance to the Sports Club is envisaged. Cost subsidies to the Sports Club must be reduced to zero over a per iod of

t ime dur ing which the Sports Club are expected to increase their revenues. In i t ia l contr ibut ion of £100,000 expended by the Parish Counci l on the new

Pavi l ion wi l l not be recouped. The abi l i ty of the Sports Club to generate greater income was reduced by the

decis ion to bui ld a smal ler Pavi l ion to that or iginal ly envisaged. The next stage of negotiat ion wi th the Sports Club to be undertaken v ia face-

to- face meet ings in preference to wr i t ten correspondence. Fai lure to reach agreement of terms wi th the Sports Club throws the issue of

construct ion of a new Pavi l ion into doubt. Agreement of terms of a Licence for the Sports Club to use the proposed New

Pavi l ion must be reached before contracts to bui ld are s igned. Cl l r . M.Bel l wi l l lead in i t ia l discussions wi th of f icers of the Sports Club with a

v iew to resolv ing this issue. Agreed: The Par ish Counci l agrees to the fo l lowing f ive points governing negot iat ions wi th the Sports Club:- 1. Al l costs/subsidies had to be t ransparent. 2. We were happy to make provis ion to assist Sports Club once the Pavi l ion is bui l t . 3. Any subsidy given had to be reduced as the Sports Club sect ions became more establ ished. 4. We were happy to subsidise the provis ion of the Sports Club faci l i ty , but not the actual running costs of playing sport . 5. Lease head of agreement and f inancia l terms to be agreed before Pavi l ion bui ld ing s tarted. Vote: By a show of hands, unanimous. Tennis Club Lease.

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Cllr . G.Beckett advised the meet ing that s ince the distr ibut ion of the latest draf t Lease, comments upon an ear l ier draf t lease had been received from The Lawn Tennis Associat ion, v ia the Tennis Club. To incorporate these latest amendments into the Lease, addi t ional Legal Fees are envisaged, current ly the Legal costs of th is issue stand at £550. Concerns over the cost e lement have been expressed to the Tennis Club who has in turn conf irmed in wr i t ing that they wi l l cover costs of up to £700. Action/Agreed: The Clerk to pass the let ter received from The Lawn Tennis Associat ion to White and Bowker, for the comments inc luded therein to be incorporated into the current draft Tennis Club Lease, as the Parish Counci l ’s Sol ic i tor considers appropr iate and advisable, returning the f inal version of the New Lease for s ignature by the Tennis Club and Parish Counci l . Vote: By a show of hands, unanimous. e) Legal Costs Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised the fo l lowing:-

The Finance and Administrat ion Committee had discussed th is matter at length.

The concensus was that the Par ish Counci l was not happy wi th the level of expert ise given to the Par ish Counci l ’s legal matters.

The Legal Fees were s igni f icant ly h igher than might have been expected. As a resul t , White and Bowker can no longer expect to receive al l the Par ish

Counci l ’s Legal work wi thout undergoing a competi t ive tender ing process. No act ion in th is respect wi l l be undertaken unt i l the present piece of work

being undertaken on behalf of the Par ish Counci l by White and Bowker has been completed.

f) New Pavil ion Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “D”. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to wr i te to Paul Murray, a) to express our ini t ia l concerns over what appeared to be a s loppy let ter , and b) to ask what the speci f icat ion changes were to increase costs. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White also advised the fo l lowing:-

Progress on the New Pavi l ion Project is on schedule. The “Tender Process” is commencing. Responses from the Request for Tender are ant ic ipated to be back with Paul

Murray by 16t h August 2002. Paul Murray wi l l advise the Par ish Counci l of sui table Tenders for

considerat ion. A Finance and Administrat ion Committee meet ing wi l l be held on 2n d

September 2002 to consider the Tenders submit ted by Paul Murray. (Al l Par ish Counci l lors are requested to at tend th is Committee meet ing.)

I f a l l tenders are found to be above Budget, then Gent le Associates wi l l endeavour to negot iate the appropr iate Tenders down to a posi t ion with in Budget.

On select ion of the appropr iate Tender, rat i f ied by the fu l l Par ish Counci l at i ts meet ing on 3r d September 2002, appl icat ion for Lot tery Funding wi l l be made.

One month later, we wi l l know i f funding has been secured. g) War Memorial – vandalism Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “D”. Action: The Clerk to obtain “ Insurance Claim” forms from Cornhi l l Insurance preparatory to receiving quotes for the repairs and making an insurance c laim. h) Parish Appraisal Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “D”. Action: Cllr . G.Beckett and Cl l r . M.Bel l to cont inue working on th is issue and to formulate a proposal to be put before the fu l l Par ish Counci l .

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10. Planning Committee. - Convenor’s report . Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s report is as per Appendix “F” .

a) Applicat ions and decisions . Planning appl icat ions and decisions not i f ied dur ing the month of June 2002 are as per Appendix “G”. b) Highdown/PPG3 Considerable discussion took place on this subject, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

No decision on th is appl icat ion had been not i f ied to-date. The response made by the Par ish Counci l was made in the manner that i t was

in order to maintain consistency and at the same t ime to generate some credibi l i ty in the Par ish Counci l recognis ing the need to go some way towards complying wi th Government guidel ines and housing needs (PPG3).

The “Highdown” response was a di f f icul t one and the response was made tak ing into account the changing c ircumstances of p lanning matters.

A balance between the dictates of EN1 and requirements of PPG3 must be worked towards.

PPG3 now appears to have greater weight than EN1 considerat ions. EN1 is in the Winchester Distr ict Local Plan, but i t is los ing i ts s igni f icance as

t ime goes by, preference being given to the pr incip les of PPG3. “Character Area Assessment” in i t iat ives may have an impact upon the

interpretat ion of PPG3 guidel ines. “Vi l lage Design Statements” have a mater ial impact upon planning decisions. The Par ish Counci l needs to develop a credible pol icy in respect of p lanning

issues in the current c l imate and be consistent in the appl icat ion of such pol ic ies.

I t was asked i f PPG3 and i ts implementat ion had been chal lenged in the Winchester Distr ic t . I t was answered that i t had not as yet .

The quest ion was raised that i f a Planning Appl icat ion was refused as not being of suff ic ient ly h igh densi ty of dwel l ings, would an appeal for lower densi ty dwel l ings, contrary to PPG3, be enter tained? This scenar io had not been encountered to-date.

There is apparent pressure on the “Planners” to meet their targets for housing development ut i l is ing “brownf ie ld” s i tes. I t is understood that Appl icants are being encouraged to develop such s i tes by the Planning Department of Winchester Ci ty Counci l . This to avoid the ut i l isat ion of “greenfie ld” s i tes in order to meet the targets set by Central Government – Barton Farm.

I t is evident that the constraints of EN1 are being relaxed in favour of PPG3. The matter of cost to Winchester Ci ty Counci l for not gett ing the Planning

issue r ight, ie. , imposing higher density requirements, which then leads to a cost ly appeal process, is recognised as a danger.

With the current trend towards higher densi ty developments, i t was asked i f Winchester Ci ty Counci l is on schedule to meet i ts targets.

Action: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley to invest igate and report back to the Par ish Counci l wi th regard to Winchester Ci ty Counci l meet ing the housing targets set by Central Government. Cl l r . M.Bel l advised the meeting that f inal Tenders for the re-development of Southdown School have to be received by Fr iday 5t h July 2002.

11. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report. Cl l r . M.Shaw was not in at tendance, but had submitted a wr i t ten report , which is as per Appendix “H”. (a) Landscaping/screening Tennis Courts . In the absence of Cl l r .M.Shaw this matter was deferred. (b) Rotat ion of the Footbal l Pi tch – Compton Street Play Area. Cllr . A.Walmsley enquired as to what were the concerns of Dr. Bowen regarding the rotat ion of the Footbal l Pi tch in the Compton Street Play Area. Again, in the absence of Cl l r .M.Shaw th is matter was deferred.

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Cl l r . J .Mi l lar ra ised the issue of Publ ic i ty for Onyx Environmental Trust who made a major donat ion towards the Chi ldren’s Play Equipment. This matter wi l l be reviewed on receipt of the donat ion monies from Onyx. Action: Cllr . M.Shaw to co-ordinate and implement the necessary publ ic i ty wi th Onyx Environmental Trust and other providers of donat ions cover ing the New Chi ldren’s Play Equipment.

12. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “ I” . Cl l r . Mi l lar went on to advise that new rates for h ir ing the Hal l had been f inal ised, these are as per Appendix “J” , which become ef fect ive f rom 1s t October 2002. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White advised the meet ing that the “Rent” payable to the Par ish Counci l by CASCA for the Par ish Hal l wi l l have to be re-negot iated in view of current h igher levels of income received by CASCA. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to in i t iate discussions wi th CASCA concerning the rent payable to the Par ish Counci l for the Par ish Hal l .

13. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee – Convenor’s report . Cl l r . C.Simmons’ report is as per Appendix “K”.

a) Street Lighting – Mart ins Field Cllr . Simmons advised that a let ter had been wr i t ten to the Compton Tenants Associat ion, advis ing them of the Par ish Counci l Posi t ion. No fur ther act ion on this issue is envisaged. b) Bench Seat re locat ion. In addit ion to her report , Cl l r . Simmons advised the fo l lowing:-

The Bench Seat outs ide Ms. Cox’s house is owned by Ms. Cox and as such she can do what she l ikes wi th i t .

The Bench Seat opposite the School is being invest igated fur ther by Cl l r . J .Val l is in respect of i ts usage.

The Womans Inst i tute is not in a posi t ion to assist again wi th th is Bench Seat.

Frank Smith is invest igat ing the possibi l i ty of obtaining replacement parts wi th which to repair this Bench Seat.

Cl l r . Simmons had just been advised that the Bench Seat in Hurdle Way is broken, she wi l l invest igate fur ther.

Cl l r . G.Beckett advised the meeting that surplus funds had ar isen resul tant f rom the recent Jubi lee Celebrat ions. I t had been suggested that these funds might be used for the purchase of two new Bench Seats to be placed in the renovated Chi ldren’s Play Areas. Action: Cllr .G.Beckett to wri te to David Jobson, Treasurer of the Jubi lee Celebrat ion Commit tee, thanking them for their of fer and determining the best locat ion for new Bench Seats. Cl l r . C.Simmons added to her report concerning Dog Bins by advis ing Winchester Ci ty Counci l are happy to provide for the Dog Warden to take on Shawford Down, land owned by Hampshire Countryside. By th is means the Dog Warden wi l l be able to impose “Spot Fines” on dog owners whose dogs foul Shawford Down. Vandal ism to the Bus Shelters was reported by Cl l r . C.Simmons. The Bus Shelter at Southdown Road and the Bus Shel ter at the end of Compton Street both had panes of g lass broken. Agreed/Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to arrange for repairs to be made to both Bus Shelters with a maximum expenditure of £75. I f such vandal ism occurs again, the quest ion of repair to be reviewed. Vote: By a show of hands, unanimous.

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Cl l r . Simmons raised the matter of the M3 Noise project and advised that Otterbourne Par ish Counci l have made a donation of £25 towards the costs of a Newslet ter . A s imi lar donat ion was requested of Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l . Agreed: Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l agree to donate, on receipt of an invoice, the sum of £25 towards the M3 Noise Newslet ter current ly being prepared, such funds to be debi ted f rom the Highways and Byways budget for th is year. Vote: By a show of hands, unanimous. A.O.B. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White reported upon the issue of the proposed Southdowns Nat ional Park. The sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

Cl l r . Campbel l-White had at tended a Seminar in Petersf ie ld on this issue. 120 representat ives of local Counci ls had attended. Only a few of these supported the proposals. When asked for a “straw pol l ” , the convenors of the seminar refused. I t was c lear that d issent ing views wi l l not be considered. This f i rs t consul tat ion was not an of f ic ia l consul tat ion. The next consul tat ion exerc ise to be held on 16 t h August 2002 wi l l be

considered as an off ic ia l consultat ion. Hampshire County Counci l are “s i t t ing on the fence” on th is issue. Winchester Ci ty Counci l does not know which way to go on this issue. I t is understood that there are as many people in the area who support the

proposal as those who are against i t . The administrat ion of the proposed Nat ional Park wi l l resul t in a “Democrat ic

Def ic i t” . I t is bel ieved that the proposal is administrat ively unworkable. A meet ing in Winchester on the 22n d July 2002 is to be held to discuss

comments to the Consul tat ion Document. I t is c lear that there wi l l be a Southdowns Nat ional Park as central

Government have decreed that there wi l l be one. Twyford Par ish Counci l supports the proposal, but not unanimously.

Agreed/Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to respond to the Consul tat ion document on behalf of the Par ish Counci l , expressing the concerns as referenced dur ing his report to the meet ing. Vote: By a show of hands=, unanimous. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White advised the meet ing that a Winchester C.A.B. meet ing is to be held on 16t h July 2002. Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason commented that there was no representat ive from the Pol ice in at tendance at the Par ish Counci l meet ings. A replacement for PC Cl ive Barham had been appointed; the new appointment to become effect ive as from 1s t August 2002. Action: Cllr . G.Beckett , as Chairman, to wr i te to Twyford Pol ice stat ion invi t ing the new Beat Off icer to at tend the Par ish Counci l Meet ings and to give a br ief report on cr ime with in the Par ish.

14. Date of Next Meeting. 3 r d September 2002.(There being no Par ish Counci l Meet ings in the month of August)

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 3r d September 2002, in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. G.Beckett (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr.N.Campbel l -White, Mrs. J.Mi l lar , Mrs. M.Shaw. Mrs C.Simmons Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mrs. J.Val l is , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley.

Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason 2 Members of the Publ ic 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le contain ing the correspondence for the months of July and August 2002 was circulated to a l l Counci l lors.

2. Apologies for absence. None. 3. Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 2n d July 2002 (as circulated) There were no amendments/changes to the minutes of the meet ing held 2n d July

2002, accordingly the chairman s igned those mini tes as being a true record of that meet ing.

4. Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. Page 1, i tem 4:- Cl l r . G.Becket t to produce a spec i f icat ion of requi rements for screening

the tennis cour ts f rom the Hansens proper ty by the addi t ion of t re l l is on top of the fence and p lant ing of Cherry Trees outs ide of the i r boundary, for submiss ion to and cons iderat ion of the Tennis Club. ” Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that as the issue of the height of the wire nett ing to be instal led on the refurbished Tennis Courts had been referred to Winchester Ci ty Counci l , Planning Department, i t was considered inadvisable to proceed with th is speci f icat ion, which may be in confl ic t wi th the requirements of the Planning Department, unt i l af ter a decision by Winchester Ci ty Counci l .

Page 7, i tem 14 (c) :- “Cl l r . C.Simmons to wr i te to the Woman’s Inst i tu te adv is ing them of the s i tuat ion and seek ing i f they have any input to the quest ion of rep lac ing the bench seat . ” Cl l r . C.Simmons advised that she had te lephoned the W.I . and is s t i l l await ing a response.

Page 3, i tem 9 c) :- Cllr . N. Campbel l-White to wr i te to the Audi t Commission and to o wr i te to HAPTC to ask for their guidance. Cllr . N.Campbel l -White advised that th is had not been done, as i t was no longer appropriate. A seminar on the New Audit Regime together wi th invest igat ions undertaken indicate that such correspondence is not necessary.

Page 4, i tem 9 h) :- Cllr . G.Beckett and Cl lr . M.Bel l to continue working on th is issue and to formulate a proposal to be put before the fu l l Par ish Counci l . Cllr . G.Beckett advised that th is matter is st i l l in hand, but as the complexi t ies of such a document together with obtain ing approval by the planning author i t ies for the document to be used as a statutory tool in support ing, or otherwise, p lanning appl icat ions is perceived to be unl ikely, the concept is being quest ioned. Work wi l l cont inue wi th report ing back to the Par ish Counci l in due course.

Page 5, i tem 10:- Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley to invest igate and report back to the Par ish Counci l wi th regard to Winchester Ci ty Counci l meet ing the housing targets set by Central Government . Distr ict Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley advised that th is had not been done, but she wi l l pursue the matter.

Page 6, i tem 12:- Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to in i t iate discussions wi th CASCA concerning the rent payable to the Par ish Counci l for the Parish Hal l . Cllr . N.Campbel l -White advised that whi lst some discussion had taken place on th is subject, further negot iat ions had st i l l to be undertaken.

Al l other Act ion points were declared to have been completed or are covered wi thin

Convenors reports for th is meet ing.

The Meeting wil l be closed

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Statements, Observat ions and Quest ions f rom Members of the Publ ic wil l be received and addressed. Maximum of 15 minutes al lowed. There were no quest ions ar is ing.

The Meeting wil l be re-opened.

5. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “A”. Cl l r . M.Bel l asked that wi th the development of the “Local Development Frameworks

(LDFs), have the Structure and Local p lans been done away wi th. Cl l r . A.Bai ley advised that the LDFs are being developed by Serplan and as such are at a h igher level . Winchester Ci ty Counci l ’s Structure and Local plans remain as at present.

6 . District Counci l lor's Report. Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley’s and Distr ict Counci l lor P.Mason’s report is as

per Appendix “B”. Cl l r . M.Bel l referred to the telecommunicat ion mast and noted that there were two

masts, one at the Hockley roundabout and another in the Lay-by. The Par ish Counci l had not been advised of the one in the Lay-by. Cl l r . C.Bai ley advised that p lanning permission for this one had been given over one year ago.

7. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Char lot te Bai ley advised that there was no wr i t ten report as there was nothing to

report other than she had been advised that the number 47 Bus had been rescheduled and that the ear ly bus would no longer be running.

Cl l r . A.Walmsley commented that there used to be a Bus Timetable in the Bus shel ter

at the end of Compton Street . This no longer seems to be there and he asked why not. Action: Char lot te Bai ley wi l l invest igate the provis ion of Timetables in the Bus Shel ters and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meet ing.

Char lot te Bai ley advised that she had been made aware that i t is hopeful that the

electronic “Bus Informat ion” displays at the Bus shelters wi l l be made to work in the not too distant future.

8 . Parish Tree Warden's /Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report. Cllr . T Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “C”. Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l a lso advised that Mr. Er ic Sealy had wr i t ten to the Par ish Counci l

referencing the possib le redevelopment of the Br idge Hotel s i te. He was concerned that any development would endanger the trees on the s i te and requested the quest ion of Tree preservat ion Orders be addressed by the Par ish Counci l . Action: Cl l r T.Threl fa l l to invest igate the T.P.O. s i tuat ion on t rees on the Br idge Hotel s i te and i f found to be unsat is factory, to arrange for temporary T.P.O. ’s to be establ ished.

Cl l r . A.Walmsley noted that the Twyford Meads project was short ly due to open. He

asked i f Cl l r . T.Threlfa l l could wr i te a short ar t ic le for publ icat ion in the Par ish Magazine. Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l advised that he would not be able to at tend the opening, but would ensure something was submit ted to the Par ish Magazine. Action: Cllr . T.Threl fa l l to arrange for an ar t ic le cover ing the opening of the Twyford Meads project , to be wr i t ten and submitted for publ icat ion in the Par ish Magazine

Some discussion ensued in respect of Compton and Shawford Parish Counci l ’s

representat ion at the opening of the Twyford Meads project . I t was concluded that Cl l r . M.Bel l and Cl l r . A.Walmsley would be at tending.

Cl l r . A.Walmsley had been made aware that Winchester Tourism have requested a

copy of the Par ish Magazine, and he asked who should pay for th is .

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Agreed: The provis ion of a copy of the Parish Magazine to Winchester Tour ism is deemed to be the responsibi l i ty of the Parochial Church Counci l and as such the issue is lef t wi th them. Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l wi l l moni tor the s i tuat ion.

9. Finance and Administrat ion Committee . - Convenor's Report. Cllr . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , dated 18t h July, is as per Appendix “D”

Cl l r . A.Walmsley raised the matter of bal ls (Cr icket Bal ls) being thrown/k icked/hi t into the Chi ldren’s Play Area on the Memorial Playing Field. The Sports Club had requested a warning not ice to be put up, th is being as a resul t of a “Heal th and Safety” review. Accordingly, Cl l r . Walmsley considers that the Par ish Counci l should comply with this request. Cl l r . M.Bel l noted that as the Par ish Counci l had referred the matter to the Parish Counci l Insurers, the Par ish Counci l cannot be seen to be negl igent. The Insurers, Cornhi l l Insurance, noted the s i tuat ion and requested to be advised should any occurrence of bal ls being thrown/kicked/hi t into the Play Area take place. No other act ion by the Par ish Counci l was requested. I t was considered that putt ing up a warning not ice would resul t in vandal ism of that not ice. Action: The Playing Fields Management Committee to review the s i tuat ion and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meeting.

a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The state of the Par ish Counci l Accounts at the date of th is meet ing is as per Appendix “E”. Cheques for payment were circulated for s ignatures. b) AUDIT – Lighter Touch Regime. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White asked that h is thanks to the Clerk for a l l the extra work undertaken in connect ion wi th this subject, be recorded. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White out l ined the s i tuat ion concerning the “Lighter Touch Audi t Regime”, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

o “Lighter Touch” means l ighter f rom the Audit Commission’s perspect ive. o Whi ls t the Audit costs to the Audi t Commission are reduced, the costs to the

Par ish Counci l may signi f icant ly increase. o In essence, the responsibi l i ty for Audit is passed down to the Par ish Counci l . o The new regime has the force of Law behind i t . o The resul t is more work for the Clerk. o Anything found to be wrong is the responsibi l i ty of the Par ish Counci l . o With th is imposed regime of “sel f regulat ion” , i t is each Par ish Counci l lor ’s

responsibi l i ty to ensure that a l l aspects of the Par ish Counci l ’s business is conducted in accordance with legis lat ion and nat ional ly accepted procedures.

o I t is Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s opinion that the new regime is far too onerous for a Par ish Counci l such as Compton and Shawford, and in his opin ion we need not conform for the f inancial year 2001/2002.

o The Chairman and the Clerk consider that the Par ish Counci l should conform i f able to do so.

o The f i rst issue to be addressed is the appointment of an Internal Audi tor . Invest igat ions undertaken by the Clerk resulted in the potent ia l Candidates for the funct ion of Internal Auditor to be as per Appendix “F”. From this i t is evident that the appointment of BKR Haines Watts is the only sensible solut ion put forward. Cl l r . A.Walmsley pointed out that the cost of BKR Haines Watts together wi th the cost of the Audit Commission’s fees, added together wi l l resul t in an overal l Audit cost comparable wi th Audit fees in previous years.

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Agreed: The Par ish Counci l appoint BKR Haines Watts as Internal Auditor on the terms as set out in their let ter dated 16t h August 2002. Proposed: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cl l r . M.Bel l . Vote For: 8 Vote Against: 0 Abstentions: 1 Action: The Clerk to wr i te to BKR Haines Watts conf irming that the Par ish Counci l wishes to appoint them as Internal Audi tor on the terms of their let ter dated 16t h August 2002, and to make arrangements for the Audi t to proceed. Having appointed an Internal Auditor and in conformance wi th requirements of the Audit Annual Return, the fo l lowing motions were discussed and voted upon. In order to faci l i tate Par ish Counci l lor ’s understanding, a draft of the Annual Return, sect ion 1, had been completed and distr ibuted to each Counci l lor – see Appendix “G”. Agreed: The Par ish Counci l cert i fy that the accounts contained in the Annual Return for the year ended 31s t March 2002, present fa ir ly the f inancia l posi t ion of the counci l , and are consistent wi th the under ly ing f inancial records and have been prepared on an income and expendi ture basis. Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: 8 Vote Against: 0 Abstentions: 1

Agreed: The Par ish Counci l approves the accounts, which have been prepared in accordance wi th the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulat ions 1996 and proper account ing pract ice. Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: 8 Vote Against: 0 Abstentions: 1

Agreed: The Parish Counci l has maintained an adequate system of internal control , inc luding measures designed to prevent and detect f raud and corrupt ion. Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: Unanimous. Vote Against: - Abstentions: -

Agreed: The Parish Counci l have taken al l reasonable steps to assure themselves that there are no matters of actual or potent ia l non-compl iance wi th laws, regulat ions and codes of pract ice which could have signi f icant f inancial ef fect on the abi l i ty of the counci l to conduct i ts business or on i ts f inances. Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: 8 Vote Against: 0 Abstentions: 1

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Agreed: The Par ish Counci l have carr ied out an assessment of the r isks fac ing the counci l and taken appropr iate steps to manage those r isks, inc luding the introduct ion of internal controls and/or external insurance cover where required. Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: Unanimous. Vote Against: - Abstentions: -

Agreed: The Par ish Counci l has appointed an internal audi tor who is both competent and who has acted independent ly f rom inf luence by the counci l . Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: Unanimous. Vote Against: - Abstentions: -

Agreed: The Par ish Counci l has taken what they consider to be appropr iate act ion on al l matters raised in previous reports from the internal and external audi tors . Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: Unanimous. Vote Against: - Abstentions: -

Agreed: The Par ish Counci l has provided proper opportuni ty for the exercise of e lectors ’ r ights in accordance wi th the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulat ions 1996. Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: Unanimous. Vote Against: - Abstentions: -

Agreed: The Parish Counci l are not aware of any l i t igat ion, l iabi l i t ies or commitments, events or transact ions, occurr ing ei ther dur ing or af ter the end of the f inancial year being reported, other than those inc luded in the accounts. Proposed: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White Seconded: Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote For: Unanimous. Vote Against: - Abstentions: -

c) Sports Club Licence – Update Cllr . A.Walmsley had prepared a report on the current s i tuat ion, which is as per Appendix “H”. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White considered that s igni f icant progress had been made in the last f ive to six weeks and that the Parish Counci l and the Sports Club were near ing agreement. Action: Cllr . A.Walmsley to wr i te to the Sports Club set t ing out the terms of the new Licence/Lease as expected by the Par ish Counci l .

Action: The Finance and Administrat ion Committee wi l l report back to the Parish Counci l at the next meeting.

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Cllr . G.Beckett advised the meet ing that i t was his understanding that the Sports Club have raised their £20,000 contr ibut ion to the new Pavi l ion. These funds wi l l be released once the new Licence/Lease has been s igned. d) Review of Tenders for the New Pavil ion – the next s tep. Cllr . N.Campbel l -White reported on the posi t ion subsequent to a Finance and Administrat ion Commit tee meet ing held on 2n d September 2002. The sal ient points ar is ing were as fo l lows:-

o Six tenders had been considered, the lowest cost being £365,000-00, the highest being £406,000-00.

o Al l tenders received far exceeded the ant ic ipated cost of £270,000-00. o Great disappointment in th is resul t has been fel t by al l the Finance and

Administrat ion Committee. o Due to this s igni f icant d iscrepancy wi th expected costs, the Finance and

Administrat ion Committee are unable to recommend to the Par ish Counci l any speci f ic Tender for considerat ion.

o Disappointment in Gent le Associates, the Project Managers, was expressed. o Paul Murray has worked extensively on th is project and shares the Par ish

Counci l ’s d isappointment and also a degree of embarrassment over Gent le Associates fai lure to accurately predict costs.

o Whi ls t the Par ish Counci l d id not speci fy a “cheap job” , i t was always required that the new Pavi l ion would be adequately robust, needing a minimum of maintenance and at a reasonable pr ice.

o The fact that a l l quotes are wi th in a s imi lar cost band, i t must be assumed that the cost ing of the tenders are with in market pr ices for that speci f ied.

Paul Murray was invi ted to comment from his perspect ive, he advised as fo l lows:- o Gent le Associates are reviewing the four cheapest quotes, asking for a

detai led cost breakdown. o L ists of these cost breakdowns wi l l be avai lable at a meeting of the New

Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Committee to be held next week, f rom which possible savings may be ident i f ied.

o In i t ia l d iscussions wi th Sport England indicate that they would not necessar i ly be averse to increasing their contr ibut ion.

o Meet ings between Paul Murray, David Hi l l of Sport England and Gentle Associates wi l l be held subsequent to the New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Commit tee meet ing next week, with a view to determining a way forward with a possible increase in contr ibut ion from Sport England.

o As the Par ish Counci l are making such a large contr ibut ion to costs, Sport England should look favourably on increasing their contr ibut ion.

o Paul Murray wi l l report progress to the Finance and Administrat ion Committee before the next Par ish Counci l meeting.

General d iscussion ensued, the main points being as fo l lows:- I t has to be accepted that costs in the Bui ld ing Trade have increased and an

element of th is is ref lected in the quotes, which are above expectat ion. Sport England agreed the need for a new Pavi l ion, therefore i t would not be

unreasonable for Sport England to increase their contr ibut ion in l ine wi th current market pr ices to meet that need.

The Par ish Counci l expressed their thanks to Paul Murray for the s igni f icant amount of work he has undertaken on this project so far .

Al l Par ish Counci l lors wi l l be encouraged to at tend the next Finance and Administrat ion Committee meet ing where th is subject wi l l be discussed fur ther.

e) War Memorial – vandalism Cllr . N.Campbel l -White out l ined the posi t ion as fo l lows:-

The stone War Memoria l was vandal ised on the 6t h June 2002. Further vandal ism took place on 12t h June 2002, to such an extent the

damaged piece of stone could not be repaired. Three quotes for replacement of the damaged stone have been obtained. These quotes have been submit ted to the Par ish Counci l ’s Insurers, together

wi th a c la im. The Insurers have instructed the Par ish Counci l to proceed wi th the cheapest

quote in the sum of £652-00 plus VAT. I t is understood that the Par ish Counci l wi l l have to suf fer the Insurance

“excess” of £100-00.

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An order to Vokes & Beck is being submit ted, but before confirming such an order, f i rm dates for complet ion of the work is required.

I t is essentia l that such work be completed before the 1s t November 2002. f) Third Tennis Cour t – Planning Permission. The issue of Planning Permission for the proposed th ird Tennis Court was raised by Ros Pugh in a let ter to the Par ish Counci l dated …………. Discussion took place, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

The Tennis Club are request ing the Par ish Counci l to renew the Planning permission, which is thought to expire in November 2002.

The cost of renewal is understood to be £100-00, but i t is uncerta in that this is wi th the discount a l lowed to Publ ic Author i t ies.

Due to the delay in the New Pavi l ion Project, the Tennis Club have not been able to commence with the th ird Tennis Court under the Planning Permission current ly in force.

Two issues ar ise, 1) the renewal of the Planning Permission, 2) who pays for the Planning Permission renewal.

As the payment of the renewal has not been placed upon the Agenda for th is meet ing, should the Par ish Counci l consider i t appropriate to pay these costs, that matter cannot be voted upon at this meet ing.

The matter of applying for Planning Permission renewal can be addressed. As the th ird Tennis Court is no longer part of the New Pavi l ion project , i t is

doubtful that the Parish Counci l is in a posi t ion to make appl icat ion for Planning Permission renewal or pay the associated costs.

Accordingly, i t could be argued that the Tennis Club should be responsible for the whole subject .

There is doubt as to when the Planning Permission per iod runs from; f ive years from the or ig inal Appl icat ion or f ive years from the subsequent decis ion which was made at Appeal .

I f the current Planning Permission runs for f ive years from the decis ion date then there are a fur ther two years before any renewal is appropr iate

The planning consent in quest ion may also cover part of the access road and car park for the new Pavi l ion. Further informat ion is required..

Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to draft a let ter to the Planning Department, Winchester City Counci l , to establ ish when the current Planning Permission expires.

Par ish Appraisal Answered under i tem 3 above. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White requested that th is subject be removed from the responsibi l i ty of the Finance and Administrat ion Committee and be addressed as an indiv idual subject . g) Borrowing Approval. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised that the current “Borrowing Approval” expires at the end of September 2002. Under new procedures, there is no need to renew th is approval as the process is now undertaken via a “rol l ing” approval whereby appl icat ion for Borrowing Approval can be made as and when required. Action: The Clerk to establ ish the “ lead t imes” required under the new Borrowing Approval procedures.

10. Planning Committee. - Convenor’s report .

Cllr . M.Bel l ’s report is as per Appendix “ I” General Discussion ensued, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

What are MDAs? – Major Development Areas. MDA’s wi l l only be tr iggered i f housing targets are not met. Si lkstead Farm – planners could not refuse i t and the Commit tee could not

just i fy i ts re ject ion. Omission si tes such as Compton Down and the Southdowns School s i te have

been refused – accordingly the development envelope remains as i t is . The Appl icat ion concerning Highdown is st i l l open – the planners say s ix


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A Quest ionnaire concerning “Housing Strategy Annual Update” has been received.

Gordon Richardson, Rural Housing Enabler , has contacted the Par ish Counci l request ing the opportuni ty to make a presentat ion to the Parish Counci l cover ing issues where he can be of assistance.

Action: Cllr M.Bel l to at tend to the “Housing Strategy Annual Update” , answer ing the quest ionnaire on behalf of the Par ish Counci l . Vote: by a show of hands Unanimous. Agreed/Action: Cl l r . M.Bel l to invi te Gordon Richardson, Rural Housing Enabler, to make a presentat ion to the Parish Counci l , provid ing answers on quest ions concerning The Malms and Southdown School developments. Vote: by a show of hands Unanimous.

a) Applicat ions and decisions . Appl icat ions and Decisions not i f ied dur ing July and August 2002 are as per Appendix “J” .

11. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report.

Cllr . M.Shaw advised that there was no wr i t ten report as there was l i t t le to report on. (a) Landscaping/screening Tennis Cour ts . This issue is answered under I tem 3 above. (b) Rotat ion of the Footbal l Pi tch – Compton Street Play Area. Cllr . M.Shaw advised that th is has not been done, and went on to advise the fol lowing:-

I t was decided by local residents that rotat ion of the footbal l p i tch would not be appropr iate

Local parents of the chi ldren who use the footbal l p i tch wi l l undertake the work involved in repair ing the goalmouths.

George Becket wi l l provide assistance wi th the required re- tur f ing. Action: Cllr . M.Shaw and Cl l r . J .Val l is wi l l take the necessary steps to f inal ise the issue. Cl l r . M.Shaw advised that she had received a te lephone cal l f rom a person in Colden Common request ing to hire a footbal l p i tch on Sunday mornings. The Clerk advised the meeting that he had received an e-mai l on the same subject, which had been forwarded to Gordon de la Mare, Secretary of the Sports Club, for a d irect response. I t was pointed out that the f ie ld is let in tota l to the Sports Club and as such enquir ies should be directed to them.

12. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr J .Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “K”. Cl l r . Mi l lar went on to advise:-

The work undertaken by Frank Smith has been accepted and paid for . Mrs. Ferr ington has lef t the vi l lage.

(b) Parish Hall – Rent negot iat ions. Answered under i tem 3 above.

13. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee – Convenor’s report . Cl l r . C.Simmons advised that there was no wr i t ten report as there was very l i t t le to

report on. a. Bus Shel ter – Attwoods Drove.

Cllr . C.Simmons advised that a let ter had been received from the Compton Tenants Associat ion, request ing that a Bus Shel ter be instal led at the end of At twoods Drove. Some discussion took place, the main points being:-

Enquir ies wi th Winchester City Counci l could be undertaken to see i f they have any spare Bus Shel ters.

The instal lat ion of a Bus Shel ter is not necessar i ly desirable or possib le in the locat ion suggested.

Ownership of the land on which i t could be instal led needs invest igat ion. A high r isk of vandal ism is envisaged.

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The feasib i l i ty of the proposal needs to be invest igated. Action: Cllr C.Simmons wi l l invest igate the issue further and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meet ing.

b. Bench Seat re locat ion. Cllr C.Simmons advised that a l l bench seats wi th in the Par ish appear to be in a poor state of repair . Action: Cllr C.Simmons wi l l invest igate the issue further and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meet ing.

14. Compton Post Off ice – revised opening hours.

Cllr . J .Val l is had been informed that Compton Post Off ice is planning to reduce i ts opening hours so that i t wi l l only open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. As th is is considered a valuable amenity by some Parishioners, the Par ish Counci l has been asked i f i t can take any act ion to prevent th is reduct ion in opening hours. General d iscussion ensued cover ing:-

The shop is in a general ly run-down state. There is no “passing trade” that can be acquired. The general feel ing of the shop service is not welcoming. Local Residents want the amenity. The Shopkeeper is f inding i t d i f f icul t to make the shop/Post of f ice prof i table. The local M.P., Mark Oaten, could be asked to intervene as he has an interest

in such issues. The previous tenant had addi t ional outs ide employment to supplement

income. I f the exist ing tenant does not want to make the Shop/Post of f ice pay, then

others should be given the opportuni ty. A change in the premises usage would be resisted by Winchester City

Counci l , Planning Department. I t was accepted that the Par ish Counci l can do very l i t t le other than make

representat ions. Action: Cllr . J .Val l is to draf t a let ter to Mark Oaten, the local MP, request ing his advice on how to maintain Post Off ice opening hours. Action: Cllr . J .Val l is to draf t a let ter to the Post Off ice Author i t ies, s tat ing the Parish Counci ls object ion to the reduct ion in opening hours and to seek their assistance in maintain ing the current posi t ion.

A.O.B. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White had received a complaint f rom Mr R.Wilmshurst that the Par ish Notice Board current ly d isplayed a not ice concerning the detai ls of Mr. Mark Oaten, the local MP. This was objected to by Mr. Wilmshurst, who understood that the Par ish Counci l was not pol i t ical and therefore should not publ ic ise Pol i t ical f igures. I t was general ly accepted that Mark Oaten was the Local MP, cover ing al l residents regardless of pol i t ical persuasion and the poster in quest ion only advert ised the contact detai ls of the local MP. Accordingly, Mr. Wilmshurst ’s complaint was not accepted. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to convey the Par ish Counci l ’s v iews to Mr. Wilmshurst .

15. Date of Next Meet ing.Tuesday, 1s t October 2002.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1s t October 2002 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. G.Beckett (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr.N.Campbel l -White, Mrs. J.Mi l lar , Mrs. M.Shaw. Mrs C.Simmons Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mrs. J.Val l is , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason 4 Members of the Publ ic 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le contain ing the correspondence for the month of September was c irculated to a l l Counci l lors.

2. Apologies for absence. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley. 3. Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 3 r d September 2002 (as circulated) There were no amendments/changes to the minutes of the meeting held 3 r d

September 2002, accordingly the chairman signed those minutes as being a t rue record of that meet ing.

4. Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. Outstanding Action points. Page 1, 1s t outstanding act ion point - Cl l r . G.Becket t to produce a spec i f icat ion of requi rements for screening the tennis cour ts f rom the Hansens proper ty by the addi t ion of t re l l is on top of the fence and plant ing of Cherry Trees outs ide of the i r boundary, for submiss ion to and cons iderat ion of the Tennis Club. ” - I t has now been estab l ished by te lephone that Winchester Ci ty Counci l P lanning Depar tment do not have a v iew wi th regard to the assoc ia ted p lanning issue of the he igh t o f the wi re net t ing on the Tennis Cour t . Accord ing ly, C l l r . G.Becket t wi l l progress the issue. Action: Cl l r . G.Becket t to produce a spec i f icat ion of requi rements for screening the tennis cour ts f rom the Hansens proper ty.

Page 3, i tem 9, - The Playing Fields Management Committee to review the s i tuat ion and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meet ing. – Cl l r . M.Shaw advised that this has yet to be done. Action: The Playing Fields Management Commit tee to review the s i tuat ion of Cr icket Bal ls being thrown into the Play Area and report back to the next Par ish Counci l meet ing.

Page 5, i tem 9c) – Sports Club Licence - The Finance and Administrat ion Committee

wi l l report back to the Par ish Counci l at the next meet ing. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White advised that he is wai t ing for a response to the letter dated 27t h September 2002 from the Sports Club. As t ime is becoming cr i t ical , th is issue wi l l be act ively moni tored.

Page 7, i tem 9g) - The Clerk to establ ish the “ lead t imes” required under the new

Borrowing Approval procedures. This had not been done. Action: The Clerk to establ ish the “ lead t imes” required under the new Borrowing Approval procedures.

Page 9, i tem 14 – “Cllr . J.Val l is to draf t a let ter to Mark Oaten, the local MP,

request ing his advice on how to maintain Post Off ice opening hours”. And “Cl l r . J .Val l is to draf t a let ter to the Post Off ice Author i t ies, stat ing the Par ish Counci ls object ion to the reduct ion in opening hours and to seek their assistance in maintain ing the current posi t ion”. – These two act ion points have been superceded by events and therefore wi l l not proceed.

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Matters Arising There were no matters ar is ing from the minutes not ment ioned elsewhere on th is


The Meeting wil l be closed Statements, Observat ions and Quest ions f rom Members of the Publ ic wil l be received and addressed. Maximum of 15 minutes al lowed. Mrs. P.Caffyn raised quest ions on the Annual Spr ing Clean and on the Issue of the Dibden Bay project. An E-mai l had been received from Mr. J .Boundy concerning the Dibden Bay Pet i t ion. Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to review the Dibden Bay issue and report back to the Par ish Counci l at the next meet ing. I f t ime constraints require, Cl l r . M.Bel l to make appropr iate representat ions on behalf of the Par ish Counci l in advance of the next meeting. A let ter had been received from Mrs. Wyles concerning “The Towpath” , “The Bishops Drain” and the “Rai lway Embankment” Action: Cllr . T.Threl fa l l to draf t a let ter for the Clerk to send to Mrs Wyles in response. Action: Cllr . T.Threl fa l l to draft a c ircular let ter to be del ivered to appropr iate households advis ing detai ls of responsibi l i t ies over the Towpath/Footpath and Bishops Drain. Action: Cllr . T.Threl fa l l to draf t a let ter to the appropr iate Rai l Author i ty concerning the Rai lway Embankment.

The Meeting wil l be re-opened.

5. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley was not in at tendance and had not submit ted any

report . 6 . District Counci l lor's Report. Distr ic t Cl l r . C.Bai ley and Distr ict Cl l r P.Mason’s report is as per Appendix “A”. In respect of the issue of MDAs, the Chairman had observed that i t would be

interest ing to know what would tr igger the ut i l isat ion of MDAs, and Cl l r . Bai ley gave a very detai led reply.

Distr ic t Cl l r . P.Mason emphasised that part of the report cover ing Winchester Ci ty

Counci l ’s Cul tural Strategy. Cl l r Mason expressed his strong views concerning Youth and the Elder ly, l i t t le is provided for these groups. At a recent meet ing, out of a possible 57 at tendees, only 25 turned up which was disappoint ing.

Cl l r . G.Beckett stated that the Par ish Counci l had previously discussed the issue of an in i t iat ive to provide for the youth of the Par ish. Therefore anything that comes out of the Winchester Ci ty Counci l ’s Cultural Strategy in i t iat ive in respect of youth, wi l l be of interest to the Par ish Counci l , especial ly i f there is an opportuni ty to obtain some funding.

Cl l r . G.Beckett informed the meet ing that a let ter had been sent to Winchester Ci ty

Counci l , Planning Department, concerning the expiry date of the Planning Permission for the th ird Tennis Court and new access/car park for the New Pavi l ion. A response had not yet been received. Action: Distr ic t Cl l r . C.Bai ley to make enquir ies and ensure that a response is for thcoming.

Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White referenced the rumour that a restr ic t ion was being placed on

the number of appl icat ions being dealt wi th by s i te-viewing Sub-committees. Distr ict Cl l r . P.Mason advised that i t is desired to streamline the process and i t is now proving to be more di f f icul t to inst igate a Viewing Sub-commit tee in respect of indiv idual Appl icat ions. The Delegated Powers process has not changed, but i t is no longer an automat ic r ight for an issue to be passed a s i te Sub-commit tee.

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7. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Char lot te Bai ley was not in at tendance, she arr ived later in the meet ing, but she had

submit ted a wri t ten report , which is as per Appendix “B”. This report was read out by the Chairman – there were no quest ions ar is ing.

a) Bus Timetables in Bus Shel ters . Covered within Char lot te Bai ley’s report , Appendix “B”.

8 . Parish Tree Warden's /Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report. Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “C”.

a) Tree Preservat ion Orders – Bridge Hotel . Cllr . T.Threl fa l l advised that a l l Tree Preservat ion Orders are in p lace, detai ls as per h is report Appendix “C”. b) Twyford Meads project – formal opening – ar t ic le for Par ish Magazine. Cllr . T.Threl fa l l had draf ted an art ic le for the Par ish Magazine and had passed i t to Adr ian Walmsley for publ icat ion. Cl l r . Threl fa l l a lso advised that Cl l r . A.Walmsley would be attending the formal opening of the Twyford Meads Project, representing this Par ish Counci l . Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l advised the meet ing that Chr is Corcoran, Chairman of Twyford Par ish Counci l , wants to move the Par ish Boundary between the two Parishes. Cl l r . Threl fal l has advised him that the Ordinance Survey map c lear ly indicates where the boundary is and as far as Compton and Shawford are concerned, that is where i t remains. Cl l r . M.Shaw advised that she had been approached by Mrs Coleman, complain ing about the state of the Footpath up from Compton Street . Action: Cllr . T.Threl fa l l to refer the matter to Mrs. Gi les, Rights of Way Area Off icer South, for act ion.

9 . Finance and Administrat ion Committee . - Convenor's Report. Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White advised that there was no wr i t ten report th is month as there

had not been a meet ing of the Finance and Administrat ion Commit tee.

a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The state of the Par ish Counci l Accounts at the date of th is meet ing is as per Appendix “D”. Cheques for payment were circulated for s ignatures. b) Review of Tenders for the New Pavil ion – the next s tep. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White invi ted Mr. Paul Murray to give a presentat ion on the current s i tuat ion of the New Pavi l ion. Mr. Paul Murray submit ted a wr i t ten report , which is as per Appendix “E”. Paul Murray went on to advise the fol lowing:-

He had met wi th Sport England and Gent le Associates. The representat ive from Sport England was happy that the quoted costs are

with in Market Pr ices for the project . I t was c lear that the Bui ld ing Commit tee should revert to the cheaper

Contractors to negotiate some cost savings. Sport England would l ike to see another £5,000-00 contr ibut ion from the

Par ish Counci l as a token gesture from the Community. As a result of the meet ing, the four cheapest tenders were requested to

provide a cost breakdown. Negot iat ions wi th the two cheapest tenders ensued. The New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Committee went through al l the possib le savings

ident i f ied and agreed upon the minimum l is t of acceptable savings as speci f ied wi th in Paul Murray’s report , Appendix “E”.

The two tenders being pursued are from Wilding But ler and BMP. Savings ident i f ied on these are £26,000 and £36,000 respect ively. Sport England are happy to see a cont ingency f igure of £18,000 included. Resultant quotes are £380,000 and £383,000 respect ively.

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Agreed: The Par ish Counci l supports the proposal that the New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Committee submits the quote from Wild ing & But ler , in the sum of £380,131-00, to Sport England to ascertain that they wi l l fund the balance of the project . Proposed: Cll r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cllr . J .Val l is Vote: Unanimous. Some discussion ensued concerning the Timescale for receiving not i f icat ion of the resul ts of the submission to Sport England. I t was concluded that i t would be in the region of four to e ight weeks before any results were not i f ied, dependent upon when the Grant Commit tee s i ts . c) Sports Club Licence – Update Cllr . A.Walmsley advised that detai ls of what was agreed to at the meeting wi th representat ives of the Sports Club on 28 t h August, was conveyed to the Sports Club v ia e-mai l on 5t h September. This was fo l lowed by a formal Let ter dated 27t h September 2002. As a resul t the Par ish Counci l is wait ing for a response from the Sports Club. Some discussion ensued, the main points being:-

A deadl ine needs to be placed upon the process. A Lease/Licence needs to be s igned by January 2003. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White had been chasing Gordon de- la Mare for a

response. Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to draft a let ter to Gordon de- la-Mare concerning the impact of any delay in concluding the new Lease/Licence would have, and to encourage an ear ly response. c) War Memorial – vandalism Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised that there had been fur ther vandal ism, somebody had been scratching names etc. , ( inc luding two sets of in i t ia ls) on the seating surfaces of the memorial . The pol ice had been informed with l i t t le response. The whole issue of vandal ism to the War Memoria l had been reported to the Dai ly Echo and an ar t ic le had subsequent ly been publ ished. As there had not been any response from Vokes & Beck, Stonemasons, regarding giv ing def ini t ive dates for the repair work, no progress on achieving repairs had been made. Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to press Vokes & Beck for def in i t ive dates for the repairs, but i f unsuccessful , to contact Blackwel l and Moody and in i t iate repairs. At the same t ime explain to the Insurance Company the reasons for changing Stonemasons. General d iscussion ensued on what can be done to prevent such vandal ism:-

Unl ikely to be Travel lers. Wider publ ic i ty of the problem may be helpful . There is l i t t le the Par ish Counci l can do proact ively.

Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to fur ther publ ic ise the issue in the Parish Magazine and Hampshire Chronic le. d) Third Tennis Cour t – Planning Permission. See i tem 6 above – Distr ic t Counci l lor ’s report . As no response to the let ter dated 20t h September 2002 had yet been received and as t ime was becoming cr i t ical , the fo l lowing was agreed:- Agreed: I f i t is determined that Planning Permission does in fact expire in November 2002, the issue be delegated to the Finance and Administrat ion Committee for immediate resolut ion as necessary. Vote: By a show of hands – Unanimous. e) Audit . Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised that the “Annual Return” had been compiled and Completed by the Clerk. The Internal Audi t had been arranged by the Clerk and undertaken on Monday 30t h September 2002. No s igni f icant issues were ident i f ied and the Internal Auditor s igned off h is part of the Annual return. A Management Let ter cover ing this process is awai ted f rom BKR Haines Watts. On receipt of th is

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le t ter, the fu l l Annual Return together wi th support ing documentat ion wi l l be sent to the External Audi tor in Plymouth. Not ices of the Audi t have been displayed on the Not ice Boards in accordance with legis lat ion. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White expressed his thanks to Mike Langford, the Clerk, for a l l h is work on this matter. Funds on Deposit at Bank of Ireland. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised the meet ing that the £100,000-00 Term Deposi t at the Bank of I reland, matures on the 7t h October 2002. The fo l lowing opt ions are open to the Par ish Counci l : -

Rol l i t over for a fur ther three months at the prevai l ing rate on the 7 t h October 2002. (rate as at 1s t October is 3.220%)

Place the funds on a one month Term Deposi t at the prevai l ing rate on the 7t h October 2002. (rate as at 1s t October is 3.080%)

Withdraw the £100,000 from the Bank of I re land and place the funds on the Par ish Counci l ’s Flexib le Savings Account at L loyds/TSB pending payment for the New Pavi l ion.

Agreed: The Clerk to arrange to “Rol l over” the £100,000 Term Deposi t at The Bank of I re land for a fur ther per iod of three months. Proposed: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cl l r . M.Shaw Vote: Unanimous. Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Publication Scheme Cllr . N.Campbel l -White advised that the Clerk had prepared a paper covering the Par ish Counci l ’s obl igat ions under the Freedom Of Informat ion Act 2000. Cl l r . Campbel l -White went on to say that there is a s igni f icant amount of work associated wi th this issue and i t was not the Clerk ’s job to undertake such work. This matter should be addressed by the Chairman, or delegated to another Par ish Counci l lor . The Chairman responded that the Clerk is in a better posi t ion to address such matters and i f i t requires more t ime then the Counci l wi l l have to pay the Clerk for i t . Action: The Clerk ’s Paper to be c irculated to members of the Finance and Administrat ion Commit tee for considerat ion and to make recommendations to the Par ish Counci l at the next meeting.

10. Planning Committee. - Convenor’s report . Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s report is as per Appendix “F” .

a) Applicat ions and decisions . Appl icat ions and Decis ions dur ing the month of September are as per Appendix “G”. b) Housing Targets in Winchester Area This issue is covered wi th in Distr ic t Counci l lor C.Bai ley’s report under I tem 6 above. c) “Housing Stra tegy Annual Update” – repor t . Cllr . M.Bel l cont inues to moni tor th is issue, a quest ionnaire has been completed and returned to Winchester Ci ty Counci l . d) Rural Housing Enabler – presentat ion. The “Rural Housing Enabler” is to be invi ted to attend next month’s meet ing to give a short presentat ion – th is on the understanding that i t wi l l not be s i te speci f ic . Action: Cl l r . M.Bel l to arrange a short presentat ion of approximately 15 minutes to be given at the start of next month’s meeting which wi l l commence at 7.00pm. Cllr . M.Bel l advised that the Par ish Counci l had received Maps from the Countryside Agency, which out l ine al l common land with in the Parish. These had been forwarded to the Parish Counci l as a Consul tee. These maps need to be publ ished within the par ish so that a l l Par ishioners have the opportuni ty to make representat ion or comment.

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Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to arrange for the maps to be made avai lable at the Par ish Hal l , wi th not ices on al l Not ice Boards indicat ing their avai labi l i ty and invi t ing comment f rom Par ishioners. Cl l r . M.Bel l advised the meet ing concerning the Out l ine Planning Appl icat ion received 1s t October 2002, concerning the potent ia l erect ion of a 5 bedroom detached dwel l ing at Wychwood, Highways Road, Compton. After general d iscussion, i t was concluded that the Parish Counci l should oppose th is development, pr imar i ly as i t would const i tute an undesireable precedent for the area. Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to in i t iate an object ion to th is Planning Appl icat ion. Cl l r . J .Mi l lar ra ised the matter of possible recreational faci l i t ies resul tant f rom the Malms development, together with addit ional parking faci l i t ies to re l ieve the car park ing in Shawford Vi l lage. This being preferable to just putt ing money into the Open Spaces Fund. Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to speak to Winchester City Counci l , Planning Department, and establ ish what the posi t ion is wi th regard to the Malms Development contr ibut ion to the Open Spaces Fund.

11. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report. Cl l r . M.Shaw’s report is as per Appendix “H”.

(a) Landscaping/screening Tennis Cour ts . This issue is covered under i tem 4 above, Cl l r . G.Beckett is to proceed wi th producing the require speci f icat ion. (b) Onyx Environmental Trust – Publ ici ty for new Children’s Play Area. Cllr . M.Shaw advised that the Clerk and Cl lr . M.Bel l had been at tending to th is matter . Metal Plaques, publ ic is ing the contr ibut ion received from Onyx Environmental t rust , had been received and wi l l be put up in both play areas. Further p laques would be obtained. Agreed: The two metal Plaques to be put up, one in each play area, as soon as possible. Vote: By a show of hands – Unanimous.

Action: Cllr . M.Shaw to obtain two plaques for publ ic is ing the contr ibut ions made by Hampshire Playing Fields, Scott ish and Southern Energy, Southern Water, Cranbury Estates and the Par ish Counci l . (c) Cr icket Bal ls e tc . , knocked in to Play Area – Memorial Playing Field. This subject is covered under I tem 4 above. (d) Compton Street Play Area – Footbal l p i tch repairs . Covered in Cl l r . M.Shaw’s report , Appendix “H”. Cl l r . M.Shaw emphasised the problem of graf f i t i appear ing al l over the new play equipment in the Compton Street Play Area. General discussion ensued, the main points being:-

The graf f i t i is wr i t ten using chalk that is natural ly occurr ing in the area. As i t has not ra ined recent ly, such graff i t i has not been washed away. The culpr i ts are not known. Graff i t i that appears today may become vandal ism tomorrow. I t was considered that involv ing the Tenants Associat ion would not be

appropr iate as they do not cover a l l householders in the area. There is l i t t le the Par ish Counci l can do proact ively, the matter wi l l have to be

moni tored.

Cl l r . M.Shaw raised the issue of a Steel Gate at the entrance to the Compton Street Play Area.

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Agreed: Cllr . M.Shaw to inc lude the cost of a Steel Gate in the Playing Fie lds Management Commit tee Budgets for next year. Vote: By a show of hands – Unanimous.

12. Parish Hall .

(a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lars report is as per Appendix “ I” (b) Parish Hall – Rent negot iat ions. Cllr N.Campbel l -White, who was attending to this matter , advised that negot iat ions had not yet taken place, a l though an indicat ion of what the Par ish Counci l is seeking had been conveyed to Mrs. Jo Pit t . Action: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White to undertake negot iat ions concerning the rent payable by CASCA to the Par ish Counci l , report ing back to the Par ish Counci l at the next meet ing.

13. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee – Convenor’s report . Cllr . C.Simmons had not submitted a wr i t ten report , but reported oral ly .

a. Bus Shel ter – Attwoods Drove. Cllr . C.Simmons had invest igated th is matter wi th Cl l r . J .Val l is , the main conclusions being as fo l lows:-

Up unt i l recently, people had been using the Post Off ice Car Port as a shelter dur ing inclement weather.

I t was determined that there is suf f ic ient space for a bus shel ter . Discussions wi th Hampshire County Counci l indicate that there are no “old Bus

shelters” held by them. Winchester Ci ty Counci l may have some – they wi l l invest igate. I t is possible to apply through the Countryside Agency for a 75% grant towards

the cost of a new Bus Shel ter , i f they agree that there is a need. Information on th is Grant process is being forwarded. Cl l r . Simmons and Cl l r . Val l is both agree that there is a need.

Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to cont inue the invest igat ions and report back to the next meeting.

b. Bench Seats - review. Cllr . C.Simmons advised the fol lowing:-

Frank Smith has been asked to undertake a review of al l bench seats wi th in the Par ish. I t is known that the bench seats in Hurdle Way , opposi te the School and in

Attwoods Drove al l require s igni f icant repair . Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to report back at the next Par ish Counci l meet ing. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that he had received a let ter f rom David Jobson, on behalf of the Jubi lee Celebrat ion Commit tee, this is as per Appendix “J” . General discussion ensued, the sal ient points being as fol lows:-

Whi ls t the cost proposed by the Jubi lee Committee suggests more than one bench seat could be provided, the jubi lee Committee appear to wish to fund one Bench Seat only.

The suggested wording on the Plaque to be f ixed to the Bench Seat needs to be more speci f ic .

Where does the Par ish Counci l want th is new bench seat instal led? Agreed: The Par ish Counci l would l ike the new Bench Seat, donated by spare funds from the Jubi lee Celebrat ion Committee, to be instal led opposi te the School, to replace the one that is broken. Vote: By a show of hands – Unanimous.

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Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to wr i te to the Jubi lee Celebrat ion Commit tee, stat ing that the Par ish Counci l would l ike their donated Bench Seat to be instal led opposite the School , to replace the broken Bench Seat, or ig inal ly donated by the W.I . Addi t ional ly, the wording on the proposed Plaque needs to be more speci f ic .

Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to wr i te to the W.I . , informing them that the bench seat that was or iginal ly donated by them, which is now broken, is to be replaced. Cl l r . J .Val l is advised that she had been approached about Dog Foul ing on the corner of At twoods Drove, and asked i f a Dog Bin could be provided. Cl l r . C.Simmons advised that Winchester Ci ty Counci l wi l l not provide Dog Bins unless a very strong case for i ts need is proven. However, this can be reviewed again. Action: Cllr C.Simmons to approach Winchester Ci ty Counci l enquir ing i f they wi l l instal l a Dog Bin on the corner of At twoods Drove.

14 Parish Appraisal

Cllr . M.Bel l read out a direct ive concerning the ut i l isat ion of a Parish Appraisal in the del iberat ions undertaken by Winchester Ci ty Counci l , Planning Department. I t becomes evident that, as such an appraisal needs approval of Winchester City Counci l Planning Department before i t can be adopted, i t is unl ikely to gain such approval i f i t promotes development pol ic ies contrary to those of the Planning Author i ty. Therefore, the use of such a document, as or iginal ly envisaged, as a tool to oppose W.C.C. ’s interpretat ion of PPG3, seem now not to be possible. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that he is loathe to remove the issue of a Par ish Appraisal f rom the Agenda and would revert to the next Par ish Counci l meet ing.

15. Compton Post Off ice Cl l r . J.Val l is reported as fol lows:-

The Post Off ice l icence has been revoked, consequent ly the Post Off ice is now c losed permanent ly.

The opening hours of the Shop have been drast ical ly reduced, now mornings only.

The shop wi l l concentrate pr imari ly on the sale of newspapers and cards – grocer ies etc. , to be el iminated.

Winchester City Counci l , as landlord, have no powers to intervene, provid ing that the downstairs area is not used for residential dwel l ing.

A lease is held by the tenant, which has f ive years to run. The rent is fu l ly paid. I t has been reported to Cl lr . Val l is that the local Farmers want a Community

Store. Mr Haig says he wants to establ ish a Farm Shop. Invest igat ions indicate that bui ld ings in Place Lane may be suitable. However,

th is was thought to be unl ikely as car park ing would be a problem. The Parish Counci l can do nothing on this issue but wi l l watch events with

interest and assist and support where i t can in the establ ishment of a vi l lage shop.

16. Travel lers – preventat ive act ion in a l l the Par ish.

A let ter had been received from Hampshire County Counci l , Countrys ide Services, dated 27t h September 2002, which is as per Appendix “K”. This let ter covers four issues as fo l lows:-

1) Dog Fouling on Shawford Down. I t is proposed to instal l Dog Bins on Shawford Down and their use wi l l be more proact ively enforced. This was welcomed by the Par ish Counci l . 2) Travellers. I t is proposed that Height Restr ic t ion Barr iers wi l l be instal led at the entrance to the car park at the top of Shawford Down. This to deter the recurrence of t ravel lers staying there and to el iminate the resul tant cost of c leaning up the s i te

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after they leave. Whi lst the Par ish Counci l had previously opposed such Height Barr iers on the grounds of v isual intrus ion, some elements in the Par ish are now in favour. The concerns expressed were that i f t ravel lers were prevented from accessing one part of the Par ish, they may wel l go elsewhere wi th in the Par ish and be far more detr imental to the area. However, i t was concluded that the Par ish Counci l were not able to oppose the instal lat ion of the Height Barr ier . 3) Sycamore Trees along Stat ion Road, Shawford. The Sycamore Trees along Stat ion Road, Shawford, are to be fel led due to safety reasons. Some species of scrub wi l l be lef t where their growth wi l l not impinge on the road. Action: Mrs P.Caffyn, of the Shawford Vi l lage Residents Associat ion, wi l l advise appropr iate res idents of this act ion by Hampshire County Counci l . 4) The Road to the Malms. Clar i f icat ion as to the ownership of the road to the Malms was emphasised to avoid any fur ther confusion between the developer and Winchester Ci ty Counci l , Planning Department. Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to draft a let ter to Hampshire County Counci l , Countrys ide Service, responding to points 2 and 3 and at the same t ime not ing points 1 and 4.

17. Web Site – Charges from Hampshire County Council . Cl l r . A.Walmsley referred to an Invoice received from Hampshire County Counci l in

the sum of £75-00 plus VAT, which was for the provis ion to the Par ish Counci l of the “v ir tual server” in connect ion with the Parish Counci l ’s web si te. The points raised were as fo l lows:-

The use of Hampshire County Counci l for providing a “host” service for our web s i te was on the understanding that i t was a “community service” f ree of charge.

We have never been charged for th is service in the past. No not i f icat ion of the introduct ion of th is charge has been received. The per iod of the charge imposed is for th is f inancia l year, therefore we are

being charged retrospect ively ( in par t) . There is no budget to pay such charges.

Agreed/Action: Unanimously agreed that Cl l r . A.Walmsley wi l l draf t a let ter to Hampshire County Counci l chal lenging th is imposed charge for th is f inancial year, wi th a view to re-assess the posi t ion for next year. A.O.B.

I . Cl l r . A.Walmsley advised that the Editor of the Parish Magazine wishes to g ive

up the job. Whi ls t this is not immediate, any suggest ions for a replacement Edi tor would be welcomed. I t was accepted that th is is a Parochial Church Counci l issue, but any assistance that Par ish Counci l can give would be appreciated.

I I . Cl l r . C.Simmons had received, in the nicest possible way, a complaint over the condi t ion of the Churchyard. Cl l r . G.Beckett had also received an unconnected complaint , the detai ls of which together with response were in the correspondence f i le. Mr David Odie, Chairman of the Graveyard Committee, was responsible for th is issue and i t was stated that remedial work is in hand.

18. Date of Next Meet ing. 5 t h November 2002 at 7.00pm.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5 t h November 2002 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.00pm. Present: Mr. G.Beckett (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr.N.Campbel l -White, Mrs. J.Mi l lar , Mrs. M.Shaw. Mrs C.Simmons Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason 1 Member of the Publ ic 1. “Affordable Housing” – presentat ion Gordon Richardson, Rural Housing Enabler .

The Chairman, Cl l r .G.Beckett , introduced Mr. Gordon Richardson who br ief ly advised the meet ing of the fol lowing:-

He has been “on seat” for approximately f ive months. His funct ion is funded 50% by The Countrys ide Agency, 25% by The Housing

Corporat ion and 25% by s ix rural local author i t ies. A problem of housing people in rural areas has been ident i f ied. With the average cost of Houses in the area being approximately £171,000 and

average incomes only £25,000, people are being forced to move out of the area.

The “Right to Buy” legis lat ion adds to the problem in that many Counci l Houses are no longer avai lable to rent . However, any development resultant f rom this ini t iat ive would be excluded from the “Right to Buy” issue.

The “Rural Housing Enabler” would usual ly only involve himself in v i l lages wi th a populat ion of in excess of 3,000.

The “Rural Housing Enabler” helps Parish Counci ls to address this problem via the fo l lowing:-

1. Undertaking a survey ( free of charge to the Par ish Counci l ) to ident i fy the need wi th in the Par ish.

2. Help the Par ish Counci l to ident i fy sui table pieces of land for development.

3. Assist in negotiat ions wi th Landowners and Distr ic t Planning Author i t ies.

The “Rural Housing Enabler” would be pleased to give a publ ic presentat ion to par ishioners who may be af fected by any development ar is ing out of th is in i t iat ive.

Previous invest igat ions into th is matter met wi th obstruct ion from the owner of the most sui table s i tes in the area, Hampshire County Counci l . Things have now changed and i t is understood that they may be more recept ive than previously.

Subsequent to the presentat ion, general d iscussion took place wi th the fo l lowing being agreed: Agreed:

1. The intent ion of the Par ish Counci l to invest igate the potent ial of an “Affordable Housing Project” with in the Parish be publ ic ised in the Par ish Magazine and on the Not ice Boards.

2. A survey of the “Af fordable Housing” needs wi th in the Par ish, be undertaken. 3. Ident i f icat ion of possible s i tes for “Af fordable Housing” wi thin the Par ish be

undertaken. Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to wr i te to Gordon Richardson, thanking him for the presentat ion and to in i t iate the above agreed project .

2 . Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le containing the correspondence for the month of October 2002 was c i rculated to al l Counci l lors.

3 . Apologies for absence.Cll r Mrs. J .Val l is .

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4 . Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 1s t October 2002 (as circulated) There were no amendments/changes to the minutes of the meet ing held 1s t October

2002, accordingly the chairman s igned those minutes as being a true record of that meet ing.

5 . Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. Action Points: Cllr . N.Campbel l -White out l ined proposals for a new methodolgy for

handl ing outstanding act ions, as fo l lows: Current pract ice has proven to be t ime consuming dur ing meetings. Outstanding Act ions, as present ly referenced, can “s l ip through the net” . A database has been constructed by the Clerk from which reports wi l l be

obtained before the meet ing, which ident i f ies each Counci l lor ’s outstanding act ions.

This should prove to be a comprehensive l is t . At each meet ing, reference to this l is t wi l l resul t in i ts amendment or

acceptance of being a t rue record of a l l outstanding act ions. The “Outstanding Act ions – Circulat ion Lis t” had been c irculated to al l Counci l lors pr ior to th is meet ing. Some discussion ensued – part icular ly in respect of the issue of the rai lway embankment – see Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l ’s report, i tem 9 below. Agreed: An “Outstanding Act ion – Circulat ion List” report be c irculated to a l l Counci l lors pr ior to the monthly Par ish Counci l Meeting for acceptance, with amendments i f requested and agreed, at that meet ing as being a true record of outstanding act ions as at the date of the meet ing. Vote: By a show of hands – Unanimous. The accepted “Outstanding Act ions” as at the date of this meeting and subsequent to this meeting , is as per Appendix “A”.

Matters arising: Cllr . A.Walmsley noted that Paul Murray’s New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Commit tee should be submit t ing a report , but the issue is not on the Agenda for th is meet ing.

Cllr . G.Beckett advised the meeting that the resul ts of the Lot tery Grant appl icat ion should be known on the 17t h December 2002. I f the grant appl icat ion is successful , then the Parish Counci l would l ike to approve the contracts to bui ld at the February 2003 meeting. I f unsuccessful , the whole issue wi l l be back in “ the melt ing pot” .

In addit ion, Cl l r Becket advised the meet ing that Paul Murray’s Commit tee were

organis ing two fundrais ing events. One of these is an event at the Concorde Club where i t is hoped to ra ise approximately £6,000. Unfortunately, th is event is scheduled to be held on the f i rst Tuesday in March 2003, the 4 t h March 2003. In order to al low Par ish Counci l lors to at tend th is event, the quest ion of exceptional ly moving the Par ish Counci l meet ing to an al ternate date was discussed. Agreed: The March 2003 Parish Counci l meet ing be except ional ly moved to Wednesday 5 t h March 2003. I f th is date cannot be faci l i tated by avai labi l i ty of the Compton Room in the Par ish Hal l , the meeting be moved to the fo l lowing Tuesday. Proposed:- Cllr .A.Walmsley Seconded:- Cl l r . M.Bel l Vote:- Unanimous.

The Meeting wil l be closed S t a t e me n t s , O b s e rv a t i o n s an d Qu e s t io n s f r o m M e mb e r s o f t h e Pu b l i c w i l l b e r e c e i v ed and a d d r es s ed . M a x i mu m o f 15 mi n u t es a l l ow e d . There were no quest ions ar is ing.

The Meeting wil l be re-opened.

6. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley had not prepared a wri t ten report , but reported oral ly

on the fol lowing:- 1. M3 Noise project.

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A meet ing wi th the leader of the Counci l is being arranged A date is awaited. Par ish Counci l lors from Compton and Shawford as wel l as Otterbourne

wi l l be involved. 2. Highways Road

Let ters of object ion cover ing the proposed development. As the proposed development is so close to the Motorway, a “noise survey”

is needed. I t is uncerta in what the Planning Departments do about noise pol lut ion.

3. Website query Await a letter from Lyn Cox regarding the charging for the Par ish Counci l ’s

Web Si te. 4. Poles Lane – Speed Limit

Residents of Poles Lane have requested implementat ion of speed l imi ts a long Poles Lane.

Proposed to wai t for the Otterbourne Traf f ic Calming project to be completed before ini t iat ing anything in Poles Lane.

Proposals wi l l be advised to the Par ish Counci l in wr i t ing. 5. Waste Training Day

This is a Natural Resource Ini t iat ive. The aim is to encourage the creat ion of Recycl ing Businesses A new Recycl ing Centre at Al ton has opened. This could possibly resul t in redirect the amount of Recycl ing away from

Otterbourne. Quest ions were ra ised concerning the proposals to implement Speed Limits a long Poles Lane, i t was fe l t by some Counci l lors that th ings were alr ight as they are and we do not need more state intervention. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that the Parish Counci l would await receipt of the wr i t ten proposals and respond as Statutory Consultees at that t ime.

7. District Counci l lor's Report. Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “B”.

Cl l r . M.Bel l asked i f the reported statement f rom the of f ice of John Prescott , Deputy Pr ime Minister , was true or was i t only a rumour in that the requirements of PPG3 do not apply to plots of land of less than 1 hectare. Distr ic t Counci l lor did not know whether th is was only a rumour or not. Action: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley to invest igate whether i t is correct that PPG3 does not apply to plots of land of less than 1 hectare.

8. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Char lot te Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “C”. 9. Parish Tree Warden's /Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report. Cllr . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “D”

The issue of the rumour of Rai l t rack cutt ing down al l the trees along the rai lway embankment was discussed at some length. Action: Cllr T.Threl fa l l to invest igate the val id i ty of th is rumour and i f found to be true to make representat ions to ensure some of the deciduous trees are lef t and the tree removal is select ive. The issue of the Footpath f rom Hurdle Way to Compton Street has been raised again by Mrs Olsen. Whi ls t th is matter had been reported to Mrs. Gi les, Rights of Way Area Off icer South, the matter wi l l be re-addressed. In respect of this part icular Footpath, i t is not c lear whose responsibi l i ty i t is with regard to i ts maintenance. I t may be Hampshire County Counci l or the local Farmer. Action:

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Cllr . T.Threl fa l l to fur ther invest igate the matter of the footpath f rom Hurdle Way to Compton Street.

a) Budget of £1,000 – availabi l i ty . Some discussion on th is matter ensued and i t was made clear that responsibi l i ty of undertaking work in respect of Footpath Maintenance should be undertaken by the appropr iate author i t ies, most notably Mrs Gi les, Rights of Way Area Off icer South. Accordingly, the £1,000 budget appears not to be required. Agreed: The £1,000 budget current ly a l located to “Footpaths” be lef t , but not used. I t wi l l be taken into reserves at year-end. Vote: By a show of hands - Unanimous. Cl l r . T.Threl fa l l expressed his thanks to Cl l r . A.Walmsley for at tending the opening of the Twyford Meads Project .

10. Finance and Administrat ion Committee . - Convenor's Report. Cllr . N.Campbel l -White ’s report is as per Appendix “E”.

a) Par ish Accounts - Cheques for payment The state of the Par ish Counci l Accounts at the date of th is meet ing is as per Appendix “F” . Cheques for payment were circulated for s ignatures. b) Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Publicat ion Schemes. Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”. c) Sports Club – new Lease/Licence. Since the product ion of h is report, Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White has had fur ther d iscussions on th is topic which now makes i t necessary for the Finance and Administrat ion Committee to further del iberate on the Lease/Licence as submit ted to the Par ish Counci l by the Sports Club. Agreed: The Finance and Administrat ion Committee to complete discussions and reach agreement with the Sports Club over the Lease/Licence, submit t ing that f inal document to the Par ish Counci l ’s Sol ic i tors for legal approval and report back to the fu l l Par ish Counci l when completed, before s igning. Vote: By a show of hands - Unanimous. Action: Cll r . N.Campbel l-White to convene a meet ing of the Finance and Administrat ion Committee for the purpose of agreeing the f inal draft of the new Lease/Licence and to submit the resul tant document to the Sports Club for acceptance, pr ior to submit t ing i t to the Par ish Counci l ’s Sol ic i tor for legal ver i f icat ion. c) Planning permission – Third Court/New Pavil ion access . Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”. d) Job Descr ipt ions for Convenors Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”. e) Risk assessment – Annual procedure for compliance with Audit . Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”. f) War Memorial – Vandalism to s tone cross

i . Update i i . Future preventat ive measures .

Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”. g) Action points on P.C.Minutes – monitor ing. Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”, and also referenced under i tem 5 above. h) Budgets for 2003/2004 Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”. i ) Remembrance Service. Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “E”, a lso references the Clerk’s Salary.

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Agreed: The Clerk ’s salary be increased, in l ine wi th nat ional scale as advised by HAPTC, by implementat ion of scale SCP 17 as from 1s t Apr i l 2003, which equates with an annual increase of £286-00 p.a. Proposed:- Cllr . N.Campbel l-White Seconded:- Cllr . M.Shaw. Vote:- Unanimous.

11. Planning Committee. - Convenor’s report . Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s report is as per Appendix “G”.

a) Applicat ions and decisions . Appl icat ions and Decis ions for the month of October 2002 are as per Appendix “H” General d iscussion on two Appl icat ions took place, the main points being as fo l lows:- Alswitha – ID109 – Object ion submit ted, detai ls in the report , Appendix G. Land adjacent to the Merries – ID 108 –Comments submit ted, detai ls in the report , Appendix “G”. Some fur ther discussion ensued on th is lat ter issue, the sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

Cllr . G.Beckett declared an interest in that his land backs onto the plot of land proposed for this development.

Cl l r . M.Bel l had had fur ther thoughts concerning th is appl icat ion The proposed development not necessari ly acceptable under the “ local

Plan. The Planning Pol icy of EN1 st i l l is in force, therefore the si te should be

deemed to be unsui table. Accordingly, the proposal should not be acceptable.

Concerns as to the noise pol lut ion f rom the adjacent M3 Motorway need to be addressed

The Access roadway appears to be very narrow. Highways Road, the road leading to the proposed new access road, is not

adopted and may be unsuitable for the proposed development traf f ic . Action: Cllr . M.Bel l to submit fur ther comments on th is Appl icat ion, such comments resul t ing f rom this Par ish Counci l meeting, based upon Cl lr . Bel l ’s fur ther thoughts of the appl icat ion of EN1 and the possible i r relevance of PPG3. Addi t ional ly the matter of noise pol lut ion and access roads to be raised. Vote: By a show of hands – Unanimous. b) Dibden Bay – Repor t . Covered wi th in Cl l r . Bel l ’s report appendix “G”. The subject cont inues to be addressed. c) Malms development – contr ibut ion to Open Spaces Fund. Cllr . Bel l advised the meet ing that there is doubt concerning the Malms development going ahead. However, should i t proceed, then £21,605 would be deposited in the Winchester Ci ty Counci l Open Spaces Fund for the Parish of Compton and Shawford. 5% of th is sum would be retained by Winchester Ci ty Counci l for administrat ion costs. These funds would be earmarked for use for Play Areas and Sport . I f the developer includes faci l i t ies for Play and/or Sport , then the amount deposi ted could be reduced. An issue being considered by Cl l r . Bel l is the development of a Par ish Counci l Pol icy in respect of Planning matters. An in i t ia l draf t of a Pol icy Statement is as contained wi th in Cl l r Bel l ’s report , Appendix “G”. I t was general ly agreed that the development of such a Planning Pol icy was a sensible idea and the detai l of such a Pol icy Statement would evolve over t ime.

12. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report. Cl l r . M.Shaw’s report is as per Appendix “ I” .

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Ar is ing from her report , Cl l r . Shaw raised the issue of replacement Goal Posts in the Compton Street Play Area and asked i f the Par ish Counci l would be prepared to support such a proposal . The Chairman advised Cl lr . Shaw to include such expenditure in her proposed budget for next year where i t would be considered. Again, in respect of Compton Street Play Area, Frank Smith is current ly repair ing the entrance gate. The expenditure on a new metal gate wi l l be inc luded in next year ’s Budgets. With regard to the issue of the Liquidamber tree on the Memoria l Playing Field, Richard Morr is has quoted £480 for i ts removal and replacement. Action: Cllr . M.Shaw to obtain a second quote for th is work, in accordance wi th Financial Transact ion Procedures. Subsequent ly, a decis ion to proceed with the appropr iate quote wi l l be made by the ful l Par ish Counci l as such expenditure has not been Budgeted. The deep hole dug in the Memorial Playing f ie ld, referenced in Cl l r . Shaw’s report, was speci f ical ly ra ised as invest igat ions into who dug i t do not identi fy the culpr i ts . Action: Cllr . A.Walmsley to ra ise the matter wi th the New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Commit tee to establ ish i f any of the contractors were responsible and why. I t has been reported that Mice or Rats have lef t “droppings” in the exist ing pavi l ion. Access by such rodents appears to have been through a hole. Action: Cllr M.Shaw to draf t a let ter to the Sports Club request ing them to cover the of fending hole and to ensure that no foodstuf fs are lef t on the premises. The issue of the broken windows in the Storage Shed on Memoria l Playing Field was raised in that i t is required that they be boarded up. Action: Cllr G. Becket to draf t a let ter to the Sports Club, author is ing them to board up the broken windows. The issue of “Weed Control” and “Spik ing” on the Memoria l Playing f ie ld was raised. I t was general ly accepted that i f the Tenant had not complained or requested such work, then such work should not be ini t iated by the Par ish Counci l . (a) Landscaping/screening Tennis Cour ts . Cllr G.Beckett out l ined the posi t ion in respect of th is issue, the main points being as fo l lows:-

The Tennis Club needed to resurface the exist ing two tennis courts. Such resurfacing would resul t in the height of the courts being raise by some 9

inches. This gave cause for Residents in one household neighbour ing the Tennis

Courts to request some form of screening to maintain pr ivacy. Agreement wi th the Tennis Club on the resurfacing, as requested by the

Tennis Club, was given by the Par ish Counci l on the understanding that the Tennis Club would undertake the required screening.

The resurfacing was completed. Speci f icat ions for the screening were given to the Tennis Club by the Par ish

Counci l . Subsequent to receiving the Screening Specif icat ion from the Parish Counci l ,

the Tennis Club has wr i t ten to the Parish Counci l , their let ter as per Appendix “J” .

I t is the plant ing of “Prunus Padus” trees between the Tennis Courts and the boundary of neighbouring propert ies that the Tennis Club now rejects.

Discussion ensued, the sal ient points being as fol lows:- o Al though an undertaking has been given to the Par ish Counci l , i f there

is a safety issue involved as a result of the Par ish Counci l ’s speci f icat ion, then the Tennis Club are r ight to br ing i t to the attent ion of the Par ish Counci l .

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o The Speci f icat ion st ipulates a type of tree that a lready exists in the vic ini ty and would not present any addit ional s igni f icant problems.

Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to draft a let ter to the Tennis Club request ing them to provide their a l ternate proposals and at the same t ime to state that the Par ish Counci l accepts no Liabi l i ty . (b) Onyx Environmental Trust – Publ ici ty for new Children’s Play Area. This issue had now been completed by the publ icat ion of ar t ic les in the Evening Echo and Hampshire Chronic le. In addi t ion, the Publ ic i ty Agent for Onyx Environmental Trust had undertaken an exercise on the subject . (c) Plaques – publ icis ing donat ions to the two Play Areas. The “Onyx Plaque” on the Play Area at Memoria l Playing Field has been instal led. The one for the Compton Street Play Area wi l l be soon. With regard to p last ic p laques ident i fy ing other contr ibutors to the two Play Areas, enquir ies have revealed that the cost would be £40-00 per p laque. Agreed: The Playing Fie ld Management Committee are author ised to commit to the expenditure of £40-00 per plaque, on two plaques to be instal led, one in each Play Area. Vote: By a show of hands – Unanimous. Action: Cl l r . M.Shaw to arrange purchase of two plast ic p laques, ident i fy ing the contr ibutors to the two Play Areas and to instal l them as soon as possible. (d) Cr icket Bal ls e tc . , knocked in to Play Area – Memorial Playing Field. Whilst th is issue has been recorded as an Outstanding Act ion, no progress has been made. General d iscussion covered the fol lowing points.

The perceived danger had been advised to the Par ish Counci l ’s Insurers. No speci f ic act ion had been request of the Par ish Counci l by the Insurers. Accordingly, the Par ish Counci l cannot be seen to be negl igent. The placing of not ices, warning users of the Play Area of the potent ial danger

of incoming cr icket bal ls etc. , is not seen as being of any benef i t . Agreed: The Parish Counci l to put up not ices warning users of the Chi ldren’s Play Area on Memoria l Playing Field, of the danger of incoming Cr icket Bal ls etc. Proposed:- Cllr . A.Walmsley Seconded:- There was no seconder for th is proposal As a result , the proposal “ fel l ” and therefore no fur ther act ion wi l l be taken on th is subject. (e) Compton Street Play Area – Footbal l p i tch repairs . Covered within Cl l r . Shaw’s report , Appendix “ I” .

13. Parish Hall . (a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “K”. Concern was expressed over the minimal f inance reserves that CASCA have been operat ing under. Also, i t was noted that the Par ish Counci l pay for h ire of the Compton Room for i ts monthly meet ings, in advance. No other group pay for such hir ing in advance. The Par ish Counci l ’s b i l l was to be paid subsequent to this meet ing, a lbei t one month late but st i l l in advance cover ing the next f ive months. (b) Parish Hall – Rent negot iat ions. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised that Negot iat ions are continuing. CASCA’s management had requested the Par ish Counci l ’s posi t ion to be put in wr i t ing for considerat ion.

14. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee – Convenor’s report .

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Cllr . C.Simmons had not submit ted a wr i t ten report , but reported oral ly on the fo l lowing issues.

a. Bus Shel ter – Attwoods Drove. Cllr . Simmons out l ined her invest igat ions to date as fol lows:-

There are no second hand Bus Shel ters avai lable. A need for a bus shelter at the corner of Attwoods Drove has been conf i rmed. A new one costs in the region of £3,500 – th is is understood to be “vandal

proof” . The proposed si t ing of the bus shel ter in quest ion necessi tates i t being “vandal

proof” . Grants can be obtained for up to 75% of the cost of a new bus shelter . Accordingly, the Par ish Counci l would have to fund 25% of the cost –

approximately £900. A f igure of £900 wi l l have to be included in next year ’s budget. Expenditure of £900 from next years budget can be voted upon next year. A let ter f rom Ron Yates, Chairman of the Tenants Associat ion, has been

received, request ing an update on th is issue. Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to in i t iate the appl icat ion for a grant of 75% of the cost of a new bus shel ter . Action: Cllr . C.Simmons to draft a let ter, responding to the let ter received from Ron Yates, Chairman of the Tenants Associat ion, out l in ing the present posi t ion. b. Bench Seats - review. Cllr . C.Simmons advised that Frank Smith has completed the repair of two Bench Seats at a cost of £50-00. The issue is therefore completed, apart f rom the Jubi lee Memoria l Bench Seat proposal .

c . Dog Bins – Attwoods Drove. Cllr Simmons advised the meet ing that Carol ine Barnes of Winchester Ci ty Counci l , had undertaken an inspect ion and as a resul t could not just i fy the instal lat ion of Dog Bins in Attwoods Drove. However, she has put up not ices in Attwoods Drove, drawing the at tent ion of dog owners to the fact that i t is their responsibi l i ty to c lean up any mess lef t by their dogs. This issue is therefore completed.

15 Parish Appraisal Cl l r . G.Beckett advised the meet ing as fo l lows:-

This issue is considered “mor ibund”, because:- 1) To have any weight in p lanning matters, the appraisal must have pr ior

approval of the Planning Department. 2) I t is considered unl ikely that the Planning Department wi l l approve a

document that proposes the planning pol ic ies desired by local residents.

I t is considered unl ikely that the Planning Department wi l l approve such a document.

Agreed: The matter of a “Par ish Appraisal” be removed from the Agenda for the Par ish Counci l , at least unt i l the complet ion of the New Pavi l ion Project . Vote: By a show of hands – Unanimous. Any Other Business. Retirement of the Rector. Cllr . G.Beckett advised the meet ing that the Rector is to leave the Par ish and a Farewel l Party is to be held at 7.30pm on Monday 18t h November 2002 at the school in Otterbourne. Al l Counci l lors are welcome to at tend. W.D.A.P.C. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised the meet ing that he had been at tending meet ings of the W.D.A.P.C. Nothing of note had ar isen.

16. Date of Next Meeting.

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3r d December 2002 at 7.15pm.

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Compton and Shawford Parish Council

Minutes of the Compton and Shawford Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 3r d December 2002 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall , start ing at 7.15pm. Present: Mr. G.Beckett (Chairman), Mr. M.Bel l , Mr.N.Campbel l -White, Mrs. J.Mi l lar , Mrs. M.Shaw. Mrs C.Simmons Mr. T.Threl fa l l , Mrs. J.Val l is , Mr. A.Walmsley. In attendance: Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason O Members of the Publ ic 1. Correspondence - c irculated to a l l members for their response.

The correspondence f i le containing the correspondence for the month of October 2002 was c i rculated to al l Counci l lors.

2 . Apologies for absence.Pol ice Constable Mark Smith County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley.

3 . Minutes - To approve the minutes of the meet ing held on 1s t October 2002 (as circulated) There were no amendments/changes to the minutes of the meet ing held 5 t h November

2002, accordingly the chairman s igned those minutes as being a true record of that meet ing.

4 . Matters aris ing and Outstanding Act ion Points - f rom minutes and not mentioned

elsewhere on the Agenda. Action Points: Outstanding Act ion Points as at the t ime of th is meet ing were c irculated pr ior to th is meet ing. Outstanding Act ion Points subsequent to th is meet ing are as per Appendix “A”. The Chairman, Cl l r . G.Beckett , asked members i f the new method of report ing “outstanding act ions” was acceptable and of benef i t . The general consensus was that i t was and thanks were expressed to Mike Langford who devised the new methodology. There was no discussion on any outstanding act ion point other than what was contained wi th in Convenor ’s Reports. The addit ional Act ion point of “Job Descript ions” was requested to be added to the Finance and Administrat ion l is t of outstanding act ion points. Action: The Clerk to add the subject of “Job Descr ipt ions” to the l is t of outstanding act ion points, to be the responsibi l i ty of Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White of the Finance and Administrat ion Committee.

The Meet ing wi l l be c losed S ta tements , Observa t ions and Ques t i ons f rom Members o f the Pub l i c w i l l be rece ived and addressed. Max imum o f 15 minu tes a l l owed . There being no members of the Publ ic in attendance, there were no quest ions or submissions to be addressed.

The Meet ing wi l l be re-opened.

5. Police Report. P.C. Mark Smith was not in at tendance, but had previously submit ted a wr i t ten report

which is as per Appendix “B” 6. County Council lor's Report. County Counci l lor Ann Bai ley was not in at tendance, but had previously submitted a

wr i t ten report which is as per Appendix “C” 7. District Counci l lor's Report.

Distr ic t Counci l lors Char lot te Bai ley’s and Peter Mason’s report is as per Appendix “D”. a) PPG3 applying to p lots of land of less than 1 hectare. Covered with in Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley’s report , Appendix “D”.

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Signi f icant discussion took place on the subjects of “PPG3 apply ing to plots of land of less than 1 hectare” and the “Mawdlam Lodge Appeal” . With regard to th is lat ter issue, Cl l r . G.Beckett wi l l take soundings as to the l ikely numbers of people who wi l l wish to at tend the appeal and i f they wi l l make representat ions. Action: Cllr . G.Beckett to ident i fy approximate numbers of people wishing to at tend the Appeal and who wi l l make representat ions, advis ing Distr ic t Counci l lor Char lot te Bai ley of his f indings. Quest ions were ra ised concerning the “Housing Monitor ing Report” and i ts inc lus ion in the “Urban Capacity Study” and “Winchester Local Distr ic t Plan”. Distr ic t Counci l lor Charlot te Bai ley made i t c lear that these are three ent i re ly separate reports. The “Urban Capacity Study” may have addi t ions included i f requested from the “Housing Monitor ing Report” . The “Housing Monitor ing Report” is produced every 1 year and the “Urban Capaci ty Study” is produced every 5 years.

8. Parish Transport Representative's Report . Char lot te Bai ley’s report is as per Appendix “E”.

Distr ic t Counci l lor Peter Mason expressed concern of the new procedures whereby the day-to-day maintenance of roads with in the Distr ic t is being passed from Hampshire County Counci l to Winchester Ci ty Counci l . Time wi l l te l l as to the effect iveness of th is new arrangement. The Aide Memoir referenced in Char lot te Bai ley’s report wi l l be made avai lable to al l Par ish Counci ls .

9. Parish Tree Warden's /Parish Footpaths/Compton Lock Representat ive’s Report.

Cllr . T.Threl fa l l ’s report is as per Appendix “F” . a) Tree clearance a long Rai lway embankment. A let ter had been received from Rai l track concerning the issue of rumoured t ree and scrub c learance along the Rai lway embankment. I t has now been confi rmed that only a 1 metre wide str ip a long the fence l ine wi l l be c leared to e l iminate encroachment. At present i t is uncerta in as to when this work wi l l be carr ied out. I t is understood that the affected residents are happy wi th th is proposal . The let ter f rom Rai l t rack, dated 19t h November 2002, is held on f i le . Action: The Clerk to wr i te to the resident who in i t iated invest igat ions into this subject , explaining the current s i tuat ion. b) Footpath f rom Hurdle Way to Compton Street . The Issue of the state of the footpath from Hurdle Way to Compton Street has been reported to Mrs. Gi les, Rights of Way Area Off icer South, and i t is ant ic ipated that appropr iate act ion wi l l take place in due course. No def in i t ive date for such work can be given by Mrs. Gi les, i t could be up to one year hence. Cl l r . Threl fa l l wi l l moni tor the s i tuat ion.

10. Finance and Administrat ion Committee . - Convenor's Report. Cllr . N.Campbel l -White ’s report is as per Appendix “G”.

a) Parish Accounts - Cheques for payment . The state of the Par ish Counci l Accounts at the date of th is meet ing is as per Appendix “H”. Cheques for payment were circulated for s ignatures. b) Lease of Proposed New Pavil ion to Spor ts Club – update. Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “G”. Further discussion ensued, the sal ient points being as fol lows:-

The Finance and Administrat ion Commit tee are now wai t ing to receive comments from the Sports Club on the amendments put forward by the Finance and Administrat ion Committee.

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Paul Murray is concerned that th is procedure does not delay the s igning of Tender contracts.

The 17t h December 2002 is the date on which the Par ish Counci l wi l l be advised as to the success, or otherwise, of the Lottery funding appl icat ion.

Assuming success, i t is desirable that the new Lease for the Sports Club be s igned in February 2003 at the latest .

Assuming consensus of agreement between the Par ish Counci l and the Sports Club, then the proposed document must be put through the Sol ic i tors for legal rat i f icat ion.

Due to past exper ience, i t is p lanned to obtain quotat ion for the legal work f rom three Sol ic i tors, which in i tsel f may cause a possible delay.

The quest ion of VAT has yet to be resolved. VAT on the construct ion and VAT on the rent is to be t reated as two separate

issues. Assuming VAT is to be paid on the construct ion, a short fa l l of approximately

£60,000 is envisaged i f the refund of VAT is delayed in any way. I t ’s a quest ion of “cash-f low”, regular monthly refunds of VAT would al leviate the s i tuat ion.

VAT on the rent is perceived to be a problem only dur ing the construct ion per iod when the VAT threshold is exceeded.

Now is a good t ime for Counci l lors to review the proposed lease as i t current ly stands, in order to el iminate any di f ferences of opin ion at a later date.

Agreed:- The subject of complet ing the Lease negotiat ions wi th the Sports Club, the select ion and submission to an appropriate Sol ic i tor , together wi th resolut ion of the VAT quest ion to be delegated to the Finance and Administrat ion Committee for resolut ion. Proposed: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar . Seconded: Cllr . M.Shaw. Vote: Unanimous. Action:- Cllr . N.Campbel l-White to communicate wi th the Customs and Excise to obtain a rul ing on the VAT issue, preferably such rul ing to be in wr i t ing. Action:- All Counci l lors to review the proposed Lease as i t now stands, in order to e l iminate any possible delay in i ts s igning. The proposed lease to be obtained f rom the Clerk or any member of the Finance and Administrat ion Commit tee.

c) Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Publicat ion Schemes. Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “G”. Agreed: The Par ish Counci l approves the “Publ icat ion Scheme” for Compton and Shawford Par ish Counci l as recommended by the Finance and Administrat ion Committee. Proposed: Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded: Cl l r . J .Mi l lar . Vote: Unanimous. Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White expressed his thanks to the clerk for h is preparatory work on this subject . d) Job Descr ipt ions for Convenors Cllr . N.Campbel l-White advised the meeting that only one submission had been received to-date. Accordingly the act ion as referenced under i tem 4 above was requested. e) War Memorial – Vandalism to s tone cross – update Covered with in Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “G”. f) Budgets for 2003/2004. Covered wi th in Cl lr . N.Campbel l -White ’s report , Appendix “G”. In addi t ion some discussion took place, the main points were as fol lows:-

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A f i rs t Draft budget had now been prepared, copies of which had been c irculated to the Finance and Administrat ion Committee.

This has yet to be reviewed by that committee. In i t ia l analysis of the draf t Budget indicates an increase of the Precept by

17%. A degree of d iscomfort wi th such a high level of increase was expressed. Such an increase would require sound reasons to support i t . With the New Pavi l ion Project , an increase must be expected.

Agreed: The Finance and Administrat ion Committee to review the proposed Budget for the Financial year 2003/2004 and endeavour to reduce the ant ic ipated increase to only 10% approximately. Vote:- By a show of hands, Unanimous. Action:- Cll r . N.Campbel l-White to convene a meet ing of the Finance and Administrat ion Committee, to review the proposed Budget wi th a view to reducing the ant ic ipated increase in Precept to approximately 10% and submit the resul tant Budget and Precept proposal to the January Par ish Counci l Meet ing for rat i f icat ion. g) Gyoury Self (Structural Engineers) Invoice - £630. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White explained the s i tuat ion concerning th is invoice, as fo l lows:-

The quotat ion for Structural Engineer ing services in the sum of £4200 from Gyoury Self was accepted by the Par ish Counci l in Apr i l 2002.

Pre Tender costs apport ioned to Structural Engineer ing payable to Guoury Self were est imated by Gent le Associates to be £3200, of which £3150 has already been paid.

Al l pre Tender costs were expected to be paid out of the £15040 donated by the New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Committee, therefore no addit ional sums were ant ic ipated to be paid out of Par ish Counci l funds for pre Tender work.

This sum of £630 was in addit ion to the pre Tender costs for Structural Engineer ing work expected from Gyoury Self . Accordingly, th is sum is in addi t ion to the £15040 donated by the New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Committee and therefore would have to be paid out of Par ish Counci l Funds.

The work has been done and the invoice has to be paid. I t is wi thin the or iginal quotat ion of £4200.

The delay in the project due to Gent le Associates get t ing the ant ic ipated Project Cost wrong, has contr ibuted to th is s i tuat ion.

Agreed:- The invoice for £630, payable to Gyoury Sel f for Structural Engineer ing Services, to be paid out of Parish Counci l funds, budgeted for wi th in the 2002/2003 Budget for the New Pavi l ion Project . Proposed:- Cl l r . N.Campbel l-White Seconded:- Cl l r . G.Beckett Vote for:- 7 Vote against:- 0 Abstentions:- 2.

11. Planning Committee. - Convenor’s report . Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s report is as per Appendix “H”.

a) Applicat ions and decis ions. Planning Appl icat ions and Decis ions for the month of November 2002 are as per Appendix “ I ” . Discussion took place on the Appeal being lodged by Lady Hoddinot concerning the planning appl icat ion that was refused at Mawdlam Lodge. The main points were as fo l lows:-

The Par ish Counci l supports the Urban Capacity Study as now understood and therefore considers that the ear l ier object ion on the erect ion of two dwel l ings should be wi thdrawn.

The appeal is against the refusal of Winchester Ci ty Counci l a l lowing the construct ion of two dwel l ings in the garden of Mawdlam Lodge, the planners

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advocat ing a higher density (greater number of dwel l ings) as demanded by PPG3.

Two dwel l ings is reasonable rather than the higher densi ty advocated by PPG3.

EN1 al lows for two dwel l ings on a s i te such as this , but th is may be wi thdrawn under the new Local Plan.

I t is appropr iate for the Par ish Counci l to amend i ts posi t ion in v iew of subsequent events and decisions and support Lady Hoddinot in this appeal.

Some local Residents nei ther support or object to th is development, whi lst others object to any development of th is nature, a posi t ion which is considered untenable.

Feedback from local res idents is expected subsequent to a Residents Associat ion meet ing being held on 5t h December 2002.

I f th is appeal is successful , then a useful precedent is created for use in other s imi lar proposals in the future.

Action:- Cllr . M.Bel l to respond to the Not i f icat ion of Appeal , g iv ing the Par ish Counci l ’s support for the lowest proposed densi ty of development. b) Dibden Bay – Repor t . Referenced under Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s , Appendix “H”. The views of the Par ish Counci l were sought on the fur ther object ion as requested by Mr Boundy concerning the ant ic ipated increase in ra i l t raf f ic . Agreed:- The general consensus of the meet ing was that the comments already submit ted were suff ic ient and that further object ion on the ant ic ipated increase in ra i l t raf f ic would not be appropr iate.

Action:- Cllr . M.Bel l to draf t a response to Mr. Boundy concerning the Par ish Counci l ’s posi t ion on the quest ion of ant ic ipated increased rai l t raf f ic .

c) Affordable Housing – update. Referenced under Cl l r . M.Bel l ’s report , Appendix “H”. Some discussion took place on moving forward wi th th is subject and ident i fy ing possible s i tes, which could be inc luded in a survey of potent ia l “Affordable Housing Sites” . Agreed:- Mr. Richardson to be requested to undertake a survey into ident i fy ing potent ia l s i tes sui table for Affordable Housing developments. Vote:- By a show of hands, Unanimous. Action:- Cllr . M.Bel l to request Mr.Richardson to in i t iate a survey into ident i fy ing sui table s i tes for Affordable Housing Development. d) Planning “Policy Statement” . Issue not discussed. The issue of the “Conservative Group Planning Committee – suggested change” was raised by Cl l r . M.Bel l , detai ls wi th in h is report Appendix “H”. Action:- Cllr . M.Bel l to respond to the quest ionnaire in a posi t ive manner.

12. Playing Fields Management Committee. - Convenor's report. Cl l r . M.Shaw’s report is as per Appendix

(a) Landscaping/screening Tennis Cour ts . Cllr . M.Shaw reported that no act ion on th is issue had been undertaken by the Tennis Club other than reject ion of the Par ish Counci l ’s speci f icat ion of required plant ing. General d iscussion took place, the main points being as fol lows:-

The Tennis Club had agreed to undertake any required screening of neighbour ing propert ies subsequent to the resurfacing of the exist ing Tennis Courts, resul t ing in a height increase.

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The Parish Counci l had forwarded to the Tennis Club a speci f icat ion of the required screening.

The Tennis Club has rejected that speci f icat ion and appears to be “back pedal l ing” on their previous undertaking.

Cl l r . G.Beckett fe l t le t down by the Tennis Club in their apparent re luctance to conform to the previously made agreement.

A let ter to the Tennis Club request ing their proposals had been sent on the 27t h November, a response is awai ted.

(b) Plaques – publ icis ing donat ions to the two Play Areas. Cllr . M.Shaw advised that these plaques have been ordered and their del ivery is awaited. (c) Liquidamber tree replacement on Memorial Playing Field . Cllr . M.Shaw advised that the appropr iate quotes had been obtained and Richard Morr is had been requested to undertake the work. The Liquidamber tree had been removed and Sorbus – Whitebeam – planted. The issue is therefore now completed. Signi f icant d iscussions took place concerning the renovat ion/ landscaping of the Memoria l Playing Field once the new Pavi l ion is bui l t and the old Pavi l ion removed. The sal ient points being as fo l lows:-

With the bui ld ing of the new Pavi l ion and car park, pr imari ly on the M3 reclaimed land, s ignif icant work in refurbishment of that part of the M3 reclaimed land not ut i l ised by the bui ld ing works wi l l ensue.

With the removal of the old Pavi l ion and the construct ion of the Third Tennis court , extensive landscaping of the remaining s i te, together with fencing and gates, wi l l be necessary.

Funds have been speci f ied in the 2003/2004 Budgets to cover th is work, however i t cannot be determined when th is work wi l l be necessary.

I t was considered too ear ly to determine when th is work can be undertaken, but i t is prudent to assume that i t may be with in the f inancial year 2003/2004.

Action:- Cllr . G.Beckett to wr i te to Paul Murray’s New Pavi l ion Bui ld ing Committee request ing them to speci fy approximate dates at which t ime such work can be commenced and to advise the Par ish Counci l what the contract wi l l contain in this respect.

Cl l r . N.Campbel l -White ra ised the quest ion of the let ter received from Mr. D.El l is

concerning the plant ing of Trees for screening of the Tennis Courts and the provis ion of adequate car parking on the Memoria l Playing Field. Cl l r . G.Beckett advised that he had spoken to Mr.El l is and had answered the comments made in his let ter . No wr i t ten response was necessary.

13. Parish Hall .

(a) Report f rom our rep on CASCA Management . Cllr . J.Mi l lar ’s report is as per Appendix “K”. (b) Parish Hall – Rent negot iat ions. Cllr . N.Campbel l-White has wr i t ten notes on the quest ion of the Rent Negotiat ions and has submit ted them to CASCA’s Management Commit tee. Mr. M.Mathews wi l l respond in wr i t ing in due course.

14. Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee – Convenor’s report . Cl l r . C.Simmons had not submitted a wr i t ten report , but reported oral ly .

a. Bus Shel ter – Attwoods Drove. Cllr . Simmons reported as fo l lows:-

She had attended a meeting of the Tenants Associat ion. I t was establ ished that an average of 11 people per day would use the

proposed bus shel ter . Quest ions on the cessat ion of the dai ly bus service were discounted. Appl icat ion for a grant to purchase a new bus shelter is current ly being


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The style of the proposed bus shel ter was quest ioned and i t was thought that only a “shelter” type was needed, not a fu l ly enclosed shelter .

Action:- Cllr . C.Simmons to invest igate the precise sty le of Bus Shel ter that would be sui table and acceptable and report back the next meet ing. b. Bench Seat – Donated by Golden Jubi lee Celebrat ion Committee. A let ter from David Jobson, dated 12t h November 2002, on behalf of the Golden Jubi lee Celebrat ion Commit tee was referred to. Whi lst the Commit tee had donated £522-34 to the instal lat ion of a new Bench Seat together wi th commemorative plaque, they had requested that th is new Bench Seat be instal led in e i ther of the two Chi ldren’s Play Areas, preferably in the one at Memorial Playing Field. Af ter some discussion the fo l lowing was agreed. Action/Agreed:- Cllr . G.Beckett to respond in wr i t ing to the let ter from David Jobson, agreeing to their proposal to instal l the new Bench Seat with in the Chi ldren’s Play Area on Memorial Playing Field. Action:- Cllr . G.Beckett to wr i te to the Woman’s Inst i tute advis ing them that due to a change of mind, the Bench Seat or ig inal ly donated by the W.I . , wi l l not now be replaced as stated in the Parish Counci l ’s let ter of 11t h October 2002. Action:- The Clerk to ini t iate the order ing and purchasing of a new bench seat as previously specif ied, together wi th the prescr ibed plaque. Cl l r . C.Simmons has been informed that there have been large quant i t ies of Horse manure deposited with in the Subway under the M3. I t was quest ioned whether the Par ish Counci l has any powers to prevent horses from using the Subway. Action:- Cllr . C.Simmons to invest igate the rout ing of the appropr iate Br id leway and report back to the next meeting. Concerns had been raised by residents in respect of the dangers and di f f icul t ies caused by the cars parked at the s ide of the road in Compton Street opposi te the School dur ing the per iods when the School opens and closes. This matter had previously been pursued and sui table proposals draf ted, but had met wi th l i t t le enthusiasm, i f not outr ight disapproval . Action:- Cllr . C.Simmons to contact Mrs. Sol lom at the School and the Parochial Church Counci l to establ ish i f there is any support in re instat ing the previous proposal on el iminat ing th is problem.

15. Date of Next Meet ing.

7t h January 2003.

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