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Computer Folk Art

By David Rickett

version 2.0

I dedicate Computer Folk Art version 2.0 to Heidi. For 17 years she

has been by my side for all my creative endeavors.

Thank you for witnessing the debut of Computer Folk Art 2.0.  Please enjoy the following presentation.  These twenty-six works represent a refinement of the original Computer Folk Art exhibit from Echo Park’s Herbert Gallery in 2003.  I’ve chosen this display method because I believe the future of art is interactive, luminous and accessible to everyone.  This is my humble attempt to be part of that future. 

David RickettAugust 4th, 2007

Red GuyThis is the original. This is the one that started it all. As mentioned in the video regarding the origins of Computer Folk Art, this is one of the first attempts at storyboard creation. This work is a particular favorite of the original and continuing patron of Computer Folk Art, Parris Patton. This work continues to provide impetus for subsequent works like, “Red Guy Doppelganger” and “Boss of Red Guy.” Stay tuned.

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Roy G. Biv

Additive?  Subtractive?  I can never remember which one.  If you know what I’m talking about, you should have this color wheel with you at all times.  It’s not a normal color wheel, nor is it particularly accurate, but if you have a background in photography and/or printing, you know how to interpret this on various artistic levels.  If you’re English, you might be aware that “Richard of York Gave Battle In Vein.”

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The VillageA building with an adjoining tree is an image I seem to see repeatedly, in real life and in my imagination. This Computer Folk Art 2.0 image was specifically designed in that vein, and more importantly, designed to emit a warm, pleasing color in the proper amount. When viewed long enough, a place and time from your own life will inhabit this lively setting, if you allow it. For some it won’t take any time at all.

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Thanks, Apt ManagerThis art work was inspired by a community laundry room where the apartment manager had a problem with people gunking up the clothes dryers.  The handwritten message taped to the wall read:  “Attention: Please don’t dry your clothes if it has TAR in it.  Consider the next guy who is going to use the dryer.  It takes a long time to clean the screen in the dryers.  Thanks Apt Mgr.”  Tar in the laundry sounds really bad.

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Tar in the LaundryThis is the companion piece for “Thanks Apt Mgr.” That handwritten sign stayed up for years and apparently the tar abuse the dryers received was a one time occurrence.  Perhaps the inconsiderate person saw the sign and never did it again. As far as I know, no one ever talked about the tar. Shortly after this work was created, the sign disappeared. Since I had nothing to do with it, I assume it was coincidence.

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Spammers GibberishThis is an example of a hashbuster.  When a spam message is identified and filtered out, the spammers insert this gibberish as a way to make the message look different from the one previously identified.  Special algorithms write the words so spam filters are fooled into believing it’s a new unique message.  This is just a snapshot in the escalating arms race between the spammers and the email recipients. Most people are hoping the spammers will be vanquished.

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Mother & ChildI’ve been surprised by the myriad interpretations this work has received.  For instance, one person suggested it was a mother and child coming to view an image of themselves in an art museum.  Computer Folk Art interpretations are as numerous as the bytes used to create them.  Plus, I’ve found this to be a particularly brilliant light source.  You may have also seen this work featured in the various promotion videos.

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Huntington ConservatoryThis image is iconic, hence it deserves treatment in the style of Computer Folk Art.  I captured the original image with an antique digital camera that shoots 640 x 480 resolution.  Then it was reworked by hand (computer hand that is) and then layered to give it a third dimensionality. Part of the Huntington Library and Gardens in San Marino, CA, the conservatory is a wonderful place for young people to learn about science and nature.

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FishThis was a popular Computer Folk Art 1.0 image that found its way into the new presentation.  It was on the postcard for the successful first Computer Folk Art show at Herbert Galleries in 2003.  It’s an early image from before Computer Folk Art established an identity. It also represents the punch line to one of my favorite light bulb jokes:  “How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb?”  “A fish!”

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I’m Sorry, DaveThis is the iconic image from the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey.”  The HAL 9000 computer was the first computer to enter the public consciousness.  I’ve always felt that HAL was talking to me specifically, because of those final defiant moments from the film when HAL flatly states to Dr. Bowen, “I’ can’t do that, Dave.” Nowadays, we know all about how computers can be uncooperative, but they don’t do it by their own choosing.$80

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The Blue MarbleThe Blue Marble description refers to the background.  The images in the foreground layer are words coded with Wingdings, the wacky font built into Windows for many years.  They are key words from the First Amendment. Concern for the loss of those freedoms found its way into this work.  For anyone who takes this work home, I will attempt to decode those words so you can ponder them, and hopefully protect those ideals they represent.

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Windows 95 Control Panel

Twelve years is a long time.  In terms of Computer Folk Art, I liken this to putting antique Coke a-Cola ads and such on the wall.  Microsoft Windows tried to move away from this look as the number of icons became unruly.  A new way of organizing them came with Windows XP, but wisely, for those wary of change, Microsoft gives you the option of “Classic View.”  This work is a testament to the “Classic View.”


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Mars NowMany people have asked me about the significance of this work and why it points to that particular location on the surface of Mars.  One day the truth will be widely known. But for now it is a closely guarded secret.  I will not reveal who is keeping the secret and why so please don’t ask.  Meanwhile, enjoy the work as it is and know that the truth will eventually come out; perhaps not in our lifetimes, but it will be known.


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Piano in the Lobby

This work is based on a photo taken in the lobby of the Royal Palm Hotel in Miami Beach.  The Royal Palm is one of the original

art deco hotels from the early days of Miami Beach.  I happened to be there during the annual Hip Hop Weekend.  Just as the weekend began, the piano disappeared.  The following Monday the piano returned.


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The F-ClefBombarded with modern icons, I often long for the traditional ones. I was drawn to this one because of my own background from a bass playing family.  Someone once suggested I pursue computer folk music. That day is coming. I suspect it will involve loop samples and USB microphones.


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This is the sequel to a computer Folk Art 1.0 work called “Hourly” (now in the John Wesley Kristopic Collection, CA & CT, all rights reserved).  “Hourly” wouldn’t have made the Herbert 2003 show if not for the insistence of Parris Patton.  This time the looming figure from “Hourly” employs an innocent bystander on a weekly basis.  Consider your own outlook on life. How do you perceive the passage of time? Hourly, Dailey, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly?


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LA SkylineIf your leaving this exhibit tonight via Echo Park Blvd toward the 101 Freeway, please hold this image in you mind as you enter the freeway so you can overlay it with the view of Downtown LA.  Los Angeles is the city of the twenty-first century. It will follow in the footsteps of Paris, London and New York. Cities grow up around marketplaces. What ever your commerce may be, make it worthy of a great city.


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Echo Lake, Echo ParkThis is a recreation of “Le Pont Japonais” (The Japanese Bridge.)  This homage to the famous painting is combined with an image from down the block.  Instead of the Japanese Garden in France, the background is Echo Park Lake.  The bridge is pure Computer Folk Art.  This reveals something about folk art made with a computer.  I’m not really certain what it is, but it has something to do with lily pads and discovering the tools at your disposal.

10” x 13”$299

includes sensor plug

The GridTo see and be aware of trouble is not always enough to make one avoid it. Some simply reach out to the grid, even though they know it to be electrified. Perhaps a shock is the only thrill possible. Every society has needed its trouble makers. Is it right to strive to be the right sort of troublemaker? Can a troublemaker turn a society in the right direction?$75

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Approval RatingI don’t know how we ended up

living in a time when sociopaths have approval ratings, but here we are. According to Wikipedia, Psychopathy “is currently defined in psychiatry and clinical psychology as a condition characterized by lack of empathy or conscience, and poor impulse control or manipulative behaviors.” Perhaps the sociopath will face a reckoning.

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Boss of Red GuyBoss of Red Guy never worked on himself as a person, even though he knew he suffered from some terrible character flaws. Red Guy, simply trying to make his way though life, developed his own coping mechanisms. When Boss of Red Guy would say terrible things, Red Guy would remove himself and soar through his own digital universe. He enjoyed a different plane of existence.$75

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Stepping Away

He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. This is the opposite ideal expressed in “The Grid.” Many times, leaving a situation alone is the key to winning a war. Sometimes not allowing the fight is the only way to win.


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LighthouseA lighthouse has always been a folk art favorite. Here is the computer version. The colors in this work are wonderfully archetypal as a result of how the computer creates them. This is another work designed not only for the image but for the light that it cast. Blue and yellow leave a pleasing hue for the soul. Try it, you might like it.


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Birthday WishThese twins love cheesecake. The twins always have cheesecake on their minds. Neither of them really believes that the moon is made of cheese. It was all a joke. So now the twins, who always share a birthday, also share a love of cheesecake, be it regular cheesecake or some lunar flavored cheesecake.


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Chango Guy

Chango Guy is a relative of Red Guy. They have the same Echo Park lineage. Chango Guy is the reason you are seeing this show. He was born from Herbert Gallery just up the avenue from here. Providing a good service for the community is at the core of Chango Guy’s existence.


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Foxes is the last remaining piece from the original Computer Folk Art show at Herbert Galleries in 2003. I display it to demonstrate how Computer Folk Art has evolved. These units were battery operated and not as durable as version 2.0. I’m looking forward to continuing the development of Computer Folk Art.


Red Guy DoppelgangerAre you one of those people who is asked, “You look familiar to me.  Do I know you?”  I am one of those people.  It’s been said that if you travel far enough and long enough you will eventually meet your self; a doppelganger. “Red Guy” has traveled along the Internet and through various printing methods so much that he has met a likeness of himself, not an exact likeness, but close.  Perhaps “Red Guy” will continue to travel and meet his identical twin.  Will the universe remain intact as a result of meeting?  I’ll have to get back to you.


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The companion wall mounted motion sensor provides the same functions as the originals. If the Computer Folk Art is in a dark room with persons (or animals) coming and going, the art will light up when it detects motion. When the room is lighted, like from daylight from a window, the art will remain unlighted, despite any detection of motion. This energy saving operation mode combined with an estimated lamp life of 20,000 hours will deliver years of illuminated Computer Folk Art.         Sometimes a dark hallway or stairway is the perfect place where a small amount of light and art are needed. (Many Computer Folk Art owners have mounted the works in their bathrooms). Also, you can adjust the amount of time it stays lighted. As always, Computer Folk Art can be very useful in an electrical emergency since it will operate on the AA batteries inside. The artwork is signed and dated by the artist on the frame as well as the main image (though hidden by the matte).

The Sensor Plug

Presentation Design and CompilationTim Hochschild

Artwork and DescriptionsDavid Rickett

Show CuratorsParris Patton, Paige Wiery

Special Thanks ToChango Coffee, Steve Cioffi, Sam Daughtry, Shin Ito & Robert Bullard

[email protected]



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