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  • 7/31/2019 Computer System Administraion and Management


    Imrans Corparation

    Proposal for




    JMARCH 23, 2012

    System Administrator

  • 7/31/2019 Computer System Administraion and Management



    Table of Content

    No. Content Page


    1. 1.0 Introduction 2

    2. 2.0NetDMZ Network Management Software2.1 Features of NetDMZ


    3. 3.0 Problem Analysis 4

    4. 4.0 Conclusion 5


    5. How to Install, Deploy and Configure

    - Guide of installation- Guide of using NetDMZ


    6. References 17

    7. Workload Distribution 17

  • 7/31/2019 Computer System Administraion and Management



    1.0 Introduction

    I am hereby to propose a solution to help and maintain the management of ImranEs Corp and

    creating a path for a better quality, security and achieving company. For your information, I

    have been observed the company for a period and noticed that the administration of network,

    services and computerized systems are not properly managed. Thus, I would like to suggest

    and provide a tool that can help to manage and reduce these problems. This tool has been sold

    in wide area of enterprises and received a very good response from the user. So, I am

    guarantee that you will be satisfied using the tool. I will be very pleased if you can approve

    this proposal and hopefully I can get immediate response so we can be more efficient in our


    2.0 NetDMZ Network Management Software

    NetDMZ Network Management Software is a tool that has been suggested for your company

    in order to create a great atmosphere in corporate working place. It is designed for local area

    network (LAN) monitoring and management software where it can improve effectiveness of

    the product and reduce excessive waste of resources.

    NetDMZ is open source network software that is applicable for local area network (LAN)

    environment. It works under mode of C/S, where the administrator uses a server to monitor

    clients within its LAN range.

    Windows kernel programming technology is used to monitor and control for this software by

    using high-intensity of WYWinStu090. It encoded the communications protocol based on

    TCP/IP protocol with web IPR.Foreign-based free open source "winpcap" Ethereal. It is

    groups of foreign programmers work for free and they open all the source code. After a little

    bit of modification to the software, it would be used as products for sale in the market.

    2.1 Features

    By using NetDMZ, system administrator can monitor and log any program, applications or

    Windows that is currently running or had been run previously through network path for

    particular computers. This software especially useful for monitoring and logging files on

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    employees in a big corporation. They can monitor all client computers within the network

    just by through their own office. They can instantly know when their clients visited the

    websites, what kind of program running at the moment, what kind of social application (e.g

    Yahoo Messenger, MSN, Skype) the clients used and logs their conversation. Besides that,

    manager can monitor and logs Windows that clients opened including their screen images,

    they plug in the USB in what time, when and what new program that the clients copying,

    deleting or installing.

    In the software, pie chart is used to show the period of time client have spent on particular

    software or program per day and the percentage client use what kind of software or program

    for a day. The system administrator can know network traffic of each computer per minute

    and identify activity of downloading and uploading files through the server. By this, the

    guarantee of companys information security is high.

    System administrator can make a file backup in their management system. So, if theres

    anything goes wrong with the clients computer, the server still holds the backup data. The

    system administration can add or modifying particular work document each day, such as

    Word document, to the company server and give a message to a particular client such as

    reminder or warning. This software also provides log records of all emails through Outlook to

    the server. This is also very important feature since its involves the companys security.

    NetDMZ can act as a system information monitor, besides checking the computer hardware

    information and hard disk memory usage of the machine.

    Besides monitoring, snapshots the clients screen and log reports, the system administrator

    can control by blocking certain programs, Windows or websites and make some restriction

    for the clients. They can block the USB storage devices andn game intelligently such as Dota,

    Call of Duty, Counter Strike and much more; block or restrict the activity of add, remove or

    setup programs; after that log reports the blocked programs and Windows. They also can

    block any kind of media player such as RealOne, Media Player or Flash show and social

    application such as Yahoo Messenger and Skype. They also can filter any website by

    blocking or disable search engine for particular websites when the client accessing the

    internet such as Facebook, Youtube, porn websites and much more.

    System administration also can control the time of client using the computer. For example,

    the client can only use the computer during work hour from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. thecomputer will automatically shut down after pass 5.00 pm. They also can restrict that any

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    program cannot be open when accessing Word or Excel. The software also provides control

    the bandwidth that then client used for downloading and uploading activity or when

    accessing websites. By using NetDMZ, the task of monitoring and controlling the clients

    becomes much easier and this way could increase the productivity and quality of work of the


    3.0 Problem Analysis

    Without a system that can control and monitor all activity that involves the company system,

    there is a huge risk to the company to a decline not only in economically but also in

    reputation and quality work of the employees. For an example, the mislead of using the

    internet by the employees for downloading and surfing the internet that do not involved and

    related to their work will effect and delay the daily work of company.

    Activity such as download video, music, movie and much more will use a huge amount of

    bandwidth in the company network and thus will decrease the internet speed and affect the

    efficiency of the workers. By surfing the internet or by download file on the internet, there is

    a huge risk that a virus will download also in the process and affect the company computer.

    This virus could damage the company file, leak it to the internet and also hack into the

    company system.When this happen, important document of the company cannot be access

    and this can slow down the company efficiency and involve the cost to repair some computer

    that has been damage by the virus.

    Without any proper monitoring tools, we cant possibly know who and what the employees

    are doing. Also in sending or receiving email, we cannot trace who and what type of

    messages is being sent. It might be a threat of the security of your company, and they will no

    backup of the email service. We can control, analysis, monitor and make sure the above

    problem would not happen with the use of NetDMZ system that can control almost every

    activity in the company computer and system.

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    4.0 Conclusion

    NetDMZ system along with its various features helps to increase the quality of our network

    and computerized system will be more manageable and secure. By implementing the system,

    it will reduce the worry of the company about leakage important or secret information

    regarding the company and its product and increase the security system. It will also managing

    and secure the companys finance, file management, employee carelessness and much more.

    Company will gain lot of benefit from it, not for a while but for a long term. It is better to

    prevent the problems from happening rather than to fix it which increase money consumption

    and delay time.

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    Guide of installation

    The NetDMZ program is split into two parts that is for the client and for the server. The client

    is installing to the worker and the server is installing to the system administrator.

    For the client installation, the setup will ask the name of the computer or the IP address of the

    server. This will help the server to detect the client computer.

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    Guide for using NetDMZ

    This is the main interface for the server installation setup. From the screenshot above, the

    server is monitoring the computer name DARK-PC. This monitoring system can get the IP

    address and MAC address of the computer.

    When the server double clicks a certain computer, there are several option available for the

    system administrator such as limit option, browser, client and much more. NetDMZ can

    block process, program, installation of a device, instant messaging and much more. This will

    help to avoid the worker to do something unnecessarily that is not related to the work.

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    This open source program also provides service of blocking any URL that has been choose

    by the system administrator. This block URL cant be open by the client in any way. Some

    program such as Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox can also be block by using this option.

    The system administrator also can decide what word that the client cant see. In this

    screenshot, any website that contains the word stock or lottery cant be view by the client

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    in any way of possible. There are also some options to allow the URL that contain those word

    to be view. This can be done by adding the URL itself to the exception list.

    Some programs can be blocked from the server itself. Program with extension such as exe,

    mp3, doc and much more can be block. These blocked programs cant be run at the client

    computer unless it is allowed by the system administrator itself.

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    Each of the computer is set to save a log file that will record every activity of the computer

    such as data transmission, URL visited, instant messaging, Email from Outlook, Programs

    that ran and screenshot setting.

    An advantage of this software is it can backup any type of document such as office document,

    music and much more from a specific computer or group choose by the system administrator.

    Those file will be automatically upload to the server from the client and the server will store

    it. These will help decrease of lost of important data in a company.

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    The main problem in most of the company is the bandwidth allocation for each of the

    computer. When a computer downloads a huge file at a time, it will affect the other computer

    in the same with network. NetDMZ provide bandwidth limitation to computers. The

    download and upload speed of a computer is fixed so that when it download or upload, it

    wont affect the other computer in same network.

    NetDMZ give the privileges to the system administrator to block certain port of a computer

    remotely such as port number 1513 for online gaming programs and port 8080 for internet

    surfing that is commonly used for web proxy and caching server, or for running a web server

    as non-root user.

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    There are some issues in most of the company in the world such as worker do work overtime

    but not exactly do their work. An option is provided to the server installation that allow the

    server to disable, block, shutdown or customize a client computer after a certain period of

    time that is decided by the company policy.

    NetDMZ will detect automatically detect each and every software from the start of

    monitoring the computer until it shutdown. Every activity, open application, running process

    and much more will be shown to the system administrator.

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    The system administrator can send a simple message to the client computer and the client

    computer will receive the message. This is very useful to warn the worker to do things relater

    to work only and not doing anything else. The server computer can remotely shutdown or

    restart the client computer without asking the client permission.

    The client computer will receive the message from the server computer and the client cant

    reply it back.

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    Server computer will automaticly capture the image of the desktop that is set by the system

    administrator. This is as a proof if the worker is doing something other work when in

    working time.

    The above screenshot, there are several option that is given to the system administrator in

    order to control a particular computer or group. This options include viewing the program

    that has been installed in a computer, view the running process, system information such as

    hard disk space and RAM of the computer. The administrator can also restart the computer or

    turn off the computer without warning to the client itself. This can help the systemadministrator to shutting down computers without going to each of the computers.

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    NetDMZ is mainly to assist the network administrator in monitoring other computers

    in order to prevent the worker wasting their time on web surfing the internet, gaming,

    streaming and downloading rather than doing their work.

    Most of the workers nowadays is always surfing the internet such as Facebook, twitter,

    Myspace and Friendster even when it is in the working hour. This would decrease the

    efficiency of company and thus slowing down the productivity of a company. With the used

    of NetDMZ, the system administrator can prevent this from happening by blocking a certain

    URL or words in a website. The blocking service is also include on blocking application

    inside the client itself such as music, games, block access to control panel, regedit and much

    more that is depend on the system administrator to set it.

    Another common problem that is always happen is the used of bandwidth inside the

    company itself. Bandwidth is shared among the computers inside the company. When a

    certain computer download or upload a huge file from the internet, it will affect the other

    computer in the same network thus slowing the other computer in doing their work. This

    problem can be prevent by limiting the bandwidth in each group or computer so that it wont

    affect the other computer in the network (LAN).

    There is a possibility that any of the computer inside the company network might be

    infected by virus such as malware, Trojan and spyware that could lead to file lost or

    corrupted windows file. The system administrator can setup a time for any computer to send a

    backup to the server. This could prevent data lost and consumption of time for recovering the

    file again.

    With the used of NetDMZ, the network administrator can remotely shutdown or

    restart any particular computer inside the organization without going to each of the computer.

    This will be a huge safe of time for shutting down computers after the working hour because

    there might be some worker that not turning their computer off.

    This application also can save every log that has been done on the client computer

    such as instant messaging log including yahoo messenger, Skype and much more. The

    change of hardware is also recorded to prevent unnecessarily hardware install to the computer.

    Every bandwidth that used on the computer will be recorded.

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    Another option added to the software is the backup of email in Microsoft Outlook.

    Microsoft Outlook is mainly used for storing email from yahoo server. In any case if the

    client computer broke down, a backup of the document will be sent to the server with the

    time set by the server. This will help decrease data loss in the company and save time by

    preventing recovering the data. NetDMZ also help the system administrator to monitor every

    activity of the client computer to prevent mislead of using the company computer according

    to the company IT policy.

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