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How can you be sure you are obtaining the highest purity omega 3lipids? Croda’s Incromega range of high potency concentrates ismanufactured with purity in mind from start to finish.

Every detail, from raw material sourcing tomanufacturing and testing, has been meticulouslyrefined. Only Croda’s omega 3 concentrates areproduced using PureMax, our proprietary triple molecular distillation process, so you and your customers can trust in the purity of Incromega.

To find out how Incromega can benefit yourcustomers, because purity matters, contact your nearest Croda division today.

Concentrated purityHigh purity Incromega EPA, DPAand DHA omega 3 concentrates

� EPA, DPA and DHA concentratesof exceptional purity

� Minimal levels of environmental contaminants

� Surpasses every known industry purity standard

� Produced using PureMaxtechnology

� Rigorous quality systems —ensuring consistently high standards

Your essential lipid partner

Health Care

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Purity from start to finishConsumer awareness of pollutants in fish has grown enormously. To ensure consumer confidencein Croda’s high potency concentrates, every step – from the ocean to the final product – has afocus on purity.

Pure in, pure outFor all Incromega omega 3 concentrates, the raw material is high quality food grade fish body oil.Body oil is naturally lower in environmental toxins than liver oilsa.

PureMax advanced technologyAll Incromega concentrates are manufactured using PureMax technology, Croda’s proprietaryprocess using a minimum of three purification and concentration steps. Manufacturing to GMPstandards in our recently expanded facilities, PureMax selectively concentrates EPA, DPA and/orDHA and removes impurities.

Pure qualityCroda’s manufacturing expertise is backed up by rigorous quality systems, so you can be assured of consistent, high purity standards. Incromega oils are manufactured to GMP standards and arequality tested to pharmacopoeial methods. For even greater confidence, every batch is supportedby positive release and is certified.

Surpassing standardsSmall but regular doses of contaminants from persistant pollutants present in our environment canaccumulate in the body and, with long term exposure, lead to a wide range of health problemsb,c,d,e.

To limit exposure to key pollutants, several authorities publish standards that set out safe levels,including EC (European commission) legislationf and the CRN (Council for Responsible Nutrition)voluntary omega 3 monographg. All of Croda’s purity standards for the Incromega range complywith, or go further than these measures.

0Incromega TG




CRN standard







0Incromega TG

pg W




CRN standardEC legislation






Maximum dioxin and furan levels

Maximum mercury level

Over 50% lower

Over 90% lower

Confidence in IncromegaThe results of Croda’s technical and manufacturing expertise are purity levels that surpass industry standards. The Incromega TG triglyceride range, forexample, offers the following purity benefits:

� Maximum dioxin and furan levels over 50% lower than EC and CRN standards

� Maximum PCB levels over 90% lower than CRN standard

� Maximum mercury levels over 90% lower than CRN standard

� Maximum dioxin-like PCBs specification already 63% lower than forthcoming EC standards

Croda is committed to furtherimproving standards and to anticipatingany future challenges. Our specificationsalready go further than the forthcomingrevision of EC legislation regarding dioxin-likePCBsh. Commitment and expertise ensure that CrodaHealth Care will continue to lead the way in purity.

0Incromega TG


CRN standard






0Incromega TG

pg W




Pending EC legislation






Purity Incromega TGStandard

PCBs ppm 0.09g 0.009 (max)

Dioxins & furans pg WHO- 2f,g 1 (max)TEQ/g

Dioxin-like PCBs pg WHO- 8h 3 (max)TEQ/g

PAHs ppb 2i 2 (max)

Arsenic ppm 0.1f 0.1 (max)

Cadmium ppm 0.1f 0.1 (max)

Lead ppm 0.1f 0.1 (max)

Mercury ppm 0.1f 0.01 (max)

Maximum PCB level

Maximum dioxin-like PCB level

Over 90% lower

Over 63% lower

Referencesa. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food – MAFF (1999) Dioxins and PCBs in UK

and imported marine fish. Food surveillance information sheet 184

b. US Food and Drug Administration – FDA (March 2004) FDA and EPA Announce theRevised Consumer Advisory on Methyl Mercury in Fish. Center for Food Safety and

Applied Nutrition – CFSAN

c. US Environmental protection agency – EPA [online]. Health effects ofPCBs. Available from:

http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/pcb/pubs/effects.html [Accessed 9thFebruary 2006]

d. World Health Organisation – WHO (June 1999) Dioxins andtheir effects on human health. Fact sheet no 225

e. US Food and Drug Administration – FDA (February1998) Dangers of Lead Still Linger. Center for Food

Safety and Applied Nutrition – CFSAN

f. European Commission – EC (March 2001)Setting maximum levels for certain contaminants

in foodstuffs. Commission Regulation No466/2001

g. Council for Responsible Nutrition – CRN(September 2002) Voluntary monograph;omega-3 DHA, omega-3 EPA, omega-3DHA & EPA

h. European Commission – EC (February2006) Amending regulation (EC) No466/2001 Setting maximum levels forcertain contaminants in foodstuffs asregards dioxins and dioxin-like PCBsCommission Regulation No 199/2006

i. European Commission – EC (February2005) Amending regulation (EC) No 466/2001

as regards polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsCommission Regulation No 199/2006

Non-warrantyThe information in this publication is believed to be accurate and is given in good faith, but no representation or warranty as to its completeness or accuracy is made. Suggestions for uses or applications are only opinions. Users are responsible for determining the suitability of these products for their own particular purpose. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made with respect to information or products including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability,fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of any third party patent or other intellectual property rights including, without limit, copyright, trademark anddesigns. Any trademarks identified herein are trademarks of the Croda group of companies. ©2007 Croda Chemicals Europe Ltd DHF10/1 07/07

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