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Page 1: Conception - 5 weeks - 6 weeks

5 weeks - the foetus is now size of a raisin. The brain and spinal chord are starting to develop.

6 weeks - the heart has started to beat. Arms and legs start to form.

9 weeks - fingerprints are now formed.

18 weeks - about 5 inches long. Can blink; hair starts to grow.

24 weeks - foetus starts to breathe.

40 weeks - welcome to the world! A baby is usually born around this time.

22 weeks - grip, vision and hearing is stronger.

14 weeks - muscles form and the foetus starts to move. Eyelids, fingernails and toenails form.

Conception - sperm fertilises the egg. Can take up to six days after sex.

Page 2: Conception - 5 weeks - 6 weeks

Catholics believe life begins at conception.

Jesus taught his followers to act with love and compassion; abortion may be the most loving thing for the mother.

Pro-life and pro-choice arguments

Only God brings about life and death.

Catholic Church: abortion prevents Gods natural law of procreation.

Abortion is murder, which is forbidden in the 10 commandments. “Do not kill”



Stopping legal abortions would mean a return to ‘back street’ abortions, causing a great deal of suffering to the health and wellbeing of women.

Sanctity of life: all life is sacred and holy.

A woman has the right to choose whether or not she wants to have the baby. It is her body.In cases of rape abortion may be

the kindest action.

Adoption is a very viable alternative, there are many people who would be happy to take a baby.

Abortion destroys human life and makes life appear cheap and disposable. This affects the quality and value of life.

Humanists: most would put the woman’s interest ahead of the foetus’. But abortion should be a last resort.

“collected in the womb of his mother for the first 40 days, then becomes a clot for another 40 days, then a piece of flesh for 40 days […] then the soul is breathed into his body (Qur’an)

The rights of the mother outweigh the of the foetus, as the foetus is dependent on the mother.

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