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Page 1: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008
Page 2: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Conclusions du Séminaire sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir

11 juillet 2008

Page 3: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 4: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspectionOutcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 5: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Are we addressing the right hazards through the “traditional” inspection ?

Outcome of inspection

Page 6: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

It seems more important at that stage to define why and what has to be done in the slaughterhouses or at the other relevant points of the food chain before precising who must do the different tasks

Outcome of inspection

Page 7: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Meat inspection should be modernised to address the most prevalent and evaluated food borne pathogens causing human illness as highlighted in the EU annual zoonosis report.

Outcome of inspection

Page 8: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

The epidemiology of zoonotic agents varies between MS necessitating different priorities for control.

Flexibility must permit each MS to target the most important pathogens

Outcome of inspection

Page 9: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CAResponsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 10: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

A potential contradiction between the provisions of the food law and the ones of the hygiene package was pointed out as regards the responsibilities of FBO and those of the CA in the field of meat inspection

Responsibilities of FBO and CA

Page 11: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

The role of the FBO and the official services in ante and post mortem inspections should be revisited

Responsibilities of FBO and CA

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Official auxiliaries role could be increased according to their competence. Nevertheless, the OV currently remains the key of the sanitary inspection.

Responsibilities of FBO and CA

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Clarification on the role of official services in terms of giving advice versus enforcement activities is needed

Responsibilities of FBO and CA

Page 14: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Inspection in slaughterhouses cannot address all the hazards relevant to public health : primary producer must also be involved

Responsibilities of FBO and CA

Page 15: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI)Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 16: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

What is relevant food chain information (species by species) ? Is FCI relevant for all species ?

What is the effect of FCI on the inspection ?

Food chain information (FCI)

Page 17: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

How to deal with intra EU trade ? FCI must be provided for all animals that travel

between MS and Third countries for slaughter. When data on the animal / flock health status is

not available (intra-EU trade or importations), what additional controls should / could be conducted ?

Food chain information (FCI)

Page 18: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projectsPilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 19: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Pilot projects have to be transparent for other MS, the Commission and Third countries, as provided in article 17 of Reg 854/2004

Collection of scientific / technical data is important to justify new inspection procedures and show that they provide the same level of protection as “standard” inspection procedures

Pilot projects

Page 20: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Modification of the inspection procedures requires acceptance from Third countries trading partners and international organizations, like OIE and Codex Alimentarius.

Pilot projects

Page 21: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal WelfareAnimal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 22: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Any modernised inspection system should take into account animal health and animal welfare.

Animal Welfare

Page 23: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Importance of taking into account animal welfare in approval of establishments and in the controls.

FBO should be primarily responsible for animal welfare

Animal Welfare

Page 24: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare TrainingTraining Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 25: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Training of FBO and CA staff, in all relevant fields, is very important


Page 26: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training FeesFees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 27: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Bonus malus fees are a good incentive to encourage FBO compliance


Page 28: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

It will be difficult to have a single fee throughout the EU. Nevertheless, the conclusion of the ongoing study carried out by the Commission will provide valuable data for a possible adaptation of the current system.


Page 29: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Recommendations from the Seminarfor further consideration by the CVOs at their

informal meeting in Strasbourg

12-15 Octobre 2008

Page 30: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspectionOutcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees


Page 31: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

The progress of the implementation of the risk based approach foreseen by the Hygiene Package from farm to slaughterhouse, according to species should be assessed.

Based on the experience of certain Member States ways to implement a more risk based meat hygiene verification system should be explored.

EFSA and ECDC should establish the criteria or the quantitative data necessary for MS to carry out a risk analysis allowing the adaptation of the general inspection methods provided by the legislation

Outcome of inspection

Page 32: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CAResponsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 33: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

During the review following the 2009 report on the Hygiene package, a clarification of the respective responsibilities between FBO and CA in slaughterhouses should be provided

Clarification on the tasks of meat inspection that can be delegated as defined in article 5 of Reg 882/2004

Official auxiliaries role could be increased according to their competence

Responsibilities of FBO and CA

Page 34: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI)Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 35: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Ways to deal with imported animals / flocks from third countries should be established.

Herds qualification schemes should be encouraged for the relevant hazards in different species, taking into account risk analysis.

Relevance of FCI, species by species, should be assessed, together with its consequences on risk based meat inspection.

Food chain information (FCI)

Page 36: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projectsPilot projects Animal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 37: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Pilots projects should be encouraged to explore more risk based inspection systems.

MS should collaborate, where possible, while implementing pilot projects, and share the results.

Pilot projects

Page 38: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal WelfareAnimal Welfare Training Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 39: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Animal Welfare

Training of staff and approval of slaughterhouses should take into account relevant animal welfare requirements

Page 40: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare TrainingTraining Fees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 41: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008


Exchanges of experience could be encouraged between MS.

For Official auxiliaries and FBO staff participating in inspection, consider the possibility of mutual recognition of their respective qualification between MS.

Page 42: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Outcome of inspection Responsibilities of FBO and CA Food chain information (FCI) Pilot projects Animal Welfare Training FeesFees

Debated issues during the seminar

Page 43: Conclusions du Séminaire  sur la modernisation de l’inspection en abattoir 11 juillet 2008

Base any decision on the evolution of the calculation of the fees on the outcomes of the ongoing study. The level of the fee should reflect the level of compliance and thus the level of official control required.


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