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Page 1: Conducting a Risk Audit for Volunteer Engagement

Conducting a risk audit What you need to know!

Page 2: Conducting a Risk Audit for Volunteer Engagement

Please note: The information provided today is not meant to be legal advice or direction. The content is intended to start the conversation around recognizing and mitigating risk in your organization. If you have specific legal questions you must seek out a professional legal opinion

Page 3: Conducting a Risk Audit for Volunteer Engagement
Page 4: Conducting a Risk Audit for Volunteer Engagement

Today we will • Introduce Volunteer

Canada’s 10 Steps of Screening

• Introduce a simple risk audit tool

• Provide examples of how this can be applied in your organization

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4 ways to handle risk: Avoidance Acceptance Mitigation Transfer

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Page 7: Conducting a Risk Audit for Volunteer Engagement

Purpose of screening volunteers… Better match prospective volunteers to

the roles Improve the quality and safety Reduce risk and liability for both people

and organizations

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Page 9: Conducting a Risk Audit for Volunteer Engagement

4 easy steps… 1

3 4


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Getting started… Identify the role we will audit Bring together stakeholders Brainstorm potential risks Identify how serious it is (if it were to

happen) & how likely it is to happen Colour code the list Tally the colours to give you a quick

snapshot of the role- high/medium/low risk

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Page 13: Conducting a Risk Audit for Volunteer Engagement
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Remember You’re not in this alone! Baby steps- pilot this, try it with a small

group of champions and celebrate the successes

Take the parts that work for you and make it work in your organization

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Links Volunteer Canada- 10 Steps of Screening http://volunteer.ca/screening Volunteer Canada- Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVI) http://volunteer.ca/ccvi

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Thank you for your time! Linked In: Adriane Beaudry Twitter: @adriane1299

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