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Page 1: Conducting a self-audit of data protection compliance

Conducting a self-audit of data protection

complianceFintan Swanton,

Association of Data Protection Officers,April 15 2014.

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Page 3: Conducting a self-audit of data protection compliance

Process based on ODPC’s audit template Principally interview-based Usually department by department Deliverable – assessment of compliance

with DP legislation and organisation’s own policies and procedures

Identifying weaknesses and remedial actions

Also highlighting and commending existing good practices


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Top-level Data Protection Policy

Data protection incident handling procedure & log

Data subject access request handling procedure & log

Standard data protection risk assessment procedure.

Training policy & logs

Policies? What policies?

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Retention and destruction policy, including retention periods.

Procedures and standards for securing and encrypting Personal Data, in particular on networks.

Registration details with ODPC, if applicable.

Evidence of procedures being followed?

Policies? What policies?

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Kinds of personal data? Any sensitive data? Approximate volumes? What staff training is provided? Has your organisation experienced

difficulties in relation to Data Protection? Contracts with 3rd party data processors (or

data controller clients)?

General questions

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Defined data needs prior to acquisition? How is personal data collected? How are subjects given fair obtaining notice? Who supplies the data? With whom is data shared? CCTV? If so, in-house or outsourced? Policies for obtaining Sensitive Personal


1: Fair obtaining

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Why is this data collected?To whom is the data disclosed?

For what purpose or purposes?When & how are data subjects informed of these purpose(s)?

2: Specified purpose(s)

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Basis for disclosing personal data to others?

Are the purposes for which data were originally acquired clearly recorded?

Is personal data ever gathered for undefined future use?

3: ... not incompatible

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How & where is data stored? How is access to the on-site/ off-site manual

data controlled? IT system access controls / security

procedures? Premises access controls? Password policies? Business Continuity Plan? Data processor selection, contracts & auditing? Overseas transfers (outside of EEA)? If so, adequacy of security at destination?

4: Safe & secure

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How often is data reviewed, updated, or corrected?

How often is data integrity & quality evaluated?

Do you use the data for marketing, business purposes?

Compliance with date requirements of 2011 ePrivacy regulations recorded?

5: Accurate

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Is there a clear purpose for each item of personal data gathered?

Is there a clear purpose for each item of data disclosed?

Is or will all the data required to fulfil the purposes be available?

6: Adequate, relevant, not excessive

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Are expectations set with data subjects regarding data retention?

Do you have a formal retention/destruction policy? Does it include end-of-life hardware, storage

media? Does your policy differentiate between categories

of personal data? What Data destruction methods are used? Are 3rd party processors involved in your data

retention/storage processes? Do you obtain verification of data destruction ?

7: Retention

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Formal Subject Access Request (SAR) response procedure / log?

Policy of charging €6.35 in order to process an SAR?

Who is authorised to make disclosures of Personal Data?

What is your time-line for data retrieval? Are there grounds for exemption?

8: Subject access rights

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Registration & notification Formally registered with ODPC? Who’s responsible for registration? How often are registrable particulars

reviewed? Policy for notifying the Commissioner in the

event of breach? Policy for notifying the data subject in the

event of breach? Log for breaches?

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Securing workstations? Securing manual data:

◦ Clean desks?◦ Copiers & printers?◦ Documents for shredding?

Securing portable equipment & storage media?

Premises access control, security?


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www.dataprotection.ie◦ “Data Protection Audit Resource”

www.ico.gov.uk◦ “Data Protection Audit Manual”


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Fintan Swanton

Swanton Information Systems Ltd

[email protected]

01 685 4474 / 086 827 1273


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