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Page 1: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Conducting Business MeetingsSatorre, Joshua Jerem T.ENSP2

Instructor:Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech

Page 2: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Procedures:Step 1:Outline your key meeting

points with an agenda.

An important part of conducting an effective business meeting is meeting planning. Have your key points written or typed out. You can also give the participants a copy of your agenda so that they will know what to expect and they can prepare for the meeting themselves.

Page 3: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

In your agenda, you should state your goal for the meeting. This should be the main end result you are aiming for, such as coming up with a new idea or discussing an important issue. Try to limit the amount of points on your agenda. You should cover the most important things in your meeting.

Page 4: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Procedures:Step 2: Follow the agenda when you

conduct the meeting.

Make sure to follow your meeting plan. If the meeting starts to go off course or off topic, steer the meeting back to the topic at hand.

Page 5: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Procedures:Step 3: Start your meeting


Once the meeting time arrives, start the meeting. This will help establish your role as the leader as well as utilize the time you have.

Page 6: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Procedures:Step 4: Set a time limit for your


Meetings shouldn't run too long; 30 minutes or shorter is a good length. Keeping the meeting short will ensure that you are more efficient and use the time wisely, and your participants will be more focused when they know the meeting is short. When your time limit has run out, end your meeting. You can always cover other points in the next meeting.

Page 7: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Procedures:Step 5: Encourage the meeting

participants to add feedback and input.

Ask questions and let people at the meeting volunteer answers. Do not force participation, but gently encourage them to give input. If 1 person comments, guide the others by saying something like, "Well done. Does anyone else have something to contribute," or "Let's hear a suggestion from someone else."

Page 8: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Do not call upon those that rarely speak as this may make them feel uncomfortable. Encourage them indirectly by saying, "I value the opinion of everyone here. Does anyone else want to add something?" and glance at the person you want to speak up. He may be encouraged to share his thoughts, and if he isn't, then he hasn't been embarrassed from being called upon.

Page 9: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Procedures:Step 6: Summarize the key points at

the close of the meeting.

Briefly go over what was discussed so that the participants will leave with it in their mind. Give out any assignments or instructions before closing, and end on time. Be sure to thank everyone for their attendance and participation.

Page 10: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Ettiquettes:1. Make your objective clear.

A meeting must have a specific and defined purpose. Before you send that calendar invite, ask yourself: What do I seek to accomplish? Are you alerting people to a change in management or a shift in strategy? Are you seeking input from others on a problem facing the company? Are you looking to arrive at a decision on a particular matter? Standing meetings with vague purposes, such as “status updates,” are rarely a good use of time.

Page 11: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Ettiquettes:2. Consider who is invited.

When you’re calling a meeting, take time to think about who really needs to be there. If you’re announcing a change, invite the people who are affected by the announcement. If you’re trying to solve a problem, invite the people who will be good sources of information for a solution. When people feel that what’s being discussed isn’t relevant to them, or that they lack the skills or expertise to be of assistance, they’ll view their attendance at the meeting as a waste of time.

Page 12: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Ettiquettes:3. Stick to your schedule.

Create an agenda that lays out everything you plan to cover in the meeting, along with a timeline that allots a certain number of minutes to each item, and email it to people in advance. Once you’re in the meeting, put that agenda up on a screen or whiteboard for others to see. This keeps people focused.

Page 13: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Ettiquettes:4. Take no hostages.

Nothing derails a meeting faster than one person talking more than his fair share. If you notice one person monopolizing the conversation, call him out. Say, “We appreciate your contributions, but now we need input from others before making a decision.” Be public about it. Establishing ground rules early on will create a framework for how your group functions.

Page 14: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Ettiquettes:5. Start on time, end on time.

 If you have responsibility for running regular meetings and you have a reputation for being someone who starts and ends promptly, you will be amazed how many of your colleagues will make every effort to attend your meetings. People appreciate it when you understand that their time is valuable. Another note on time: Do not schedule any meeting to last longer than an hour. Sixty minutes is generally the longest time workers can remain truly engaged.

Page 15: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Ettiquettes:6. Ban technology.

 The reality is that if people are allowed to bring iPads or BlackBerries into the room, they won’t be focusing on the meeting or contributing to it. Instead, they’ll be emailing, surfing the web, or just playing around with their technology. Eyes up here, please.

Page 16: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Ettiquettes:7. Follow up.

 It’s quite common for people to come away from the same meeting with very different interpretations of what went on. To reduce this risk, email a memo highlighting what was accomplished to all who attended within 24 hours after the meeting. Document the responsibilities given, tasks delegated, and any assigned deadlines. That way, everyone will be on the same page.

Page 18: Conducting Business Meetings Satorre, Joshua Jerem T. ENSP2 Instructor: Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech.

Conducting Business Meetings

Satorre, Joshua Jerem T.ENSP2

Instructor:Mr. Xavier Aquino Velasco - Associate/Lecturer III, FEU Tech

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