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dsqd#SeynaeveThere is a bit of me in @wepika @lean_FUND @CreaSpark @RueDuWeb @swbru @CafeNumerique #StartupHeroes

Qui a un #Projet ou une #Idée à partager ?


Don't sell what you can do

Do what you know to sell


My #Company is developing (a defined offering) to help (a target audience) (solve a problem) (with secret sauce).

dsqdTry to #kill your startup #before you start



#Startup is a temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model -Steve Blank

what separates successful startups is not necessarily starting with a better initial plan (plan a), but finding a plan that works before running out of resources -Ash maurya

#Company is a permanent organization designed to execute a proven repeatable & scalable business model in a predictable and stable environment


A #business is a repeatable process that :

1. Creates and delivers something of value…2. That other people want or need…3. At a price they’re willing to pay…4. In a way that satisfies the customer’s needs and expectations…5. So that the business brings in enough profit to make it worthwhile for the owners to continue operation.

dsqd#Service => Les titans

#Produit (scalable) => Les magiciens

All the #features dreamed, but nobody dream

#lean #bootstrap


#BusinessModeleCanvas #SWOT


#todolist #kanban #checklist #process

#People don't buy productThey buy better #versions of themselves

One #page, one #purpose. Period.


#GrowthHackingoutside-the-box marketing strategies used to get the maximum number of users with minimal spend



saas (shopify apd ~30€/mois, CA <1M)dédié (prestashop apd 3 000€, CA 0-10M)

grand compte (> 100 000 €, CA>10M)


paiement, livraison, copy, traductions, photographies, approvisionnements

==> #Commodity


SEO, emailing, ads, social, places de marché, concours...

==> #malin



Growth hacking, Call-to-Action (CTA), landing page, Unique Selling Proposition (USP), Design Thinking, problem solver <> problem finder, mAARRRketing (Startup Metrics for Pirates), Why -> How -> What (Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”), ...

KPI, TAM, SAM, SOM, Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%), CAC (customer acquisition cost), CLTV (Customer LifeTime Value), Growth Rate, Chunck rate, ...


Sometime you WINSometimes you LOSE LEARN

What's your #PlanB ?

[email protected] - 0498177319 - @seynaeve

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