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    Roleplaying Rulebook c o n f l i c t

    Design: Mark M. Scot Written by: Mark M. Scot, John E. Ling, Jr, Amber Scot, Brendan Davis

    Editing: Luchina Smi h, Ryan Cos elloDesign Contributions: Mike Campell, George Basley, James Conques, Mark Orapello Art Direction: Mark M. Scot, Conic Games Design eam

    Art: Rick L Hun er, Jon Hodgson, Scot Purdy, Andy Hepwor h, Mark Hyzer, Brandon Leach, Marcus F. Scot Cover Illustration: Ihar Balaikin

    Cartography: Michael K. umey, Conic Games Design eamTechnical Engineer: Lloyd Warner

    e Con ict Roleplaying Rulebook introduces players to tactical team-versus-team roleplaying,

    where players compete against other players in dozens of objective-driven matches.


    is book is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) andis suitable for use with the worlds most popular fantasy roleplayinggame. e OGL can be found on page 120 of this product.To learn more about the Open Game License and the d20 SystemLicense, please visit wizards.com/d20.Compatibility with the Path nder Roleplaying Game requires thePath nder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. Seeh p://paizo.com/path nderRPG for more information on the Path-

    nder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guaranteecompatibility, and does not endorsethis product. Path nder is a registeredtrademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC,

    and the Path nder Roleplaying Game andthe Path nder Roleplaying Game Compatibil-ity Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing,

    LLC, and are used under the Path nderRoleplaying Game Compatibility License.

    See h p:// paizo.com/path nderRPG/compatibility for more inmation on the compatibility license.Designation of Open Game Content: None, Elements that are ipublic domain or have previously been designated as Open GaContent are not included in this declaration.No portion of this work other than the material designated as OGame Content may be reproduced in any form without wri enmission. Con ict Roleplaying 2010, Con ict Games LLC A

    Reserved. Printed in USA

    Con ic Games LLC Area 7515PO Box 4668-7515New York, New York 10163-4668O ce: 845-445-1021

    ISBN: 0-9824507-0-2ISBN-13: 978-0-9824507-0-3

    Second Printing July 2010.

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    Patricia Priscilla green a.k.a Oreo-Cookie

    JANUARY 1965 - JUNE 2009


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    ta le oF contC 1

    New Concepts ........................................................................6Glossary ...................................................................................8

    C 2

    Tallying Ba lepoints ............................................................. 10Ba lepoints Example ...........................................................11

    C 3

    Starting A Match ....................................................................14Supplemental Rules ...............................................................15

    C 4

    Introduction To Match Types .............................................16Match Type Format...............................................................17Match Type: Ambush ...........................................................18Match Type: Kill Of e Hill ..............................................20

    Match Type: Bloodspill ........................................................22Match Type: Snatch And Grab ...........................................24Match Type: Mcgu n ..........................................................26Match Type: Hellbreak .........................................................28Match Type: Regicide...........................................................30Match Type: Brothers Keeper ............................................32Match Type: Monster Mash ................................................34Match Type: Conquer & Reap ...........................................36

    C 5

    Map Elements Introduction ................................................38Creating Your Own Map Elements ....................................40How To Ride A Rust Monster 47

    C 6

    What Are Con ict Laws .......................................................54Law Descriptions & Summary ...........................................55

    C 7

    Con ict Maps .........................................................................58Introduction To Con ict-Maps .......................................... 58

    Map End Con gurations ..................................................Team Initiative ..................................................................

    C 8

    Introduction To Passcards ............................................... Abbreviations ..................................................................

    e Role Of Passcards ......................................................Examples Of Passcard Use............................................C 9

    Introduction To Team Feats ..............................................Team Feats Listing & Descriptions ..................... ............

    C 10

    Optimizing Your Character ..............................................Enemy De-Bu ng ............................................................Healing .............................................................................Ba lepoints Optimizing ..................................................

    Introduction ......................................................................C 11

    Campaigns & Con ict Matches .......................................Hidden Movement ............................................................Metagaming .....................................................................Planted Items ....................................................................Combat Charts ..................................................................

    C 12

    Pregenerated Characters ...................................................Intro: Con ict Pregens .....................................................Stat-Blocks & Ba lepoints ..............................................


    Special anks &Acknowledgements ...............................Passcards .....................................................................Index ................................................................................Game License Version 1.0 ................................................


    battle Points...

    Suppl emental Rules...

    Match Types...

    Map E lements ...

    Conflict Laws...

    Conflict maps...


    Team Feats...

    Play ers Tips & Tactics ...

    Game mastering...




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    welcome to the

    Respect Ty Opponent

    Opponen s are like ho coalsi s betero respec hem well in advance han o be

    orced in o humili y afer you are burned.Bernard the VileFour-Time Con ict Survivor

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    A Word on Pronouns

    In Con ict Roleplaying, we strive to keep our pronouns in order. We believe both in the equality of male and female gamers as well as cor-rect grammar. For ease of reading, the pronoun she in our examples

    always refers to the GM, while the pronounhe refers to a player.

    Chapter What is Conflict RolepiNtroDuction

    What is Conflict Roleplaying? Competition. ats what this book is all about. Raw, unlimited yetgoverned competition. Players versus players gaming is by no meansa new concept, but we as a tabletop gaming community have yet to

    embrace the beauty of it. Most of us still play with the idea of beinga member of a group of cooperative players, the famous All for Oneand One for All mentality, ne for certain tabletop gamers. For someof us, being cheerfully cooperative just doesnt cut it. eres an itchto prove our dominance over the other players. If you have ever hadthat itch, then you hold in your hands the right material to scratch it.Con ict Roleplaying rules, matches and maps are designed to pit play-ers against the players on the other side of the table. rough tactics,strategies, luck and blu s, you will be in control of your success orfailure. Con ict Roleplaying players join up in small teams and face

    o . e goals can be as simple as kill the opposing team or as complexas an adventure where teams have to race and chop their way to the

    nish. So start working on your overcon dent smirk because by theend of this book you will be ready to show your friends what you aretruly capable of.

    AttitudeCon ict Roleplaying starts with a change of a itude. Players thatused to ght side by side are now enemies. erefore, they must beprepared to compete; dont play nice, play to win. Con icts style

    of gaming is a far cry from the typical dungeon crawl or save theprincess campaign. Con ict positions players in competitive stancesagainst each other, not the Game Master. is is a key change fromtraditional campaiging. e players are not arranged to ght againstthe GMs se ings and creatures. In fact, the GM has a much di erent job in Con ict Matches. e GM is responsible for facilitating thecompetition. In Con ict Roleplaying, GMs do not need to managedetailed stories, subplots or complex non-player characters. Despitethis change theres still a lot of fun for the GM.

    What Do You Need To PlayIn addition to this book, to play a Con ict match a player needfollowing items:

    Path nder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook or Com

    Open Gaming Licensed core rule book; A completed character sheet under the Ba lepoints Cap (s

    Chapter 2) ;

    A set of dice as detailed in the Path nder Roleplaying GCore Rulebook;

    A Con ictMapavailable at www.Con ictBooks.com

    Miniatures and counters to represent characters and Map Ements.

    Passcard (see Chapter 8.)

    Writing implement (pens or pencils).

    A couple of friends.

    What Do You Need To Know A number of new concepts and philosophies combine to form sis of Con ict Roleplaying. ese ideas, considered as a whole,to create the general atmosphere of competition. Players and GMasters are encouraged to read the below chapters on the follocarefully. e concepts de ned next should remain as the princiaspects of Con ict Roleplaying. ey are as follows: Batlepoin sEnumerated Maps Match Types Map Elements


    Passcards Team Feats

    Planted Items


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    BattlepointsCon ict Roleplaying use Ba lepoints, a rating system to roughlyestimate a characters ability to compete.

    A GM can adjudicate the fairness of amatch with this rating system. Charac-ters with a large disparity in Ba lepointsshould not compete against one another. With this in mind, the GM sets a limiton Ba lepoints called the Ba lepointCap. Players cannot exceed this value when constructing characters. Chapter 2 will explain how to evaluate charactersBa lepoints and adjust them appropri-ately.

    Conflict MapIt all starts here. Our cartographersdesigned and playtested Con ictMaps speci cally for Con ict Roleplay-ing. e squares on the map havecoordinates. is allows players to com-municate the locations of hidden traps,dangers or other teammates without the

    other teams knowledge. Con ict Mapsare designed with strategically placedhigh ground, low ground, cover andphysical dividers. ese designs are at theheart of Con ict Roleplaying strategies.Players should look for spots which o ergreat cover, optimal trap placement andperfect ambushing points. e team thatmakes be er use of the Con ict Map will

    have the advantage time and time again. You can nd an array of Con ict Maps at www.Con ictbooks.com.

    Match Types An objective drives every Con ict Role-playing game. Match Types details the speci cobjective and parameters for the teams playing in the match. Objec-tives vary from kill as many as you can in BloodSpill to Escort theKing in aRegicide. In addition, each Match Type has variants to the

    original objective. Experienced GMs and players can use theseants to get more out of each Match Type.

    Map ElementsMap Elements are physical elements can be purchased and strategically plon the map by players. ese elementsinclude traps, healing statues and eve barriers. Map Elements add to the stegy and replay value of Con ict Maand Match Types.

    LawsOptional rules that can be applied tomost Match Types. Laws will limit oexpand players options during matchor character generation.

    PasscardsPasscards help address the issue ofmetagaming. Metagaming is when plers use outofgame information orresources to a ect ingame decisionsTo help combat metagaming, players

    and GMs use Passcards to communicplans and actions privately.

    Team FeatsTeam Feats represent team cohesion afamiliarity. Team Feats grant speci c bene ts to all team members.

    Planted ItemsPlanted Items are magical items the Gplaces on the map prior to the start ofmatch. All players are aware of the inlocation and abilities of all Planted ItTeams can ght over these items.

    Pregenerated CharacChapter 12 is full of Con ict Roleplaying

    pregenerated characters. ese are great for groups that are presstime or those who want to dive right into the game. e Ba lepoare already set and the characters Ba lepoints range from 85-1

    New Concepts New conceP

    Lazarus (550 Battlepoints)Bloodspill Survivor

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    The Hard Part Because Con ict Roleplaying does not limit players abilities to createpowerful characters with extraordinary gi s, the subject of fair-ness must be addressed. Fairness and good sportsmanship are vitalcomponents to players versus players competition. It is a critical roleof the Game Master to consider fair play before the match begins.When considering fair play, the GM should consider the followingwo items:

    e character sheet

    e person playing the character

    e GM needs to scrutinize the character sheet for validity, startingwith Ba lepoints calculations. Misuse of Ba lepoints gives unfair

    advantages and lead to dispiriting sessions. Certain combination ofeats, class abilities and spells will also lead to unbalanced advantages.

    Although Con ict Roleplaying is a great outlet for this type of pow-ergaming, no one wants to face unvanquishable opponents. e GMhas the nal say. If she feels there is too much exploitation in any onecase, she should not be afraid to say no. e GM should also considerhe experience level of the player. It is wise to ensure each team has aimilar number of veterans, who can assist lessexperienced players.

    Be mindful that certain individuals and teams will be able to plan andexecute be er than others and solid teamwork should be encouraged.

    n addition to the pregens in Chapter 12, Con ict Roleplaying groupsare encouraged to stockpile approved character sheets for future play,providing readymade characters when theyre needed in a hurry. Justbecause a character died in one Con ict match doesnt mean theircharacter sheet needs to be ripped up and thrown out.

    No Time for CryingCon ict Roleplaying requires a certain level of maturity. It shouldbe mentioned that characters in Con ict Roleplaying carry a highmortality rate and players should not become particularly a ached

    o them. Unlike typical campaign-styled games, there will be winnersand losers and you simply cant win them all (although you can try).Arguments that start with think about it like this and about whats realistic do not apply in a game that has to simulate reality and fan-asy is the most fun and balanced way possible. Unlike in the Path nd-

    er Roleplaying Game (or any Open Gaming Licensed system), whathe rules say is more important than what the rules imply. Players will

    exploit imperfect rules. is is unavoidable. In fact, some players willely solely on their ability to exploit rules instead of cleverness and

    planning. Just keep in mind, both teams play by the same rules andtherefore the opportunity to take advantage of the rules is even on both sides. Even if a team is bested by a clever tactic you can be suseries of clever countertactics will follow.

    Golden RulesCon ict Roleplaying is a combination of gaming systems with mandi erent character builds, magical abilities and rules. ere are bounto be moments where things are unclear or particular situations lieoutside of the rules as wri en. is occurs more o en at high level, when feats, spells, and items can be combined to create extremelypowerful characters. ese instances can lead to arguments, so it isimportant to keep a few golden rules in mind to create an enjoyablegaming experience:

    1. e players and GMs should be respectful of each other.2. e rules are never more important than the game.

    3. Dont forget you are there to have fun.

    Resolving Disputes When a dispute happens, it is up to the GM to resolve it. She has th

    nal word and it should be respected even if someone disagrees. Mplayers will be okay with GM decisions, but if someone is not, thenit should be discussed a er the game. In that discussion, try to comto an agreement on how this situation will be handled if it comes up

    again. Be sure the entire group is aware of the decision before playsumes. Chapter 11 contains an entire section dedicated to this topic


    ew coNcepts Chapter The Hard

    at of isguise

    Used o appear as enemy...

    Gold Piece Cos :1800

    Batlepoin Cos : 18

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    gLossary Conflict KeywordsWords used by Conflict players:Ba lepoints (BP): A rating system to roughly estimate

    the characters ability to compete.e higher the score the more the

    capable the character.Ba lepoint Cap: e maximum Ba lepoints a player

    can use during character creationor when choosing a Pregen char-acter.

    Casualties: Players that are killed, defeated ordisquali ed during match play.

    Character Builds: e composition of a character, in-cluding elements such as his class,

    level, race and Ba lepoints and theoptimization of those elements. Asthere are myriad ways to optimizea character, players o en compare,discuss, laud, and criticize buildsduring Match play.

    Con ict Maps: A large map with a 1-inch grid.Each square on the map is enumer-ated. is allows players to com-municate the locations of hidden

    traps, dangers or other teammatesFaith Points (fp): Rewards given out for Match wins

    during tournament play.Hallows: A platform or marked area on the

    map that certain Match Types are based on. Entering or occupyingHallows are part of the victory con-ditions set by some Match Types.

    Laws: Universal rules applied to everyonein the match and agreed to prior tothe match.

    Map Arcanum: A separate document that holdsimportant terrainrelated factsabout a map. Helps players makedecisions on their actions.

    Map Elements: Magical objects players can pur-chase and place strategically on themap.

    Map Points (mp): A currency used by players topurchase Map Elements.

    Match: When two or more teams compeagainst each other.

    Match Length: e number of rounds before amatch ends or goes into suddendeath. is is announced by theGM prior to the start of the matc

    Match Types: e name of the match and itsmain objective.

    Passcards: Sheets of paper that are used toprivately provide the Game Mastor team member with details of what players are planning.

    Pregen: Character sheets that are ready toplay and include its Ba lepointscore. Typically, Pregen have al-ready been approved by the GM.

    Planted Items: Preexisting items placed by theGM on the map at the start of aMatch.

    Teams: A cooperative unit of one or moplayers.

    Teams Feats: Special feats granted to all mem

    bers of a team, based on the num ber of members in a team.

    Tokens: A physical representation of thecharacters or Map Elements.

    Variants: A di erent version of the sameMatch Types.

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    Battlepointse Ba lepoints (BP) rating system is used to help level the playingeld by roughly estimating a characters ability to compete in Con ict

    Matches. Speci c sections of a character sheet are given a value and

    the sum of those sections is considered the characters total BP.

    Battlepoint Cape GM assigns a Ba lepoint Cap prior to every Con ict match. e

    Ba lepoint Cap is the maximum Ba lepoints any character can totalprior to the start of the match. is cap applies to pregen characters as well as characters created from scratch. e Ba lepoints Cap is basedon the average level of the characters in the match. A GM will gener-ally know that her group of players want to play at a certain characterlevel (i.e., 3rd , 10th , 15th , etc). Use Table 2.1 to determine the appropri-

    ate Ba lepoints Cap. A Level Off: Characters can choose to be up to one level above or below the character level that the Ba lepoint Cap was based on.For example: Te Batlepoin Cap or 6 h level charac ers is 85. A playercould play a 5h level charac er o have more Batlepoin s o spend onequipmen . Similarly, he could play a 7 hlevel charac er and have ewer Batlepoin s o spend on equipmen . However, any hing lower hen 5h levelor higher han 7 hlevel would no be allowed, even i he managed o keephis Batlepoin s below he Batlepoin s Cap.

    Higher Levels: e Con ict Roleplaying designers made every e ortto preserve fair play and eliminate broken mechanics. However, someGMs nd it challenging to adjudicate matches at higher levels of play.Characters above 10th level gain powerful skills and abilities that addlayers of complexity to the game. For this reason, we remind GMsthat it is acceptable to limit characters to 10th level or lower if they sochoose. is does not mean that higher level characters are prohibited, just that GMs should approach such matches with caution.

    Battlepoints Introd


    T 2.1 - B CCharacter


    Ba lepoints CapCharacter


    Ba lepoints Cap1 24 11 2942 28 12 3753 37 13 4754 50 14 6005 65 15 7546 85 16 9797 114 17 1,2188 143 18 1,5509 185 19 1,955

    10 233 20 2,480

    attlepoints Chapter

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    Tallying Battlepoints attLepoiNtsTallying BattlepointsBa lepoints re ect a characters total degree of power, including abili-ties gained from class, race, and equipment. Ba lepoints factor intothe abilities and modi ers granted by magic items by considering the

    cost of the magic items themselves. To calculate a characters total BP,consider the following: Ability Scores Magical Equipment Race Non-Magical Equipment Character Levels

    Tallying Ability ScoresCalculate ability scores using thepurchase method found in thePath nder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook. e purchase sys-tem is detailed on pages 1516 inthe Path nder Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook. e GM assignsa Campaign Type for each match. e default isS andard Fan asy forpre-made characters and tournaments. If the GM does not specify aCampaign Type then the default is used. All a ributes start at a baseof 10. A character can increase his individual score by spending someof his points. Likewise, he can gain more points to spend on otherscores by decreasing one or more of his ability scores. No score can be

    reduced below 7 or raised above 18. e total number of Ba lepointsused on ability scores can not be above the Campaign Type total. eBa lepoint cost for ability scores is the total amount of points used to

    purchase ability scores. In most cases, this will match the CampaignType. Remember, in all cases, the Ba lepoints calculation is doneprior to any racial or level adjustments.

    Tallying RacePlayers may choose from any of the 7 races presented in Chapter 2 ofthe Path nder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook without Ba le-point cost.

    ose races considered the standard races and are listed here: Dwarf Hal ing Elf Half Orc Gnome Human Half Elf

    Non-S andard Races:Players who wish to use non-standard rac must get explicit approval from the GM and may only choose fthe following races: Aasimar Mite Goblin Orc Hobgoblin Tengu Kobold Tie ing

    Non-S andard Races Cos :Playing a non-standard race cost 10 ba le points.Racial Hi Dice Calcula ion:Races with racial Hit Dice are be eserved as monstrous enemies, not teammates. At this time, raceracial Hit Dice are not recommended for Con ict matches. Rulracial Hit Dice calculations will appear in future supplements.

    Tallying Character Levels Use Table 2.4Ba lepoints Cost by Level to determine the Bacost for the character level of your characterMu iclassing:Character levels are always based on the total numof levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from class. For example: A character with 3 levels of the barbarian c

    2 levels of cleric, would be considered a 5th level character. A 5th levelcharacter would add 10 Ba lepoints to his total.

    T 2.4 - B C LLevel Ba lepoints Level Ba lepoints

    1 - 11 105

    2 1 12 145

    3 3 13 210

    4 6 14 295

    5 10 15 425

    6 15 16 600

    7 23 17 850

    8 34 18 1,200

    9 50 19 1,700

    10 71 20 2,400

    T 2.3 - B A SScore Ba lepoints Score Ba lepoints

    7 -4 13 38 -2 14 59 -1 15 710 0 16 1011 1 17 13

    12 2 18 17

    T 2.2 - A S P

    Campaign Type Ba lepointsLow Fantasy 10Standard Fantasy* 15

    High Fantasy 20Epic Fantasy 25* e default for Con ict Matches

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    Chapter dwaRven riFlem

    T 2.5 - B SCalculation Tallying Ba lepoints Summary

    Ability Scores Matches the purchase method of 10, 15, 20 or 25 Points. (15 is the default)Race No cost for standard races. For non-standard races, multiply total character level by 10

    Level Use Table 2.4Ba lepoints Cost by Level to determine the Ba lepoint cost

    Equipment Price of each equipment item divided by 100(Price /100) Select items only from the Path nder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook No single item may be worth more then 50% of a characters total wealth Items must be purchased at full price and quality

    Magical Equipment Each magic items gp value divided by 100 Items must be purchased fully charged Single-use items such as potions and scrolls cost 5 times their normal price No single item may be worth more than 50% of a characters wealth Items must be purchased at full price and quality Select items only from the Path nder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

    Abil ity ScoresPurchase method

    Str 13

    Dex 17

    Con 16

    Int 12

    Wis 12

    Chr 6StandardFantasy* +15 BP

    Battlepoint Total: 143Magic Equipment+1 Dwarven Powder

    Musket*: 4750 gp 2,400/100= +24 BP

    *requires GM approval

    Battlepoints Exa


    (All under 100gp)

    Short Sword 10 gp 0BP

    Powder horn 15 gp 0BP

    heavy shot (x4)1 gp 0BP


    Magic EquipmentCloak of resistance +1 1,000/100= +10 BP

    Magic EquipmentPotion of shield offaith +2

    50 gp x 5 (singleuseitem) = 250 gp/100= +3 BP

    Magic EquipmentPotion of cure light

    wounds (x3)50 gp x 5 (singleuseitem) = 250 gp x3 =750/100= +9 BP

    Character Levelsfighter 8th = +34 BP

    Character Racedwarf = +0 BP

    Magic Equipment+2 halfplate: 4,750 gp 4,750 /100= +48 BP

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    Wealth by Level attlepoints

    Non-Magical Equipment Non-magical equipment costs 1 Ba lepoint for every 100 gp in theitems cost, rounded up.. Equipment under 100 gp does not costBa lepoints.

    For example: A masterwork bastard sword costs 335 gold pieces andadds 4 to the Ba lepoint total. 335/100 = 3.35, which rounds up to 4.

    Magical Equipment Magical equipment cost 1 Ba lepoint for every 100 gp in the itemscost, rounded up. For example, a player selects a +3 heavy steel shield

    and a potion of ying as his magical equipment. e shield costs 9,320gp, so the player divides 9,320 by 100 to calculate the Ba lepointcost of 93.2 (rounded up to 94). e potion costs 750 gp, but is alsoa single-use item. e player multiplies 750 by 5 and gets 3,750. Hethen divides 3,750 by 100 to calculate the Ba lepoint cost of 37.5(rounded up to 38). e total Ba lepoint cost for the players selec-tions is 94 + 38, or 132.

    Purchasing Equipment When purchasing equipment for a character, rst assess his wealth.

    Use Table 2.7 - Starting Character Wealth in this chapter to determinethe characters wealth at 1st level. Use Table 2.6 - Character Wealth byLevel to determine wealth above 1st level. Next, consider any Con ictLaws the GM may have set down, as these Con ict Laws can limit thetype of equipment a character can purchase. Any equipment, magicalor otherwise, can be purchased prior to the match as long as the item

    ts within the selected Con ict Laws and the GM allows the item.No Resource Pooling:Team members cannot pool or share their wealth, nor can items be traded or used to a ect price of a purchase.

    Players can, however, plan and coordinate their purchases as lonthe GM feels it doesnt violate the integrity of the match.Purchasing Limi :No single item may be worth more than 50% the characters total starting wealth. Only items from the Path

    Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook can be selected, unless ap by the GM.Full Price Only:Equipment must be purchased at full price and ity. Equipment (magical or otherwise) cannot be made or alterea character prior to a match. Magical equipment with charges(or doses ) must be purchased fully charged.Single-Use I ems: Potions, scrolls, and some wondrous items (foexample, abead o orce) cost 5 times their normal price. e GMdetermines what quali es as a single-use item.No Ar i ac s: Priceless items or artifacts cannot be owned or use

    prior to or during the match.No Cohor s: Although players can select the Leadership feat, coor NPCs cannot participate in the match.No Wishes: Awish spell or magic with similar e ects cannot beowned (or used) during Con ict matches.

    Other Sourcese amount of game material available for use is huge, with new

    material coming out regularly. eres no denying players love thnew options, whether it be something as simple as a feat or spe

    something more complicated like a whole new class. As a generule, players need to have any source material used in their char build to be present at the game table. is allows the GM to go rto the source if theres a disagreement on how to adjudicate a rumore details, see Chapter 10: Players Tips and Tactics.

    T 2.7 - S C WClass Starting Wealth Average

    Barbarian 3d6 10 gp 105 gp

    Bard 3d6 10 gp 105 gp

    Cleric 4d6 10 gp 140 gp

    Druid 2d6 10 gp 70 gp

    Fighter 5d6 x 10 gp 175 gp

    Monk 1d6 10 gp 35 gp

    Paladin 5d6 10 gp 175 gp

    Ranger 5d6 10 gp 175 gp

    Rogue 4d6 10 gp 140 gp

    Sorcerer 2d6 10 gp 70 gp

    Wizard 2d6 10 gp 70 gp

    T 2.6 - C W LPC Level Wealth* PC Level Wealth*

    1 See Table 2.7 11 82,000 gp2 1,000 gp 12 108,000 gp

    3 3,000 gp 13 140,000 gp4 6,000 gp 14 185,000 gp5 10,500 gp 15 240,000 gp6 16,000 gp 16 315,000 gp7 23,500 gp 17 410,000 gp8 33,000 gp 18 530,000 gp9 46,000 gp 19 685,000 gp10 62,000 gp 20 880,000 gp

    *No single item may be worth more than 50% of the total.

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    Starting StstArtinG a matcHChapter Presented here are the basic steps to starting a Con ict Match, fol-lowed by an expanded explanations and tips.

    1. GM and Playerse rst obvious step is establishing who is playing and who will be

    the GM. e number of players in a match is critical to the MatchTypes that can be played.

    2. Choose Match Typee next step is to agree on which Match Type to play. e list of

    Match Types appears in Chapter 4. If you cannot decide or want tochoose the Match Type randomly, use the chart in the appendix. Besure to consider the Match Variants as well.

    3. Choose TeamsIn many cases, players can select their own teams. e GM may wishto in uence teambuilding for many reasons. A GM can assign playersto particular teams or use other methods discussed on the next page.Once teams are selected each team may come up with a team name.

    ere are examples of team names later in this chapter.

    4. Set the Battlepoints Cape GM is responsible for assigning the Ba lepoint Cap. However,

    prior to doing this, the GM should speak with the players to deter-mine what level characters they are interested in playing. is willguide the Ba lepoints Cap.

    5. Choose Lawse Laws used establish the guidelines for the Match. Be thoughtful

    when choosing them. Laws can greatly a ect each characters e ec-tiveness and therefore all players will need to agree to them prior tothe match. Laws can be found in Chapter 6

    6. Choose a Conflict Mape GM selects and announces the Con ict Map for the Match. She

    also determines the Con ict Maps con guration. For more informa-

    tion about Con ict Map selection, see Chapter 7.

    7.Build Characters and Select Team FeatsPlayers discuss who will play what, what each character can do and which Team Feats will help the teams strategy. Once the team decideson its tactics, players select and adjust their characters to suit. Whenthe characters are ready, each character gets approved by the GM.Team Feats can be selected a er the GM approves the teams charac-ters. ere are several Pregenerated Characters in Chapter 12.

    9. PasscardsEvery player needs a Passcard to privately communicate with thPlayers should complete certain sections, such ass ar ing i ems he Map Elemen s loca ions, and Ma ch Leng h, prior to the start of theMatch. e appendix has Passcard templates you can use as wellphotocopy. If there arent any copies currently available, you ca blank sheet of paper.

    Team Initiative At the start of a match, each team makes a team initiative checkestablishes the order each team can act prior to the start of the m

    e slowest teammate (the character with the lowest initiative mer) represents his team. Each team rolls a d20 and adds the slo

    teammates initiative modi er to the roll. e team with the high

    total acts rst, the second highest acts next, and so on. If there ithe tied teams should roll again to establish an order. Acting in initiative order, teams gets the following opportunities:1. Claim Map End: e acting team reserves their Map End (asdescribed on page 60). Hallows (when applicable) are also assiat this time.2.Place or Pass: e acting team decides if they wish to place thecharacters and Map Elements or pass the option to the next team

    e slowest team le in the order cannot choose to pass. e opti

    when choosing to place are: Place Map Elemen s: e number of Map Points each team g

    is re ected in the Match Type description. With these pointteam may purchase Map Elements (described in Chapter 5)GM should approve and record their locations.

    Place Minia ures:Players place their miniatures on their MaEnd. e GM ensures all teams follow the Starting Conditiodescribed on page 62 prior to moving on.

    11. Planted ItemsIt is the GMs option to plant magic items on the map. ese itemcould include, for example, a po ion o cure cri ical wounds , avorpalsword , etc. All players are aware of the planted items at the start

    match. See Chapter 11 for more information.

    12. Roll Initiative !Once the miniatures are ready, each player rolls initiative for thcharacter. Allow the normal combat rules to take over from the

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    Playing Multiple Characters starting a mAPresented here are additional options and tips for starting a Con ictRoleplaying match.

    Playing Multiple Characters At times there may be an odd number of players or too few players to

    make a challenging Con ict Match. When this happens, one solutionis to have players control more than one character. As there is not anextended commitment to a character, Con ict Roleplaying is an excel-lent game in which to play multiple characters. Many players enjoy thechallenge and excitement of playingand creatingmore than onecharacter. By playing multiple characters, a player can ll out his teamand make the game more fun for everyone. Here are a few notes onplaying multiple characters:

    Pregens: To speed up play and setup time, the GM can have each

    player make one character and use one pregenerated, or ask allplayers to use pregenerated characters. Pregenerated Charactersare provided in Chapter 12 and on the back page the stat block isreprinted with extra room to allow you to customize. is extraspace will make it easier for you to customize these pregeneratedcharacters as you see t.

    Adop Secondaries: Another bene t to multiple charactersis that a players character can get eliminated without forcingthe player to sit out the rest of the game. Instead he can adoptanother players second character and continue with the game.

    Experienced Players: When possible, characters should bedivided equally among the players. However, a very experiencedplayer may wish to take on extra characters in order to allow lessexperienced players to control only one.

    Me agaming:Players must abide by line of sight rules and ignoreknowledge learned by one of their characters when determiningthe actions of another. is is challenging, but becomes easier with practice. e GM should be alert to metagaming and correctplayers when they misuse knowledge. Metagaming is discussed indepth in Chapter 11.

    Rotating GMsOne of the cool things about Con ict Match play is the e ortless abil-ity to rotate GMs. Since there arent any story or plot arches, changingGM between Con ict Matches is a breeze. Another good reason torotate GMs is to provide players an opportunity to beat the hell out ofthe current campaigns GM; revenge is sweet, a er all. If GM rotationis acceptable, be sure to set expectation of how many Matches eachperson will GM. is will ensure everyone is on the same page.

    Team NamesTeams should have a team name. is adds to the fun of the Matand also helps the GM address a particular team. Of course, plamay use any team name they like as long as it is appropriate for

    table. GMs may wish to come up with a list of team names for to select to help the GM prepare things in advance. If the playertrouble coming up with a team name of their own, they can pickor roll on the following chart.

    Table 3.1 Random Team Names% Team Names % Team Names

    12 Crits For Brains 5152 Size Ma ers(Round 1 Actions: Enlarge Poti

    34 Blocked Magic 5354 Illegal Animal Experiments A team of Druids and Range

    56 HitM En 5556 Badgers & Armpit (Round 1 Ations: Summon Badgers)

    78 Hit And Miss

    (A Duo)5758 e Good, e Bad, And You

    910 e Triple Crits 5960 Eight Bad Knees

    1112 Fireballs 6162 Team Ibuprofen

    1314 We Couldnt Carry Less 6364 E For Idiot

    1516 Major Crits 6566 Snow Chance

    1718 Flying Without A License 6768 e Holy Hand Grenade

    1920 Vertically Challenged(Hal ngs) 6970 OrganDonors

    2122 Death By Net 7172 Fat Kids Are Harder To Kid

    2324 Death From Above 7374 Tears For Beers

    2526 Lost Boys 7576 Team Yellow Stripe

    2728 B.O.B. Best Of Breed 7778 Team Sneak A ack

    2930 Dirty Half Dozen 7980 e Dust Bunnies

    3132 Arm & Hammer(A Duo) 8182 ree Dudes And A Psycho Ch

    3334 150 8384 Farfromsober

    3536 at Hurt? 8586 Toooo Muuuccccchhhh!

    3738 You Ok? 8788 Creeping Evil

    3940 Dispel Or Bleed 8990 Should Have Been Cleri

    4142 Duck Or Bleed 9192 Pink Potions Masters

    4344 Whi , Shank, And row, Inc. 9394 Crimson Blades

    4546 Drunk, Stupid, And Clumsy 9596 War Hounds

    4748 We Dig 4Play (A 3WomanTeam With A 4 Person Roster)9798 WellKnown Magicians

    4950 Lights Out 99100 AskMeNot

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    Supplemental RChapter stArtinG a matcH

    Choosing Teamseam Cap ains:One method of selecting teams is to pick two team

    captains. Groups can select captains through any number of meth-ods, but selecting the two most experienced players is a smart choice.

    Each rolls a d20, with the highest ge ing to pick rst. Captains thenalternately select players from the available pool until all players areselected. is method makes it easy for the GM to split up players,particularly if there are several who are strong tactically.Random Odds & Evens: Another way to choose teams is to have theplayers roll a d6 one at a time. e players that are rst to roll evennumbers (2,4,6) are on the same team.Odd Number o Players:If you have an odd number of players youhave a few options. Several matches, such as Ambush, play well withan odd number of players. Check the match descriptions for this in-formation. Another option is for one or more players to play multiplecharacters. See page 114 for more information on playing multiplecharacters

    Choosing a Match TypeOnce the GM has selected the Match Type, she reads over the rulescarefully. Noting the victory conditions, the minimum team mem- bers and maximum number of teams, any map point adjustments,the Match Length and Planted Items. She must communicate all thisinformation to the players; reading straight from the book if necessary.Example: Sarah, a GM new to Con ict Roleplaying, decides to rollrandomly for her groups rst Con ict Match. She rolls a 5: McGu n.In her notebook, Sarah writes down, McGu n. Must take a load-stone to other teams Hallow. Can be destroyed. 1 point for ge ingloadstone to Hallow; most points in 10 rounds wins. Heavy; glows;interferes with extradimensional travel.Sarah tells the players they will be playing the McGu n Match Type.She tells them the match is 10 rounds long and reads the Objective,Heres e Twist!, Victory Conditions, and e Great McGu n sec-

    tions out loud from the book. A er answering any player questions,Sarah moves on to the next step.

    Supplemental Rulese following section contains supplemental and optional

    rules to consider when playing a Con ict Match. Supple-mental rules are considered to be in play unless the GM saysotherwise; optional rules are considered not in play unlessthe GM says otherwise. Be sure to keep an eye on the Con-

    ictRoleplaying.com website for errata and additional rules.

    Spells (supplemen al):Certain spells are not designed for tacticstrategy gaming. e GM may restrict any spell based on her expence with Con ict Matches. Infeasible spells include those withlong casting times (a onemen , divina ion, ironwood,etc.), those that

    cause the player to leave the map, a disqualifying act (as ral projece hereal jaun , plane shi , e c.), and those relying on the unused aligment system (align weapon, holy sword, e c.). Alignmen Based Spells (supplemen al): Spells and special abilitthat target an alignment (such assmi e evilor pro ec ion fom evil) nowfunction against the opposite team, regardless of alignment. Forple, smite evil becomes smite opposition. Con ict matches are strategy games and determining alignment serves li le purposethe match takes place within a larger traditional campaign.No Effec s Be ore or Be ween Ma ches (supplemen al):In all Con

    ict Matches, no magical e ects can be active at the start of a Mand spells cannot be carried between Matches. Special abilitiesneed activation or need to be declared to the GM are not considactive at the start of the match.Run (supplemen al): During Con ict Matches, the run action isrestricted from use. is is due to the constraints of the Con ict

    is doesnt a ect spells or abilities that increase base speed.Pursui and Evasion (supplemen al): When simply counting osquares, its impossible for a slow character to get away from amined fast character without mitigating circumstances. Likewisno problem for a fast character to get away from a slower one. Wthe speeds of the two concerned characters are equal, the GM cchoose to use this rule: Both players make opposed Dexterity cto see who is the faster. If the eeing character wins, he escapeand can reposition himself out of line of sight in the direction hheading within his movement rate. If the pursuing character winhe catches up and can reposition himself adjacent to the eeincharacter.

    Leaving he Map (supplemen al): Players that leave the map invuntarily (i.e., the target of a plane shispell or Bull Rush) are lost inthe ether for 1d3 rounds. Communication to the map is lost dur

    this time, including telepathy, and spells requiring concetion are lost. A character cannot voluntarily step o the in order to go around a wall or other obstacle. Likewischaracter cannot purposely use magic to exit the map. includes ight, which is limited to 60 feet in height. Aing to do so can result in disquali cation. See Chapter 1more information on disqualifying acts.

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    Introduction to Match Types mAtch tyPEis chapter contains ten Match Types for GMs and players to choose

    from, each with several variations to keep things interesting andnew. e variations o er some twist on the objective, which in turnchanges the tactics and strategies for each team.

    An Introduction to Match TypesMatch Types are scenarios of play that pit teams of players against oneanother. ink of Match Types as di erent competitive events, or asformulas for competition. Each Match Type has its own objective and victory conditions. At the beginning of each session, the players andGM collectively agree on a Match Type, or the players allow the GMto select a Match Type. Once the group selects the Match Type, theplayers or the GM divides the characters into teams. e match beginsand the rst side to achieve the Match Types objective wins.

    Replaying a MatchEach Match Type can be played again and again with di erent results.is depends on what strategies players utilize and what character

    builds they use. A simple change in opening tactics can alter theoutcome or feel of a replayed Match Type. ere is no carry-over fromone match to the next; players cannot keep items or spell e ects a era match ends. However, if the players and characters remain the samefor a rematch, the GM can rule that some knowledge of the teamscarries over between matches. Each team remembers the opposingteams appearances and combat tactics. With this information a team

    may plan, adjust, or change their match tactics accordingly.

    Total Party Kills A TPK (total party kill) occurs when all members of a single teamdie. is always results in victory for the other team. Regardless of theobjective, if all team members fall prior to the objectives being met,that team loses.

    Casualtiese GM makes the nal determination on whether a character is a

    casualty or not. Players that are temporarily incapacitated but couldreturn to the ght should not be considered casualties until the matchends without the characters having returned. When characters die,players should leave the miniature on the map. Such characters maystill be looted, reincarnated etc. For example, Khabar the ghter failshis Fortitude save and falls victim to a esh o s one spell cast by theopposing teams wizard. Khabars miniature remains on the map andit takes 3 rounds for the wizard on his team to break the spell. Duringthat time, Khabar is not a casualty because his body wasnt destroyed.

    Random Match SelectionGMs and players should discuss which Match Type to play andone on which everyone agrees. e GM may also choose to rollrandomly on the Random Match Types Table located in the app

    of this book. Once the Match Type is selected, be sure to consid variants of that Match Type as well.

    Match StalematesStalemates happen in Con ict Roleplaying. Sometimes neither can get the edge it needs to win, and that is okay.

    Here are some possible solutions to resolve stalemates: Sudden Death: For Match Types where slaying the opposin

    team is the objective, the next team to kill an enemy team m ber wins.

    Extended Match: Play for an additional 5 rounds.

    Match EventsMatch events add a twist to Match Types. Some matches may seasy to design tactics for, until a Match Events add a layer of coity that requires a more dynamic strategy. Match events are, in emagical e ects that are the center of the Match Type. ey creatchallenges that apply to all teams.Match events can be magical e ects that a ect certain players odi erent players at di erent times. For example, in Regicide, th

    crown has properties that a ect only the character designated thking. In Kill of the Hill, the aerie re e ect targets the characters inlead, and ceases when they fall out of the lead or become casuaTe Hallow: Several matches include a Map Element named eHallow. Players should familiarize themselves with it descriptiopage 41.Canno Be Circumven ed: Players must understand that the matevents are the purview of the GM. e whole point of the matchis to add a new dimension to the match; for this reason, most coa cannot be circumvented clause. Magic and tactics, no ma epowerful, cannot overcome the restrictions a match event impo An a empt to disable a match event is a challenge to the GMs ity, and could result in disquali cation. Making the match evenfor your team, though, is another story. Players are encouraged think creatively to nd ways to turn a seeming disadvantage intadvantage or part of a plan. Accept and work with the match evinstead of ghting against it to enrich the experience for all play

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    Here is the format for Match type descriptions.

    Objectiveis is the overall purpose of a Match Type. It gives information on all

    the key concepts of the match.

    Heres the Twist!e twist is what makes the match unique is section describes rules

    that change the direction or expected outcome of the objective.

    Handicap Matchis indicates if a Match Type requires an odd number of characters.

    Namee name of the Match Type is displayed at the top of the page. It is

    how it is referred to in the book and on the Con ict forums.

    Victory Conditions While the Objective section explains the overall goals of a Match

    Type, this section places it into concrete terms. e Victory Condtions state what players must do to win the match.

    Team Name Adjustment ese are the names of the teams involved in the Match Type. In

    matches this is important because teams might have di erent obtives. During the match descriptor the text may refer to a team bteam name mentioned here. In matches without special team nait will say None.

    Minimum Team Membersis is the smallest number of characters needed for each team. T

    cannot be composed of fewer characters than this number.

    Maximum Number of Teamsis is the recommended maximum number of teams that can pa

    pate in the Match Type.

    Setup & Rules e setup explains how to prepare for the Match Type. It coverspoints usage, miniature placement rules, and the other things ththe stage for the competition.

    Starting Point Adjustment ere are Match Types which place restrictions on the starting p

    of the characters. is section discusses any such adjustments.

    Map Point Adjustment Some Match Types adjust or eliminate the amount of Map Poinavailable to the players. is section details the proper Map Poinlotment for the match.

    Match Lengthis provides the potential length for the Match Type in rounds.

    more than one length is mentioned, the GM can choose from thlisted. If the Match Length is In nite, or if In nite is selected, tMatch lasts until the Victory Conditions are met.

    Variants Variants are altered versions of existing Match Types that usuaa di erent twist, objective or setup. Groups are encouraged to pstandard Match Type before experimenting with variations.

    GM Notesis section is designed for the GM and gives important details,

    reminders or frequently asked questions for her reference.

    Match Type FChapter mAtch tyPEs


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    Te pass looked clear a rs . Ten hey descended in ascreaming pack wi hou warning, weapons alling on uswi h murderous precision. Teir numbers were ew, bu

    heir ac ics mul iplied heir power. Our side was surround- ed by heirs, and hings didn look good. We ough eebu scatered in he atemp . I knew ha i we regrouped in

    ime and seized he higher ground, we migh jus ge ou ohis alive. Bernard, Ambush Survivor

    Handicap Match Yes

    ObjectiveIn an Ambush match, each team struggles to eliminate the other team

    by slaying every enemy characer. One team, the Ambushers, has asmaller number of players than the other team, the Defenders. e Ambushers gain an initial advantage when they launch a surprisea ack on the Defenders to start the match. But can they maintainthat advantage when the Defenders countera ack with their superiornumbers?

    Heres the Twist!e Ambushers have fewer numbers than the Defenders, but the

    Ambushers receive a number of tactical advantages. e Ambushers

    are the only team with Map Points. e Ambushers receive a numberof preparation rounds in which to lay traps and raise defences. Whenthe Ambushers do strike, they do so under the bene ts of protectivemagic and advantageous terrain.However, the Defenders have greater numbers that should withstandthe Ambushers initial onslaught. Focused tactics by the Defenderscould wipe out the Ambushers smaller numbers with a li le luck anda lot of strategy.

    Victory ConditionsKill all members of the opposing team to win.


    Map Poin s Adjus men s: 100 (Ambushers) , 0 (Defenders)S ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: e Ambushers may start the match

    on any square of the map. e Defenders are restricted to the norplacement rules.Ma ch Leng h Op ions:15 Rounds, 20 Rounds, Inde nite

    Rules e Ambushers receive the standard number of 100 Map Po e Defenders must wait two rounds before beginning the

    match. (i.e e Defenders miniatures will not be placed on tmap until the third round.)

    e Ambushers may start the match on any square of the ma e Defenders are restricted to the normal placement rules. e Ambushers are aware which Map End the Defenders w

    start the match. However, they are not aware of which squa

    GM Notes Both teams need to be assigned a Map End. If there is a visible spell e ect in a square that a defender s

    then he can choose to start in a di erent square that is withfeet (4 squares) of another team member.

    e two preparatory rounds given to the Ambusher do not cagainst the Match Length.

    VariantsDifferen Batlepoin Caps: e Defenders receive a smaller Bapoint cap than the Ambushers. e Defenders adjust their Ba le

    cap to be one level lower than the Ambushers per Table 2.1: Bapoint Cap by Level.Even Kill Vic ory Condi ions: e Ambushers must kill a numbeof Defenders equal to the original size of the Ambusher team. Fexample, a team of 3 Ambushers facing a team of 7 Defenders kill 3 Defenders to win. e Defenders must kill all of the Ambuto win.3.Reduced Prepara ion: e Ambushers receive only one round which to prepare their ambush.4. Double-Cross: In this variant, the Ambushers and Defenders begin the match with an even number of team members. Howeone member of the Ambushers is actually a spy, placed there byDefenders. During the ambush, the spy can disrupt the a ack, ton his former teammates, or otherwise assist the Defenders. emust reveal his allegiance during the rst skirmish and thereacounts as a Defender. e GM can assign the spy by privately wa yes or no on the Passcard of each character. e character the yes is the spy.

    Match Type: Ambush Am usH


    Team Names Adjustments

    MinimumTeam Members


    Ambushers, Defenders1 for Ambushers

    2 for Defenders2

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    match type illustrated: Am usH

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    Tey all wan he hill. Men have died rying o ake i . Bu he hill is elusive. I does no si s ill, i moves abou hebatle eld, like an aimless vagabond. Whoever con rols

    he hill, is mas er o he land. oday, he hill is mine.

    y, Hill Slayer

    Handicap MatchNo. Teams are not assigned. Characters play as individuals

    ObjectiveEach character needs to get to the hill and stay on it for the greatestnumber of rounds to win. Kill of the Hill is a free-for-all format thatallows characters to play as individuals and not part of a team. Anynumber of characters can participate in the Kill of the Hill.

    Heres the Twist!1. A casualties cannot be declared a winner. erefore, not only arecharacters trying to occupy the same space they are trying to stayalive. In addition, once a character leads in number of rounds on thehill, a aerie re e ect targets the character and makes him easier toidentify and hit.2. e hill moves every three rounds. ere are three locations wherethe hill can appear. e characters are aware of the three locations, butmust determine the hills current location on their own.3. Lastly, the hill does not only sit at ground level. e GM can place

    the hill on building tops, platforms, and other challenging locations toincrease the di culty of the match.

    Victory Conditionse player who has held the hill for the greatest number of rounds by

    the time the match ends wins. A casualty cannot be declared the win-ner. To score a round, a character must spend an entire round with hisfeet on the hill.

    Scoring: In order to score, a character must Activated the Hill asdetailed under Hallows Activation on page 41.


    Map Poin s Adjus men s: Map points are not assignedS ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: All characters must begin within twosquares of the maps edge. All characters begin on the same side of themap positioned 15 feet from each other.

    Ma ch Leng h Op ions:10 Rounds, 15 Rounds, 20 Rounds

    Rules Teams are not assigned. Characters play as individuals e GM assigns three potential hill locations and marks the

    tions on the map.

    e hill is a 10 foot Hallow; the GM decides its initial locati A pale glow surrounds and outlines the hill at all times. i

    equivalent of adancing ligh s spell. All characters are aware of the hills location during round Players cannot move the location of the hill. e hill possesses all of the magical e ects of a Hallow wit

    exception of the Announcement e ect.

    Match EventsKill O he Hill: A airy re and dimensional anchor spells are autom

    ically cast on characters that share the lead. e spells are recast turn (not round). e moment a character is no longer in the leadis declared a casualty, the spells are removed. For the purposes match the e ect circumvents all magical and physical resistancGias Reach: e hill begins at one of the predetermined locationin the rst round. At the beginning of the fourth round, and evethree rounds a er that, the hill shi s to another location. e GMrolls 1d100; each other location has a y- y chance of becothe new hill. Once the hill moves, it glows with the e ect of a dlights spell, as if cast on the summit of the hill. At the beginnineach subsequent round, the dancing lights rise 30 feet into the a When the hill shi s again in three rounds, the dancing lights dipear and reappear at the summit of the new hill.

    GM Notes e Hill must be reachable via mundane means. More than one person can score and occupy the hill in a ro Character can score points while burrowing.

    VariantsSingle Hill: Gias Reach is not active, and the hill remains in ontion for the entire match. e characters play on two teams, A aand Defenders. e Defenders must protect the hill by disruptinga empts by an A acker to spend an entire round with his feet ohill. e A ackers score one point each time one of their membescores a round on the hill. e GM assigns a victory condition frto 5 points. If the A ackers score that many points, they win. Ifruns out before the A ackers reach the victory condition, the Ders win. e Hill under this variant is a 20 feet square.

    Match Type: Kill of the Hill KiLl oF tHe

    Team Names Adjustments

    MinimumTeam Members


    No Team Assigned No Team Assigned No Team Assigned

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    K i l l o f t h e H i l l

    match type illustrated : KiLl oF t

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    So i has come o his. War. oday we setle old scores and gh o be he ones lef s anding o claim he spoils. Wecome here oday o spill he blood o our enemies. Our aimis simple: make hem bleed. We mus combine our magic

    and our s eel o hwar he enemy and reign vic orious. Lazarus, Four- ime Bloodspill Survivor

    Handicap MatchNo

    Objectivee objective is to slay all other teams on the map. Bloodspill is a

    simple Match Type that works well for groups that just want to havesome quick fun. Players form evenly numbered teams, and clash in a ba le royale. Time is crucial in Bloodspill. e players should agree

    on a set match length.Heres the Twist!1. As long as your character ts under the Ba lepoint cap, there isnothing stopping you from pure combat. Players test their me leagainst one another using their perfectly constructed characters.2. Watch your step. With 200 map points each team will li er the map with map elements.3. e GM plants an item on the map as described in the PlantedItems section on page 91. e GM announces the existence of theitems before the start of the match but a er the players have placedtheir miniatures on the map.

    Victory Conditions Whichever team has the most survivors at the end of the match, wins.

    SetupTeam Names Adjustments

    MinimumTeam Members


    1 4

    Map Poin s Adjus men s:200 Map points are assigned to each team.

    S ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: No Adjustment.Ma ch Leng h Op ions: 10 Rounds, 15 Rounds, 20 Rounds

    Rules When there is a tie in survivors, victory can be decided by

    moving to Sudden Death: e next team to kill an enemy teammember wins. Or extend the Match for an additional 5 rounds.

    GM Notes is is an excellent Match Type in which to test out new

    character builds. You can change the dynamic of the matchrequiring players to create characters before they are rando

    assigned into groups. Groups where the players are allowedcollaboratively create their characters will have an easier timore synergistic tactics, making for a more intense (but poshorter) match.

    Groups with four players may prefer to play Brothers Keeinstead of Bloodspill as the rule are intended for pairs.

    Expect players to test the limits of what their characters canIn such a strategic match, players will be eager to build comcated characters with devastating combos. Consult the GMchapter on ideas for how to keep the action moving in the fcomplicated tactics and methods.

    Once a Planted Item is announced and placed on the map, ers are not allow to move their miniatures until their initiatturn.

    As this Match Type is excellent for testing new builds, youconsider either raising the Ba lepoint Cap or even completeliminating it, to allow characters to spend all their availab

    VariantsFor Each His Own:Characters begin on evenly numbered teamshowever, only one person can be declared the winner. Even sur who are members of the same team must ght one another.Iconic Group: is variant is for teams with four members each. member of each group must be a warrior type (barbarian, gpaladin, monk, or ranger), one must be a healer type (cleric, dor paladin), one must be a cra y type (bard, ranger, or rogue)one must be a spellcaster type (druid, sorcerer, or wizard). Ncharacters can be the same class. us, if the warrior type is a pathe healer type cannot also be a paladin.

    Legendary Face Off: A single player from each team gets to playlegendary iconic character. e icon can be from any popular litsource like Dungeons and Dragons, comic books or legends of (e.g. Knights of the Round Table). e legendary icon will still nmeet the Ba lepoint cap.Legendary Grudge Ma ch: One player gets to be a Legendary Dgeons and Dragons icon. (eg a dual scimitar welding Drow or man aging wizard who has traveled all the realms but has forgo

    e legendary icon will still need to meet the Ba lepoint cap.

    Match Type: Bloodspill loodsPiLL

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    match type illustrated: bLooD

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    Tis batle isn abou killing; i s abou geting he o herside o alk. Our enemies have vi al in orma ion and i we

    ake heir secre s rs , we will have a sizable advan age onhe batleeld. So le s go ge one o hose bas ards!

    Nulcore, Mas er a Arms Handicap MatchNo

    ObjectiveEach side tries to grab one member of the opposing team and bringthe prisoner to their Hallow. Any opposing team member will do, butas each side has the same objective, both teams will be on their guard.

    Heres the Twist!1. Team members cannot huddle together. Each character must stayat least one square (i.e. 5 feet) from any other team member. In other words, team members cannot occupy adjacent spaces.

    2. Disquali cation rules regarding slaying your own teammates areconditionally suspended in this Match Type. A mercy kill may oc-cur if the teammate is in the possession of the enemy. Possession isdeclared by the GM.

    Victory ConditionsTo win, a team must return to their Hallow with an opponent andkeep him prisoner for three rounds. e opponent must remain alivefor the duration of the round to score. Each opponents time in theHallow is counted separately and the rounds dont need to be con-secutive.


    Map Poin s Adjus men s: Map points are not assigned.

    S ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: No Adjustments.Ma ch Leng h Op ions: 15 Rounds, 20 Rounds, 25 Rounds

    Rules e GM places one Hallow on each side of the map and assigns

    one team to each Hallow. Team members must stand at least one square (i.e. 5 feet) apart.

    In other words, team members cannot occupy adjacent spaces,even if grappled. If team members are forced into adjacent spaces,they must take the rst available legal move to separate.

    If one team grabs an enemy and deliberately brings the imponed character adjacent to a teammate (for example, to getthrough a doorway or down a corridor), the separation rulesuspended until the teammates gain at least ve feet of spa between them. For example, if the enemy drags an imprisocharacter through a doorway and ends their movement adjato the imprisoned characters teammate, the teammate doeshave to move away until the enemy drags the imprisoned cter at least one square (i.e. 5 feet) away.

    GM Notes e opponent must remain alive for the duration of the roun

    to score. In the Path nder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebdeath is de ned as when: e characters hit points are redto a negative amount equal to his Constitution score, his Cotution drops to 0, or he is killed outright by a spell or e ect

    e GM should familiarize herself with the grapple rules prthe match. e GM might also wish to go over the grapple r with the players before play begins. A summary appears h

    Grapple actions are based on Combat Maneuver Bonus (Ba ack bonus + Strength modi er + Special Size Modi eand Combat Maneuver Defense Bonus (10+ BAB + StreModi er + Dexterity Modi er + Special Size Modi er).

    Grappling is a standard action that provokes an a ack of

    portunity. If the target doesnt break the grapple, the grappler gains on grapple checks made against the target in later rounds

    Once the characters are grappling, the grappler can makecheck to maintain the grapple and do one of the followinmove half speed, damage, pin, or tie up (if pinned).

    A character can take any action that requires only one haperform, such as cast a spell or make an a ack with a ligone-handed weapon against any creature within reach.

    Variantsigh Lipped:Captured opponents must be held in the Hallow frounds instead of 3.Dead Men ell ales:Captured opponents do not have to be keptalive. Once taken to the Hallow, aspeak wi h deadspell allows forinterrogation. Casualties miniatures are le on the ba le map tindicate where the bodies lie. Characters should calculate their wincluding the weight of equipment, in case the numbers becomerelevant.No Mercy Kills:Disquali cation rules are in full e ect.

    sNatch and G

    Team Names Adjustments

    MinimumTeam Members


    2 4

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    Te villages have sent their strongest competitors to reap glory and honor. oday we meet on the eld, spill our bloodand trample our adversaries; that we might seize the McGuffin and take it into our enemies Hallow.

    Haevic, the Heavy-Handed

    Handicap MatchNo

    ObjectiveMcGu n simulates a violent sporting event, not unlike the medi-eval sport Mob Ball. Players form into two teams, and Hallows areassigned on either side of the map. A loadstone, called the McGu n,is put into play and each team must ght to bring it to the opposingteams Hallow to score points. e loadstone reappears instantly in itsoriginal location a er a point is scored.

    Heres the Twist!1. e McGu n is fragile. It can be destroyed. If it is destroyed itreturns to its original location.2. e McGu n is dimensionally anchored so it is una ected by spellsthat take it outside the Material Plane.

    Victory Conditionse team that scores the most points by the end of the match wins.

    Teams score points by bringing the McGu n to their opponents Hal-low and holding it there for one round.

    Setup Map Poin s Adjus men s: Map points are not assignedS ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: No AdjustmentsMa ch Leng h Op ions: 15 Rounds, 20 Rounds, 25 Rounds

    Rules e GM chooses a square near the center of the map and places a

    token representing the McGu n on that square. e GM places a Hallow on each side of the map and assigns a

    team to each Hallow.

    Match EventsTe Grea McGu n: e McGu n is a magically sentient loadstonethat doesnt like to be moved. It appears as a perfectly circular orb,

    pitch black in color and smoothly polished. e McGu n is abothe size of a large grapefruit and weighs 51 pounds. A handle futhe top of the McGu n allows smaller hands to carry the item. oddest thing about the McGu n is the illusory mouth that appe

    whenever it is moved. When jostled or carried, the McGu n coplains endlessly and creates an e ect to slow movement.

    e DC to hear the McGu ns squawking is 10 plus 1 for every feet between the character and the McGu n. While the McGu n is being carried (or moved without being csuch as in a cart) it creates an e ect that reduces movement of tcharacter carrying or moving the McGu n by one-half. If multicharacters cooperate to move the McGu n, all participating chaacters have their movement reduced. e e ect is in addition to aother e ect that impact movement(e.g.Slow spell, di cult terrain).

    e e ect ends when the character drops or discards the McGu Anyone carrying or otherwise moving the McGu n glows withemerald radiance, with intensity equal to that of a torch. e lighcreates an e ect equal to that of the dimensional anchor spell. Idition, the light prevents concealment bene ts from darkness, bor similar spells and e ects. e McGu n cannot leave its planeexistence, which means characters cannot place the McGu n in bag of holding or similar item. e light is too dim to have any se ect on undead or dark-dwelling creatures vulnerable to light.

    thrown the loadstone will drop in the adjacent square, no morefeet away. e McGu n has hardness 10 and hit points 10.

    GM Notes e McGu n begins in the center of any Con ict Map.

    VariantsExploding McGu n: e McGu n in this variant is unstable andexplodes frequently. Every round there is a 10% chance of this ring. When the McGu n explodes, it in icts 1d6/level of the mto everything within a 10 foot radius (Re ex save for half). Foample, a level 6 match (114 ba lepoint cap) would deal 6d6 daSingle Hallow: ere is only one Hallow. e teams are divided inDefenders and A ackers. Defenders protect the Hallow and prethe other team from scoring. e GM assigns anywhere from 1 tpoints. If the A ackers score more then what was assigned, theeam Mcgu n:Each team starts with a McGu n. A single Hall

    is placed in the center of the map. e team to bring their McGuto the Hallow the most number of times wins. A er each score McGu n returns to a GM designated point in the map.

    Match Type: McGuffin m c GufFiN

    Team Names Adjustments

    MinimumTeam Members


    2 4

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    One o our comrades lies locked away in he enemys hell- ish prison. We owe i o our bond o comradeship o en er

    he enemys erri ory and ee our iend om heir grasp. Sir Midguard, Friend

    Handicap Match YesObjectiveEach team has a di erent objective.De ending eams: e Defenders goal is to maintain control of theircaptured prisoner. If the prisoner is freed, the Defenders must slayhim before the match expires.Rescuing eams: e Rescuers goal is to free the captured characterand protect him until the match expires.

    Heres the Twist!e match is handicapped at the start. One player on the Rescuersteam begins play imprisoned in the Defenders Hallow. e Defend-ers are aware the Rescuers are on their way. e Defenders also knowthat the Rescuers must activate the Hallow by touch to release theirimprisoned comrade.

    Victory ConditionsDe ending eams: e Defenders win if, at the end of the match,the prisoner is either still in the Defenders Hallow or he is dead. e

    match ends immediately (with a victory for the Defenders) if theprisoner dies.

    Rescuing eams: e Rescuers win if, at the end of the match, theprisoner is either in the Rescuers Hallow or he is out of the Defend-ers Hallow and still alive. e match ends immediately (with a victoryfor the Rescuers) if the prisoner reaches his home Hallow.


    Map Poin s Adjus men s: Map points are not assigned.S ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: No AdjustmentsMa ch Leng h Op ions:15 Rounds , 20 Rounds

    Rules e GM places the Hallows on the map. e Defenders Hallow is oval-shaped. e GM places the mini

    representing the prisoner in the Defenders Hallow e GM selects which character is the prisoner; this can also be

    determined randomly.

    Match EventsTe S anding Hallow: A oval shaped Hallow imprisons one cha with the follow e ects:

    Hallow Ac iva ion:e Hallow is activated by placing a palm onHallows surface and concentrating; this is a move action.

    e enemy Hallow cannot be activated by the prisoner, and thuscannot escape by activating the Hallow himself. Only his teammcan activate the Hallow and release him. e enemy team cannotremove the prisoner from their own Hallow, nor can they harm prisoner while he is in his prison.Inside he S anding Hallow:e Hallow prevents the prisonersspells and abilities from functioning. However, the imprisonedcharacter may shout, bang on the Hallow walls, and listen for s

    outside the Hallow. A successful Perception check with a +5 mto the DC allows the prisoner to hear noises outside the Hallow wise other characters can hear the prisoner with a successful Petion check (+5 modi er to the DC ).

    GM Notes A player can play multiple characters (both the prisoner an

    Rescuer) to curtail boredom. e GM can also play the prisoner until he is freed, at which

    point the freeing player takes over the prisoners sheet as w e Hallow has all the abilities of a normal Hallow. e Defenders cannot kill the prisoner before his release an

    Hallow protects the prisoner from all physical and magical e prisoner should have a place in the initiative order.

    VariantsCunning ac ics:In this variant, the GM awards two prep roundto one team. Either the Defenders have planned the capture welget two rounds to prepare for the Rescuers arrival, or the Reschave a plan of action ready for this contingency, and get two roto prepare their assault. Neither team can e ect or enter the oppteams Map End.Prisoner Exchange: Each team has a member trapped in the otheteams Hallow. Each team now has the same victory condition: their captured teammate and protect their own prisoner. When tmatch expires, the team in control of both prisoners wins (if boteams have control of their own prisoner, the one with their pris

    rst to or closest to their Hallow wins). Killing the enemy prisoscores a victory for the slaying team.

    Team Names Adjustments

    MinimumTeam Members


    Defenders & Rescuers 2 4

    Match Type: HellBreak Hell reak

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    Match Type: Regicide Regicide

    Team Names Adjustments

    MinimumTeam Members


    2 4

    Perhaps i is a grab or power, or perhaps he peasan s arein revol and wish o place heir own on he hrone. Maybe

    he kingdom is in he hroes o civil war. Wha ever hecircums ances, one hing is clear: he king is in danger. He

    is under atack and mus be pro ec ed a all cos s.Jasper, Sovereign y Pro ec or

    Handicap MatchNo

    Objectivee team that kills an opposing teams king rst, wins. Players will

    need to use every resource at their disposal to defend their liegeagainst vile assassins, while at the same time trying to kill the king ontheir enemies team. e word Regicide means to kill a monarch. Itcomes from the Latin roots Rex (King) and -Cidium (to Kill).

    Heres the Twist!1. e king of each team wears a crown. is magical crown makes itdi cult to hide or disguise the king in any way, granting an advantageto his would-be assassins.2. Each team possesses limited resources. e king will nd it neces-sary to accompany his teammates assault, pu ing himself in harms way but increasing the teams chances of survival.

    Victory Conditionse rst team to bring an opposing king to negative hit points, wins.Setup

    Map Poin s Adjus men s: 100 (All Teams)S ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: No AdjustmentsMa ch Leng h Op ions:15-Rounds or 20-Rounds

    Rules Each player rolls 1d6. e highest roller on each team becomes

    the king of his team. Reroll to break ties. Each team begins on their Map End with their own king to

    protect. e crowns e ects begin at the start of the match. Each team knows how many other teams there are, but not where

    they are.

    Opposing teams are not aware who the actual king is and m

    rely on the appearance of the King Crown.

    Match EventsTe Kings Crown: e kings crown is essentially a permanent

    illusion with several special properties. First, the illusory crow visible even by creatures using darkvision, sonic location, or anspecial sense that acts like vision (but not scent or tremorsense)Second, the kings crown, though a magical e ect, cannot be di by any means including a wish spell. ird, the light emanating the kings crown can pierce concealment e ects such as darkneobscuring mist for 10 feet. Creatures 10 feet or closer to the kinsu er normal concealment penalties for the area, but they can clocate and target the king.Crowned: e character that is selected as their teams king is imdiately crowned. e oversized crown hovers a few inches abovkings head and shimmers with a gentle golden light. e light idim to have any special e ect on undead or dark-dwelling creat vulnerable to light. For the purposes of the match the crown ca be removed, covered or hidden from view.

    GM Notes If necessary, be sure the Hallows are accessible by mundan


    VariantsEnemies Selec ion: e only di erence in this variant is the kingselected by the opposing team prior to the match.One-Sided Regicide: Only one team has a king, and the other teis a group of assassins. To win, the assassins must simply kill tking. e team with a king can achieve victory by bringing him through the opposing teams side of the map and into the opposteams Hallow.Sa e Poin s: In this variant, there are two Hallows designated othe map by the GM. ese Hallows are considered safe points fothe king. e opposing teams agree not to harm any king for oneround a er the king enters the Hallow. e king also agrees not the source of any harm to the opposing characters during that tiOne round of safety begins at the end of the turn in which the kenters the Hallow and lasts until the end of the kings next turning that round, the king may perform actions that do not violateterms of the match at the GMs discretion.

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    Match Type: Brothers Keeper rother s Keepe

    Team Names Adjustments

    MinimumTeam Members


    2 4

    I am my bro hers keeper. Bro hers need o wa ch ou oreach o her, or i one o hem should all, vengeance is heonly res i u ion. Kavakava, Litle Bro her

    Handicap MatchNo

    Objectivee objective is to slay all opposing characters. Brothers Keeper is

    intended for 2-4 teams of two.

    Heres the Twist!1. Each team of two shares a pair of rings that allows them to sharedamage and communicate telepathically.

    2. A character can return from the dead if his brother avenges his

    death.Victory Conditions

    e team that survives the match, wins.


    Match Rules

    Map Poin s Adjus men s: 100 (All Teams)

    S ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: No AdjustmentsMa ch Leng h Op ions:15 Rounds, 20 Rounds

    Match RulesAll brothers begin the match wearing one ring from the BrothersKeeper Ring Set. It is the only ring that can be worn on that handAll brothers begin the match with the ability to perform the Restitu-tion Match Event once per match.

    Match EventsRes i u ion: If a character falls below zero hit points, he can return to

    life if his partner fells an opponent within 3 rounds. When a charac-ter returns to life, he regains 50% of his original hit points. (i.e. halfof his hit points prior to any spells or e ects) e characters returnson his next turn a er the opponent is killed. For example, Corbus(initiative 12) and Vincent (initiative 7) are partners. eir enemy,Cat (initiative 13) kills Vincent. One round later, Corbus kills Cat oninitiative 12. On initiative 7, later in the round, Vincent returns to lifeat half hit points. A fallen character returned to life appears, standing,

    in the same square in which he died. If the square is occupied oopponent threatens the square, the character appears in the closeunobstructed, unthreatened square in the direction of his partne Any ongoing or permanent e ects that targeted the character behis death (for example, a bulls strength or blindness spell) are rmoved when the character returns to life.

    e three round countdown in which the fallen characters partncan avenge him begins the turn that the character drops below zpoints and ends at the end of his turn four rounds later.Bro hers Keeper Rings: Modeled a er the friend shield rings, thlesser powered rings are designed to protect partners in this ma war. ese rings always come in pairs. A brothers keeper ring wits mate is useless. On their turn, either wearer of one of a pair can, as an immediate action, command his ring to cast shield ot

    and/or message, Treat these spells as if cast by a 4th level castethe casters partner the only valid target/recipient. is e ect hasrange limitation, but both partners must be on the same plane. Bspell e ects last 1d4 rounds and only one ring can be in e ect atime.

    GM Notes Many of the variants for Bloodspill work well with the Bro

    Keeper Match Type and can be used without alteration. When revenged, a character should keep the same initiativ

    score. Familiars, animal companion and the like do not return to l

    with the Restitution Match Event. Magicallymade duplicates, clones, illusions and the like

    return to life with the Restitution Match Event. Brothers Keeper Rings can be removed. Brothers Keeper Rings can not be destroyed. Brothers Keeper Rings do not emanate a magical aura.

    Variants Vorpal Blades - Single:One member of each team begins the ma with avorpal sword , and his partner receives a masterwork longsw

    e players choose which partner starts with thevorpal sword. evorpal sword is visually identical to the masterwork longsword. vorpal sword is limited in use and its decapitation e ect can onlyused once at the players discretion. Otherwise the sword is trea masterwork longsword. Vorpal Blades Double:Every character in the match begins pla with avorpal sword.

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    B r o t h

    e r s

    K e e p e r

    match type illustrated : Brother s Ke er

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    Someone le he mons ers loose! Te beas s killed heirkeepers and are rampaging. Te king has offered riches and

    i les o he eam ha can kill he mos o hese crea ures. I you are brave, come and claim your glory.

    Franis, he Royal Even AnnouncerHandicap MatchNo

    Objectivee objective of this Match Type is for either team to kill as many of

    the monsters assigned to their team as possible.

    Heres the Twist!No barrier or restriction keeps characters from crossing to the otherside of the map. erefore, characters are free to a ack opposing teammembers, protect the opposing teams monsters, or even heal the op-posing teams monsters.

    Victory Conditions At the end of the match, the dead monsters will be counted and sorted based on the team to which they belonged. e team with the mostdead monsters wins. e team must have a least one surviving mem- ber to be declared the winner. Slaying your opponents monster willgive your team a negative point for each monster slain.

    SetupMap Poin s Adjus men s: 100 (All Teams)S ar ing Poin s Adjus men s: Characters must be placed prior toany monster placement.Ma ch Leng h Op ions:15 Rounds, 20 Rounds

    Rules e GM decides what monsters are used during the match. e players must place their characters on the map prior to the

    monsters initial placement. e GM decides on an even number of monsters and chooses the

    monsters initial starting locations. e GM controls the monsters. A Hallow is placed in the center of the map and each team re-

    ceives a Hallow. e GM chooses the Hallows locations andplaces them on the map.

    Monsters CR should be roughly13 of the average character lev

    Match EventsMons er eam Markings:Each monster that enters the matchdisplays prominent colored strips in its skin, feathers, scales, et

    the monster wears armor, the colored strips appear on its armorteam knows what color monster they must kill to score points. Imatch with two teams, the default colors are blue and red. For tteams, yellow monsters appear, and for four teams, white monsappear. In a standard match, the colored strips are visible on thesters chests and backs. All char

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