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Page 1: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Vladimir Gol’dshteinBen-Gurion University of the Negev

Sde Boker, 2017March 20-24

0(Joint works with Viktor Burenkov and Alexander Ukhlov)Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 2: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


This talk devoted to connections between conformal (hyperbolic)geometry of bounded simply connected planar domains and theNeumann eigenvalues of the p-Laplace operator (1 < p ≤ 2). Themain results concerned to a large class of bounded non convexdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal(hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includesquasidiscs (images of the unit disc under quasiconformalhomeomorphism of the plane). Situation in space domains will bediscussed also.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 3: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


The two main problems will be discussed:

1. Lower estimates for the principal Neumann eigenvalues of the(p)-Laplace operator.

2. Spectral stability for Neumann-Laplace operators.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 4: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


The classical Neumann-Laplace spectral problem is:

−∆u = µu in Ω,



= 0.

The weak statement of the spectral problem is: a function

u ∈W 1,2(Ω) solves the previous problem iff


∇u(x) · ∇v(x) dvol = µ


u(x)v(x) dvol , ∀v ∈ W 1,2(Ω).

Here W 1,2 is the space of integrable functions with the bounded

energy integral∫Ω |∇u(x)|2dvol.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 5: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


By the Max-Min principle the first nontrivial Neumann eigenvalueof the Laplace operator µ1 can be characterized as

µ1(Ω) = min


|∇u(x)|2 dvol


|u(x)|2 dx: u ∈W 1,2(Ω) \ 0,


u dvol = 0


Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 6: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


It means that the µ1(Ω)−

12 is the best constant B2,2(Ω) in the

following Sobolev-Poincare inequality

infc∈R‖f − c | L2(Ω)‖ ≤ B2,2(Ω)‖∇f | L2(Ω)‖, f ∈W 1,2(Ω).

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 7: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Recall that the Sobolev space W 1,p(Ω), 1 ≤ p <∞, is defined asa Banach space of locally integrable weakly differentiable functionsf : Ω→ R equipped with the following norm:

‖f |W 1p (Ω)‖ =



|f (x)|p dvol) 1





|∇f (x)|p dvol) 1



The previous assertions are correct for the first nontrivial Neumanneigenvalue of the (p)-Laplace operator in terms of W 1,p-spaces.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 8: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Short historic remarks for the Neuman-Laplace operator

1. Lord Rayleigh, The theory of sound, London, 1894/96(formulation of the spectral problem)

2. H. Weyl, Das asymptotische Verteilungsgesetz der Eigenwertelinearer partieller Differentialgleichungen, Math. Ann. 71,1912. (Asymptotic of eigenvalues).

3. G. Polya, G. Szego, Isoperimetic inequalities in mathematicalphysics, Princeton University Press, 1951. (Upper estimates)

4. L. E. Payne, H. F. Weinberger, An optimal Poincar inequalityfor convex domains, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 5, 1960. (Lowerestimates for convex domains in terms of its diameters)

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 9: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


The classical results by L. E. Payne and H. F. Weinberger (1960)give the lower estimates of the first non-trivial eigenvalue of theNeumann Laplacian in convex domains in terms of its diameters:

µ1[Ω] ≥π2


Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 10: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Infinitesimally a conformal homeomorphism is a similarity. It meansthat

∇(f (ϕ(x , y)) = (∇f )(ϕ(x , y))|ϕ′

z(x , y)

for any conformal homeomorphism ϕ : Ω→ Ω′ and any smoothfunction f : Ω′ → R . Hence |ϕ′

z(x , y)|2 = J((x , y);ϕ). Thisequality can be used as an alternative definition of conformalmappings. Here z = x + iy .

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 11: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Basic Lemma. Any conformal mapping ϕ : Ω→ Ω′ preserves the

energy integral:

Ω|∇(f ϕ)|2dvol =

Ω|∇(f ϕ)|2 |ϕ

z(x , y)|2|J((x , y);ϕ)| |J((x , y);ϕ)|dvol



|∇f |2dvol

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 12: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


If ϕ : Ω→ Ω′ is not conformal but is weakly differentiable, then

Ω|∇(f ϕ)(x , y)|2dvol


Ω|∇(f ϕ)|(x , y)2 |ϕ

z(x , y)|2|J(x , y);ϕ) |J((x , y);ϕ)|dvol

≤ sup(x ,y)∈Ω|Dϕ(x , y)|2|J((x , y);ϕ)|


|∇(f |(u, v)2dvol .

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 13: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


The quantity

Q := sup(x ,y)∈Ω|Dϕ(x , y)|2|J((x , y);ϕ)|

is called a coefficient of quasiconformality (a quasiconformaldilatation).If Q is bounded a corresponding homeomorphism is calledquasiconformal. It is one of the classical definitions (byB.V.Shabat). Quasiconformal homeomorphisms quasi-preserve theenergy integral.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 14: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Let us give simple illustration to our method. Consider the ellipse

E ⊂ R2: (x , y) ∈ R2 : x2

a2+ y2

b2≤ 1, a ≥ b. The linear mapping

ϕ(x , y) =

(a 00 b




maps the unit disc D onto E with the qusiconformality coefficientQ(D) = b

a. Using this change of variable in Sobolev-Poincare

inequality we obtain µ1(E ) ≥(j ′1,1)


a2. This estimate is new and it is

better then the classical estimate for convex domainsµ1(E ) ≥ π2

d(E)2, because d(E ) = 2a and 2j ′1,1 > π, j ′1,1 ≈ 1.84118.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 15: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


The suggested method is based on the following diagram proposedin (V.G. and L. Gurov, 1994, V.G. and A. Ukhlov, 2009).

W 1,p(Ω)(ϕ−1)∗−→ W 1,q(D)

↓ ↓Ls(Ω)


←− Lr (D)

Here the operator ϕ∗ is a bounded composition operator onLebesgue spaces induced by a homeomorphism ϕ of Ω and D andthe operator (ϕ−1)∗ is a bounded composition operator on Sobolevspaces.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 16: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


We suggest the estimates in terms of the hyperbolic radii for alarge class of bounded non-convex domains with some additionalrestrictions on the hyperbolic geometry that we call a conformalregularity:

A simply connected planar domain Ω with non-empty boundary iscalled a conformal α-regular domain if there exists a Riemannmapping ϕ : Ω→ D:


|(ϕ−1)′(w)|α dvol <∞ for some α > 2.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 17: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


In the case of conformal α-regular domains Ω ⊂ C we haveembedding

Lr (Ω, h) → Ls(Ω), s =α− 2

αr :

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 18: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Theorem A. Let Ω ⊂ R2 be a conformal α-regular domain. Then

the spectrum of the Neumann-Laplace operator in Ω is discrete,

can be written in the form of a non-decreasing sequence

0 = µ0[Ω] < µ1(Ω) ≤ µ2(Ω) ≤ ... ≤ µn(Ω) ≤ ... , and

1/µ1(Ω) ≤4


(2α− 2

α− 2

) 2α−2α

‖ψ′ | Lα(D)‖2

≤ 4α√π2

(2α− 2

α− 2

) 2α−2α



(1− |x |2)2 dvol


where ψ : D→ Ω is the Riemann conformal mapping of the unit

disc D ⊂ R2 onto Ω and RΩ(ψ(x)) is a hyperbolic radius of Ω.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 19: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


A K -quasidisc is the image of the unit disc under aK -quasiconformal mapping of the plane onto itself.Theorem for Quasidiscs. Suppose a conformal homeomorphism

ϕ : D→ Ω maps the unit disc D onto a K-quasidisc Ω. Then

1/µ1[Ω] ≤ B22α/(α−2),2[D]


|ϕ′(x , y)|α dvol

≤ 4π−2α

(2α− 2

α− 2

) 2α−2α

‖ϕ′ | Lα(D)‖2

for any 2 < α < 2K2


Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 20: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Consider the interior of the cardioid (it is not a quasidsic).Example. Let Ωc be the interior of the cardioid. The


z = ψ(w) = (w + 1)2, z = x + iy ,

is conformal and maps the unit disc D onto Ωc . Then by Theorem


‖ψ′ | L∞(D)‖ = maxw∈D

2|w + 1| ≤ 4.


µ1(Ωc) ≥(j



Here j1,1 is the first positive zero of the derivative of the Bessel

function J′


Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 21: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


The quantity

Qp = sup(x)∈Ω|Dϕ(x)|p|J(x);ϕ)|

is called a p-dilatation and corresponding homeomorphisms arecalled p-quasiconformal (or homeomorphisms with boundedp-dilatation). These classes is comparatively new and wereintroduced in 1994 by G, L.Gurov and A.Romanov in theframework of the composition operator theory for Sobolev spacesW 1

p .

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 22: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


The variational formulation of spectral problems for the p-Laplaceoperator is based on the Dirichlet (energy) integrals

‖u | L1p(Ω)‖p :=


|∇u(x)|p dvol .

The p-quasiconformal homeomorphisms induce boundedcomposition operators for such energy integrals and we use themand their generalizations for estimates of spectrum in roughdomains.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 23: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Brennan’s conjecture

is that for a conformal mapping ϕ : Ω→ D


|ϕ′(x , y)|δ dvol < +∞, for all4

3< δ < 4. (2)

For the inverse conformal mapping ψ = ϕ−1 : D→ Ω Brennan’sconjecture states



|ψ′(u, v)|γ dvol < +∞, for all − 2 < γ <2

3. (3)

For bounded domains −2 < γ ≤ 2. The upper bound γ = 2 isaccurate (V.G. and A. Ukhlov, 2009).

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 24: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Theorem B. Let ϕ : D→ Ω be a conformal homeomorphism from

the unit disc D to a conformal α-regular domain Ω and Brennan’s

Conjecture holds. Then for every p ∈ (max4/3, (α+ 2)/α, 2)the following inequality is correct


µp(Ω)≤ 2

32 (2π)


αq ·‖(ϕ)′|Lα(D)‖2∫



)′ |(p−2)qp−q dvol



for any q ∈ [1, 2p/(4− p)).

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 25: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Here Br ,q(D) ≤ 232 (2π)


1q is the best constant in the

Sobolev-Poincare inequality in the unit disc D ⊂ C and Kp,q(Ω) isthe norm of composition operator


)∗: L1,p(Ω)→ L1,q(D)

generated by the inverse conformal mapping ϕ−1 : D→ Ω:

Kp,q(Ω) ≤



)′ |(p−2)qp−q dvol




Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 26: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


DefinitionConformal regular domains Ω1,Ω2 are conformal regular equivalentdomains if there exists a conformal mapping ψ : Ω1 → Ω2 suchthat∫∫


|(ψ′(z)|α dxdy <∞ &



|(ψ−1)′(w)|α dudv <∞ (4)

for some α > 2.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 27: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


In the conformal regular planar domains Ω ⊂ C the spectrum ofthe Neumann Laplacian is discrete and can be written in the formof a non-decreasing sequence

0 < µ1(Ω) ≤ µ2(Ω) ≤ ... ≤ µn(Ω) ≤ ... ,

where each eigenvalue is repeated as many times as its multiplicity.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 28: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Stability Theorem Let Ω1,Ω2 ⊂ C be conformal regularequivalent domains. Then for any n ∈ N

|µn(Ω1)−µn(Ω2)| ≤ 2cn



α− 2

)]2Eα(ϕ1, ϕ2)‖ϕ1−ϕ2 | L1,2(D)‖ ,

(5)where Ω1 = ϕ1(D), Ω2 = ϕ2(D) and

cn = maxµ2n(Ω1), µ2n(Ω2) . (6)

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 29: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains



Eα(ϕ1, ϕ2) =










Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 30: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Theorem C. Suppose that there exists a 2-quasiconformalhomeomorphism ϕ : Ω→ Ω, of a bounded Lipschitz domainΩ ⊂ R

n onto Ω, such that

M2(Ω) = ess supx∈Ω|J(x , ϕ)|

12 <∞.

Then the spectrum of Neumann-Laplace operator in Ω is discrete,can be written in the form of a non-decreasing sequence

0 = µ0(Ω) < µ1(Ω) ≤ µ2(Ω) ≤ ... ≤ µn(Ω) ≤ ... ,


µ1(Ω)≤ K 2

2 (Ω)M22 (Ω)



Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 31: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Denote by H1 the standard n-dimensional simplex, n ≥ 3,

H1 := x ∈ Rn : n ≥ 3, 0 < xn < 1, 0 < xi < xn, i = 1, 2, . . . , n−1.

Theorem D. Let

Hg := x ∈ Rn : n ≥ 3, 0 < xn < 1, 0 < xi < xγin , i = 1, 2, . . . , n−1

γi ≥ 1, γ := 1 +∑n−1

i=1 γi , g := (γ1, ..., γn−1) .Then the spectrum of the Neumann-Laplace operator in the

domain Hg is discrete, can be written in the form of a

non-decreasing sequence

0 = µ0(Hg ) < µ1(Hg ) ≤ µ2(Hg ) ≤ ... ≤ µn(Hg ) ≤ ... ,

and for any r > 2 the following inequality holds:

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 32: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains



µ1(Hg )≤


(a2(γ21 + ...+ γ2n−1 + 1)− 2a









) rr−2 dvol

) r−2r

B2r ,2(H1),

where (2n)/(γr) < a ≤ (n − 2)/(γ − 2) and Br ,2(H1) is the bestconstant in the (r , 2)-Sobolev-Poincare inequality in the domainH1.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 33: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


Recall the analytic description of homeomorphisms which generatebounded composition operators (A. Ukhlov, 1993):Composition Theorem A homeomorphism ϕ : Ω→ Ω′ between

two domains Ω,Ω′ ⊂ Rn, n ≥ 2, induces a bounded composition


ϕ∗ : L1p(Ω′)→ L1q(Ω), 1 ≤ q < p <∞,

if and only if ϕ ∈W 11,loc(Ω), has finite distortion, and

Kp,q(f ; Ω) =



( |Dϕ(x)|p|J(x , ϕ)|

) q



) p−q



Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 34: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


If p = q then the sufficient and necessary analytic condition is:

Kp(f ; Ω) = ess supx∈Ω

|Dϕ(x)|p|J(x , ϕ)| <∞.

( Vodop’yanov and G., 1975, G., Gurov, Romanov 1995)In the case p = n we have the definition of mappings of boundeddistortion and we call mappings that generate boundedcomposition operators as mappings of bounded (p, q)-distortion.

The homeomorphisms that generate bounded compositionoperators of Sobolev spaces L11(Ω

′) and L11(Ω) were introduced byV. G. Maz’ya (1969) as a class of sub-areal mappings. Thispioneering work established a connection between geometricalproperties of homeomorphisms and corresponding Sobolev spaces.

Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 35: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains


V. I. Burenkov, V. Gol’dshtein, A. Ukhlov, Conformal spectralstability for the Dirichlet-Laplace operator, Math. Nachr., 288(2015), 1822–1833.

V. I. Burenkov, V. Gol’dshtein, A. Ukhlov, Conformal spectralstability estimates for the Neumann Laplacian. Volume 289,Issue 17-18, December 2016 Pages 21332146.

V. Gol’dshtein, A. Ukhlov, On the First Eigenvalues of FreeVibrating Membranes in Conformal Regular Domains, RationalMech Anal (2016) 221: 893, DOI:10.1007/s00205-016-0988-9.

V. Gol’dshtein, A. Ukhlov, Spectral estimates of the p-LaplaceNeumann operator in conformal regular domains. Transactionsof A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute Volume 170, Issue 1,May 2016, Pages 137148.Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

Page 36: Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operatorssystems/GoldsteinV.pdfdomains under some additional restrictions on its conformal (hyperbolic) geometry. This new class of planar domains includes

Main problemsConformal mappings

Lower estimates for Neumann eigenvaluesExamples

Estimates for p-Laplace operatorSpectral stabilitySpace domains



Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Conformal Geometry and Elliptic Operators

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