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Page 1: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of FallotCYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE

Dr. D. GunasekaranConsultant Paediatrician

Page 2: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

What is the criteria used to identify CongenitalHeart diseases?

Page 3: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot







CHF Abnormal CxR

Abnormal BP


Page 4: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

How do we broadly classify congenital Heartdiseases?

How do you further classify Cyanotic congenital heart diseases?

Page 5: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Congenital heart disease

Cyanotic CHD Acyanotic CHD

PBF PBFVolume Pressure




Pulmonary atresia

Tricuspid atresia

Ebstein anomaly



Truncus arteriosus

Single ventricle

Page 6: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

What is the most common CCHD?

a) TOFb) Truncus arteriosusc) TGAd) TAPVC

Page 7: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot


Page 8: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot


What are the four components of TOF?

1. RV Outlet obstruction

2. Non restrictive VSD

3. Right ventricular hypertrophy

4. Right sided aortic arch (25%)

Page 9: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Page 10: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Page 11: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Blood from SVC & IVC

Major amount goes toLV (No murmur)

Oxygenated bloodIn Pulmonary veins

Small amount Goes to PA (turbulent blood flow ESM)P2 soft or absent)


Systemic circulation

Right atrium

Right ventricle

Oxygenated blood In Left atrium

Page 12: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

What is the most common CCHD, manifesting after 2 months of life?

a) TOFb) Truncus arteriosusc) TGAd) TAPVC

Page 13: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

What is the usual time of appearance of cyanosis in TOF?

a) At birth

b) 8-12 weeks

c) 5-6 months

d) 1 year

What are the reasons?

Page 14: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of FallotWhat is the usual time of appearance of cyanosis in TOF?

8-12 weeks ; Reasons:

1)Foetal Hb starts declining after birth

2)Obstruction to PBF starts increasing after birth

3)O2 req. increases as child grows (activity increases)

4)Ductus closure is delayed.


Page 15: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

What are the symptoms of TOF?

Bluish extremitiesExertional breathlessnessExercise intoleranceFeeding difficultiesFailure to thrive

But, the most common symptom isCyanotic spell (often with squatting)

Page 16: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Cyanotic spell

What is the cyanotic spell?: Exaggeration of existing cyanosis with or without loss of consciousness and /or seizures.

Usual time of appearance: 2-6 months of age

Page 17: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Sequence of events during a spell

Gotting up from sleep


Becomes more cyanosed & more breathless

Page 18: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of FallotPathophysiology during SpellGot up from sleep (vulnerable resp. centre)

Strain (Sympathetic over activity & excess Catecholamine release)

Ionotropic & Chronotropic & Spasm of Infundibulum (RVO part)

More blood pumped out of heart & less blood going in to pulmonary system

Increased venous return & increased RL shunt

More cyanosis

Increased hypoxia & acidosis

More Respiratory Centre stimulation

Hyperpnoea, which again stimutes Resp. centreHyperpnoea which again stimulates respiratory centre

Page 19: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

SquattingWhat is squatting?Child who gets spells repeatedly, slowly learns to squat - sits as if

he / she is sitting on the Indian toilet;

By squatting, cyanosis decreases. How?

1. Compression of major veins in LL de-oxygenated blood returning to the heart decreases

2. Compression of major arteries in LL Systemic vascular resistance increases Pulmonary blood flow increases

3. As a result of 1 & 2, Cyanosis decreases

Page 20: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Page 21: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot


What are the Squatting equivalents?

Sitting with legs drawn underneath

Legs crossed while standing / sitting

Page 22: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Vitals in TOF

Pulse: Volume? Rate? Character? Rhythm?

Blood pressure?

Page 23: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

General examinationUndernourished (M, K & Vit def)

Suffused conjunctivaCentral cyanosisClubbing

Always look for dental hygiene – Why?

Page 24: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Examination of heart


No Precordial bulge

Page 25: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Examination of heart

Palpation: Mild para sternal heave (due to RVH) No thrills

Page 26: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Examination of heart

Auscultation: Heart sounds: S2 usually single (P2 soft or absent, depending on severity of PS)

Ejection click may be + (if prominent aortic root dilatation is +)

Murmurs: ESM – in the Pulmonary area(VSD remains silent)

Page 27: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

What are the possible Complications for any child with Heart disease?


Infective Endocarditis



Page 28: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

ComplicationsSpell (some times, with hypoxic seizures)

Failure to thriveCerebral thrombosis (<2 years of age)

Cerebral abscess (>2 years of age)

Infective Endocarditis – rare

CCF – Never occurs unless there are complications like anemia or Infective endocarditis

PHT- Never occurs

Page 29: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot


What are the three basic investigations

necessary in any child with suspected

congenital heart disease?

Page 30: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot



Page 31: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot


ECG Chamber hypertrophy

ECHO Anatomical diagnosis

Page 32: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot


Medical: Anemia prophylaxis & correction Proper nutrition Dental Hygiene Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis Management of spell & Prevention of spell

Page 33: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Management of spell –

1.Knee-chest position2. Oxygen3. Morphine 0.1-0.2 mg/kg (reduces anxiety, releases infundibular spasm)

4. Sodium bicarbonate 7.5% soln. (1ml/kg + equal amount of D.W) given slow IV

5. IV fluids

Prevention:Propanolol (1mg/kg/day)


Page 34: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Management - Surgical

Good anatomy (of Pulmonary system and LA+): Complete correction (4-6 months of age)

Poor anatomy: Blalock-Taussig shunt: Subclavian artery PA (Increases the PBF oxygenation improves)Total repair done at 2 years of age

Page 35: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Different types of TOF

Fallot’s Triology----- PS+RVH+PFO

Pentalogy of TOF ----- TOF + ASD

Pink TOF (Acyanotic TOF) ---------- VSD + PS

Page 36: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

Points to remember

What is the most common CCHD?It usually presents ----age with ---------------Children with TOF learn to ----- during spellsCardiomegaly?Mild parasternal heave, single S2 & ESM at PACXR: NO CUPMedical: Anemia, dental care, food, IE prophylaxis & KOMSIP

Surgery at 4-6 months, if anatomy is goodIf anatomy is poor, BT shunt; surgery 2 yrs latter

Page 37: Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease & TOF - Dr. D. Gunasekaran

Dr. D. Gunasekaran D. MD., Dept., of Paediatrics, MGMCRI

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease – Tetrology of Fallot

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