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    Learning and Engagement Center

    Fulfilling the Mitzvah “Matanot L’Evyonim” (donations to those in need)

    Congregation Ahavath Sholom A Family of Families

    Bringing God and the Community Closer Together A Conservative Synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

    April 2019 25 Adar II to 25 Nisan 5779 Vol. 83—Number 8

    The students of the Learning and Engagement Center, in conjunction

    with DRC Solutions, fulfilled the mitzvah of donating to those in need

    on Sunday, March 24, 2019. They collected and delivered furniture

    and household items to a family in need. Through their efforts, they

    helped turn an apartment into a home. Thank you to everyone who

    donated their resources, time and energy to this project.

    “Love your fellow as yourself: I am the Lord.—Leviticus 19:18

  • 2 Page www.ahavathsholom.org

    The words Chag

    Kasher V’samech

    (Happy and Kosher

    Holiday) are the

    common greeting

    that Jews all over the

    world offer one to

    the other in the days

    leading up to


    Therefore, let me

    first wish all of us

    and Klal Yisrael (the people of Israel) a happy

    and healthy Passover. May God bless your homes

    and your seders. One question that I receive each

    year without fail is; can rice and legumes be eaten

    during Passover? In order to answer this question

    I am offering up below a responsa (halachick

    opinion) written by Rabbi David Golinkin for the

    Law Committee of Israel. It is my hope that his

    responsa will help to answer this question and

    bring clarity to the issues surrounding the

    consumption of legumes during Passover.

    Should you like to discuss this issue more in

    depth, please feel free to contact me at anytime.

    Michal, Daniel, Maya, Lia, Rocky and myself

    would like to wish everyone a Chag Kasher


    Eating Kitniyot (Legumes)

    on Pesach

    (OH 453:1)


    In light of the ingathering of the exiles, would it

    be possible to eliminate the Ashkenazic custom of

    not eating legumes on Pesach?

    Responsum: 1) In our opinion it is permitted (and perhaps even

    obligatory) to eliminate this custom. It is in direct

    contradiction to an explicit decision in the

    Babylonian Talmud (Pesachim 114b) and is also

    in contradiction to the opinion of all the sages of the Mishnah and Talmud except one (R.Yochanan

    ben Nuri, Pesahim 35a and parallels). It also

    contradicts the theory and the practice of the

    Amoraim both in Babylonia and in Israel

    (Pesahim 114b and other sources), the Geonim

    (Sheiltot, Halakhot Pesukot, Halakhot Gedolot,

    etc.) and of most of the early medieval authorities

    in all countries (altogether more than 50


    2) This custom is mentioned for the first time in

    France and Provence in the beginning of the

    thirteenth century by R. Asher of Lunel, R. Samuel

    of Falaise, and R. Peretz of Corbeil - from there it

    spread to various countries and the list of prohibited

    foods continued to expand. Nevertheless, the reason

    for the custom was unknown and as a result many

    sages invented at least eleven different explanations

    for the custom. As a result, R. Samuel of Falaise, one

    of the first to mention it, referred to it as a "mistaken

    custom" and R. Yerucham called it a "foolish


    3) Therefore, the main halakhic question in this case

    is whether it is permissible to do away with a

    mistaken or foolish custom. Many rabbinic

    authorities have ruled that it is permitted (and

    perhaps even obligatory) to do away with this type of

    "foolish custom" (R. Abin in Yerushalmi Pesahim,

    Maimonides, the Rosh, the Ribash, and many others).

    Furthermore, there are many good reasons to do

    away with this "foolish custom": a) It detracts from

    the joy of the holiday by limiting the number of

    permitted foods; b) It causes exorbitant price rises,

    which result in "major financial loss" and, as is well known, "the Torah takes pity on the people of Israel's

    money"; c) It emphasizes the insignificant (legumes)

    and ignores the significant (hametz, which is

    forbidden from the five kinds of grain); d) It causes

    people to scoff at the commandments in general and

    at the prohibition of hametz in particular - if this

    custom has no purpose and is observed, then there is

    no reason to observe other commandments; e)

    Finally, it causes unnecessary divisions between

    Israel's different ethnic groups. On the other hand,

    there is only one reason to observe this custom: the

    desire to preserve an old custom. Obviously, this

    desire does not override all that was mentioned

    above. Therefore, both Ashkenazim and Sephardim

    are permitted to eat legumes and rice on Pesah

    without fear of transgressing any prohibition.

    4) Undoubtedly, there will be Ashkenazim who will

    want to stick to the "custom of their ancestors" even

    though they know that it is permitted to eat legumes

    on Pesah. To them we recommend that they observe

    only the original custom of not eating rice and

    legumes but that they use oil from legumes and all

    the other foods "forbidden" over the years, such as peas, beans, garlic, mustard, sunflower seeds,

    peanuts etc. Thus they will be able to eat hundreds of

    products, which bear the label "Kosher for Pesah for

    those who eat legumes." This will make their lives

    easier and will add joy and pleasure to their

    observance of Pesah.

    Rabbi David Golinkin

    Approved Unanimously 5749


    Clergy & Professional Staff:

    Rabbi Andrew Bloom

    Michael L. Linn

    Executive Director


    President Jerry Stein

    1st Vice President

    Harry Labovitz

    2nd Vice President Foster Owen

    3rd Vice President

    Kal Silverberg

    Treasurer Stephen Kaye


    Zoe Stein Pierce

    Parliamentarian Dr. Nancy Faigin

    Board of Directors: Ava Beleck

    Steven Brown Dan Sturman

    JR Faigin Suzanne Herman

    Rebecca Isgur Dan Karpman William Landy Rivka Marco Jay Martin Alex Nason

    Charles Norman Michael Reznikoff Naomi Rosenfield

    Karen Savitz

    Catering Department

    Maria Loya

    Office Staff

    Suzi Gardner Bookkeeper

    Cameron Chrestensen Administrative Assistant

    Janitorial Staff Antonio Contreras Gabriel Sanchez

    If you would prefer to not

    have your information published in the CAS

    directory, please contact Cameron at

    [email protected] or call 817-731-4721.

  • 3 Page www.ahavathsholom.org

    PRESIDENT’S DESK I recently attended the annual

    international conference of the

    North American Association of

    Synagogue Executives. The

    conference theme was “Innovation

    and Continuation: Peering over the

    Horizon, Preparing for the Next

    Five Years.”

    This immersive conference

    included a series of dynamic speakers, engaging panels, and

    carefully tailored study sessions and keynote presentations

    from experts in various related fields. The conference offers

    strong peer connections in the synagogue director network,

    and can enrich professional skills and knowledge bases

    critical to the field of synagogue administration, thereby

    ensuring the highest level of service to North America


    In addition to expert presenters, we had the opportunity to

    learn from one another in a very unique setting known as

    “NAASE University.” This is a fast paced component of the

    conference offering opportunity for small group, face to face,

    and in depth exploration of timely topics and issues.

    I have found that CAS is not much different from other

    synagogues, and our concerns, hopes and dreams mirror so

    many others. We all are interested in engaging our

    members, providing a warm and safe environment, and

    encouraging individual spiritual growth.

    I hope that you plan on joining us for the second night

    Passover Seder as we expand our family of families.

    Michael Linn


    Sholom. My best wishes to everyone for a beautiful

    Pesach. It’s one of the most wonderful traditions we

    practice in Judaism and a grand opportunity to gather

    friends and family together (and an occasional stranger) to

    make memories. Enjoy. Remember. Enjoy.

    I want to thank all those who help our synagogue operate

    all year long. I suspect that most congregants are unaware

    of or have forgotten the complexity of our organization

    with its many working parts. I can easily count 100

    individuals who frequently help make things work as solo

    contributors or members of an active committee.

    Committees are an essential part of our success and we

    have many including: Education, Youth, Membership,

    Cemetery, Investments and Endowments Funds, Budget

    and Finance, House, Audit and our Board of Directors.

    The Ritual Committee and all those who help organize or

    lead our weekday and Shabbat services deserve special


    Some CAS committees are more visible but every

    committee serves a very important function. In addition, I

    want recognize the role of the Ladies Auxiliary and Men’s

    Club; two groups that provide leadership, plan many

    events and provide important funds to CAS. Finally, I

    don’t want to forget the many solo contributors who help

    cook, maintain our building, maintain our cemetery, repair

    prayers books, and all those who provide funds when

    unexpected expenses occur.

    While naming our various committees and recognizing

    our solo volunteers, I have purposely avoided naming

    individuals. The list of individuals is very long and there

    is a high probability that I will inadvertently omit

    someone who deserves praise. I want to thank all those

    who have donated their time and resources to the

    synagogue. Your efforts are essential and we are very


    Finally, I want to recognize and thank our wonderful

    clergy and staff. Without our Rabbi, Executive Director,

    Administrative Assistant, Bookkeeper, Kitchen and

    Maintenance Staff, the work of our volunteers would be

    much more difficult or impossible. Thank you.

    As always, your ideas and questions are welcome. Let me

    hear from you.

    Jerry Stein

    CAS President



    Sunday, May 5, 2019

    9:30 am to 1:00 pm

    CAS Garage Sale

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    CAS Learning and Engagement Center

  • 5 Page www.ahavathsholom.org

    Adult Education



    For Women Only—10:30 AM

    Adult Education Class—6:30 PM

    “Politics and the Parsha:” How Jews

    think, live and interpret the Torah in

    today’s tumultuous times.


    CAS Learning and Engagement Center

    Dr. Julian Haber will soon begin work on Volume 3 of

    They Were Soldiers in Peace and War. These are his

    areas of focus:

    Veterans who were not covered in Vol. 1 or 2. Even a

    relative’s interesting experiences in the military from

    WWII and onward, and/or pictures would also be

    helpful as would soldiers currently serving.

    Allied veterans: Israel, England, France, etc, - Dr.

    Haber is looking for Jewish persons that served in the

    old Soviet Union Army for a prospective of how they

    were treated as a Jewish person in the armed forces.

    An additional section will be letters to the home front

    for the time period of WWI forward.

    All these veterans may have served in peacetime or in


    Please contact Dr. Haber, or call the shul office at


    Awards will be presented at a date and time to be deter-

    mined. Award recipients will be notified in May 2019.

    The Academic Grant is competitive and will be awarded

    based on overall academic achievement, GPA, Standard-

    ized Admission Test (SAT) or (ACT) and extracurricular


    BBYO Participation Grant is based on BBYO activities,

    leadership roles, and active participation in local, regional

    and national events.

    Applications must be postmarked by May 1, 2019

    For more information or to request an application contact

    your Rabbi, Cantor, Youth Advisor or Education Director

    or email Robert Chicotsky at [email protected]

    The Isadore Garsek B’nai B’rith Lodge # 269 is again offering two $1500.00 grants. Applicants must be high school seniors graduating between De-

    cember 2018 and June 2019. Parents or guardians must be

    members of the Isadore Garsek Lodge and/or members of an

    established Jewish Congregation in Tarrant County. The parent

    or guardian must be a member in good standing for a period 12

    months prior to submission of the application. Children of de-

    ceased parents are also eligible if the parent died while a mem-

    ber for at least twelve consecutive months.

    The Isadore Garsek B’nai B’rith Lodge # 269 of Fort Worth Texas is now taking applica-tions for its annual Youth Scholastic and

    BBYO Grant Awards

  • 6 Page www.ahavathsholom.org

    Ladies Auxiliary

    The Ladies Auxiliary just completed a two-week Donorpalooza extravaganza of events! Thank you to everyone who attended

    and benefitted the Auxiliary and the programs we support.

    We all had a great time at each of the wonderful events. Thank you to all of our program sponsors: Hedy Collins, Lynell Nor-

    man, Carol Paul, Debby Rice, Elsie Blum, Jodi Berger, Stephanie Dubinsky, Stephanie Zavala, Zoe Stein Pierce, Linda Lavi,

    Ava Beleck, LaJean Sturman and Marla Owen.

    If you were not able to attend one of our events, it is not too late to donate to the Auxil-

    iary. We support the kitchens at the synagogue and the Learning and Engagement Cen-

    ter programs. It is almost time to get the kitchens Kosher for Passover, so every dona-

    tion helps! Please contact Cameron in the shul office if you would like to make a dona-

    tion (817-731-4721 or email [email protected]).

    Please remember to pay your Ladies Auxiliary annual dues if you have not already.

    They are only $35 dollars for the year.

    We hope to see you at our upcoming events!

    Ava Beleck

    President, Ladies Auxiliary

    Purim Extravaganza

    Donorpalooza Event—Let’s Paint

    Pottery - The Art Barn Studio

    Karaoke: It’s time to shine!










    Thing 1 and Thing 2: Do you recognize them?

  • 7 Page www.ahavathsholom.org


    Telephone - Office: 731-4721; Fax: 731-4724; Kitchen: 731-4431; visit our website at www.ahavathsholom.org

    Schedule of Services

    Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday)

    Shabbat Morning (Saturday)

    Monday - Friday Morning

    6:00 pm

    9:30 am

    6:55 am

    Sunday and National Holiday Morning

    Sunday - Thursday Evening

    Rosh Chodesh (New Month)

    9:00 am

    6:00 pm

    6:45 am

    All Services for Children start at 10:30 am on Saturdays, Shabbat Morning

    New Stars (of David)—ages birth to 3 years of age; Davening Dynamos—Pre-K through 2nd Grade

    April 7 Harriet and Laurence Anton

    April 17 Linda and Ebrahim Lavi

    April 19 Lisa and Robb Evans

    April 24 Zachary Azerad

    April 27 Sean Butler

    April 28 Annie Ostrinsky

    April 1 Marilyn Blinderman April 12 Marvin Beleck April 23 Michael Williams

    April 1 Richard Levin April 12 Joan Katz April 24 Mark Fierer

    April 5 Linda Collins April 13 Dennis Schuster April 24 Robin Tirsun

    April 7 Julian Haber April 13 Judd Vermillion April 27 Bernard Zilberg

    April 8 Stephanie Zavala April 17 Amy Luskey April 28 Viqui Litman

    April 9 Hanna Hochster April 17 Sigi Rodriguez April 28 Efraim Marco

    April 11 Eliot Barnett April 20 Carole Mendelson April 29 Mikhail Kisin

    April 11 Arnold Gachman April 20 Bruce Weiner April 29 Adelene Myers

    April 11 Martis Herman April 22 Cookie Kaftan April 29 Stephanie Webster

    April 11 Naomi Rosenfield April 23 Ronna Gilbert April 30 Deanna Benjamin

    April 30 Elaine Bumpus

    Talon and Nevin Burns in honor of

    Ahnyela’s Bat Mitzvah

    Dr. Dennis Schuster in honor of the birthday of his wife

    Barbara Schuster

    Julie Coster in honor of

    her Birthday and Conversion Anniversary

    Our Delicious Cake Provided by... Thanks to the Kiddush Luncheon Hosts..

    Sabba Yossi Halpern and Safta Rivkah Tzairi

    in honor of

    Ahnyela’s Bat Mitzvah

    Nathaniel Williams Jr.

    in honor of his daughter

    Ahnyela’s Bat Mitzvah

    Linda Paddack

    in Honor of

    Purim and the Community

    Nathaniel Williams Jr. in honor of his daughter Ahnyela’s Bat Mitzvah Bimah Flowers Donated by...

  • 8 Page www.ahavathsholom.org


    Mon., April 1

    25 Adar II

    Shmuel Katz

    Sam Laves

    Sonya Luskey

    Asher B. Robinson

    David Rose

    Tue., April 2

    26 Adar II

    Walter Berlin

    Rose Caplan

    Sara Zisel Chervitz

    Harold Mann

    Wed., April 3

    27 Adar II

    Beth Eisenman

    Jennie Epstein

    Eleanor Klotzman


    Fanny Minsky

    Fri., April 5

    29 Adar II

    Pauline Barkman

    Alice Blackman

    Lewis Lackman

    Sat., April 6

    1 Nissan

    Sete Barchissat

    David Berkowitz

    Max Bruder

    Abe Mehl

    Helen Schiff Miron

    Shalom Rodriguez

    Louis Sandler

    Ilse Schwarz

    Sun., April 7

    2 Nissan

    Morris Chicotsky

    Charles Klimist

    Emma Rosenberg

    Jetti Schweiger

    Sylvia Wydra

    Mon., April 8

    3 Nissan

    Robert Battat

    Benjamin Coplin

    Louise Dawe

    Bessie Dunn

    Charlotte Kaufman

    Esther Lesser

    Mon., April 8

    3 Nissan (cnt.)

    Yetta Marks

    Max Perras

    Max Thompson

    Tue., April 9

    4 Nissan

    Raphael Hoffman

    Idelle Urbanowitz

    Wed., April 10

    5 Nissan

    Victor Friedman

    Arlene Levy Godfry

    Philip Jacobson

    Jake Levine

    Morris Moshe Levine

    Harry Maizlish

    Victor Mellinger

    Irwin Paderewski

    Rosalie Schwartz

    Lorna Kaitcer Twiddy

    Thu., April 11

    6 Nissan

    Isidore Aglitz

    Bernard Appel

    Bette Brozgold

    Max Goldstein

    Roy Greenberg

    Jennie Lieberman

    Rita Mogul Meltzer

    Victorine Mizrahi

    Michael Nogen

    Bob Benjomin Taylor

    Fri., April 12

    7 Nissan

    Anna Bartak

    Morris Fried

    Bashe Gens

    Harold Holland

    Sat., April 13

    8 Nissan

    Benjamin Antweil

    David Greines

    Coheleth Herman

    Meir Lubin

    Frances Carol Okon

    Henry Salsberg

    Henry Satt

    Martin Schwartz

    Moses Shanblum

    Michael Shturman

    Sun., April 14

    9 Nissan

    Jennie Glickman

    Shiri Siena Kaikov

    Charles Allen Klimist

    Israel O. Saadon

    Norman Tudzin

    Joseph R Walderman

    Mon., April 15

    10 Nissan

    Dina Abrason

    Julius Blum

    Alan Gaylor

    Jack Lasser

    Meyer Levinson

    David Menscher

    Jerome Perlman

    Sarah Aarnow


    Tue., April 16

    11 Nissan

    Jack Gachman

    Harold Lustig

    Joseph Mitchell

    John "Jack" Seligman

    Wed., April 17

    12 Nissan

    Ann Arkin

    Isidor Cohen

    Anna Mitchell

    Esther Porch

    Archie Salsberg

    Louis Sinofsky

    Thu., April 18

    13 Nissan

    Wolf Beren

    Saul Frydman

    Abe Gilbert

    Ben Gresky

    Morris Hurwitz

    Berta Hutmacher

    Flora Moskowitz

    Rebecca Weatherford

    Sylvia Lidell Wexler

    Harry Zenick

    Fri., April 19

    14 Nissan

    Meyer Cohen

    Sara Gershengoren

    Frank Gilden

    Jacob Glickman

    Mitchel Max Marcus

    Milton Mintz

    Norma Melvin Rosen

    Edith Ross

    Sat., April 20

    15 Nissan

    Louis Engler

    Joseph Klorfine

    Yisraeyl Sandler

    Sun., April 21

    16 Nissan

    Flora Benjamin

    Gertrude Kaplan


    Mon., April 22

    17 Nissan

    Matilda Abrams

    Frances Adler

    Joseph Fahn

    Frank Greenberg

    Selma Israel

    Philip Michaelson

    Tue., April 23

    18 Nissan

    Sam Bernstein

    Larry Blackman

    Ruth Bonn

    Lena Butler

    Dr. Hubert C. Gibson

    Rowena Kimmell

    Raye Paul

    Louis Raff

    Gerald S. Reisberg

    Annett Bockstein


    Louis Ueitlin

    Wed., April 24

    19 Nissan

    Helen Bodzy

    Ann Salzman Hurwitz

    Anne Jolly

    Milton Schuster

    Charlie Tills


    Thu., April 25

    20 Nissan

    Leonard Coplin

    George Corbin

    Jack B. Friedman

    Reweka Koppelman

    Tom Reed

    Bessie Rachel


    Goldie Tills

    Fri., April 26

    21 Nissan

    Mickey Loevy Fagin

    Max Fleischmann

    Betty Perlman

    Elias Renov

    Shalene Sosland

    Hannah Weisblatt

    Sat., April 27

    22 Nissan

    Samuel Baum

    Olive Bercu

    Rose Greenberg

    Sam Kimmell

    Burton Tobor

    Rose Zimmerman

    Sun., April 28

    23 Nissan

    Herman Berman

    Marshal Marvin


    Joe Carr

    I.H. Cohen

    Elizabeth Edenbaum

    Sandra Schuster


    Rose Schwartz

    Mon., April 29

    24 Nissan

    Maurice H. Cohn

    David Edenbaum

    Charlie Goldberg

    M A Lesser

    Tue., April 30

    25 Nissan

    David Bernstein

    Morris Corbin

    Morris Persky

  • 9 Page www.ahavathsholom.org


    Catering Fund

    For the recovery of:

    Elsie Blum Bootsie Coggan

    Holly Bekowitz Clegg Bootsie Coggan

    Posy McMillen Bootsie Coggan

    Terry McMillen Bootsie Coggan

    In loving memory of :

    Doris Blum Rebecca and Stuart Isgur


    In loving memory of:

    Sara Gershengornen Aleksandr Gershengoren

    Chevra Kadisha Fund

    For the recovery of:

    Elsie Blum Barbara and Morty Herman

    In Honor of:

    Lou Barnett Barbara and Morty Herman


    In loving memory of:

    Morris Fried Shirley Givant

    Rabbi Garsek Patriot

    Garden Fund


    In loving memory of:

    Melvin Meth Patty and Elliott Garsek

    Goldie Tills Barbara and Stanley Spigel

    Gan Garden Fund


    In loving memory of:

    Carolyn Finkelstein Barry Schneider

    Fanny Minsky Barry Schneider

    General Operating


    In honor of:

    Karen Kaplan

    Spirit of Freedom

    Award Valerie and Stephen


    For the recovery of:

    Elsie Blum Sandra and Butch Luskey

    Jim Stanton

    Pearl Katz

    In loving memory of:

    Victor Shturman Fira Shturman


    In loving memory of:

    Michael Shturman Fira Shturman

    Milton Schuster Shirley Schuster

    Roy Greenberg Shirley Schuster

    Morris J. Chicotsky Donna and Robert


    Lev Faynbaum Inessa and David Kisin

    Arlene Berman Rick B. Klotz

    Sarah Ann Louis Rick B. Klotz

    Religious Education


    In honor of:

    The Birth of her

    grandson, Matthew

    Tevita Nisa Batya Seguin

    Dave Klimist


    Beautification and

    Maintenance Fund

    In honor of: Arnie Gachman’s

    Birthday Elaine and Dr. Allen



    In loving memory of:

    Norman Tudzin Elaine and Dr. Allen


    Raphael Frank

    Hoffman Arlene Lamark

    Eleanor Gachman Harriette and Arnie


    Jacob Gachman Harriette and Arnie


    David Menscher Harriette and Arnie


    Pauline Sheinberg Nancy Sheinberg

    Joe Tills Barbara and Stanley


    Ritual Fund Rosalyn Rosenthal


    Discretionary Fund

    In honor of:

    Rabbi Bloom Irvin Corbin

    Kate and Jeremy Stone

    The Birth of Chaya

    Tikva Stone Drs. Murray and Elizabeth


    Ahnyela Williams’

    Bat Mitzvah Drs. Murray and Elizabeth


    For the recovery of:

    Elsie Blum Joyce Abramowitz


    In loving memory of:

    Jetti Schweiger Jetti and Howard Cole

    David Cole

    Lynne Gurkoff Gloria and Jerry Gurkoff

    Robert Gurkoff Gloria and Jerry Gurkoff

    Pauline Barkman Virginia and Arnold


    Shiri Siena Kaikov

    Music Fund for


    In honor of:

    Kay Lynne Tuck

    Dubinsky’s 70th

    Birthday Denise and Stef Gorel

  • 10 Page www.ahavathsholom.org

    Centuries-Old Hebrew Books On Display at TCU by Hollace Weiner, Fort Worth Jewish Archives

    Certified Travel Consultant Robin Tirsun

    Phone: 817-263-8131

    Fax: 817-263-8132

    6945 Mesa Drive

    Fort Worth TX 76132

    Email: [email protected]

    For All Your Travel Needs


    An exhibit of 500-year-old Jewish books and Talmudic

    tractates will be on display at Texas Christian University

    April 2 through May 22 in the Special Collections section

    of the campus library.

    These rare books, exquisitely illustrated and printed in

    Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin, were among a trove of

    10,000 books that the university purchased from an aging

    Cincinnati scholar in 2001. At that time, TCU’s Brite Di-

    vinity School was establishing a Program in Jewish Stud-

    ies and acquired the books as the core of its Judaica col-


    The exhibit, which is free to the public, is opening in con-

    junction with a guest lecture at 7 p.m., April 2, from Van-

    derbilt University Prof. David H. Price. He will speak in

    the library’s Gearhart Reading Room on “Christian He-

    braism and the Survival of Judaism: Two Perspectives.”

    The Louis and Frieda Cristol Endowment for Academic

    Programming in Jewish Studies is sponsoring the lecture.

    For a special tour of the exhibit prior to the lecture, meet

    at the East Entrance to the TCU Library at 5:50 p.m.,

    April 2. Free parking is available at non-reserved lots after

    5 p.m.

    The Judaica exhibit includes a tractate from the Talmud

    dealing with the holiday of Shavuot. It was published in

    Venice in 1526 by pioneer printer Daniel Bomberg, a

    Christian whose template for laying out multiple Talmud-

    ic discussions on the printed page is still followed.

    Another Bomberg manuscript in the exhibit is Y alkut Shi-

    moni, a midrashic anthology on the bible. This artistical-

    ly printed piece of literature from the Bomberg press was

    published in Venice in 1566.

    Also in the display are works in Latin by Johann Buxtorf,

    a 17th century Swiss scholar of Hebrew. Although a

    Protestant, Buxtorf was dubbed a "Master of the Rabbis."

    Among his books in the exhibit is a thesaurus of Hebrew


    The director of the Jewish Studies Program at Brite is Dr.

    Ariel Friedman, a congregant at Ahavath Sholom and

    TCU's Rosalyn and Manny Rosenthal Associate Professor

    of Jewish Studies. The rare books, gathered

    by the late Rabbi Israel Otto Lehman, was

    purchased by the program’s founding direc-

    tor Dr. David Nelson.

    This page from the Babylonian Talmud, printed in

    Venice in 1527, is part of a rare Jewish book exhibit at

    the TCU Library from April 2 to May 22. This illustra-

    tion is from Tractate Horayoth.

    Photo courtesy TCU Special Collections

  • www.ahavathsholom.ogr 11 Page www.ahavathsholom.org

  • 12 Page www.ahavathsholom.org

    Congregation Ahavath Sholom

    4050 South Hulen St.

    Fort Worth, TX 76109


    Search for Chametz

    Thursday, April 18

    Fast of the First Born Friday, April 19

    Evening Service 6:00 PM First Night Seder

    Saturday, April 20 9:30 AM

    Evening Service 8:00 PM Followed by Second Night Seder

    Sunday, April 21 9:00 AM

    Evening Service 6:00 PM

    Intermediate Days

    Monday, April 22 to Thursday, April 25

    Morning Services 6:55 AM Evening Services 6:00 PM

    Kabbalat Shabbat And Pesach

    Friday, April 26 6:55 AM Evening Service 6:00 PM

    Shabbat and Pesach

    Saturday, April 27 9:30 AM Including Yizkor Service

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