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Page 1: CONNECT Issue 09 (Apr 2012)




The Newsletter of Covenant Evangelical Free Church


MICA 214/07/2010

“We are the Bibles the world is reading; we are the creeds the world is needing; we are the sermons the world is heeding.” BILLY GRAHAM


The Final Hours: 1A Declaration Of Love

Growing Our Pre-Teens 4

A Resounding Affirmation 6

New Year, New Life! 8

Connecting With Men And Women 9


A Life Transformed By God 10



Knowing Christ In A Foreign Land 12

The Final Hours:A Declaration Of Love

ACOLOSSAL AND unprecedented effort, this Easter outreach was the collaborative effort of 180 cast and crew members,

over 500 volunteers, 10 speakers and four concurrent outreach programmes. Nine stations were erected across

different parts of Woodlands Centre, transporting guests to those pivotal moments in Jesus’ life, His final hours on earth. A blend of live drama and video installations, this one-hour walkthrough was a multi-sensorial production that not only pulled one into a historical vortex, but also an emotional whirlpool.

What would it be like to be part of Jesus’ journey in His final hours on earth? This Easter, Covenant EFC made the bold move to do just that—present a live re-enactment of Jesus’ last hours! Adeline Koh shares her experience.



Ps Ann Chan

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Easter 2012

As one walks through the various stations, it is impossible to stand at a distance, to be a mere spectator to all that unfolds. The drama that unveils before you reaches out to pull you in. Teased, confronted, questioned and challenged by the various peddlers in the marketplace who came along at various points, hawking their wares or recounting their encounters with Jesus, guests found themselves immersed in the production right from the very beginning! Confronted at various points by a rugged man declaring exuberantly his recovered sight at the hands of Jesus and a shrewd peddler with cunning in his eyes lamenting the entrance of Christ, those characters demanded a stand.

As we walked along, my group was increasingly drawn into the action. The initial chatter soon withdrew to hushed murmurs as we shuffled along. The basement of the church, once familiar, was now dramatically transformed.Behind me, a young man stood, visibly moved by Judas’ soliloquy. He leaned over to his friend whispering, “Did you see the tears in his eyes?” Our group guides led us into the Garden of Gethsemane and there we huddled first around Jesus’ kneeling figure, then towards the disciples, drunk with

The final station—Resurrection! O Death, where is your sting?

sleep. We moved back and forth with the action, a captive audience. At Via Dolorosa, we peered out intently as Jesus approached from afar, and we walked alongside Him, trailing in His steps as He stumbled under the monstrous burden of the cross.

Larger than life was the scourging of Christ as the faces of the Roman soldiers beaming at us were projected onto a large screen. In juxtaposition stood the wan face of Christ, twisted in pain. Even if we looked away from the flesh torn open by the whip, and averted our eyes at the splatter of red on white, the feel of the scourge, cold and unyielding in our hands, confronted us with the brutal torture borne by Jesus. And then a chain of text appeared, the piercing question that asks

If You Are the King of Kings If You are the Creator of all thingsIf You are the Everlasting FatherIf you are Son of the living God Would you put yourself here? This was a production that brought

to the forefront, Christ’s suffering for us. A production that demanded a stand. More than the pain and suffering that underlined Jesus’ final hours, was a wild, uncontainable love for us all. A love that gave strength to even the most nerve-

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“The voice of humility is God’s

music, and the silence of humility is God’s rhetoric.”


wrecking and earth-shattering pain. Simultaneously, in the hustle and

bustle of the magic that was The Final Hours, another brilliant symphony was unfolding on Levels 3 and 4 of Woodlands Centre—the TNG Easter Programme. The Altees (TNG Ministry Exposure Programme Interns), together with the support of TNG Staff, interns and lay leaders, left no stone unturned as they conceptualised and implemented different levels of activities for young people across different age groups.

Three.Two.One. (ages 11–14) was a modern rendering of the final hours of Jesus through the eyes of Judas Iscariot and Peter. Fusing video elements, live performance and hiphop music, the 22-strong cast and crew dazzled the pre-teens with a stunning performance. Entering into the activity deck on Level 4, the pre-teens were ushered to a Youth CAFÉ where they were served drinks

and snacks and played a host of games together with the youth volunteers, before entering the chapel for the performance.

The QUEST (ages 6–10) innovatively brought home the reality of the weight of sin, through a series of game stages, anchored around different learning points. The children were led in groups of 10 through the six various stages. At the first stage, fishing out Yakult bottles with poles, the children learnt about the perils of selfishness at a station anchored by the greedy fisherman who took their bounty from them. With the help of 40 Sunbeam volunteers who valiantly stepped forward to offer their time, the gospel was presented at the final stage of The Quest.

What an incredible display of spectacular creativity and innovation! What a

“They will CARRY MEMORIES of these FINAL HOURS in their hearts which will


tremendous show of synergy and love that bound the youths, lay leaders and ministry staff and interns together as they reached out to the many invited guests!

We thank God for the 267 salvations, 269 rededications and 113 seekers, amongst more than 4,000 attendees, who having experienced His final hours, decided that they could not walk away un-moved. We thank God for the seeds sown in over 2,00 invited guests and we pray that in the days and months to come, they will carry memories of these final hours in their hearts which will yield beautiful fruits in time. All glory be to God!

Playing board games at the

Youth Café on the activity deck

A cast member interacting with the audience in the temple scene

Our young guests embarking on THE QUEST

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WEB Ministry

Growing Our Pre-Teens

EVERY SUNDAY, AS EARLY as 8.30am, approximately 350 WEBs gather across Covenant’s two centres to worship, study God’s

Word, serve and have fun together. The task of discipling WEBs does not, and cannot, rest on the ministry staff alone. Besides Pastor Matthew, Katherine Chan and Ministry Intern Michelle Lim, teens from VOICES help out each week in the running of the WEB service. Grouped into WEB Groups (WGs) according to their level of study, WEBs get to grow in community and are led by a SPIDER (older teen from VOICES

Every developmental stage in a child’s life has its unique challenges. Ruth Fong discovers what the WEB MINISTRY (11–to 14-year olds) faces as ministry staff and volunteers help them be rooted in God as the WEBs face multiple transitions and try to find themselves.

A typical WEB service

or adult leader). SPIDERs facilitate the application of the sermon that is preached each week through activities.

“As pre-teens in WEB face multiple transitions,” shares Pastor Matthew, who helms Covenant’s The Next Generation (TNG) Ministry, “it is important that we give them time to grow and discover Jesus afresh. At the same time, we must faithfully model for our pre-teens godly character and convictions.”

WEBs Serena and Valerie, both in Secondary One and belonging to the same WG, expressed that they appreciate being in a group of their age, because they have similar things to talk about. The

girls also revealed that they have learnt more about God and His Word through the WEB ministry. In particular, they find the activities that explain God’s Word most enriching to their learning experiences.

Ministry Staff Katherine Chan shares, “My heart-cry for the WEBs is that they will be able to recognise and hear God’s voice through knowing His Word in a world where they hear different voices telling them what to do. And that they will know God, love Him and follow Him fervently and faithfully.”

To help the WEBs see beyond their needs, community outreaches are organised during festive seasons. The WEBs reach out to Covenant’s

Ps Matthew Lo delivering the sermon

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“Growing Our Pre-Teens The WEBs belong not just to their parents; THEY BELONG TO GOD, and


neighbouring communities by gathering old newspapers or blessing them with various necessities. Over this year’s Chinese New Year (CNY) period, the WEBs in Bukit Panjang went to visit three nursing homes to distribute gifts and bless the old folks with their presence. The WEBs in Woodlands went to spread the festive cheer to needy families by distributing goodie bags and singing CNY songs. Secondary One boys, Elkan and Yixiang, particularly enjoy community outreaches. In particular, Yixiang learnt “how to show love and care for others through helping the community”.

Sharon Lam, who herself has two

pre-teen children in the WEB ministry, began serving as a SPIDER since 2010 because she has “a burden to see the next generation built up in their walk with God”. While there are challenges such as the girls in her group getting distracted easily and talking at the same time, Sharon expresses that “the most rewarding experience is to see the girls opening up, and their growing acceptance of one another despite coming from different backgrounds”.

The discipleship journey is full of threats and cannot be sustained without people standing in the gap. Last year, a group of parents began to meet every

Sunday for an hour to pray for TNG. It was initiated by a parent who observed in her pre-teen child, as well as other children, a resistance to the things of God despite efforts to grow their children spiritually. Upon seeking God, He laid a burden on her heart to start a prayer group to reclaim the lives of TNG.

The WEBs belong not just to their parents; they belong to God, and hence belong to the Church. We, too, have a part to play in this reclaiming work. Will you do yours?

Hanging out after a WEB service

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Pastors Installation

ON THE AFTERNOON of 25th March, guests and Covenanters packed the Bukit Panjang sanctuary to

witness the installation of Barney and Valerie as pastors. The installation service commenced with testimonies from four individuals.

Neeven Subramaniam was a pioneer member in the CG that Barney formed in January 2011. He commented on how he was struck by Barney’s humility, authenticity and posture. Vincent Wong, a friend and former colleague of Barney in Microsoft, told of his disbelief when Barney announced his decision to leave the company. Vincent had heard of people turning to God after trials and tribulations but here was a successful

BARNEY LAU and VALERIE CHAN have been serving the Lord faithfully for years. In February this year, much to the delight of the congregation, Leadership Mentor Edmund Chan announced that both would be appointed pastors. Randy Choo reports on this momentous event.

Coming back to the heart of worship

A Resounding Affirmation

executive prepared to give up wealth, status and career to serve God.

Dr Stacey Tay listed eleven of Valerie’s laudable qualities that began with the letters V-A-L-E-R-I-E-C-H-A-N. Katherine Chan, Valerie’s sister-in-law, acknowledged that Valerie had been a splendid role model and a patient mentor to her. Furthermore, Valerie had also been a catalyst in bringing her family much closer together.

After the insightful sharing, Senior Pastor Kay Kiong spoke about the multiple challenges a pastor faces and the high expectations that are placed on one. A pastor must be trained in God’s Word, trained for godliness and trained through perseverence. Nevertheless, SP Kay Kiong was confident that God

Ps Barney and Ps Valerie posing with their families and the SPO team after the installation

SP Tony Yeo giving the charge to the two new pastors

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SP Kay Kiong speaking about the challenges a pastor faces

would enable both Barney and Valerie to do the seemingly impossible.

Senior Pastor Tony Yeo then charged the two new pastors with their ministry. He also led the congregation to receive Barney and Valerie as their pastors and to profess their support to the new pastors. With that, SP Tony officially declared Barney and Valerie as pastors of CEFC. The congregation applauded and cheered with exuberance.

Next, the families of Barney and Valerie were invited on stage to join them for the Prayer of Consecration. With Barney and Valerie on their knees, the church Elders and members of the Senior Pastors’ Office prayed over the two pastors and their families. SP Tony and SP Kay Kiong then proceeded to anoint the pastors with oil on their heads—a symbol of God’s calling upon their lives. Elated applause filled the sanctuary and some were seen holding back tears of pride and joy.

Gifts were then presented to every member of both families before Pastor Barney and Pastor Valerie took turns to speak in the concluding segment of the service.

Pastor Barney remarked that he had never received such resounding reception in the 20 years that he had been in the market place. He was clearly moved and had to remind himself to keep to his script before he became too carried away. He shared how an innocent prayer made over 30 years ago as a teenager became a reality three-and-a-half years ago when he took the bold step to serve God full-time. He went on to thank the special people that God had placed in his life to influence and shape him.

Pastor Valerie revealed that she became a pastor at the age of 30 in her previous church but had to relinquish

“May GOD’S DIVINE HAND guide, protect



their families.”that role after seven years to be a stay-home mother. She had come full circle and was now a pastor again at 50. She felt honoured and grateful for the affirmation of the church and the love and encouragement that her husband, Pastor David Chan and her children have showered upon her.

The service drew to a close and Associate Pastor Dr Chua Chung Kai gave the benediction. He led the congregation to join hands in a symbolic act to embrace and support the new pastors. May God’s divine hand guide, protect and bless Pastor Barney, Pastor Valerie and their families.

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Mandarin Outreach

LIVELINESS, VIBRANCY AND laughter characterised both Chinese New Year Mandarin outreaches at Woodlands Centre on 28 January 2012. The

festive mood indeed filled the air, seen in the red outfits performers wore, upbeat Chinese New Year songs, and the wishing of many blessings as we enter a new year.

Pastor Patrick Chiow kick-started the afternoon and evening performances with blessings from the Bible. After that, it was over to New Strings Ministry, a Mandarin musical gospel group that belted out song after song, complete with a hilarious cross talk. The presence of popular artistes, of whom many were radio deejays, together with well-known singers like Xia Hui and one of the “Chopstick Sisters”—Mei Lan, added glitz and excitement to the crowd that comprised many senior folks. Many songs were sung in Chinese New Year tunes with Christian lyrics.“ This allows the gospel to be expressed in the traditions of our Chinese cultural roots,” shares Pastor Patrick.

It was a day of songs galore, as singers from New Strings ministry performed one song after another at Covenant Evangelical Free Church’s CHINESE NEW YEAR MANDARIN OUTREACH. Chan Sue Ming zooms in on the action.

New Year, New Life!

a shy, awkward girl who had stage fright to a woman who ceased looking at the floor when spoken to, and today boldly declares what God has done for her. She radiated a disarming candour, beautiful humility and inner poise.

Pastor James Lim of New Strings Ministry concluded the concert with an engaging and heartwarming gospel presentation, and 38 persons received Christ! It was very touching to see those praying the sinner’s prayer clasping their hands over their heart, something this writer has never seen.

As Chinese communities the world over celebrate what is arguably the most important event in the Chinese calendar, it is wonderful to see some enter into a new life with Christ as they usher in a new year. “This Chinese New Year concert provided us an excellent opportunity to bask in the festive mood and reach out to our Chinese-speaking family and friends,” remarks Pastor Patrick.“ We look forward to having more of such events to reach out to pre-believers in their ‘heart language’!”

We look forward to HAVING MORE

of such events to REACH OUT to pre-believers in their ‘HEART LANGUAGE’!”

Ps Patrick Chiow kick-starting the programme

Singers belting out Chinese New Year songs

Famous Mediacorp actress Eelyn Kok, best known for her role as Zhenzhu in Little Nonya graced the occasion to share her testimony. She candidly shared about the ups and downs in her acting career and how God has been with her every step of the way. Her eyes shone with sincerity and at moments, glistened with tears as she spoke of how God transformed her from

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Pastor Valerie Chan, Head of Women-in-Covenant and Adrian Chan, Director of Family Life Ministries and Head of Men-in-Covenant share their thoughts on REACHING OUT TO WOMEN AND MEN through gender-specific Connect events.

Wide Angle: WiC and MiC

OPPORTUNITIES TO bring our pre-believer friends and relatives to our gender-specific Connect events are

around the corner again! For the fifth year running, these

annual Connect events are organised by the Women-in-Covenant (WiC) and Men-in-Covenant (MiC) ministries that are two of the ministries under Family Life Ministries (FLM). Central to these Connect events is the objective of speaking to the felt needs specific to women and men respectively, that they may then encounter the saving grace of God who alone meets their deeper spiritual needs.

Coming soon on 19 May will be the Men’s Conference. Mr Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, will speak on “A Man and His Money—Being Truly Rich”. For over a decade, Chuck has travelled the world teaching biblical financial principles to the affluent, middle class, poor and ultra-poor. MiC is grateful for the co-sponsorship of the citywide Men Ministries Network, partnership of Crown Financial Ministries and the gracious involvement of 26 other Christian organisations and churches in support of this event. Over the past years, the event has drawn over a thousand participants annually and we

are trusting God to touch the hearts of men again this year.

Then on 7 July, WiC will host its women’s Connect event in the form of an afternoon seminar that focuses on building strong marriages. We are delighted that Ms Anita Fam, Chairperson of the Advisory Board of

New Year, New Life!


VOLUNTEERS amongst Covenanters who joyfully and humbly SERVE AS GOD’S CHANNEL of ministry to our guests.”

Marriage Central, and Ms Seah Kheng Yeow, Head of Family Development of PAVE, will address the women on how they can let God heal their marriages. WiC is trusting God for half of the targeted attendance of 500 to consist of pre-believers. Said the organisers, “We know of many women who are hurting in their marriages, so this seminar seeks to provide them with handles to cope with the pain and move towards a healthy marriage”.

We are deeply thankful for the strong lay leadership and volunteers amongst Covenanters who joyfully and humbly serve as God’s channel of ministry to our guests. We also praise God for the numerous pre-believers who have come for past years’ men and women connect events, and for the Covenanters who have invited them. Thank God for you, Covenanters!

Connecting With Men And Women

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Close Up

A Life Transformed by God

LOOKING AT PASTOR ANN today, you would never imagine that this friendly, bubbly woman was once very melancholic and fearful. She describes herself

as a “pessimist”, who never saw herself as someone of much worth.

The youngest of three children, her background was a “humble one”, and her family somewhat “dysfunctional”. Things got worse when her father passed away when she was just 13 years old.

However, when she was down in the dumps, God, in his faithful love, found her. Ironically, she got to know Jesus through her then schoolmate and now husband, Rev Edmund Chan (more affectionately known as Ps Ed), when he was a backslidden Christian. And after she received Jesus into her life, she helped bring him back to God! God does indeed work in

unexpected but marvellous ways.Once she came to know the Lord,

she was determined to live her life differently. It was not easy to leave her past behind. She thought that she could not do it. But in surrendering her life to God, the Master Potter made it possible by turning this broken vessel into something beautiful, fit for use for His kingdom’s purposes. What’s more, she went from someone who often said, “I cannot” to someone who now says, “I can!” ”I learned to die to myself and embrace God’s will.”

God did not just work in her life, but those closest to her heart as well. Her paternal grandmother strongly opposed her faith initially but relented when she saw her grand-daughter’s life changed. After 34 years of faithful intercession, her grandmother received Christ at the age of 93. Two years later, she got baptised.

Chan Sue Ming had the privilege of having a chat with PASTOR ANN CHAN. She marvels at God’s redemptive work in her life, admires her focused pursuit of God, and is inspired by the “take-home lessons” she gleaned from the conversation.

Caption here

Ps Ann with her husband

Rev Edmund Chan

Ps Ann introducing Rev Edmund Chan at last

year’s ACK Conference

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Her mother came to know the Lord too, through Covenant’s Cantonese ministry two years ago; and so did her brother, who has now passed away. “Through their salvations, I began to see the promise of God when He said, ‘You and your household shall be saved.’”

She and Pastor Ed studied at Singapore Bible College (SBC) for their Bachelor of Theology degrees. Later on, she pursued her Masters of Arts in Christian Education at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA, completing the two-year programme in a mere eight months, and with honours too! It was such a difficult achievement that when Pastor Ed went to do his Masters, his faculty advisor seriously doubted that he could do the same. Nonetheless, he likewise went on to uphold the good tradition his wife had set.

They joined the then Emmanuel Christian Fellowship three months after it started and invited many of the Youth for Christ students that they had worked with to join the church. The church grew from there.

After completing their studies at SBC in 1987, Pastor Ed took over the reins of pastoral leadership. Though Pastor Ann did not have an official position in church then as a staff, she felt very called to the ministry, and faithfully served alongside her husband as a

pastoral couple. Over the years, she had a leadership role in almost every single department of the church and left her loving imprints there. One of her vital contributions is in pioneering and leading the Women’s Breakthrough Weekend, which has touched many lives. She came on board as a staff in 2005.

Since Pastor Ed has now handed over the reins of Senior Pastor to Pastor Kay Kiong and Pastor Tony, he and Pastor Ann are now “freed up” to focus on the Global Alliance of Intentional Disciple-Making Churches. They continue to be actively involved in Covenant, with Pastor Ed serving as our Leadership Mentor to continue mentoring our key leaders, from our senior pastors to the next generation leaders.

Once again, Pastor Ann serves faithfully alongside her husband as one of the directors, pioneering this global movement of intentional disciple-making churches. They are both actively engaged in church consultations and mentoring, in both formal and non-formal ways. Her mentoring group in Singapore includes several women pastors and pastors’ wives.

“The greatest joy in ministry is to see lives transformed”, shares Pastor Ann, “and these transformed persons becoming co-labourers in God’s kingdom.”

“Faith sees the invisible, believes

the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.”


1. She guards her solitude time with God very closely because it is then she experiences Him most deeply. Her favourite places to take long walks to spend time with God are MacRitchie Reservoir and Lower Pierce Reservoir.

2. She watches Monk, CSI and The Food Channel and keeps a Facebook account to connect with her two lovely daughters, Amanda and Belicia. They are 17 and 16 this year.

3. Her favourite time of the day is dusk, when the sun sets. Her favourite place at such times is by the seaside.

4. After her days of teaching at Commonwealth Secondary School, she was asked to spearhead the Singapore office of a HR consultancy firm as its Managing Director. The company, Human Dynamics, was built as several multi-national companies asked specifically for her services as a corporate trainer.

5. She enjoys playing with babies and children, and confesses that she likes the “romantic idea of baking”, sans washing up.

“The GREATEST JOY in ministry is to SEE LIVES TRANSFORMED and these

transformed persons BECOMING CO-LABOURERS in God’s kingdom.”

Did You Know?

Rev Edmund and Ps Ann with their two daughters, Amanda and Belicia

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Upcoming Events

God At Work

Look out for our next

issue in July 2012!



COPY EDITORSSilas WeeKatie Chung

WRITERSAdeline KohRuth Fong Li-LingRandy ChooChan Sue MingAdrian ChanPastor Valerie ChanBien Daniel & Bieu Christiane Hanna Helen

PHOTOGRAPHERSPaul LiewCheong Yian LingEmmeline Tan


CONTACT [email protected]

OUR OFFICE167 Jalan Bukit MerahTower 5, #17-10Singapore 150167T. +65 6892 6811F. +65 6892 1502www.cefc.org.sg

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CONNECT is a bi-monthly newsletter of Covenant Evangelical Free Church. We welcome advertisers in CONNECT. However, advertising in our publication does not necessarily imply editorial endorsement of either the advertiser or contents of the advertisement. Unless otherwise specified, Scriptural references are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB). © 2012 Covenant Evangelical Free Church

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Knowing Christ In A Foreign Land


GOD HAS GIVEN Singapore a great opportunity to contribute to world missions considering the

continuous influx of foreigners. In our very midst, for example, there are many Indonesian and Filipino helpers who could hear the gospel.

When we employed our new helper from the Philippines, we agreed with her that she would join a Filipino service on Sundays. We went the first time with her and introduced her to a group. She was immediately welcomed and found new friends. Since then she has happily gone to church on Sundays on her own. After a couple of months, she became

a Christian and a few weeks later she was baptised. She sings Christian songs all the time and she has become a real blessing to our home!

We do understand the concerns many employers have about the safety of their helpers and have heard stories about helpers misusing the given freedom. Our own experience however, has been very positive. On Sundays, the kids need to help out more at home and they realise what a blessing it is to have a helper. We are always looking forward to her return and believe that it is more motivating for our helper when she has something to look forward to, be it attending a service, a Bible study or having fellowship with Christian friends.

19 May Men’s Conference WDL

26 May MiC: The Manhood Quest BPJ

26 May Mandarin Service BPJ Parent’s Night Service

26 May Hokkien Service WDL Parent’s Night Service

27 May Global Day Of Prayer WDL

11 Jun Church Camp IOI Marriott Leaders’ Advance

12–15 Jun Church Camp IOI Marriott

01 Jul Youth Sunday BPJ & WDL


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