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Twitter forBusiness

Nick Kellet - Inventor, Indie Board Game publisher, Entrepreneur, Social Media Explorer

Delivered 1st time on 20th August 2009 at @streamingcafe in Kelowna BC, Canada

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Social What?

Web 1.0 - Just be a good listener They publish - You consume Static Content = Passive Consumer

Web 2.0 - You Participate - You Take Control Anyone can publish/create content Anyone can comment/recommend/flame

Social Media Called “social” because you interact with people You converse - It’s a conversation

Photos, Blogs, Video, Wikis, Bookmarking Flickr.com, YouTube.com, Blogger.com,

Wikipedia, Boardgamegeek.com, Delicio.us,Reddit.com, Stumbelupon.com, Digg.com

Social Networks (FB morphing in progress)= Rock Paper Scissors LinkedIn - Business Facebook - Individual Twitter - Business + Consumer

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Are You a Social Climber?

Categories Social Media Usage - Varies by Demo

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Twitter Is What Twitter Does

Let’s you answer 2 Questions What Am I doing

• (you can be interesting) What Am I thinking

• (possibly more interesting)

A 140 Character Accident: In an ADD world Usage and protocol/etiquette driven by users/fans Not sure it’s simple, but it is simple

Swiss Army Knife of Web 2.0 Use 1 tool not many Bucked Specialization Trend

• Bookmark/Rating//Photos/SocialNetworking/Sharing/Chat/Messaging etc

Bucked “volume” blogging Trend• Microblogging - cute but confusing term

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Buzzword Twingo

You need to learn a few words If one doesn’t exist - Twinvent one

Twit = User of TwitterTweet = MessageReTweet = Repeating someone else’s messageReply (mixed up with ReTweet) = comment on someone messageFollowers = People you followFollowing = Other people who follow youUnfollowing = Stopping following someoneDM = Direct Message = (sent someone a private tweet) - EMERGENCY ONLYTweetup = Meetup of Twitterers = Gathering of like minded folkHashtag = # = shortcode (to filter conversation) eg #IMU (often for an event)Thank = For following, For a retweet, For answering questions. For commenting

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Twitter Off Twitter

Where to put your Twitter handle Business Cards/ Stationary Website Email Signature Window/Reception Decals On Vehicles, Adverts - Print, Radio + TV

Don’t forget #HashTags Where can you use hashtags

• In Adverts, contests, promotions

This is very new - experiment!

http://bit.ly/twitter-decal Click on link to make your decal

We need a web icon for Join Twitter Business Day

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Real-Time, Hyper-Local Democracy

Real Time Search - Twitter takes out the Garbage Unlike the Web (Google et al)

• “Old stuff” is suppressed

Level playing field for Hyper-Local BusinessesHyper Local - High on Relevance Local businesses compete on a level playing field Build local following / Promote your Twitter Feed Make local offers - Let people Tweet you up

A Democracy (You vote for what you consume) Follow your interests/unfollow junk (nothing

personal) Unlike Google; Fiefdom based on Page Ranks =

Rich Page Lords get more Good content costs same all business

• large and small

Real Time, Hyper Local Democracy Good for Business, Good for People


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What do I say?

Do I have anything interesting to say? I keep hearing this from non Twitterers

What do you love? Coffee, Flowers, Wine, Food, Golf, Goats, Cheese, Meetings,

CherriesThink About Your Customer You may have MANY types of customer Think about how you can help them

You may be in Business But you are a person You know stuff - We’d like to know it too Be you - share your knowledge - Share your passion for

your domainBut I’m not in Business….(Not a get out clause) Teachers - in the education business Charities - in the helping business We’re all in the Business of something (even Prison


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Tweet Block?

Brainstorm Relevant Stuff for Your Business Coffee Shop

• Coffee Duh!• Meetings, Wifi, Networking, Gossip, Meetups

Hair Salon• Hair, Celebs, Local Public News, Weddings, Photos of Haircuts

Book Stores• Authors, Reviews, Genres, TV Coverage of Books, Book Clubs,

Personal insights on books - 140 Character book reviews,

Sit down and figure out your Domain List Write down your key terms Use Google Alerts to find content Review Content. Tweet the best with shortened URL Follow people who Tweet in your domain

When you have thought Write it down Can you share it in 140 characters?

When you see something interesting/funny Twitpic + Tweet it

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1st Rule of Twitter - Don’t Use Twitter

This blew my mind: Completely counter intuitive It’s good advice not to use Twitter.com Instead use the many 3rd party tools

Many Many Twitter Apps Many highly specialized

• For tweeting, following, unfollowing

Most $0 / Some $$$• Can avoid unless want to be pro

Market Leaders (on PC/Mac). TweetDeck - http://tweetdeck.com/beta/ Twhirl - http://www.twhirl.org/ Seesmic - http://seesmic.com

You can use you Mobile Apps vary for iPhone/Blackberry etc

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Get Yourself Going on Social Media

Profile Photo Add a photo Recognizable as YOU Same photo - Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc

• Change one - Change all

Use a consistent Profile copy• (pithy - whatever that means)

Twitter Profile Make profile public (on Twitter) Link to your blog Add a background graphic Reflect your personality

Tweet as Business Or Person? Probably BOTH

• Own your name• Own your Business Name

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Give Way to Twitter Conventions

General Tip + Kelowna / Twitter Business Day Follow back people who

• Have a photo + Have posted Tweets + Name that makes sense• Don’t think too hard - you can always unfollow• Especially follow everyone in Kelowna as part of #TWBIZ

Universal Good Etiquette Do not send auto DMs to welcome followers Do not spam “@prospect - Hi you can buy my widget.” Do not sell/advertise (add value) - Which is better?

• New book on sale Chris Anderson - “Free” $29.95• Great review of Chris Andersons’s book free http://tinyurl.com/ab2ke

Now back in stock” Mention your products etc less than 10% of time Focus on sharing your knowledge, being you

• Link people to useful, fun interesting stuff Comment on other people’s Tweets and retweet

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The Twitter “Ah Ha” Moment

Have you had Yours Yet? Can’t tell you when You will know when it happens

Watch a TV show by yourself Just add PC + Twitter + Hashtag eg #IDOL

Attend remote learning / Webinar/ Webconference Follow/converse on Twitter with other students Filter on a hashtag

Be involved in Citizen Journalism Like the Kelowna Fire or an Award Ceremony Take photos/ provide insight based on location

Explore a foreign city Change Twitter location on or before arrival Ask questions / ask for recommendations

before you arrive

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Follow Me

How to get followed: Think Fllrting Retweet - its like a tip - RT = “Thanks for the info” Don’t just RT add something complimentary

• “You saved my bacon RT @jimjones”

Practical TIps Follow “good” people to learn Probably good to follow back if they look like real people Un-follow if unimpressed with content (it’s not personal) You may get unfollowed unless you are a rockstar People will stick around for good content (become a rockstar)

Automation Tools Don’t use until you know you get it (they will confuse) Like driving a car too fast - Get skills before you pick up a Ferrari If you have 2k real followers you get it (only you know how you get them)

Limits - You can follow 1k people/day Upto 2k people More than 2k if you follow less than your followers+10% Any number of people can follow you

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ReTweet - The Tipping of Social Media

ReTweeting = Passing on someone else’s Tweet to your followers Typically you add “rt” as a prefix This is a style thing - you can add comment or insight (rt is optional)

Crediting - It’s polite to leave source in place (via @xyz works too) Add the person’s @name to their Tweet Fred Smith “Kelowna fire Terrace Mountain gains new momentum -

http://twitpic.com/af12d” rt @FredSmith Kelowna fire Terrace Mountain gains new momentum -

http://twitpic.com/af12d Kelowna fire Terrace Mountain gains new momentum - http://twitpic.com/af12d (via

@FredSmith) Wind heading south rt @FredSmith Kelowna fire Terrace Mountain gains new

momentum - http://twitpic.com/af12dWrite Short Tweets Allows space for retweeting without abbreviation (varies depending on @handle) If someone has to shorten - It takes effort - less likely to happen

Double Credit Retweeting a Retweet gets tight on space. Go figure


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Does My Tweet Look Big …

We all need FEEDBACK How am I doing? What should I do next? There are many apps that can help Here’s two that are fun

Twitter Grader http://twitter.grader.com/ Great metric. Top Twitterers get a score of 100

Twanalyst http://twanalyst.com Does not hold back!

How’s Kelowna doing http://twitter.grader.com/location/?Location=

KELOWNA Compare us to Victoria, Vancouver, Toronto,

San Francisco

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Spice Up Your Tweets

Links (URL Shorteners) Takes long URLs (web addresses) and

turns them into 25 character short URLS Leaves you more room for your Tweet http://tinyurl.com/ - Quick and easy http://bit.ly/ - Provides tracking metrics

Photos Attach photos to your tweets Works on mobiles + web http://twitpic.com - Provides tracking

metrics of views

Leave Spaces Before @ and # Hyperlinks won’t work without it on


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Is this a conversation I see before me

It’s not conversation as you know it Don’t DM unless it’s really personal (stops conversation)

• Plus sharing thoughts might help you find an answer

Don’t expect immediate answers Having more followers will increases likelihood of response Answering other people’s questions will garner you more answers This is how you build relationships/establish your brand

Be Chatty If you don’t give out “chat” don’t expect “chat” back

Do use the right names (only if they exist) Eg “I met with @nickkellet” not “I met with Nick Kellet” Latter is valid if Nick Kellet is not on Twitter

Ask Questions to one an all One Person - “@KelownaCycle is my bike ready?” Open - “Anyone know any good summer camps for kids age 12?” Hash Based - “What response rates do PPC campaigns get? #IMU” Easy Open Question - “What is #IMU ?”



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Connect Your City

Starting in Kelowna - Reached Penticton, Vernon, West Kelowna Broad support

• Kelowna Chamber, Ostec, Oric, Downtown Association, City

1st Step is Twitter Business Day Deadline = Get on Twitter by 9th Sept 2009 Hashtag #TWBIZ #090909 Join Initiative, Learn Twitter+ Help others do the same Open Feedback - Fast-track to good Twitter Citizenship

Project Blog http://www.connectingkelowna.com/ Watch this space for more info

Follow/Join us Twitter, Facebook + LinkedIn http://twitter.com/twitbizday http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=124341464904 http://www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=2164838 Tweet this (or something like it) @twitbizday I’m in Business in Kelowna and I support

Twitter Business Day #twbiz

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About GiftTRAP / About Me

http://gifttrap.com/ 20+ international awards Printed 8 languages (rules in 11+) 50k units globally Party Game of the Year in Germany,

Canada, USA + France Brand built with Social Media Christmas Day as a board game

without lying to Grandma Indie Game Stores Globally Loadz A Toys in Kelowna

http://twitter.com/nickkellet [email protected] http://www.linkedin.com/in/nickkellet http://www.facebook.com/nickkellet Trend Watcher Serial Entrepreneur Software Startup Advisor/Ideas Guy Social Media Marketing Strategist

= Gaming Oscar

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