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Connecting Faith and Everyday Life with Adult Milestones

Association of Presbyterian

Church Educators

Baltimore, MD 2015

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Debbie’s Language Analogy “Faith Talk”

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The analogy:

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I’m fluent!





Other Adults

Are you fluent in another language? How many hours a week did you study

a language in school? Are you fluent?

1. Lived in the country

2. Were raised in a house

where your parents

spoke it to you

“Gravitate towards and thirst to be with..”

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Becoming Fluent in


Congregation and Home

Congregation and


Congregation and Culture



Other Adults

Are we fluent in the language of faith?

How many hours a week do we speak faith? Result? Thirst to be in community.

“Gravitate towards and thirst to be


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1. Learning a Language: - To become fluent, one must be immersed through being

surrounded by the language in the home or by living in the country where the language is spoken.

- Fluency involves becoming familiar with and practicing specific rituals and traditions.

- Culture includes language, food, customs, and traditions

- Age 13: What would happen if we placed a focus on equipping children and their families before they turn 13 ?

- What impact does facing the reality of learning a language have on those over 13 through adults in our congregations?

When will my child become fluent?

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1. Providing Tools: - Learning a language involves action and hands-on

involvement . The result? It sticks!

- Providing consistent words to describe core rituals and traditions and name them is key.

- Repeating more than once and embedding faith practices in the ministry of the congregation leads to fluency.

- Fluency results in being a way of life. It defines the DNA of a congregation.


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3. Immersion: - Surrounding children and youth with a common language

and adults who speak the language is immersion.

- Immersion leads to learning about the culture of a community. Every faith community has a culture.

- If you gave a survey and asked people in your congregation to identify Christian traditions or Presbyterian traditions, could they do it readily?

- We make assumptions that we are already immersing people. We assume they speak our language.

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4. Fluency: - It doesn’t happen in 1 hour week. In fact it doesn’t happen

in 5 hours or 10 hours a week!

- It leads to thirsting to gather with those who speak the language.

- Could you name more than 5 people in your congregation you consider to be fluent?

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5. Application:

- The message/sermon normally includes life application. - It connects us to God’s Word. We seldom follow up with conversations relating scripture to our own lives. How and where does one have opportunities to apply what they learn and realize it is a way of life?

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6. Challenges: - The opportunity to evangelize lies in our faith fluency and is

dependent on how we describe ourselves.

- Although we have programs to help others, how often do we verbalize our actions through Christian language?

- How do we move from faith community to the world? Get Off the Base! (comfort zone)

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Off the Base! - The opportunity for outreach lies in our fluency in the

language of faith and is dependent on how we describe ourselves.

- Although we have programs to help others, how often do we verbalize our actions through Christian language?

- How often do we add faith to everyday conversation and everyday life celebrations?

- How do we move from faith community to the world? We get “off the base”

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“Cultures are what make countries unique.”

Culture is a word for people's 'way of life', meaning the way groups do things. Different groups of people may have different cultures. A culture is passed on to the next generation by learning, whereas genetics are passed on by heredity.

Culture is seen in people’s writing, religion, music, clothes, cooking, and in what they do.


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If I were to ask you to define the culture of your congregation, how would you describe it?

“Cultures are what make congregations unique.”

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How often have we taken the time to invite those in our faith communities to make a list of what we consider to be our existing culture beginning with the basics? 1. Caring Relationships – Where do caring relationships happen in the faith community? Around tables for fellowship? In homes?

2. Rituals – What rituals or rites of passage do families in the congregation list they do at home? How do these rituals interface with their faith?

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3. Traditions – What types of traditions passed down through generations are celebrated in homes of the congregation? How do they tie these traditions to their family history? How do they tie them to their faith? 4. Values – The core of a culture is formed by values. What do you value most in the congregation? What do you think others value most? What do you value most in your home? If we would like to view the faith community through a cultural lens, we need to be honest with one another and open to truthful, caring relationships.

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Five Principles

for living and passing on faith

- Faith is formed by the power of the Holy Spirit through

personal, trusted relationships – often in our own homes.

- The church is a living partnership between the ministry of

the congregation and ministry of the home.

- Where Christ is present in faith, the home is church too.

- Faith is caught more than it is taught.

- If we want Christian children and youth, we need

Christian adults.

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What is a milestone?

A milestone is a meaningful, memorable moment in the lives of

individuals and communities.

Milestones in our lives can be life changing. Some are happy.

Some can be sad and fearful times.

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Some milestones we celebrate in the congregation. Most are for children and youth.



Sunday School


But what milestones do we celebrate for


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What milestones do we, as adults, recognize and celebrate in our home and daily life?



New Job ?

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Caring Conversations

Begin with conversation: -Invite members of the group to share one of the most difficult challenges of moving to a new home. -Share a memory from a previous move that makes you smile or laugh. -What is it about settling into a new home that brings you the most joy or pleasure.

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Devotions Read Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 (CEV) “The Lord and his disciples were traveling along and came to a village. When they got there, a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat down in front of the Lord and was listening to what he said.”

Consider how you honor both hospitality and listening to God in your home. Are there practices you would like to incorporate into your home that might encourage hospitality and/or listening to God?

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Service: Discuss ways in which you can serve your new neighbors. Establish a plan for your service. Consider an open house as a way to establish positive relationships with those in your new neighborhood. It will also be a gift to your friends and family who are able to attend.

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Rituals and Traditions Bless the home using the blessing from For Everything a Season (see Appendix 4) or light a candle and say the following Scripture and prayer. Read Proverbs 24:3 then pray, Dear God, we ask you to bless this home and all who enter here with the wisdom that knows and receives your ever present love. For (name those who live in the home) and for all who visit, may this place be filled with your precious and pleasant riches to keep us in faith, hope, and love all the days of our lives. We pray in Christ’s name. Amen.

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Practicing Faith

1. Caring Conversations

2. Devotions

3. Service

4. Rituals and Traditions

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of Needs


Building Relationships

Praying for One Another

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1. Name it

2. Equip it

3. Bless it

4. Gift it

5. Reinforce it

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1. Name it

Identifies a moment as significant to one’s life and faith directly related to the name of the Milestone Ministry event.

2. Equip it

Provides support, modeling, and resources to help people experience a milestone in life as an opportunity to again embrace the grace of God in Christ

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3. Bless it

Offers a prayer in a worship service, cross+generational event, and/or the small group or home event to embrace people’s lives with the grace, mercy, and peace of God in Christ.

4. Gift it

Provides a gift to help the participants recall a particular milestone in their lives with faith, hope, and love

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5. Reinforce it

Offer a follow up event to help deepen the faith formation impact of the Milestone Ministry experience. Encourage and support faith practices recommended at the initial Milestone event and, when helpful, explore new ones.

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1.Name it ?

2.Equip it ?

3.Bless it ?

4.Gift it ?

5.Reinforce it ?

Choose one of the milestones you named

earlier. How would you…

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How would I use this devotion?

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Four Keys


Milestone Stones

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Currently 8 Adult Milestones:

Aging Parent Grandparents

Retirement Return from Military

Deployment New Job

New Home Anniversary of Marriage

Empty Nest

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Soon to be released…

Loss of a Loved One Joining a Faith Community

Becoming a Parent Discovering Your Gifts

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There are 18 Child-Youth Milestone


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18 Milestones Modules:

FaithChest® Milestone: Passing on Faith Baptism Milestone: The Beginning Point of Nurturing a Faith Life Anniversary of Baptism Milestone: Remembering Our Way of Life

Prayer Milestone: Relationships with God and Family

Welcoming Young Children to Worship Milestone: An Intentional Invitation Entering Sunday School Milestone: First Steps for a Young Child

Kids and Money Milestone: Good Stewards of God’s Gifts Blessing of the Backpacks Milestone: A Fall Milestone for All Ages Communion Milestone: Learning More about the Lord’s Supper

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Bible Milestone: Placing Scripture in Hands and Homes Bible Camp Milestone: Feeling God’s Comfort in Outdoor Ministry

My Body, God’s Gift Milestone: Sexuality as God’s Good Gift Middle School Milestone: Created in God’s Image

Beginning Confirmation Milestone: Walking with Youth on Their Faith Journeys Confirmation Milestone: An Evening of Honor

Driver’s License Milestone: Driver’s License as a Rite of Passage Mission Trip Milestone: Community Blessings at Home and Away

High School Graduation Milestone: Equipping Graduates for the Journey

18 Milestones Modules continued:

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Outreach into the community is a major gift of Milestones Ministry. These

milestones are written with the larger community in mind. More and more,

congregations are exploring ways to include non-members in Milestones

Ministry opportunities. It is a lifelong faith formation ministry that can serve

and bless other people besides congregational members.

Blessing of the Backpacks

Driver’s License

Middle School

and High School Graduation

along with Milestones Ministries

newest addition of Adult Milestones

such as Aging Parents, and

Deployment are all good examples of

milestones that can be celebrated as a

community event where friends and

neighbors are invited.

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Think of the milestones in

your life…

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How realistic is it that we can

equip homes for faith formation

and spiritual growth?

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Be Intentional

Set Expectations

Plan for Accountability

Debbie’s 3 Tips for Leadership

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The Goal:

• Lifelong Faith Formation

• Relationships over


• Be Strategic for the World,

not the Congregation

Essential Settings:

• Home

• Congregation

• Digital

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Be Intentional

Set Expectations

Plan for Accountability

How will you…..?

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Reflect on what it means to : Be teaching the language of faith in our

families. Be a Christian faith role model for others. In whose life have you and can we make a


It begins with us!

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