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Vocabulary1a Abbina i paesi alle nazionalità.

1 Poland a I’m French.2 Germany b Aldona’s Polish. 3 England c They’re American.4 France d Are you Spanish?5 America e He’s English.6 Spain f We’re German.

1bTrova il plurale di queste parole nel crucipuzzle.box phone city story sport key glass









Grammar2a Completa le frasi con my, your, his o her.

1 I’m Ben. birthday is in May. 2 This is my friend. name’s Francesca.3 He’s Irish. mum and dad are from Ireland.4 Hi, I’m Poppy. Are you in class?5 Tom’s from London. Arsenal is favourite team.6 Hello, I’m Mario. What’s name?

2bCompleta l’email con la forma corretta di be. Usa la forma contratta quando è possibile.



Hi, I 1 Lisa. I’m your penpal. I’m twelve. My birthday 2 on 5th June. My best friend 3 Charlotte. We 4 in the same class. My favourite things 5 my DVDs and my dog, Pepe. Where 6 you from in Italy? What 7 your interests? Please write to me.


Consolidation Unit 1

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2c Riordina le parole per scrivere delle domande.1 sister / her / Daniela / is / ?

Is Hannah her sister?2 are / friends / American / your / ?3 you / are /Greece / from/ ?4 is / your / favourite / Inter / team / football / ?5 we / best / are / friends / ?6 birthday / it / today / your / is / ?

2dAbbina le domande alle risposte.1 Is Tom your best friend? b 2 Are your parents Spanish? 3 Is your favourite colour blue? 4 Are we late? 5 Is your phone number 01584 336901?

a Yes, we are.b Yes, he is.c No, they aren’t.d No, it isn’t. It’s orange.e Yes, it is.

Communication3 Cerchia l’alternativa corretta.

Lisa Hello, Mrs Jones. How 1 are / is / am you?

Mrs Jones I’m 2 old / late / fi ne, thanks.Lisa This is Suvarna. 3 She / He /

It’s my friend. She’s from India.Mrs Jones 4 Hello / Goodbye / See you,

Suvarna.Suvarna 5 Nice / Fine / Thanks to

meet you, Mrs Jones.



Mrs Jones

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Vocabulary1a Trova e cerchia sette parti della casa.

1bOsserva la fi gura e completa le frasi con le parole.behind next to (x2) on (x2) in front of

1 There’s an armchair the bed.2 The TV is the table.3 The rug is the bed.4 There is a wall the wardrobe.5 The armchair is the window.6 There are two cushions the bed.

Grammar2a Completa le frasi con this/these e il

verbo be.1 your pencil case. 2 our old car. 3 posters of Francesca Schiavone. 4 your keys?

2bCompleta le frasi con that/those e il verbo be.1 the books? 2 her trainers. 3 his computer.4 his brother.

next to

This is

Are those

Consolidation Unit 2


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2c Cerchia l’alternativa corretta.Hi, I’m Jamie. 1 My / your little brother is Callum. He’s eleven. 2 His / Her favourite thing is 3 his / your computer. There are four people in 4 a / your family. 5 Our / her parents are teachers. There are lots of books in 6 they / their study. Our house is small but it’s in the centre of town. Where’s 7 your / you’re house?

2dCompleta le frasi con there is/are/isn’t/aren’t.1 There are two windows in my bedroom. (3)2 a teacher in the classroom. (7)3 a mobile phone in her bag. (3)4 two computers on his desk. (7)5 three chairs in the study. (7)6 lots of pens in my pencil case. (3)7 three lamps next to your bed. (7)

2e Abbina le parole alle frasi per formare delle domande.1 Where… b a are your new friends? They are Tom and Sam.2 Who… b are my school books? They’re on the table.3 When… c is her birthday? It’s in March.4 How old… d is your favourite room? My bedroom.5 Where… e is your big sister? She’s sixteen.6 What… f are your family from? Rome.

Communication3 Riordina le battute del dialogo.

Z-A-M-B-E-L-L-I What’s your phone number? Yes, that’s right. 8Can you spell that, please? It’s Zambelli. It’s 0140 2399 What’s your family name? 1Is that 2399?

There are

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Vocabulary1a Riordina le lettere per scrivere degli aggettivi.

1 hsy 2 nfuyn 3 soriues 4 kdni 5 iqute 6 velcre

1bCerchia l’estraneo tra queste parole.1 uncle cousin sister aunt2 son mother stepmother father3 aunt grandfather mother daughter4 grandmother father grandparents grandfather5 children son wife daughter

Grammar2a Completa i dialoghi con delle risposte brevi.

1 A Has Lauren got a brother? (7) B . 2 A Have they got clever friends? (3) B .3 A Has he got a computer? (3) B .4 A Have we got lots of homework? (7) B .5 A Has Sam got lots of books? (7) B .

2bRiscrivi le frasi alla forma affermativa (3), negativa (7) o interrogativa (?).1 Have you got short dark hair? (3) (7)2 He hasn’t got brown eyes. (?) (3)3 Have they got lots of cousins? (3) (7)4 They’ve got curly hair. (?) (7)5 Her gran’s got a dog. (?) (7)


No, she hasn’t

You’ve got short hair.You haven’t got short hair.

Consolidation Unit 3

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2c Rispondi alle domande con il genitivo sassone.1 Whose keys are they? (Lucia) .2 Whose T-shirts are they? (Jack and Joe) .3 Whose books are on the table? (Rob) .4 Whose cousin is she? (Holly) .5 Whose DVDs are they? (Simon and Hannah) .

2dCerchia la risposta corretta.1 A Whose bag is this? Is it yours? B Yes, it’s mine. / Yes, it’s hers.2 A Are these your guitars? B Yes, they’re yours. / No, they aren’t mine.3 A Whose car is this? Is it your mum’s? B Yes, it’s hers. / No, it isn’t his.4 A Are my eyes green? B No, yours are blue. / No, mine are blue.5 A Is that your grandparents’ house? B Yes, it’s theirs. / Yes, it’s yours.

Communication3 Completa il dialogo con queste parole.

clever Don’t worry interesting kind serious You’re joking!

Lucy I’ve got a new Maths book. It’s 1 (interessante).John 2 ! (Stai scherzando!) Maths is diffi cult.Lucy Well, we haven’t got the same interests.John No, we haven’t. You’re 3 (intelligente) and

4 (seria). But I’m not.Lucy You are clever, John! But you aren’t serious. You’re 5 (gentile)

and funny. 6 (Non ti preoccupare), we’re best friends.John Yes, Lucy. You’re a star!

They’re Lucia’s keys


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Vocabulary1a Completa la tabella con queste parole.

at night in the morning in the evening in the afternoon

1 2 3 4 a








1bCompleta le frasi con gli orari dell’esercizio 1a.

a I get up at from Monday to Friday.b I go to school at .c I have lunch at .d School fi nishes at .e I start my homework at .f We have dinner at .g I go to bed at .h I go to sleep at .

1c Abbina le parole per formare delle espressioni.1 go a dressed2 have b to bed3 get c shopping4 go to d a shower5 have e breakfast6 go f the cinema

Grammar2a Riscrivi le frasi alla terza persona singolare.

1 I play tennis on Monday. (Sandy) .2 You go to the supermarket on Sunday. (Mum) .3 We don’t tidy the house every day. (She) .4 I get home late in the evening. (Henry) .5 You watch TV all day. (my sister) .6 My grandparents don’t like fi sh. (Jim) .

in the morning

half past six

Sandy plays tennis on Monday









6.30 a.m. 6.15 p.m.

7.30 a.m. 7.30 p.m.

1 p.m. 10.50 p.m.

3.10 p.m. 11.05 p.m.

Consolidation Unit 4

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2bRiscrivi le frasi alla forma interrogativa usando le parole tra parentesi.1 I play computer games. (you?)

Do you play computer games? 2 We collect old musical instruments. (your dad?)3 She plays tennis on Saturday. (David and Amy?)4 I watch TV on Sunday evening. (Ellie?)5 She has a piano lesson on Wednesday. (we?)

2c Abbina le domande alle risposte brevi.1 Do you have coffee for breakfast? a Yes, we do.2 Do we have an English lesson today? b No, he doesn’t.3 Does he get up early on Saturday? c Yes, they do.4 Do they finish work at 6 p.m.? d Yes, I do.5 Do you write letters? e No, I don’t. I write emails.

Communication3 Completa il testo con queste parole.

answer shop assistant get up don’t go shopping wear tired watch TV don’t play

I’m a 1 in a music shop. The shop opens from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. I don’t 2 early and I don’t work late. I work with lots of people and I 3 their questions about music. I 4 a special shirt from the shop, but the trousers are mine. I’m on my feet all day and I’m 5 when I get home. In the evening, I 6 before dinner. Then I write emails to my friends. I 7 music at home. At the weekend, I 8 with my friends. I work in the shop on Saturday!

shop assistant

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3 Mia speak English.

4 Her fi sh swim.

Vocabulary1a Completa le frasi con do, play o go.

1 basketball 4 skiing2 running 5 gymnastics3 karate 6 rugby

1bCerchia l’alternativa corretta.1 We don’t do / make homework at the weekend.2 My gran makes / does a cake for my birthday.3 Shhh. Don’t make / do a noise!4 I like cooking, but I make / do a mess in the kitchen.5 What sports do they make / do?6 I can do / make this exercise. It’s easy.

Grammar2a Osserva le fi gure e completa le frasi con can or can’t.

1 My brother play tennis.

2 Ian ride a bike.

2bRiscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa (7) o interrogativa (?)1 Connor can play volleyball very well. (?) 2 Jess and Sophie can come to the cinema. (7) .3 Can you watch TV after 10 p.m? (7) .4 We can go shopping after school. (?) .5 She can juggle tennis racquets. (?) .



Can Connor play volleyball very well?

Unit 5



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2c Completa le regole con queste parole. Usa la forma affermativa o negativa.take (7) be (3) run (7) use (7) wear (7)

2dCompleta le frasi con i verbi tra parantesi.1 Emilio studying for tests. (study)2 We listening to classical music. (hate)3 My dad likes in the sea. (swim)4 My sister dancing to hip hop music. (love)5 You like on the internet, don’t you? (shop)

Communication3 Scrivi quattro frasi personali su che cosa ti piace / non ti piace fare. Usa la

forma base + -ing.I like I don’t like I love I hate

1 doing puzzles. It’s boring.2 . I’m not very good at it.3 . It’s interesting.4 . It’s my favourite hobby.5 . It’s terrible!


I don’t like

Gym rules

1 intheshowers.2 foodintothe

changingrooms.3 mobilephones.4 shoesinthe

swimmingpoolarea.5 ontimefortennis


Don’t run

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Vocabulary1a Osserva le fi gure e completa il cruciverba con le materie scolastiche.

1 2D 5

3 R 4

A 7 86 M





1bCerchia l’alternativa corretta.1 Christmas is in / on December.2 We take the bus on / at fi ve o’clock.3 They have a tennis lesson on / at Saturday.4 She drinks tea at / in the afernoon.5 Do you watch TV in / at night?

Grammar2a Completa la tabella con queste parole.

always never not often often sometimes usually

1 100%

2 80–90%

3 60–70%

4 30–50%

5 1–20%

6 0%










Consolidation Unit 6



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2bAbbina l’inizio e la fine delle domande.1 Where are a is that?2 Whose calculator b does the film start?3 Why do c they from?4 What time d her favourite school subject?5 How do e they like me? 6 What is f you spell that?

2c Riordina le parole per scrivere delle frasi.1 must / we / quiet / be / class / during 2 you / to / homework / bring / school / must / your .3 students / send / musn’t / during / text messages / class .4 she / be / for / guitar lesson / musn’t / late / her / for .5 I / her / this / forget/ birthday / mustn’t / year .6 must / in / the / help / kitchen / we / Mum .

2dCompleta le frasi con il pronome personale complemento corrispondente alle parole tra parentesi.1 I love . (chocolate)2 This is my cousin. You know , don’t you? (Laura )3 Come on holiday with ! (my family and I)4 Mum cooks for on Sunday. (my grandparents)5 Do you know Sam? I don’t like . (Sam )6 Science isn’t our school favourite subject. We hate ! (Science)

Communication3 Riordina le battute del dialogo.

Yes, I love going to the cinema. What time is the film? Would you like to come with me to the cinema on Saturday? 1 OK. I can go at five o’clock. Great, see you on Saturday. It’s at three o’clock. We can go at five. It’s the same film. I’m sorry. I have a judo class at three. Brilliant! 8

We must be quiet during class.


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Loescher Editore 2011

Vocabulary1a Riscrivi l’elenco inserendo le parole nelle categorie corrette.

1bCerchia l’estraneo tra queste parole.1 sweets crisps biscuits tomatoes2 oranges melons chicken pears3 eggs cheese grapes milk4 cake lamb beef turkey5 fi sh meat spaghetti vegetables

Grammar2a Scrivi U per i sostantivi uncountable e C per quelli countable.

1 cheese 2 idea 3 food 4 hamburger 5 information 6 money 7 chocolate

2bCompleta il dialogo con some o any.Alex Let’s make a shopping list.Lauren OK. Have we got 1

vegetables?Alex There are 2 peas, but

there aren’t 3 potatoes.Lauren And milk? Is there 4 milk

in the fridge?Alex Yes, there’s lots of milk. And there is

5 fruit juice, too.Lauren Good. Is there 6 chicken?Alex Yes, we’ve got that. OK, let’s go.Lauren Wait a minute. We haven’t got

7 money!

Fruit Vegetablesapples orangesbananas pearscarrots potatoespeas spinachstrawberries tomatoes

Fruit Vegetables



Consolidation Unit 7

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Loescher Editore 2011

2cRiordina le parole per scrivere delle frasi o delle domande.1 there / lots of / are / people / in / shops / the There are lots of people in the shops.2 got / you / much / money / how / have / you / ? 3 are / lots of / in / fridge/ the / there / of / tomatoes 4 Matthew / books/ hasn’t / many / books / got 5 We / meat / eat / much / on / don’t / Friday. 6 friends / has / Sarah / got / many / ?

2dCerchia l’alternativa corretta per completare il dialogo.Dinner lady Hello. What 1 would / do you like?Josh Can I 2 take / have a chicken curry, please?Dinner lady Here you 3 are / please.Josh Thanks. Have you got 4 any / a cake?Dinner lady Yes, of course. Would you like a 5 dessert /

main meal?Josh Yes, 6 a / an apple cake, please.Dinner lady Anything 7 else / more?Josh No, 8 thanks / thank you very much.

Communication3 Abbina le domande alle risposte corrispondenti.

1 Do you eat many crisps? b2 How much milk do you drink? 3 How much cola does your family buy? 4 Do you like meat? 5 Do you eat many tomatoes?

a Not much. We usually buy juice or tea.b No. I don’t like junk food at all.c Quite a lot. I drink three glasses a day.d I like it a lot. Chicken is my favourite meat.e Not many. There are two or three in the fridge.

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Vocabulary1a Osserva la fi gura e scrivi i nomi degli animali.

1 There are three e .2 There are three l .3 There are three t .4 There are three k b .5 There are two t .6 There are three b .7 There are three m .8 There are three k .9 There is one g .

1bLeggi il diario del tempo. Completalo con queste parole.windy raining cold foggy snowing sunny cloudy

Grammar2a Riscrivi le frasi alla forma interrogativa.

1 We’re going to the football match today. Are we going to the football match today? 2 You’re using the computer right now. 3 She’s shopping for new trainers. 4 They’re making pizza for dinner. 5 Callum is phoning from the bus station.

l e p h a n t s

Consolidation Unit 8

Monday 15th:

It ’s !

Friday 19th:

It ’s !

Tuesday 16th:

It ’s !

Saturday 20th:

It ’s !

Wednesday 17th:

It ’s !

Sunday 21st:

It ’s !

Thursday 18th:

It ’s !


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2bOsserva le fi gure e scrivi delle risposte brevi affermative o negative.1 Is Harry doing his homework in his room? 2 Is he playing computer games?

3 Is Jessica watching TV in her room? 4 Is she reading a book?

5 Are the two friends riding their bicycle in the city centre? 6 Are they riding it in the park?

2c Riscrivi le frasi al present continuous. Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con le parole tra parentesi. 1 I play piano on Saturday. (today) I’m playing piano today.2 She goes home for lunch every day. (now) 3 The post offi ce closes at fi ve o’clock. (early this evening) 4 Does she eat pizza often? (at the moment) 5 She usually doesn’t drink coffee. (this morning) 6 I sometimes watch a football match on TV. (right now)

2dCompleta le frasi con i verbi tra parentesi al present simple o present continuous.1 I’m excited. My team the game. (win)2 Kangaroos from Australia. (come)3 We never on the phone for hours. (talk)4 Today she the piano, but she normally plays the guitar. (play)5 You always hungry before me. (get)6 She can’t hear you. She’s to her MP3 player. (listen)

Communication3 Osserva la cartina e rispondi alle domande.

1 What’s between the museum and the library? 2 What’s opposite the pizza house? 3 What’s next to the bus station? 4 What’s opposite the library?

No, he isn’t.Yes, he is.

is winning

The bus station

1 Is Harry doing his homework in his room? 2 Is he playing computer games?

5 6

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