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Page 1: Constitution Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein greets members ... · PDF file5" Âk k \qa;m¥a; qn \s m \;P¥t \lt \qv \" 6" eq ; ... Senior Researcher Mr Konoshin Fukuma of JCIA gives

Established 1914

9th Waning of Thadingyut 1368 ME Sunday, 15 October, 2006Volume XIV, Number 182

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct — Member of the Panel ofPatrons of the Leading Committee for Organizing the14th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing ArtsCompetitions Secretary-1 of the State Peace and De-velopment Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein attended theceremony to welcome members of the panel of judges,contestants and supervisors of States and Divisions atthe hall of University of Veterinary Science, here, thisafternoon.

Also present on the occasion were members ofthe Panel of Patrons of the Leading Committee, Chair-man of the Leading Committee Commander of NayPyi Taw Command Brig-Gen Wai Lwin and members,the ministers, Chairman of the Work CommitteeMinister for Culture Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint and

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein greets membersof Central Panel of Judges, performers and

supervisors of State and Division teams

members, chairmen, secretaries and members of sub-committees, the Director-General of the State Peaceand Development Council Office, departmental heads,rectors of University of Veterinary Science, Univer-sity of Agriculture and University of Forestry in Yezin,and members of the Central Panel of Judges of theCompetitions.

First, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein greetedchairmen and members of the Leading Committee, theWork Committee and subcommittees, members of theCentral Panel of Judges, performers and supervisors ofState and Division teams.

Next, the Secretary-1 presented medicines tomaestros over 65 years old who will attend the 14thMyanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Com-petitions. — MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein presents

medicines to maestros over 65 years old.


Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein greets

performers and supervisors of State and

Division teams.


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Page 2: Constitution Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein greets members ... · PDF file5" Âk k \qa;m¥a; qn \s m \;P¥t \lt \qv \" 6" eq ; ... Senior Researcher Mr Konoshin Fukuma of JCIA gives

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006

Sunday, 15 October, 2006

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Preserving Myanmarperforming arts

To a nation or a race, uplift of nationalprestige and integrity is of paramount impor-tance. Lack of preserving own traditional cul-ture could lead to tarnishing national prestigeand integrity, resulting in the disappearanceof the nation and the people.

With own culture, own literature andown national prestige and integrity, Myanmarhas been standing tall among the world na-tions since time immemorial.

Therefore, the government is preservingnational culture in order to promote dignity ofthe State and the people. As Myanmar cultureis enveloped with moral ethics such as shameand fear to commit misdeeds and four cardi-nal virtues, the fine arts is capable of inculcat-ing the people with spiritual development.

The holding of Myanmar TraditionalCultural Performing Arts Competitions yearlyis one of pivotal tasks in preserving Myanmaculture and traditions. The 14th Myanmar Tra-ditional Cultural Performing Arts Competi-tions is being held in Nay Pyi Taw beginning15 October (today).

The contestants will take part in suchevents as Myanma theatrical drama, music,dancing, composing etc. As in the previousyears, more dexterous and talented artistesfrom different fine arts will emerge.

The artistes from various fine arts are toactively and enthusiastically take part in the14th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Perform-ing Arts Competitions to the best of their abil-ity. Only then, will they be able to continuepreserving and uplifting national culture andperforming arts.


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YANGON, 14 Oct — A talk onResponsible Care for Chemical Indus-try in Myanmar organized by ChemicalIndustry Group under the sponsorshipof JETRO took place at Traders Hotelon 12 October with addresses by Chair-man Dr Kyaw Htin of CIG and MrTomohiro Ando of JETRO (Myanmar).

Afterwards, Senior ResearcherMr Konoshin Fukuma of Japan Chemi-


six-lane highwayinspectedYANGON, 14 Oct —

Yangon City Develop-ment Committee is carry-ing out construction andrepaving roads. In addi-tion, the water supply taskis also one of the func-tions of YCDC.

This morning,YCDC Chairman MayorBrig-Gen Aung Thein Lininspected repaving ofYangon-Bago six-lanehighway in MingaladonTownship and water sup-ply facilities of YangonCity Water Supply Project(Ngamoeyeik).

Officials reportedon repaving of the roadand supply of more 45 mil-lion gallons of water dailyto the city. After hearingthe reports, the mayor gavenecessary instructions toofficials.


YANGON, 14 Oct — A work coordination meet-ing of the Bureau of Special Investigation and thePrisons Department for 2006 was held atHsinphyushin Hall of BSI, here, this morning.

Present were Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Maung Oo, Deputy Minister for Home AffairsBrig-Gen Phone Swe, directors-general of BSI andPD and officials.

In his address, Minister Maj-Gen Maung Oosaid personnel of the two departments should under-stand State policy and plan and are to have five out-

BSI, PD hold coordination meeting

looks. Efforts are being made for realization of theobjectives of the State and for development and res-toration of peace and tranquillity with three strengths,he said.

He spoke of the need for all service personnelto be united and to accept the same concept. Servicepersonnel are implementers of political, economic,social and administrative tasks.

He urged them to discharge their duties in ac-cord with laws and procedures.


Workshop on Responsible Care for ChemicalIndustry in Myanmar held

cal Industry Association (JCIA) gavetalks on Responsible Care for Chemi-cal Industry in Myanmar.

Later, a workshop followed andthose present took part in the group dis-cussions. The workshop came to anend with the concluding remarks bySecretary U Paw Hein of CIG. It wasattended by members of CIG andguests. — MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Maung Oo speaks at work coordination meeting of Bureau of SpecialInvestigation and Prisons Department for 2006. — MNA

Senior Researcher Mr Konoshin Fukuma of JCIA gives talks onResponsible Care for Chemical Industry in Myanmar. — H

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Page 3: Constitution Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein greets members ... · PDF file5" Âk k \qa;m¥a; qn \s m \;P¥t \lt \qv \" 6" eq ; ... Senior Researcher Mr Konoshin Fukuma of JCIA gives

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006 3

Tut\kun\Ns\S tiu;®mHc\.ÂkFemale entrepreneur tops China’s rich list SHANGHAI, 13 Oct— A female entrepreneur has topped a list of China's richest people, the first time

a woman has headed the list in the country.

Residents struggle after a current hit their boat in the floods in Intraburi markettown of Singburi Province, central Thailand on 13 Oct, 2006. Floods in Thailand's46 provinces since August have killed 39 people and sickened 138,000 others asover 2 million people have been affected by the flooding while more than 1.5 millionrai (620,000 acres, 250,000 hectares) of farmland has been destroyed.—INTERNET

Hungarians dressed asancient Roman soldiersparade in downtownBucharest on 13 Oct,2006 celebrating 1900years since the Balkankingdom of Dacia wasconquered by the RomanEmpire.—INTERNET

Hong Kong movie star Andy Lau, holding the trophy,is awarded this year as Asian Filmmaker of the Yearat the 11th Pusan International Film Festival inBusan, South Korea, on 13 Oct, 2006.—INTERNET

US soldier killed innorthern Iraq

BAGHDAD, 13 Oct— A US soldier was killed andtwo others wounded in military action in Iraq'snorthern city, the US military said on Thursday.

"A Task Force Lightning Soldier assigned to 3rdInfantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th InfantryDivision, was killed and two others were wounded11 October as a result of enemy action whileconducting operations in Kirkuk Province," themilitary said in a statement.

Over 2,740 US soldiers have been killed in Iraqsince the US-led invasion in March 2003, accordingto media tally. — MNA/Xinhua

Students to get help with English

Eleven escape bus fire insouthern Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, 13Oct— An express busdriver and ten passengershad a narrow escapeWednesday when the bussuddenly caught fire inMalaysia's southernmostJohor State.

The accident tookplace Wednesdaymorning in the state capitalcity of Johor Bahru whenthe driver found smokecoming from the enginecompartment.

He stopped the bus and,together with otherpassengers, dashed out ofit as flames began tospread.


KUALA LUMPUR, 13Oct—Students at threeschools on Pulau Indah willbe reading the New StraitsTimes next year, thanks toWestports Malaysia.

The company will be

sponsoring 60 copies of theNew Straits Times daily toSK Pulau Indah, SK PulauIndah 2 and SMK PulauIndah.

Westports Malaysiadirector Ruben Emir

Gnanalingam said theRM30,000 would bemoney well spent as itwould go towardsimproving English amongchildren on the island.

“We are also sponsoringthis as we are one of thelargest employers on theisland. Many of the studentslater go on to become ouremployees,” he said afterhanding over a mock chequefor the amount to NSTP chiefexecutive officer Datuk SyedFaisal Albar. The companysponsored 50 copies of theNST to 10 schools in PortKlang this year.

The NST school spon-sorship programme, ini-tiated by the EducationMinistry, was launched inAugust last year. A total of1,300 schools and nearly 400sponsors are involved in theprogramme.—Internet

Zhang Yin, 49-year-oldfounder and chairwoman ofGuangdong-based NineDragons Paper IndustriesCo, Ltd, has amassed afortune of 27 billion yuan(3.375 billion US dollars).

“She is the wealthiestself-made woman in theworld,” said RupertHoogewerf who set up thelist known as the HuranReport in 1999. Accordingto Hoogewerf, Zhang isricher than the US television

host Oprah Winfrey andauthor of the Harry Potterseries JK Rowling.

Zhang Yin was born to amilitary family in northeastChina’s HeilongjiangProvince as the eldest sisterof seven. She went to HongKong in 1985 and startedher career in waste papertrading with 30,000 yuan.

Zhang defied financialhardship, cheating businesspartners and intimidationfrom local mafia to build up

her wealth in thesubsequent five yearsbefore moving to theUnited States with herhusband in February 1990to pursue her dream ofbecoming an “empress ofwaste paper”.

In 1996 she set up theNine Dragons PaperIndustries Co, Ltd inDongguan of Guangdong.Her product is now usedby multinational com-panies, such as Coca Cola,

Nike, Sony, Haier andTCL. Zhang deems luckas the most importantfactor in her success,adding that her down-to-earth personality hashelped her career.

Falling to second placeis Huang Guangyu ofChina’s household elec-tronics giant GOMEElectrical Appliances witha fortune of 20 billion yuan(2.5 billion US dollars)after occupying the top spotfor the last two years.Huang started his careeron a roadside stall inBeijing selling radios andgadgets. GOME now has560 branches in over 160cities on the ChineseMainland and 12 in HongKong and Macao.


British troops exacerbate securityproblems in Iraq

LONDON, 13 Octo— Britain should withdraw its troops from Iraq astheir continued presence only exacerbates the country's security problems,Britain's top Army commander said in an interview published on Friday.

In an interview forFriday's edition of theDaily Mail newspaper,published on its website,General Sir RichardDannatt said Britain's Iraqventure was aggravating

the security threatelsewhere in the world.

"I don't say thedifficulties we areexperiencing round theworld are caused by ourpresence in Iraq butundoubtedly our presencein Iraq exacerbates them,"he said.Dannatt, who tookover as chief of theGeneral Staff in August,described Prime MinisterTony Blair's policies as"naive", saying that whileIraqis might havewelcomed coalition forcesfollowing the ouster ofSaddam Hussein, the good

will has evaporated inyears of constant attacks.

"Our presenceexacerbates the securityproblems," he said."Whatever consent wemay have had in the firstplace ... has largely turnedto intolerance."

Britain has 7,200troops in southern Iraqpatrolling an area aroundBasra, a bastion of Shiitemilitias. A total of 119British troops have beenkilled in Iraq since thecountry joined the US-ledinvasion three yearsago.— MNA/Xinhua

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006

Chinese President Hu Jintao (L 2nd) holds talks with South Korean PresidentRoh Moo-Hyun (R 2nd) in Beijing, on 13 Oct, 2006.—XINHUA

Six years old Jan Maas, wears a pair of special 3D glasses in front of a threedimensional photograph of crater Hale on the planet Mars at the Planetarium inBochum, Germany, on 12 Oct, 2006. The extraordinary pictures were taken byGerman high resolution camera at the Mars Express mission of the EuropeanSpace Agency. The exhibition is now open in Bochum until 30 Dec, 2006.—INTERNET

Seismologist CarlosPullinger explains the

situation of theChaparrastique

Volcano, located 145kilometers (90 miles)east of San Salvador,

El Salvador, on 12 Oct,2006. Authorities in ElSalvador declared analert on Tuesday foran area around the

ChaparrastiqueVolcano after the peak

began rumblingominously.—INTERNET

UN official says violence, killingsescalate in Iraq

World’s top websites forpirated discs shut down

PENANG, 13 OCT— Two of the world’s most activewebsites linked to the supply of pirated discsworldwide have been operating out of Penang forthe past year.

They were being operated separately — the firstby a couple in Jelutong and the other by a youth inAyer Itam.

They were said to be raking in millions of ringgituntil the authorities, in simultaneous raids yesterdayafternoon, nabbed the suspects and shut down thewebsites.

Officers from the Domestic Trade and ConsumerAffairs Ministry’s Internet Piracy team andrepresentatives from the Motion Picture Association(MPA) moved in on them after more than twoweeks’ surveillance.

In the operation in Jelutong, the raiding partyarrested the couple and seized about 1,500 piratedDVDs. In the midst of the operation, a courier turnedup at the door with a package.

On inspecting the contents, the raiding party foundmore pirated DVD copies that were sent from KualaLumpur.

It is learnt that the couple received their supply ofpirated DVDs from Kuala Lumpur before mailingthem to their customers for between US$7.80(RM28.86) and US$34 (RM125.80) for boxed seriessets.—Internet

Chinese small car “Chery QQ”makes good start in Indonesia

JAKARTA, 13 Oct— Since its launch on the Indonesianmarket last month, Chinese small city car Chery QQhas booked sales of 200 units with more on the waitinglist, the local distributor said here.

sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;

During a tour in thebusy western port ofVancouver, Harperreiterated the Asia PacificGateway and Corridorinitiative, originally set outby the former Liberalgovernment, according toreports reaching here onWednesday.

The initiative, costing591 million Canadiandollars (532 million USdollars), includes impro-vements to cargo screeningat the port of Prince Rupertand a high-tech system tomanage container traffic atVancouver.

Plans also call for thetwinning of the Trans-Canada Highway throughBanff National Park,expansion of all com-mercial ports on the WestCoast and upgrades tobridges and roads.

“Canada should be the

crossroads between themassive engine of theUnited States and theburgeoning economies ofAsia,” Harper said.

Canada is currentlyresponsible for only nineper cent of West Coastcontainer traffic, eventhough its ports are closer

to Asian markets than isLos Angeles, Harper said.

The key contributors toCanada’s economicdestiny are the emergingtitans of the world—China, Japan, SouthKorea, India andIndonesia, he noted.


GENEVA, 13 Oct —Violence and killings inIraq have escalated in thepast seven to eight months,with some 100 peoplekilled in the country everyday, the United Nationstop humanitarian officialsaid here on Wednesday.

Sectarian violence,armed militias and deathsquads had created a “veryworrying deterioration ofconditions” for Iraqicivilians, said Jan Egeland,UN Undersecretary-General for HumanitarianAffairs, at a Pressconference. Many peoplein Iraq had been killed bygunshots or tortured todeath. “Revenge killingseems to be totally out ofcontrol,” he added.

Apart from this, morethan 300,000 Iraqis havebeen displaced sinceFebruary, when a Shiiteshrine in the city ofSamarra was bombed

sparking waves ofviolence. According to theofficial, about 1.2 to 1.5million Iraqi refugees arenow being sheltered inneighbouring countries.Some 2,000 Iraqi refugeescross the border to Syriaevery day.

Egeland appealed to all

who have influence in Iraq,including religious leaders,government officials andother people, to takenecessary measures to haltthe violence. He also calledon donor countries to keepfunding UN humanitarianactivities in the country.


“We don’t expect thedemand will be quite big.We also have orders on thewaiting list,” said GunadiShinduwinata, president ofthe country’s leadingautomotive distributorIndomobil Group. Giventhe promising market,Indomobil plans to open11 new outlets across Javaand Bali islands, he said.

Manufactured byChery Automobile CoLtd, the 800-cc car ispriced at around 67 millionrupiah (7,334 US dollars),available in standard andluxury models. Themanufacturer claimedChery QQ has the bestmileage in its class, with25 kilometres per litre ofgasoline.— MNA/Xinhua

OTTAWA, 13 Oct— Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Wednesdaylaid out a plan to upgrade the country’s Pacific ports, vowing for Canada tobecome the crossroads of the huge markets in Asia and the United States.

Canada to upgrade Pacificports for closer trade ties

with Asia

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006 5

A Japanese competitor flies his kite “Mega Moon” during the InternationalKite Flying Festival in Niagara, the United States, on 8 Oct, 2006.—XINHUA

Visitors view anuntitled piece of art byAnish Kapoor, made

from wood andpolished stainless steel,at the Frieze Art Fairin Regent’s Park inLondon on 11 Oct,2006. —INTERNET

Tourists view the tidalbore of the QiantangRiver in Hangzhou,

capital of east China’sZhejiang Province,

on 9 Oct, 2006.XINHUA

BEIJING, 12 Oct— TheChina ManufacturingPurchasing Manager’sIndex (PMI) rose a hefty3.9 per cent in Septemberon the previous month,indicating faster growthfor manufacturing in-dustry in the comingmonths.

SEOUL, 12 Oct — SouthKorea and Russia agreedto boost bilateral econo-mic cooperation in fieldssuch as trade, investment,energy and sciencetechnology, South Koreanofficials said on Thursday.

The agreement wasreached on Thursdaybetween South KoreanFinance Minister KwonO-kyu and KonstantinPulikovsky, head of theFederal Service for theOversight of the Environ-

CHONGQING, 12 Oct —Seven people were killedand another 15 wereinjured in a traffic accidentin southwest China’sChongqing Municipality,said a local official onTuesday.

The accident occurred

Geneva railway closed dueto bomb alert

GENEVA, 12 Oct— The main railway station inGeneva, western Switzerland, was closed and evacuatedfor about two hours on Tuesday afternoon following abomb alert.

Swiss Federal Railways said the evacuation wascarried out just after 6:00 pm (5:00 pm GMT) accordingto orders of the police, who earlier received ananonymous telephone call saying an explosive devicehad been put in the railway station.


S Korea, Russia to boosteconomic cooperation

ment, Technology andNuclear Management, inSeoul.

The two sides agreedto sign a memorandum ofunderstating on invest-ment and trade within thisyear, said the Ministry ofFinance and Economy.

The two sides alsovowed to accelerate theimplementation of anaction plan agreed upon inlast November betweenthe leaders of the twocountries.

During last Novem-ber’s APEC summit inSouth Korea’s BusanCity, South KoreanPresident Roh Moo-hyunand his Russian counter-part Vladimir Putin agreedto actively pursue projectsfor the linkage of theTrans-Siberian and Trans-Korean railways and theconstruction of pipelinesfor the delivery of Russianoil and gasoline to theKorean Peninsula.


Index predicts faster growth inChinese manufacturing

The PMI, which trackseconomic activity inChina’s manufacturingsector each month, stoodat 57 per cent in Septem-ber, according to the latestreport from the ChinaFederation of Logistics &Purchasing (CFLP), It wasthe 21st month in a row

with a PMI over 50 percent.

The CFLP report attri-butes the index growth tonew purchase orders, highmanufacturing output,better raw materialsinventory and exportcontracts.

The purchasing priceof raw materials, the onlyindex to go down in thereport, indicates lesspressure for price hikes inthe coming months.

Caijin, director ofChina Logistics Infor-mation Centre, predictedreasonable stability formanufacturing industry.


Seven killed, 15 injured in S-W Chinatraffic accident

at 10:50 am when a buswith 22 people on boardoverturned and fell into ariver as it wound along themountain road in theGuofu Township ofQijiang County.

The 15 injured people,including the bus driver

and two children, are allin hospital and one of themis in serious condition.

The bus driver blameda steering wheel failurebut police are stillinvestigating the cause ofthe accident.


ATHENS, 12 Oct— Aboat carrying illegalimmigrants sank in badweather off the coast ofsouthern Greece onTuesday and about 40people were still missing,Greece’s DefenceMinistry said.

“The boat sank off theisland of Kithira and someof the people were washed

Boat sinks in S Greece, 40 migrants missing

A blind man is seenwith a white stick onWorld Sight Day inBelgrade on 12 Oct,

2006. World Sight Dayis a global annual

event, held under theauspices of “VISION

2020: The Right toSight,” a joint initiative

of the World HealthOrganization and theInternational Agencyfor the Prevention of


up alive on the nearbyisland of Antikithira butrescue vessels are stillsearching for about 40illegal immigrants,” aDefence Ministry officialtold Reuters.

The official said thefigure was an estimatebased on accounts fromthe rescued migrants.Their nationality was notknown yet.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006

(from page 16)3. (a) Members of Region or State Hluttaws shall

take oaths before the chairman of Regionor State Hluttaw at the first regular ses-sion of Region or State Hluttaw.

(b) Members of Region or State Hluttaw whohave not taken oaths, shall take oath be-fore the Speaker of the Hluttaw at the ses-sion of the Region or State Hluttaw theyfirst attend

4. The Speaker of the Region or State Hluttawshall convene the regular session of the Re-gion or State Hluttaw at least once a year.The interval between two regular sessionsshall not exceed 12 months.

5. The following matters are carried out atthe session of the Region or State Hluttaw.

(a) Recording the address delivered by the Un-ion President

(b) Reading out and recording messages sentby the President and other messages per-mitted by the Speaker

(c) Recording the address delivered by regionor state chief minister

(d) Submitting, discussing and making deci-sion on a bill

(e) Discussing and deciding the matters theRegion or State Hluttaw shall implementin accordance with provisions of the Con-stitution and the existing laws

(f) Discussing, deciding and recording the re-ports presented to the Region or StateHluttaw

(g) Submitting proposals, holding discussionsand making decisions

(h) Raising questions and giving replies(i) Implementing matters permitted by Speaker

of Region or State Hluttaw6. (a) Speaker of respective Region or State

Hluttaw can convene special session oremergency session of Region or StateHluttaws if necessary.

(b) Speaker of respective Region or StateHluttaw shall convene a special or emer-gency session of region or state as soon aspossible when the Region or State ChiefMinister informs to do so

(c) Speaker of respective Region or StateHluttaws shall convene a special session ofregion or state as soon as possible if at leastone-fourth of the Region or State Hluttawmembers ask to convene it

7. (a) The first day session of the Region or StateHluttaw is valid if more than half thenumber of members who have the right toattend the session of the Region or StateHluttaw, are present. The session if invalidshall be adjourned.

(b) The sessions that are adjourned due to in-validity in accordance with the sub para(a) as well as the valid sessions that areextended are valid if at least one-third ofthe Hluttaw members, who have the rightto attend a session of Region or StateHluttaw are present

8. (a) Save as otherwise provided by this Consti-tution, a matter that should be decidedthrough voting in the Region or StateHluttaw shall be determined by a majorityof votes of the members present and vot-ing

(b) The Speaker of the Region or StateHluttaw or the Deputy Speaker discharg-ing duties as the Speaker shall not vote inthe first instance in the sessions of theRegion or State Hluttaws, but shall haveand exercise a casting vote in the mattersof an equality of votes

9. If for a period of 15 consecutive days amember of Region or State Hluttaw is,without permission of the Hluttaw, absentfrom a session of Region or State Hluttaw,the Region or State Hluttaw can declarethe seat of the Region or State Hluttawmember vacant in accordance with pre-scribed provisions. In computing the saidperiod of 15 days, no account shall be takenof any period during which the session isprorogued, or is adjourned.

10. Although there are vacant seats, the Re-gion or State Hluttaw shall have the rightto carry out its tasks. Moreover, the ses-sion shall not be annulled, if the acts ofsome person who was not entitled to do sosat or voted or took part in the proceed-ings are discovered later.

11. The functions and records of the Regionor State Hluttaw shall be published forpublic information. But, the functions andrecords restricted by a law or decisions ofthe Region or State Hluttaw shall not bepublished.

12. Region or State Hluttaw has the power tomake laws for the whole or any part of theRegion or State concerning matters statedin the Region or State Legislative List

13. (a) When the Region or State Hluttaw enactsa law, it may —(1) entrust the right to issue bylaws, rules

and regulations concerning the law toa region or state level organizationformed under the Constitution

(2)authorize the organization orauthority to issue notifications, orders,directives and procedures concerningthe law

(b) The bylaws, rules, regulations, notifica-tions, orders, directives and proceduresissued with the right vested by a law shallbe consonant with the stipulations con-tained in the Constitution and the lawconcerned.

(c) After issuing a bylaw, rules or regulationsunder the law enacted by Region or StateHluttaw, the organization concerned shallcirculate the bylaw, rules or regulations toHluttaw members during the nearest regu-lar session of the Region or State Hluttawwith the arrangement permitted by theHluttaw Speaker.

(d) If the bylaw, rules or regulations arefound to be not consonant with the provi-sions of the law concerned, Region orState Hluttaw members can submit aproposal to annul or amend the by law,rules or regulations to Region or StateHluttaw within 90 days from the date theyare circulated.

(e) If a decision is made by Region or StateHluttaw to annul or amend a bylaw, rulesor regulations, the decision shall not affecthowever without prejudice to the validityof any action previously taken under thebylaw, rules or regulations.

14. (a) Matters that requires decision, assent andapproval of Region or State Hluttaw shall

be implemented as follows.(1) If the Region or State Hluttaw is in

session, the matter shall be decided atthat session.

(2) If the Region or State Hluttaw is not insession, the discussions and decisions onthe matter shall be made at the nearestRegion or State Hluttaw session

(3) A special session or an emergencysession shall be convened to discuss anddecide the matters which need promptaction for public interest.

15. (a) Of the matters included in the Region orState Legislative List, the Region or Statelevel organizations formed under the Con-stitution, can submit bills on matters un-der their management to the Region orState Hluttaw in accordance with the pre-scribed provisions.

(b) Bills on region or state plans, annual budg-ets and taxation which are to be submittedexclusively by the Region or State Govern-ment shall be submitted to the Region orState Hluttaw in accordance with the pre-scribed provisions.

16. Of the matters included in the Region orState Legislative List, except those pre-scribed under the Constitution to be sub-mitted exclusively by the Region or StateGovernment, the Region or State Hluttawmembers can submit bills on other mattersin accordance with the prescribed provi-sions.

17. Region or State Hluttaw shall make a de-cision when Region or State Governmentsubmits region or state budget in accord-ance with the prescribed provisions.

18. (a) The Region or State Chief Minister shall(1) sign the bill approved by the Region or

State Hluttaw and promulgate it as alaw, within seven days after receivingit.

(2) sign the bill approved by the Self-Administered Region leading body and promulgate it as a law, within 14 days afterreceiving it.

(b) Although the Region or State Chief Min-ister does not sign the bill and promulgateit as a law with the fixed time, the bill shallcome into force in like manner as if he hadsigned it on the last date of the fixed time.

(c) The bills signed by the Region or StateChief Minister and bills which have comeinto force in like manner as if they weresigned by him, shall be promulgated inthe Union Gazette. The laws shall comeinto force on the date of such promulga-tion unless the contrary intention are ex-pressed.

19. (a) Of the members of a region or state levelorganization formed under the Constitu-tion, members of Region or State Hluttawshall have the right of discussing and vot-ing concerning bills or matters related totheir organizations in the Hluttaw ses-sions

(b) Of the members of a region or state levelorganization formed under the Constitu-tion, those members who are not Regionor State Hluttaw members while attendingthe session with the permission of HluttawSpeaker shall have the right of discussingconcerning bills or matters related to theirorganizations

(See page 7)

The Chief Ministers shouldhave the right to…

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(from page 6)20. The Speaker of Region or State Hluttaw

shall—(a) supervise Region or State Hluttaw sessions(b) invite the Union President if he informs him

of his desire to address the Region or StateHluttaw session

(c) make necessary arrangements when theRegion or State Chief Minister informs himof his desire to address he wishes

(d) have the right, if necessary, to invite mem-bers or persons of region or state level or-ganization formed under the Constitutionto the Region or State Hluttaw session tomake clarification as regards matters un-der discussion

(e) perform other duties and responsibilitiesentrusted by the Constitution or a law

21. (a) Subject to the provisions stated in the Con-stitution and provisions stipulated in theRegion or State Hluttaw Law, members ofRegion or State Hluttaw have freedom ofspeech and voting at the Region or StateHluttaw as well as at Region or StateHluttaw committee and organization. Con-cerning the discussions and functions , aRegion or State Hluttaw member shall beprivileged except under the Region or StateHluttaw Law.

(b) Subject to the provisions stated in the Con-stitution and provisions stipulated in theRegion or State Hluttaw Law, members orpersons who are permitted or invited toattend Region or State Hluttaw session havefreedom of speech at the Region or StateHluttaw or Region or State Hluttaw com-mittee and organizations. Concerning suchdiscussions, they shall be privileged exceptunder the Region or State Hluttaw Law.

(c) Action shall be taken against those mem-bers stated in sub para (a) and (b) in ac-cordance with the existing laws if they makephysical assault in enjoying the privileges

22. (a) If there arises a need to arrest a Region orState Hluttaw member attending a Regionor State Hluttaw session or a person attend-ing the Hluttaw session with the permissionor at the invitation of the Hluttaw Speaker,the reliable evidence shall be submitted tothe Hluttaw Speaker. He shall not be ar-rested without prior permission of theHluttaw Speaker.

(b) If there arises a need to arrest a member ofa committee or an organization formed bythe Region or State Hluttaw attending asession of the committee or organization, thereliable evidence shall be submitted to theHluttaw Speaker through the head of thecommittee or organization concerned. Heshall not be arrested without prior permis-sion of the Hluttaw Speaker.

(c) If there arises a need to arrest a member ofRegion or State Hluttaw or committee ororganization formed by the Hluttaw whilethe Hluttaw or the committee or the organi-zation is not in session, reliable evidence insupport of such arrest shall promptly besubmitted to the Region or State HluttawSpeaker.

23. The reports, documents and records pub-lished by the Region or State Hluttaw orunder its authority shall be privileged.

Esteemed delegates,The National Unity Party of delegate group of

political parties, comprising seven political parties, seesthe proposals concerning the Region or State Hluttaware centering on parliamentary functions. Moreover,the proposals also aim at ensuring a Region or StateHluttaw to carry out its tasks in harmony with centrallevel hluttaws and the constitution. Hence, they areappropriate.

In presenting a separate suggestion, the partysaid, a detailed basic principle states, “If for a periodof 15 consecutive days a member of Region or StateHluttaw is, without permission of the Hluttaw, absentfrom a session of Region or State Hluttaw, the Regionor State Hluttaw can declare the seat of the Region orState Hluttaw member vacant in accordance with pre-scribed provisions.”

As the hluttaw members are the residents oftheir respective Regions and States, transport andcommunication are easier for them if compared withthe members of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the PyithuHluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw. So, the period of15 consecutive days is appropriate for this matter.

But the declaration of the seat of the Region orState Hluttaw member vacant in accordance with pre-scribed provisions should be made only if it can beascertained that the cause is due to the member him-self.

The party finds that the detailed basic princi-ple, which says that if the bylaw, rules or regulationsare found to be not consonant with the provisions ofthe law concerned, a proposal can be submitted toannul or amend the bylaw, rules or regulations iscomprehensive and in harmony with the proceduresof the central level hluttaws.

As there are differences in legal essence, thematters that are to be annulled or amended should bescrutinized to ascertain whether mistakes are madeinadvertently or not, and a study should be conductedto measure the extent of the adverse effects caused bythe mistake.

Points contained in the matters that requiresdecision, assent and approval of Region or StateHluttaw and the submission of bill by the Region orState level organizations formed under the Constitu-

chief ministers send back the bills with amendments,it is only the hluttaw that has the power to make finaldecisions whether to make amendments or not. In ouropinion, it will be in the interest of the nation and theregion or state if the head of state or the chief min-ister makes amendments for the short-term signifi-cant occurrence. Hence, the Chief Minister shall havethe right to send their opinions and hold discussionson the bills passed by the Region or State Hluttaw.

In our view, it is appropriate that members ofRegion or State Hluttaw have freedom of speech andvoting at the Region or State Hluttaw as well as atRegion or State Hluttaw committee and organization.But we have suggestions concerning the action takenagainst the members for committing physical assaults.

We would like to amend the sub para (c) of thepoint 21 as “Action shall be taken against thosemembers stated in sub para (a) and (b) in accordancewith the existing laws and the rules and regulations ofthe Region or State Hluttaw if they make physicalassault in enjoying the privileges.”Esteemed delegates,

The Union Pa-O National Organization said,“The Work Committee Chairman thoroughly ex-plained the legislative functions of the Pyithu Hluttaw,the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Region or State Hluttaw.So, we members of the Union Pa-O National Organi-zation suggest that 28 detailed basic principles forfunctions of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, 19 detailed basicprinciples for legislative functions of the PyithuHluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw and 23 detailedbasic principles for legislative functions of Region orState Hluttaw clarified by the Work Committee Chair-man be adopted as detailed basic principles.

“Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organi-zation in its suggestions said, “When we study theclarification of the Work Committee Chairman re-garding the legislative functions of the Region or StateHluttaw, we noticed the 23 detailed basic principlesare appropriate, so they should be adopted as detailedbasic principles.

“Lahu National Development Party said that indrawing State constitution at the National Conven-

The Chief Ministers shouldhave the right to…

The declaration of the seat of the Region or State Hluttawmember vacant in accordance with prescribed provisions shouldbe made only if it can be ascertained that the cause is due to themember himself.

tion are appropriate.According to the point “Region or State Hluttaw

shall make a decision when Region or State Govern-ment submits region or state budget in accordancewith the prescribed provisions” it seems that Regionor State Hluttaw can make decisions without holdingany discussions or coordination.

In addition, it is said the submission of annualbudgets and revenues shall be discussed and decidedin accord with the procedures. The annual budget isimportant for the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw as well as theRegion or State Hluttaw.

Thus, thorough discussion and coordinationshould be made. Hence, we would like to add thewords “hold discussions” in the said point as follows:

“Region or State Hluttaw shall hold discussionsand make a decision when Region or State Govern-ment submits region or state budget in accordancewith the prescribed provisions”

The functions of the Chief Minister cover thetask to make contacts with the Region or State Hluttawconcerned. The President in signing and issuing billspassed by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has the right tosend his comments regarding the bills.

The President is the Head of State. The ChiefMinister can be assumed the head of the Region orState concerned. Although the head of state or the

tion, the Work Committee Chairman’s clarificationsto the legislative functions of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw,the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw, and theRegion or State Hluttaw to be included in the Chapter“Legislation” are appropriate excerpts from the 1947constitution, the 1974 constitution, and functions ex-ercised by world nations. So, the 28 detailed basicprinciples laid down for the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the19 detailed basic principles for the Pyithu Hluttawand the Amyotha Hluttaw, and the 23 detailed basicprinciples for the Region and State Hluttaw should beadopted as detailed basic principles.

The Union Kayin League said the Work Com-mittee Chairman has made thorough clarification tothe detailed basic principles for legislative functions.So, it has no further suggestions on the legislativesector.

It said that the 28 points on legislation of thePyidaungsu Hluttaw, the 19 points on legislation ofthe Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw and the23 points on legislation of the Region or State Hluttawshould be laid down as detailed basic principles.

Kokang Democracy and Unity Party said thatthe detailed basic principles explained by the WorkCommittee Chairman on legislative functions andrelations of Hluttaws are firm and precise and there

(See page 8)

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006

(from page 7)are systematic links on functions of the Hluttaws(between one Hluttaw and another). They thoroughlycover current international, regional and internal situ-ations in the political and social aspects. It said thatit has thus no further suggestions to the explana-tions.

It said that the functions of the PyidaungsuHluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw,and Region or State Hluttaw, the rules and regula-tions for Hluttaw members, and matters on takingaction against Hluttaw members explained by theWork Committee Chairman are reasonable, and sothey should be adopted as detailed basic principles.

Wa National Development Party said that the23 points on detailed basic principles for legislativefunctions of the Region or State Hluttaw the WorkCommittee Chairman explained are found appropri-ate, so they should be adopted as detailed basicprinciples.Esteemed delegates,

Of the four proposal papers submitted by thedelegate group of representatives-elect, the stancesof the representatives of the National Unity Partyand Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organiza-tion have been presented through the coordinationof the political parties concerned of the delegategroup of political parties. The suggestions of re-spective representatives are the same as those dis-cussions.

Representatives-elect Dr Hmu Htan ofThantlang Township constituency in Chin State, UAung Thein of Ywangan Township constituency insouthern Shan State and U Tun Kyaw of NamhsanTownship constituency in Shan State (North) fromthe delegate group of representatives-elect said thatthe clarifications the Work Committee Chairmanmade are appropriate, and so they have no furthersuggestions about these points. The points the WorkCommittee Chairman clarified regarding legislativefunctions of the Region or State Hluttaw to be in-cluded in the Chapter “Legislation” in writing Stateconstitution should be adopted as detailed basic prin-ciples.

Independent representatives-elect of the del-egate groups of representatives-elect—U Tin Winof Kyaiklat Township constituency-2, U Thein Kyiof Taungdwingyi Township constituency-1, U HlaSoe of Minbu Township constituency-2, U MyaHlaing of Twantay Township constituency-2, U KyiWin of Mingaladon Township constituency-1 and UTin Tun Maung of Mingaladon Township constitu-ency-2—said that the 23 points regarding the Re-gion or State Hluttaw to be included in the Chapter“Legislation” in framing State constitution explainedby the Work Committee Chairman should be adoptedas detailed basic principles.

The 23 points the Work Committee Chairmanpresented regarding legislative functions of the Re-gion or State Hluttaw to be included in the Chapter“Legislation” in drawing State constitution shouldbe adopted as detailed basic principles.

As a separate suggestion, they said that oneof the detailed basic principles of the Hluttaws is“The decision of a Hluttaw shall not be annulled,even if the acts of a person who was not entitled toattend the Hluttaw meeting, sat or voted or took partin the proceedings are discovered later”.

The purpose is to be able to avert possiblenagative effects on the decisions and activities car-ried out by the Hluttaw concerned due to the acts ofsuch a person.

Making a decision through voting and approv-ing a matter in Hluttaws is very important. That ispart of democracy system. So, it doesn’t matter ifthe vote of a person who is not entitled does nothave any effect on the decision or approval. But, itdoes matter if a matter is approved or annulled dueto his vote. It is a point to be considered. In otherwords, if his vote may be the decisive vote. Forinstance, the Hluttaw Speaker has to cast a vote inthe matter of an equality of votes due to the vote ofthe person in question. And, originally the numberof Hluttaw members present does not meet half ortwo-thirds of a sufficient number, but it is so due tohis attendance. Hence, they suggested that representa-tive scrutiny work should be carried out systemati-cally.

port the 23 points discussed by the Work Commit-tee Chairman regarding legislative functions of theRegion and State Hluttaw.

As a separate suggestion, members of thegroup said that para (8) says “Save as otherwiseprovided by this Constitution, a matter that shouldbe decided through voting in the Region or StateHluttaw shall be determined by a majority of votesof the members present and voting.

The person discharging duties as the Speakershall not vote in the first instance in the sessions ofthe Region or State Hluttaws, but shall have andexercise a casting vote in the matters of an equalityof votes. In the clarification, the vote the Speakerhas to cast is mentioned “casting vote”. The words“casting vote” is correct in meaning, but in essencein original Myanmar Language, it means it is infavour of one side, and against the other side. So,they said, “We think the term “decisive vote” ismore suitable than the term “casting vote”. We pre-fer the term “decisive vote” to the term “castingvote”. If so, the meaning of the term is more sig-nificant and clearer, and that will enhance the roleand prestige of the Speakers.

Para (9) says “If for a period of 15 consecu-tive days a member of the Region or State Hluttawis, without permission of the Hluttaw concerned,absent from a session of the Region or StateHluttaw, the Region or State Hluttaw can declarethe seat of that member vacant in accordance withprescribed provisions. In computing the said periodof 15 days, no account shall be taken of any periodduring which the session is prorogued, or is ad-journed”, and para (10) says “Although there arevacant seats, the Region or State Hluttaw shall havethe right to carry out its tasks. Moreover, the deci-sion shall not be annulled, if the acts of a personwho was not entitled to attend the Hlutaw meetingsat or voted or took part in the proceedings are dis-covered later”. We would like to suggest that thephrase “a person who is not entitled” be replacedwith the phrase “a person or persons who are notentitled”.Esteemed delegates,

The delegate group of State service personnelsuggested that the 23 points discussed by the WorkCommittee Chairman regarding legislative functionsof the Region or State Hluttaw to be included in thechapter “Legislation” in writing State constitutionshould be adopted as detailed basic principles.Esteemed delegates,

Now, I have presented a collection of theassessments of the panel of alternate chairmen ofthe National Convention on the proposal papers ofthe delegate groups of the National Convention, po-litical parties from the delegate group of politicalparties, and delegates of some delegate groups re-garding the points the Work Committee Chairmanexplained as to whether the detailed basic princi-ples should be adopted for legislative functions ofthe Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw, theAmyotha Hluttaw and the Region or State Hluttawto be included in the chapter “Legislation” in draw-ing State constitution.

Overall, the majority of the delegates are insupport of the points the Work Committee has ex-plained and suggested they should be adopted asdetailed basic principles.

And some delegates not only held discussionsin favour of the points but also made separate sug-gestions.


The Chief Ministers shouldhave the right to…

Representative scru-tiny work should becarried out systemati-cally.

Esteemed delegates,The delegate group of national races suggested

that the points presented by the Work CommitteeChairman regarding legislative functions of the Re-gion or State Hluttaw should be adopted.

As a separate suggestion, a Hluttaw memberhas the right to cast a vote for or against or absten-tion, and that is also practised at the Hluttaws ofworld nations and at the UN assemblies.

It has been suggested that the principle “Saveas otherwise provided by this Constitution, a matterthat should be decided through voting shall be deter-mined by a majority of votes of the members presentand voting” should be laid down.

And in the clarification of the Work Commit-tee Chairman, it was suggested that “A Hluttawmember has the right to stay neutral if he does notwish to cast a vote” should be added to No 8 (A) ofthe Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, para 7 (A) (1) and 7 (B) (1)of the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw andNo 8 (A) of the Region or State Hluttaw.Esteemed delegates,

The delegate group of peasants said that itfound the points discussed by the Work CommitteeChairman regarding legislative functions or relationsof the Hluttaws, so these points should be adopted asdetailed basic principles. It said that it had no furthersuggestions about the points.Esteemed delegates,

The delegate group of workers said that thepoints discussed by the Work Committee Chairmanregarding legislative functions of the Region or StateHluttaw are compiled in conformity with the pre-vailing situations the nation and the people are nowfacing, and they are found most appropriate to thenation.

So, these points based on the facts compiledby the Work Committee Chairman should be adoptedas detailed basic principles.Esteemed delegates,

The delegate group of intellectuals and intel-ligentsia said that they submit their proposals withtheir suggestions, amendments and views and sup-

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006 9

Bago Divisionputs 530,000acres…

(from page 16)in order to achieve thegoal, he added. Again,Okpo township is to ac-tively participate in thegrowing of 500,000acres of physic nut inthree years for diesel-substitute bio-fuel. Lt-Gen Khin Maung Thansaid measures are to betaken to ensure regionalpeace and security andrule of law. Service per-sonnel need to makefield trips right down tothe grassroots in imple-menting the five ruraldevelopment tasks.

Afterwards, well-wishers U Maung Thaungand Daw Kyi Win ofAung Thaung Co handedover documents related tofire engines worth K 40million to Lt-Gen KhinMaung Than. Next, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Thangreeted those present andinspected Fuso fire engineand Isuzu fire engine.

Lt-Gen KhinMaung Than and partyinspected maintenance of

Yangon-Pyay Road.In Pantin Village

of Okpo Township, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Thaninspected 500 acres ofmonsoon paddy planta-tions.

This year, BagoDivision (East) has put330,000 acres of landunder monsoon paddy andBago Division (West),200,000 acres of monsoonpaddy, totalling 530,000.

At the hall of InmaStation, Lt-Gen KhinMaung Than met withTatmadawmen and familymembers.

Lt-Gen Khin

Maung Than inspected3.65 acres of physic nutplants in the compound ofPyay Airport. He alsoviewed physic nut planta-tion of Bago Division(West) Police Force.

Departments con-cerned have grown 100acres of physic nut plantsat the airport.

Bago Division(West) is nurturing physicsaplings to grow 200,000acres of physic nut in2006-07. While in Pyay,Lt-Gen Khin Maung Thaninspected developmenttasks by car.


Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects fire engines donated by U Maung Thaung andDaw Kyi Win of Aung Thaung Co. — MNA

Commander Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win and wife Daw Mar Mar Waigrow herbal plants at Traditional Medicine Hospital in Bahan

Township. — MNA

Using UN as a tool, US plotted to impedeprocess of National Convention

NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct — The Arakan Army (AA) issued a declarationofficially expressing its stance on the decision to put Myanmar on the agendaof the UN Security Council.

The following is the full text of the declaration:

NAY PYI TAW, 14Oct — The writingexamination for vacantstaff officer posts of theRelief and ResettlementDepartment, organized bythe Civil Service Selectionand Training Board, was

CSSTB members inspect staff officerpost examination

held at Basic EducationHigh School No 1 and No2 in Pyinmana today.

Members ofCSSTB U Hla Myint Ooand U Win Aung,Director-General U HlaKyi of Civil Service

Selection and TrainingDepartment and officialsinspected the examinationcentres.

A total of 830candidates sat for theexamination.


Educative course forhousewives opens

YANGON, 14 Oct —The opening ceremony ofinstructor course forhousewives to performfamily health care serviceswith traditional medicineconducted by YangonDivision Maternal andChild WelfareSupervisory Committeewas held at TraditionalMedicine Hospital

(Yangon) this morning.Firstly, Medical

Superintendent Dr TheinKyaw extended greetings.

Chairman ofYangon Division Peaceand Development CouncilCommander of YangonCommand Brig-Gen HlaHtay Win presented K200,000 donated byYangon Division PDC to

Chairperson Daw MarMar Wai of YangonDivision MCWSC.

Next, thecommander and wife DawMar Mar Wai acceptedover K 3 million donatedby 37 wellwishers.

Altogether 70trainees are now attendingthe four-day course.


The declaration of Arakan Army (AA)25 September 2006

1. Due to the submission of the permanent US representative to the UN thatMyanmar’s situation is posing a threat to regional peace and stability, a decisionwas made on 15 September 2006 to put Myanmar on the agenda of the UNSC.

2. The US, using the UN as a tool, is interfering in Myanmar’s internal affairsand its attempt to put pressure on Myanmar is not conformity with the UN Charter.Furthermore, there prevails peace and stability and Myanmar has achieveddevelopment to a certain degree. Hence, we believe it is an impossible accusationagainst Myanmar posing a threat to regional peace and stability.

3. Our organization view that the US, using the UN as a tool, is

(a) plotting to impede process of the National Convention being held withthe participation of people from all walks of life in line with the seven-step RoadMap, and

(b) not only disturbing the prevalence of law and order and nationalsolidarity of the nation but also hindering the process to build a peaceful, modern,developed and discipline-flourishing democratic nation.

4. As such, the Arakan Army (AA) strongly protests against such evil acts ofthe US and our organization condemns the interference of the US in Myanmarinternal affairs.


U Khine Lin Naing

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006

NAY PYI TAW, 14Oct — Torrential rainsrecently caused floodingfrom overflow of riversand creeks in many partsof the country.

The heavy raincaused damages to somebridges on Bhamo-Mandalay road in KachinState on 7 and 9 October.Therefore, the road wastemporarily closed andthe bridges are beingrepaired.

In Sagaing Division,flooding caused damageto some rail tracksbetween Kunhla andKanbalu stations,between Kanpya Villageof YeU Township andTinteinyan Village andthe railroad nearKaingdaw Village ofKyunhla Township.Hence, the rail tracks arebeing repaired.

People from somevillages in flooded areaof Kani, and DabayinTownships wereevacuated to safety andsome schools weretemporarily closed.Officials providednecessary assistance tothem at the relief camps.

Some roads inYwathit Pwekyo Ward inMagway are under water.Due to the landslides onKalay-Gangaw railroadsection, some railwayschedules werep o s t p o n e d .Superintending Engineer(Civil) U Hsan Lwin andofficials are repairing therailroad section.

In MandalayDivision, three wards inA u n g m y e t h a z a nTownship, three wards in

Torrential rains cause damage tosome roads, railroads in some regionsFlood-victims evacuated and provided

with relief aids

South Koreanpop singer Rain,center, performsduring a WorldTour Premiereto promote his

fourth album inSeoul, on 13

Oct, 2006. Rainwill hold his

world concerttour for six

months fromDecember in 12

countriesincluding the

US, Japan andHong Kong.


Air-born baby aboard Kuwaiti aircraft gets18-year free flight

KUWAIT CITY, 14 Oct — A baby girl who was born aboard a Kuwait-based Jazeera Airways flight willbe free of charge on any airline of the carrier until 2024, London-based Middle East Online reportedThursday on its website edition.

On Wednesday, thebaby was delivered by atravelling doctor and twocrew members en routefrom Kuwait City toAlexandria, a northernEgypt city, the report said.

Heba Majdy, eight-month pregnant mother ofthe baby, had got doctor’spermission before sheboarded the aircraft. Butshe went into labourunexpectedly at an altitudeof 30,000 feet and 50minutes before it was dueto reach the MediterraneanCity.

The baby girl, namedNancy, was delivered bygynaecologist andmaternity specialistMohammed al-Saleh, whowas a passenger going toAlexandria on vacation.

After the Airbus A320landed in Alexandria, amedical team transportedthe mother and the

newborn baby to hospital.Marwan Boodia,

Chairman of the JazeeraAirways, said later that the

low-fare carrier hasdecided to offer the girlfree flights until she turns18. — MNA/Xinhua

Coxsackie virus addsto India’s health woes

LUCKNOW (India), 14 Oct — At least one childa day has died in India’s most populous state of UttarPradesh since April after being infected with CoxsackieB virus, which spreads in unsanitary conditions, officialssaid on Thursday.

Most of the 202 recorded deaths due to CoxsackieB have occurred in the state’s impoverished east wherepoor public hygiene is common, officials said, addingthat all of the known victims were children.

At the same time, poor public sanitation hasalso fuelled an outbreak of dengue fever across north,south and west India that started in late August as themonsoon rains began to taper off, claiming at least 84lives and infecting more than 4,000 people.

Coxsackie B virus is spread by contaminatedfood or water and gains access to the body through themouth by faecal or oral transmission or even by infectedmucosal secretions.

The latest deaths come a year after encephalitiskilled around 1,500 children in Uttar Pradesh, asprawling state of more than 170 million people and aramshackle public healthcare system.

“The only way to keep this virus away is byensuring good sanitation standards and maintainingsupply of clean drinking water,” T.N. Dhole, professorof microbiology at a state-run medical institute inLucknow, the state capital, told Reuters.


14 turbines ready to generate power onThree Gorges Dam

YICHANG (Hubei), 14 Oct —Fourteen power turbines on the ThreeGorges Dam are ready to generateelectricity, a local official said onThursday.

The turbines are capable ofgenerating power in full load once thewater level in the Three Gorges reservoirreaches the 148-metre mark, which hasbeen recorded on Monday, said MaZhenbo, director of the Three GorgesPower Plant in Yichang, central China’sHubei Province.

The water level is currently beingraised from 135.5 to 156 metres, and itreached 152.43 metres on Thursday.

The water storage started onSeptember 20 when one of the 14 power-producing generators was shut down toreduce water flowing downstream. Waterfrom the upstream is flowing into theThree Gorges reservoir at a rate of 16,300cubic metres per second, satisfyingdemands of all the 14 turbines for powergeneration, Ma said.


C h a n a y e t h a z a nTownship, seven wards inChanmyathazi Townshipand five wards inPyigyidagun Townshipwere flooded. Fivepersons died due to fallingof a rain tree. Somefamilies in inundated areawere evacuated to safety,and some schools wereclosed temporarily.

Some villages nearZawgyi River wereflooded, and familymembers of 166 housesin Sunye Village inSingaing Township wereresettled to safety.

While taking a batheat the natural spring, 11villagers fromTaungpawtaung Villageof KyaukpadaungTownship were sweptaway.

People and animalsin flooded areas of somevillages in Amarapura,Myittha, Patheingyi andWundwin Townshipswere evacuated to safety.Officials are performingrelief work.

In SingaingTownship, MyitngeBridge and Yangon-Mandalay Railroad arebeing flooded. Due to theinundation, two personsin Singaing Township andone in Kyaukse Townshipdied.

Due to the torrentialrains, the railroad betweenMinsu Station andMyittha Station are underwater. Since 9 October,M a n d a l a y - Y a n g o nrailroad is being closedtemporarily. The trainsthat left Yangon forMandalay arrived at ThaziStation on 9 October

evening. Vehicles of RoadTransport transported thepassengers from the trainsto Mandalay Station on 10October.

On 11 October, 37vehicles of RoadTransport transported thepassengers who willleave Mandalay forYangon to ThedawStation, and then thepassengers continuedtheir trip to Yangon bytrain.

Likewise, 35 vehiclescarried the passengersfrom 29-up train, 17-uptrain, 3-up train and 5-uptrain who spent the nightat Thabyedaung Station inMyittha Township toThedaw Station, andafterwards, the passengerswent to Mandalay bytrain.

At 1 pm on 11October, 30-down, 18-down, 4-down and 6-down trains left forYangon from ThedawStation.

The floods causeddamage to 23 houses inBandabin and Khabyatvillages in PyaponDistrict. Flood-victimswere evacuated to therelief camps andprovided with health careservices.

Officials concernedare repairing damagedrailroads and motor roadsfor ensuring bettertransportation. LocalTatmdawmen, membersof social organizationsand officials areperforming relief tasksand providing necessaryassistance to the flood-victims.


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Ghanaian President says Africawants to engage with China

ACCRA, 13 Oct — Africa wants to engage with China as it becomesincreasingly influential in the world, Ghanaian President John Kufuor saidhere on Wednesday.

Beijing hikescompensation for

people who dieheleping others

BEIJING, 13 Oct— Thefamilies of GoodSamaritans who loosetheir lives rescuing otherpeople in Beijing willreceive 200,000 yuan(25,000 US dollars) upfrom 50,000 yuan, localmedia reported onWednesday.

Applications forcompensation should befiled within 30 days ofthe act of bravery andmust be accompanied byevidence. the BeijingTimes said. Favourablepolicies were alsointroduced for thechildren of those whodie helping others. Theywill be granted 10 extrapoints on their entranceexams for high schoolsand polytechnic schools.


A 106-meter high statue of Emperors Yan and Huang was built in Zhengzhou,the capital of Henan Province.The statue is eight meters higher than the Statue of Liberty in New York and took 20 years to complete.—XINHUA

Contestants for the upcoming Miss International Beauty Pageant display theirnational costumes during a show to the press in Tokyo, Japan,on 13 Oct, 2006.Beauties from 42 countries and regions will compete for the crown at the 46th MissInternational Beauty Pageant in Beijing, capital of China, in November.—XINHUA

Singapore’s President S.R. Nathan, follows behind Ivan Gasparovic,President of the Slovak Republic, as they inspect an honor guard during a

welcome ceremony, on 13 Oct, 2006, in Singapore at the Istana orPresidential Palace.—INTERNET

Africa is determined toseek partners who can helpimplement the NewPartnership of AfricaDevelopment (NEPAD),an ambitious blueprint forAfrica’s futuredevelopment and selfreliance after decades ofp o s t - i n d e p e n d e n c econstruction.

“China is looming as aworld economic power andnaturally .. Africa wants toengage with China,”Kufuor said in an exclusiveinterview with Xinhua.

Although rich in naturalresources, Africa has longlagged far behind the globaldevelopment. Traditionalfriendship and newly-

formed economic tiesbetween China and Africacould help bring investmentand technology into thecontinent, Kufuor said. Hiscomments came ahead ofthe Beijing Summit of theForum on China-AfricaCooperation (FOCAC) dueto be held from November3-5. The conference, to beattended by some 30African heads of state orgovernment includingKufuor, will be thehighest-level and largest-scale meeting betweenChinese and Africanleaders since China andAfrican countries startedto forge cooperative tiesin the 1950s.

The year of 2006 hasbeen described as China’s“Year of Africa” as severalimportant eventsconcerning China-Africarelations fall in this year.

China released theAfrican policy at thebeginning of this year,putting forward itsproposals for all-roundcooperation with Africa invarious fields in the comingyears. — MNA/Xinhua

Dengue fever claims more livesin southern Vietnam

HANOI, 13 Oct —Dengue fever has so farthis year killed 43 peoplein Vietnam’s southernregion, up 39 per cent overthe same period last year,according to sources fromthe country’s Health

Ministry on Thursday. The Mekong Delta

provinces of An Giang,Bac Lieu and Hau Giangsuffered most of thefatalities with respectivefigures of 7, 5 and 4, thesources said, noting thatthe deaths were among47,000 infection casessince the beginning of thisyear. Most of the caseswere reported in theMekong Delta, whereweather conditions andlocal people’s habit ofstoring water in containersat their houses favour thebreeding of mosquitoes —the disease’s transmitter.

The ministry is askingresidents in localitiesnationwide to keep oncleaning environmentaround theira c c o m m o d a t i o n s ,including keeping watercontainers clean andkilling mosquitoes andtheir larva.

Vietnam reported49,400 cases of denguefever infections, including51 fatalities, last year,down 32.7 per cent and49.5 per cent respectivelyfrom the previous year,according to the country’sGeneral Statistics Office.


Three killed in aircraftcrash in south Africa

JOHANNESBURG, 13 Oct— Three people werekilled in a light aircraft thatwent missing afterit took off from Piet-ermaritzburg, about 550kilometres south ofJohannesburg.

Santjie White,spokeswoman for the SASearch and RescueOrganization, said that theplane with the bodies ofthree occupants was foundWednesday morning atRhino’s Peak in thesouthern Drakensberg,near Underberg inKwaZulu-Natal Province.

The aircraft took off

from Cato Ridge, nearPietermaritzburg, onTuesday afternoon butnever arrived at its intendeddestination, Tempe inBloemfontein.

A ground search in theDrakesnberg nearHimeville on Tuesdayevening turned up noresults. By Wednesdaymorning, poor weather inthe area lifted, allowingpolice and a team from theSA National Defence Force(SANDF) to conduct anaerial search, said polices p o k e s w o m a nSuperintendent ZandraHechter.— MNA/Xinhua

52 suffer food poisoningin S China primary school GUANGZHOU, 13 , Oct— Fifty-two pupils and teachers

from a primary school in south China were hospitalizedwith food poisoning on Wednesday.

The health bureau of Guangzhou, capital ofGuangdong Province, said 50 pupils and two teachersfrom the school attached to Sun Yat-sen Universitysuffered abdominal pain and vomitting from 11:00 amto 7:00 pm.

A preliminary analysis by the city’s Haizhu Districtdisease prevention and control centre showed thatvictims suffered a bacterial food poisoning.

A bureau investigation found the food poisoningwas probably caused by soya milk and red bean cakesthat the sufferers ate for a break-time snack.

The food was supplied by Guangzhou Hongyi FoodCo, Ltd.— MNA/Xinhua

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006


Indonesia apologizes to Malaysia, Singaporefor haze

JAKARTA, 13 Oct — Indonesia has offered its apologies to the governments and peoples of Singaporeand Malaysia for haze produced by bushfires in Indonesia that had affected them, President SusiloBambang Yudhoyono said.

“It is appropriate forme to apologize for theproblem although thebushfires are obviously notthe result of deliberate

action by Indonesia,”Antara news agency quotedthe President as saying at aPress conference hereWednesday.

Malaysia hadexpressed disappointmentfor the past few days overthe impact of haze thatcame from bushfires inIndonesia that had affectednot only public health butalso the economic sectorin that country.

The President saidIndonesia would hireRussian aircraft to be usedto extinguish the bushfiresin areas that produced themost haze.

“I have decided tohire Russian aircraft suchas Illuyshin to immediatelyextinguish the fires,” hesaid.

The President had

summoned his threecoordinating ministers,National Defence ForcesCommander MarshalDjoko Suyatno, ForeignMinister Hassan Wirajuda,Riau Governor Rusli Zainaland Central KalimantanGovernor Teras Narang todiscuss the bushfiresproblem.

“We have to hire twoplanes each capable ofcarrying 40 tons of water,”he said.

The President saidenvironment ministersfrom the Association ofSouth-East Asian Nations(ASEAN) planned tomeet in Pekanbaru, Riau,on Friday to discussefforts for the solution ofthe problem. He said otherministers concernedwould also attend themeeting to discussbushfire extinguishingtechnology. MNA/Xinhua

Vietnam to issue restricted foreigninvestment list

HANOI, 13 Oct — Vietnam will soon publicize a list of fields whicheither forbid or restrict foreign investment, including banking, insurance,telecommunications, maritime and advertisement, under its WTOcommitments, local newspaper Vietnam Economic Times reportedThursday.

The list, which isbeing translated fromVietnamese into English,is much likely to be issuedin November, thenewspaper quoted PhamManh Dung, head of theLegal Department underthe Ministry of Planningand Investment, assaying.

Under the list, foreigninvestment in around adozen of fields, includingbanking, insurance,telecommunicat ions,financial services,maritime, advertisement,and real estate business,will be restricted.

Specifically, foreigninvestors will be allowedto hold at mostly 49 percent of capital in maritimeenterprises in Vietnam,and 51 per cent of that inte lecommunica t ionsbackbone line operators,

he said. For some fieldslike oil and gas, andmining, whether they will be opened or closedto foreign investors

depends on Vietnam’sspecific socio-economicdevelopment plans, hesaid.


26 hospitalizedafter insecticideleak

in Johannesburg JOHANNESBURG, 13

Oct— Twenty-six SouthAfrican call centre workers— two of whom pregnant— were hospitalized afterinsecticide leaked into theair conditioning during“routine fumigationwork”, South African PressAssociation reported onThursday.

The incident oc-curred on Wednesday, atthe company’s head-quarters in Johannesburg.The common insecticideused in buildingfumigation leaked into thearea where 90 call centrenight staff serving the USand South Africanoperations were working.The employees were thenevacuated.—MNA/Xinhua

Pakistan sees 41 ml cellphone subscribers ISLAMABAD, 14 Oct— With a population of 160 million, Pakistan had 41.5

million cellphone users by the end of September 2006, according to PakistanTelecommunication Authority (PTA) Thursday.

The cellphone usershad 34 million users by theend of last fiscal year 2005-06 ending on 30 June, 2006,and during the first quarterof fiscal 2006-07 startingfrom 1 July, 2006, Pakistansaw almost seven millionfresh cellphone customers,according to PTA.Pakistan’s telecommunica-tion sector is growing fastand has received 1,905-million-US-dollar foreigndirect investment (FDI) inyear 2005-06 ending on 30June, 2006, or 54 per cent ofthe total FDI poured in the

country during the same

year.Officials said the

country had a 25-per-cent

mobile density rate by

September 2006.


Blind contestants playChinese chess during theChess and Card Contest

for the Blind inQinhuangdao, a coastal

city in north China’sHebei Province, on 13Oct, 2006. The contest

was held by the DisabledPersons’ Federation ofQinhuangdao to greetthe White Cane SafetyDay, which falls on 15


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pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\m^P∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k; tv\eSak\AM.

E. Coli O157:H7, cattle manure from a ranch in California’s Salinas Valleycarries E. coli bacteria that match the strain that killed three Americans andsickened 200, state and federal health officials said on 12 Oct , 2006. —XINHUA

Park visitors sit on deck-chairs in Hyde Park in central London on 12 Oct,2006. The temperature in London reached 19 degrees Celsius (66 degrees

Fahrenheit), four degrees Celsius (7 degrees Fahrenheit) above the averagetemperature for October.—INTERNET

A motorbike passes as haze from wildfires blanketthe area in Pelelawan, Riau Province, SumatraIsland, Indonesia on 13 Oct, 2006.—INTERNET

China spends a tenth of NASAbudget on space activities

BEIJING, 13 Oct — The Chinese Government spends less than a tenth ofNASA’s budget on space activities, an official said here Thursday.

World’s 5th largest gold,copper reserves found

in Pakistan

The proposed 2007budget of the US NationalAeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA)on civil space programmeswas nearly 17 billiondollars, while China’sbudget was less than onetenth of that figure, saidSun Laiyan, administratorof China National SpaceAdministration. As a

developing country, Chinaensured its space activitiesserved its economic andsocial development andscience technologydevelopment, he said.

“In fact, we spend quitelittle on what we need todo,” Sun said. TheChinese Government hadaltogether spent about 19billion yuan (2.4 billion

Singaporean, Indonesian leadersdiscuss haze pollution

Beluga whales helping childrenwith autism in China

US dollars) on the firstfive Shenzhou spacecraft.

The first Shenzhouunmanned experimentalspacecraft was launchedin 1999. Three moreShenzhou unmannedexperimental spacecraftwere launched in rapidsuccession. On 15 and16 October, 2003, itlaunched and retrievedShenzhou V, China’s firstmanned spacecraft,according to the whitepaper “China’s SpaceActivities in 2006"published by thegovernment Thursday.

The government spentless than one billion yuan(125 million US dollars)on the Shenzhou VImanned spacecraft lastOctober, with twoastronauts on board, Sunsaid.

He said the budget forthe first stage of China’slunar exploration pro-gramme was just over onebillion yuan (125 millionUS dollars).


SINGAPORE,13 Oct —Singaporean PrimeMinister Lee HsienLoong Thursday had atelephone conversationwith Indonesian PresidentSusilo BambangYudhoyono, agreeingthat a comprehensivelong-term solution wasneeded to prevent the hazeproblem from recurring.

According to astatement issued bySingapore’s Ministry ofForeign Affairs,Yudhoyono assured Leethat Indonesia wasdetermined to takeeffective measures toprevent the forest firescurrently causing the haze.

Lee told Yudhoyonothat Singapore welcomedIndonesia’s decision tohost the Sub-RegionalEnvironment Ministerial

Meeting on Trans-boundary Haze Pollutionon Friday.

He added that his

country would giveIndonesia its full support,according to thestatement.—MNA/Xinhua

ISLAMABAD,13 Oct —The world’s fifth largestreserves of gold andcopper were discovered inChaghi area in Pakistan’ssouthwest BalochistanProvince, local newspaperThe News reported onThursday.

Director General ofProvincial Department ofMineralogy MaqboolAhmed said that twomultinationals, Canadianand Chilean-firms, whichwere issued licenses 10years earlier for explorationof gold in the Bekodikarea, have completed theexploration work and havechalked out a project for theextraction of gold andcopper. In the preliminarystage, the two companieswill invest a billion US

dollars in the project,Ahmed said.

According to Ahmed,200,000 tons of copperand 400,000 ounce ofgold will be producedannually through the saidproject.

The BalochistanGovernment will get a shareof 25 per cent. With thestart of the project,employment will beprovided to 3,000 youth ofthe province.


HARBIN, 13 Oct —Touching, feeding andtraining beluga whales ishelping 16 childrensuffering from autism innortheast China.

The children, all under10 years of age areworking with the whalesat the Polarland Aquariumin Harbin, capital ofHeilongjiang Province.

Experts said that thesounds by beluga whalescan help to treat infantileautism by stimulating thechildren’s nerve cells,which will be moreeffective when the childrenmake direct contacts withthe animals. The childrenspend 30 minutes, threetimes a week with thewhales which are from theArctic Circle near Russia,

After a 20-day courseof treatment the childrenare given medicines andget supportive therapy.

Dolphins have been usedin other parts of the worldto help stimulate childrenwith autism, experts said.


British council rejectstoxic ship scrap plan

LONDON, 13 Oct — A city council in northernEngland on Thursday threw out controversial plans toscrap ageing former US naval vessels which arebelieved to be packed with toxic materials.

Four so-called ghost ships have been sitting atanchor in Hartlepool for the past three years afterbeing towed across the Atlantic for disposal.

But on Thursday, ignoring recommendations fromplanning officials that the scrap plans by Britishcompany Able UK be approved, Hartlepool city councilvoted to reject the proposal.

“We are not going to become the toxic waste dumpingground of Britain,” Councillor Edna Wright told themeeting. Able UK has been forced to carry outextensive environmental assessments due to worriesabout potentially toxic material in the rusting vessels.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006


David Beckham , England manager Steve McClarenmay recall him to represent England, his adviser MaxClifford disclosed on 12 Oct , 2006.—XINHUA

A gymnast from the Denmark team performs onthe floor during a practice session for the

Gymnastics World Championships in Aarhuson 12 Oct, 2006.—INTERNET

Nacional overcome mumps to eliminate holders BocaRIO DE JANEIRO, 14 Oct— Uruguay’s Nacional overcame a outbreak of mumps in their team to knock

defending champions Boca Juniors out of the Copa Sudamericana.Steaua warm up for

Champions League with 4-2 winBUCHAREST, 14 Oct — Steaua Bucharest warmed up

for next week's Champions League game with RealMadrid by beating CFR Cluj 4-2 on Friday.

The Romanian league match was played behindclosed doors after Steaua received a one-match sta-dium ban following crowd trouble in last month's 1-0derby defeat by Dinamo Bucharest.

Steaua fielded an experimental team with severalplayers out injured and coach Cosmin Olaroiu keen torest others ahead of the home game with Group Erivals Real on Tuesday.

Goals from Sorin Ghionea, Nicolae Dica and Frenchstriker Cyril Thereau put Steaua 3-0 up.

Substitute Florin Dan pulled one back for Cluj witha 25-metre strike.

Dica, the league's top scorer, took his goal tally forthe season to nine when he converted a 75th-minutepenalty before Dan grabbed his second goal of thegame with five minutes left.—MNA/Reuters

Davydenko beats Mirnyi to reachKremlin semis

China beatsPalestine 2-0to qualify for

Asian Cup AMMAN, 13 Oct— The

Chinese men's footballteam defeat Palestine 2-0in the 5th round Asian Cupqualifying match at theJordanian King AbdullahStadium in Amman, Jor-dan, on Wednesday, get-ting a place in next year'sAsian Cup finals.

China took the lead inthe 25th minute when MaoJianqing prodding the ballpast Palestinian goal-keeper. In the 65th minute,Sun Xiang doubled thelead. China join Iraq, whohave already qualified, atthe top of Group E on 10points. — MNA/Xinhua

ACROSS 1 Respect 4 Ship’s companies 8 Hand’s shortest digit 9 Integrity10 Reserve for a purpose11 Network12 Running bird14 Joy, gaiety15 Set in motion18 Without liquid21 Tax23 A fruit25 Falsehood26 Telling 2527 Beat strongly28 Wisely

DOWN 1 Wartime dictator 2 Indifferent 3 Without prejudice 4 Conifer fruit 5 Follow 6 Mowing blade 7 Throttle13 All brume (anag.)16 Inoculation preparation17 Move ostentatiously19 Sailing boat20 Too histrionic22 Elector24 Speechless


Arsenal trio to miss two games LONDON, 13 Oct— Arsenal will be without Freddie

Ljungberg, Emmanuel Eboue and Julio Baptista fortheir next two games, manager Arsene Wenger said onThursday. The trio will miss Saturday's Premier Leaguegame against Watford and Tuesday's ChampionsLeague trip to Moscow to face CSKA.

Midfielder Ljungberg suffered a calf injury playingfor Sweden against Iceland on Saturday. DefenderEboue hurt his knee while on international duty forIvory Coast while Brazilian striker Baptista hurt hishamstring in training.— MNA/Reuters

Argentine Press slams national team’sdefeat to Spain

Santos coach says team nothurt by Copa Americana loss RIO DE JANEIRO, 13 Oct— Santos coach Vanderlei

Luxemburgo said on Thursday that the Brazilian team'sloss in the knockout phase of the Copa Sudamericanahad not demoralized players.

“It is sad, but this will not demoralize our team,which showed their warrior spirit. I liked their spirit,”Luxemburgo said.

Santos beat Argentina’s San Lorenzo 1-0 at homeon Wednesday, but were still knocked out becausethey had lost 3-0 in the away leg of the tie.

Luxemburgo said that he could only field an under-strength squad in Wednesday’s match.

“The Copa is super important, but we need to find away to improve the playing calendar because it ex-hausts our players. We also need to review the playercriteria... at the moment there is a maximum age of 25,”he added.— MNA/Xinhua

Boca, playing against10 men for more than halfthe game, won Thursdaynight’s second round sec-ond leg tie 2-1 to level theaggregate at 3-3 beforeNacional won 3-1 on pen-alties in the Andean cityof Salta.

Reserve goalkeeperAlexis Viera, playing be-cause first choice JorgeBava was one of the threeplayers out with mumps,was Nacional’s hero as herepeatedly frustrated Bocaand saved shots from JuanKrupoviesa and FernandoGago in the shootout.

Nacional went aheadafter 15 minutes whenDiego Perrone sneaked in

behind the Boca defence,latched on to MarceloTejera's pass and whippedthe ball past AldoBobadilla. But the Uru-guayans, whose request to

postpone the match wasturned down by Boca,were on the ropes afterdefender Diego Godin wassent off in the 43rd minutefor an over-top-tackle onNeri Cardozo.

Despite dominating thegame, Boca took until the56th minute to level whenRodrigo Palacio scoredfollowing a corner.

Nicolas Bertolo putBoca ahead in the 80th

minute, scoring afterViera’s only mistake ofthe match when he failedto clear a corner, butRicardo La Volpe’s teamcould not find a third goal.

Nacional's quarterfinalopponents will be AtleticoParanaense, who becamethe only Brazilian team toreach the last eight byknocking out Argentina’sRiver Plate in Thursday’sother tie.— MNA/Reuters

BUENOS AIRES, 13Oct— Argentina’s sport-ing Press on Thursdaycondemned the nationalsoccer team after its 2-1loss to Spain.

“Little man’s football”said Sporting daily Ole,who headlined its cover-age with “Team ofdwarves”, referring to theheight of key Argentineplayers Lionel Messi,Carlos Tevez, FedericoInsua, Pablo Aimar, JavierSaviola and SergioAguero.

“The little guys wereplaying and the football(skills on show) were also

pretty small beer,” morn-ing paper Clarin com-plained. Daily paper LaNacion, said that the teamlacked “stature”, whileCronica said that the na-tion's players “projected afeeble image of Argentinaon Spanish soil”.

Spain won thanks togoals from Xavi and DavidVilla, while Daniel Bilosscored Argentina’s onlygoal.— MNA/Xinhua

MOSCOW, 14 Oct— Topseed Nikolay Davydenkowill face veteran French-man Fabrice Santoro inthe semifinals of theKremlin Cup after bothcame through theirmatches in the OlympicStadium on Friday.

Russian hopes suffereda blow in the women'sdraw, however, when USOpen champion MariaSharapova was forced topull out of her quarterfi-nal with a foot injury.

Davydenko, chasing aplace in the season-end-

ing Masters Cup in Shang-hai next month, beat MaxMirnyi of Belarus 6-3, 7-5 to edge closer to hissixth final of the year.

The Russian standsfifth in the ATP Champi-ons Race and victory inMoscow would go a longway to securing a place inthe eight-man finale.

Santoro, the 33-year-old seventh seed, bookedhis place in the last fourwith a 6-3, 7-5 defeat ofGermany's Philipp Kohls-chreiber.— MNA/Reuters

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 15 October, 2006 15

Saturday, 14 October, 2006Summary of observations recorded at 09:30

hours MST: During the past 24 hours, rain or thun-dershowers have been widespread in Chin State andTaninthayi Division, scattered in Shan State and upperSagaing Division, isolated in Kachin and Mon States,Mandalay and Bago Divisions and weather has beenpartly cloudy in the ramaining areas. The noteworthyamounts of rainfall recorded were Kawthoung (1.42)inches, Mindat (1.26) inches and Myeik (0.99) inch.

Maximum temperature on 13-10-2006 was 94°F.Minimum temperature on 14-10-2006 was 75°F. Rela-tive humidity at 09:30 hours MST on 14-10-2006 was(79%). Total sunshine hours on 13-10-2006 was (8.3)hours approx.

Rainfalls on 14-10-2006 were (Nil) atMingaladon, Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Totalrainfalls since 1-1-2006 were (98.31) inches atMingaladon and (111.30) inches at Kaba-Aye and(115.83) inches at Central Yangon. Maximum windspeed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph from North-west at (14:00) hours MST on 13-10-2006.

Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in theAndaman Sea and generally fair in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 15-10-2006:Rain or thundershowers will be widespread inTaninthayi Division, fairly widespread in Shan State,scattered in Kachin and Chin States, upper SagaingDivision and isolated in the remaining areas. Degree ofcertainty is 80%.

State of the Sea: Seas will be moderate inMyanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Continua-tion of rain or thundershowers in the Southern Myanmarareas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouringareas for 15-10-2006: Likelihood of isolated rain orthundershowers. Degree of certainty is 60%.

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouringareas for 15-10-2006: Likelihood of isolated rain orthundershowers. Degree of certainty is 60%.

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouringareas for 15-10-2006: Likelihood of isolated rain orthundershowers. Degree of certainty is 60%.


*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 392226, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 297028

Sunday, 15 OctoberTune in today

8:30 am Brief news8:35 am Music:

-I’ve always loveyou

8:40 am Perspectives8:45 am Music

-Girl on film8:50 am National news &

Slogan9:00 am Music

-Altogether now9:05 am International

news9:10 am Cultural images of

Myanmar9:20 am Music

-Taking back myheart

1:30 pm News & Slogan1:40pm Children’s delight

-Story for children“The old man and500 monkeys”-Songs forchildren

9:00pm Weekly newsreview

9:10pm Article9:20pm Music/latest hits/

let’s improveEnglish throughsongs-Wherever you go-How could I letyou go

9:45 pm News & Slogan10:00 pm PEL

Sunday, 15 OctoberView on today

8:45 am 8. Say it in English11:00 am

1. Martial song11:10 am

2. Musical programme11:25 am

3. Round up of theweek’s internationalnews

11:35 am4. Yan Can Cook

11:50 pm5. Myanmar movie:

{{{{{K¥s\qwuic\;wuic\;lv\}K¥s\qwuic\;wuic\;lv\}K¥s\qwuic\;wuic\;lv\}K¥s\qwuic\;wuic\;lv\}K¥s\qwuic\;wuic\;lv\}(v∑n\>wc\;' emac\qn\;wc\;'(v∑n\>wc\;' emac\qn\;wc\;'(v∑n\>wc\;' emac\qn\;wc\;'(v∑n\>wc\;' emac\qn\;wc\;'(v∑n\>wc\;' emac\qn\;wc\;'wåwåwc\;erW)wåwåwc\;erW)wåwåwc\;erW)wåwåwc\;erW)wåwåwc\;erW)(dåRiuk\ta-wåwåwc\;erW)(dåRiuk\ta-wåwåwc\;erW)(dåRiuk\ta-wåwåwc\;erW)(dåRiuk\ta-wåwåwc\;erW)(dåRiuk\ta-wåwåwc\;erW)

2:20 pm6. Ak‘pic\p∑´Ak‘pic\p∑´Ak‘pic\p∑´Ak‘pic\p∑´Ak‘pic\p∑´

2:30 pm 7. {{{{{AN †ray\SuitaAN †ray\SuitaAN †ray\SuitaAN †ray\SuitaAN †ray\Suita

lk\ts\km\;lk\ts\km\;lk\ts\km\;lk\ts\km\;lk\ts\km\;ma}ma}ma}ma}ma}(sui;q¨' nn\;kl¥alOic\)(sui;q¨' nn\;kl¥alOic\)(sui;q¨' nn\;kl¥alOic\)(sui;q¨' nn\;kl¥alOic\)(sui;q¨' nn\;kl¥alOic\)(dåRiuk\ta-esasN∂alOic\)(dåRiuk\ta-esasN∂alOic\)(dåRiuk\ta-esasN∂alOic\)(dåRiuk\ta-esasN∂alOic\)(dåRiuk\ta-esasN∂alOic\)

2:45 pm 8.International news4:00 pm

1. Martial song4:15 pm2. Songs to uphold

National Spirit4:30 pm3. English for everyday


7:00 am 1. ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\

Bura;”k;' Bura;”k;' Bura;”k;' Bura;”k;' Bura;”k;' Nuic\cMeta\qMGa.Nuic\cMeta\qMGa.Nuic\cMeta\qMGa.Nuic\cMeta\qMGa.Nuic\cMeta\qMGa.mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@guRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμguRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμguRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμguRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμguRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμezatik' tip i!kDr'ezatik' tip i!kDr'ezatik' tip i!kDr'ezatik' tip i!kDr'ezatik' tip i!kDr'DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\Bd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0MqfBd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0MqfBd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0MqfBd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0MqfBd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0Mqfprit\tra;eta\prit\tra;eta\prit\tra;eta\prit\tra;eta\prit\tra;eta\

7:25 am2. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am3. Morning news

7:40 am4. Nice and sweet song

7:55 am 5. yU\ek¥;limμayU\ek¥;limμayU\ek¥;limμayU\ek¥;limμayU\ek¥;limμa

(38)�Pa mgçla(38)�Pa mgçla(38)�Pa mgçla(38)�Pa mgçla(38)�Pa mgçla8:15 am

6. At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´8:30 am 7. International news

4:45 pm4. Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;

Rup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saRup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saRup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saRup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saRup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;sa-----ttttttiyNs\ (tiyNs\ (tiyNs\ (tiyNs\ (tiyNs\ (RpeRpeRpeRpeRpebdAT;‘p)bdAT;‘p)bdAT;‘p)bdAT;‘p)bdAT;‘p)(Rpebd)(Rpebd)(Rpebd)(Rpebd)(Rpebd)

5:00 pm5. Dance of national

races5:15 pm 6.{{{{{q:NMsuik\p¥io; AT∑k\tui;}q:NMsuik\p¥io; AT∑k\tui;}q:NMsuik\p¥io; AT∑k\tui;}q:NMsuik\p¥io; AT∑k\tui;}q:NMsuik\p¥io; AT∑k\tui;}

(spå;pn\;tuic\ AT∑k\NOn\;(spå;pn\;tuic\ AT∑k\NOn\;(spå;pn\;tuic\ AT∑k\NOn\;(spå;pn\;tuic\ AT∑k\NOn\;(spå;pn\;tuic\ AT∑k\NOn\;tc\;(100)T∑k\rirn\ eSac\tc\;(100)T∑k\rirn\ eSac\tc\;(100)T∑k\rirn\ eSac\tc\;(100)T∑k\rirn\ eSac\tc\;(100)T∑k\rirn\ eSac\r∑k\rmv\. nv\;pvam¥a;)r∑k\rmv\. nv\;pvam¥a;)r∑k\rmv\. nv\;pvam¥a;)r∑k\rmv\. nv\;pvam¥a;)r∑k\rmv\. nv\;pvam¥a;)

5:25 pm7. Sing and enjoy

6:00 pm 8.Evening news6:30 pm 9.Weather report6:35 pm10. q^rieghaq^rieghaq^rieghaq^rieghaq^riegha7:00 pm11. Discovery7:15 pm12. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´


8:00 pm13. News14. International news15. Weather report16. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´´


17. The next day’sprogramme

Flood Bulletin(Issued at 12:30 hr MST on 14-10-2006)According to the (06:30) hr MST observation

today, the water level of Dokehtawady River at Myitngeis (1026) cm. It may remain above its danger level(870) cm during the next (72) hours commencing noontoday.

Visitors touch a lifelike silicon sculpture hand at an internationalconference on intelligent robots and systems at the International

Convention Center in Beijing on 13 Oct, 2006. — INTERNET

LONDON, 14 Oct — British police on Friday were investigating an assault on a senior CongoleseGovernment official, who said he was beaten with a baseball bat and stripped by a mob while ona trip to London.

Congolese official beaten, stripped in London

Leonard SheOkitundu, chief of staffto the President of theDemocratic Republic ofCongo, and other offi-cials were attacked onWednesday afternoon innorthwest London, aMetropolitan Policespokesman said.

“There were anumber of assaults...causing minor injuries tothe officials,” the spokes-man told Reuters.

Okitundu and HenriNswana, a former Con-golese ambassador toLondon, were taken tohospital for treatment, he

said. “No arrests (have

been made) at this stageand inquiries are continu-ing,” the spokesmanadded.

Okitundu told theGuardian newspaper heand two colleagues wereattacked by opponents of

incumbent PresidentJoseph Kabila as theyarrived at a television sta-tion following a meetingat the Foreign Office.

“They pulled me outof the car to beat and kickme. They took my jacketand my trousers, my shirtand my pants. Then theydragged me and left melying naked,” he said.

The gang of 20 stolehis briefcase, containinghis passport, money,credit cards and officialpapers, Okitundu said.

Pictures of his suit,Mont Blanc pen, businesscards of members of Par-liament (MPs) he had metand condoms that were inhis pocket were laterposted on the Internet, theGuardian reported, show-ing photographs of theimages. — MNA/Reuters

15-10-06NL 18/7/29, 1:57 PM15

Page 16: Constitution Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein greets members ... · PDF file5" Âk k \qa;m¥a; qn \s m \;P¥t \lt \qv \" 6" eq ; ... Senior Researcher Mr Konoshin Fukuma of JCIA gives

9th Waning of Thadingyut 1368 ME Sunday, 15 October, 2006

YANGON, 14 Oct — The following is thepresentation of the Panel of Chairmen on suggestionsof delegates concerning detailed basic principles forthe chapter “Region or State Hluttaws” to be includedin writing the State Constitution made at the PlenarySession of the National Convention held on 11 Octo-ber.Esteemed delegates,

At the Plenary Session of the National Conven-tion held on 15 December 2005, the Chairman of theNational Convention Convening Work Committeesaid, “I would like to present a collection of detailedbasic principles that should be adopted for the legisla-tive functions of the Region or State Hluttaws includedin formulating a new constitution.1. (a) The day the term of Region or State Hluttaws

comes into force is that of the Pyithu Hluttaw (b) The first regular session of Region or State

Hluttaws shall be convened within 15 daysafter the commencement of the term of theHluttaw

2. (a) The State Peace and Development Councilshall convene the first regular session of

Region or State Hluttaws after the Constitu-tion has come into force

(b) The Speaker of Region or State Hluttawswho continues to perform his duties in ac-

cordance with the provisions of the Consti-tution shall convene the first regular sessionfor the next term of Region or State Hluttaws

(See page 6)

U Kyaw Myo Win of Delegate Group ofWorkers presents suggestions of

NC delegates. — MNA

U Hla Myint of Delegate Group ofIntellectuals and Intelligentsia presents

suggestions of NC delegates. — MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct — Member of the StatePeace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin MaungThan yesterday morning arrived at Meenin creekbridge on the border between Yangon and BagoDivisions. He was welcomed there by Bago Divi-sion PDC Chairman Southern Command CommanderMaj-Gen Ko Ko, Vice-Chairman Col Sein Myint andofficials.

Next, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and partyviewed thriving paddy plantations and shade treesand Yangon-Pyay Road by car. Next, Lt-Gen KhinMaung Than met with departmental staff, membersof social organizations and local people at OkpoTownship PDC office. The township PDC chairmanreported on administrative, economic and social af-fairs. In his instructions, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Thansaid the cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy

Bago Division puts 530,000 acresunder monsoon paddy

Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than meets service personnel,local people in Okpo Township

has been on the increase year by year in Okpo town-ship. It is heartening that Bago Division was able tocultivate more acreage of paddy exceeding the tar-get of 3 million acres. The result comes out due tothe cooperative efforts of the townships in the divi-sion. Bago Division is the fourth largest producer ofmonsoon paddy and the third largest producer ofsummer paddy in the country. This year the divisionneeds to make efforts for the cultivation of 400,000

acres of summer paddy.He said the State has set the goal of producing

1,500 million baskets of paddy to be able to feed thegrowing population of the country. Therefore, all areurged to try their utmost for extended cultivation ofpaddy. Moreover, efforts are to be made for targetedcultivation of the 10 major crops and service personnelare to provide necessary assistance to local farmers

(See page 9)

Service personnel need to make field tripsright down to the grassroots in implement-ing the five rural development tasks.

The Chief Ministers should have the right tosend their opinions and hold discussions on the

bills passed by the Region or State HluttawsSuggestions of delegates concerning detailed basic principles for the

chapter “Region or State Hluttaws” presented to NC Plenary Session

15-10-06NL 18/7/29, 1:57 PM16

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