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Contacts in eTwinning Live

eTwinning Live Tutorials

Contacts in eTwinning Live

eTwinning Live is the biggest professional European social network for educators. As a such, offers the option

to participants to create contacts or/and to follow other teachers. What is more is the fact that to establish a

partnership and to create a project with another teacher is necessary to be part of your contacts.On the following,

step by step, tutorial is demonstrated the procedure to find teachers, add them as contact, follow them and send them


Step Image Description

Step 1

Once login to Twinspace click on the “PEOPLE” button on the main menu.

Step 2

In the new opened page, there are two options 1.To search for a teacher by name, key word etc. and to click on the button “SEARCH” or … 2.To click on “Need an extended search?” so as to open the advance search

Step 3

By clicking on the “Need an extended search?” new fields appear on the form to go to the extended search with many other criteria.

Step 4

By clicking the “SEARCH’ button all the available results, according to the previous choices, appear on the page with some elements of the profile of each teacher. By clicking on his/her name …

Step 5

…opens the teacher’s profile page where you can 1.Follow him/her 2.Send him/her a mail 3.Send him/her a contact request

When the teacher receives the contact request a notification will appear on the ICON MENU to accept or to reject that request. By accepting the request both teachers become part of each other's contacts.

Good Luck!!!

Petros Michailidis


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