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  • 7/28/2019 Contain Draft Two




    Prothos - Brite City

    Has it really been a year?

    Glancing at the clock by my window, I see that its almost noon.

    But there is no light coming in to my chamber. No light coming

    in through those dark shadows above.

    The days are growing darker.

    Theres a hollow feeling in my chest as I slowly get out of the

    cool soothing sheets of my bed. I hear the faint bustle of

    ongoing traffic and excited chatter of the city outside the tower.

    I dreamt of this day exactly one year ago. Imagining what my

    life would be like, dreaming of howIdbe like, how Ivechanged.

    Have I changed?

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    Its been a year since I turned Vehem, a Veyto with the ability of

    strength and speed. A year since I left my home behind and

    picked up a new one in Brite City, training relentlessly everyday

    to harness my ability to become a Protector.

    Its been a year since Ive spoken to my family.

    I dreamt of my mother last night. Her kind hazel eyes, caramel

    skin and tender hands over mine, trying to help me heal. Trying

    to help me attain the ability of the Hild. I tried so hard but I

    could never close a wound, never ease someones pain.

    I could never be her.

    I turned out to be quite different.

    I rub my tired, dry eyes and stretch my hands above my head. I

    slept in too long. Nik is probably waiting for me. We were

    planning on doing absolutely nothing together on our last day

    off before we get shipped off to our respective stations to train

    separately for the next year. The next phase in our training is to

    act as a second man to a working Protector in another city.

    I cant deny that Im a little nervous about this. Ive heard horror

    stories from the past, how the Protectors assigned for some of

    the Vehem-in-training were so harsh and so cruel to them that a

    lot of them just dropped out of the phase. They ended up

    becoming guards at the Walls or security officers at schools.

    They became B-rated Vehem.

    Something I dont want to be.

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    Theres a soft knock on my door and I swiftly turn around,

    already in defense mode. Sense hits me fast, knowing that it

    must just be one of the others, checking on me because I

    overslept. I slowly ease my shoulders and take a deep breath.Training has made me like this.

    Come in, I say. I dont think my voice has changed in all this

    time. Its still that sugary sweet tone the rest of my family has.

    The voice of a Hild.

    The door opens just a crack and my stomach does the smallest

    lunge when I see him walk in. Nik. Hes been my friend since

    the first day I arrived at Brite City of the Vehem. Hes the

    closest thing Ive ever come to family during this whole year.

    After each grueling day of training, we always had each other to


    As he makes his way in, I give him a small nod in greeting. He

    eyes are dark and he has a tall, brooding build of a Vehem that I

    always feared before gaining my ability. But now its familiar.

    Now its home.

    Niks black hair is still damp from a shower, and his dark green

    shirt brings out the green in his tough, but warm green eyes.

    They look from me to outside my window.

    Well, its a beautiful morning isnt? He asks drily, the smallest

    grin curving over his lips.

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    Couldnt be prettier, I reply, imitating his tone. Perfect for a

    picnic, no?

    He laughs faintly, still looking out the window, and then meets

    my gaze. Last day of freedom.

    My smile fades, Dont say that. It wont be that terrible.

    Well, he says softly. That all depends, doesnt it?

    I hesitate. This isnt the kind of attitude Officer Sider--head of

    the Vehem training unit--has been telling us to have. We should

    be determined to face whatever we need to. Defiant against any

    anxiety we might be feeling.

    He inhales sharply. Things arent going to be the same


    I offer him a small smile which he doesnt return. This is harder

    for him than it is for me. Nik was born Vehem. He was born intothis. His father is a Vehem Commander. His life has pretty much

    always been this. Hes neverhad to leave home. Hes never had

    to leave everything he loves behind.

    Like me.

    It gets easier, I say, my voice as soft as feathers. Youll be

    surprised how quickly youll adjust.

    Some of the warmth comes back into his eyes and he smiles at

    me. I see his appreciation at my attempt to console him. I


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    Good, I give him a sidelong glance. Stop worrying.

    Im not worried, he states.

    I shake my head and smile. Sure.

    Im... His voice trails off. He chews the inside of his mouth. A

    gesture Ive learned of his when he meanders deep into his

    anxious thoughts. Im not worried, he repeats weakly. He

    keeps his eyes averted from me.

    I take a step closer. Come on. I thought we were going to enjoy

    our last day here?

    His eyes still dont meet mine. We are. When they finally do,

    I see pure dread. They skirt up from my chin to my forehead. He

    opens his mouth to speak but then quickly clasps it shut. His lips

    stay tightly pressed and his eyes bore into mine.

    My cheeks flush heat from this sudden tension. What? I blurtout.

    Nothing, he says, his voice turns casual instantly, though I can

    still sense an undercurrent of something else. Something hes

    keeping from me. We should go, come on. Uki and Comme

    have been waiting at GC.

    Im not convinced. I know him too well. What? I demand


    He sighs, running his hand through his wavy hair. Nothing,

    Ava. What are you talking about?

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    I continue to give him the look of death. Tell me.

    Theres nothing to tell, he shoots back, he sounds annoyed

    now. Theyre all waiting for us, lets go. We dont have that

    much time before the assembly.

    I clench my fists. Ill find out eventually, I suppose.

    Stop being so difficult.

    Stop hiding whatever it is youre hiding from me.

    He shakes his head and walks out of the room. Get dressed. Illmeet you there.

    Exasperated, I slam the door after him.


    As soon as I step outside the tower, a cold gust of wind slaps me

    in the face. I frown. I remember the days when this time of year

    used to be warm and humid, with light trickling from the clouds

    and Headings beautiful melodies trailing in from the pearly

    white trees.

    Those days existed a long time ago. When the Contain was not

    so close to the endpoint. Those days are likely never to return.

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    The tall glass buildings loom drearily in the air. Point Drives

    whiz by. Sharets zoom above.

    A normal day, and like any other, I feel this consternation in the

    atmosphere. In the Veytos passing by. We all just want to go

    about living our lives without having to worry about the near

    future. A life thats not tinged with the uncertainty that we could

    all be destroyed in 96 days.

    But we cant. Not until those 96 days are up.

    Not until hes destroyed.

    Miss Divine. A soft voice from behind me. I turn around and

    see Joi, hauling a huge sack over her shoulder. Her clothes are

    ratty and her hair looks like it hasnt been washed in days. Her

    magenta eyes brighten as soon as they set on me. She was

    destined to be a Vehem, but never attained her ability. She is

    labeled a Disabled now.

    Joi! Where are you off to? I say gleefully. She and I formed

    an unlikely friendship during my training. I guess this is because

    I dont look at her like dirt as most Veytos do.

    This was my fear for the longest time, to be disabled. All Veytos

    must attain their ability by age 18 or theyd end up like this. A


    Just doing my wash rounds, Joi says sweetly with a shy shrug.

    I should have dressed a little warmer though! Where are you


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    Oh, just heading over to GC for a bit before the assembly.

    Her expression turns solemn. Do you need help packing, my


    I smile and shake my head. I think Im all set. Thank you

    though. Will I see you for a bit after the assembly? I know Ill

    need help washing the make-up off.

    She nods and laughs, Of course my lady. Hope Frida does a

    good job painting up your face. Want to dazzle the

    Commanders son, no? On your last night?

    She bursts into a fit of giggles at my reaction. Which is

    completely stupefied.

    Dont be ridiculous, Joi. I say, feeling my face turn red. I try

    to laugh it off. What in the name of Zane is she implying?

    She finally stops laughing and sighs. I will miss you dearly,Miss Divine.

    I grin. Joi, how many times have I told you to just call me


    Not enough, Im afraid.

    A wave sadness comes over me then, will I ever see Joi again

    after Im assigned?

    Ill miss you too Joi. I say with a sigh.

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    With that, I jog over to the main road and prepare myself to

    launch through the streets of Brite City to the Green Compound,

    where Nik and the others are waiting for me.

    I bend my knees and breathe in and out two times. The next

    second, Im zooming down the road, my peripheral vision

    completely blurred out. I hear nothing but the popping in my

    ears and can barely feel the hard cement under my feet as I pick

    up speed. Exhilaration floods my veins and I find myself


    In this moment, nothing else exists. Just me and this ability that I

    was graced with.

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    EarthNew York City

    I wake to the sound of my brother crying and the clanking of

    dishes from the kitchen. I glance over at the clock. 6:30 PM.

    Damn, Ive been passed out for over three hours, more sleep

    than Ive had in weeks. Those sleeping pills my mother gave me

    really did the trick.

    I sit up and stretch my arms above my head, yawning loudly. I

    pick up my cell phone and smile to myself when I see her text.

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    I was just thinking about that night we pranked my parents into

    believing I was pregnant. Cant stop laughing, and this is BAD

    because Im in class. I miss you so much it hurts.

    Katie. The love of my life for the past five years. Shes a year

    older than me so shes already away at college in Boston. Shes

    been gone for two weeks. The empty feeling of not having her

    around is truly becoming overwhelming. God, I miss her too.

    I text her back, telling her exactly that. That I miss her and that

    might be the reason I cant sleep. I close my eyes and imagine

    her face, her deep blue eyes and the way her nose crinkled when

    she laughed.


    Finally, I get out of bed and throw on a white t-shirt. I get a

    glance of myself in the mirror, my brown hair is up on weird

    angles on my head, and dark circles are under my bloodshoteyes. Im going to show up to this party looking like shit.

    Well, good morning. My mother says sarcastically, though her

    eyes are warm. Her blonde hair is tied up in a messy bun on the

    top of her head, and her eyes are an emerald green. We look

    nothing alike. Were not related. I was adopted when I was 6

    months old.

    My mother turns back to a sink full of dishes. Those pills are

    miraculous, arent they?

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    I smile and yawn. Give me five more. I wanna be zonked out til


    No way, Jose. My mother says without looking at me. Youd

    be zonked out til December.

    She puts a clean plate on the counter. Have some dinner and go

    back to bed.

    Ive got Janets party, I reply, taking the plate anyway and

    filling it with mashed potatoes and peas. When my mother gives

    me that exasperated look I pucker my lips in innocence. I wontbe out too late. Promise.

    You need to get some rest, James. You look like a zombie.

    Thanks, mom. Thanks. I glance over at my 6 year old brother,

    Jared, who is sitting at the table. A pile of uneaten food is sitting

    on his plate, and he sniffles, staring at it. The heck you cryin

    about? I ask, stuffing a forkful of potatoes into my mouth.

    Jared gives me a sour look and then a new batch of tears pour

    from his eyes and he starts wailing again. My mother groans and

    shakes her head. You know how your brother is about peas.

    Awwww, I say in mock-sympathy. I mimic Jareds sad face

    and walk over to him. Bud, I always eat peas. You know why?Jared shakes his head, still sobbing. Because, they make you

    handsome! I move my head side to side and run my hands

    through my thick wavy hair. How do you think all this


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    James, please, my mother says through her laughter.

    Im serious, I say to her, and then direct my attention back to

    Jared. Surely you believe in magic?

    Jared wipes his eyes. Magic peas?


    Mom never told me they were magic. He shoots my mother

    and accusatory glance.

    I narrow my eyes playfully at my mother. Mom is full of lies.You cant trust her.

    My mother shakes her head as she continues to wash the dishes.

    Alright, alright. Im telling you now Jared. Those peas She

    wipes away a strand of hair from her forehead with the back of

    her hand. Are the reason your stupid brother is so damn

    handsome, okay? Now eat up.

    I smirk at Jared as he starts to shovel spoons of peas into his

    mouth. But then my smile fades when I turn to ask my mother a


    Wheres Dad?

    She hesitates for a second too long before she responds.

    Working late again.

    Hmm, I say drily.

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    My mother sighs. When she turns to look at me, theres an

    undeniable sadness in her eyes. She gives me a knowing look.

    Please dont.

    I wish I could say I have as good of a relationship with my

    father as I do with my Mom. I dont. Hes not around enough for

    me to have. My parents can barely make it a few days before

    hurtling into a row. My Dad has gotten angrier, less patient

    while arguing with Mom. A few times when Ive witnessed the

    fights, I swear my Dad was close to getting physical with her.

    Maybe its best hes been working so late. I shrug and get up to

    my feet. I should get going.

    She turns away from me again. Please dont come home too

    late, James.

    Before I leave the kitchen, I walk over to my mother. Her back

    is still to me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her hair. Iwont. Love you.

    As I exit, I wink at Jared and ruffle his hair.

    Its late autumn in Brooklyn and I feel a cool breeze through my

    t-shirt. The leaves on the trees are almost gone, and all this does

    is remind me that those days of summer are drifting further and

    further into the past. Those hot, bright days of humidity. Hearing

    that God-awful tune of the icecream truck through my window

    all hours of the day, and simply seeing the faces of New York

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    City look a little happier; theres always a little more warmth in

    their eyes in the summer.

    But mostly, it reminds me of Katie. It reminds me of how she

    looked when the sun struck her golden hair. How she would tie

    it up in one of those crazy buns as she complained about how

    muggy it was. It reminds me of how we would spend hours at

    Coney Island Beach, the heat of her skin

    It reminds me of how those days are over.

    Theyre not over, I scold myself. Christmas is only a few monthsaway.

    I continue to walk on towards the subway station. There arent

    too many people in sight around me.

    Thats why I spin around in alarm when I hear someone whisper

    something close behind me. I freeze. Theres no one there.

    A chill runs down my spine.

    I frown, What the hell?

    Could that have been my imagination? Was that a whisper? It

    sounded like it. I heard someone say something. One word. I

    stand there for a few more minutes, trying to decide if Im just

    crazy, if this lack of sleep is messing with my head.

    I then turn on my heel and hop up the subway station steps.

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    OY! JAMES! I hear someone call my name as soon as I enter

    Janets crowded apartment. The stench of sweat and alcohol fills

    my nose and the air is heavy with moisture. I see nothing but

    bodies swaying to a deafeningly loud beat that I can feel in mychest.

    Gotta love house parties.


    James, youre here!

    More voices. They come from the familiar girls I always see at

    these things. Snapping their gum and sipping on their little girly


    All of their eyes are hungry. Hungrier ever since Katie left.

    I cant say I hate the attention. But I cant even think twice about

    getting with any of them.

    I smooth my hands through my hair and scan the room,

    looking for Janet and Casey. I grin at several others who say

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    hello to me. I make my way over to the kitchen where I run into

    a girl I didnt expect to be here.


    Hey, she says anxiously. Ive caught her off guard.

    How are you? I ask, and I can see the concern in my voice

    instantly irritates her. Shes not going to want to talk about this

    now. Not here. Im just so surprised to see her.

    Im fine, she replies curtly.

    Really? I think to myself.After catching you almost jump off the

    school building just a week ago, Im sure youre not fine.

    She looks different. Her eyes are smoky with dark eyeshadow

    and her lips are a deep shade of red. She looks nothing like she

    did that day. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Her pale

    blonde hair stuck to her wet cheeks. Now it waves gently aroundher face, framing her jaw.

    I say something before she notices how distracted I am by how

    pretty she looks.

    Im glad you came tonight. Janets are always ragers.

    She forces a smile as she looks around. I can clearly see that.

    Can I get you something to drink? I ask.

    Her eyes widen, as if I just asked her to marry me. Sure.

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    Alright, Im getting you a beer. I say. Dont protest. Theres

    no way Im coming back with a cranberryvodka.

    She laughs, looking down at the floor. Beers fine.

    I wink at her. Ill be right back.

    Maybe she is doing better. The fact that she came to a

    social event does say a lot. Liv has always been the loner. The

    girl that always kept to herself.

    I wonder why she wanted to jump. I never found out. After

    I grabbed her from behind and hauled her back onto the roof,

    she shoved me away and looked at me only for a split second.

    Then she bolted.

    Maybe she can tell me tonight. Maybe I can be the friend

    she needs.

    When I make it to the table that is completely covered inalcoholic beverages, I run into Casey, my best friend. Hes

    tearing it up on the dance floor. He stops immediately when he

    notices me.

    Sheesh, there you are, says Casey. His dark skin is glistening

    with sweat and he wears a ridiculous looking pink bandana over

    his head. I rip it from his hair when hes close enough.

    What the hell is this? I ask as I fling it at his chest.

    He clutches the bandana in his hand. Trying out a new look.

    Ifnew means 2002 then okay.

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    Shut up. Did you see Janet?

    No, not yet. I say as I pick up a beer and pop open the cap.

    She looks hot. You better get on that tonight.

    I glare at him. I truly hate some of the things that come out of

    his mouth. Though, its nothing different from what most guys I

    know say.

    Definitely not, I say as I try to get around him to get back to

    Liv. I hold two beer bottles in my hand.

    Oh come on, James.

    Get out of my way.

    When are you going to stop being such a gentleman? Sheesh.

    When are you going to stop being so damn disgusting?

    He rolls his eyes and starts to walk off. Always the nice guy,he snorts. And then you wonder why you never get laid.

    I feel heat rush up to my head. I dont know why his comment

    gets me so agitated but it does. Casey always talks to me like

    this but I usually never let it bother me. Why is it bugging me so

    much right now?

    You think I would ever do something like to Kate?

    He snorts again. No. But Im sure shed do it to you. Shes

    been dying to get out of town. Hell, Im sure shes screwing

    someones brains out this very minute.

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    This sets me off.

    An animal-like rumble explodes from my mouth and I lunge on

    him. The two beer bottles I was holding crash onto the floor and

    glass shatters everywhere. Blinded by rage, my hands grasp

    around his throat. His eyes widen in pure shock and he struggles

    to pry my hands off him.

    I growl again, anger boiling inside me like an incredible fire. I

    feel heat crawl up my veins and want nothing but to crush

    Caseys skull with my bare hands.

    Theres silence for a split second while everyone registers

    whats going on. A high pitch ringing starts in my ears.

    Then I hear FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! from everyone

    around me. This knocks me back into reality. The rage flushes

    out of my system almost instantaneously and I loosen my grip

    from Caseys throat. He coughs and stares at me in horror.

    I stagger back. What have I done?I cant even remember what

    Casey said that got me so pissed off.

    What the-- Casey says between coughing. What the hell is

    wrong with you?!

    He stares at me like hes never stared at me before. Like no onehas ever stared at me before.

    He stares at me in fear.

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    We are standing in the middle of a circle that has formed. Center

    staged. I feel everyones eyes on me. I feel their surprise.

    James Carson has never been in a fight. James Carson would

    never hurt a fly.

    Im just as surprised as they are.

    Because I almost just killed my best friend.



    Prothos - Brite City

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    Theyre having racing duels. I see them through the large

    metallic fence that I carefully crawl under to get into the GreenCompound. This is an abandoned, closed off compound that

    most Vehem-in-training hang out at during off hours.

    Ava! Finally! Nik calls out to me. Uki and Comme wave at

    me before they become nothing but blurs of black as they zoom

    through the open field. Ukis bright red hair is blinding as she

    soars to the end of the Compound. I cant help but laugh when Isee Comme, her boyfriend, lagging slightly behind. He can

    never win against Uki in a race duel.

    Feeling a bit winded from my journey here, I glide over slowly

    to Nik, who is sitting on the dirt with his legs outstretched in

    front of him, watching Uki and Comme race with a grin on his

    face. His eyes are warm when he turns to me.

    Are we next? I ask him.

    Sure are, he responds in a mischievous way. Are you up for

    the challenge?

    I narrow my eyes at him and he starts laughing. He puts his

    hands up in surrender. Stupid question, he says.

    The corners of my mouth twitch as I turn to watch Uki and

    Comme drift further and further away from us. Im recognized

    to be one of the fastest runners in my training unit. I also passed

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    my evaluations with highest scores, being the best fighter

    too. This was shocking to many, as they all thought I didnt

    have it in me. They all thought Id fail. That a girl born into a

    Hild family would never survive Vehem training.

    My drive to prove them all wrong made me win. Made me better

    than all of them.

    My father asked me to go into this office before the Ceremony.

    Told me theres something important he needs to tell me before

    I leave. Nik looks apprehensive again, the way he did earlier in

    my room. This must have been whats bothering him.

    About what I wonder? I mutter.

    Nik shrugs, expressionless. I dont even want to think

    about it.

    Niks father, the Commander, is the most vicious trainer at the

    Compound. Hes relentless and cruel and condescending. Even

    though Nik is doing extremely well, his father still hounds him

    and beats him for not being good enough. It makes me so angry.

    I stay silent and watch him. His jaw is clenched and he

    keeps his eyes straight ahead toward Comme and Uki, who have

    not yet returned from their duel. Theyre probably getting

    intimate somewhere beyond the trees. It wouldnt surprise me.

    Its their last day together anyway.

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    I cant wait for it to be over Ava, Nik says with a sudden

    intensity. His voice gripped with emotion. Im just so sick of


    My eyes instantly move to that spot along his jaw. The faint

    black and blue that never seems to fade.

    Here we are, able Vehem that are trained to fight and that

    are graced with indescribable strength and speed. But some of us

    still deal with this. Some of us are still too weak.

    I know, my voice is barely audible.

    Im not afraid to leave, he declares a little louder. Im

    ready to go. I dont care if I never see this God-forsaken city

    again. I-- His eyes meet mine and soften automatically. I can

    see the thought crashing into him as quickly as it does to me.

    Well never see each other again either. This bond that

    weve formed. This friendship. Nik is the closest thing to family

    Ive had since leaving Manilo City behind.

    I smile sadly and look away. He doesnt continue.

    We then hear the loud zapping sound of Uki and Comme

    returning. We both rise to our feet as they arrive. They send a

    gust of wind in our direction as they stop.

    Are you guys ready? Uki says, bouncing on her heels.

    She brushes her long hair out of her face, her cheeks are flushed

    and match her blood-red lips. Comme, standing next to her,

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    wraps his huge muscular arms around her and she yelps

    excitedly as he picks her up.

    I look questioningly at Nik, who Im sure isnt in the mood

    to have a duel. We should finish our conversation.

    We dont have that much time left to talk.

    He doesnt look at me, and smiles his widest at the two of

    them, Of course. He says, the grief on his face completely

    melted away. He would never show his vulnerability to them,

    even though hes known them longer.

    These deep dark parts of his life he only shares with me.

    I lift an eyebrow at him. Sure?

    He snorts, Im ready to take on the challenge, Ava


    My cheeks flush when he calls me darling. It happens

    every time he does so, for no apparent reason I can give you.

    Go for it, Says Comme in his deep brooding voice. Uki is

    now perched on his back, her hands resting on Commes buzzed

    down hair.

    I wonder how they must feel, knowing that theyll be

    separated for so long after today. Uki and Comme are practically

    joined at the hip. Theyre also the only two, including Nik, who

    are my friends here. They dont see me as an outsider as most

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    Vehem do because of where Ive come from, despite even my

    high ranking now.

    A lump in my throat forms, as I take in my surroundings. This

    familiar place I called home for the last year. These people, my

    friends. I will have to say goodbye to them just like I had to say

    goodbye to my family. What will come for my next transition in

    life? Will I make new friends, fall in love, and then end up

    saying goodbye to them too?

    Is all of life going to be like this? An endless pattern of

    friendships forming and disbanding?

    Nik takes my arm then, his touch giving me comfort, and

    leads me away from Comme and Uki. The look in his eyes tells

    me that he can read these thoughts of mine. He can always sense

    my sadness. Sometimes, I feel that he and I are one. When he

    removes his hand from my arm, I suddenly feel cold from the

    absence of his touch. I want to feel it again.

    How much painful will this be when we say goodbye


    When we start our race duel, I forget it all.


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    Frida paints up my face just as I expected her to when I make it

    back into my room. Shes one of the stylists here, assigned to

    me. Shes a Wick, a Veyto with the ability of enchantment. She

    uses her enchantments for getting us dressed up for every specialoccasion weve had for the last year. I hate putting make-up on

    my face. It feels weird and foreign, like Im wearing a mask. I

    dont feel like myself, even if I have the slightest bit on.

    Frida is slender and beautiful with a heavy coat of makeup on

    herself. Her lips are dark purple and her eyelids are a shimmery

    gold. She always looks flawless. I never envy her though.

    I really dont care about looking beautiful.

    Shes more annoyed than usual today since I showed up late to

    my chamber where she was already waiting for a good half hour.

    Nik, Comme and Uki and I spent the rest of the day having race

    duels, combat matches, and lying on the ground reminiscing

    everything from our year together.

    When we came back to the tower, we were absolutely filthy. My

    long willowy black hair was tangled beyond reason with leaves

    and God knows what else in it. I was also caked in mud from a

    crazy combat match that I had with Nik (which I won of course).

    Frida practically shoved me into the shower, (with surprising

    force) and told me that she doesnt want a single fleck of dirt on


    While in the shower, I scrubbed as hard as I could at my body,

    and then ended up just sinking down to the floor, my knees to

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    my chest and my arms gripping around them tightly. The grief

    of the day came crashing down hard on me with just as much

    pressure of the luio raining down on me from above. I let myself

    go. I cried until there was nothing left to cry about. I cried nowso I wouldnt have to cry later.

    Its time to say goodbye. Its time to move on to the next phase

    of my life. I was able to be the strongest in my unit here, I can be

    the strongest in my unit anywhere.

    I will not forget Nik. Hes my friend. My best friend. My brother.

    This is not goodbye forever. Only for a while. Distance will not

    end our friendship.

    Its going to be okay.

    Its all going to be okay.

    I promised this to myself and rose to my feet. I scrubbed away

    faster when I heard Frida banging on my door and yelling for me

    to hurry up.

    The sky is completely black when I make it to the courtyard

    outside of the assembly room. All Veytos in my unit are lined up

    outside, waiting for our cue to start entering in. Everyones

    friends and families are inside waiting for us to enter. Theyre

    all ready to congratulate their sons and daughters for making it

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    through their first year of training. Theyre all ready to say

    goodbye to them, to wish them well before starting Phase 2.

    I feel relieved in a way, knowing that my family is not in there. I

    dont have to deal with what everyone else here I sense is

    dreading: Saying goodbye to their parents. Ive already gotten

    that over with.

    I squint my eyes to try to find the back of Niks head from the

    dozens of heads in line front of me waiting to go inside. But its

    difficult, its too dark and we all wear too dark clothing. The

    lanterns floating a few feet above us does not provide enough

    light to make him out among the others.

    Nik is glad to be leaving. He wont have any trouble saying

    goodbye to his father. Hell feel relief.

    Something sharp jabs me in my lower back and I jump up and

    spin around. I see her. Her toothy, evil grin.


    Shes had it out for me since day one of training. Her and her

    flock of girlfriends used to make my life a living hell when I

    first started out. Played mean pranks on me, like unleashing

    hicos in my room. I woke to find their little slimy bodies

    festering away at my flesh. I had scars for weeks and a horrible

    allergic reaction.The itch was so horrible that I actually felt it

    inside my bones. After that, they kept calling me Ferchy, a

    racial slur typically used against the Hild.

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    I remember another bully back when I lived in Manilo City. He

    was a Wick who used to call me the same thing. But he never

    hurt me the way Rayu and the others did. He confessed that he

    secretly liked me the whole time.

    I dont think Rayu likes me.

    I keep glaring at Rayu, at her glassy amber eyes and her fat

    nose. Shes got pounds and pounds of make-up on. I guess she

    needs it. Her hair is tied up in a greasy updo. She looks


    She turns and sniggers with her friends when she sees the look

    of death Im giving her.

    Is there a problem? Turn around, Werchy.

    I open my mouth to spit a remark at her but I stop. I always stop.

    Still, to this day, I hear my fathers voice in my head. When

    you get riled up and angry, they win. When you fight back, its

    what they want. Befriend the person who insults you. Love the

    person that hurts you.

    I clench my teeth and turn around to face the front. Im not a

    Hild. I should fight back. I shouldnt believe what my father


    I could snap her body in half without blinking twice.

    But I cant.

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    A crack of thunder suddenly vibrates the ground beneath our

    feet. I flinch back automatically and peer up to the sky.

    No storm clouds. Just a pitch black sky with a bright moon. The

    perimeters are a blood red.

    Doesnt look like a chance of rain.

    A shiver runs down my spine. I shouldnt even have to wonder.

    Its Zane. Its the Contain wearing off. I can feel his presence,

    along with everyone else on Prothos. We feel him the way you

    feel someone staring at you from across the room.

    Hes waiting to return.

    96 days.

    Everyone around me has gone quiet. After a few moments, I see

    Vehem leaders, our trainers, pacing back and forth from the

    giant grey building where the assembly room is, to the end ofthe line where we are. Theyre murmuring under their breath to

    one another, and I see the look of panic in some of their eyes.

    Something has happened. Something theyre not telling us yet.

    Something bad.

    I crane my neck over the other Vehem, trying to find Nik. But I

    still cant see him anywhere. I just need him to look at me

    reassuringly, to silently tell me that everything is going to be

    okay. I need to do the same for him if hes afraid.

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    I sigh and look down to the ground. Whats the point? After

    tonight we wont be able to do this. To find each other and

    comfort one another.

    I might as well start getting used to it.

    And then, as if nothing happened at all, I hear the sound of

    orchestra playing the Vehem anthem and Niks fathers voice

    from a loud amplifier coming out from the assembly room.

    Ladies and gentleman, let us now introduce our newly trained

    Vehem! Please rise for their Phase 1 commemoration!



    Earth - New York City

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    Theyve been knocking on the door for the past twenty minutes.

    Different voices came and went, calling my name, asking if Iwas alright. Told me to come out.

    He wouldnt accept my millions of apologies. Casey was still

    looking at me like a monster.

    I should have just left. I should have just walked out the front

    door and gone straight home.

    But I didnt. I locked myself up in one of the bedrooms. From

    the looks of it, it looks like Janets room.

    There are a lot of posters of Johnny Depp on the wall.

    Definitely Janets room.

    I walk over to the door and slump down against it. What the hellhappened back there? Why couldnt I keep it together? I have

    never been so angry in my life. Ive never been halfas angry all

    my life.

    I suddenly feel sick.

    I reminded myself of a lot of my father.

    I pull out my phone and dial Katies number, praying that

    she would pick up. I need to hear her voice, it will bring me

    back at ease. I close my eyes and hear it ring over and over


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    But she doesnt pick up.

    Casey? Are you still in there? Its Janets voice. I should

    probably answer for her. I cant just hijack her room like this. I

    slowly rise to my feet and unlock the door. As soon as I do, Im

    in intoxicated by the scent of berry perfume and alcohol as Janet

    stumbles in.

    Jeez. Were you going to stay here all night? Her voice is

    slurred. Shes wearing a top thats showing too much cleavage

    for me not to stare down at her chest and her brown hair is

    sweeping past her shoulders in dark waves. She smiles

    seductively at me and I dont stop her from closing the door

    behind her.

    I was just leaving, I say, jamming my hands in my pockets.

    She shoves me away from the door. Hard. Stay.

    I really shouldnt--

    Its about time you kicked the crap out of Casey. Hes been in

    need of a good beating.

    I glare at her. I didnt kick the crap out of anyone. I just...I just

    lost my temper.

    She rolls her eyes and laughs. Whatever.

    I should go.

    Youre staying.

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    I lift my eyebrows at her. No, Im not. Im leaving.

    She laughs again, that high-pitched annoying sound. I hate it

    when shes drunk. I know you want to stay.

    I try to hold down my own laughter as I try to keep my eyes

    focused on her face. I really dont. Ill see you on Monday,


    No, she says. She then hurtles her body onto mine, and

    wrestles me onto the bed. I feel her soft curves on top of me and

    I struggle not to wrap my arms around her and just go for it.

    Ive missed this. Feeling the warmth of another person pressed

    so close to me. To feel connected with someone else. To feel the

    ache of loneliness recede with every touch...every kiss...

    But I cant.


    And plus, whatever this is. I cant do this to Janet. It wouldnt

    mean anything. In the end I would just break her heart.

    Im not an animal.

    Get off me Janet.

    She starts kissing my neck.

    Ugh, I say as I try to push her off me.

    Come on, shes insistent.

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    No, I say with a little more force. She stops automatically

    and finally has a look into my eyes. She comes off me and steps

    back. Seething.

    I climb off the bed. Come on Janet. Ill see you Monday,


    Casey told me you wanted to...that you wanted--

    Casey told you what?

    He told me that you-- She cuts herself off and shakes her

    head furiously. Forget it. Youre a jerk. Get out of my room,


    Oh, come on, what makes me a jerk now? I ask. The

    slow boil of anger starts in me again.

    Part of me is telling me to comfort her. To tell her sorry for the

    miscommunication and for Casey lying to her about me sayingsuch a thing. This is something I would do.

    But part of me just wants to slap her for calling me a jerk.

    I like you, James. She says suddenly, looking to the floor.

    Her voice cracks at my name. Even through the alcohol, I can

    tell this took courage.

    I should tell her that I like her too, but as a friend. I should

    tell her that my heart is with Katie, the beautiful blonde who left

    me for Boston. I should tell her that shell find someone else

    great that would be right for her.

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    But I dont.

    Youre pathetic. I say instead, looking her up and down.

    My voice a nasty, disgusting thing that doesnt sound like me at


    I see the shock and hurt in her face.

    And then I just leave.


    I feel terrible after what happened with Janet. The guilt almost

    swallowed me whole as I left the party. A swarm of faces,

    familiar and unfamiliar called out my name, asking me where I

    was going, if I was okay, if I needed a drink. They all seemed

    quick to forgive my actions against Casey. It wasn't anything too

    terrible anyway, was it? I didn't hurt him. If anything it just

    made me look tough, more appealing.

    The thought makes me sick.

    I smiled good naturedly at all of them as I left, smoothing myhair back with my hands, keeping my shoulders back and

    staying composed. I tried to look for Casey but I couldn't seem

    to find him anywhere. I'll just call him tomorrow. He's my best

    friend. Surely he'll forgive me for this.

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    And Janet...

    I don't know about Janet.


    When I get home, I hear shouting from upstairs.

    My Dad is home.

    Jared is on the floor of the living room, asleep. He has his arms

    wrapped around his knees, and his face is contorted, as if he's

    having a nightmare. My heart sinks at this. He must have crept

    down here because the shouting was keeping him up. He's

    terrified of my father, he never even speaks to him. I flinch

    when I hear something heavy thud above me and hear my

    father's voice boom even louder. Cursing, swearing, it's all I

    hear. He sounds like a beast. Jared wakes up from this and sits

    upright right away. His eyes wide and alert, peering up to the

    ceiling. He doesn't even notice me standing there.

    "Jared," I say softly.

    His head snaps in my direction.

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    "It's okay," I whisper as I tiptoe over to him. I pick him up,

    wrapping my arms around his shaky body. I then sink onto the

    couch, Jared grips onto me tighter. He

    nestles his head at my neck.


    "I know."

    "But --"

    "Shhh." I rock him back and forth. "Sleep."

    He sobs silently, his tear drops drip onto my t-shirt.

    I hush him again, rubbing his back.

    "I hate him," he says quietly.

    I want to say,No, don't hate him. He's your father Jared. He

    might make you angry. But you should never say you hate him.He's not perfect.

    But I don't say that.

    A small furnace wells up in my chest again when I hear him call

    her a "bitch".

    "I hate him too," I whisper back.


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    That night I have my first nightmare.

    There's a faint light, a bright orb, coming at me from a distance.

    Around it is nothing but darkness. I look down at my feet. I can't

    see my body.

    I hear music.

    A simple melody of string instruments. I hear it like it's coming

    from far away. Like I'm outside of the building from where it's

    coming from.

    It's a catchy tune. I recognize it. Where have I heard this before?

    I hear voices. I hear laughter. The sound echoes all around me.

    The sound of happiness, of joy, of celebration. It grates at my

    brain. It agitates me.

    I want it to stop.

    I want their happiness to stop.


    I growl.

    The sound is a fierce, terrifying thing. It rumbles and quakes the

    ground beneath my feet which I cannot see.

    The laughter stops, there's silence. They've heard me.

    I feel a smile form on my face. A smile of satisfaction.

    They're afraid of me.

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    Pain strikes my body suddenly, like sharp daggers are piercing

    straight through my skin to my bones. I crouch down to the

    floor. I try to cry out but I can't. I can't take the pain. It's too

    much. I can't move. It pins me in place. I feel like I'm in a smallglass box of agony.


    When I wake up. I'm on my couch, with Jared asleep in my




    Prothos - Brite City

    My uneasiness has not faltered at all as we make our grand

    entrance into the Assembly Room. The blaring anthem fills my

    ears and tries to drown out any fears or confusion from the

    rumble that weve all heard just a few moments ago.

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    The Assembly room is nothing short of grandiose. The walls are

    made out of glass and multi-colored ornate light fixtures are

    mounted from the high ceilings. I look up to see the balcony full

    of smiling and cheering families. I picture just for a briefmoment, my own family smiling down at me. How different

    they would appear in contrast to the Vehem around them. They

    would be wearing their white lab coats, all three of them, my

    mother, my father, my older brother Profin. Its all I can

    remember them wearing. They spent all of their time in the

    healing lab.I picture my fathers solemn face, my mothers soft smile, Profin

    carefully observing the Vehem around him.

    I look away from the balcony.

    I wish they were here.

    We are ushered into our seats. A huge stage stands before us anda blinding spotlight above it shines down over all of the Vehem

    trainees. I squint and see several of the training leaders lined up

    on the stage, all wearing their fancy robes, and looking a lot

    more pleasant than they usually did during training. Behind

    them, I notice a taller dark figure emerge from the deep purple

    curtains. His strides are intimidating, frightening, and though he

    is smiling, he makes my body go cold.

    Commander Sider. Niks father.

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    He walks over to the podium and patiently waits for the rest of

    the Vehem to find their seats. The orchestra continues to play

    and I hear nothing but shouts of happiness from behind me.

    I havent felt this in a while. Celebration.

    I wish I could feel a swell of pride, of joy. Something that we

    should be feeling for having accomplished the brutal stage of

    training. But I dont. I feelnothing. I dont feel a single thing

    after letting it out all through my tears in the shower.

    I just want this all to be over with. I want to find out where Imassigned and just go. Just face whatever the unknown is after

    this already.

    Im ready to face anything.

    I look around me, trying to spot Nik, but I dont. Why

    didnt we just meet each other before the assembly?

    I let Frida go as far as she wanted with enhancing my face

    this time, since it would be the last time she would ever do my

    make-up. My eyelashes are twice as thick and long as they

    naturally are, and she painted my lids with a shimmery pink

    color. She finished off the look with making my lips a deep red.

    When I looked into the mirror, the girl staring back at me was

    pretty much unrecognizable to me, which is why I hated to wear

    make-up in the first place.

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    But some part of me liked the way I looked. I liked thatFrida smiled to herself when she saw her finished Wick make-up


    Something told me that I looked beautiful.

    Something makes me want Nik to see me like this.

    Commander Sider interrupts this sudden alarming thought

    of mine.

    My dear Veytos, he says, his voice booming across the

    grand room. His voice is exuberant, a suitable tone for the

    ceremony, but even from all the way back here from where Im

    sitting, I can see something else in him. I see the darkness. The

    darkness that never seems to fade from his face. The smile that

    never seems to reach his eyes.

    He smiled even when he saw us suffer in the training room.

    The haunting memory of his dead eye smile comes to me

    suddenly, sending a shiver down my spine.

    The day I suffered.

    I saw nothing in his eyes

    I blink the thought out of mind.

    The cruelty of that day made me want to be brave, made me

    determined to never feel that way again.


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    I keep my head up high, as high as the others seated around

    me, and I listen to Commander Sider go on and on about the

    resilience that he saw in all of us for the past year.

    Now if I may have your immediate attention, he says. He

    takes in a sharp breath and lifts his head up towards the ceiling.

    A gesture that Nik seems to have adopted from him. Theres

    sudden silence in the hall after his words, anticipation lingering

    in the air.

    "It would be my great pleasure to announce the future

    phase assignments for our newly born Vehem. Please, lets put

    our hands together for a moment for them before we begin!

    I bite back the sudden fire of anxiety that has formed within

    me as I hear the roar of applause. I hate the fakeness that oozes

    from Commander Sider. It makes me sick. The smile on his face

    is not because he is proud of us. The smile on his face is there

    because he feels all of our apprehension.

    How I wish I could just hurt him. Hurt him for the pain that

    he has caused.

    But is punishment really necessary for those who have hurt

    you, Ava? My mothers voice instantly comes to mind and Im

    suddenly overwhelmed at the thought of her. The shame ofhaving thoughts like this. Of hating someone as much as I hate

    Commander Sider. My mother would have been so disappointed

    in me.

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    It doesnt matter now.

    When the applause dies down, Commander Sider begins

    his speech.

    "Each one of these young Veytos are sitting here today

    because they are true Vehem. They have proved to me and the

    entire training unit that they are prepared to go out into the word

    and protect this world we live in. There is no greater honor in all

    of Prothos. We have the gift of saving lives. Of taking other's

    fears and holding them in ourselves. It is our job to fight back. It

    is our job to suffer when they would instead. That is the duty of

    the Vehem."

    The applause is so deafening I can barely hear myself


    "Eighteen years ago," Sider continues, "We lost many. We

    lost so many good Vehem Soldiers. We lost him to the darknessthat is Zane."

    The auditorium grows quiet. As it always does when his

    name is mentioned.

    The mere mention of Zane causes such a stir. I can't

    imagine the moment when he descends from the skies. When we

    see him angrier than he was 18 years ago for having contained


    Can such anger be fathomable?

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    "Don't be afraid my dear Veytos," Sider says comfortingly.

    This tone of voice so foreign coming from his lips. "We are not

    here to dwell on the past. I am not bringing this up to re-open

    wounds. I speak about that time and the lives we lost to honorthem today. Honor them for their heroic deaths. The deaths that

    were caused by saving lives. We have trained these young

    Vehem today to honor them. If you ask any of them today to

    describe their training, they will all say the same. They will all

    tell you that it was the most severe and excruciating experience

    they've ever had. Why? We made it that way.""It is voluntary," he says. His voice made of steam. "These

    Vehem have the choice to fight for Prothos on the day he

    returns. The question is, who is a true Vehem? Who is a true

    Veyto who will stand up and fight for the protection of our


    The voices of the room become muted again. I don't realizeI'm holding my breath.

    Would I fight? CouldI fight against the all-powerful Zane

    and his army of Sanis? They are vicious, ferocious creatures

    twice the size of a Veyto with blood-red eyes and knives for

    teeth. I've seen video-footage of them when Zane ruled over

    Prothos. They infiltrated the lands, killing as they pleased.

    I would be no match for the Sanis. For Zane. Not the most

    able Vehem would be.

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    Our only hope is the Destruction Spell. That will destroy him

    once and for all. In 96 days, Zane will need to be on Prothos'

    ground, brought by the Contain Team. Then, and only then will

    the Destruction Spell work, and his soul destroyed forever. Wewould not need to fight at all.

    If it doesn't

    "You all would not be sitting where you are if I didn't feel you

    were able to make it out into the real world. If I didn't feel you

    are able to protect this world. However, I cannot test what is in

    the inside of you all. Cannot test where your true strength lies.

    Where your bravery lies."

    the assigning.

    Humil City is the first area to be called. I hear fifteen

    Vehems names. One of them being Rayu. Another being


    I feel a rush of emotion, thinking of Uki. They didnt get

    assigned together after all. They will not see each other now.

    Not for another year.

    I see all fifteen of them walk gracefully up to the stage. I

    cant make out Commes expression here, but his shoulders are

    slouched as he makes his way there. Hes not the type to fake

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    happiness. The crowd behind me continues to roar with

    applause. Each of them shake Commander Siders hand and are

    then ushered to the side of the stage where the tall officer of

    Humil City stands. They are under his command now. He shakeseach hand ceremoniously, then each of them line up behind him.

    Snowcon City is next. That is greatest city of Prothos. The city

    with the highest security. The city where Zane grew up.

    Finally, he calls out the names.

    There will be a total of 15 that will be called.

    The first three I dont recognize. Some of them I remember from

    my training class. None are my friends.

    And then I hear Ukis name. I can barely swallow when I see her

    red fiery hair move up the aisle towards the stage. I am not

    surprised that there is still a bounce to her step. I immediately

    look at Comme who is standing on stage, lined up with Humil

    City. I can see his mouth gaped open all the way from here.

    I look away.

    I hear 11 more names. I still dont hear mine.

    I brace myself. One more name left.

    Po Kemo, Commander Sider announces. I breathe in a sigh of

    relief. A stranger.

    Manilo City is next. My hometown. The poorest, dirtiest city in

    Prothos. The city greatest in population next to Snowcon. It is

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    where most Veytos were forced to live after Zanes destruction

    18 years ago. Including my own parents, who moved from the

    North when their home was destroyed. The North used to be

    home to the Hild. Two major cities there consisted of them.After their refusal to heal wounded soldiers of Zanes Army

    after the grisly war in which we already lost, Zane slaughtered

    most of them.

    My parents hid in a safe home built underground along withhundreds of other Hild. They remained down there for months.

    It was only after the Contain Spell was performed that they

    emerged from this tunnel in the ground.

    My mother called it being blessed for having survived. Others

    called them cowardly for hiding out when the rest of the world

    had to suffer and fight back.

    Half of the worlds population was wiped out that day. Most

    Veytos my age were orphaned.

    Not me. I was blessed. Just like my mother said.

    I didnt even let my mind wander to the thought that I would be

    sent back home to work as a Protector.

    But I wonder now, if it would really happen. If I ever saw my

    family again, how would they react when they saw what I

    looked like now? Would they even speak to me?

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    And what about my friends from my Pre-ability classes? What

    would our conversations be like should I ever run into them?

    Again, I dont recognize the first couple of names that are


    I nervously twiddle with the long strings hanging down

    from the ridiculous black robe Im wearing. I hate waiting. I

    hate the anticipation.

    Would I get sent back home? Will I actually get to hug my

    mother again?

    Nik Sider, The Commander announces with no emotion.

    His tone sounds no different when he announces his sons name.

    Nik. Nik is going to Manilo City. I see him rise out from

    the front row. He looks terribly handsome. I cant make out his

    expression as he makes his way up the stage. He shakes his

    fathers hand, who gives him the same pleasant smile he gave to

    everyone else who has walked the stage.


    Now I am silently begging to be sent to Manilo City.

    The ache of home crashes into me alarmingly fast. The

    thoughts Id been suppressing suddenly come back. The feel of

    my warm bed, the long walks into the City to get to school. The

    bickering with Profin. The family prayers we would have every


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    I want to go home.

    And if Nik is there, I wont lose him. Ill have back

    everything that I feared would be lost forever.

    I hold my breath as the Commander continues to call out

    the names.

    And then, its upon me.

    And now, the final Veyto that will be sent into Manilo

    City is His voice trails off. He looks at the paper and I can

    see his eyebrows furrow in confusion. Almost in annoyance.

    This look dissipates instantly and is replaced with that fake


    And then his eyes search the large auditorium. They stop

    when they land straight on me.

    Ava Divine.

    I start crying on the spot. It isnt voluntary. Im in disbelief.

    Tears of joy are streaming down my face. I have never cried

    from happiness.

    Im going home.

    I slowly rise out my seat and wipe away my tears, aware

    that all of the Vehem are staring at me.

    When I make it up to the stage, I cant help but smile when

    Commander Sider shakes my hand. His gaze is cold but for the

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    first time, I dont feel fear in his presence. After tonight I will

    never see him again.

    I see Nik then, standing behind the familiar Vehem Officer

    of Manilo City that Id seen a few times when I was at home.

    Hes beaming.

    I cant wait to hold him after this ceremony.

    There are swarms of robed Vehem to fight through to find Nik.

    They're all so excited, so loud. We're all pressed too tightly

    together out on the Courtyard. I hate crowds. I think I may be

    the only one frowning and it seems to throw everyone off when

    they get a look at my face.I should be smiling. I should be beaming. I get to go back home.

    I get to spend my days back in Manilo City with Nik. I feel a

    flutter in my stomach at this thought. Would Nik be the perfect

    person to spend the rest of my days with? I picture the scene in

    my head as I fight my way through the crowd. The day Nik and

    I would be joined in matrimony. My family there, smiling at me.Thinking that my life would not get any better than this. That I

    would have the people I love around me always.

    This feeling confuses me. What in the name of Zane am I even

    thinking? Nik is my best friend, and just because we've been

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    assigned in the same city, I'm planning to spend the rest of my

    life to him? For him to claim me? For he and I to be lovers?

    Am I insane?

    What does this mean of my feelings towards him.

    Am I in love with Nik?

    A cold stab of fear grips me. I try to breathe and look down at

    the ground, no longer trying to break through the crowd. I just

    stand there. Realizing that this is the bridge. The bridge into the

    next chapter of my life.

    A happier chapter of my life.

    So why, in this moment, am I telling myself to be happy?

    I feel arms wrap around me from behind. Startled, I jump,

    feeling something hard crash at the crown of my head.

    Nik stands behind me, rubbing his chin where I hit him and

    grinning at me with his eyebrows raised. "When are you going

    to stop being so jumpy, Ava darling?"

    There it is, my cheeks flushing with heat at those words.

    "Hey." Is all I can say.

    He looks deep into my eyes, his smile growing wider. I hear the

    words he's not saying. "We're together now. It's all going to be

    alright. We're together."

    I can't help but smile back.

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    He leans in, his face inches away from mine, and then wraps his

    arms around my waist. He hugs me tight and I feel his breathing

    in my hair. "This is unreal. I can't believe--"

    "I know," I finish for him. "I would have never imagined that


    "Be happy with where we'll end up," he completes. "That my


    "Would approve of this."

    He pulls away, his arms still at my waist. He's no longer smiling,

    his eyes are intense as he studies me with deep emotion. "Let's

    go to GC."

    "Right now? We need to load up our stuff from the chambers.

    We don't have much time before we have to depart for Manilo."

    He grins. "Home."

    Warmth floods through me. "Home."

    He gives me a mischievous look as his eyes move to my lips.

    "We won't be long."

    Nervousness makes its way into me, he grabs hold of my hand

    and leads me out of the crowd.

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    New York CityEarth

    After the nightmare, I couldnt get back to sleep. Story of my

    freaking life. I really dont understand my insomnia. Maybe I

    should go see a doctor. My body feels so tired. So heavy. My

    eyes twitched and burned as I watched television the rest of the

    night. Gone with the Wind was on, I decided to stay on thatchannel, hoping this would maybe be my remedy for falling


    I was wrong. I stayed awake throughout the whole thing. All

    four and a half hours of it.

    Its 7 am and Im onto cartoons when my father comes down the

    stairs. Hes dressed in a suit, ready to head out for work. I takeonly a small glance of him when he enters the room, looking for

    his shoes. I keep my eyes on the television screen and grip onto

    Jared a little tighter, who is still asleep in my arms.

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    He finally finds his shoes and sits on the couch across from me

    to put them on. I feel his eyes on me as he does, but I still dont

    look up. My jaw is clenched tight.

    Still having troubles sleeping, son? His voice sounds tender,

    almost apologetic. He knows Ive must have heard what

    happened last night. That I hear what happens almost every

    night. This is the first time were interacting in days. Hes never

    home. I always steer clear out of his way when he is.

    I grunt. What a stupid question. Im up at 7 am on a Saturday

    morning with bloodshot eyes watching Tom and Jerry. Of

    course Im still having sleeping problems, idiot.

    My Dad clears his throat uncomfortably and finishes tying up

    his shoes. There are these really great pills. Your mother has

    them on the upper right shelf

    I know about the pills, I cut him off, my voice sounds deadly.

    He clears his throat and I know now that my tone is pissing him

    off. He rises to his feet. Well, as long as you know. With that,

    he leaves the room.

    Later that morning, I decide to call Casey. I need smooth things

    over to him, explain to him what happened last night. Why I lost

    my shit last night.

    I pace back and forth in my bedroom. Jared has taken over the

    television downstairs, finishing up the cartoons I left on for him.

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    But do I know why I lost my temper so terribly? I try to

    think of an explanation, but I cant think of why I acted the way

    I did. Did I just snap?

    I never justsnap.

    It must be just this sleep deprivation. Its putting me on


    I dial his number and listen to it ring 4 times before it goes

    straight to voicemail.

    I sigh and collapse onto my bed. Closing my eyes. Willing

    myself to fall asleep. I try counting sheep. I only get to 12 when

    I hear my phone vibrate. I leap up and look at the phone. I

    expect it to be Casey calling but its not.

    Its Katie.

    My heart swells.

    Hello? I answer.


    Babe! Im so glad you called. Whats up?

    You called me last night, she says drily. I joined the

    Alpha Sigma sorority last night, babe.

    I try not to cringe. Really? Are you supposed to wear

    slutty skirts when youre in a sorority?

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    Babe. You know Im wearing slutty skirt whether Im in a

    sorority or not. She means it as a joke, but I know shes not

    kidding, and it forms a lump in my throat. Guys over there are

    most definitely noticing her.

    Ha, is all I say.

    I miss you, she says after some slight hesitance.

    I miss you too, I say back with a sigh. Because I really

    mean it. I fantasize about you during all hours of the day.

    Thats gross.

    I dont mean like that.

    How else do you mean?

    I bite back my irritation. I mean, I think about just being

    with you. Seeing you.

    She snorts, Okay.

    You know Im not like that.

    Yes, I know exactly how you are, she teases. Her voice

    has that seductive flare to it now. Believe me I do.



    Come back, will you? I feel like shit.

    She laughs. Oh, James. Still cant sleep?

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    Nope. I dozed off for a minute last night. But I ended up

    having this bizarre nightmare.

    She doesnt respond right away, she seems distracted. Oh


    Yeah, I respond. I think its driving me crazy. Being an

    insomniac. I almost killed Casey yesterday. I actually almost

    pounded the crap out of him.

    Oh, she says, and I know shes not really listening now.


    Yeah, really. I say flatly.

    Thats crazy.

    I dont respond. The fire in my chest has ignited, and I

    close my eyes, willing my anger to go down. Phone calls with

    Katie dont happen often. I dont want to fight with her.

    So what are you doing? I ask, my voice tight.

    Just hanging out at my friends dorm.

    Nice, that girl Sonia that you mentioned?

    No, another friend I made.

    Oh, I say, suspicion pulsing through my body. Who?

    She sighs, Evan.

    I try not to lose it. Youre in a guys dorm room right


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    James. Calm down, will you? Its not like that.

    Really? What is it like?

    Im not allowed to have any guy friends?

    My voice is a deep snarl. Not when they invite you to their

    dorm room.

    James, were not getting into this right now. Youre acting


    Am I?

    Yes, you are.

    And you dont understand why Id be worried?

    Shes yelling too. I cant believe how much you dont

    trust me, James.

    I hear a male voice in the background and then I hear Katiemove the phone from her ear to respond to him. I hear her soft,

    flirty voice. The voice she always uses with me.

    Hes just a friend. Right.

    I want to trust you, I say. My voice cracking. I justI

    want to be with you.

    James, please. She says. You need to calm down. Call

    me later. And with that, she hangs up the phone.

    I stand like a statue. The phone still at my ear.

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    Maybe Casey is right. Maybe she really was dying to get to


    A cold dreaded feeling pervades my body and I know. I just


    Shes cheating on me.


    Ava --- Insert



    New York CityEarth

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    I tried calling Katie back countless times after our fight, but she

    never responded. I cant seem to get the cloud over my head to

    go away ever since. Im back in school on Monday, not

    returning any of the hellos or smiles that get thrown my way.

    Im really not in the freaking mood today.

    Casey never called me back either, and this does nothing but

    piss me off even more. Why is being such a drama queen?

    I storm through the hallway to my locker and violently start

    turning my combination lock.

    Hey dude, I hear them approach from behind me.

    Charlie and the gang. My soccer team.

    I dont turn around to greet them. Sup, I say drily as I pull out

    books from my locker.

    They dont respond, I only hear faint snickering.

    Annoyed, I finally face them. Charlie, Josh, Adam and Marty.

    Theyre the gorgeous faces of North Ridge. The star athletes.

    The guys you always hear coming down the hallway and cower

    in fear if you fit the description of getting your face pounded.

    We came a long way, from freshman year to now. I still

    remember the day we all tried out for the team. I managed to

    curve the ball the most impressively from the bunch.

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    I can still manage to curve the ball the most impressively from

    the bunch.

    Finally kicked the shit out of him, I hear. Says Charlie,

    leaning back against one of the lockers with a goofy grin. His

    eyes are a piercing blue that he knows gets him the attention he

    thinks he deserves from them. His hair is a dirty blonde and he

    constantly looks from me to over my shoulder. Scanning the

    hallways. Always scanning for a new girl. For him its just like

    picking out a t-shirt to wear in the morning.

    I dont respond and grumpily turn back to my locker. Is this

    the story thats been going around? They werent at the party so

    they have no idea what happened. People must be talking.

    Or Casey

    Is that what Casey said? I say bitterly.

    No, thats not what Casey said.

    I spin around again. Its Casey. He looks furious.

    Charlie and the guys continue to snicker as they back away.

    Casey stalks over to me.

    I want to apologize. I want to tell him Im sorry for what I did.

    But a part of me is angry at him for not returning my calls. Did

    he already not know that I was sorry? Why is giving me the look

    of death right now?

    What the hell is your deal? I ask him.

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    Yeah, did you not receive the millions of calls I left?

    I did. Thanks for being so considerate man. His voice is deepwith anger.

    Do you really need me to say Im sorry?

    I seriously dont care if you say youre sorry. I want to know

    what the hell happened with Janet. Hes raising his voice and

    were getting looks from everyone in the hallway.

    Stop talking so loud.

    I thought you were such a gentleman, and nowyou did

    exactly what you said you wouldnt.

    I lift my eyebrows. Genuinely confused. I didnt do anything.

    You slept with her! And then you told her to back off!

    I snort. Are you serious?

    Shes telling everyone. She was crying her eyes out after you


    Oh, God. I say, the rage starting to build in me again. I clutch

    onto my locker door tighter. What the hell are you saying, right


    Im telling you what shes telling everyone.

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    Its not true, I say through gritted teeth. And even if it

    was, why areyouso angry about it? Werentyou the one that

    was tellingme to screw her brains out?

    Im freakin mad because shes mad as fuck at me. She

    thought I told you that she was in love with you. I didnt say shit

    like that to you, did I? Why would you go ahead and tell her

    something like that!

    I stare at him. A long, cold hard stare.

    Hes panting, waiting for my response.

    I cant believe my ears. Im completely frozen, my thoughts not

    processing properly.

    Manilo City. Im going home.

    And Nik is coming with me.

    I dont know when the crying started, but I feel hot drops down

    my cheeks as I slowly make myself stand up. I can barely stand

    up. Its only when I start walking up to the stage that I hear the

    applause, hear the faint whispering from my fellow trainees.

    When I look at Commander Sider, his lips indicated that he is

    smiling. His eyes are not.

    I glide up the stairs and shake his hand. He holds it for a second

    too long. I didnt know it would be possible to glare at someone

    and beam at them at the same time.

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    Congratulations, Miss Divine, he says, his voice coated with

    slime. His eyes flicker over to his son for the briefest moment

    before he drops my hand. When I take my place on stage, I see

    Nik, who is smiling wider than Ive ever seen. I want nothingbut to run over and wrap my arms around him. I know I cant.

    Not now. Well have plenty of time for that after the ceremony. I

    feel a flutter in my stomach. We now have the rest of our lives

    for that.

    As I stand on that stage before thousands of Vehem I finally feel

    something I dont think Ive ever felt. Happiness. Even if it willnot last forever. Even if Zane returns.

    Right now, in this moment, I have the hope of seeing my mother

    again, my brother again. I dont have to say goodbye to Nik.

    In this moment, I am happy. And nothing could ever take the

    memory of this moment away from me.

    After the ceremony, I try to find Nik. We got separated again

    after returning to our seats from the stage so that the other cities

    could be assigned. I look around for him anxiously, irritated that

    its been so hard to get a hold of him this entire night.

    There is a huge party in celebration now that the assembly isover. Directly afterwards, we will all need to pack up our

    chambers and retreat to the cities we are assigned to be for the

    rest of our lives.

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    The field where we used to have Lignet Combat Duels has

    transformed into the most beautiful garden. I had no idea a place

    that I always found so dark and intense could be turned into

    something gorgeous. There are Vurses with multi-colored petalsfloating in the air around the perimeter in the most intricate

    pattens. Gold beams loom above us, twinkling down luster over

    the celebration. Shielding us against the dark sky and the red


    My fellow trainees dance and cry and all hug each other. I know

    this is the last time we could ever behave in such a way. We areno longer trainees. We will never show our display of affection

    for the world to see anymore. We have one duty. The duty that

    should reflect our actions at all times.

    We are Protectors now. Official Vehem Protectors. We will

    never be children again.


    I turn around, its Uki. Her cheeks are flushed red and she runs

    over and wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

    Congratulations. I couldnt be more happy for you.

    You too, Uki. I say as we pull away from each other.

    Snowcon is incredible.

    She smiles sadly. I know it doesnt matter that Snowcon is the

    most desired city to work in. Shell be away from Comme. I

    cant imagine how heartbroken she is. Speaking of Comme...

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    We broke up, Uki says, her voice shaking. We did it right

    before the assembly.

    Oh, Uki...

    We had to, right? What is the point now that well never see

    each other again? I just wanted to get it over with. She takes a

    deep breath and blinks fast. Her face is starting to contort and I

    can see shes trying her best not to lose her composure.

    Youll find someone new, Uki. I promise. I know its not the

    smartest thing for me to say in this moment, but I had nothingelse to offer.

    She laughs then as a tear rolls down her cheek. Im not going to

    marry anyone Ava. Not anymore. I think the idea of being with

    someone else is worse than being alone. A sob escapes her

    throat. Without him.

    I know, I say, feeling a bubble of emotion swell up inside at

    the sight of her.

    I was preparing myself for this too. To say my goodbye to Nik. I

    swore I would never cry over him though.

    They have only infiltrated on area. The cities down North.

    My heart sinks. Manilo City is down North. My family is down North.

    No, I say quietly under my breath. I release Niks hand and start to

    fight my way through the crowd, trying to hear Sider better.

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    All Vehem stationed in those cities will remain here at the Compound

    tonight. The rest will retreat to your respective assigned stations. All

    senior personnel will immediately make way for the Manilo and Gio


    No! I cry out, but my voice is drowned out.

    I cant stay behind. I cant stay and wait around while those creatures

    invade my home. I couldnt bear it.

    I cant lose my mother. Not my mother too.

    After Sider continues to hand out instructions to the personnel that will

    fight tonight, everything starts blur out. I feel tears fogging my visionand I get shoved around as the Vehem around me start to retreat out

    of the courtyard.

    Ava! Nik calls out from behind me. I turn around and see him

    struggling to make his way towards me. He goes to wrap his arms

    around me but I restrain from his touch.

    Stop. No, its not going to be alright, if thats what youre going to

    stay. I bark.

    Nik doesnt seem fazed by my brashness. Theres nothing you can


    Yes there is, I say backing away from him. Im going. Im going with


    Nik stares at me with wide eyes. Are you out of your mind? Do you

    have any idea how dangerous this is? This is Zanes Army, Ava.

    I know what they are, I snap. And Im not going to let them come

    near her. I turn on my heel and start to make my way out along with

    the crowd. Most of them are running out, Vehem turning into winds of

    black as they disappear from the courtyard.

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    There is no way that my father would allow this, Nik spins me around

    roughly. There is no way that any of the personnel heading to Manilo

    will let you tag along.

    Nik and I approach one of the Sharets. A Tall uniformed Vehem

    stands at the metal door, checking IDs of Vehem launching the craft.

    He lifts his eyebrows when he sees me and Nik. Simultaneously, we

    hold up our wrists to show to the guard.

    "Is this craft launching for Manilo, or Ario?" Nik asks the guard firmly.

    "You were just commenced," the guard responds flatly as he

    continues to check the other Vehem who he allows to proceed.

    "We have permission by the Commander." Nik says boldly. He holds

    his head up higher. Boring his eyes into the guard. "We are launching

    with you."

    The guard stares at Nik, expressionless. He doesn't seem fazed at all

    that he's the Commander's son. There is absolutely no hesitance. Hesimply shrugs his shoulders and allows us to enter the Sharet. "May

    God be with you," I hear him mutter as he continues to check

    everyone's wrist.

    "I was wrong. They could all care less," Nik grumbles as we try to

    make our way through the aisle of the crowded craft. There are rows

    of two lined up against each end of the ship. Most of the seats have

    already been occupied. It takes us a very long time before we actuallymake it to the end of the Sharet, where we sit uncomfortably. The

    seats are too close to one another and the ceiling is too low. I feel a

    loss of Primogyn, constricting in my lungs. I hate being so


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    What weighs me down more than anything is knowing what awaits

    when we arrive at our destination. I will see my home again. I will see

    it after so long and it will not look the same.

    Death, destruction. That is all that is left of my home now.

    I fight back tears and close my eyes. Nik is next to me, sitting too

    close. He places his hand over mine and I move it away. I don't want

    to be touched.

    I want nothing but to go home. To whatever's left of it. I want nothing

    but to tear every one of those Sanis from limb to limb.

    With a jolt, the craft starts to make flight. I feel a lightness in mystomach as I feel it getting higher and higher off the ground.

    "Listen up, all aboard this craft!" A booming voice comes through the

    small round speaker right above the window next to mine and Nik's

    seat. "We will be landing in Manilo in less than an hour [inserttime],

    into the perimeter known as Dune Forest."

    Dune Forest, I think. This is where mother and I used to take walks at

    night. It was always so quiet, so peaceful. The trees overshadowedabove us, covering the sky and absorbing all sounds of the city

    beyond. It was our peaceful comfort zone.

    "Once we touch the ground, I do not want a single word uttered from

    you mouths. You will depart the craft and form ranks of three. Each of

    you will be given the tracking device which will lead you to your post."

    He pauses. "Some of you will fight, some of you will stand watch for

    more that have been seen emerging through the forest. Thoseentering the city will be provided extra ammunition loaded in the craft."

    Nik shoots me a nervous look. I know he must be terrified if one of us

    were selected to fight in the city, but I don't care. I actually want to go

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    straight in, where I will be able to tear every single of one of those

    Sanis apart. And then run to my mother

    The gross taste of old oatmeal lingers in my mouth as I wait. The room

    is bright, and the surface of the table where I have my palms planted

    is cold and sticky.

    Two officers guard the door. One stands with his arms crossed,

    chewing his gum like a cow and throwing icy glances at me every now

    and then.

    Shes late. My mother. Her scheduled visit was supposed to be at 8:00

    AM. The clock on the wall across from me tells me she is 27 minutes


    I start to fiddle with the cuffs on my hands, trying to keep my breathing

    even. Trying to picture my backyard, with flowers and dirt and snails.

    Butterflies and dandelions. I picture my baby sister, her chubby handsand her curly soft hair. I need this vision to keep it from happening. I

    need it to fill me with the happiness it once brought me. I cant let the

    rage come.

    I close my eyes and and clench my teeth as I hear the officers start to

    talk about how theyll need to bring me back to my cell if she doesnt

    come in the next ten minutes. The blood rushes to my head and Im

    starting to feel it again.

    I cant let it happen now. Not now. What if she shows up and sees

    me? Shell re-live that whole night again. Shell look at me like a

    monster again.

    She wont be looking at her son.

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    Because when they happen--the fits--its not me. It cant be me.

    I pound my fists on the table, a roar about to escape my lips.

    She cant come. Not now. Its happening. I cant see her. Not now. Not


    I stand up abruptly.

    Hey, hey! The officers approach me.

    Im going back, I growl.

    One of the officers, Officer Chan, studies me with his eyes narrowed.

    Shes not coming, I say through gritted teeth.

    Shes late, he responds. We can wait for a few minutes longer. The

    traffic has been a real bitch lately.

    No, I say, closing my eyes again. I try to speak but Im starting to feel

    nauseous. I feel it piling up inside of me. The rage. Its escalating. Its


    I cant let her see me like this.

    I feel their eyes on me.

    He needs to see the medic again, that dose didnt do shit I see, I

    hear Chan say, though his voice sounds far away.

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