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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


Copyright © Stilo International plc 2007

Content in the Wild:Why DITA Matters DocTrain East 2007

Joe Gollner 19 October [email protected]

TopicsCurrent Trends in the Content Landscape

A Brief History of Structure

Entering the Age of Full-Spectrum Publishing

How DITA fits in

Why DITA Matters

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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


Content Management Pop Quiz

In building a system to manage & process content…a. Meticulously capture the business requirements. b. Rigorously document the structural rules that apply.c. Carefully define a detailed system architecture.d. Industriously build processing components to address the

requirements given the structural rules and the realities of the system architecture.

e. All of the above.f. None of the above.E or F?

Sadly “F” may be the right answer…

Current Trends in the Content landscape

There are two relevant, but apparently divergent, trends:Simplicity wins, again.

Web 2.0 phenomenon is expanding & accelerating An era of interactive openness with users and communitiesHuge volumes of very simple, but still structured, contentDominant feature: Uncontrolled growth.

Complexity endures, again.Enterprise applications are becoming content awareIntegration of content in all forms is acceleratingApplications are appearing that consume high-precision contentDominant feature: Uncontrolled growth.

Prescriptive design methods cannot handle this growth

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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


The Good News and Bad News about ContentThese trends bring changeThe Good News

The demand for content is expanding rapidly

The Not So Good NewsThe complexity confronting authors & publishers & technology providersis growing rapidly

Structured MarkupHas evolved in this contextInvestments have been made over 20 yearsMany lessons have been learned

A Brief History of StructureWhy did structured content emerge?

Why has it been challenging to adopt?

What is happening now?

Why has DITA become so popular?

Why does DITA matter?

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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


In the Beginning

…was the book.


1940 1960 1980 2000

Adapting to the Exponential Growth inKnowledge Resources

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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


Communication & Control Systems

1940 1960 1980 2000

Leveraging Knowledge through Automation

The Internet

1940 1960 1980 2000

Connecting Knowledge Organizations

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Proprietary FormatsLimiting the Interchangeability of all data types

CALS – Tackling the Interchange ProblemGOAL

Supplier and Client



Supplier ClientSupplier



1940 1960 1980 2000

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Standard Generalized Markup Language

1940 1960 1980 2000


Reflected human communication patternsProvided absolute flexibilityDifficult to implementAdopted in documentation-intensive sectors

Military, Aerospace and Commercial Publishing

The Key Innovation of SGML:naming something (understanding) is different than describing what should be done with it (behaviour)

naming something is the important partnaming something and defining its behaviour benefits from sophistication

Yuri RubinskyThe Real Father

of XML

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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


The World Wide Web

1940 1960 1980 2000

Where there’s a Will there’s a Way

World Wide Web – The Success of SimplicityOriginal Objective (1989)

“to allow information sharing within internationally dispersed teams”HTML: a simple use of a complex standard

The Key Innovation of the Web:deciding what to do (intention) is different than determining how it should be done (execution)

deciding what to do is the important partcommunicating an intention and successfully executing it benefits from simplicity

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1940 1960 1980 2000

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Source: Microsoft

XML offered Simplicity

XML sought SimplicityXML is an application profile constraining the use of SGMLdelivered expanded application support

Simplicity led to Adoptionthe potential for knowledge sharing becomes a realitysimplicity turned out to be a double-edged sword

Wide-scale Adoption led to Complexitypreviously isolated systems became connected all data types entered the era of open standards

XML promised Simplicity and delivered Complexity

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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


The Key Innovations of XML

The Key Innovations of XML:Fusing the innovations of SGML and the Web

naming something (understanding) is different than describing what should be done with it (behaviour)

deciding what to do (intention) is different than determining how it should be done (execution)

XML exhibits an unresolved tension between Sophistication

to meet the needs of application integrationSimplicity

to meet the needs of people interacting with technology

XML – An Incomplete Revolution?Initial focus of XML was directed to technology issues

addressing the challenges facing application integration & facilitating data interchange

the result has been spiraling complexity

Other issues emergedXML protocols proliferated at a startling ratethe sophistication of XML became an implementation challenge

Implementers were often left asking:Where did the simplicity go? Why are the authors complaining?Why are my applications so slow? What do I do with all this data?

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Web 2.0 – The Social Web

1940 1960 1980 2000 2010

Explosivegrowth that ischanging howwe will workand live

Web 2.0 – All About EngagementWeb 2.0 has been called “The Participatory Web”Key technical elements include:

AJAX – Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLsimple syndication protocols – RSS / ATOM simplified web services – Aggregator APIsFolksonomies – collaborative taggingProcessable content – XHTML / CSS / MicroformatsAddressable, traceable, dynamic, collaborative content – wiki / blog

Much closer to the original idea behind the ‘web’The centrality of XML in making this possible is often missedWeb 2.0 is providing a new venue for content

Rapid delivery of tailored views assembled from granular content

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Authoring with Structured Markup

Multi-Format Automatic Publishing


Entering the Age of Full-Spectrum Publishing

DITA – A Fundamentally Sound Architecture

Online Access Wireless Access


Print ManualsPDF

Customers Call Centre Staff

Maps ProductsRepositoriesSources

Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)

Providing a proven framework for addressing the challenges posed by full-spectrum publishing.

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The Tao of DITA: Specialization

Adaptability in each area provides implementers with great flexibility when building and most importantly adapting solutions.

DITA in Action

Iterative implementationallows adaptationof technology & practices

The DITA base models& Open Toolkit were key tools

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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


What XML has meant for Content AuthorsAuthoring in XML exhibits to contradictory challenges

Too much markupGets in the way of creating contentForces a reliance on unfamiliar toolsAdds a level of technical complexityto what is a creative task

Not enough markupSome content demands precisionAuthors need clear guidance anduseful feedback in orderto satisfy this demandAs more content is delivered to applications, this is more common

What DITA means for AuthorsPromoting simplified markup for most contentProviding a start-up solution for publishing (Open Toolkit)Allowing specialization to be introduced

When more detailed markup guidelines help authorsWhen precise markup is essential for downstream use

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Content in the Wild: Why DITA Matters


Why DITA MattersThe initial focus of XML has not been on content

The focus of XML on enabling application integration has added markup complexity

DITA represents a serious effort to direct attention towards the challenges of content

DITA specifically provides ways to address the contradictory challenges of XML authoring

What’s NextDITA is an Opportunity

The technology providers can focus on solving key problems

We can work together to refine a good shared solution for creating high quality content

DITA must become even more open DITA has more growing to doDITA deployments should avoid the “complexity trap”

DITA could be criticalCommunicating knowledge effectively has never been more important…

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