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Hold up – What is content? Content is More Than Just Text!

Articles Images


ConversationInteractive Tools & Functionality

Search CapabilitiesStats & Infographics

PDFsBlog Posts

ForumsUser Generated


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In other words…

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Content fuels customer engagement at all stages of the customer life cycle from top of funnel to ongoing relationship.

It is harder-working than other media because it covers the entire purchase cycle. It allows a brand to retain a relationship with the customer even if it’s not transactional – a magazine or Website that is lifestyle-oriented, for example, and keeps the customer connected to the brand until he or she is ready to purchase again is key.

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Mental Health


Physical Health



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A More Complex Look

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Women 35-45 worldwide, doctorsNeed State: My health - Menstrual cycles. are wacko. What is normal? What do I need to do?

Women’s Health:-Key word searching-Key sites-Key Themes-Find Authorities Online-Find All Competition

-Listens to news on kitchen TV in a.m.-Listens to podcasted news in commute-Spend all day online at the office -always on email at the office-Uses food app for lunch locations with coworkers-Spends hour on Facebook, tweets @2 on break-Watches these______shows on TV-Spends weekly time family activities websites-Does celebrity searches TV favorites

-Book -Vitamin Supplements-Medical Visit-Food Menu’s

-Search On Internet for Info-Ask Friends about info on Internet-Ask Friends online-Goes to Meet-up-Asks questions on Forums-signs up for email blasts-subscribes to women’s imags-Buys books-Sees doctor-Buys Vitamins-Cooks New Food-GETS RESULTS-TELLS FRIENDS-BUYS BOOKS FOR FRIENDS-Sees doctor-Buys Vitamins-Cooks New Food-Gets Results-TELLS FRIENDS

Customer Journey

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Story has arcs in every campaign

Developing a sense of structure of stories (campaigns) requires, settings, character, moods and a plot.

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Is Not Just About Where – But Also When

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Content Curation

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Are You Providing The Right Stuff?

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People don’t buy into interruptions so much anymore. They buy into expertise. People buy from brands that offer value and are the leaders in their industry.

And yet why do so many choose to ignore this as a strategy? You can’t simply buy ads and become an overnight nationally acclaimed expert. It requires your time to feed it and grow it. It takes months and years. Therein lies the fallout and where so many entrepreneurs don’t. Here is your opportunity to shine.

new dawn media will create & curate:

On Thought Leadership Power

The benefits are game changing for your business — most notably in lead generation and partnership opportunities. Establishing a thought-leader position on a topic in your industry builds credibility in the eyes of your targets. It serves to influence in a way that advertising itself can never do.

-Content Categories, themes and types-Align topics with other industries that can advocate-Prepare a two-pronged approach to content -Provide ongoing content themes-Create Branded content themes-Create information your customers want to know about-Create topics for discussion-Poll, Survey, Measure & Grow

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Promoting Your Expertise Executive roundtables are one of

the best ways to increase your authority in your industry and draw customers to your company and products.

Books, eBooks, iBooks, digital magazines, wBooks, and iPad Apps can all increase industry authority.

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Content Distribution

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