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Study and Learning Path Coaches, STUVO+ & Student Counselling

Bachelor of Business Administration 2014-2015


1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Measures

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

1. General informationAcademic calendar

1st semester (1st bachelor)

Courses: 13 weeks

Christmas Break : 2 weeks

Study period: 1 week

Exam period 1 : 3 weeks

Holidays: 1 week 2nd semester (1st bachelor)

Courses: 8 weeks

Eastern Break: 2 weeks

Courses: 5 weeks

Study period: 2 weeks

Exam period 2: 3 weeksExam period 3: 3 weeks

1st Year Bachelor


  1s 2s

 Human behaviour, law and SocietyPsychologyEconomic HistoryPhilosophyPrinciples of Law Economics and int. business Principles of managerial ec. APrinciples of managerial ec. BEnglish I French Intensive I Dutch I French IGerman ISpanish I Research and methodsResearch Methods IStatistics for Business Ec. IMath for business ec. I-AMath.for business ec. I-B  Strategy, management and entrepreneurshipPrinciples of Org. BehaviourBusiness project: Social Profit Project Business scienceFinancial accounting AFinancial accounting BBank and Stock Exchanges

  3 3   4 3       3 3     43/2  4  

   3 5   3 63333   3 4     3/2   33


1. General information

Competences already acquired• Only for languages

o Exceptions: not for mother tongue + not for English

• Test o Strict requirements for test participationo €55 administrative costs + €50/testo Pass on test exemption from that courseo Failure you have to take the course into your

Individual Study Programme

• Deadline for applications: 01/10/2014

[email protected]

1. General information

Learning accountWHY?• Regulations Flemish government• Limited time frame to obtain degree

WHAT?• Backpack full of study units (SU) – at the start: 140 SU• SU are taken out (study program)• Successful SU will be recharged in your backpack

INFO?• https://www.econ.kuleuven.be/eng/brussels/Students/admin• Ombuds Office - 1st floor T’Serclaes – side A


1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Measures

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

2. Study counselling

A. Slow track Maths and/or Stats

• Fast track slow track slow plus

• Slow: more hours of lecture

• Slow plus: 4 extra courses in Octobre

• Visible in your personal schedule

• Assessment Math.: Mo 15/09/2014

• Back-up assessment Math.: Thu 02/10/2014

The assessment is compulsory!

• Questions? Ask your lecturers

2. Study counselling

A. Slow track Maths and/or Stats (2)• Registration in your Individual Study Programme (ISP)

compulsory! more information later today

• Deadline ISP: 08/10/2014o assessment on 15/09/2014

register your ISP as soon as possible!

(‘save’ + ‘send’) o assessment on 02/10/2014

‘save’ your ISP, but ‘send’ your ISP only after

you received your assessment result o Exceptional adaptations courses 2nd sem.: 25/02/2015

B. Learning Teams (LT) WHAT?• Interactive tutorial: students co-operating with fellow-students &

coach • Exercises resemble exam questions• Several times/semester check Toledo• Free choice, not compulsory

COURSES?• Fast track Maths and Stats Lecturers (6 Lts/sem)• Managerial Economics A & B Study coaches (sem 1: 2Lts, sem2: 3 Lts)• Financial Accounting A & B Study coaches (2 Lts/sem)

2. Study counselling

B. Learning Teams (LT) (2)

ADVANTAGES?• Motivates you to exercise during the semester• Possibility to build a network of fellow-students/coach • Feedback on your performance

o By means of the assignment results (= assignments serve as preparation to the LT-session)

o During your participation in the LT-sessions

2. Study counselling

B. Learning Teams (LT) (3) HOW?• Free choice, not compulsory• Assignment on Toledo (for Man. Ec. And Financ. Acc.)• Prepare assignment “properly” =

1. Being successful is not compulsory, showing effort is.2. Effort = study chapter + try to solve every LT-exercise3. Hand in at due date !

• Not at due date or not done properly Þ No entrance to the Ltsession

WHEN?Check your schedule on Toledo

2. Study counselling

4. CoachingLECTURERS• All courses

• Contact hours

Check Toledo & Student Portal


• Fin. Acc.

• Study methods

• Study planning

T’Serclaes 1st floor – side A

2. Study counselling

2. Study counselling

5. Trial examsWHAT?• Simulation of a real exam :

o “Real” Exam Questionso “Real” Exam Stress (?)

• Mark will not count for your final score.

WHEN?• Sem. 1 (Dec) : Man. Econ. A

• Sem. 2 (April/May) : Stat. – only for fast track students

6. Feedback Sessions exams• After each exam period 3 times/year

• Content of the examo Lecturero Have a look at your examo Register online Student Portal

General feedbacko Study coacheso Discuss overall results, study method, planning, year

program, tolerance credits, …o 1st floor T’Serclaes – side Ao No appointment necessary

2. Study counselling


1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Measures

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

3. Compulsory tests


• To stimulate you to study during the year

• To give you an indication of the level that is expected

The tests count for the end result!

3. Compulsory testsWHAT & WHEN?• Mathematics:

o 2 tests/sem o each test on 3/20 you can earn 6 out of 20 points

• Financial Accounting: o 1 test - only in the 1st semo on 5/20 you can earn 5 out of 20 points

• Statistics o only in slow track & only in the 2nd semester o 2 tests o Each tests on 3/20 you can earn 6 out of 20 points


1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Measures

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

4. AbsenceIn case of absence, inform the right person (beforehand)!

• Compulsory tests lecturero Contact details of each lecturer on Toledo

• Exams Ombuds Service o 1st floor T’Serclaes - side Ao 02/210.13.19

• Prolonged absence Ombuds Serviceo 1st floor T’Serclaes – side Ao 02/210.13.19

• Compulsory courses lecturero Contact details of each lecturer on Toledo


1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Measures

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

5. Exam results

• 2 chances to pass the course

o E.g. fail course in January 2nd chance in Aug./Sept.

fail course in June 2nd chance in Aug./Sept.

o you keep the best mark

(only within the same academic year)

E.g. Philosophy

June: 9/20

August: 6/20

=> End result: 9/20

5. Exam results• 10/20 or more: credit

• 8/20 or 9/20: choiceo Retake (2nd exam chance or next academic year)o Tolerate

• Only for 8/20 or 9/20 • Only if study efficiency ≥ 50%• Up to a maximum of 10% of the total amount of SU of the whole

programme minus exemptions

BBA: up to 18 tolerate credits

! 1st year BBA: up to a maximum of 12 tolerances

MBA: exception: 0 tolerate credits

• ≤ 7/20: retake (2nd exam chance or next academic year)

5. Exam results

Tolerances – Example• Results after 2nd exam chance

Having passed all the subjects of the Standard Learning Path (with no exemptions) minus the deficiencies

• Deficiencies : o Managerial Economics A (4 SU) 9/20o Statistics (3 SU) 8/20o Organizational Behaviour (4 SU) 9/20o Philosophy (3 SU) 6/20o Accounting B (3 SU) 4/20

Which course will the student be able to tolerate?


1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Measures

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

6. Study Progress Measures

A. Cumulative Study Efficiency (CSE)

• = N° of credits obtained/ N° of credits taken into your ISP calculated over all preceding years

• Only credits - Tolerances are not taken into account!

• E.g.

Results AY 1: 45 credits/60 SU SE 75%

Results AY 2: 50 credits/55 SU SE 91%

CSE = (45+50)/(60+55) = 83% CSE

6. Study Progress Measures

A. Cumulative Study Efficiency (CSE) (2)

• Students who didn’t obtain 60 SU:o Year 1:

CSE < 50% compulsory conditionso Year 2:

CSE < 50% no access to all KUL courses for 1 year!

6. Study Progress Measures

A. Cumulative Study Efficiency (3)

E.g.: Results

• AY 2014-2015: 24 credits/ 60 SU

CSE = 24/60 = 40%

binding conditions

• AY 2015-2016: 29 credits/ 49 SU

CSE = (24+ 29)/ (60+49) = 48,62%


no access to all KUL courses for 1


6. Study Progress Measures

B. Reregistration• 2nd time in your year program: YES• 3rd time in your year program:

* CSE ≥ 50%: YES

* CSE < 50%: NO

No access to KUL courses of which the

course unit is part - for 1 year! • 4th time in your year program: NO

No access to KUL courses of which the course

unit is part - for 3 years!

! The registration in your ISP counts, not the fact if you take the exam or not!

6. Study Progress Measures

C. Prevent situation A & B!

• Reflect:

Enough study time?, Enough effort?, Slow/fast track?,

Learning teams?, Coaching?, …• In 2nd semester:

adaptations in ISP (e.g. part-time program)?

deadline changes ISP 2nd sem.: 25/02/2015• In 2nd BBA:

limited number of credits in ISP?• Professional bachelor instead of academic bachelor?

Contact the study coaches for more information!

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Study and Learning Path Coaches

1st floor T’Serclaes – side A

02/210.16.44 – 02/210.16.07 – 02/609.88.23

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Measures

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

7. Business Projects

• 1st year: teamwork-related skills Social Profit Project

• 2nd year: communication skills Company Screening

• 3rd year: management skills Management Game/International Study Visit

• 4th year: academic skills Master thesis

7. Business ProjectsSocial Profit Project (SPP)

• Teamwork-related skills

• Reflection upon your team

+ your own functioning within your team

• Coaches: Annelies De Winter & Sophie Baré

• First session: o D1: We 08/10/2014 (8.30-10.30 am)o D23: We 08/10/2014 (8.30-10.30 am)o D46: Fri 10/10/2014 (8.30-10.30 am)

Room number: check your course schedule

• Other sessions:

check the handout you will receive during the 1st session

• Presence is compulsory!


1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Measures

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

8. STUVO+• Social Services > Financial Support

o Help and guidance with request of the study grant of the Flemish Governmento Payment in installments of the tuition feeo Financial Support Stuvo+o Information and advice on the social-legal status of the student in Belgium

• JOS (student jobs)o Information and advice on working as a student in Belgiumo Consulting the JOS database

• Housingo Student rooms through the private market or through the student housing

organisation: BR(IKo Information and advice on types of housing in Brusselso Tips and tricks for finding suitable accommodation

• Contacto Marieke Steurs: [email protected] Campus Brussel, T’Serclaes: first flooro Tel: 02-210.16.69

8. STUVO+• Student coaching

o Contact student counsellors

• Student activities o Sports at campus facilities and in Brussels at a low cost

Contact: Stijn Depuydt: [email protected] Stuvo+ (cultural) events and support of creative initiativeso Information and campaigns on healthy food, drugs, AIDS

• Student restaurant ‘De Mineen’ – T’Serclaes and ‘Sodexo’s Clubke’o Student friendly priceso High Quality

• Public Transportationo Information on the public transport in and around Brusselso Cheap season tickets (metro, tram and bus) of the MIVBo Refund of 35% on the Buzzy Pazz and Omnipas of De Lijn

• Questions?o Contact: Astrid Peeters, 1st floor T’Serclaes

o Student council: active participation of students in the policy of KU Leuven@Brussel

o Student organisations: Aloisiana, Storm, ESN, AIESEC, …

o Contact: Seppe Jacobs• T’Serclaes: first floor (appointment)• Tel.: 02/609.88.17• E-mail: [email protected]



1. General Information

2. Study counselling

3. Compulsory tests

4. Absence

5. Exam results

6. Study Progress Monitoring

7. Business Projects


9. Student Counselling & Services

10. Student Counselling & Services

• General

• Ombuds

Contact one of the student counsellors

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

T’Serclaes: first floor, A-side


10. Student Counselling & Services

Group sessions

- study planning & study method- preparation for the exam period- fear of failure

sessions will be announced on www.stuvoplus.be

10. Student Counselling & Services

Individual session(s):

- on study problems

- adaptation issues

- relational issues

- psychological issues

- medical issues

- …

make an appointment with the student counsellors

10. Student Counselling & Services

Contact the Ombuds service!!! No agreements with teachers!

T’Serclaes: first floor

- during the week (8h-18h30) : 02/210.13.19

- during weekends (Saturday 8h-9h + 12h-13h and Sunday 20h-21h) : 0496/99.83.91 : only for

urgent matters!

NOT by e-mail and NOT leaving voice-mail messages


- you cannot participate in an examination

(always take contact before the examination takes place)

- you experience problems of some kind

10. Student Counselling & Services

• Not needed to report yourself sick

• Except when

- you have an evaluation moment (compulsory contact moments, classes or tests): contact your professor!

- protracted illness: contact the Ombuds service!

10. Student Counselling & Services

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