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Page 1: Contents Page Analysis

Contents Page Analysis

Callum Carmichael

Page 2: Contents Page Analysis

The bold black font clear and stylistic nature immediately attract the audience eye and establishes the contents page. The use of breaking the word ‘contents’ into three sections creates a very unique and unorthodox approach that connotes an original and unique themed magazine. Furthermore this may also suggest three sections to the contents page suggest by the ‘1/3’

The large ‘V’ in the background image establishes the brand identity of Vibe Magazine and suggest that the brand is well known and established throughout other contents pages as the artist covers half of the letter.

The use of simplistic colours of black and grey throughout the magazine attract the audience to the main image of the artist and connote the main feature of the magazine is him. Furthermore the use of keeping the colour of the red heart connote that the artist may be going through a painful experience as the hand seems to be ripping it out suggesting what the feature may be revolving around. As well as this the clothing worn by the artists represent him as a classy and fashion wise character further connoting the fashionable and classy theme of the magazine

The lack of buzz words or advertising further highlights the establishment of the brands classy and cool identity that may be taken away from the use of advertisement further targeting there hip-hop target audience and target audience age range.

The simple and stylistic font with waving letters connote a formal and classy magazine targeting their audience range. Furthermore the bold article numbers make it easily navigable for the audience as well as the clear headings.

Page 3: Contents Page Analysis

Q magazine follows the conventions placing the masthead at the top and the use of bold white font clearly tells the audience this is the contents page and immediately draws the audience eye to this. Furthermore the Q logo is used in the corner next to it establishing its brand identity.

The clean and stylish font used within the features represents the magazine as a updated and stylistic. As well as this the font has a slight indie theme to it representing the magazine as unique as well as displaying its indie/rock and roll theme shown through the red numbering and banners of conventional red, black and white colours connoting rock and roll.

Buzz words such as ‘Biggest’ and ‘Best Music’ suggest to the audience that this is the only magazine producing such fantastic music guides and must buy it.

Date Line

The image displayed upon the contents page shows the main band that the magazine is covering ‘Oasis’ and this is further linked to a whole article on them as well as the use of buzz words ‘Oasis Special’ connoting to the audience that this magazine only has such as special. Furthermore the image portrays the rock and roll theme with very ‘cool and relaxed’ looking figures. Furthermore the stereotypical dress and posture of rock and roll starts is seen within these figures and further connotes the theme of the magazine.

Page 4: Contents Page Analysis

The masthead further establishes the NME theme using the red, white and black colours to further establish its brand identity and the rock and roll theme of the magazine associated with these colours. Furthermore the title tells the audience that it is a weekly magazine connoting that it is fast, up to date and current within the music industry.

The use of buzz words such as ‘just £5.75’ encourages and lure the audience to subscribe to the magazine due to the apparent low cost. Furthermore the use of using a yellow font instead of the usual red, white and black gains the audience interest further and is eye-catching.

Date Line

The layout of the magazine is clear however the use of image, features and advertising creates a more appealing and creative view of the magazine and represents it as an advanced and exciting company further relating to the intense rock and roll genre. This use of exciting and youth feel to the magazine highlights and targets its main audience range further increasing its sales. Furthermore the use of a band index creates a simple navigable magazine allowing the audience to find there favourite bands within seconds.

The use of the puff arrow highlights a main article within the magazine that will interest the wide range audience.

The use of images shows a cover of the main artists featured within the magazine and the use of images creates a more appealing contents page linking into features within the magazine.

Page 5: Contents Page Analysis

Billboards contents page uses a unique and clean cut style to engage the audience attention and establish there target audience. The use of a No.1 chart list immediately shows that they are up to date and this exclusive information draws in a wider audience. Furthermore this informs the audience of what to look forward too further in the magazine. Furthermore the use of buzz words suggest only this magazine is covering certain story's and therefore establishes the magazine as a cutting edge and leading magazine.

The style of font and colour immediately establish the magazine brand identity. The use of clean cut and professional text represent the magazine as a stylish and fashionable magazine. The use of the contents page headline being at the top of the magazine clearly shows the audience the page as well as the stylistic cut effect representing it as an original and professional magazine. Finally the use of bold vibrant blue colours further carries the colour scheme and brand identity as well as using an eye catching colour to intrigue the audience.

The use of graphic images to catch the audience attention is very effective and continues the magazine clean cut identity using the mis-en-scene represented through fashionable clothing to represent the magazine as a up to date and stylistic magazine. As well as this a central image is used to represent to the audience who the main artist of the magazine is based around. Furthermore the use of page numbers next to each image makes it a clear and easily navigable magazine for the user which creates a relationship between the audience and magazine. As well as this clear borders between each section of information gives the magazine a defined look that also creates a more professional looking magazine.

Finally cover lines are used to establish the main story's within the magazine. As well as this plugs are used to further draw the audience attention into the magazine and want to find out more about certain articles, making them want to buy the magazine or read further into it.

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The central image is the main area of the Spin magazine contents page which provides an original and unique feeling compared to other magazines. This image establishes the magazine as a exciting and easy going magazine through the artist posture and cheerful facial expression. Furthermore the strong bright lighting also represents the vibrant representation of the magazine. It also represents who the main artist of the magazine is featuring and gives the audience an insight of what the magazine will have ahead. Furthermore the artist clothing does not significantly establish a certain genre of music leaving the magazine open to all varieties of mainstream music.

The contents features places the column in a usual area of the magazine. The use of strong clean font establishes the magazine as a professional and classy magazine using font types such as Italic. Furthermore the use of strong bold colours clearly shows the main articles as well as using page numbers next to them making a clear and easily navigable magazine contents.

The use of a callout from the main artist pulls the reader into the article and makes them want to find out what is happening further in the magazine therefore making them read further in.

The use of Spin logo in the top corner immediately establishes the magazine identity. The bold red and white font also carries through there brand identity. Furthermore the use of the date carries forward the codes and conventions of magazines.

The use of plugs within the magazine further draw in the audience attention and pulls them into the articles wanting to find out more. The clearly distinguishable numbers next to the articles makes a clear and navigable magazine as well as the title ‘features’ establishing these are the main points.

The use of exclusive information about the image and photographer shows it will not be found anywhere else drawing the audience in and representing the magazine as a informative and up to date brand.

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