+ All Categories

. _ T *. V -"_ _l . . .*1 • „ • ' - - - ' - .


The subscriber offers for sale a fulland

Boys' coarse and fine BOOTS, suitablefb^Pall and Winter wear.

Tliese goods are of excellent quality,having been made specially to order,and, coining direct from the manufac-turers, can be sold at the lowest pos-sible figures. . J

AM>, iiadiesV Misses' and Chil(Jren'sBu,ttqned and Laced Boots of all varie-ties, special care having teen taken toget goods that will wear well.

RUBBERS ofr all kinds. *



•. &0RS, EtO; Eto,, -,-'• • ;NO. 43 WaltBOnJ. tTHODT. '

Orders promptly attended to. myl7-ly

I T A » U QL*O.32 iS

A fresh aupplv of Imported Cloths, CaBsi-jjnereB, etc., ou band, whiqh Will bo made up Inthe latest stylo. >o»uring, Cl^onln^ end lie-pairing will bo carried on as hurutolore.* Ueiiili men's owtr Material cut ami made toofdar. ' . ;'; ' my. 1 ly

3 PI/^GE STR6ET, Mew Brunswick,!: ' ; ' ' NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. ' -'• • •

Dissolution of Partnership.' • The firm heretofore existing under, tho namo of FR&NKENSTEIN^b BICHEL

has ttila day been dissolved by mutual consent. . An early actilclricnl of 9II accounts due.ILefirm (8 respectfully requested, and all claims aguinBl tho -firm, should likewiso bo pre-

. K h M ^ o r payment; ;\ ' \,.V,*j". ,' '[',.;.' '•" . . " . • . • ' . ' ' " ' I ' . . ' ' . ' . . ' '•'•'

"' The business of 1lio late (irm.wlll bo • ""';

Continued at the Old Stand,by tho undersigned, who, thankful for tho liberal sharo of pntrouago extended to thishousd horotoforo, hopes to bo able to merit a continuation of favor. •

MAIER SIGHEL,^ No. 11 Peace Street, New Brunswick.

LeepB'ttie< BEST-Boots*, and-.&h«u a t theLOWEST ONE-PUICE—Hand-flowed

' liiJ MacHlne-Made.BTRKPAlfilNo' dooo in tbo neatest and

iflstinanner. - , }•• ' "' J noS-1

A *New Proprietor. . . AT THE OLD STAND; ' ' ,.


A large and complete Block ot FURNITURE constantly on hand. I would mpect-

fully invite attention to my-Btock o f '

Parlor and Bed Boom Furniture,. • < which I am selling at low prices.' Call tina examlno.

it 27 ALBANY STREET,Now Brunswick, N. J. Jell ly

1 j

Orders lolt: at PROF. 8CHNEEWE1BS1,Georgo street, ai'.d at nty . ' .

Hesidouo", 23 Albany Btroet,

Will bo promptly atte"nded'to" 'nUltodcit


r ©off§es, Spices,Etc., at. great REDUCTION IN PRI0E8whicIi cannot DO approached! elsewhere1.Ve call.special attention to ourioii^erap afoci of ''; ';' " ; . ' .' ' ".'••'. '

I 'ullor a n d . JBxceltilor C l o t h e .C l e a n e r a n d I t e p a l r e r . ' "

Assortment ot-f?econd.hand Clothing." leok-tiba, Collars, Eto.,Kto. ' r •

1 3 * O o n n U S t r e e t ,'"'Ono Door'uom corner-ot Hiram ttretn .


. 'NEW BRUNSWICK,'N. J.',The Ladies' and. Gentlemen's >


We warrant (o sell ai 25 per cent lowpr than1 any other house, In.thin'city.

hoice Orange CouM^ B jitter.A largo consignment just Recerved.'dircct fro-ni tho Dairies, retailed aS wholesale rates.



will -be- bonttuued. - Liquors.; of ailMdntlB.Trait's i agar on dralighl. Hoarding »"tl Lodg-ing1 for mun arid liorso. ' •••C.' BOH1CK.'

mh»-ly ' . •• ' : • [ : , i '

F. Mussinan,Stearn Dyer '^'


scii>-dtf Brunawlol(, N. J. •

The NFW Jersey tiipre!y j p ^bavo romoTcdlhelr bflicefrbni tho cornbr' 6i'

h u r c h a u d Dennlf l B l r ee t s to .; ; •'•<•- !%O. a o A A . U A . N Y H T K E I i T .

W. U. BILBEK, Agent.J.:H.At!KEBMAM,.Bup'l'', , jgl-tlw

The Ha,v»iia JFiwerf, Cent Cigar •

inanufaotured at N6 'li Ilirsni street: and, all,other kindfl of CIgara; dom'bdilo and Imported.

1 0 X> OABWina Tp0 A'>X> O A B W . i n a , TB&uOOd by tbo lb. and in packages. '

A general aKaortmunt of Pipes' aud TbbaccoBoxca','and'Othtrf articles ID our lino. • ' : ' ' '

my»lyi.-L'.-i, :••:' .. •. JOUN OrWlKQgf.

Charles Driskel^Formerly with Petor NtebUr) has opened a


ll*lr-Cutting,. Sti»v|ng and ' Hair-Dyeingdonelnth6 tnost approved. atyloV ' 'no7-ly

Ti ' lVT ' /^ 'MT f.very bmiijess man »nd e»X V . i l " VT cry cltiion that you will consulbyour qwn best lulerents by'nfcVlhfiryoufrii tin. done'at th'o TIMES Printiwc Hanats



. Middlesex County, N. J., on tho line of tho Now York and Philadelphia Railroad. n-i'-

Only one mflo south west from Now Bunawick city, being upon Livingston avonuo and other flno avenue*.

Tho Lota rary In depth from 130 feet to 200 feet, and haro 50 to 100 foot front

Only one-third Cash required. 7he remainder upon bond and mortgage, payable in three yeari 'lithperfect. . ' , , • • , . - . ; : ' • • • • • , • . . • ' • ' " • i • •

— .-Alineopening fora carriage makrr anii.nheolwrijlit, for a.ibatclior, bnkor? bruih maker, otc.

A Warranty Deed will bo given. ' : . ._ " ' " : :

TWELVE H.OU8E3 aro already erected. Two belonging to he anbacrlbor will be sold on liberal teem*.

HENRY K. HOW,At HOW'S Nurseries.\

PoBt-nfflcB (iddroan, Now Brunswlclt, N. .1 Jol-0md2mw

Administrator's aaleor

REAL JEST ATE.Pnrininl \t\ in or'Icr of th<\ OM,1I,M1 Court of tli»

louhtf of Mld'llewi, mit'ls im th* Hint <UT i>f AIIKUIIA. i>. 1 rl&, ihu luhiorlber, *lhi)l..[I.l,«t,>r u( i ' . u rKftttioli, «IBOB»I8I, Will mil *t (iiil.Hr} aifoll'tn, on


•13 o'oliwk (i. in., »t Urn (Mr Hotel, all i)lkt mrUInliitrlMaiKt |fit(.ri*U'l »f Wlilcl, th» **l<l PMIPF (Uti*. hriUd aolKw), »lin«U «n thn Roittlimly »1<U of (i, ,ut•f»J • t f t ino , dfjur tfMtnun i t rn«i , la tbtf n)\f ,of Nnt»fJr>ini*kkj U\r$ VA f^nt / tout and rn»r ami uliout1 3 0 l t l |


|lum maitt known on ttm iUr nf •»l(>,

K . T . II ftl*A(lRK,Ailniltiltlr.tnr.

Rft)>t. 6, 11TA. IICII-JI>I..KM

KHnfifltb Hnrriflt, •>! in In 1*1 r a t ' I t til Tli ' tuiM lltirnntl,|*t« nf il.a t*|,l roiintv i'f Mlili 1 )*(•«, ^pi;intnt<i1.

I, WUiUm K H W t »»••< H<irri>Hn(p »t U)« 1*1*1 f>nMyof M M 4 l ( n n . do linjt-liy i.r.lir -ii ' l ' l lr^n tint **|<I »dmlnlitrftltl i U « rn juiMlfl rmtton i» thu cr>-HIlorn nf

flaiin*, ii»<l*r «>tlt nr «li"ni* lull, »|»ltt#l ll«. l iM n»U l « wliUm ntti* inuntt i i frinn tl.» ilm-i of (Mi »nUrfc» •xtllnn • [ ' • r^w hi ili«iinl«f whliln tw.nljr . U j i

tfi »«t4 wtiFtiy (nr h» •imwi of iwn iilnDlti*, mi<l aUo,*£ »tf»?lUlit«tl>* »•!>!• frff (lip |ih« I M K I I uf lllnn in

' 4N4 ir.hf r,,,ilt»r nhJli n'i-niVi'MliTMf HM *r I'Mrf.U, I,«,II*M nr rl.hn wfihln i*l<I M H U I t»r hln»MagttM, ttytf jiHMif •*»)(•* i)TH *• i ror i tMi lanlii**1|i«f m i l ft* frftT'r WiJVi t»f htii or lt«r fttunm

*'"• " " " ^ / A v ) .'>'.• *«<> •••* «< *««<••«, nut .

AUMULJ), IUN6T6BLU bO.(Itroiidway, cor. 19ili St., N, Y,,

U% to rr.ll Din allfhllon of out-nf-lown ri-liMniitil tollixlr niirlviilloil rullirllun nr tlm Inl'nt filtrlf. .n<] nillillllSAllltfliillircil tills BulMill Wlll?ll,ll|iullilnnilli«tl<Jn,will U riiimi] ID tin HIM .|iinlint In Kir i.a, I j i i i u r r •mlCAi 'HKat by any ntlior •HAt>]]nliiui<nttii t l i»Ulr .

I'aiwy and Staple, l)n»n Uomin,J'lain, ./'V/H<y/ rtml Jltark tS'itkn,I'laln, Cotomi mid ./linry Velvet*,

J'lunhiH,Mournlnr/ Oootl* of every denrrtptton,JIonter>/t (/iideiynnnnit*, (llnve,*,(tr.ntlrmrn'i, Ladies' and C'Mldmi'i

Furnli/iinr/ (InniU,<!II>IUH, Cwuttmcrct, OverciMtlni/ti awl

tVutrr/mioJt,.Itlanketn, I'lttnneti, (^itintnrptine*,(fullta, WMIn (limit* mid lAneim,l.iiDiin, KmtiMtlntM, JhimlkmnMf/iifJ<'ilt'* and lftif 7WJM*M(M|7*, !

Snit*, l-'i'fiiini/ IlrenneK, Mitiith* unitVlmikn,

"lmttn, Vifhmern mid Wnul A/miWn.


of Krrrj D.ncrlitHon,

. H.

STOVES,Sheet Iron, Tin aM Capper WareHut Air Knriimi«»i.l!«ii([nmiii lulllmorn )l

on, I'luinl/lcit;, (lm«iii|nu-«iii rittlun,

No. 2 King Blook,Nnw Ilrunittlck, N. J.

llriokol Hlmlvm, Ilnrrau Trijm, Hurlim, KlnoiTill"), IIUUIIKK HINIO, • If).

I rtmilil mil lU'ilTTillur, ,,f - ArrlillnoU.HiitUlflri KIKI l|(ni««knoii*r>i t<* tnr (IV. It. AnnattoiiK'") r*l<mt Hot Air lU-iuo, (l.,i will fuitil.li Mul Wal-r. OiHHijtli iIis.Mtdluff. HullIUk«( Hoitm and Winn llm )|uu«f, w](li llir.ami flru, Klltf bt t)if«n l»ti«iill|it| fUilkM 111n|^r«llpn h\ IM* rltj, and t r r r /nin Klrlijtf Hit

ttHw,*«r.rrt.n»nlrIn !*4f«rtfM( for ln«H'wmilit ftiAia alttltktlr ••r4i l» U.IlMltf). Tr, I t i . ^ T

REAL ESTATEIn tl)e matter or tho applicatloa c fJo l t i W.atnpbU K i a S C b l l ^ J '

' •'i'drlho Fall.arid -Win

- ~ "WljolpBalo,, ttivd

IVE"W CHAMPAGNE Q1 • .'Warranted .to. kcep'Bweet for. yearf."

vVEINSTOCK;lludor Grojwjp'ifitiilli.""',,,.

OF) '-

>a iVPurtition, will aell'ut publicT e u d u e , o n :••:'•• -•. : . : • - . ' •• J • •: ••

• '• - •' - S A T U R D A Y , j \ N . 8 , i 8 « ,at 3 o'clock p. m , at tho City Hoto', In the cf-yof.Nfiw BrunswiclE,f tho Jollowiug-iieacrlb flrtal tatato, situate in tbe county of MiddlesexundStatoof - ew Jersey, whepof Duvld K,Cumpbclt lately died seized, and more partlcilarjy descrtbod as follow,*, 10 wit:

^ t . All that cortaiu houeo and lut of cround•ituato, lying uud belu^-in the citydt NewiruuBvy ck, county of -iiildlcaei and Btuto of'ew J. reey( beginning ou iho iiorherlyitldbif Albuuy siruei, at tbo south westerly cornerit a lot, formerly belungiagtu Cornelius h.lardotibcrgh, lately occupied by Mrp, Ju4a

.1 lidlow, in, the alley; thence running westerly-long Buij'Aihahy atreut, 88 loet 8 iuchoa to ,u»t form rly of John lltuder'8, now or luto by-'mglagtp tbu heira of Corueliya Vau Ncsto,

fccufute'd ; ibence along th6 lina'of that lot,aortht'.rlV ' ^ fijfe1, 8 ii.cjies, more or lesa toMatthew1 McCormlck'S; tut; thence eusttrtyaloiig hia llDe^ita al'el wltlv Waahtngtou ctro't,J)B f lot 8 inch us, mor<» or le B to ttie inlddH ofsald.aloy, ?nd Un, of1Mr*. Ludlo^y'slot; tlieucdBputherlyaloiig tbo suuie, 1*1 feet,1 four Inches

ioro or ICBS to tlio place.of beginning;" bulhglo'iifirub preinirfes1'conveyed'to Darld If.1

amphell in hlu lifetime, by i'etor Couover andife, by hoir"dcfd,"daiod -May lat, A--D.', ftOO,

KIUI recoitleJ in Book, B3 o; Deeds, page 8ua,e t c . , ' V " • - > • • • • • • : • • • ' > • • ; - • ; - • -

.uii.rAll-'hat certain'otherInt, piece or parcel3f landf,eltuat0i lyiugaudboinjj in IQO city ofNew Bruuflwlck, fn the county, of* Miiiileaex,s. d State 6t Now Jtraey, b lnj> baited andbounded as follows, to Vlt; Beginning on thasouth Bide of Albauy street, at iho northwestadruer of thdhdu-o imil lot'of iiihd formerlyowned MDd occupied by . braham Blaoyelt^ecuaacd; tboncerunning aoutbory aloof! tho

ins for,nierly.of (.ho said Abraham Blaurelt, IC4!Det to the rear line uf iho lots fronting on'Dburoh Btroct'^th&h'ce westerly along the rearlne of !<ald !ota ao'frUnthig on Churcb •« treat,ind parallel with Albany street aforesaid, 40ror-t,iQ a lot of John Van Nulso; thenco north-irly along tho.line of (ho said John Van Nulse,0i feet to Alban'y street aforesaid; thtnooilong eald Albany atr*rt( castcfty, 40 feet toby place 6t beginning, buing-the eanie ptom-

iaes C'inToyod to David F Campbell in hia life-time, by Joacjih W. Scoit, by Lin deed datedOctober lfith, A.vD lHfi'i and recorded iu Mid-dlesox County Clork,'*Ofh'oe, la.Bopk' 104 ol

eed'a, p a ^ o . 1 0 3 ; e t c . ' ' "' • •- .'*-...• •:•/' >•'•Torma mudo known onthe day of t«ale by ••'••' "' •• KUO8ERT, U: 8FADEU.i LEWIrf Al'PLEGATE.

DANIEL M. VAIL,. . . ^.Commissioners.

Gcprgo C. Ludlow, Troctor.Datod November 1,1875. • ' no3.tilawl0ig

j . s . & E. •ft.-NO. 4 KIXG BLOGKr

_. . . ' , i . ; * ' N o w r c a d y t h o •..-,.•. ,•;*.

Broadway Style of Cents' Silk Hat;; : Gents' Stiff and Soft Felt Hats

Of all tho latest styles aid (juolHics, and at prlcea to Bult all who favor Hiom'with a coll;

•rent's FuriHstiiiw Gb«ds; Umbrellas, Ganes;GWes.Eto. Agents fpr the G L O V E T F I T T I N (i SHIRT. Also' Agents for the

Slneer Improved, Sewing Machines & Needles: : for all Rawing Machines.

& fiagerty,

'• I "' 2 5 CHCKCH ."S

ll JWftJuyAtoAha.attention of. tho public to examine our' ...„

NEW e*T< »€• K O F CLOTHING,• •; \* •••* ..-J ' " "Well raado, »nd atvory loir pricea. ' •

Fine Custom Trade a Specialty.' " " ' ; " ; ' ' ' ' . ' ' , • . ' ' ' . • . . : • • ' ( ••

•.id ulUfictlon guaranteed. A largo «took of Una


IHTB Ig»PP TO onpen. ,»eU-1j


Mrs. J. H.CCCO OOOO. - -BBRHR.-- ...NX





ccco oyoo .n

O It " H N N W' B ; '""•"'-•O , It 11... N N N Eo n n N N • N EO Itltlllt N H N HEI1EEO It UN N N KO II H , N • N.N 8 'O R It N N N 15O It II N NN E


Ii. ...I.





hL I.IiUiIiL

y informs her riuinerou* Customer* and the pxiblia ill ffencrat thn

she /in* recently fitted up, in addittpnlo her cotnmodiaut

,G(;!itli'ii)ci^ l l i 'Wimcnt. Ilooins


l^,r the atinmnmpkation of LA1HEK and J'RIVATK PAHTIER,

reAiched hi) uprlwita eutritnw, 'Am ubvtutlny thn lyewnsUy of panting (Arouj/.

the m<tlt\ fruition.- >• ! ) . „ , - .

>SA(i lias icnured the lervtoe* of a FIRST-Of.ASS ilAKKR and OUNAMKNTF.it uf FA NO Y UA KE.



r. T

THE N. B. PMLY TIMES,Publlahod ( Eyory Evoning,




, widow, on order to aotl:I Pu suunt to au order of the Orphans' Courtif the county of Middlesex, miide on the Slattaj-bfOctoberpATiJriSTV^^l^fiytJHCTllJei^

T h o XablCH /JTurned l l p o n a l>f>.• • • ' • t e c i l y . e . . . . .

From Uio rail M*U.q«!«m,.Oot. JO.. .Tho roiDance! with which novelists

lave invested the profession ot a de-ftctive lias, t o a great extent, beenKMilralizi'd by. the hardly BUjipresaedmileB'ol t h e , public at the lrequeni

lailuie of these .liuiuUo.iiarit'H. tu gf-tlurther'on the path ol inquiry thania—clue.'^—Occasionally y-howti-verj-itmust b(i admittetl tha t their efiyrtBare crowiied w i l b ' the mop.t' brilliant

ucces.a, and tha t they auljieve resttl^tjl t t le short o i ' iniraculous.' An iti-danctj'o! marvelous afltntenePB on the>i(rt of a detective in reported lroniPlynioutii. I t .fieciua. that a police>ffii'.er liorn LiverpuOl waa disputched,6 Jamaica to ,br ing home a (lul.iull,-'ng oaBhier, who absconded to tha tiltiiid: Borne monttiB . ago. OnPriilay tho' deteuiive lauded at P\y-inoutli yvitli htHprisbneiy whoiii iiehlul

ifely brpui;lit home, the only d r a w -back t » the BiioceBir of bi«, .missionbeing that, tbe prisoneria now at lurgeund' tho detl'ctive. iB hiinnclf ih ousto-dy. The contretemps h'ap|nine(l In-h i s w i s e : ' Ou arrival a t . P l y m o u t h,he detective and his charge prooeedr

e d Q a hotel, whoru the. laiterj-.Lakingadvantage, it ia stated, of hiB custo'diran having lallen asleep in the stnok-ihg-robm1 6f ' the ' eHlablirthment,

ej iped^ti t ," and lias not fleeii tit t oei.urp, Tho Liverpool autlionlieB,

being much annoyed ut the di^ap-iearaiico of the defaulting cashier,

have . arrested the detective. Theyha^ve, therefore, Bom.ething to show astl(u reault .ol . their exi'rlioiiB, and maywith. juBlic'o- t o a s t tha t this is moreh'an Ciiube'aaid' iu iniiny cases where

an officer ..has "...been.1..dispatched inearch of a fugitive.

. A full line. Alod a large "asflortmoat of



U IMC B H, E L x . A. 8A T • ' • •' • .


A I M , ' SATCHELS AND CANES.I S r e l l a a and Parasola "Repaired andadd to order ' . . . ,myl(»'ty;



H. B. ZIMMERMAN,. Manufacturer anl Dealer la

Too Mudii ETIQUMTE.^—A Yankeetraveler oat West has written to hismother tilling: ber his espuriuncc, a«tollowa: " VVeBtern puoulu aru dentilbn-eiiiiiu'tte. You" "cun't tell ji .niiuheI'lit'B,- without lighting-.' A' few day ia£o ii man was telling one of-hisneighbors, in my hearing, a pretiylargo Btory. Saytij,'.Strttngur, that'Ha -wliopiior!' /sayaHie,' 'Lay there,stranger,! and'in tha twinkling of aneye: I.' iuund myself in. ,th« ; diloli,.a • perfuot quadruped. Upoji au-other; occasion nays I to a man Inever 'saw belori*, as a woman punned:"Tliat isn't .'a Rpucirae'n of your W^tst-em \yoinen, is i t? ' Says bo,''5fT6u'roafraid of 'fever and ague, ain't you ?''Very miiuli,'. Bays.I. ' Well,1 re-plied -he, ' that lady is my wile;.audil you don't apologize in two minutes,by the honor of a giintlcmnu I swearthat these two pistols;—wliiuji he heldcooked in hia hands—shall cure youol that;disorder entirely.' -So 1 Kneltdown and'politely apologizsd. l a d -mire tho Western' country much, bat

'ii'rho'4fH&vCaj stand so inuoh eti-quette—it always lakes" uid "uu-

80 CHUKUII ST., Now Brunswick.

Fall tityloa now nsaily. flppcialty of Stra'ght*cnlng and Ilcadtug ConiblnKO by tho newmcttiod nrnkin^ them1 equal to cut hulr. 11

' mauu^cturt;tloD tho promises. so£6


without the knlfo, on reaaonablo tfir:

poor not tumod away. 'Adrlco ' gratln,

DR. J.. WOItTMAN... Office, Nu. 6T North

street. Patoraon, K. J. ' JlyU-nftw«m

LEIPZIGER HALL,No."23|-Peace Street.

ADOUPH STAHK - - Proprietor,


Newark Lager Beer on Draught.

rnnen AND GOOX..VllKE LUNCH from V to 19' o'clock a. m

LIQU01ta0FDfc8TQU.aiTr constantly onband, : • ' . , i ana'


New York and ChinaTea Company.

• i ' . • • • \ ; . . ' s ! - - . . . -

This lour nn^well oiUbltibfld home Is now ealllrexctllohtTetiortho, ,

IXKW'GROP,Bslocted by their own affonU, In Ohtr» and J.pwi,

At I'ricee la Suit the Time*.COFKKK/* tr« fltenm r«Mt(Hl ttn,h <Ully. Tr,

•nrt ColiJfl. »oMl liy tbfl r lnj t , I'.ftk^f. mul Toon,.Hl!f{.M> ")l(l at Ffllntfrn1 tirlc,'.. Allnrilrrs .nt Mlniyttinlly uttrii'lc,] to. Kt H.MdHKI*CO., I'ronrlalnri71, tS..Si; ii aid SO V,I . I J .Irtnt, o r | ,oalu WuhiB^!

alru»0VB(U,|.. 'II,*, ltirllll|iK » wy hi lli» liuttl. |ll,, IHi. »ll,l Mhfl or till. Nil,',"/«!,.,y, ()|>Mr» «o|.l, thI.liint1 l.alt and ml lion. ,,f nii|,t,r*tlhuu. l,ol,\f(i

VIAHI It. Wn w.m RKt'iit. quickly ; |,ri,!IU bk . Hit),lor l.rm*. llirilllAilll IIUOH, 1'ut'll^lirrB, 72H Kan."in atrtot, l'lill.,|fli,hU, I'M. • . uo . 4wi,

ltrunswick Trannfer Co

UATO tho vxoUiitlrs nrlflletfi) to iheok HOR

S*K° ut holalit or iirlrMti roiililoiiofti to \>o\n\orlh, r5i)Utti, K«nt mid Wont.Or.lof* MtintrBd m\ l'«nnt, 78 (Jhuroh hlrcol

<\t IH Nflilaon «lre«t, will rvoeira [irunlpi t,\.ten'lnn,

ronfloiiffniR cotiYfljntt to huy part of Urn gltyor citlM t<>r hyUwiw* ordnm ** (u,ovo.nriW-U JAH, KKUUIMtlN, MitiiM^nr

V OTIIJIC U Imrpbj uUrn In llm rir.lltur.I l WILLIAM M Al'l'LKHr o( llm vlllimof Old IlrldKd, MIIIIIIMVI ouuntr, N, J., Iliiunil ,'liil/nn nnullint l,l« mliilo nillnUiii nl l i l l i l tnIn iliBMiliHcillier, lih mmliinnii, tuiflor in l l l l iNllUliiil'lou, llsrohi llm lltal tUy of ffihtmiititt

ol the mlunmi ju i , ur Im ruinmr barrnil Innouitilnic I" l'ir • illrl.lun.l of | |m«Kt | iU | am1

. . l a nrmllti'N . i n n i r l l u r nni'dpil Hint » lint nIhn ,.|»(.i.« aialniit Hi . aiilil Wllll.in M. Ali|>liI,; will l « fllnl wllh Ih,, l ln r i , i j»l , i ,,f II..|.,Miht; (,r M| , l , l l r , M , N, J , , l,i-f,,ri. llm OM.HIIH,

9X('^|,i.i,iiti (ittifUo iuK;r l)« UUil li> m y |>nr»(>ii

: J, M,


Horjus FROM 7 A. N. TO 8 p. U.UNDATfl FKOM'fl TO 10,80 A. M. ;

New Yorltr'Nortli, East and We*t,' 10 i. m.," S.30,6.1IS and 8 p. m. ' " '

Troutou, Plilladolplila, Baltlfliore and the Bonth,i, 9.16 a, m. and 4.60 i>, m,

Middlebusb, • Millstone, Harlliigsn, GriggBtowu,BluiTDubarg, rJtoutsliurgli, Hope-woll, WooUvllle uidPeuiilugtou, 'i,3U JJ. ni, • *

Houth KKer, 1 .45 p .m. : '.-iffiiitowu, i i a , m. . — : : — -Pjiucetou, Liordtatovra, DuiUngtop, Oun^t t »pd,.

wuy, «B,(m., *.50p. ni. .• ' • ••' '-1'runkllu l'»rk, a u. IU. .Ttireigu, lt»ft. iu,, '2.30, B.15, 8p.iD. >

l l . TIME OF DELIVEUV.New .York, North, JJnat and Want, 7, 9, 9.9T, H a

m.,0And7 p .m. - ' , •Jera«y Olty, Newark, Elizabeth Mid. lUhwiy, Mewerany way, y u. m, ttnd 6 j). m.Phlladofiiliiu, Ualtimoro, WaBhtngton and South,n. W.. iilO.fiiitl 7 p. iu.riiUiitlulpliiii aud tLo' -Wont and Camdea aufl Am-

»oy way; 11 a, Jii. uud T p. in.Middlubuuli, Millutuuo, linrllngou, Grlggstown,

Uiiwoubur^, atoutoburgh, Uoiiowoll, Woodvlllo »ud'euuingtou, lO.lou. m. vSouth Ititor, 10.15 a.m.Fruukltu Purk, H u.in.Milltowu, 10 u. m. ' ,-r~K i r c l g u , U,a. iii^ a n d 7 p . m .

:. -j>t ' . ' . . • • •

M u n i i i o u l l i Ju tKj t lou , l i lnfffl toii a n d E o c f c y H i l l , 1 1a. n i . a n d 1 y.'uil. ' •' - • ' • . . .

: ' _> . J O S E P H , F . F I S H E R , P . M . '





Window Stadcs and Curtaina_a- flpccialtT^ndioA1'"uroasQs. done V"p--iu - btyle: .G^ntaV..Wush ng &nd-evcry- dc9crt(»tlon Of- Laundry :.work dono in the neatest'manner at lowestpricea, . Brunch Uilice — Murehouao It VaaHickel s Store, $7 Hiram atrect.• octno-ly Ii. W. HU0IIE9, Pmp'r.




Third Story, No. 23 Albany otreol, '



Apply to

A. E. Cordon,-dt{ . . . TIWIEB o r n o u .

^F'a SALE—Iu Ghanoi<ryJ0r80y.—Uuiwoen. TUE HOME . IN.

|)1attil.iiu~ mid EUEU U. UALU, aJiiiiiiiitrriro*r, f tol'Jooob L.Mnrtln, tlcc«ateiL on i ats , Del'undiuts,>'L Ko. for MIH <>f inurtga^cd iiromlsos, IBSUL'U;. «ttmbir IH, I6T6. ' ' .

Hyvlrtiioor the obovQ-amtPd writ, to mo illrccUxl,I will fxpojo to eolu at iml^lc yumluu, ou . ;


iVlock P. m., Ri tho BblTllT'a OIlltD, la tho city olNew UruDBwIck. Now Ji-wuy: '

A lot or imrtiJl of land siiiuto^.on the nurthorlrjltlu of \Vntor BtrtMJt a m tbu utult'r)/ ttldo ot Hlfidrtotjln lb cliy ul IVrth Aijibtpy, MIIIUIUMIX county,Niiw Jersey : Utviunlng nt .'iltu Inters, ctlon of thenorthuriy lino <>•• Whtt-r BtriJol with iho ou£n ly llmoi;Hi{li Htreetiona irotu [liumjn running nurtu foa-• i» tblrty tuiiimfL'fiiii along Uiu .-uiit»rty II11- o

.trei'l llUy uuefut;tj'tln:iicu mnitn dtflity-nvu il.'gro«s thirty uituutea tiaal, nUty-tWy f<ut Jilno nichuathoni.0 oorlLUvo ilt^rut's thirty tiilnuu-M (.'fl.it, UQhuutlred lor ly/ tutU un nj ilu Iren or where It "lornierlyatooj; 'htuco Boutli ilxtyelx (lr(frtoa lliiri;oilnutus cut, thirtypno loeti iLtncj auuilt tlvu di'jrees,llilr y mjiiuca welt, ono liuudrtiil a yuiuy-nliiteeL aWi-ri Inched loa utuko.now or tonm-rly -HUDIUDIon thu iKjrthnrly Hidn of Waltr HlMUW thrtio jo t t t>aaOf tho Bout It ettaturly corner uf tbu \>ld dwelling huuuteotitlnulng thu eginu couruo acrooa Water (tU'ttit <o lu\wat-rm»rkon ihu bay or-*uan<l;-iht'hco wostorlyalimg low waier t n i r t until It rawls tliu wumvrl:bqun kry oftho ttald lot, tbo naiiji'king llirt caJL^rljlin'-'of Illgll Btrtiet continued to low water msikthe oca nor<h four detirvca thirty inluutes east term,Wmur atr«ittu th» Leylourg; btmndetl on tbo northby landH,ofAtinihiiui IS. an. JltzekUb Julinaon urntbB helra 01 Hintili Martin, decen t , vn tliu tiaBt ti;other Uud or itaM Jucali\Loui8 ihutin', ,on tt»t soutnlij luw wMurmark kfuruul , anil oa ttie \voai by Hig•lr<.«t and Un . oftho alorebflld Jotjhsou'u blul olhunWntLT urcei' being Inoiuik'd wltliln B lii bounda.

Toeeihtr with all and, singular tlio ngb ,R, llttt'rtloH,privifrges, btirvOttam^nto and njiiiurtwuincfa [Uore-UDtu buloligltiff or In miywlno ipncriHiDll

1 ' M..U. LUl'AltU:, ('OCLT & KEKN, autlcUott

I n 4 l iunco* >* «*T i\-< \v Stirnc}r e 1 WILLIAM KREUr*. RICHARD \V. 3L BEUJUN, LEWltl IIUU.^T. HAMUEI,OOJS.EU aml.iiAKHIKT ^l.TUOKlilt, hi

By vlrluc of ad order ol th<i Court of Chaneary ot'Ntivt' Jetnej, Hindu on tliu duy of tindfttuhcreof, tn.ti cause -wlicrcln Juromluli KVan Ucventer is couipLlnant and youoibentur? dofcndivii'ci, y^u itrg reiiulied tupear ami plead, answerer demur to tliu bill ulpiitif coirijtliUiiurit, ult ttr bt-loro tho twenty-BttViiith'ilnj-of December next, or th« aufdbill ^ill iiu taken UH coufusautl figuiflst you,

The HHI(I bill i& tllud tu io cdonn a aiort^uirorivrii by William &eulor MIICI wllu tu UitniiJtrykftw ou Utido' in tho .t*}.*n9fl((*-'or*'"SL....Jlrinuwlck, itiitisd - |jril I. At if), lsiitl; and you.William KretoVHtclmnl W. 8. llolnuiihnd Low I?Ilii ntt aro tiiiulo dufundautrt becaiuo you huh

Tyoker", nro inadp, (UK'lll'l"l litcause-iit thtime ofliltng HUM bill you, HH iimiynu'd by threcord, wu.t tby 6WHLT nf naul lund-; or sumpart theri'uf, butaftt'rwurdKHOld iliOttnifiu, amiiovr hold an oiimiii.tmuicu on mU\ lunda; amyou, Hurnnt M.'I'ookor, arv mudo dulrinliiiitit-cAimo you nrn thu wllu of Riilil MUIIIU-I 'lookor, nntl at thu tluiu uf tUUij; ui\Ul bill Itml an inc'boulu rkbt of (lower in miid Iniid»,

HUYDAM A JACKSON,(Solicitor* of Coiiiphmmiit, Htlllmiih'fi lilocV

Front Mtruvt, I'luliillrM, N. J.

" ^ I I K I ( l f c l | M S s > A l * K . — I n C l i i t i u : i ' i v

C U M l ' A N Y OK N K W A H K , U.J., Qvll


Iwn)) I , MuHlii, (Iwi'tiwil, unit nix,,•'I. l'"». roriiKliiormiii-lKillAdiirviulHriimilitr Ii, 1S7A.Hy ilrl i i i . t*f l lm »lrf»v«.Bt«(inl will , [a MA <Ilml

1 wfllcxii ' i tn to KitluU |<ul>1lo tt.n ttm>, ui.• TUKIIHAY, NOVr.l l l lKIl 311

' X l u u i r r a r . ' o l i t f tFUiiUltuM^I »u llm MtiiihPrl'h M n u r H l i i l l h n t i ^ n t i t i i a ( l i H Vfe^t^^rly Ml,I,, ,,f i||,.fNtrtH'l, t i l th . , i l l , ur I 'artli AmU.y, In Ih., ,J , , '"Mlddltfir t nnil HUta of New JxiHvyl <'•

tiiMimn rtiiinhiH tmiilliorljr nhma ilm *,<( ,

prkUnl Will) H I I IK I I itllO.V novKiity-fiMir f<"l t »

l.uuiu lot of JiwlniK M , Ki'i.1! IliPiu'fl WMlPrl^'iliinMllm l i l ' i t l in ly Hill nr nnlil Kuril roily Jml hjK '(iOll-l'J), n inrnt i r I P M , lnrrllii|t mi rnn l rdyland of WlllUin l l i in t . - r i lUfwo iii.illirilj- ntUnt him %\t,iy •Haiti fi*«t, muni *r liyii, K. (hf> t^'liUi• l i y lliiflOf Hinilli Rlrt-rl I mul Itiiinci. alotitt |lir> U t t t il l im««M#ltr CIIH lM.n'ltr.1 fml. l .- . , ! f r i t ,,f,H, | l | f i l , M (lii«Tfl»r Ircn (114 VVt), U> I Im tilnm uf \»-ii\mAt\uitMlllJktl m. t t l" >Mi||lt \>f Mmllll hln- ' t , i-ri ti>n r a i lii* ;ii|fi>«|i"«UM<iii.iMiAi.>t i>r.i4i>.'inr.. Mfxin.. <mlh«poullit>jrlifli|1i»iiHii l«l t in t m.w uf .I.ml.nn ||,l 'on l , hMd on (Itn wrat by Uml <>r WlllUm llnnlr-t-

T - . U - U L ' r will, « | | . m l i ln iHtar tt>c it«l.li., i l l ^ i l l i . 'I'llfll-'tfM, h^C-lllUllirlllN *lll| RI'llillKIIIIKDI lll«|'«Ilrttll iHilmifttAII « f l i l H)i/wlMP*|i)>PlUliillitf,• ' nf, M. MIVAUIUIIJ, Hh.ntr,

1 """"""PROFIT ' ONIIOI\ Hlcftf CrivltrKM |fi Wttltnimt, ||(n,v• Ifllli.. : ' l lv-r '»lMIW',rr t tfrW , A,1

FcoceH-Resct and Painted, A.11 work ne&t-ly done and wamiuted,.

K. S M., Now. Brunswick P . 0..

Titus' Express andPassenger Co.

PaBHOQRcrfl or Baggdge called Tor in anj parf tha Civy, ut B.liQd ootice. ,Alao, Buggugo chucked to all points. '

0flic©-26 homorset 8trootil l

A t m c t i m c i i t N o t i c e .

NOTICE '8 hereby givuii that fn tho fifteenthday of ijfcptenibtjr, 1S75, an attucbineut

iHflued oui of the Ulrcmt Court of tho countyof. Middlesex, returnable on tliu fifth day of -October, 1875, ugainijt the Ostuco, rights amicredits, moneys uud tflocis, good und ohattela,lands uud toneuichts of-Ilcury B. Witty undKoburt L. Witty, purtuors in, tratlc U il. B. .'Witty"i 06n.,,iuiy, ut tho suit of Jonathan K.Hill, fur thu sum of eight hunilre.L dollura.

. !• UlIAKLES S. HILL, Ulerk.G. R. LINIWAY, Altornov.October'3(J iB73. • "• . ocl3S-oawd9w

A i l j o u r n c d • l i o r l l P s S a l e .

IN Clmnt-cry of New jL-racy.—Uqtwccu Wll.liiim Ciuupbu 1, Oiiuijihiiimiti, and Mury J.

I'trroll et al., UctcuclttiHs.—i'l. F«., otc., on ,foreclosure. Dated July 23, 1815.

Thosiilo under tho above atutcl writ standuatljoarned to; :

TUESDAY, Movelnhor £0,1676,.atS o'clock n. m., at tho Shorlir.iOflice, In tliacity of New BruiiHwick. New Jersey.

. 11 M. l.Ul'AHDUH, ShorlB.Ueilty & Grim.itead, tiDllelturs of Ccniplaln-

ante. • iiol-td

A d j o u r n e d Miur l l l ' s " u l e .

IN Clianceiy of New Jerfley.- Ueln-eeil McUoe \Swift anil al., Complalniints, ami Jacob '

E. Bclienck and ala., Defendants.-Ft. Fa., etc.,on foreclosure. Dated July £!, UTG.

Tho sale under thu abovu Dialed writ standsailjourued to

TUb.SDAY, November SO, 18!B, " 'at U o'clock p. m., at tlio SberllTsOfllco, In tbocity of New Brunswick; NewJerntsy '

M. M. LIU'AUUUS, Sh'erlO.A. K. Cogswell, Bolic.tor of (Joiil|ilaliiaUU.-

A d j o u r n e d Mii-r l l l ' s Ha lo .N • Cbiiucery ot • Now Jersey.—Between

The Knnka IliilliHnj; and Loan Vsacia-tlon of New Brunswick, N. J,, Complainmits,and J. Klmer ~tout et als., Belcodnhtn.—I'l.ta. t eto.,on forcclosuro. Duteafilay ltt, 1876

Tha sub umler tbo above stated writ viandsadjourned to ' '

TUtSDAY, NorcmbcriO, 1875,nt 3 o'clock ti in., at the Hherlll B OQlce, la theclly of iNew llrtiiMWick, New Jeniajr. ..

Ai. M l.UI'AllDUtl, Sheriff.J. H. Van Clecf, Solicitor of O'omplaluints.n&l-td ;-; j;r-gj- — - - V - "

,.----- Adjimri ied SliorllP* Siilo.

IX Clianccry of Now'Jiirsoi.—Itctwccu Clsr-ancu U. Mllelii'U. C'uiniilulnnnt, imlMi-

Ililas Palm et aU , UefendaiUH.— FI. FH^etc., ontoreelt^ure. Dated Ju(r ~'l, lbTft,

't'he mill! under tlio abuvo H atod writ standsAtljounicd to r

TUKSDAY, KoTrmllir :IO, 1875,n tSoMock f. in., ul thr bliorlll'a Uttiw, In thocity of .New llruiiswlult. New Jrmey

M. M. l.Ul'AltDUS.BIicrllt.John Cliolw{,ud, Bulicilor uf Co'lnplaliiuut.

ls, |),.r. nil.nls—MICHIIIII. Dutiiil M«» IH,

)<ljiMiriK<l ••liorlU'M Nulo.

I N t'linnrerv nf Now JITBOV.—IMKI-OII Thni ouiniiHalraiclH of thu Sinking Kuinl ol

New Jnriuiy, CumpUlntinlH, mul AihigrH. Kun-yuli ut ux. i:t al., UiileiiilaiilN t'l Ka-, etc.;mi ftiiclOHUiii Dated Jnl v i l , U7ft.

'I hv nale iiiular ttui itlioru itutud writ nt.titlaniljollilieil t.i

TlirSllAY, Nii>;i.inlmr .10 IMS,»t 2 o'rlcic-k v in., ul lint'rtlmrln'ii (mini, In Ihority of New llniintvvliik, Nrw JITPDV-

M .M. I.UrAltllDH, Hlicrlll.(1. 1). W. Vrocrii, Hollflloror U nl,iln«nt«,II,M.til

A<1|(>nrli(Mt M l c r l l l ' n h u l l ! .

I N fJImuctiry of Nnw JIMUVJ' --Hi-lnet-nThoKiirokit IIIIIIIIIIIK mul I n AMIM-UIIPII

I.I Nrw Iliiiimtvli'k, N. . 1 , <',H,,I,I»II,.I,I,,mul J. Klumr Blniil i,| « l s | ) r l lII, 1'a, nlo., nil IIIIl«7f'.

Thn «ul» umler thuhuvt i ilntnd wilt •UiiiliHIIJOIIIIIIII In

Tlll.'.tD.W, NuvmnM Id, mM,

u t a i i ' i i lurk II. in. , i n i h r l i i i n i l i r ' n ( i n i r o , in n > .i l l y of Now Ili i i i i im u k , N h w , l | . r w v .

II , M l . l ' I ' A l t i n i l ' l , I l l int lnJ . FI, V a n Oloc l , l i n l i n i i u r „ ( < J I , I I . | I I « I I I . U I » ,

A<U'H r<t MIIMID'H hulii.

I N ClmillTrr III N P W Jl<r»y, . . | l t<ll |Mi| | | r .U. Vnurliri-., (•„ l , . l , , .nt , . m l J , N , | ,

Vmiiltiiviini. t'nliili II. Vmnli , .Y , .o r r | . | | i n

IViidnhl«, I'l, ft. M o , im fiiri 'i ' iti ' ini | «i,,,iV U K U K I U " , IMf., ,

. I 1 luiiiiiliifllin »IH,VI. .1.1,.,I w , | | , | , , , , | ,mljiiuinod Iu

TIJKNDAV, Ni.f.liil,«r IK, lnj(,« ia o'liliirk ii m, » t l h , ,l|,»|lll « , (««. I m l i .•-It/ ul Nnw Iliuiuwlrt, ! „ » , | p , n . '

M. M, LlirAltnliH, Mmiln,AUin« II. V»n t!]«(,r, Hnl|«llvl ill (!jmtl.| f l.

OFFICE NO. 22 ALB.~™DilLT Every Afternopa-WEEKLrbn Thursday.

DAILY—Pitteen cents a week, ivnanBerved

hy carrier, or $7.00 a year, ia advance,

•when Bent by mail.WEEKLY—Invariably \n advance, $1.50 a

year, Uluba of ten or over, J1.25 each,with a copy for tho getter up of thecliib.Tha rate to subscribers residing outside thocounty is $1.70 per annum. "• ' •

" Communications, ot whatever natuio,must be addressed to

A .


' , VNIONAnnexed are tUe majorities of Llie dlffei-

eut wards aud townships In Union couutyfor Senator:

First Ward, Elizaboth.Second WardThird WardFourth WardFifth WnrdSl3|tb WardSeventh W>rdEighth Ward -'.-.WcBtfleld .•-..- • . . ,Union. .CraafordRah way;Pli lnf lcld. . ,SummitClark . . ' : . .


. .142

.'. 79. .230..188, rj'84

'.'.39. . 1 8. . 18• 400. .303-.. H.'.' 16"



Springfield.. . . . . .V.-T.. . 80 .New i'rovldenco......., '. 8-

F R I D A Y , MOVKMBER 0, 1870

EXCURSION TICKETS.- In' accordance with the suggestion of THE

TIMES, .which,, WO believe, has beeu tbconly paper to ventilate the Subject of thenew rulea concerning excursion tickets, thePeunsylvauiu Railroad Company have uiod-Itied tholr order In tho premises yesterday,

-so afl to permit the agent here to sell excui-slou tipUets for the following additionaltrains: 9.03, 10.80, a. •.«.; 12.55, 4.60,0.05, 7.2B,.9.p.ui.—BO that now tue listIncludes qll trains on the road escejit the4.52, and 6.82 a. m. and lhe.S.41 and D.35p. .m; .trains.' On tho ro'lurn from NewYork passengers holding excursion ticketsare-allowed-to como on the 4.50 p. m.train. . V

.For Ihis .modification, thanlis. But wo..liiluk we. cffli show, the company that tbejrnrcseuv, restrictions arc unwise, ungenorouaandunjust to the city of-Now Brunswick.

In tho llrat place, Uio exceptions'are so• few that there ia.no senBO io keeping them

up at all. Bo long aa.tho traiua slop at this' station at all they might as well take tho

passengers from hero that desire to ride on• them and not compel them to await a later

train. This is what it practically amountsto—a. reduction of the number of trains.It is no loss, but a gaiu to the road, whena train stopa at a Btatlon, to encourage- all

' tlio traffic possible on It wtiicudoe» not. bin-dor the train's time—and tickets through to

, Newark, amLNew^ "ft»rk never, hiuder atrain's time. If tbln rulo is an entering^

^.wedgo for running tho osccpted trains' •Ihrougu'witho'ut:.stopping,, at all—tUbh. the

company will do our.city a serious injury.This is not tho time.to reduce nccommoda-tlons in fast ,tmius to tills city. If th'cro'ariTtoo many trains wo can much more eas-ily sparo some of tbe way trainB.

It is always the policy of a railroadwhich BoekB to bo popular—and popularityis,always tbc foundation of the highest sue-co'si with a railroad—to do no little thingswhich are annoying; tho little things donot -pay the company a cent, and tho annoy-ance they are capable of exciting is a j»re;itloss to-the road. It is polty nunoyancoswhich build up unpopularity. Now, whennearly all tho trains from hero taUe excur-sion tickets,- it Is manifestly ono of thOBepetty annoyances wo Bpcak of to ask 25cents additional on a few. which probablymay not be known until tho passeujer at -tempts to buy his ticket or exhibits it in thecar. Tho company does not profit any-thing by these few quarters of dollars—

" N e w Brunswick loses.many dollars by it,nnd B'J, consequently, doc3 the company.For it must bo remembered that excursiontickots are often bought.for this city atJersey City; nnd tbe passenger who comesout to speud the ovonlng, aud who, by thoshortsighted policy of the road, is not given

SOBTotal 1,712Jfagle's tnaj 1,084'

TheuNewark Journal speaks as followslu regard to llie electlou of Mr. Magle: .

It is, claimed by Jlr. Bla'ncko's'fricnds—and they eav th'ny cim substantiate «fiverycharge and intenddolugso—that Mr.'tingleowes his election to the'lavlsh outlav, ofuiouey In his behalf by a certain" railroadcompany, they haying given,out $D,000 inHah way alone for the, purpose.. It Isalleged thut tlielr agents boldly stood ot tile'polling .place In* each ward 'in that cityIbadcd dowu with greenbacks', and . boughtup voters at tile ijate of $5 a. head through-out the day. That there .is somo founda^<ion for this report, there Beeajs to he butlittle doubt, and the Democratic CentralCommitted.of Elizabeth will ..Boon. take,steps looking towards a full expose of thisalleged Wholesale swindle upon tbe people.

• Despite the utmost exertionB of Wai loreVail, Grant's postmaster at Flulufickl, tosecuro bin election to the Shrievalty, ie hasbeen beateu by Sir. Bl. IC. Thompson, tho;Democratic candidate, by a majority, of,53. . It is also'alleged tlml Vailreaortcdtotho same -practice that is laid' at tbo doorsof tho railroad company, aud is out to thosum o( $8,000. . •

. In JlonmoutU ' county, Heudrlckson,Dem.,' for 8enalur,,baa 1,997 majority oveiHerbert, Hep. Dem. majority for Assdm'bly in let District, 2,200; in 2d Blatrlct780 ; la 3d District, 8. *

Tim ' Republican majority in Pennayivanl»-.wiU. probably be from 1-1,000 to 15,000,as tho corrected returns do not keep up theflrst report of--majorities for Bartranft foGovernor. '' t, ": . •" • -


A letter dated Lima, Oct. 14, gives thfollowing detailed account of' ,'tlio iburningof Iquiqno, a city on the southern coast o

;Peru'T"The-'-grcateat material : calamityBuffered by Peru BIUCO tbo fearful cnrlh-qunko of 1868 occurred iu Iquique onWednesday morning last, tho -7lU of ,lhiamonth. Flames were discovered issuingfrom tho house occupied -by the GermanClub, only a few squares diBtanl from Ihesea, and beforo tho doors of tho burningdwelling .wore opened, the. Hijlit breeze fionitho southwest was scattering; dcatrucliouami ruin throughout the devolcd city, ,

Tho flro was llrat noticed at two o'clockiu tho morning, aud beforo noon tbree-foiirlbs of Iquiquo had vanished la amuke.'Twenty-four ' blockB of 'bousra, stores,banks, etc., were consumed.1 •'Iquiquo wasbuilt almost entirely ot wood; itbo pjdoiwalkB are even.eoustructed of/the same

tho cround is Impregnated, with

lie German flrfi'rnal at Ueridebtirg, II'JI-stein, wus destroyed by au explosion.

Mr. Bloody's words produced a'more pro-'ouud impression iu Brooklyn ycslcmay thanjver before. ;

Aujpislus 11. Guylord of Saginnw City,Mich.-, has been appointed Assistant Attor-ney General. ' ' ' /

'David Iioblnson of Kokoma, Ibd., killedtwo of his cliildien Thureclay aud afterwardscommuted suicide.1 . - - ;

The murderer, John'CIark, who -was tohave been hanged t>t Rochester, N. Ys, to-day, bin! been granted a respite of two weeksby Governor Tilden., :• . , •: • •-< .->

Gaston Is. not elected, but the meagremajority of bis su'ecesafuroppouent B|IOWSthat MassadnusettB, once' the Gibraltar'ofliiKilcnllsra, muit uoncufortU beruutcd.a3 adoubtfulBtato. • ' ., , • : •••••••

The Tammany1 Uall General Committeeheld a-reguIai-'iuoqthlympslitiK"laiitu

eveiiiugrwhen speeches were mudo by Jolin Kelly,A'bram S. Hewitt, Poter.B,' Qluey,'Jnlm K.Fellows and otuers, ./..,;.:• ,. .-,:- ;• \ '.

The (Ji-and Jury of the District of Colum-bia have found IndictiueutB against ex-Con-iresauieu Ncgloy of .FAtuburu iiuct'ItoilericklUndoni BulU'rof Tennessee for. conspiracyand for presenting futae datum against tbeGovernment. " ' • ,: Ti(o .$0,000,000' eiiit _against Tweed hasbeen struck uff the calendar .of; the SupremeColin Circuit -mid I bo1 trial has bceupost-pbheduntir December. The motion to thateffect 'vitas granted by Judge ya'ir.Vorat oupurely technical, grounds,i ; . ,' , '

Mrs. Eliza Guild, wife of Judge- Guild,died this morning from 'air altucl; of, pjtr-ulyais. Although her dealli .was -suddeii,Bhehiul been ailing for several.uioutbo past*Tlio funeral will take place from the houseof CouuBeller Guild, son of'deceased,'cornerof La Orange street and Cllutbu 'avenue,on ^aturdiiy foreuoouat 11.o'clock.— Js\ark Journal, Mh., . . .' .

tf« in unskilled bands. As a book i&erelyf aljEfract koowlfcdge, i t ' i s exceedinglyeadaljle and iaterfcstitig, especially tbe fol-

lowing subjects: Cerebral Physiology,Uuntau TemperamentB, Pseudo-Hygiene,tin- Nursing of the Siok, Sleep, Food, Ven-;llalion, ete. - In ono chapter on anbtliermbject, so delicate in its nature that it isliut up beyond tbe dobiain ofhwarniug toj

all but phyiiclaus, so accursed In ltd resultsiu modern Bociety, he ia most explicit, amiuli.be truo to Grid, to virtue, to life, and tosociety, BIIOWS tire truth m presented in theleachlugs of-'^Scripture—tbat life beginswith conceptiou^-wilb great force, to VvUlcliis added fuithfui warnings. : . , : ••'i Price 8t-the Medical Adviser Jli60,.»ent

post-paid. Address the author at Buffalo,'New York. • "

spatches to

OOVERHMEHTS AND STQCK8, .EoporU.d bjrEDWIM ELBEIiSOH" 4 'i'l., Hiiiki-rt

*od HUtck Btokoru, cor./iliurch *tDd Ctorge KtrtoliTlMK, 2 p . ju.; Kovt-jiiljiT ft.'



Now is the time of tbe year for JPneu-tnonla,_Luug-Fe?err-Cougb8,-Cold»,-andfatal results of1 predisposition to Copsunip-:tlon and other Throat and Lung Diseases.,l?oscbeo'B German Byrup bad been used ln;

this neighborhood for the past two or threeyears without a Bimtle failure to cure, flfyou have.uot used thlB medicine youtBelf,go to your Druggist, Van Pelt ($j.HJtuflt,Van Deursca aud YVells, and ask them ofits wonderful succeB3 aniorig Iholr cuBto-merB,' Two doses! will relieve tbo woiBtcttBo., If you haye^u^.faitb, (n.apy.medl-due, juBt buy a Sample Bottle of Boschee's1

Geriuan Syrup for 10 ceuts.nnd try it,ifegular size bottle 75 ceuts. Dbn't neg-lect a.Qough to 8ayd;7fi cents. : t_., '.. \

Can't go,to.church"., Wliy not!. Obimy coui^i would disturb the congrcgatio.u.Cure it then with ;'Hale*8 Honey of Uore-bound and.,Tar,'-^ a pnro vegettibie .remedy,unfalllug as tbe'Bilu ami mild and' harmlessas the Summer air.- Sold by all- druggists.Pike's toothacha drops' cure, ia ono mlU'i ;, -.'; . : . . ' j • !.;• „ so304w.

[Uln6ii-O«atr»1; ;......;MUabuw.. ; :

GTUI West... .:.•>& " Pr«/erred.. . . :

EookrilaodMU.-and Bt. Paul

r'• " • Preferredolado and Wsbaali

o.and MiaslBslppiBud Altou

11 Preferred...",,;.,Tew Jersoy Coiitrnu... "Tuion Piiolllo.,.... , ?'inftmi....^,.;...•. '...".... . . .el. L'aclc. nwd' Westoru..

itkfltJo aiid T»clflo ^


Jiiio'ioo", Nov.-'the Journal aud the Pout and Mail sayreturns1 received' at' Madison, :\Yi9,j lastnight and:. this, mprniu'g . baye-.' decidedlychanged the.complexion of the election jnthat State, ant! created »cou&iilcrable excite-ment. The Democrats- claim their whbloticket has bepu elected, Goy. )VfiX. K. TayTlor's majority beiug small, .nnd that of Iboother candidate* larger. ,:.'• ;

The Assembly is claimed by both pprtlcs,nnd will undoubtedly be very close TlieKepuhlicaus still claim ^Uarrispn Lutling-tou's election as iQwvurubr by aUotit'. 3,000.'majority. Further • returns ' are awaitedwilh much.anxiety;, .. ...

MILWAUKEE, Wlfl., Nov. 4.—A privatedispatch from Madisnu states tbat the Re-ptfolicfins';there eaucedoT^bb^locllou^of^-theDemocratic Blatu ticliet it itlhtbe exceptionof Governor, and a Democratic majority inthe Legislature, Returns received here,however, indicate tbeyuceeBsof the Uepub-lioan Slate ticket, cjceiil, pcrUnps^Iieni'-yBaelz for Treasurer and Robert Giuliani forSuperiutendeut of Inslruclion^ and a Repub-lican mujority In the Legl»lulurg,_/: -

Tlio political ' complexion' Ot tho nextLegislature Btiiuds as follows : .

' liegeman,& Co.,'drugglBt's. New York,are introducing ;tato this.pouuti-y-JEppley'acelebrated Medicated Whisky, for the" curbof consumption and all pulmonary'.diseases.See, advertisement. Wold .by all druggists.Price $l'por bottle'. "'. u oc21-Sindaw•"

The best collar over made Is tho Elm-.woo'd. It fits better and look" better thanany other. For sale at Mrs. F. .Walllng's,No. 100 Neilson Btreet, botwecn Palorsouand Churgh streets. . . • jyl9-0m,

NEVER KNOWN^TO FAIL.1 ; "Dn; Moiuiia'' Uriii/e ot TAB, -WILD

CiiKiiBriand: HoiiEUoiiNn has" never beenknown to fall in. permanently' curing obsti-nate Coughs, ;Colds, Croup; VfbooplngCough, nor auy diseases bfSBJb. reeplratojyorgans— and it dqcs it XoojBmpnce'I 'it Isnot necessary to taitc it ftflvlobg tirno be-fore you can discover its beneficial effects-Its Balo' in; this cdmuiunlty'is linnlehse, ft'tldits popularity universal.. I t should not boqlas8ed with compounds" put up by inox-perieuced bands. It is'}>ositively guaran-teed to be composed of the purest aud bestmaterials, and prepared in a scientific man-lier and to always glvasatisfaction.: .Do notfall *lo give llija great and potent reraqdy atrial.- ,lt''wlll-not\au,d!;caunoi; disappoint

Atlantic, .V.BemeU"". ••Burlington..Camdtiu,.....Capo Mn}'..C b U J

'Hudson!'.:.Huntcrdon.j ; pg Jj^?

nttrato. By pour inu wa te r from tbo ocean „ : , , • •on tho hu ru lug blocks Httlo good was JJ ld tUt-'sef-•'•

tt By p uon tho hurulug blocks Httlo good was

i f l l i h hJ J f .M»nmouth.

a 11 p. ui. rcluru train fvoui here, and

Dem.. . . 1. . . 1

. . . .00

. ..n.,..0.;,0 '.. ..o

. ' . i l

. . . 0. . . 1". ..o


. . . .odone, as the salt water falling to tho earth | ?fonly served to klndio tbo flro bidden by tbe ^ 01

saltpetre. Consequently tbo flames swept ilike a ' hurrlcaho over tUeclty.- From the Jterrible velocity in the progress of tho flro lillle could be saved • the houses fell like >imateboord palaces before the forco of the conflagration, bill, so. tborougbly dlssetnl- ;'Hr

mo" • ••••'•••.-••" *nated was the alarm, that no deaths or per- n a r r t n . . . . . . . . . ^i j<aoual injuries aro roported. The damage •• '•• >-[-- 0



Dum. i;.'i0

who desires an early train in tho morn-ing—he has to pay a quarter extra for theearly train. . This gives him a very lowopinion of tho road and of this city. Takoa more common.case. Now Yorkers comeout hero to spend Iho day. In coming outhere on a morning tralu thoy are stuck aquarter cxlra; and iu returning In the after-noon on tbe fast trains, at 8.--11 and 5.35,they aro stuck agnlu. Is this policy ? Isthis tho way to build up local tralllc on aroad ? I» Ibis tbe way to make Now Bruns-wick a favorite home for commuters'( It Ina small thing on four trains a day fromhero to exact a quarter of a dollar cilra fora round faro, wheu tho train Is obliged to•top anyway.

Then, tako the roturu trains to this cityiu tbo afternoon. Tho company permits•wives and dangbters to accompany tholrhigh-toned malo relatives on tho 9.03 a. m.•with an excursion tlckot; let them net onwith. tbcBe relatives at the correspondingreturn tralu—the 3.55 p. in.—thoy ate"s tuck" a quarter. Yet aa that train isoullgod to run a car to this city aud drop itanyway—what is tbo some of drlvlug a tewoxcursiim-tlcket holders oft oach day?Tbat 4 p. in. train, and in Winter tbo 3 p.m. train, »ro favorite trains with ladies.Eyoa in Winter thoy can return on themnlono. Hut by tho now rulo of the com-

'pany they are .driven to. tho.3.10, whicharrlvci half an hour later, or the 4.10,which arrives after dark, or tho 4.50, whichstartn at sunset; BO that practically ladleaunattended aro compelled to come homo atthooarly hour of 3.10, and on a miserablyBlow train, or clao p»y trlbuto of 25 nonw.Isn't thin a pretty advantage for a greatcompany to tako ? Is this Iho way to buildup nucb A miigulllconlly-prafltablo localintronugo us It l» possible for tho I'onnnyl-vmila Ilnliroad to po»sen» between NowYork and this city ? An addition of 33 percent, to > fnru when nuch addition willrosily bn of no profit to tlm riiml, but onlynnnnyanco to Iho pamunno™, In a very poorw«y Indeed to do thin.

Wo »po»k Btronsly on till* tmall subjectbecause It Is Vd Important <><<»• <»«'».on» uro of tbo iiplnlou tbat dlncrlmliiatliinswjatMt tbn city aro llin practlco an<l ruleof Ibn I'onnnylvnnlii cump»"y—» traditionwlilc'h corarai down to II from Iho old Mow,Imi.fy Itnllruml, whlidi uiidi.ubtcdly prnr-tlvml Hint rule. Ml Midi lllllo rulHi nniltllncrliiilnnllnnH in tbU Intnii iiiln i»f Ihi-ennumny HHniKtbin llml |io«iiliin. It bipiiiwlhln to malm tlm I'miHBjIvunli (Minpnnyt; puimlitr In Ibl" city II'"1 """Hi"' rallriMulwi.uld nut br, tli(iui|lit <>r mid It will paytlio l'oiiii«ylv»nl» n)inp»»y l u l l l l l k" ""''"ID. Tlml wily In to I'.IVO u» frfi|lli!llt, 'ant

•nil (•(iiivrnlont linln", with <:lrno «nm, »t »low mid imtJorM ritl» of f»ic. N^Klcct of

'1 l

dono is liumouse—f 5.U0t),O00 will not coverit. Iu Iquiquo no iuourance could bo ob-tuiucd-froin thu vory nuture of tbe ground,aud tlie uaturo of tbe materials uaed forbuilding purpoECs. Hence all la dead loss.

111111 ,1a


on joint ballot•.TUK BKNATK.

Atlantic—Win. .Madden... . .

1- 1

021 -


Torm exjilrra...1878.

; .1878branch ot the National Bank, the books and ^svm-]iarlm i>. taCamdeii—Writ if. icwell..-cash of. which were

House, the Iquiquo and Commercial Houses,Cl l l )0 j [ l i y _ A , , ( . ; ; a , . ( , /,. L,:ammy... 1877

Anglo-Peruvian Bank, escaped, _owing to

you.' TryJ.it ou'ce.i. Aslt lor;Dr...Syrup 6f Tar, Wild Cberry"aiid. liorchound,and take none other. Trial Bir.o, 10 cents.•Sold by C. C. Wells and K. G. Van Pelt& Co. ' ' de23 ly

Master your cpugft at ,ODCO: with; rTalc!aHoney of Horehodud and Tor • Every; af-fection of the lungs, chest or throat toudiugto consumption ~te not; odly^ rolioved butabsolutely obliterated by tills wonderfulvegetable pulmonic. Sold by all druggists.

Pike's Toolbucbe Drops curo.io.l minute..'•.': : . . '.-•'. dc25-tw'

City.Treuhiirer?* Report*!Toth* Honorable L\e Common Council cf the CMjl ol

' 'b'eui liruntwtci:; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. In uccordanw with llie rfiUuSromenta of Section 9

of t u Act entitled, **A funhur bupplctnont \o *n BCotititlud' ' An »ct to rcTtso and amend tlio Cliarter- otbo Clly uf .New Brunswick,' approTL-d March 18,1SG3," apjirovcd l 'obruary.23, 1871, I hffdwltli ^r(suat ft titaU'inunt of^licaolpu *ud Kxpootllture* fttUq manth wf October, 1870: . ,

Town CIOCSA—1100 appropriated : ,liftittuce OQ band lo*l rciiort. $100-, VftUcc» of up-

Qaa anil Lamp8^$U,0UU-a|>prO{iriat(Hl 1' rUalancj ou haS'l laat rejturt, iT,CB7.69; btlla|,ttld. ^lul.D'J; ordoro i Jial:, by Cduiuuo Cooucil

: and r< lualnln; tiojmlil, H'i.lX);- aulqunt exiiendMl,8Ilj3.3i; balaaw oi BpijruiirlaUon UQfll^eBtlfd,»7,9i-1.4I. l -- -.'

Public Bulldlnga—$1,000 appropriated:ll:ilanc« ott ban t a t last roporl, f 590 2; balaocoot app^opiiail.ollDrXiK-uilMl, |&3u '.$.

Hcnalrlni; Uaru, Poor :Karui—|M)O appropr ia te .

their position as regarded tbo wind. Jlanyfamilies are houeeleas and deprived of .allmeans o£ obtaining Ibc barest necessities of.life. But no sonuer bad Iho newa reachedLima than the President sont a telegraminstructing the Estanco Agency to furnishtbo authorities In tho port with $6\0OO forthe alleviation of tlie suffering people.

Gen. Prado ca.led bis priucipal nd-herenta to his house and railed a likoarnuunt, which was also romitted. Mr.Oibbs, tho American Minister, collected$1,000 from Ills fellow-couutryraen InLima, ho subscribing a considerable sum,aud Ibla was likewisu placed to the creditof the ruined. Other efforts aro beingmade to ralso .relief. Ouo of tho mostpainful features of tho rnisfortuuo in thatmany "mcrcbanti had taken adyanlngo oftho reduced lurid established by tbe Customiloute, and had dispatched a largo amountof merchandise, nearly all of whlcli IB nowdosltoycd- Tho telegram* received hero,and iho • hurried dlBpalches written fromIquiquo to Lima aro not sufficient to , giveus a clear idea of tho rca^ damage dono.The bodctfa", or warehouse»,-Jn which largequantities of 'nlirato ..wero «tojvcd, close toIbo sea, were saved; bill niiiiiy ilcpostt* o£coal, a costly article iu Iqulque, areor wereiinouldcrlni! at lust advices. A. gloomier•tiilo of affairs caii hardly bo Imugiucd.,lluslncu has been stagnant for two yourspusl, and now the mcrchuuts ilud them-selves ubsolutoly baukrupt, their llubilltic/i,otvlni; to tbe duantcr, being vuatly in oxceiwof their assots.

Mlddjesox—Ley l D,.Jarrard,,,....Mnnmohtbi—Win. H.'Ileniirickssm.'.. .1879MbrrU—JuAn Hill..•.":V.'.:.-::.>..:.'.1878Ocean—John S. Sahullzc 1878Padsatc—*Jpbu Hopper, . , . . ';. ' .•.... / . 1877Salem—'./. Plumnicr.....:.."...'.-. r. 1870r3omersct—C. 13. Moore 1879Sussex—Sara'l 'L'. Hiniih:;. . . .• .1.877,Union— JI'MI. J. Mayic 1879Wurren—Win. Si lvenborne. . . . . . . . . . . 1879

Hoptiblicana iu italic. • "HOCHU OV A8HEMI1I.T.

.Atlantic—Leonard II. Afhlcy. '•' •', .llor'gon—J. H. Winant, B. N. Ferdon.Uurlingtnn—Daniel L. J'latt, E. Mat-

bown, Samuel TujjlorjJohii \V. Cavilecr.Camden—A Men C. Acoml,. Oliver C.

rWirf, liiehurd JY, IJcrrinn..,, , . .Capo May— Win- 'I1, btevene. .- .'•<Oumberland—bitiahW. Ricbiu'an, Oeorya

W. Payne, • • ; : ! H ; . : : ; . . r ; 'Essex—A. D. Traplftigcn, David 1)mld,

Fratwln K. Jfowctl.' S. V C. Van

Anncxotl aro tbo returns for Governor,by (Jtwgri'flfllomt! ulntrlclfl :

I I . .H I . .IV..V.



* * ! > .


H.1017,rtiHH, ,M1,0*8

1 LVI'l

r <laatwu, Utli



Iiul. L.Ilffl'lill.



T h e U'|;l»liilili(j ntaiidn:

im feir tlm (!iinC«milnllu thfl luiix urn iDtlnil_.|lii! iiKim ui •« HfKl'

1 l m » • | IK t'"1""

Id tlm Ml«l« «f Ki*" 'V'irk tlm linf,.llo lo.jniliy en llm B ' " " " ! 'I1'1'"1

»lll,IIT(l| tlm .V"N, HI.'WIMJrll/uiit, lO.iWO; Uu WtifiiW, 11,0*1

Tlm K<KKI old tlniM ore (!n>|l11«lly '»i r v l v c d 111 N m » Jrmi'V. f)m:la| i lUlll l lt l l . l l l iurn biiiiiK »wi'[il l iway mid t lm iliivvn ul purenml «ii(w1tili«r»l«il do innerncy In nt linndl l rcmi to i uinii l iokla ol l lco hi Jmmiy C l l yIm i l i m n ' t i i irii i l nuy Ktylo. Mm lit). O n l yl ln io t l inr i lny n Cormier won i i l h n t i i l fniryliiK Io Irani » "iinip inulmli ly wl l l i Ibn IIIInntliili (if allliaf'(|linlitiy i.'ftfflUi}{ ft f<<n liy• l l l l n K u n liliu, II" wi-nt Hi Ilin wurk Jumnil K Im n u n i It r.niDiiliin cUlr.no, A m i H'lwo Imvii Um i*'« of > |>ulton JIIIIIIM wliKlcpiinl frntn hi* liimiih, nhnli n Inwynr Inilnmlnl Hint II" W»« *» "111 <f'Kh »"<!ilrnvoii'd, Ibn Jmlldi illil, til il«mii|>n tlmlInwyiir i^inutiitlly, In > very iiiml'xt nml nn

l?cnxs>laer,JaiitctiM. n, ChartedMM. Harrison, Elkanah Drake, Marcus

6. Kichardi, Philip \V. .Cross. , .Oluuccsturr-TkobiuB 1). Lodge,' C Moore.Hudson— Win. A. Lewis, Tlics J. Hau-

ion, J. D. Camvalkh, Henry llrauliymh,Mm J. Tuffey.T.- O.~ lirbwn, llmlolphItalic, Alexander Jacol)ti>),: .. ,

Huntcrdon — Jnine*.-, Bird, Win. W.B w n y z c . ! • > ' • • ' •

Mercer—liuoch 11.' DruUe, .J. HartBre.ivcr, Hubert Ii. Jlutahinuon.

Middleeox—foai'ih Jtotjc, (Jharlos AJainiibcll, Oiihlel Z. Martin.' :. ,'

".onmoulli-^aiMB L. Hue, O.-D. lion-ilrlcksonj Win. V. Conover. '

Morr'iB—James C. Younyblood, E. D.

Ocean—^Kiibrliim V. Emppon, • •Vi\ttv\\e,r-Jolm ir, Grlggt,'iJ<)\m San-

LILTSOD, JOS. L. Cunninyhatn.

f'rJuU'm—Wrn. Jjawrunce, Quintan Keas-'ity.'i

tjomersct—Jos. If. Vuorheca, Jutticn J.

HiisBiix-Wm. Omm.UIIIDII—Jnliii Egan, Mmcit P. Cor//,

Mnj. K Vail. • : : • : , ' , . , -Wiuri'ii— Win. Carpenter, 10, J, Mitckey.

lti'iititillt:.'iii!i in italic. ' ' '

[>ald, WI; amount rxptmiled. $802; balanca ofapproprlallull Unoxpfiiidwi, Id.tfoO.Ml. V .-. ' .

ReeordlaK BlrtllB, Marrla^oa and Deaths— ITS appro.

Klulinlt • ,

Llunc^ oa band at last ropnrV |73;l>a!alica"of a|urci>rlullou unaxpeuded, ITfi.

Ivtrlluliie; 3tatloOVry, flic.—J8.6C0 appropriated :Uaianco; oa haDd.'at laal report, 41,Kl.'t-orui-rol paid l>y Commoii COUDCII aud ro.DialnluK uupold' from appropr alton, 11200;amount, oxpumled, 112 00.) Ualanoo uf..iapjirpprlatlun unoxpi'lidi-d, ll.fi^i 26.

Flro Ufi.artmcat—•a.WOapproj.rlatrf:- : , , . (-llal.no - ou luiud al laat M>orL 12.614.69 i balBnq ,of (imiroprlatlon unexpended. t2,014.GS.

Two lingtne liuuitca aod Lota—*B,00O BparupHatalBiilaiic« ou band lit laht report . $1,000; btlla paidftl 4U0; orderod paid b j Cominoo Uounoll and rouialnlDK unpaid, $l,*"0; amount ejtpend<-d, $ ',409balanco 01 appropriation Unexpended, $&,600,

Pay of i'lremon—43,7OU appropriated : ,'llalanca on Hand at lait r a p o r v $ l 920 j bill. paid.$2y0; amount expendi-d, V1W, balance or (prlullon unt'xJMJi'ded, $!,0%l.

Sumiort of Poor—$11,000 appropriated:IS.Ianta . „ hand at l a « wpor. , $7,681.07; Willpaid, t9t.1t', oroered paid by;C«uiniott Ooonclaud reiiialnliig unpaid Trum ap|>ropr'iall<)n, $' 90..2«- amount , :knunded,'|3J-4.99;. balanoa of 'ap.proprlalion unexp<udud, $7.Sil.O3.

acld«nlali-»8,000 appropriated:Ualunco nn Imod al iJal rnoort ; «1,94617;,bllla paid.$10300: ordered ^aid by Coufmun Council auilra*maltilnfr un'pald from appropriation,' $91'.00

inditlou um'xpoiido

Interest and lllscou- -r,..-r., _Ualaiiu on hand at lait report, '$3,«O7.8B; blllipaid, $'2915»; «mouut expended, »2B1.68; balaucor appropriation unuxai'ndfrd. $8.1)12 SO. . .

Tollce UuVartnionl—$l0,000api,roprlaled!Italamtt on band at IMI report, $5,81MU hiPa pal--1"- — ' — '•' '.--Ctiuioivk"lij^nell and re-,

• ainounl"

- from tli'i TOUfl|.lila Pri'Miftiriin.

Frnni tlm World's Oinjii'iisiiry Pi lnl:>fllt;o and lllndt-ry, IIIIIIAID, N . V. , wunivn riTclved " ' r i m lYoploV Ooininoninnmi Mclh'iil AdvlMT, In philn Kni;lliur, MiuUulnci Hlinpl|lli-|l." by II. V, I'lntcoiM. I),, CmiiiBoliir-lii-tinlfr of Ihu ilonn) o(I'liyalcliuiii nnd Hiirsroiu nt Ihu Wiukl'ii Din-pnunitry. VVh'njvi'r bclpn liiiiintiilly hi 111lrii|tKln wllh ll« liilinniiit' winliniTjii'ii'ttiiilHHIUDI'II, \u bear ur iniir., In Hit ln'iiufniitnr.Kiliillinin |H nut nnly llnulf n CKIIHO uf dig-

ritBn nml luiitiiillty,'Inn II l» l l io i i inmy olnvi'ry (ffurl to r.iini u r iiilll»;iiiii. Nollllnitwill no I'liiwllly iiiiiiiiviillin(iiiiiw nn know!-

(i (nn iilniimiliiiy omr'At, l i i i i*t )of tin.. .liwrn I" whluli,\vii nrii'liqlr, in wiill m

lliutii' nUpeitiidiKod by nlir own liiitiruilonrp.Dr. I'lniim IIII" ri'iiiU'iwIg.iiiaurJhiliiiiiitnt, niii'iinfucliir'H m'rvlfi'.' IKIIII to tl.tl Dfllictcitiinil |i> thn pmli'iinluii, In lii«i)lii|[iii,,|||| uf im,illm>M<!» InmI'd " ' , « » l I" llin pnWiilitlliinor llin phlliMiipbln | ' | I I M I | I I . « INVI.IVIU'IMIlicll <'iiii»" liii'l ii'iniiviil, Uu In «|inilii« o(iiiiiic.llo", nnd imuiilly prnpcrlkci mich n mo

rlnj; Uaru,ji and l i o a d l ^ 7 , (

pu ban i-'id b L'

| p p ppj.roprlatod :aat "report |

aid by Lonim uncil a t»I8. ' , i ; amount expended,

ppronrlaUon -.nnojCDended, t'umpa—#2^1 appropriated: " j : _>

llalunce on bani"at laat report, «ib l f l t l n j d

alinctf pu b n port. |drrud paid by L'onimnn council and tpaid, » I 8 ' i ; amo

g1 H.FJ'2; bal

aucuo' Balar cl

tlon unoxi^njed00 appro[irlated :At'iltut-repoit; '

fiO.00 p p o [ r l dbaod At'iltut-repoit; 'fJ,162.&0;; or-O i n o n O « u l an r l D l n ^ un

lount exponde.l. $1,U7 U0; balautu-of approprla.onuni ' iwndoi , $f»8.17. . . ,*.Bt and IJlscouut—$5,000 appropriated :

balnnoa of appropriation umity Honda and Inleroal—fl'

O; MlUUilatice on liund at tail retiuri, ii.

iiVaprlall"n"unox|*ndtd, $a,.47 ' ••,teri'nl 'in W ,tur llomli—$2,IHu appropriated :

llalanc^ ou nan > at last ri-port, $I,'J(O ; balance. o

LV l)obt liondil and inloroBt—$9,9U9 apprUaUnc« on hand at | m rajKirl, $S,d^l;

Old 'I ' lSluSnoaB,—$l4,»lu 69appiuprlited .llalanci on band at last ruporl, $21,liuo87; blllil>aM, lU&l; ordurMl pit I by Coiuuiuu Uvuiull

$HOU hH • balance' of atiproiiilatlou :unuipomlf.i.IJil bidit.

l'»t, Wktor and Oi l IMpo Co, Acot, t ad I u t . -\'t piiprDpHsU'd: < •' ',tithiKKi uu litiiul A Uit re fort , |18,H9.11} U U n or U t l u r i ^ | > o u ] d |IB U0"4

inl Kt lt*t ro[»HinoiinLAxpniulon U<I(>I|>«III1«(!


paid. (11.01):

ilMpnld, | i t ,^IOi wnii'

""llalanea en band at lait r» |»tt ,auionni nl .bllln! palil, f'J3,tt7'iO7 ; nrilur A I'nxi<!iiinmon Oi'iuidl and r«i>naliilni( ufipald; #2,0-11: amount unnnilod, »at).N>l)ui I balanov ul iptoprlall'ina unmpnmlnl, |100,li90.4'J.

B In h ef Vr<

Nai. lUi.k orN. J , Ni,te> IllwulllllnII. W, II. llobiljlrr, l l a y B o l mA. M. Way, l.le,'nl«a,.' rnWdd (n>ln Water Amount

U ni palil !>y I ' l l / T id iUi r r [r.ln ap>

cll| IK

"(,11"'", . ,"f »l 'pm| rlntl'Hii utii nin'ii'lti'tVat r<>|«irl II re*l'?«l(i.lfr l

N«w .Iriiniwlnk, W, J., Nov

ttuN oitAr(My T'»»Hi

1 1 \ / V T |UU ildlie r)tM,ii|il/. l u l l at HiTIMKrt <>(lU<t, vi AltiKttjr «n*ni t tml PI«'II !I• { l « n l i l ck Will I h l f l l W•{•«ulm«iii,

AltiKttjr «n*nit tmlWill IJ< ohltrfullj- i

I. O'flSl.Coup6-20 Coun. '02

" '• '04...." " - '05. . . .


laulon... ; ; ; . : ; . . . : . . . . ; . : ,•- oJMlasourf... .,

Union .:. . . . . ' ,\.......

kn.r, . ; . . , . . .„ . . . : . .

. -Preferred/.....', \.i, J V 4 Oo.'« Expreas' . . . . : . ' ' ;.'

jnorlcftn/ilerchftutB' Union : .

nltsd a'tVlVl.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.''aclfio ataU ,few Xorlc Central , . , . . -Mo .* . . . : 1 . : . . i . . ; . . i . . . .l

Unusual Attraction!OPERA HOUSE.



i Q. and Iud, Ceulral . .aunlbal aud St. JoBopbe w J e Bouthoru.. v i . . . . . . .

-I 'lIILADELI'fllA 8T00KB, 'iIl B;


feidiiy, Nov. 5, 1875;THE ORCBESTUA Ii 8EHY1CE



m y l T .l e a d l u g I-hiladelphia aud Erie ,

l i I b M i l t i 6 ' i


, " ., Valloy . ; . . .ra i todR.K.df"N.J . . . . . • ' . . . : . . . .JlOreok ;-,,•

r M a r k e t s t e a d y ; . • ' - . — . • " " * .:

- * -f " • • . • ( • • . •





Wt commences tbo FIRST ot EVERYMONTH. • . ' ' '/ '

Iutcrost credited OD tbe 1st' day of January,n3' Jiily of eacb year.

Intorcut at the ruto of Six por cont, per an-luni, free from tax. - : 'jlyS4-ly'!- •.•::;«. O l I N H A M , Troas.



LYLJ5VXN Nina, President

ARTHUR O. OBiLBT Becrotary sndTrcaa

WARREN 8. SMITH, i Assistant Soorotary

Interest allowed on Deposits troia the^ First of ETe T Month.

Interest crcdlte'" on tbo .'i'lHST dayfiJANUARY anO JULv at six •OT cent, perannum,lMtEE "B l i i . ,

J)opoalt5-recolTt.d of auy.amouat from tonidnts'to thousand!) o, dollars : nn!4-lvda\

FRKEMAIi— In fhla ct'y, t\ tho reMdeno' of Hcv.John Woodbndno. 1). U, Hoirlct Freeman ID tb*8Uh yc t r of her Age, fornietly of Ilan-vur, N. 11. •Inlcnn'-nt ^t 8ari..pft» Bpr'tiya..N.-Yt- •'- - ?


On Elision arcuiie, snear Humilton , dtro t,HOD" "B JDr'?1 :P N I s H I J3, ' . :

with 10 rooniB, with all moderu Improvement.—wator, gus and boating nppurulus.

Kent $6U0 par aunum. Apply to '''

T. ROBINSON WARREN,uo3-codlm '. - - - • ' • 43 honiLTsctatreot.


St. Juki, the Baptist's Cliurclla opeu only

WJEEK,\FORfrom BATUliDAT! N 0 V ? 6 * t o PA'T0R-

P A Y , NOV. 13, tu•^X ', : ' T 0 N H A L L .

Pleane come nnd BOO It. You will find therecomo ulce, piclurca:uud beautiful noddle workbcaidea'-iriiiny_,tUa.ul tliiiigB.- Don't fail itcome and ace Ihe Fair and help forward a gnotwork.-. Rcmcnibor tbo Fair.- ' r- -. nod-lw

Sale for Taxes..:.•••.; JFOK 1 8 7 3 . A N D lQ74.r '. t?

Not'co Is hereby plren tbtit, by virtue or a warranIssued by Heiiry GorHoD. Esq., to makn tho Uxea Ul<

h BtiliaprdV^a m d a o i o i a t p d land, or land ti-n»u^by perftom not tbe law ul nroi>rtetur», whu are unableto pay tiV,IrtaXQa,",li. t|id to«mbip or R u t Drutuwlclt.I the county of MMUIPBCX. the mb»cribt<r,r5j)t;cU

llMtor of tu» township ot £ a t i Urunswlcfc, ia- ibecounty kfurould; Will on" * - -

8A.TUBDAT, tlio 87th day of NOVEMBER, 18T5,at the hour of one o'clock In tlie a ternoon.uo theplaea . - i l f t l l tht> Standing Tunbi-ror Wood, orotbe

ablo property, found on the prfuifs^a, t a n i l to thr-miuod penon; to mako tho taxua and oosla aa

neied ty hli name :M. D Yo\r*r\ Taxea for 18T8 and 137*. due, |12l WItiterfit and c o m 20 M

Thli proper'ty la kpown ft* tha Dr . ttoberson VanBear Fresh Tanda. • '.' --<• '.. ,

-•• - - 8 . T. D U K W T U H f l l l Itml Horombcr 1, 1875,

Gigars Again.FavofUo braW'ifl at ro'luccd prlct>a. Several

noTcltlea Just received at

Stores.GcrieraJ. E|ngraver

; ;Ntencil ^

1 T J . , \ \

Aim PcaUr In )Unk, Itubbor im.l Ste«n)l|n>ut>(i. Thefollowing nrllcW Ki.fr.»*ftl irl tint-olanaVtflV t*ilr rHn«, l )n( i r J 'k tM, WnMlitK aQ<t Vfiil.lne'OMl.C-^fll.I'laUa, flna tittnclU for Linen, »o<J Inectlntltm I'Utror all klinii, Wooii Kiigr.Tlng atul Juwolry .tcimlrlnirioat In flraltlaii order.

33 DDNNID QTRBnTNeWllrufiWlfk. wS 8m'K E M O V A L .

Tlirt untlcrfllnncd will n-niovp, on or abouthn Ibtli of NOVOIMIJIT, lilt

BAlEEYFrom leollmnot atrnllt Io ,

No. 2 Bayard St.,NBAlt NDI1.UON.


NEWNo?179 BurnotS.t.,,

N m t itoor lu I'tlctt'n fUnrn UU>r*. •

A i.*uy» MOCK nr

Fancy ftoods, TrimmlngH,ANO ODNVII' onona or


IKrt'li LEVI.


Under t/ie'aitpewi/iori of Mr.BAETLETTjbf Boston, •


Tick^ta can be procured at C. O. "Wclla'ru[? at'ore, jNfaflouio Hall, Morgah&>hivlerl6,..;•&.- Miller's aud-:W, S.; aamp:pn's' book-tores, and of the ladles aud yentlotneu of the!liurch. » ' '

Tickets can be oxebangedfor a tteneryedScat Check without extra cost (orceptiiif^ tboOrchestra Circle- 25 cents extra) at tbe BoxOjtUce, on, Wednesday, Nov, 8,- at 2 p. ra,-

'The ontertnlnment will-be of a characterwhlclvcttOiiot i\\\\ t. ploase, by IU novelty andJrecdom from jinytbiug objec lonable, an wellaa from UF being uhder tho direction of a iiCn-tleman of loowu ability* in getting uu Bucbamuaemeiyt.a.; A d E generous;export will of->r a.valued aid toward a a detterviug object..-Doors opeu &t."!j\',' Curtain rises at 8 o'clockireclaely. • , "V, , : ,' > '"-

Lines to ihe Wise.Ward, Pctor, 12 Church streeynas now got: ou baud.\-, !-, t • .. ..Tlio flneBt aiisorlmeqt of' gooaaiti the.land.Alpacils, liarcgoii, In cy'ry- hew shsde, ' yAnd.alLaro faBtcolbra.w,bicb never ..will failedAnd tiiea Uis dresa goods, so rich aud aa

.fneat. . " ' '. ;..!'.' ' ,';'.'•. ;

N6 .-jriiWrplJp jwiiHout'them, will' o'ef ]ooaiplete; .,.'

Thoy're adapted for strcot wear, tho housoo r a b a l l , .' •'.:. . ' : • . •

They'll carry a promium in Brunswick this. . F u l l . : . . V ; • . . • / • . ; • " ' • • : • • - • • •

And muslin at 10 cents ho Has it in plenty.For the,&amu in somo^torcfi you'll bo cbarg'd

fully twenty.Aa Winter- -comes, on. for the health all

should care," ~I've varieties of ladles' and gouts', under-

. .. wear,-. _.lloth sacquei, eruptpas cloths, of a, very.

flue grain, ; . 7 . i.. . . - - : . iAnd, waterproof cloaks, that will keep .off

the ralu. . - . .. 'Joans; shirtings and ginghams, and blank-

•'' cfsao tint, ., . ., .Shirts, nupklns.and towels; and all in'that; , . l i n o , , • • • , . . ' . " . -.

DamaalrB,- crashes and -flannels' to went in; thc-Fail— • ;" • • • : • • . - •:It would take mo top long to/euumerate all.To bia'No'w Brunswick patrons howlahefl it

" kiibwu ': ; ' ' • ' •That from.twclvo until threo.is -for folks

qutof town. ,',.'.".,'. , , 'He takes this precaution for fcarof a crush,For at that time of day there's a terrible ru9b.But, jf.it should happen they come at those

i o u r a , ' i. . •. • •. . •Himself and hie clerks will oxert all their

powers "To pleaso them, and servo them with whatr tboy may order;Howsoo'cr great tho crowd there shall bo no

(, disorder. . ,To gel, there iu time all should now niako

shiftFor tho goods are so cheap they are almost: ;,' agl/t. • ' •''•''.-l i e hopes this announcement the wiso wil.. ~ regard, . . . _ .

Aud reinaius most respectfully yours,P E T E U WARD.

Washington "Market,No. 6 Clmrch Street,Kormorly at205 Burnet street, New Brunswick

Slaughter of High. PricesN o C U r o m o s G i v e n A."\vuy I

At the above place Will bo found a choicesnortmont of : :

Fresii Meats.LIST OJ' PIIICIM;

Pcrter IIOUBO Steak, . . liic. jwrilt.1

. blrlom Meak lfio. "Kound Stoak I«c. "Koast Beef 10 and 15c. "Muit«*]i. hlnd-quarteru .luc. "Multuii, foru-ijiuiriera . . . . . . tic, "

Vegetables, Fruitd, etc., and wo guarantee togive inoru s itlafaction for ICBH money thantiny other oaiablUhmt'nt In tlilu cliy.

OYSTERS 25 CENTS PER QUART.Call and examine our stock,oclf) ltn

A. Bloodgood, Jr.,OYSTKit PLANTER,

WHOLESALE anil I.MTAIL FIGn nuilO ? t T H a

may atlll bo fuuiwl ut tin. old aUnd,

No. 3 Hiram Street,whfm> hu kPO|i» K full BBBortmoiit of everythingthat couifa nut uf tho wntur*4

Oyatora, l l iml Clam!, Bolt (Jlanu, I.nbntorj,Drubs, Hccllo|M>nil VM\ of nil almlx In

coUvcl (lolly illn-c t Irmn I 'r lnnn» linyAllil Bhl|ii>uil tu climU'ra in ull iiarta

of Um Ulnto.

Pamc Prices.Larn«! oynlorn opfiiiMl, frtmh fi'jiu Amlioy, off

liIn l)udr) tivnry ilay, at U' ctuila \>v.r <juart, «Ihe uM ntand. Cdniu ono.cumn all,

|ill'"l willi ()jfnli-rii— ojii'iifd or In iho ahull- arlcna tu null tlui tliui'i,Ctirnoint no dviililti^ nifty h ^ n I tin wn^or

nit llmtx iIIII• n a aoek tu ttmir i dnliltnirct it

117~ Ml Klh(JiU cild nut if liln natron willIN IIUIIIO on iv will bo vrurtiaiit "




IIAUNKSS, Kir,Ify uri l 'T lit 111* nav / furo itii lfl will im unit

Hi P l l l i l u Aimlli.ii, i,ii J i . i l r U T I J l U l A YNDV, (1, « t I* • , ui . , Hi t lm If. ldM KHII.IWomlb i l i 'K" MI'I<1I">,<< Miuiily, N. u , ftiinmr| , 1,,,,,1'hil liy M l . K. II N . i , , I . , .11 III . l | . . i . . .( ' l W f t l l U } l

( \ , m l ly » \ NI I . I ' IMI . mill wiiliaut I"W l ))rl b*»\i on tt.fl ii^y nf

JAMKf) M, g


)• tin



Chy SurveyorI1E1LEY &.GlUMSTj;AD'S I3UILD1NO),

1 1a u 6 - l y < l • •

SCHOOL.Rutgers College Grammar School.


I 'UOUB rece ived a t any t ime .

" I'^v. ABRAHAM TIIOMrfiON, A. M., E'yetor.I 'ror D. T, W t U K V , AesoclfiU- Ucctur.


CivilReiley & Orimatead'a Bkilding),

XI PATnriBON BTRBOT.m y U - i y , - • ; • - ? , - • ••. •• ;• • . - . • .

OF C; Williamson,


„ New Brubswiek. dell-ly



Office, 141 George etreet Qrover'a Building?

OIVllL EACIXEtlKIiXG, ETC,• *» • * - • . ^ ^ fc_. - _ — ^ i t» H m • . . • _V > / 1 3 1 (>['OrCO f t NOW ft»l UMaivK-n*

City Iota and faruia Bnrveyc4 and plot t^l ; land arcatloDl.iUKl, alao couteQla of all fonha'or aarfiiMS and

.-[Ida; lunda laid out", divided UJI aiid partitioned on.Oulllnaand rU>po?ra[b|cAl uiaji*^ -I'lanarumlauftd. Io,aylug out and oruamlntlng (,'roanda, uto, - '


• AtNo.l8«' \ 'cnunoir STREET •


C L O C K S A 1 J D J E W E L K Y,A T R E D U C E D , I' U*I. O E S.

Also a lino oseortmeni of tljo •lllrnilnghn'n)Op'Icul.Coiiipiiny. Hpectucleu, niauufiicturudiiiHlruilughum, Couu. u •PART1CULAK°*ATTENTION OIV^N -


••:'.-'. .•••».UBICAL- UOXES; AND JEWELRY. 11AIU


, OKDEK.>ll work oiecutpd promptly and in a work

tiianltko mtinuer by .

A. yacus,Practical Watchmaker,

ciclO(Lato witli Ellas Dakor).


liy tlio Cariro or tl*o Ton,


Hay, Straw, Salt,Grass Seeds and Fertilizers,

Wholesale and Relull.

Elias Ruayon & Sou s

Central Goal Yard.1O!S BTJRNET STREET,




To buy Boota and Shoen for the children -Canyaw do bettor iburef Yes. Whut mokes youthink ftoT Why, i hare irlctl theru, aud I (ellyou )D tbcao timea vvlien monty unil work areaO Hcurce ami bunl to get, it «t ud« every manin liund wlio;lmrj a (anil-y to buy BIIUL-B Tor, tolook artful, i and sec whrre he cun do tbe b Land 1 find tbu llttlu bout mid shoe Blure 'ntbe comer (next to Bollard's (JrocL-ry) inpluce to buyibcjin gqod?. Ttitre ull kiudu,including tho very hit cat stjU'8 of MCU'M,Wonjou'e, Misses' and Chfldreu a

Boots, Shoes,- Gaiters, SlippersKtc. Giro him a call, examine the goods andsee if the above is not true. tmlU-diur







Hi;i\UHlN(i duno m'lUIy mul quickly.

J .^

N.Tlmt my Vrrnch Ki.l itton (Jalt r, forntjU, itDowurk. and w<mr,

Kant-B-BeetP. S.

In, illiri'L rriim I In' iiiniiil.UilurnTH ( ( i ra l viuin' y.l , i , , l l .« ' NiVlili)' Mui i imr ,AIIIKIIIIII- anil pil l l l ( l innllnulH, Hntiw i: ,nl , i . l , . r«,

Pooplo's Boot & Slioo StoreOltl (lirnrr, ttlriwtmul Ih-tmlt Mreetn.

Nrn> llrwimi'M; N. J.

I I . I*. II A KT.• • ' • • ' ( l . , . . . , s ; , . . . , , . . . »

i llddlCII, I'AMI'lll.kl'tl, (,<Al(l)n. J

' mill nlimp'ly luliitwlkt Ililn Olllwi. ' j


PRICES THE VERI LOWEST at '.»" ^ — ^ a w ' - ' ' • '

BOOKSTORE,Foot of.CLurcli Bt., - . „ , How.Bruaftwlok/Er j



jit iiilsStreet;

Wo invite our frieiid abd pa'tfon'3 to call i

Our D-asa-QoodH r«parlmdnt, :I11 which we have, tlie largest 8tock_.oX, thalateat noveltLcs iu.DK.-.8S.,FABRlC.StVQVQP'ex- dv t o s 1D.URI.SS FABBlOgVovorct.,hibltcd hi tlio city, cOiialatinKoreitqaoiVo a n l .varlutl a8aortn»enta of ; . . ' . .CamcVa Jlairs,., tiattemL Poplin, ,

Cashmere*, Empress Cloths, - -Lustres, etc., .

of every grjdn, in all new, da-k, donlrableshades, aa iWy Blue, Plum, Seal Browu, Uar-uet, OllyeGrecu, etc

WeaUo olTe", at exIremQly low nrleea. ' .PLAIDS OF KVERY DBS. IllPTUON—fash-

- mere 1'laldB, Uamel's Ilalr Plalda, RoubainPlaid., Poplin Fluids, Tartau Plaids, Sant»

•Maria. Pl.ldi, Crol«o 'Melange 1'Ialds;• 'GrolBii Knot'l'laida, Dtcbclgo Plulds, Plina-

, • ' PLIda-iu all new doBlgna, colorininand mixtures. •

Our stock of BLACK GOODS is also com-"'plfcle. including tlie h at makeB of Cashmere,Merinos, Emjircas ClothB, Tamlaes, HenriettaCloths, Poplins, Iiiilliantini'8, Mdhalra, Al-pacas, ele.' Wo uro also soiling Black' Bilk at(1.50,.worth fi. Of our Cloth mid Caeslmere,Uommtlo, Hosiery, Notion aud 'I rhmntug D»-i).irt'i entB il Is medless to spealc, as tho pub-lic may feel- assurer! thut' they can Una &Uc.aBsea of.yQuds at our store bulow New Yorkprjeus. Cull and examine.

JAMES McMAHON,197 Burnet Street



Only jBI,50 per Annum. ^' ; ; . • ; ' 1 : :

Itaontains a oarefullj, selected resume

of all the news of the week, particu-

larly that xvhioh relates to our

City and County. It also

contains Stories auiTm

Articles both In-

structive and

/ Amwiiny.

The Cheapest Weekly Paper tefl





fleckers' Farina

ia a very agreeable,

light, uutritlvo food;

a superior article for

puddings and jellies,

aud IB highly recom-

mended by physicians

for.invalids and chil-

dren. For Bale by all


ieo.•••Y.' M e r.. , . i . O o ^ , - i -


203 Cherry Sjffl, N.Y.


Mark Twain.•Inat rcfiJy for ('nnv2»BCrn. Now then la I h e t l m o t ot,-ct Tcintory. Don't K'np to t-ipt rimint on olhrrti'>okn. Taku qnn >MU know will nrll. I 'mmpt ftctlottwill KIVU yen clmico of Hold and (]<>]<lra Upturn*. Qntmi tlio roureu »l onrt nml you will WIN. OutQt toqtam.tliln^, tv«r)'lhli)|{ luni Bln'd. H<>B<1 In your nauifftitnil tiivrnv you want, nr for circular* • I onoo, Ai<Jr»l»AMKIUO^N I ' U n u a i l l N U CO., l U r l o n l . C i .



Building1 Lot,In tho villager Ailama ((our miles iwulhof

tblM olty, on roimsylvnliU Hnllroad), RiltialM

n«»r tin [>»i>ot.


or Rxehmigflii Air lilty |irti]mrtf or KOOIII. <

Ai1<lr«an "J.OT," ram of DilLr Tiw»n,

Naw jlnm.wldi, N. J.

A.'MU H .

will r.ianm, hnr li,.lnn:li.,n m KLOOD

ml HTWKY OI' ("IIAKKiirBAHie, y, rluiM

•ml prltrat* |'U|,|I«, on MONDAY, flltl'T. i t .

Ailili>aa I', 0. Ik'i Mil, or t>«ll at No. n«Roliuriiiiiau «Uul, i t i f Dmil



Temperature o f tlif »VenlhiT,i T KD3T i SONS1 DIIUO STOUE. 7 PEACE 8T,

OOTOlitn 1BT6. 7 A.M. DM, SP.M. G P.M.Satnrdu, 30 »S f« ~ OS 113Moudoy.Nov. 1 ™ ' « " 10Tuesday,- 2 ' -*! " « . »'Wednesday,Tbuntday,


5 . . . .. . . .88. . . .32


H •' 42

Minor Matters.—Go to Ibo Opera IIOUBO tooilglit and

witness iTrare entertniurutiit. - .—Tbe President of tbe United Slater baa

loued a proclamation designating Tuars.

giving. - • • ' . . '

—Officer. Van . Duyn arrested- GeorgeReed yesterday for aliuslug Josepuifc). Orum,In the First Ward, Wednesday, and tho iic-qused gave bduds, . '

—On complaint o£ Pbilip Welgel MartinKline waa arrested by Officer Van Aradaloyesterday, as a disorderly-peruon. l i e gave

.-- bonds to answer. . •* ;- —Leniuel titulle, n young man .Hvinenear Cranburyi WHS abot at one night* last

weuk by aonio parties .unknown. A bullet" paaaed through lhe qurrlage top. '

. —After another four weeks the moat re-spectable man iirtown will tfhdhhl Gocinl

. standing of.no account when pitted againsta Bpot of ice ou the sldewulk.j Y .• —Tbe crews of Life-saving Stalloup on

tbe coast of New Jersey will be ordered onduty on November 15—a fortnight .earlier

• than has f»ririct>t£bccnicustomliry. ' •':.

—Tho boyB Edward Lanirdon and Kd^vnrdQuinlan, n'bo wero arrested for' making abonfire in Bomorset street, on election ingbt,were released on bonds to answer i to thecharge this afternoon! . . - i . ,: •

—Col. I. M.Bucltclew, Superintendent;•' of tbo Amboy Div|Biou, Pennsylvania Rail-

road Company, lias removed to Catnden.i l ls dunglrter.i wlio' Las been seriously ill,lias alindarcnlirely recovered. •

—An unknown man wis ' struck by apassing locomotlvo on tho,Amboy track,rjear tho Atlantio crossing, on Monday even-

. log, and.wiu severely hurt. Ho waa con-voyed to tbo railroad depot) wbero bisVfuunds wore dressed. ••""•'; . ,'•

—Frank .Randolph, arrested yesterday by'Officer Von. Arudale.gavo bonds to'answerto the allegation" of • assault and battery onPattlck O'Connell,'the 'complainant. Thoaffair la said to have occurred ou electionday, at tho Third Ward Poll. •.. ' , .

—Saturday closed tbe ..fiscal year of thoStato accounts; Tbo' treasury clerks are,at work in making up Ibc bulanco sheets,

_ _.fp_r the Governiirand tho Commillco.of the'Legislature on Treasurer's Accounts, whichmeuts about the 15th of Kovember. •

—Mr. V ^ l f i W. Huydain, who is the.. owner oC'flie^.Schiircmiin-strcet properly.

partly consumed by lire last Tuesday even-.. _ uig, Informs us that ho can produce at least

a dozen witnesses _to prove, that tbo, (irewas caused by tbe bonfire la tbe slreot, nnd

anyone wlio knows anything of tiid'rlr-cumstancca must entertain tbo same opiniuu,

. notwithstanding statements to the' contrary.

The Opera House, To-Night.:The Art Studies to be presented lo-nlght

by the ladies of Si. James' j l . E. Churchwill he 'oP'a .deeply, interesting and uovelcharacter." It-* wos'a mittako' to use Ibe•word " Tableaux," for it is by no moiios areproduction of that class of cuierlniuniebl.The curtain rises to the presentation of " AErroaui lii tbo Orient "—an antique galley,presumably on the Nile—durk-eyed Egyp-tian*. ; siime altirud as odalisques, others nsladies ofj rfink, Fame hi the prow; Uorus(Cupid) with " heuded bow,'f eli\ etc.,alwayB secures the wnrmefil plamllls. Threeuiiuuttp after a monumental group of staluury—ibo illusion ao perfr.ct as lii deceivelbespectators. Then cornea a " Blnrriiige oftbe Adriatic"—tho gondola, the Duge, em.otc.'. But let bur readers go nnd Bee forthemselves; wo promiwi them ngrand treat.

Nobody to,Blame. !;•

Into tbu causes of tlio exploddn'of the loco-motive Centralia.hist Monday at BoundBrook, and found thus: "Tbo cause ofsaid explosion is unknown.- 'And further,

. Iho jury attaches no blame .to, any pelsoaor persons." The verdict ia considered un-aatiafaciory and not In accordance with thoevidence. Amoug the witnesses examinedwore Mr. John Ucdmnn of Jersey Cily andCapt. George B. Munn of tbla cily,:ivliowero called to' testify ns experts. In tholropinion tbo boiler was -it'uuuch••' and safe ifproperly managed., The cause of the' ex-ploBion they believed to bo the Injection ofcold water after tho water in the boiler hadgot too low." Tbo boiler showed evidencesof_being burned.

Service of Song. '' ':Last 'rvcnljig, in the First' Daptist Church

lcictuio-rooin, a now feature was Introducedinto tho exercises imually'engaged lu. Whichwas dcrot|ng the first half hour to a serviceof Bong. • llr* I. h. olarilu led-rthe^Blnging

---wllh-",nTs"liciiuslomod Ability, and Prof.Bniith prrflided at the or^an. Selectlouafrom sankey'a hymns wero rendereil, ibeftudionco geDtiralty joining In. It is p|>ol!e<l to rqieat this Innovation al tlio week-night meottugs of IIIIH church. TbonUuiul-auco lost evening ivas unusually large, undtho experiment was considered very unc-

Arrests for October, jThe wholo iiiiinhLr of arrcslH for month

of Outouer, as reported by tho Chief of1'ollco, waa 120, for CIIURCB ns follow*, viz.:Obtaining goods under falso pretenses, 1 ;breaking street lamps, 3 ; adultery, 1 ; bur-glary, 1',' telling llquurt to inlnori, 1 ;vagrancy, 19; - vlnLulnir scctlnn tin df or-dinAncca relating to sticcts and highways,1 ; broaklng poiiml, 2 ; biraklng and outer-log, 2 i larceny, 8 j illMurbing poarp, 4 ;

: dlsontrrly prrnons, 20 ; driiiiuniinopndisorderly couilual, 45; imiiaiill and bat-tery, l i .

Foot Hull.\l the wciUlior remnlnn rleur Hiitgcrfi

foot hall W will Marl for Now Haven liInomiw inornll)£ lu thn 'I,'ID liuln. In tl,• flrrriuoii they will |>lny a mntrli gamo offoot hull with a 30 from Vnln (.'ollegnTIIOMI pomonn ih'Hlrhi|{ Io accoiiipany thenwill have to lid fit thn (Irani! ('ciitnil depotIn tline for llm 111 o'clock train. Knrn forIho round trip, (Iti.fiO.

Htttler.TIIOMI In wtnt nf ni-cllrnt huttor to pit

•w»y fur tho Wliiiir or for primi'iit u»o ivllfrmil with Inli.rmt MDmri). Wiilimtm* *Koufmnnn'ii •iitinuiircin«ni nn uUr ||rh

|i»l« or llm arrival of « Inr^" laiimlgiiiririiof tho clwlcral Oraugn coumy liiuinr, Tli'i•rllclr, Ilko nil olhura In llirir Hnwt I. midH T«ry low r«|ni.

Common Council,An uojourlied regulur meeting of tbe

Board of Aldermen wae held ..last evening.President DoIIart was in the chair aud thifollowing nicmhers t were.'preBent_:_. Al(lermeii Brower, Cronk, InBlee, ManningMulforil, Oliver, Sullivan, Storer and Van

The minutes of the laat regular meeting,held Monday evening, Oct. 4, nud specialmeeliug, heid Friday evening, Oct. 29,were read and approved.1

' i L i 00MMUM0AT10N8.

Troin Co. D, Tuird Regiment, N. G. S.N. J.r petitioning to have the appropriationheretofore made for armory- rents trans-ferred from'tlie present location, in Burnetstreet,1 to lhe Masonic Hall building, whereBUltabJe-rooms-ean-be-procuredr'wIiicbrlnthe opluiou of the petitioners, would greatlybenefit (mid organization, without iucreaalugtbo cost'to the city. The communicationwas signed by Capt; George B. Muun, FirstLieut;: .VVililam W; Brown, and, SecondLlaiitt'.'Wfliiam 8. Strong; and,was referredto the Ooimhftleo on Public Buildings, withp o w e r . • ' : ' . •

Froul Lyman J. Laugb'ton, asking tbat alamp p^st| ho placed on tho'north-wi.-flt cornero f Wyckoff and HichaidBon stieela ; wasread:'aud-referred <o the Comuiillee, on Gus

id ]JampB,;Wlib power; ; : 'From Cummlnsloners of S'rcets and

dewejii, reqUL-sllug lhe Board to recoiiBidera re'*jkiii6n passed at a prevluu8_ meetiugdirecting Oommisslohera to pave Schuylcrnud Qiildorij alreets with llag alone, iindInstead auiliorizo them to pave the sido-walka'ou.BaldVreets.'wltb .brick, nnd theBoard having authorized tbe pariiigbf Cen-tral avenue! With Mag iStone, ;it was alsorequested th"at-the resolntinu.be lecousidered

,nd one passed uutborizhig tbo paving oftho aiilowalka with II ig stone or brick, asdeeemtid most cspodient. Accepted.

From Conrad Fink, representing that howas the owner of a lot fronting on Leeavenue, linyiju^ 100 feel thercou and 100feet (in Hale street, a part of which holearned wiis nwauiod for tho ..widening ofHale street, and .demanding tho full valueof tbo! lot! us a corner lot. Roferred toJouiuilllce on SlrcelB. . .

From Ji)coh Sy|er, staling .that, lie waa

not aatlnfltd with iho award raado for laudtaken from1 him in opening Schuylcr street;io valued: saiilSfeaiid-worlh $25 per lineal

foot unil niqufjireu' Immediate attention tobo mtftter:;:' | Inferred: to Slreet Conuuitlco.

Fixiin Commissioners'"of Htr'Sels andSewers,, submitting their semi-annual ro-

port, from1 May ,1, ,1876; to Oct. 30, 1875;,ud alab Ibe report of the Engineer of tho

department.;1, Tho reports wero referred tothe Finance .Committee.. .

.The'ComifiisslonersfOr widening HlrnmLreet preeentcd their'report, wliicn was ro-

forred io tbe Slrcct Committee. .The ^reporla' of the Cily' • Clerk, City

Trciisurer, ;(fh\et of Police, Slreot Com-misaiouerand .Overseer of iho Poor wererecoived and took.tuo'^usual courac. , t

. . . „ . - • r rXTlTlOS.VOE U0ES3B --.:._ '

From Jacob Bmxmei'cr, to sell! alo andbeer in saloon on Haudy atreel,. betweenlii-nisc'n and Throop avenues. Referred.

• llXroltTB OF 00MM1TTEE3. "

Tho Committee on Streeto, ,to whom wa»referred tbo remonstrance of Pbilip Cliffordaud otbiTS concerning the paving of, Albanystreet, between Railroad avenue ami Somer-set street, reported Ibnt it believed there

ua,.u mibiioderstaudiog on the part ofbose.wbo slgntd Ibo remonstrance,'and-ecommended that the resolution remain on.lie minutes aa adopted. Accepted audidopled,' *,

.Tlie j.iint ComniHteea on Public Build?ings and Fire. Department, to whom wasreferred Ibe matter of providlug now enginehouses, submitted their report. They alalcdbal they had had pinna nr.d specifications

prepared, and huil advertised for proposals,aud pursuant to notice iu advertisementbiul opened proposals on Tliuredtiy eveniug,Ocl. 28, and recouiiuendid thai iho .con-Tads be awarded,, l.o Iho fol|o'wiug:uamedlersous, their'proposals being lli'o lowest:

Maaoil work—J^eph F^Bro\verj $4i000 ;carpenter work—John • Van . Duorsen,$3,500; btoiio work—Tbomas C. Cole,' $32u;plumbing—G. 11. & F. H: Stou!,.$2uO;gas flt'tinif—G. H. & F. R. Blout, * 5 2 ;in.work-lWilliaiii M. Van Sickell. & Co.,

(320; painting—J. M. Nevius. $290;.ironnrk—William G. Suydain, $43t. Tolul,.

Tbe report was on motion accepted, afterwhich a receBs of 30 minutes was taken, inirder to discuss ibo niutter, particularly tileiropriely of erecting Iho building at a n c x -.eusfl so much' In excess of tho'npproprin-,lon for the purpoHC. Fiuully, on resumingLbe HCssion, tho folhnvihg resolution waspieaenltd by AM. Biorer, In behalf of IhoJoint Committees:, "

-. '—That : tho Joint Committees appointedto procure pinna nnd speeitlo-atlous for iboericliou of engiue hoiiots be authorized toenter- iutu contracts wilb tlio variolta biil-dcrs '.rvconiniiindud In their report of lliladale, fur Iho rnlctiuu of said house's forth-with ppoit 6,iu.'h terms asfo time ofcoinplo-timi^ tti.iil. irjaymeiilB--ui('.tliiiy!in'fiy 'dR'ni lorilielit'si hilercstfl of tbe city, and that the

i over tho aiiproprlatinii .bu put intonext year's a|ipropi'i»tiou'. Adopted.'

The Special Coiumiltoe appoiu'teil.to con-fer with Mr. Henry L.Janewn}, requestinghim to reconsider hla resignaion, ruporlcdUnit It bad beou unsuccessful. Rejiorl ac-cepted. ;

—Tho Committco on Slrcots reportedthat It had exumluod tho remoiislrauce ofConrad Fink and stated that at the time nnaward of tSOO waa mado, which wua thrusnllsfactory, and recomiuouded that thoaward remain. Accepted nnd adopted,

inr.ii) oiiDKiimi r i i o .

Charln.'.A. Oliver. *UfiO; Oas L"l|(htCompany, $3,014.44; Uulol G. Htuliblo-hino, $770.51.

NEW 1111.1-a liEKi-.inniii.

JnmcsVun Duyn, $20 ; A. Wentnn, $-11.-75; Hllas I). Grliiiutoad, $72; Dennli1'arndlnn, $20; Nowlnn Torrlll, $1.50;

:u Doylf, $27.V»; J. 1'. Parnoiin ftHnim, $62.70; do., $30; Jamca P. Ilixllni',$17,116; Comfnl«>iloiinm of Blroois ami

cm, $100; Van Nortrlnk A Van Mow,2o; R. J. llnnnah, t»2 .60; do., t'it>

fi'.i; John A. Vlgns, $ 2 ; l luuki , t Join,BIIII, $3U.fiO; A, K. Gonlon, $111 ; ClmrleaI'. lrord, VIOII.IVO.


The coiiiiulllro to whom wnn nifnrrml llmMuyor'n iiicMiann In rrgmil to trmupa r"-|ini'i,ad Hint III »hiw of tiho largo i'»|»iini'that would atti'iitl any phut Io put trmnpntu woik I tiny rccoiniiKindcd Hill thn snm(iplan whlrli wan In fiiicu IIIHI Winter li«runtliiuril, nnd that 'Ihn jniiltor of thtiiMiipH1 station ho Insliitclfd Io iflvn nollrtu nil IIIIIII|IH whit may npply for IIMIKIIII

tlml If found innrii Hi II n nun nlK|,i In Hii'lty limy will ho ninnlril nnd uniuuilUoJ IJnll in coiiimon Y«K'i'Hl». )(it|ioil nci'rplct>nd riooiiiiiiitiidailoii ailo|iti<il,

Tilt rolled (,'oiiilulllco f»porlnd In faro


of the appoiniriient as 8pecW_ policewenwilbout pay Ibe MJowing-oaiwaf, appli-canla: James Burko^ Johnsbn Gobdhurt,Charlca. Denton and James Biley. Thireport waa accepted 'and adopted.


By Aid. Manning : '—That Johnson Goodbart ho appointed

Bpocial policeman without pay.' By Aid. InBlee: ' ' . ' • .

—Tbiit bliari™ Denton and James Rileybo appointed' special polioenieu withoutpay," 9 •


By Alderman Manning;—That Georgo Applegate bo paid $15 as

Steward of tbo City Hospital for October.By Alderman Sullivan:'.—Tbat Commissioners of Streets and

Sewers pave .Bidewalka In Scbuyler-- and43uldon-Blr<*ta_jvlth friok-in»tL'ad-«f— flag-ging, as It la the expressed wlsb] of thepropel ty-holders residing OQ the line'ofsaid Btreetsj r . ' , .f ...,' ,,,'•,'.„,,

—That John O'Donnell and E. B, Sul'iivin receive. $40 each, and James-Denton$20, one month's'salary aa lamp-lighters formonth of October.

—That tbe Gaa and Lamp Committeepurchase SO 'lamp posts, for use of the city.

By Aid. Vau Anglijn : ' '—That the City Treasurer give a note ,to

theNtiw BruuBwick GasLinht Company for-be amount of- hill for gas, for the quarter

ending Oct . 1 . . .; ' \ .—That the Mayor draw his order oh City

Treasurer in favor of*himself aiid each ofIhu cily ofllcere entitled by luw for onequSrtei's salary, duo Now 1. '

'By Aid. IiiBlee: ,- '-. •'. '. ' :

—Tbnt Cmnmissloners 9f . Streets andiwels be authorized to pavo the sidc^vulku

of Cbufrdl nveujie, SchuylSr, Albany audGulden streets, wilh : either., brick or.fla'g-itouta, as they deem expedient.,,:, , , - . .

— That-Nellsou Sperling," John Moy,Dunham. Way, Edward HuHjyau and Alex-ander Bullivau receive'$2'each for servicesrendered na special policemen during theulghtof.Hov. 2 . , ;; ' "- \"' ;' . . . ' . V

—That David Robntbatn recolve $45, onemonili's salary as special policeman, < duoNuv' 1. '"."• .'• " .;. c-

—Tliat Henry Bancker, Patrick VVCIBU,Bergeii H; Vau;Vliet, Theodc/ro: Wilcox,!jr., Tlieoiloro Wilcoi, jr.,.£award;Uurd,Howard Rhine; John Moy; Siunued Ueedand Duubani Way receive1 $3 ; each forservices reuileiedae special' policemea Nov.2.",': ' ",, ";' ,..,,. . ' ' , . , ' - . . • '.[ —ThatTGharles._Au Oliver receive $80lalary as Chief of Police, duo N«v.-1.; _ ^ _

—That Jume-a Van Duyn, AlexanderWhile, Thomas Carrigau, Cliarles Huuscli,William, B.Boudinot, A; Allen, ..WilliamSlroud,tGeorgo Holmau, Garret -Van Ars-dale aud l'ulcr Miller Cuch receive $00, oueuiontu's salary as policemen, due Nov. 1.[ By Ald.;Oliver.: ' '• •!''••<* '" '' "

^—That the Slreet Commissioner bo ln-strucetd to remove pump in'- Bmnet 'street,near Now, and All/ up the well without' du-

By Aid. Storer: :• —That ibe Mayor.diaw^ia order.on the

City Treasurer iu favor of John O. Voor-bees, Charles Bauks, Alfred W, Mayo, Nor-man riblomon, Thomas .Shan and RobertHumphrey, each for tho Bum of $10, forODO year's pay us fire-atarni betl-riugers."7^—Tliaiiionry L. Jaooway's rcaigoatloubo accepted and'hbtcndered-thoJhunkB ofihciBoard. ' • -. ,,i ]'y

—That the election of a new Water CoW-nilssioncr be poBtpohed Until tho next meet-ing of tho Board. .. . . . . . . , • " ; ;

•TbatlhlB Board accept with 'regret theresignation of Ueury:£;•• Janoway, Esq.,one.ot-tho..Water ;Comml9alonerB of' tulacity, and lender 'to him our- hearty thanksfor hla pastaervicca assuch Coiiiuilssloner.

Uy Aid. DeHart:—That lhe Committee on 8lfeoU bo In-

structed to caiisu flnger-bodrda to be placedat all: ro'ad-croafliuga In thiB townahi)) inorder ^to comply with *.the law recentlypassed by tbu licglsluturo of the Slate. T .'

The Board then adjourned. • '>•

. . The'Challenge Accepted.As will be seen below, Mr, George D.

Rmiyon has accepted the challenge givenby the owners of Iho yachts Whiio Wingaud F a n c h o n : . . - . . ,

The uadereigned, owner of yachl Laura,ill accept tho challenge of yachts Whie/lug and Function, ou condition of mak-

ing It a 10-mile cqui'bC, Or same aa sailed on3d instant. Not io unil legs than a four-knot breeze, or if slormy.' ;-:, .-

GKO. D. RONTON, •• . • Owner of yaoht Laura.

And now cornea another, obulleugo fromCapt. Van Horn, which is us follows:

: Theynciit Liiziu Will sail thoynnht EllaTom Am hoy to Sandy Hook und back,-orrotn Albnny-Htroet bridge to Saudy l- oiot

and ''back, according'to iho rules of theAllsuilo^yacht-Olub,'- airy day from' thW;ial« jo.Friday, Nov.. 12. If accepted,' wordio bu lett. ol James Mauscu'a, No, 3 Church.lreet.. ''!.••„•, . - • - . . . : - ' • • '

Murderous Assault, ;Slargilitit,'Clark of Souiurvllle, arreeted

Mondny for abuse ou complaiut ,ot MaryHiilllBh, aud for assault and' battery (withiutent to kill) on. the coniplainaut, Michuel\Vesley,;a blind man, with whom she livedus wife, was tried this, morning ou thocharge of ubu&e, found.guillyajid Bciitencedlo.pay.ailnu of $10 and,coals; and ou thejecoud charge wits arraigned, and lu defaultof bonds aout'Hoj jail io await trial beforelhe,Court' of Oyer and Ttrmlncr, If thoIraud Jury Mod a bill of ludlctuieut againstvr. It'is Baid tbat slic' .as.-aulteid tho blindlan with a huge club, a dlrec/llilowfronirbich would have killed hi/ff I lo .wasiruckono blow, but tbo'woijfilu waa pro-,euted from doing him furjjber injury byiio iniei'fereiico of the nolg!«iorflf attracted

y his cries .for help." They arrived juai" in:me Io tt'iird uff a terrible blow Imendediir bis head.'

Dangerous Counterfeits.Tbo Controller of the Currency at Wash-

ington has'Issued a circular recommendinglhe public la refuso to recelrcall llvodollarliills of tho following banks:

First Nntloonl Bank of Chicago,Traders' National Bank of Chicago.First National flank of Paxlon, III,Flint Nutloual Bunk of Caulon, 111.First National Bank of Aurora, III.Nearly the entire amount of genuine five-

dollar bills on tho above- bunks hat beenwithdrawn';' owing to the fact that counter-'tilts of tho same dniioininntlou have beennit lu cliculntlpn. 8

JPVifit. Hall

Henry V. Keiii, David Kubn and ThoVIvvana nern engaged in a game 6f footbull yi'»Uird«y, In lfronch alrcct, nrnr.. lherallrond, when they woro attacked by ncrowd of boys, among wliom were KillsHulllvAii, Diinlul nud Edward Hayca, whonro «CCIITO1 of throwing tho ilonca nnd)iunpn of dirt whlflh struck mnl injuri'd Hic.oiiiplaliinntn, and w*'ro tboreforo nrrt'Htcdby Ollkir Allen and plncvd iindor IIIIM.IHapp.'nr biifnrd Recorder Ijylo for arraign-ment ou llm charges of misuiill and Imlli-ryagainst each of them.

doing for Iloloflna,Dentil" HiiHIvnii, Tlmfilora Mngulrn »m

lli'iiulir Kniinady wnro urnslcd by OlllotMiller ycitnrday on tbo churgti o( itcnUntlinliiKim' >auMgn frmn Unnnolly'* biitchnrnlmp, mi K'lnlim nvMiiin. On thn w»y IoIho lltconlur'n Connolly ill«ii|ip(!nrcil midIha • wttliMifl wnro ritlnnmid, Htlhiici|ll«llll}wnrrmiU WMO Iwimil f.;f Iliolr

—•Tlm "l«lli Wnrd (lniml« rnliunni fromtheir targnt cicunloii about »U o'clock Itilevtulng nn) I'Hrmlcd lOTcml aireoti

Col. A, W, Jmiet' Lecture;At the Mteoblc Hall last eveniug a- lnrg(

BLd : appreclallvo audience went witb Col,A: W.'Jones "Behind tho Scenes in Kan808 " and liBteued with pleasure aud apprp.batlon to his vivid delineations of bordeiruffian character, his eloquent narrative o:events as they occurred'in the Topcka aoLecomptmi Conventions, and ' his" just amcandid views 'of; 'that iuterestilijr opiBOdo inthe political hiBlory of I lie Territory.

Prof, [Atheriou of Rultjers Collego,,Aabehalf of the club, in expiaoatlon of th'apparent remoteness of the subject with tbhistory «f Mlddlqaex county, remarked tlmiCol. Jonei, being a resident of this county,bad- presented a document (original :compton. -Constitution) to the club, and at:the-latter'a-BolicitBtlon~had~couBe'uted^lodescribe' aoino c f tho notorious events ot!;"bleeding KansaB."'V, . *.\• Col. Jones inor.0 than sustained his' rcpii.lallou as a'.re'ady political debatvr;. Notwith'standing his subject compelled him to spoakof partisan politics arid the want of pojitlcal halreda, and that ho wax intimately con-nected witb, aud flbared In, those hatreds,his treatment of the-subject was conaplcu-

' non partisan, discreet ,and ipipnrtlal.Flucutasa speaker, apt .in'illustration byanecdote, and truly eloquent In clliuai, Ibespeaker mado lh'e< hlst'ory of V bleedingKansas " a rich eht'ertulnihent.

It appears, that Col. Jones Is a native 'oftho Slato of •yiminlaj apd^bat hotQtbe iben Territory of >KrnTalime that "cdtiMr/y^fcSegaifto -he' debatableground, relative!.to the slavery question.Paring tho troubles.In Kansas he publlsbcil

newspaper in tbe interests of the .pro-slavery party, apd wua a member of theLecounpton - Conycalion. ' He. briefly, al-luded to tho, leading .men who- fijrured'so"largely In- '* 6leeding-Kun»aa,'! ahu[showedclearly .thati;t,he."jrpuble. Wai;Cause(l-by' afew iudividuais, acting iriloly for'their ownaggrandizement, whlio' the great. tniBS of thepeople", wero "true to themselves and the'Ih-teie^ts of poaco and good governtnejiU

I'he. Colonel Bpoke extorhporaneously^fbrver an hour, and could uavo engrossed the

attention of bis audlenqo hud be so pleasedfor an four'longer,^—Itjvoujd^bo ImposGl-hle tb~do:justlco to.thaspqa'ker: -or ibv sufaject by any abslract,~fbr which .wo haveipaco to apare, of tbo lecture...,,We.con-gratulate our Historical' Club, and theirgifted orator, upon the result of tlio even-lng.-ond.w.iftb Col. Jones all" the ^uccessJiomay dealra in tbe- new* career upou whichbe is about to onter. . " . . ' ' '

Official Rctiipis.The Board of Canvossera met lu the

Grand Jury room at tho Court HouBe to-day (Friday, Nov. -fr) at 12. ,m., nud, pro-ceeded toorganiib to canvass the relurusofthe' recent olcction and_ officially declare.ho result.

' Mr. Jacob Wyckoff of 'Monroe- townshipwas mttdo plialrman: and Lawrence A.Davics clerk' ..'" ;

Tbo roll of townships was called and thorepresentatives responded aa follows: ;

Q 1 T Y ; . . . . • •

First Ward—Bucotid Ward—Stephen Yad"Llewr-' ~S7LThird Ward—Theodore DeHart; 'Fourth;Ward—Abraham Cortelyqu.'Fifih Ward—Danlel'M; Vail. ' 'Sixth Ward—Joliii Fiixge'mld.. ' ! • '

O00NTT. ''

Plscalawny—William M. Drake.Woodbrldge—Jercmlnh Dally.Perth Amboy—Clmrlea Keeu.Roritan—Samuel LaForge.North .Brunswick—

Eaat Brunswick,—Abraham Messier.Monroe—Jacob \Vyckoff.8outh Amboy—Johu M. Voorbeca.

South Amboy, sccuod.. pollir-J. Al. Blew.Madiaou—William'A.. S m i l h . ' •:'•. - 'Ciaubury—Peltr,R. Bergen. ,.,,-,- .;••.•After Ibe roll waa called-Mcsars. Peter K.

Borgeu, Ji JI.-Vimrhees, .'William M.Drako were appointed a1 couimittee to ex-aniiiio the returns. . - .-

Iu order to give tills committee 'time forsuctC,examination tlm Board:.look - a 'reccesuntil two p. ra. ' ' ' . - ,,. l • V.'J

The Board reassembled at t3vo. olclock,and proceeded to examine the. returns. * 'AhLTror waa discovered iu the total nufnb.(xj)fvotes from- MjidiBou' townahip, 206 • l>ci,nirgiven instead 'of S08, and' ibo Board 'ad*

lurued uuOL 1Q o'clock.to-inorrow .morning to glvo tlio Judes and Cltik-of Election:)f tliat lownsUlp nn opportuuitv. to ratifythe error. . . .

, ' The City Poor. - i ' ;The expenaeB of tnalutuinlng Iho poor ol.

Ihls city fur tbe month of October,'«» .re-ported by lho-Overseer.,;pf! tbe Poor,' areis follows: Cash disbiiraements, ,$7rb'9;uponses of cily poor, $3)0-15; expenstsif Poor Form, $272.74; ,loiflJ(42(iH8.'Tlio flrat Item ..was for food; lodging, horse

hlru nnd car fare;, "the .flectjud. and rlnrgeBtItem was for medicines; and Iho third itemwas for. food, clothing, fan ware,-stoves,hardware, medicines; anmxobacco for paup-irs on City Poor F a i m . / • •,.',:• -.

-- . • • - ' . /

First Ward IHmocracu.Tbo nbseuco of "the returns of tho1 Firii

Wnrd from tho mceling of tho Brjnrd (ifCanvassers to-day might have defrauded ailtlio voters of that ward nut oF tho benefit>f their vijles anil changed tho^pnTlToresult, (w tlio Hoard linve thn power, tolhrow_out tho returdfi if they deem it•'roper. With thu Flrat Ward returns theDemocratic coroncra arc evidently elected;without Ilium they arc defeated.

Tho annual Slato Convention of tlie Wo-men's Christian Temperance Uuloii nf NowJciBoy will Iio held In Newark on Thurs-day nud Friday, Noy, 11 and 13. i

R I B 6 ON 8.B.OOOji ard a Fp.pcy SHBII Ribbons ftt-26o yar d.1-inch all silk Hash Kibbcuu, 6 c yunl, ah

colors. 7-im-b $llailk(Jros drain, H5o yurd, alrjoiors. Boucet aiid-Trimmiug Hlbbuuain al.tbe now colors. - SUlu or Bouuet Trimmiuga

FELT HATSin all tho new shades and Ahapcs—Drab, Fruoa,Brown, Mitrltio '»luo antLUlttClc. . . . .

C')0 doicn AiiicrlcoirFelt Uuts at V>c. Fineroucli Felt Usta at Boo. •

TJ"P OOO 833 ff.' N KEEK RERn". 833• P 0 O S . 8 N ,N K tt- K" H 8' I' 0 OS' . SNtt'N K ' K I!' B BPPI" O O B S S 1 I B U S B1 l ' O - O 8 N N N KKKE Kttnil 8

r - 0 — 0 i - f l . N >N K. It R.•~H<t-- O l ' T e B ' H H K B E B- 8• I.' 0 •' 0 8—B~N~AH_g:'^ E R 8- B .•' "OOo bss : K H - K B E S ~ B - — B — 8 3 a _


•I '

Lftdloa* w ilta Cotton Ho*e, gnnd qnalUy,at y, 10 and' isSo..j.LWlea'. wliito CuUii iloxa,full regular mado, ^>o pair Lulieu' StripedloBo. 25o pair.-,"Chlidrft 'B.Striped-HoHei.mroolen and cottan, at"4 5 aui3 c upw.rdi-.'Qrnts' half Iloao at!», 9 12 aud. 16c pair.Ladlea'.VuaU tvV4S Mid 50c< • Latlica'V-eBts,

ino, at^fic- Gent-1 Undervbsts, »t'a5,3ft and&Oo Extra Quo nnd henry at 75c Boys' Un-dcrvoatH at £>c.;'..Burgalua lU^oelbiy: Bar-"galas In Qadonrear.



In an nrilrlo which spponred lu TIIRTIMRSof Nuv. 3, hcndml "Flrca on KlecluinI),ly," tlm credit wnK glvnn to Karltan EnKlhf, No. 4, of having put thn first wainon tho flrn which occurred In llio.liou*KCiiernlly known nn Ilioionlilunco of Mrs.Ana Applogiilc, lu Hehiiroinaii iircnl. Thewriter of tlm nttlvlo tcfiTird to l» hi 'crri.an thn honor of hnvlng put ttio first waton Uin llm iK'lonn" I" I'llx-rly Hodr. IIIlliinliOln nllicllnl llirir lihnii to hy^raion tho corner of 1,1 vIn^nton •vrnur lmiiHohuiomnn atroot, nml liud llmlr »trr«in o

<ii Ihu flro wiiim llurllan Kii||llin witK tho rciorvolr «t tho' ra>ru«t «

Hnhuituimn nlreft nlii) Mvln^Htnn nyinno,ctlrn •ml I'lirrxfllii JMIIIK mnn «l

tniliril (o Liberty How nhliirally Inkft iprlils In llm rolli-'wlilnli'lltaltr enftl

pauy pUy« mill lienn In llm hlnlrtry of (1(»»Diunawliili, aud «m, ,*l \ h^v

llmlr juat inwuhl nf tiii-rlt ntotml nut li

llicm, and not Io IHMIPJJIITIII nf thel'?*ellMintJ Imuoli. JC«TIO«.

MOlilI'PPPP 0 0 0 B3S W NKKEKRERU" 883P I" O O B 8' N 1 1 II It" S 8P PO OS 8 N S N B , K 11' B 8ip PO O B N N N E K K 8f P P P J l O 8 N N N K E E E l t n i i 8I" : O ,0 B N NN E K B 1;p.-,•.•- o '»B . ' W i l l li B8p •' 0, • O 8 8 N , l f E K It 8 8P D W H i « 1 KHKB U U BBS

New York

CHEAP STORE,87 Church St.,


We ahall exhib't man; new and doijb-Al>legooihl ol tho lato&t ImportutiouM. ' : s' '

\IlLLIMERY'A complete opsortdiBnt rf RihbonB Silks,krelvetaaui| tiii I ' t l d K t h


Of tlio Nbwcst Importations."NRILSnN" Qlovo, 2 buttoaii. 65c p Ir."UOULEV.ARD" GWvo, a buttons, tl pair.

.." DUGE1E88"' Olove, 3 but ton 8, 75c pair.

. "LUU0 i",Suporb, flt$l.ii5 pair.Tol> XuOt o n C o u n t i f r n t

,' • . ' a ^ o . J P e r P a i r .Bargains In Yak Laces.

'(l1 ' JJurgiilna In Gulpuro Lticea.

Bargain'm Yaloncleiinos Labctj. . .' Bur^alos in'I'l.read LnccB.

Lacd Ruffllngs in eudlem variu les. A ci<m-pie to aaaurnnuiit of i.-'dfen' (Jo I .lira anil Unit's,

Ldtllii' and '»cntB'.'Scarfrt anil Tios.Now.lot.tif'Vl'Jndspr .Sdar/ft at iao ;WuW.loi pf Brocftjo Slfk rfcarfu at S5o.

pci bur Btock ,'


I.argp.lot of.20-Uone Cordnta a' 35cT.-irijo 1 t of'!tO-Tiono Embroldoiod Corsets

i &Qc i '• .* •- .'}• :

special hAnOAINS in our 40-BoneSkeleton Fitting Corset at Ibo. i worthl;25. Atarye, and full assortment of

hene goods at



Dress TrimmingsSpecial,Bargains hi thlBlJopartmQnt: ' Blackilk fringes, with anil williou Jot, vorylow..'aHsctnemoilo.Glmna, .wilh or without Jet,•ory lorn 'Worsted, if ring?*, all colors.

BarKalus* iu Narrow.Oliuija;"'"' :''".;'- • ' :

• • ' • ^ ' . ' . . - : . . ' . / ' • r - .




ti BU1''1.''IJK9,'COH'I

BRTS and' HAiM)-


['ocketbooki, Hntclicle, Trnvellne HnR", nndtlio Inrgcflt and most ccimplclo uuQrttntiiit ofFANCY AltTIOIilW mid HOttONH In lliuBlalo can bu found at -

ITI'I'I*«•• '

IO rtntf w M KKKH n i m n "II II H N H P . . II 11"0 II B NN H K II II*O R M NH K II 11

II H N N ItKKK Illtlllt(I0li ft

!• OIJO • nun


H N N itKn N NN l;II N NK I'.

N ! N 11N N l ie





NO:37'OHUROHST,H«w Bmnwlok, M, J, «>1

Nothing Kuccreds Like KUCCKSK,



Alwsrs on Jiand s flrs'-clas^ general assort-raont of Groceries, at lowest prices. - . '

ihis Fact!That on acroUot of tbU house doing a larger

buslni'BS t IKQ fttif otlier lu town, the stock 1BfVeaUer, and-ibe prloui lower t h n elfcowbcro.—j

Qheapest Qroceries

A Household Gem.Thli Family M«hlno wok the first introduo^'i Int

thu linud tiulu Tur (fOnttrAi UHti.aud for moru than 2fJ

f e a n hut* atood, na ft Btlll bluniin, UNBLYAI.I.KI> Tor litni-\y uau arjj light inantM»cturin(.'. ulidt or by lout or

nt arn [jow-r. Morn than t,i)i<0 0 0 nf tlm WliH^r itWilsou family Buw(»« Mm-tjIueB hw ba n suh uidnr« nnw in uau—a nuuibtr fur t-xcooiling tie totnl BHIu any oilier uiucliinu ii«.-ai;nuil iu.- ttiu w n ' purimo

' 1 L I » N « # Wh vier * Wilnony.iinly B«wlDgMiichicotnblnos.wltli Ui6ein>Ut;lrt qUfillUcq'ut ,t,lie prl^ininaclimo all the'l'ttniruvmilo. tn BU^I'B <KI bj-iiiun-ib'.0 jfttrs o' ex|-erl(uc« nnU duviBwl by lb« lilulicBt im>-h n l U a n d ^ L i l l

Wlieeler & Wilson liliiuui'if CoOt-PIOH 64, CHUuOU or.



" ; ; . , :r : ; •; • I N ,

Here caa bo feuod hj tu tlio largest a took of



Wliblesale onil Retoll..The crowd's that natronlxc tLie popular ptore

from timoDK l^° r'ch and the pour prpre that'Iho people haro fouud out whero to B p dtheir man- Jf to Iho beat advantage.

LOTS FOR SALE.In "ADAM3" and the village of Livingston

fc (adjoibing thltTcIty)• Will bo Bold cbeaji

for cash, or exchaugudTdr other real or per-

sonal properly.

Also a LOT on French street.

'Apply to

Edwin Elberson & Qo.,

Corner of George and CHurqh StreetsMl-dawtf"

HARDWARE MERCHANTS,Loto of EOT Durui't «trMt, " '

Have Removed]"" '~~~~ TO)

Io. 209 Burnet street,Neoriy oppoaito Pos^Offiw. ' •

We proposo to inaugUrato our ftettlpmont inour new quarters by olio ring great inducemontnto"purohasers. Attention is specially callodtoour largo stock of , . ,

Children's CarriagesRefrigerators,

Mats & Matting,r Oil Cloths.

Also an, imraonBo assortment of House-furnishlng GoodH,1 Karmtiiff Implement^'WhwjlvrrightH'^iqd illockamlths Matorlals, etc.

p37 d "


itea! Estate aid Stocfc Broket1.. OfflOE AJ(D SALESROOM,

Odd P.Uowa' Halj, Nelloon BtM.t.



•'• Haa.ODihand some ol tho -' .-

i Best Property in the CityFor inTOBtiutitit.

All kinds of Oooda received to be.Bold <%t 1 rlrate Hale or Publib Auction.

ItotI Entmeand Stock.bought ar.I sold; -Ubney" Loufled on RcaaonabU terniB^

^ o CommiaBlon -.demanded... nnUl~a&lea ore

Auotioo Bales attended to in citr or coantri,Passage tickela &Dd riralte aiild to all piiit

ibe country •_ Itnl-lj

REMITTANCES• • • " " ' - ' • ' T O - • - -• • ' " •

Englaiud, •

and Scotland.

D R A F T Siaanedfor£l md upwardn, p ynblu iniu.ypartKngiaud, Irolatd and Seotlauil. Alao.^..

Passage Ticket? to

or. from Europe'•>T all the 'aral-dau Lined of 'Stenranhlpe, atloweflt rates. " •

For tUtcg of nailing aud r»t«ii ol u>»iai;o, ori»ndloK mono; to tlio Old Country, upply co».

Edvia Elberson & 'Co.,


Cor. George and. Church Streets,

w!».3m. NKW BRUNSWICK. ••

New Music Store;Mrs. Garland

/lshos to aunouQco that sha has opoilfMl a aiw.lonlo 8tpro ut ,

NO. 01 CHURCH STltRKT,Kor tlm salo uf

Pianos, Organs, SheetMusic and Books,

MtiHlcut InAlrumnntaiTrlmniliigii, Etc.

PIANOS ami OIKIANU for i»lo un liitlali'lonm and for ItKN'f.

I.KH9ONS glri.n oil I'lano hy AI.l'ltKll C.JAltLANI), , . . •>•»•»•"_

BAVARIANWino&Lagor Boor Saloon


FIUC1>. 8CHKKSLI3Riuiiinur,ri'« In lilt frlrmls that hn h>>

oiieniiii » llrit-olrtss saloon umUr tti«

•hor» Mp'loil, anil o.lcr. In nnlhhls; '

bat «.,inl,in .rllolun In li!, ,M , n J , , , w

e»<loiti«r«. ^ lululy

Jameeburg Institutei''<»n irovw

WIIIUKOI'KM KKIT.'IA. 1«».Tlm >»«lmn: of iiKirunilon l> wMo nonkn,

Imioiifih anil [tiart ml, Ktnli f>U\M rifrailvi*.Im i{i*oUI rms ho IIUMIA, Ailflreas for circular


EEeadquai-ters• FOJt I ' IH 'K . . .

M I I I T _&E,dCEEIESIsaac L. I Saitin

Bego leave to Inform tan public Hit he bat

INEW HTOREjadjoinlog tho old atahd, where, with Incroosedaccomuiodutlotiii, ho 1B enabled tu nieijt iheduIUUIIUI* made by a lurgely-iacrvased'tradu.

- Qroaeriea of the Finest Quality.BBbT TEAS Ar.» . Ol;PPJbEU ID


No;W Gimtcti. iStreet• , At>ove George). , y

N o t i c e I o C ' r e d i t u r i .are liercb; notllled tbat llio'ro ka» boo

X presemed-n iicHtJltn (o.lhoCourt ul'Com-mon Vleau of Midilleaei cMinty, according totho form of tlm statute In Biltili caties nimlo andpnirided. for tho bunetit of the IliuulvOiitL'awBol this Stuto; arid the said Court huvc niipolnt-cd • F « I A \ O o r O U B l t T W fn'-xt. at tlio Court iloubo i.l siitl cotinlj', astho lim* and plaice at which thov will at cuilto heur what can bu a.legyc! for or aimiuat mvliberation. '


,44lh Q R 4 N D Nf lTiONAL '

E X H 1 B I T l.O-iSi-, c'- ',?• .. oe TUC ,

Institute,2f? tt 3d Avea. d- G3rf A* Gith *SV ., N. •}'.Wonderful Macliinefil. SpleuiliU Products 1AdmiHaion, OU ctfl; children. 25 eta.ocl-7ffii~ • :

Theo. Diesenreiter's

Fuiniiure StcieAnd first-class Uphohterlng .Enlabl

mt:nt, corner of


Manufacturer and Dealer in Parlor anl IJlira-ry.-ul'tis, .-.ufiia, l.ouiiKca and Uiiiire, of nivown raaKo and trimmed in tho best and latestsiyle. • •

Xambrc<iuln» and LOOHO Covers mads. Jla!-.resifca mado and re-ma-o. Pillows and Jsul-c.ora furnlturp Hrjiulreil Kt-covcrei. uudVarnished All Undo of UphoUoilnir douu lutho boettnanuer.- .*. " ' '.

Solicit! g vour patronage, I am, Tery rt-epectfully youra,


TVTOTlUK i^hercby 'RiVen that a.writ of at-XI la. huiunt has butu insncil out of tho C r-cult Court of thu county ot Middlesex, al lhi<suit of Martin K. Cook.and Jacqiira A . Hunkeimer, againBt thu n<jods un.j cliHtt»ln, rlghaand creiltis, rnont'vs aud t'fUxtfl lutuis and tun-errfonta of Jc.hu'II Tutfim, In an action of trcs-p8B8 ou iho cu3fl on promiaua, for tim hum oltureo liundrotl &m\ iuurtin-n dollure und «cvon-t> flvB ceutd, .rcturimblu tnfii rt' uitu1'! -Julytweuty.second, A. !1>. uly;hti'en hundred andaoveuty-Uro,

^t-^ni CHAKLE8 8. HILL, Clork.


Otu. illLT.Ktt, I'rojirii'lor.

ThlH house has bi-on outirel/ ron-jvo'ed anilrtlfurnlshed. It eunt.ilns 70 rooiiis. Tho till.Hard lloura ooulaiii.i thulatu.t Imimived tabk's.Tho Uar n nujljillnd with UJO cliolcent winiu,iquuri, ci|{ar», etc m).l)-3nid

PittE & BflRTON'aGeneral Music Store,

23 Albany Street,Where c«u ha found oTcrj artlole In llm iiitml-citl liue '

HOLK A(lKN,ly IN TllfS CITV I'Oll '1'IIK


Haines Bros; Pianos-, ' . A N U \ •' '" ''

Mnson k Ilmiilin Organs.

LH'JflONti OVfDN ON PiANO BYoitAnr,tia w, 1'UTTB.

nelR-llin' . • . i

Winoand Lagor BoerMAI.OON,

Oomnwrnliil Avii., vor. Unit', M.


At«o )iniicr!«(l mid Horn Ml Io Choooomid 111 gon«K

CilAHIsKS' JOAV/W, rrop'r.•nlH-ly

rOB^SALE,A One Hundrod Dol-

lar Sower Bond. •


G. Conover,33 Church street. 33

• .' ' NEW URUNHWItm; N. J" • " ' • • . ' . ' •

has * (all llnu of '

Clothing• ; • ; ' - , • " " • ' / • • " • •

Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods

The Custom Department

irill always contain a ohoioa oolectloa of the

Most Seasonable Goods,which will be mt»Ue op to ordir iq tho moat a»>proTitd atyltl. .


A PERFECT "FIT"dclo lawi r



Practical Watchmaker,• A N D . , . - .

ManufiiAturor oiJowoiry,1

3 I'E('KST3 I'E»(J'KST.,iiearAlbttily,Ncw-Unftisw(ck. -'.J^wu.'ry mudp to Tirdav ' WatOliea,;Clocka,'

Jewelry and MuMc Bdxea nt-ntly rur aired andwarranted. Muiuiyranj.i uutl Engraving ueatijtlonu «t short notice

i'l iu Gold Itinga at one fiour'a notice.Per.sotih rusidin^ out ofatho -city cau order

;oods made and uiko thum uway*tlio suiuoday







Store,NEW Y f M i

ii r TO vi;iT

B. Eis;g & Co.'s,[XTa-AVK.N'UK tNoar Macy-H),NKW.YOEKJ

Io Ifianrct tho best tiBSortmfcnt of Trimmings and

(looilti, TrluittiiH) .Hum am] UuimoUi, IJnMery, OutQul.>r LRIIIM Rrnl CiiiWrcn, Corwta, 'ele; WMto «nd ~Black 7.^\l\yr \\ornt.(l hi It cts. j-t-r nunce; otb«rrolora-lu pnipurllou. Kinbrulii^rlcB and til nnlcW orhrtney Work. Jowpliy, Motions nnd FMiicy GOO'B\V* ndd nim'ltli't dmljr, tl. iy ull comiMJiitlon nad s< U



ELIAiS rIVATCUMAKElts &~ JEWELERS,iiiWJtifit rpijlunlBhod thflr alrctulr well-HoU'c*-iil mock of jioodn, wliuh lhe. ufe eoIHug ut[)rlced to suit tho tlmcb, coiibl.itlny of

•olli Kny and 8;om WIiiilofB, rtf fort-i^n andtim^flcun tnanufucturu, for liidiuu' mid gents1

Fine: Silver Wai ohes'otb Bwlsa and Aiuorican. A liuo assortment

Clocks of allBoscxiptionsSterling. Silver (- oods,

n ean«» hirtnljlo fur pr«Henl!*,":-!-:AlB6"""rca![iuoiirt, Koikw, Cups, DfriBurl and TabloIpouiiH, Niip^Iu MngH, Fruit KuJvua, etc.

Silver-Plated Ware,'onftlfltiiiL' of Ten Brtrt, KiMTgnca, Cflfttdis,,'ako UUHKLMH, Jvnlvva, Furkn, B|>OOMB, NttpkluItinxu, Fluwer VUHUII, Card .Stamlri, utu. •

All tliohwlliiKH.ylL'a In Hluuro llutloiin andtiulrt. t ine Cameo BOIH.

LuckctH, Norkliifi'H, [*lmnii», etc. I.uillijs'nd lienlr.1 Clutlnit, huth ^uM und fluted.

_iind jilaln HIII^H inailu to ordi>r at short notice.

A lar>;o ntucic of jilain An;l Mlono Kings aoii*ilailllj ull liiilul,

Huln BK''iiln for tlip coli'limti'il Arunilcl,riiitinl anil Dlaiiiiiutl . . .

N|icc(iiel«« mid Ifye-GHot In gold, attvor, stiiul and alioll frarnon.

M( INI il 111 AM.-I, 01,1 IWhfth ami iiialn. Kn-:!iinhiK .klllrullr r i i ' tu lml . .

All jjoiiilit M-IU cii|{rnviiil TK'O of I'hariro.

UrHponlnl attcnlliiii uln'ii tu tho firptlrlniiif K.nn Waliilii'H I'rimi'li (IIIIIIK, JoKi'lrj unil

nrlluh'K >

()|>nrn (UA.1H<m fur fliiln and fur ront,

C/'nnviiraiiMnil TuhpH for llm iliKf.

AT THIS ()l,l> STAND, '


NHW nnuNtwitiK, N, i,\.<!iuiu Yoiinmiiii. (IIKIIHI


'" mcii ob'iV HiiiiiMcNiiOf dimly O M V I I M Job I'riiilInK,

*: k A." *r-~— * r l * V


I'eunHylrauIu Uallroad.THK GltEAT TBOHK LIMB TO THE -WKSI.

On and after Sunday, August 8, 1675, Ex-pruM Trsius IMTU * « " Urifaiiwiok aB follows:10 16 A M. tf»Bt Line, daily,exoeptBund&y.for

ilurisburg, Pittsburg, Cleveland and His' Waist, vritu Pullman Palace Cars through,Vithout ohunge, to Pitlaburg, - Fort Wayne»ud Uflicago, und Oolumbua, Cinoinnati, andwith Parlor Cari from New Vorlc to Fitta-ourK. . : .

4.08 V. M. for PlttHburc, dally except Bunday.

8.45 P. M. f nctUc Bxpresa, dally, for Uurisburg,Pittaburff, Cleveland, and the Weat, with Pull-

, nan Voia.ce (Jura through, without change, toPivtabur^OreBtline, Fort Wayne tind Chicago..CdQoeots at Philadelphia' with a sleeping- carlor Erie. . '

JTor Baltimore, Washington and UnBonthv.9.D8A.M. daily excupt Sunday, with new Pullman

- Parlor Guru, *.US r\ Al. with now Pulimao JPar-__or_andJjkepinK—liar»,-«nd-l(i.St-i»,-M,-

daily with new Pullman i'alafio Bleeping Garsattached. *

for Newark and New York, 8.03, 4.53, 6.828.80, 7.20, B.06,J V.U5, '.69, ' " ^ S , 11.66 A. M.ili.ii, B.M), 3.41, 4.60, 6 33, 8.06, 7.25 and 9.00.

P.M. "Hie 8 A.M;'(for Now York only. Sun-day trains, 8.03, 6 SB und 10.35 A. 11.; 6:3! and

. 8.00 P. M. .for Elizabeth, 8.08,4.62, 6.J2, 8.80, 7.30, 8.00,

8.05 U.OS, 8.62,10.35, 11.56 A. M.j 12.66, a.50,S.41, 4.50, 5.J5, 11.06, 7.25, and 8.00 P. M.Mundav train* 3.08, 4.6a, 5.8», 10.06, A.M.;6.85, >.00 P. M. ' '

Fjr Hallway,'6.30, 7.'W,V.87, 8.06, 9.52, 10.85,• 11.6S A. M. i n.6u, 0.0.1, 7.25, 11.00 I1'. .H. Bun-

day trains, 10.35 A. M.; and 9.110 C M .

For West Philadelphia, 1.18, 8.2J, 8.32; B.56,10,45 A.M.: 1.48, 4108, 6.211, 6.69, 8.Si, 9.46,lOiSi. Sunday trainB, B.SU, S.45. 10.24 P . H,

Vor Bait, Millstone, 1.88, 4:lu, O,!I9 P. M. '

, f o r LaniberlviUe and; Flomington, 10.45 A. H.• and 8.«8 P. M. • :For'alKpoints on Morcer and. Somerset Rail-

road aV*.10 P. M. •For PbfHi|vibii.-( and Bolvidere, ,10.46 A. M.

For lfordynlown, Burlington and Gamden, 8.22and 10.46 A. M.; 1.48, 8.28, 6.2V, 8.M

P "M ' * '

ror'Fro'obold, S.SS^A-ilcl S t r a n d J.20 P. M. '.'

For |Princoton, 8.82, 9.B0 A. M.; 1.48, B.ft,e.S», 8.2S, P.>>1. s

For West Jer»ey R. R.; 1 41 P, M.For Long Branob, Bquan and Red Bank,

8.23 A. H. •Learo New fork for New Bruhnwloi, T.00, 8.00

t> 00 tt.SO A. 11.; 12 noon, S.O0, 5.00,. 8.10,4.00, 4.10, 4.60, 6.20, 8.10,7.0c, 8.10 .and 9.00P. kl., and 12 night. Sunday, 7.00, B.30 and9.00 P. M,PKMSSTLTiinA R. B.—AMBOY DIVISION.Trains betwooo Hljjhtalown and Souih Am-

boy loavo liiglitatown 8 40, 8 di a. m.; .4 90,« 37 p. m.

Cranbury, 6 4t, 8 85 a. m.; 4 07, 6 57 p. m.Jaroosburk 0 58, 8 48 a. in.; 6 15, 8 00 p. m.Spotswood, 7 12, U'Jt a. m j 6 23> 8 - * p. m.

- Arrive at South Amboy, 7 57, 10 a. m.; 6.45,5105 p .m. . . . . . '

. i r : ~:_; • • xrpjuviva. ' -•••-'LoaTeSouthAroboy 6 25, 820,1100 a.m.;

4 86 p. at. .., apouwoo(l,6t0, 845a. in.; 1205, 6gS;P:

Jamesburg, 7 00, 9 1)7 a. m.j la 60, i 16 p. m.Oranbury, 7 10, » IV a, m.; 1 17, B 30 p. in.Arriro at Uightatown 7 10, 9 25 a. m ; I 80,

. ; . - 8 » 7 p . ; m . ' - \ . - _ ; • • ; : - ^ .'..-, • • . - . • - ? - . - • . . ' •"F*r further information Boe time tables', which"can be had at'.the Ticket UHioe. .:

NKTnaMSON, i>. M. BOYD, Jr.,General Manager, Utn. /Tut. Agent-

F. W. JACKSON.Otrii Suvt. U. It. Ji. ot S. J. Div.

OBORQKW.UAUK.tU,• Uupt. N. r. Div.



(orrofliTK unsEit's UALL), •

IH now oHering a

Fine Stock oLEariifiiure,At Reduced Prlcei.

And BOllolta the pabilo to .


His assortment, which U aa largo" as any IDNew Brunswick. 1 call particular attention to

. J my itook consisting ol

Painted, Chestnut, Walnut and

Mahogany Suites,

Which I am lelUng at> TEBY LOW

I hare oonatantlT on hand


• " • PARLOR S U1TE&,

01 my own make,

Tiimmed In the beat manner and .rarranted'a' retyoeaentf cL

Please call and examine the atoox of Fnrni.tvre In oar Bpactoui showpoma. ;

' oolO-dawiv

75. Fall. 75ATTENTION!

ol Inopoblio mt large It Inrlttd to

A. Wolfson's

Crystal Clothing Store,a«a oommnnon

whert is to bo found to . Urgeit ajtd floei•took and tha lateat ttrleB of



GoodsReady-made & Made lo Order,pa it able for MOD, ToutaV and Bojtf, at price*that defy competition, '

Great attenuoa is paid tot titomer Wortwhloh it fashionably opt by tb i most

Artistic Outte r

tnd well mada. AL.> a splendid assortment <OoBllemen'i Furnishing Goods of all kinds.

Bpsoit.1 attention U called to tha -

Hosiery Department.Manufactured by tho New Uruunwick am

Norfolk Hosiery OompanioB.

ox.oTnnvo OTOIID

42 Oommoro* Sqnar*,,



M. SCHWAB,OpIloUn and Onullnt, will U at JOHNHON'B A I I . U O A D I I O T B I I . N P W |lnm»vrl<:|r. N. J

Prom Wrilnc»'l»r, Nn». II, In KrliUjr, Nnr,


i I tov. n r . W, I I . (' i impbril ,1-lMlfl.tll •( BtilKMll <!olle|(«( W.w Urnn

wlok n. J,1 ' l»r«l. O«">r«o II. Oooit,

,1 U.l|«n OoU«««, N«» Urumwlok, K,H r . jroliiinon I .CUOII ,

Ut-Oai. Tarkorrr..l.ol4, If, J.

I ll«« »t> !>Hlari air Agri|M. *•»•'


ew York Weekly HeraldJAMES GORDON^BENNETT,




C L U B ' B A T E B . . " ' " ' ' '

'bree Copl«i, per annumNoCopies, " . v . . , , . . , ; . , , .

ipf will 1» ** ' toiToF

Addition* to oluba received at club rates,TheAo rates make the WEH***T I IBIUUI tho Cheap-

liUwtioain.tho iountry.' ' X •. . .:. -Terms cash In adranoo, . Money aent by mall Trill) at the riak of the sender. . ,A goueroug portion ot the WSEIU.Y HBOALD will(appropriatedto Agriculture, Horticulture, Flori-Ituro, Pomology and tha management of domcatlcluiaU. Particular altontlou will bo ,>ai j abio to

uporta of tha MarkuU,. > • ' •- = •The aim will be to make tlxo WBKKXT. JIMRALO

irior to any other Bf^rloultural and faintly uew<vlyer lathe country, ;. . . . . ,.. ' | • ..,Krury number of the WSHBXY HUDALU will con-

aolftot itory 4nd the Juteit auil most importantiws by telegraph from all parts of tho morld ui>. to

hoir of publication, , 'During tho aeoaioii -W Oongrwi'thaKUALD will coutala a" aummary of the proceedingsid thel*ate«t K e n by Telegraph/rom Wwhiugtoitlitical, Beligioua, Fa^iionable, Artlitto, Literaryd Sporting Intelligence; Obituary Notice*. .Vario-i, Amusements, Editorial Articles ou the proinl-it t«i)lca of the day,, a rerlow of: tho Cattle-and

ry Oooda Markets', Financial &nd Commercial In-illlg«uce and account* of all tho Important and In-irmtlng BTBUU of the week.The prloe of .iubnorlptioB, whenever practicable,lould be trauBinlttod by FoWotllce Ordors. It isie tafeat mode of transmitting mosey by mall.At small Poat-offlee* In tUo country whore Post-Bca Ordera cannot be obtained mouey may be re-:ted in Iteglitared Letter*.

Adrerliiemehtivto a limited1 number, will be in-Hied In tha W£HKLT HKRAU).

The Daily Herald.POSTAGE FUBE.



tally-Edition, t "..'. j . .Three ceutt iwr (unday Edition ."&U. .Four cent* per Coi>y

:Uy R d i t l p q . ' . . ; . . . . . ' . . . . . Three 0-Jn.tB por Copy

Write the address On letters to tho Nrw YottK[cttAi.D In a bold and legllflo' hand,' nnil g h o (he>mo of each anbBcriber.^of Joat-offlce, Oouuty andinto so plainly.that no errors In mailing papers wtl

llablo to occur. - - . . . ' • ' - oolO-tl


Priniin? -._^22- Albany Street.



L01 & TIYtfliNew Brunswick Agency


, , , , ; ; v , _ : ^Hating'macio Largo InipVuveinI'nts' und'Additions''their citubtlshinunt,' lovlta thb-attaotion of parasors to their Immoneo Block, consisting of


ouths' Ready-Made

& Beddiner,Which, bavia^ LceDiiiarJitd »t « i t r ' m ^

, l - ,vEttvelppes-per-Da^

4ciually Making and SELLINP, Now, Irom Five''to Seven

".".Hundred Thbnsand per Day.

' . We cap u iako 'ENVELOPES oheaper than.Now

York!,mfikcrfi, bijoauBO o£k our IMPROVED FAST . ' . ' . ' . .

' ]' M A Q H p f E S (pvir own iDVBntion)j oar L I G H T E R

." . ' EXPENSES and tho I M M E N S E numbor'we make. ,

Special. Inducements .to :.Oasn Piiichaseis.:

•• Call a,nd eiamino tho quality and prices. «•. ..'."'. '.

. . •/.'•• We can lurnish tliese Envelopes, m t h card ; -•

.' 'printed thereon, for a r t r i f l f 'abov6 the usual'prico of ;1 ' •.." • the'Envelopes. "'"" • • • J

W o keep here tho leading Btyles and sines, and

sell them at faotory prioefl. : • . :




'Economy, Heauty, Cleanliness, and


'i:y wlieroi

olurort t y COKRUGATED .ELBOW.CO. op U. S., Sa.piiff Streot, N . T .Aa&i7 lloco.Htroot,.,Giaciminti,; SJ15 A217L»ko ptre^t,'Ohicngo. ; . ; ' , ' ; •

pedal Attention



Por tha flgeonilon e(



E sti mates Fu rnlshed


' . ' ' .• .' 0 1 S O M B . ' o F T U B <•)'. .'. .• ': \i ,:

Leading Business Houses:JHLT1IE CITY OF HEW BUUNSWIOK. . .

CurdB Inwrtcd In t i l l coluinolUillr"rail Wwily)»t the rftto of $19 per annam, payflblo qturtorly IDadvance •-

Confectionery.VTOnTHKOPB BAKKUvi CONFEOTIOHEET Al l Ice Cream Baloon. 4T OburcU etrcot. l'Art!c»and WeJdlnge ftirnishotl *vitU every requisite.

~ China and_Glass Ware.TAMES HOKMBY, DEiLKrt IN CHINA, GLASS-

O and Karthenware, Lanipa, Cutlery, Sl'oona, Wood«ii and Japan Ware, No. SO Illram atreot.

rr\ UURUAY, MERCHANT TAlLOIt, Ko. t !X m CIIUni:ll8TBEKT.Qnntlemonc3nberoli««up

pUed wlth'tbeinofltntyllah and bMt ofClothlnp^ -


O and Havana Clears, Chowlnj slid BnniUn( Tu-buooo, rinutr, ate, »« Oeorgo alroel, cor. Liberty.

Par tha Printing ol






BUI Heads'

Cards and


Bx.nnteil urompllr W "''t1 artlfllc »«lll

For Snlo.

A Sewing Machine. (IIKOKWITH).

Will be Sold OneapI*or ciuh)

Addrein B. M.t ftt TIMM offlc*

I\J IDOI.KHKX COUNTYf llann>liM.lti>U>iaaii<l Natban Hol.1i... J r . , t lf. i lvt l ol Halliau lloljjii , !•!• of !>>• ••!'< OMUily n

Mltit l iw ilvnuurflititliwi, ilvnuurf,I, William llcllit», Jr., flitrronaUof I

f MlildlM»i ilo li«rpl>y nnlor anil d1, William HOIIPF, J r . . Hrtrro«»U«>f llit»»i'icinini;

of MtilitlMDi, do hurviry ntiirr and illrorl Ihfl •aideiMUlUna t o n l t * I'tiiilioinlliyi Mi tliAntMlnora of Ilia•kid dnrnai^'Vtii tirliitf tnlholi ' <\*Mt, rlMiiandn an<•latnii, iuid«r »*ilt M afflrmaHoi., i |*ln»t ih* Ht<l—'-U, wllhiii niiit innnthi from I ft it <l«l« i»f Ihlii <ir-

*-.» Mitlnff up » «>I»y *t *h« nrrt«r wllhlii J w w i :'., .. _". T- . .<.. « - _ . . . , ^ imbll

(!i.T»n Urnlff tn'ifr my liaiirt Mile Pth iUy of Amu*1

WM.MAM MK1T.KV, J», f Burrn

Clothing./-lAXLAOIIAH A IIAOKUTY, SO. 25 OnUKCIlJ Street, Dealers In" Keady-mado Clothing, Oont*

lBhlnif Oood^ Clothl, Ca&Almeres, etc.

TlUiO. DrESENKEITER'S FURNITURE STOKIand flratKHaaa Uiiholtttertnff KatahUahinont,>oor

Albany and deorge itroou. Fornlture repaired.

Harness and Saddlery.T B.BAnSKfl,8ADDLE~AN1>HARNE8aMA.NT3

cJ • ftveturer, wbotosalo ami rwtill, Unmet i truMtlYanka, Will pi, Collar* nntl Baildlt>a.

H• Hair Work.

B. ZIHMEnMAN,~iul)OKTKR Of HUMAN^ _ Ilalrj and manuraclurer of Human Hair Ooodif frrory deacrlptlon, 80 Church street. Ka:ab. 18M,

Jewelery, Eto.

JOITN BCIINKlDKRr rPKAOTICAL WAT0I1.maarr and Manufacturer of Jewulry, W 1'eaw

atr»et, batMeen Albany and Church atreeta.. t

' ' ' - - +~—~^ _ ; • - - - - • - •'


RO t ? K * BON, Sf HAM BAW MILL * LOTIDKRYard, 14a llurnet altret. Pine. Oak and Hem*

ik.Tlmber, l ine and Cyprus BblngjeS;

HOWKtTi. DiMOXr A CO.,' [fUMDKB l>B*LBBe,«(JI OuJopt itrtot. All klndi' or Lumber and

Tfanber, Jrtwswl and lindniaoit, lu ftlHta vartoUc*. ; "

Photography. ,

D OI,ARKpePJK>T0aKAPHOALLEaY,4KlN0• 11 lock., CominiTca Bijimro, noxt dour to ttieD• Ulock, C m

Port omc«. KsUlillihod In IO C O T T B OALLEKY, II PKA(!E HTUEET. LETO him Rot you up nao ol lli"BQ Klnely Vlnlfllied

U^rnpju or l'orcelaln Miniatures oryiiurmlf.


HDOH MoKEAO, TilAliTlllAI. PMINRF.KUA8 and Bl'lilM KITIKH, 40 Ail.i.ny slrml,

I evr Brpniwick, N. J . ; \. > , '


RefectorYOoriiorAllinnj nuil UcorRP HtH.,


anoiiOH H.

H 8 K anrl (IAMF, In «M«fin 0Y8TK1tflaliiava on hml.l, und t e r i c l 111 Ihn bfl.mijlo altho llriccliirv, or "III ImBriltliiliiitilllia, liy Hidlyo 1 0 ' n ) ( ; >Ty Hlinntal'iiiy llhia

New: Carriage Eactpryf^cCrelis Bros.,

NO. is BorannaET BTBBBT7*"-'-~-(near NelUon),._._ '__j_ '•__'

tiavo recently finished a largo and commo'ctlquBbuilding Xor tho-manufacture anil exhihittou'"CarringcB Q .uTory, .d.Wcr^ptiqQ. They, kcojit\no astortme'ut191 .vehicles coriiAnh'Uyon liaaiiu their lWpositoty.' ' As theso uro ot their owimake, aud ef tho best matcriivl. tlio.r,Qzot.neuc(la alw-nyn guaranteed* ,Teblclo'a"of all doacripions nro made t.6 brd^r at ihortnotloe. Ke-

imiringof.p7orj-(varloty'i6 douo with' lieatnoB;mid despatcli.w .VTPII AS in a eubstastUJ.manu«r aud at reaabiiablo flguroB, •

llLACK8MITiUNQ Ifldouu bjr'ihem Wall ibmncbcB IcindroiTtu thu!r.l)uSlno89, fer)3 in t luiost. ap{)iovediaii(t wbikManllko mantiflr.' -

ilariiig engaged Mr.'AnitiliA'M'Cbbic, whrfor the past alx years, haa boon in the eraploy of Mr. L. Van Naia i s paintcraud fiiir'tiethey feel confident tlmt thej oao guarantyluperior worktnanflhip. , -• - .

By patronixiug Uiom you can aaveSOptr centBy pJonflq

r g jent of thoir abili

a , pttutief they rpapeo

fully solicit the patronage of tbs public,



&T Pftrtlos- win tin jr laformaiipa »t*>at tbla Uta•hould lutiaoTltxi for thbflTAT^ QAZkiTIB

Ponusiiro AT TUB OATITXL orjrni BT*.T«; .

••!: M- :"••••' - '•*?. f?'??0^'1^™"?

'' AdrertlBcri diHiring- enstomor* la thi» BUU ihouli

dresl oa a|iplleatiou to • , . , < , , .

John L. Murphy, Trenton,

Dry at al Sp e o t aol6&', Improve your sfghl.

Th« O i T i T i tto the nub'la «Mit o'thprlMD «

aiWiir'Vtl In'o . only ;

m»tr tbftt .6r' f

W« varrarlt ar(ir7 pilr to lut for ta»njou cb»Dji», »!w»j« remitnibj clf*r*oil brl

t l t M )l l lUtnbb

BracrioLM law oflWrtdanrwrlor.,

taarkot, t b r f l u t fct^Li; Htffcllir, TraiKrf, fur od

, th


varrarlt ar(ir7 pilr to lut for ta»nj TNTI, with»Dji» »!w»j« remitnibj clf*r*oil brlllijut.. Th

»r« niouDtwltn KM, )lT«r, ilulUtnbb lfr»inea. ror tale br bar a^ntWboir

VUOKUKKti A YAH WICKL.K J«wr|ira toOptician*, WBQUcafCPUfor N«w Dronawtot,, /N. J.

ar$on» geoulift wtlbolil tbaTtiie-Mtik'alJUn;^on efury pair

M/murii«rNow Vork. _.s. look (or Trad? Mirk., N-J cad«llt<ra am

ucV'O'flmw ' ' . • . - . < • ' ? , , -

Public NoticeIn hnrehy glrnn thi^t, lrijRcfionianco with a rcflolutlon |MLMHod by (lie Hoi.rd ot Freobolitnr* nMlildtoHOx cuuiity at tta Jiu-t ro|;ulttr mcolinino claim fur labor, luiitorlal 6r aujipllfii funinhed naltt county will hereafter be paid uuIOHB nncli tubor. material or suppllaa ofiall hnr<boon ordrrett nT'tho*1 appropriate Ooiiitnttto<mid tho bill avdltet) b/ i ' iSh OeniitlllteB.—>

-. . v . • : . ; JAMKH UlHBKTi; . •".Dlrrrtor or Hoard of (Jtiouon t rocholdnrt.

yo^tir 1,0n)(;n[io'oliila or Murna Oi


PITCKH, HlitDH, Tntm)>ln( Cmhtf, ttihatnf,

KvarjUilnii .Mill.In ami .ltl..V»l.|« hill l.omtil In.fnainr", WIIKIill "r No)1 t JW^K!)

iMllna mm bn RnnijinmuiUloil Imtci mi wall Ral l h l l l U l

ffMIK Illrrclnr i.f Ilia II.1..1I nl Cln.B.n |'rr.n1 1 i.oi.tfr.of Hl'1'il../..n ii.oi.ir . . 1 . I m

al thn (liilfiity (I'lllnulnt'l oilirt.t HI tlU ««ui.n.ll f

(Hint f.imlli Ho olook 11, MI. .

1'ual IIITIKI a.liliam nmilh Illtar.JAMKH itlHBUlT

.«*u>b lunlilli al iw

tmnrovril (JUOUilURU WOOI l ' U M t ' la (>>• aclu,0i*.*l««<l

rirAN!>AUI) o\ »h«' iitarknt, lijrurtjlol, lh« t>*il l-tiri,^ f-n1 Ik* 1#»t>1Alitiiitlvn U Inmml lo UUtclilejr1

A ilraik»l,th»PC«|t Oi'*** Vat*in hit wllli<lrawn wl'ho il dlatur

Ins the jhlnts, and the ftnpper chamln

wfl( UarrSfn'lim**1 K/HK'U,m*\vr$Anil Dm t r ^ U i ro t r a l l r lo, <<")*r \o t>#

'•I'tlJUt'X *"** It h»«' "M/ lr><u'If n«ii »!.. put kwiw ,nln

onunorcg Hi., V

FORT.Mtili (il'lu'r'f niallfr'Huriii, •(*• fal.) ln'|till by tlm Wy

niiHuri «tli1 drtl/ kr*1!* M l !•< »••• Wynlnllti1 Iturn IViittUi! df^i'itittjihft m<t H'ljh «l va^ndiHlint Ih* y^if- TlaJkaiMt Mflkj • ' * ' ' I1"1- 'I* '

A I H t . Kft-Um A|»nU, 111 HMU'i »ir»>«t, N«w

V ' i ' A I l rf*t h«J^ «Vfl y tt*frl|Mhm uX * * 1 ' 1'ltlN I'lNO arllitkall; *i*t u.*tlat tiji>ii«riit< y r l ( l t > i '7 l»***"| J""ir » 'd««»

a n d S«JL-

g' Otis Bros'/linproTwI Pftteni R. H-Pn^engorEleva:

(OihM In tlii Uultixl autci) wlU ut ' j Ouj.lx>r

ttiiJlOhfl: , Willl


oolj-dawlOwp. ;

i fCMTC ,80 pK^KQANT OIL CDK0M08luCH rOi-'taoonlod. it>im'HU;tot $ti KoVeltlef

IllBOMg OOaJTli.la icljih.a, Pa!T '


i i . v •!•• / ' .. • : • - , • , sh^ut f l p a b e r . ' ' P r « * i m -pea, GoUen Pen. Pon Holder, IVucil, Patent ' Yar

MonBuri'»hd apltfe bfJewolrjr. fiinRlo packHBtywtL•lefftrit IVIEO, poalpftld, 26o. Circular Ireo. • i t l t lO

7 0 9 U d w a / N Y ' : • W '

Uth Sts& Uh Avc> New York,nwrLftrjroat'.Im'portarfl In 'Amerlcd' of-Dolts

Toy a Bulubln for Uulidar Vn^nti. Tho I^UGKeT1KKTA1L' FANCY GOUI>3! KBTABLiaKMidsr In'NewTorK-i fl3~OaiplogH?BHr)t Jriio'voapy aiJ(lraBe.;

~ tlora ti7 mall aiuiodod to with bp&Ial caro'


lAiTho crdat iutereot la tho thrilling hlstqrj of oui

..Suntrr inflkwthlli tho faBtiaC al'lUcg boofceter ]\ublliihpd,,,It;coiiUlli0PVcr.4p0tflne historicalrcagrurIngs and bOO pages, with' a full'acco'u'nt of iho ;apnroftohln^itraBrt fOonteniilal od^hratlpn-i'^ad iov t

By ANN ELIZA YOUNG,Brlcoam Y o a t j ' a flobdllobi Wiffc

« > Tbi/oniy'ooniploto"eir,oih)ofall tile aMOIJETIof UIUUIIAM'S JIAUKM OVIT irrlt t tn. Horn IrMormonffim,'ANN KLI7A now pxnoso's to the world,Ar) NO'.OTtUiJt iWOMAN'OAN,, (hn BKCHETb,MYBTPUlKaanoCUIMKiorHohorr lb lo systpui oPMgsmyiTrom ' t l iOTy b^frtnolngi ,Nearly 200. 'I

k I t I th t l iliP M y g y i r r y b f g ylustrstloqs beau|lfy the work, I t Is .the twal -veilingbook pnbllshcd. lOjOoO moro.'uipn and women callhave employment .and mnko from tfi to $Hjdaity.: AlLlVKAOKNTSarirvtrittaB-for Illustrated Olreulan

lthLAltOETKItMUi Bcnt/rio. .Dojiotdelay, buiddress DU8T11), QltMA'N A 0 0 . iTartrord, Conn,•otUrl ifoi M ! : .-- i-v. :! : > i,-, 1,•.-.'! ;•;'

(8ae.e«Blora to Eobcrt Freeman *Go.),'i

No. 4?..North ,SccoMLISirc()t


. Maimfacturers aad Dcalora In



In till tho Ifttoit aod most fmhlonnblo dcs'^nn, incluinff the eolebrated' RABTLAKK ami MKUlAEVAntylos oT Parlor, l ib ra ry . Cbaiitbcr, llait and DfnlniKoom Hultofl.. . . '*,.

Cottofro Sullen and low-prlcod "Walnnt Fumltuiand MnltrcBses enn bo hid Irum ua iu ohoap as fro:any-oihor bouad liLtha;dty.___J._._

An Inspection aollcltud, and all norlt"""WftiTaUteiitrlctly aa rwiireBitnted.

f U N A MILLElt, :0014-awn - 45S.Btcond S t , Plitla., P,

' A. NEW" •'.'

FIRE-PLACE HEATERTho Latest,' HandtroWosV and Hcot In '

:: -i. .!•••••: . 1 . ; t h t > . C o u n t r y . " . : - . ; • . : • - - • •

FDIIiER, , WABliEN & CO.,.' < .230 Writer Street, .Vow York. 1

lUBY ::;«4|:EARL:LSurMce-Biirniiifi; 1

p t ' t l !: I' : -v-'j ,

FURMACESr ' S t r o o t , :•• "'"'• WE-WTlOBK*

1 ift V> A A inT««toJ In Wai

aad ldfoitistor<Wal]'btrMtt" .xplainlnf OTer

NrJlJ r n t r . Bankera . aid Brokers,8H0AWAY, HEW YOB*.." uril'.t-

FOR C0UQH3, COLDS, HOARSENESS< >! ,- and all throat DtBeaaes/Oflft

WELLS' CARBOLie TABLETSE• • i - i i i ) - • p a t

TniBD AND Btmn- For! salt br DiuJriilBta genoralir amWOHN-BTON HOLLO WAS * tOi. eWadplph in,. Pa.

o c M ' "OC29-4WD ,

IV|riniOATFD Will ,KV,?: H09neurn flotiitinintlnrtr Invi-htlMto It nntl you will flI) WOT to U • prtw tttrisj bail ^lili«ky «r hlgli Wii«rajK"(1 anil s^wtyin^l to i>kft«* th.n U*t1 Itaw/nof - itlttors," ••Tonlca." l I ItcBluriTS," I'tc.yttrY nlcunl^ln i|i,n fll^it atr'H>(>l, •Q'1 Hiom».i)il* arc il»l|y,l<!»« (trlviVif to (hv)r fi-kVMi throujrh It* itiflnmeiv 'Vaiiloiunly ili^lart* lh« HASIf* of mtr eniniiouod to boPUltK MqiTOlt, mado fnun lndUn OTH, a gralhDowound umwl ihroocliont Iharinilr* worl'l- l t fmt e n , tnvifrtfralra, producra e*rton In th i Mood,| l l l ; i f i f tb« ayk|cmt and la th« M

l H ; U A l l Apolinnnary itUmtf*. In n>nnr«tl(in with mir rrirtiilwa a'lvlva |>aUi.nt*,- wC*n Infforiatf "with ' t tur ineoiiflil, li> »'li| KOUK UANDV tn Micli f)iiantUlei «

niatl«r In thrust ami Unjj ilinnMi U'lcm vrrll kiu><for nommonl. No nn- who in »in If to. I with t-QnUMITION, HUONdl l ,T |M' .Mi H h.or i i ^ , ;».]»„,ln«»«»r "I 'i'tiK O'OMHTn'U'l'iON con takv < ^ liMtTrljf ami nut ar,kniiwicij)(n it lo l>« a Mvikinir (

w n.ir iHr^otlotiH aiiif frar no i\i..r., I P U , TT)|I <7(irA j o i i r i r i r m i aifri) M ill>>il:*ilfl<;n<>(lik I tigi lay, <li<ni>ra.l wliol ouiii rti(i>iila I l K l l l C M A N A (l lJ . ,N « w Yurie. '(Hultt b y ' H I dn'KKl*W. l ' t l ' « *t p*r

| [ | 1.1 1 0 Ajnn ln wHitti'd, l l . ^ l cturiArt fur uiaklnI P i A l ) m o i H i y l n I1"1' ' '"• H ' ' " l 1"* l l t* *»riot»rnr |>fc

.iilaaliinl!1 l in iHi i r Wni« l". 0 . / . " ' M i l OltU/V~ I UA IH>M HI »,xl (HI V.'iinr Hf» l , Ni>


.l .i«U, PWf«lliillJiJ»li


MA d j o u r n e d Kh<;ri(r* K n l c .

1 J3J5LEfiiSX Couu'ty C/rcuil'Courf/—Peter- ^ A- Vim JJeTonter, Vlaint-tf,- VB. Alexau-er i*1. Handplpb, livUiwliUiL—yi. fc'a , etc.latud November 10, 1b7-l. ' 'Jameo U.Van O.eef, Attoruor. 'MiddleBcx^Cir9ui<i Court.—Christiana Jon-

ina and olliera, executors, etc, I'laititifls, vs..lexundor K. Raudolphi Dofcndant.— Fi. Fa.,tc. Dated December 12 1B71.Heiley & Grlnistead, AitonicvsMltldlt'flex Circuit CoUrt, •*- Iniiley fioice,

Malmlil/TS. Alexander F.Jlandolph, i)efeud-.ut.-Fl. Fa., etc. Dated Fvbruary H, 1&7S.

A. V. Sr.huocic, Attorney. ' " ' •'Midtlleser Circuit Court'.—-Daniel McCurdy,

Jla utill, vA AlexuuderiT. Earulul]ib and JaineHDunDil?: Defendants. — Fi. Fa,,ctij. Dated

The sale under tU6 abore stated writt statlda.djourued to :i :;,••.:'::• :- • •'.. ~ < •'. i

* TUESDAY, Noyember9, 167t5,' •

,t 2 o'clock p' ui., at the SlieHJrs ofllce. in theUj 61 New Jimns.n'ck. 'New Jerrieir.

• Mi M- hUPAUDUS, Shjcrifilard-P.jyoorheas,-Attgrfioy, oc'Jl^td.


IN. Clianoory of New Jersey. — BetweenTub UlilOH Na'ional • -ank'of"Itulin-ay,1

Cpmplainauta.'ttud Murltz Pinner, Defendant.-^Ki."Faii etc.. 'on iforecloadre ' Dated (Jul15 ,18751 : , , , . . " . . , . ..?-,. , ; , - , . . . - ; ,

ThcHalo^pder the above fiUtod writ atands.djoumed to " • '

'• T,U,E8pA.Y, Noromb'er 23, 1875.X 3 o'clock p. m.,.at theSherUl'a'oflice, in Iho;Ity 6t New Urunawitk, NowJeriioy:

,M M. LUPAltDUS, Sheriff.Shafer & Durand.-BoltcUorg of Complain-

.nta. ! • ' • • . . . . . .

REAL ESTATE.By tfirtuo of an ordtT of tim Orphan*' C-nirt-of tlio

fu;ity »( M'^tlk'Bi'Ja, uuulo uu the Ulct day.of Auginit,the jri'ar cfnur Lor<i onu thouHund night hutidre<l<1 boveii'j'-ilvt', tlio HUbBcrlber, an admldlmrator of

ohn Lad ley, lito of tlie county of MUIdlotx, di cousedUUell Bt Public Yundu*, on

'UB&DAV, . NOVEMBER 9^187B,the hour ol* two o'clock in th« afternoon, a t tin:

mrt IIuuso f u t h o c l y of t Sew Brunswick, in mililtunty, all tlits loll'iwiuj,' di'HCrlbod aii'< and prf-mlttus,'I wLlch Ihu nal>i John i-mlk/ dlwl ae\zQ<i, viz.;Two lota of land ln the c l t y o r N u w Hrunaw'....,

,Ild les<*x county and BtitW of Mow, Jcr^uy: Fl^^tit'irlnDlojj'jfU W' etvrly sldo uf Peuco etrwjt» ut^bt ipctilatant trom the i)wu<llt)ghuuflu to ouultnar <| tbiino-

IU hprly aloii[f thu west ul^o'of Vt'oce .alrpot 11 t'u t : theucuHOUth i51-4 ilegreea west, liA'fuct; tLuuc)ittit"rly at rlffUl ungl'» tu l>sl cuurue Au fa [; tbtnomterly to the jjlnco of Li-glnnlnjr. hxccptini; nut c16 ut)ow 4o much ^l*-\»fts cotivffo.1 by J i ' s u K.

Jchi-nclcas-lurtuet owner 10 ribiiiurf IKrablttli., byliiil~ia WTTeV.'^i 5,""18GC;~tt"C0?itHd "in MTUJ [p ffi? XUierk.'B ofllco In J>oult 103, pagi* ^ . . HLCOU'1 - lot .011wt'tft eldo of I'ettco atrt'ot: bt-glunliii; at he HUUUI.'Ijdrner of a laL lorinnrly bcti iiRlujj.to Jobii.IJfJinls,ififrwarda to Hubert Adrum; tlience w> pterly "along>i» hue Ol foM, moro or 1>>SS, to thti south w e t cornetif lilt lo t ; thcDcu ni>utui-rly tmrauinr iliecoorw of iholaid Wi-tUirly lliiit '.0 feel, niuro or luasl tO'Ja--1 '1

no and blniinjr on bli* lot CG lect, lu'iro or le*a, to'eaco utroet; tbeoc* aorlhuriy along tV*ct), etrotn JK);etii, tnure'or I«H3, to tho tH-giiiulag, roB<rr^nf tun fuel>a thu wmbflldo from Teaw otreoi tu thuroai pi the

A d j o u r n e d h l i e r l l l ' s «*al.*.

IN-- Ch'auccry of Newv Jorae'y; — Between1 JoliilD; Wright,': autlng esceujor.'etc.',

Complainant, anil Darid :Tomlii.son and wifeit al.,; Defendants.;— hX .Fa., etc., 011 tornilosure. Dated J«ly-lU,4675. , . ; • .

Tho sale undor tho above stated writ ikindsidjouriicd.to;- ., .._". '.

TUESDAY, Novembor 2?, 18Y5,

at J) o'clock p. m,. at the SherifX's ofllce, luthecity bf^iowliruuBwiclt, New Jorsoy, "

" " JL .'Al: SI. LUI'AKDUa; fihTifl.'Nolijon Run^6'n,;' 861idltor: of" Complnfn

MIDDLESEX Cirpult" Court. - M»r> E"•••FiirmPoyVTtaVntia/irfl: Eira'W. Afuol.i

Defendant.—Fi. Fa., etc, Dated Dciiembo3 u

J1 8 7 * . - -

: • • • ' " • ' "

J' i - ' ! ' " • ••' ; • ' • ; - ' -

;- i - •

Vfoodbridga Strohg, Attorney., . ' : ',New ' JerBcy riujireiue Court. — IIenry..G

Cook, plaiutiff.'vs. Err* W. Arnold,. Defend•ant.—Fi.,Fa., oto. 'Dated April 16,1875.V * '• 'AbtJulifcLeonard,'Attorneys,1 ' lfr l ! " -,: Mlddleiiex * ircuit'fcoUrt.—Mary E:1 I'a'rm-Jey, Elalntiili vs. Exra'; W.,,Arnold, Defendant.- X Fa., oto. Daied.June5,>/1875. : .(,•{ ; ,

Woodbridga Strong, Attorqey.".'Mfddlcsox Common Pleas—Mary E Parm-

ley, PlaintiQ", T8. Kira-W. Arn-Id, Dofendaut.~^Fi. FuVetc -Dated June 5,1875.» •fii'i.--, The aulo under theabaTolBUtedwrlta atandiadjourned,to , , , . ,:< j / ,, •- ; j , , ' j : _ .j ... .. ; TJQE8DAT, NOTQmbcrZS, 187P, ,.,;.,,-at 3 o'clock p,-m., at the Sharing Ofllco,: ln(hcity of Now iimnflwick, New Jersey.-) . ..

. " ,", tt..'Jt LUPXRDUS.'Bherifi:;Edward W. 8trdnfj,J Attorney.' "''' ••

ANMatt, V H M M<» «> Irani Ti*Kia|,II I .l ln.H.,.,. MnyJM,l1 ,.,| AiMl

J l I NY

IH>tulln, tJhl'f, . 110111 Hwi»

»•!" 1 At lioinn, mtij* or f«m»)"i lim iier

W o i ' l t ^ I - ^ '«r " uTimihir, %9 hfiM.tf „ - . I B W«- w»n.l TdUitbln liackHifflul «("«)» tijT O T * f l JI.tiMI UM, A*1i...'i«. *vll!i »lH t*Ht fitly rn . i t a iPp tAMt 'UNU. Ill) Ur^ffiH^K «l|»fL f<i.H

Short1 . CutiavalSAJlu1!;!;to Wen It h ' t M m m *»*

Adjourned SlmrilTa Sale.

MIDDLESEX:Glr6ult Couit.—Hcnrr Klcbm o u d and Cornalius W.^chujler, piirt

nera, etc., 1'IainllQ'n, TB. Isaac Bartleu', Defendand.—VI. Va,, etc. Datei July 17,1876' ' ' ,

The uale undor tho above Dtatou writ stands'adjourned to , : :•• .

TUESDAY, November ZS, 1876,

at tw6 o'clocic p. m., dt tho ShorllTa Office^ 1:tho city ofKow BnuiDwiolc, New Jeraey.'

• •••' -1 - « . : M.LUI'AHDUS,: HUeriO.Reiley *fc Orimsteud, Attorneys. . . . . oc33-ti

• A«Ji»urn*!d[ •licriil'B Male'

eto.. on fofi!cio»aro. IDatcd Aug. :I8,'lS!p'.~-. .1T110 BaJa.11ndor.tbp abore BFatud.writ stainadioumed to l ' ,'. ' .

. , . . . . TUESDAY, .November 23,1876, , :

at. 1) o'eloctp.1 m;, at the Sheriff's Ollico,In tuicity of ow BntuewUJi, Now Jera y . . , ,.. . . . . . , . . : , M.^I.XUi'AKDUS. fhcrllT,

'C^ T. 'Cowenhoyeii', Sollctdr of. Complain-a n C ' ' ' " ' " ' " ' ' • ' • • ' 1- o i b "

. • A t l j o u r i u d ^U*;IIII , 'B .Sul^'

JN Ghanceiy.oi'New Jorsoy.—Botn-eon Hlra,Qurru.[eQ,u and uls., Coinplainaiitt), and •

mer St^ut: and aln., DL-Uiudants.—f h.Faetc.; o'n|brocIqBuro< ' Dated Avg-t-t, 1,875 '

TJio-~iiale under tho abov i elated Hy'rit etaiitu d j O U I ' l i e d t O ,

! ;, ;, '. • : ,:•!<] , ' . ; . ; • , . ' , "

TUESDAY, Norember 23, 1*76,.

at,2 o'clock'ji. in-", at tne fifierlfi's Office, in th'city of New JJrunawiek, ISCW Juraey. ' • 'T~~;—~— >l..lJ.jLtl'AKD. S, ShariiX

0 T. Cowenhoven, Solicitor of Cmnpiaini t s . '

1 • • • . . - ; • • . . . . . : .• . . : . - - o o l i 9 - -

Adjourned sheriff's Sale.

IN Chun'cerV of NVw Jereey."—Betwo n f 1: Lmpiru Building arid bi.au Association o

New iirun&wiuk, h. J , Compltiinnu a am\Vilii,.m(li. Luptonet ux. e t » l , Uof^iidauts -Fi. Fa etc..,<oii foreblbsufo.' D&ttid 'Aug. 14,I 8 7 o . ' ' • " " • " • ' • • " " ' . ' • • •

Tho ealo undor the abovo stated writ stand,adjourned to.! •'' .r TUESDAY, November 93, 1375,

at 2 o'clock p in., at tho 8bdrill'« ofllce, i» tbcity ot NewiirmiBwlck, New Jersey.-, •• -.

M. M LUP IRBUS, 1 Siicnft.Woodbrtdge Strong! Bolloitor of Complain

a n t a , •;>; s -. s - -. - . J i v ; . . i . ' - . , . i -.•• . , - . , A c J t J t d

J l , .,r!Lf»iitta:.; . . y : •• r,By vlrtu^ of an order of tho Court1 6f , Chai

cerj of Nen1 Jersey, made ob' tbo day of thedate hereof, tn a cause wherein tho Washing-ton uuilding andT'Loah" AsaGclution aro coin-plalnants aiid yua are defendunta,. you ara required to appear auoV plead, auflwer or derauto thi said iiill of coriiiitalrit,' on or btibritli«FIR8TUay of bECE BERnext' or th.said bill \rill bq taken as confepacdagalnBtyqi' The Bald bill lo filed to IbrccloBure a' morffago made ondifliv^n by AlillioD,l'o«drfl BDCEdward J },ovfcr», hex husband. tyOoorgeHWc'flferu, on lauds lil'the t6Wu8hlp"iil";t)outl:Aoiboy,1 iliddlosdx county^ Nofr JoraeyjdateFebruary 17,187,1V trhigb said ra xlgngq it no}held by the WaBlilngton' Ubildlug and LoiiAssociation; and- yun' aro 'm&deipartle'si(l(

fondant bqcauno you rnado the mQrljage anclaim to be the owners of eaid land. *

-! •; •!. i.PX'UANDOLPlj APPLEBt,

. Solicitor, \Vm)bluutDn,,a. K.t N. J.September 30,1875. ' " ' bcU-Ctw

SIIERTKF)S'fciAL^.--In Cliaucerc f ' H o w 1 Jerwr.—Itotwcon'JOSKI'lI I.OCrJ

WOOD,. Complainant, andlANN KLIXA 00KDO&i't aj., Difttodsnts.—^"1, J/a. for *ale of tuorlgagixJpremises.1' 1BBI1(K1 S'litemh^rTfl, I8.D,' '*" '

ily vlrttiQ of ,the aboTft-eUted writ, to mo <lli1 will expo'e« \6 iflle'a pnblli TenJue.'on

at 3 o'clock [>. m , •(;tl.«,,Baeriff> Offloo, In iho «|tr"ew Drooiwlbk, New Jersey:

All that o«rt»ln tract or parool tt land and promlsherelaafler parllcularlr deKtibed.BUuktaJyliigqn'l Ixi-Ing In tbuluwmhlp of WoodlHd(tc In county of Mid'dli'Bi'X and BU10 or New JcrBny.aimUiblng- 'onu hun-• roil aa ten Bores ufid thirly-threo hunJruJtiu ofaero, mqre (irJfM, an'ibptlljdod rtorlbiTly.h/lpnJs -(Jharlfs W.SaaikTi, Uobert Mtjorta ted V*rl<S UlwmSoM,' MiiWrly Oy th«; Woodbridtfu turcplkoj luUlliulyby Undi of Jauios I*. .K<lgar, Jooatbun Gonifnf taud' KM win Ayrta, an<3 weaterty by'reluMnlnR Unor 1 KdVfln Ajrea. i-'birlffl VV. aandori^torfuirlr Wl|lUm Ta|)t.cn) and other land* of unld flipden (forme rlot JsintBM. Btullnf. bolnf tha-uinaland*and (.ramllcciHiTeyrd to th« Bald UOIMTJ 0. (.union by ilenl froitha mtd Joit^t'li Loukwonil arid wile bearing1 "Vuii daiwith mid mortfugfl, to wlilflti doixJ l.is; p»rtloa to talimorlsaKAreftir lor ainorfl lull anil imrtlcnlir deacrl[i

Iflv.nbylRBldfc'ibart'Ui (j'ordon to MM'Jol»r. |i Lockwin.il to iqoiini Ajikrt ot thecuiiBldaraUou ur pur 'tnnnoy in nulit .li'cd eJiprusNtwl.

"loifothrr wit" Ml aniliHiffalur tbo rUlitu, II bo

cHi 10n[fill^ or in any wlie Bfi|ii)rti»iiilnjf<' ' :

riiaiTE^'A DifRiKO, iSulleilora. •'Dated tlopt. II, Itiiii. 1 ' •}! • j r . oc37 1

On tfkn ft^pllditiltin U JMiii ' i ' l 'cll ' irt , i ldi i i l rL, , .nt>of Y^Hll^n A. Wi.tntttt, docoaml,'for/an order Iel hiitUtfi jiny dobti—Uiiluto <h»w rniMn.Ttiflnnid atlinli.iBltnL.fr liivinjf oililtjiiddrcn fta

WO»B^(1, sin. bt the *1< tiliij HI lar ho can1 illkoVt), .,.mi*, byiwhlolt U a|>)ju*r». Lliat tho (mmonul ..»Uto ulid j.il.1 ilwoAinl l» InHtiindnlt tbiny li(idotit»i ttinrtiirt>,wn •|j|ilir»l.<in «t tb« Bftld »mnlnlltr«u>r Brttloiirlli that tluiatlil WillUm A. VVilinlui.dliMl •«Uc«l uhit t4.t»lo In linyturility of MMdt.<t,fi, «rf<l tiriyllit thId of till. O i t t lu U)" I>r«i.li».t.,

It In onlfred tiy\ti«Cirtift,'"rhat »ll'per»oni lnt>T• M In . U i v r f k l ^ U U "f laht 'l»c«tVil <lo •lim'nitluro tfiU Oi)nrl «n T W I U D A Y , tin flKVKNTIiy ol MCUKMttlSltj ttf»i atntwti 'Q'clOok'Hl lU>iirriiooii, at thoOiiirl lli|U«*,l« ll|U gui l ty , ID ili^vitu*«, U any (hey liaTfl, why '• 1(1*1 »»trt rrnl rttHtn o

• r . V l J u . m i i t l , nr II m cn«ry fi-r I In. h«y ti\6iil ut i' l , I I I D I I M n<>l l iu la id V


mccJi lltitrtMifut ilnliti ainl <

ll b»<I y i t ty y l M I V H * « I y i t t

' l , I I I D I I M n<>l l iu la id V • .• ,; , \:i\ ; ,W I I . U A M H K l i . K Y , J r . , (H»rk.

i tml f.«|>trntiHir HV, IH1A-' ' • ' nnMl lw

J»U |U J)ZU «i,;wi>AV'ir ,c*gi(ic or |)ou> s^mvoiin^ Atui til<1. in«l« niftra uiinH'j k\ work f#r »», lithi>lf i wh t ix ia l t l^ flirtIIK ihtlr »u»r(i inniocnU*, or tllil« Illiin, (lion At tmllilliv «)*«, Wti UlT.ir fiiihlnf )li"fl

thtil wtll i-»y imfi.tmiiiM'1/ for ut wry tnjiir1* i*4f K. yui

illo«. i i h^.., Y'oti'i dfiky.Notf* U imt iiii.il, Difinffwlt fur wiif k nr I>III,{I*M *lmi)vhtrfl until vuuji*v>»rni»t whftlwvDitfr, (J, ffdNiuH A'Oy.iV.-r uml


. . ' . j . j ' . : . . . . . _ . i i 1 . ' - . '

VYKIili'* iHh, H«*r I Of I

I BftQWlki Mil «f t*l**rtll


, XjOt No, ii, about ono tnile from 1ou ihlTrouilleaUTiiglnnii " "

und l'eter Olarka-u, ueiuj; a T0T01 8 lu-lyOncroa of land on tho road feuding from"^Bailey's house td Pottr'ClurkBOu'tfiabout oneiiilp IVyiu tUu Honiusluiid utioyo debcrlbcil ' 1i ' liot .^0. a, cotitattling 4 4-luO acrua, more orJcflB lioiiig ou the afore»ald road. - '•;-•/ 'r

.Ijot Mo. 4. co 11 tnhiiug i!711- oil acres, adjoinIng lands, new ur lijto L'cer Clarkson'u.

'liot.-'Nu CcontJiUH ubuul » a^rcsbf laud ad[.ut N/i A rtiiui.r.Kn.l • I

Condi tloBs'inadb known on tbo

Dated September 8,1WZ5.

Y of eale by 'KIOHAHD LADLEV.

t t

Sheriff's Sale. '

IN Chancery of Now Jersey.—Baiwoen Hlrftni..QarreUon et '&!.,". Coinplainanta,T . and, Axuia i

Dunham fit" aF ' Dtiflmdantt.'Ff.'Fa.i'ofco^ 00 funi-cluBuro. U8tedDccanber.«,'lB7». ,; ., . ,

Tlio ealq, under tho abor t Btotod Writ stands Atouiliuii to 1 "'• •• . • . - • - , : ' •

, . . TUESDAY, Korouibcr JC, 1876,

<. i> o'clock p. m , at tho Court Hoiiso,' In the city <Now Brunswick, V J . • •

. . JOHN 1>. BUCKKLKW, lato SherfO.O. T. COWEMUOVKM. rjollcltof oi UouiplalliaatB.

-'myO-td , :~ / : - , - , - • , . • • - ' . • . - • - • * ;

. i rHfinlenix Ctrctif* C o u r t .

1THOMAS NUGENT va. J.OUIB I* Bertram,. ' Vicioii Vincent', and Clmrlca A. Wi

Jacquet'O—In case^ou attachment. JudgmcuJcui'ereU Jkuuary.4, A. D, 1«15. * •>

0. L.Corlnu, Attorney,tialu undor the amvo stated judgmeui

atuudd adjourned to ' '" -TOKtibAY; NpTfmbcr30, A. I>. 18Y6,

at tlioOourt Jlouao, in .he city of New lirunswick, at 1 o \ lock p. m.

II. L.H. VAN DTCK, Auditor. -Dated October 5, A. I). ,»75. ml ai(T-oaw£iv

QUEHIKF'S SALE.—In Ol.ancerrJ of New J. isey. — Uotwoen UICIIARD T,

*K, adinlnlHtruior, etc., of. y.UZK U. >VK-MAN, ducetsod, Uomplitlnant, and UAliUET Q,BKuEAW and wlludu ottio'rB, dolendimU.^FL JTo.onforccloauru. X«euudUei>t. T, 1876.1 liy rlrtuo 'of tbo aboro :uuted wrft, to mo directed,'I will expose l« tvalo at imlllo venduo. on

-TUESDAT, N0VKMBEU 28, 1875,

,at2 o'clock p.m.,at the BUerilTa Ofllco, la tliecity 01•New Brunswick. Kew Jersey.; . , ; . •.I All ih&t curitt.D hoiisi', lot of laml and premlies 1the city of Now-BraiiBwlck,euUQty of, Middl?iox anStato of Now Jersey ; Upg^onlag on ihu norther!MUoot-Krenoh itrout, at a point dlktani; tlxty-tvv

foot oanterly from tho enetorly line of I'lutnitt add fioln tlio south wmerljr corner of tho block

uf frame <J*rell|ng» luWb' trcctwl by said O. Q. Urotawrunning tbmicu It] northerly aud at" right angle.

J " — l A " - tlKUty:flnj leet; thenM lajwuter, — _ . , -^.-1 troncti utreai twenij-one feot.nonce!-p] 'sotiNjt-riy>rnl'pai-illuPwith tiiu leooQioopn« uljjhty llvtMwV to Frunch stroai ; thenca [4westerly aluny'thoYne of'Frt-nch utroet1 t i tonir on*foot talhQ bcglnplfiV, bointftho house aud- Jot Jt-Bl.na,tcd »B nutnbur lour \i], Counting Irom Plutu' Btrctit,

the row ot • frame balldfnio'freutlnji; on Frcactiatroo , known aa Urekaw'i butltllnpi), Iwlng port otbo BDiDn jireiulaou tbat wda ctitiVvyou (o Iho eam;Uro

MliidleiM'i Cierk's olllco.iii'book'1^— iilVutKia,1

And alao all that'tract of land and prcmUeS iHuai*ID Couth. BruuovviLk U)wnt>hi{>,- MlddlcicE: cauniy,

at lh« Wtiif'or Lawreiico'fl UrooR; In the lino bMat

and ono fourth tgru'es euat, thlrtt-ch" chain* {' 'toL'ti'v.t'il dduth tlfiy-tbri« otwl oaohi.tf.dou*reo» wvnt, tvvolviobuiua and eighty-alx links; tlioni> [<Vj nouth ihlrtviiiand thrve-fonrtbs dt-greuu viijt'flVi* chulus und twclvlinka; thunci 1*] nuuih >'igh y.J-ad tnruu-iourLhifrees west, t-lghi chniiu, nnd''BeTentj--n.no liukflj fatDM [6] Uor(b Jpur:<Jv£cvi-a oast, twum-j-^lDft chainand tlilt-o<< links; (Utnca [OJ nurth B yen y-one am6no'liftl' flt'gretis east; flautn chaliiB; i h m » [7] Doutsvi-n.y-lwo Ot*:rue» wcol, e gbi cliiilna uud lortj-Ulink* tu tho |>1QCU ol bt'ginnint*, cOlitaiUiig ITilrty-sivt1

acresof land - , . ,The abuTO course* oro the true bearings, tho. mag.

DJCUO yartaiiuu bclnjf six dfgrticB wosttT^y, as by (lirTuy of Alorcb, lcOS ; bolii^- a jiart of ibo ttauio [irt'Uat-ttoonvijyud'to tuitd Uarrot iCj .Utnlki^ t>y: OuifdMury K. i>uryn)au0 huatjunil dnt>d January 20, ifcJf«conlo'.|i.1AliiIdIt!scl.U''tiuty Llerk'a'office,' tu bi)ottluU 01 d^e'ds. pagr .K9, Bio, . , . • . - '

Tujfothur v>ittt all mid singular'tho rlghta/lioorlioprlvuugds, tl-ruutituiu'iita ana uppuitunoucw tburcuQUit> longing or In anywise ujpjJurUaliilnv.

1 ' : " • MAM. LUl'AUDUB.Bherltf. •' A. 0, HAETBIIOKNK, tigjkllor. ' ,

Commissioners' Sale

Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court' the county of Middlesex, made ou the eluhth

lay of September, A--P. lH74,.t.ie8ub8cribers.!0iiimIe8ioDeraiupiirtitlon.lwili' BellJil public

xbESDAY, Ctli day of OC-TOBEB,i. D. 1875, ut two o'clock p. ro., at l i e ' CourtIOUBO in N«w Brunswick, in the aatd gouoty,ill iho lantl aud real estate whereof Ambrose

ll lately (lied eoizetl, MtUutod lu thsdl

.)uin;l.i!U to Uuuud ltioolc, about oue milerom liunollen, b.ing the iJoujoetead 1'aiin ottald dueuiiaiid.'eontuiultjg one hundred and tentcres-of hind; also a lot R d j l i said farm

fMarkctL .

hut Ho. i, duHcriboa , \ , ; , . . •Lutd .NOB. y,' y, 4 umi 5, uboro mentionedinn tho premised uoiireyed, to suld Ambroso J

mallev, deceased, by deed of Isaac timalleyiind.wUo, duied Apr.lD, lHiifl, recorded iiilllddloflox Clerk's olllci?,' in ' Book 110 of Leoda,•pa*e"I51J uud.Xut Ho. L ubovo tnuntfouod..b dig thu 6dine \ rupiluea oouvtiyud to aalu .Amijro3--MTii.llcy'b>i_two deeds of • Ifiaae-Ven-.Devuuter and .vtiiors^ ivrst.dated March 1,18i)7,recorded i& Bald \ lcrk's oill c. In .Book,78 otiJOedSj page'GS; Beunhd dated Dtcauibor 18,iSjti, rec rded jn Book 76,;page 7 . . , > •

Conditions mudo kuowii on day of iale,Dated July a7,lb75.

ABKAHAM SMALLEY,J B W « A C 4 i h 0 A T E. J , B W « A C 0 A T E ;

; OAVil) A-JSTOUlilt. •"."se3-lt'd4tiT ( . , Goininlfisloncn...:

Tho ealo uf.dertho ahore stated order standsadjuurnud to-TUWSD Y, OC.T0BEU ;O..lbT5,ut two o'clock p. hi., lit ' the Court Houie iutlie city of New (irunsWick. New Jersey,; •

Wow Brunswick, Oct 5, 187S, . .ABRAHAM SMALLET.

r LEWla-AX* LEIKATS/- . - "DAVID'A. 8TOKEK,of-Hivr Commisaionera. ^Tho above eale stands: adioumed to

WEDNESDAY, Dr.CEMBKK 1, Ib75, at theoamc tlmo and place, " '


. . CommiaaJonoro..

A d j o u r n e d SljcriUN *i

N Chancery of New. Jersey.—Between TIio— Hoine Building and'Loan Association ofthp city of N*w BruuBwiCaC, N.: J.,' Complain-•ants, and Robert - .\f. Mptisheret aL, De-feiidaniB.—Fi.'Fa., etti./oh forecieaurel DatedJ H I V B O , 1 8 7 5 . . . , : •• ' i - M • • :

•; Iho sale under tne aboro statod writ atandaadjourned, to . . . .

' ' TUESDAY, Koverabor 9, 16T6,at 2 o'clock p. tn., at tho'nhe'rllTB ollic'e, In tbooity of Kow Urunavrlck, New Jersey. :

, , M. M.LUl'AKiJLfa. Sheriff, -Daniel R. Bofob', Solicitor of ComplaiimntB.

A d l o i i r n o d Sliorlft'tt

I N Chancory of New. Jeracy.—Between Ed-I,- ward B. Van Dyko,-Complainant, an**.Henry L K. Van Dyko et. ux'et. al.', Uofeud-anto.—F. 'Fa., etc., on foreclosure. DatedJuly 8, 1S75. . . , . •

Ibosalo undor tho aboTe stated writ standsadjourned t o . ' ; ' • . . .

, Novcmbor 15, 1876,at 3 o'tlock p.' in., nt the Sheriff's Oflicp, In thocity of Now IJruhswIck; NoW Jcrfioy". ' 'J

. , • . , ' ; . M.,il.LUl*ARDUri 8herl0. .P. L. Voorheca, aollcitor.of Complainant.

u 11,

S SALE,—In _ ,K J of HvXr ferfloy.—UeiweeD"I8AAO 8.-k'uW.liK«and aid., f i femurs of Jumen U. tovyltr, .dixx*^CompiaitiEiiitK bn J A c O t t . L . MARTIN, doci-iweand aia., lJi-ltmlBiiia.—Fl Fa. on' lon-elosuro; liauitit'j.ti'mbori, Isltt.

liy virtu0 ol th abovo-Btaled Writ, to me directed,J. will 01 [iota tuBtalo. at pupl'ig vcndUQ. 011

TUK9D4Y, NOVjLilllKIt 16, 1878,

•t.a-o'clwot p ni.i RttheSberiir.aQtHc4j.-lii tbe city ol

All thi. land, pifiulB* autt propfr^y particularly actfurih und (Iffccrtb d In a cwrum uiiirtguge nlaJo byJacob L. Uarllu and J- nnle ri, Uttriln; nfa' wmJ,' iuiituiji.uiin.Li, Oaill, pnii tlatoa the Llilrd day yi Julyutino iloinlnt clgbVuf uhundr d and itxty-tw t und re-cur.ted In boML'1t7 oi tuortgsgea ilar wmi, cutiniy, on[>a(iv499, 0=0., to wi t : Ail ihu lQllowlng JoBcrilwdtract bir imrc't I o f land 'add* p'retnlae*, a.luatu,"'lying-'and hving In 'bo city 01 l 'enlj Ambvy. at Lnax Ferry,fit iho'culinfy of MtddldBOz und tttato of N«w Jur»uy,and txiOQuu-i and doflcribvd aa fplluwa;, , 1 1 'a point oh Iho north west corner ef'landito Wi-rrittMi.rim / a n d rannlnir. ihauco south »,om•aid M t r r l i Martlu'slandjlwuliuudrtMl and our t •to low wtttur tiiarfe'i'f itantaii'liay-; tlitjncuemitL.r.fyODujoet tq Al|uy way leading; to laoda of Uitrnijt Mar-tin ; thunco north lilung said alley way two hundredund i?urrffGt 10 lalido otMdrriwiUnrtin; ihtnut wtbirty-ou« fuel along aaid Alorntl M a r i a . , land)ilact) ulbtghinlDir, conUJnleg abviu- tbirty-onu 1roul »nj tvnr by Iwo hundrnt »n<l luur Kut uucp,.' Togctliurwliball und singular th«r rtgbia,' llbt-rtlprlrllt'tf^, herwJlttui)tnU.aa • appurteaaocvi tbtruua obtilouktug or In ahyWJ&o appertain ing.

M. M. LUI'^KDUS, BhertiT.

Dwtfd 3jpttinb-jr 1,167S. ' ' ooKOtvr

M' ZPptE>EX CQUNTY y * ^• UOOATK'ii OFFICE!.—Upon the appllcatloi

o i J a i h o i Dellart, admlDlitratoror William A. Wl!murt . Into or, tho said county of MlddleBex, de-

I. w'llliam Hclloy, J u , Surrogate -ut tho said cotjotyjf Middli-Bux, do hereby order and direct tho anld au-nlnistnitoi' togtrepublla notl '« to thu cmiltoraor thosaid di'oi'aBod, tod bring tn their debts, demands andclaims, under o'ath or1 afUriuailoa against the aald *>9-ut<^ within nine months fnin the date, of this order,by Bottlng up a copy of tho order within twenty d»yaaftbrUodaCti heitxtf. In U T * of the nioit^mbUo pl«c*»In /laid county Tor tb« space of (no {sontha. and. AIAO byutverllBlngtne eamo for thu like Bpacaof time in I ' mT I M M , diit of tha nt'w»pajrtT» priotud In' this HUteJAud If any.cnvlltor Btislt neglect to vxhtbU hi* or herdout, uufusiid ur claim, wltliln said period, of nlnomonths after tmblio notloo glVen as alurewd, inchcreditor iliall bo lortivefbarrod of hl»/o# heir aOttoti

'UITCD undor uiy h -nod t-bisSUth day of July, IB70IWlLLlArtf UKILEY, Jr^burrflgatii.

T V r ^ b t a S E x ; C O U N T Y ' d rJ-TX OATK'fl OFFIOK— Upon tba'apitiication ofTllllt.ni'Urt/'hy nf Won mouth JulioUon, W w J I T -

uunly • of MlddlflBM-." A«?aaM, If 'William "iftlfojfliptq f UIA naUl ovunt f ^UMlJr.,

d h,_ , of Uift naltl ovuiity of ,^U*Mlu»ta,do hereby order and direct tho anlil a mlnistrator

' 1 public nation to the creditors i>f (JitiU j<l d*jto bring In their debts, dt-inanda i.iiil,clqlinf),

under oath or alUnnatlon, aguluet tho eMd- etUt*Lihlu ulno mqntha frmu thit 4»t« of this >>r^er, by'ttlnif up a copy of tan order within m e a t y day*tivt ihu date liuiWlft UT* of thfl tnoel t>abllo plttMi

la i>ftl(| county for thenpaw of tw«, inofiilji, ana,alsoby inlvorllsing tho e»m# fur the like ipa«« of lltiie Intbrt T m n , ono of tb* n»W(papert printed In ihlBbtnlo. And If any creditor shall nurlvot to inhibit hisorherdpbt , drinai^d « olsiui.iTlihln.Biitd p«rtodnluo iiiunthB altiir (.Qollo ootlM given aa iffirciaBuck croditor altsll brforaver ban«d t f ih l i or bartlon.attaliiBttho ssld admlnlitrator

uiulur tuy- bttud thii ttilttt day'of B«(.t«mbcr,

, J r . . B

WUKltlKF'b SAME.—In Ohanwryk ? ' nf.i N»vr J eney , —liiM.woca 'AAltON PKAN,

S iiariltnn of 'I'hoiiiua ^», OtlfgB.a.ml M*tth.iw,Orllftf»iWMI'MI. clitl,1rt>n anil hoir* a f K l U t ' N . «rl((|(», d**-

i'v»ni(i, fjniiitilivlniinl, and JUl lN MoDOW^L-Li »ndkin., l>ot(Hi(1utit«.—Kl. Fa. on fon-eloaur*, IBI

t>> virtu* ol thu nhoTtMtaird' writ,'to mo dlrtottwill eiuoM) to (al», at inibllcrenduff. on.


at 9 o'clock p, 111.. at (ha r lher t r i bfllce, U thn eltv i>fNow itruniwli*. Now . l t r » « r r - ' • f .-• : •• '

- - • - • • • r|t,,.<l i r , o t nr pa r« l of 1»IK|tlin township • ' Hflutli Hrlili*'

Mlfl'llpn 1 untl mta|« ol Ni>wui|.<\ HI fiilluvf*; lli'Klnnlntr>. I'J ln'tha,w«atprly nldo oumlhnily M-lnnf R V.i«.| ].^<l-

AU tb« MIUWIDK il.'MirlWd Iraat nr pa r« l of 1»;i.t.<i phTiiltit*, BlinntA lit tlm township • ' Hflutli Hrliii*-

Irk, In tlio wuiiiy "f Mld'l'pii 1 fin\ Hl«l« ol Ni>w'ikiy, liuttiid ftnrl t»inuiil< '

at a tioim marknl N- 'nl l\v<

(hri'i* 1 tt rtcra " • • U

t l l . P - ,Y - - "!«' "I'd * rniimr .Unirs Muhuwvtt'tiliii-tj ilii'titnl'i] nln^K til* lln.i htir'li i lnhij -hlfn- BII«1a.inarurilri|ri>rl wi «» I linn. rlialM Mi'l fUt^Ji HiiknIn n iluni*! MM »l'fi a rtiftiitf t'f Ui* Mid .JauwN M<iDuwiiir* (n>t<l I Ihi IIH« |1>1 ai>lnv I1I1 lift" nurtli u . t and.,irnij-nwtil"r#(lr«M|Y»-.ail. threw cli«l|i» »inl ftlxt>.">link* i<> 111 ono IMI itm hi.nin-iiy ildii «i thn m - i I I ,M•kjl l Ut li<>«n'a Vtt'nil Kutlj'Mi I thonpa I*J a(»ng u>«i .n i l l , r iy HMtt <if mi'l rood s.xitu .^nh(> 11 n» *M\ aAtllr1>t il*ir»«* w i t , llirt* cUlrtB ahii •.pvfntutn link*IMl.it |,*Kinulii», DuiilHililiiK ttnu »rrn of lurxl. \

•'-•-' ••• '""1V1.II kiitl atrtfttiUr l i t) rltf.it*(llt^ftt«»,1 l ( C | l U l i i ior In an/nl»« a|>i

) , Kit. (<«ll"ll»r.t a m l * T, IMO, Mlt. lit

BY order 6f (hti Orplmna' Court of Middlo-.SOJC conuty, the subscriber," administra-

tor of the ortttitu of Joseph. Applegftte, de-ceased, lato'of said cbimty. will Beliatauctioh,on the premises,. t>n 8A>TUUDA\t NOV. £0,inext, ut J o clock n, m., tho homestead, Iiirm.of said tlcceaae'd; containing about"DO acre's,'lying nt-ar Dunham's Corners, in tho townshipof East Brunswick;1-v.i*/i. '.>.••.•> v.\i

Hulc posUlvo lo close tho estate.

, A. J . DlSBKOW, Administrator.BepttAnber-ao. 1875. '• • -*• ' ocH-fitir

» . l | o n . nc<l till ri ir* .•Ble.\M IDi)LESEX Circuit Court.—NcorgoBut-»VJ tlorol»l:,riann«rs, eli., HaintlO'Si TI .Jo A. Soxipn, buildir. alto George K. Martin,owrioi, DcfuudantB - Special FI. FaM etc. l aca«6 on Li. 11. Dated July 2, !t>75 ii_ TllC aalO UllOcI tlio rtl.«T» al-lvJ n.U»t«n.la

adjout-ded ttj — u ^ — - _ .: TUESDAY, November 8,'i87S~-

at 2 o'clock p. nh at the Hhcrlfl's Office, in thociu of New Brunswick, New Jersey.

M. M. LUPAKUUS, Slierifl.Reiley & Grimstead, Attorucya. oci6ld

M IDDliEdEX Commun Pleaa. — CharlciYaus n, Plaintiff, va. George W.'Tho-

nijt,. Dtfundiiut.—Fl i'a.. eto ,• on. docketedjudgment'% DateJ April 17, >y7o.

Middlcaoi Coramou Pleas.—Michael D. Vin-cent,. James -.>.. tockton«an'I Adrian Graff,partners e t c , PltilutilTd, va. (Jcorgo <>V,fhehis.I'efetiUutit. Ki. Fa.; «tc., 00 docketed'judg- 'meut -Dated April iy,-ifl?5. . .-: ._ — .. ..._

1 ho sale undor tlio abdro stated wrhe standaa d j o u r n e d t o , • ' ' • . • . ' • / . , . . .

' , /aii iSDAT, November 16, 1875,

at 3 o'clock p_ m , at tho Hher (Ta office, ln thecitj of New Brunswick, New Jersey.'•• • -.;!. > •• i iM; MiLUPAHDUa, Shcrifl.

'VUIard F-Voorheea, Attornej.

A d j o n n i e d MiorUI'n S a l e

JN Chancery ol fie*' Jersey. — B«tw •; ; Tho Waehimrton 1 Ife In^urauco Companj .

Complainant^ and darati K. timlth et al., De-rendanta.'-^Fi. Fa.; etc , onforealdaure.1 DatedJply^u, 1875, , . ,;- 1 . j . , . .

Ihe aale under the above stated writ standsadjourned to ' ' : ; '• ' ' • •• '

J -TUESDAY, November lfji; 1875,at 2 o'clock, p. m., at the 81(erIiT« Oflloe. In thocity of New Brun-.wlck. N^w'Jersey.

: H. M. Lummla, Solicitor, of-ConipluintnU,oc'21-td . '

Allddlcicx Orplmna* C^ottrt.

in iho matter of the flual aoeooniof Frederick F*tT,Dne of tho ezecutpraof Ueor(rtii"Arrt.dj6e<.'Bae<l,—KuUlu ahew cause. ' " • . . . . .

FM«irlck.[F*rr, ontj of tho exeeutiurt of GeorgeKarr, docesapd, haytng presented tils petition to thinCoun, aelUtlir l o r l h t o a t a mUtakuWrt mwl» in tillac«ounta, »i such vzeruior, htrctolory allowed by lliiaCourt, an»l' prajing* thttt' tbu said acroiih't ini>y be

a-ned aud ruaut- d. oorrccitig such toll Ukii i , -It U bplertd, taal all j*frni>ns lntm<*tt-d'In the et-

t.-vte of laid Otiorgu y»rr, duct-afliid, ihuW cjiuse.bolorothis Court, a t tho Court Uotm- In tbo city 61 >i/,rBt-uimviflk1, on 11 on day, iho eighth day'of'fibvetnbarmat , al 10 o'clock In the lorcnoon. why the si|d *o-count ahould not boo|j«iibi and rcsuttlcd. • ' '

Ati-I It la further orilt'rwU tOiL.nyltett.b^glTAn.of .IHU wd«r by i.ut.itshlng iho ButrTif n the'^ow KrUDi-• 'lok: •• Jfrudon, u n " and lliu :NeW: Drunswlck- T I K M .

ncn a wtnk tiieach oml uvorj wpok {iri-ct-dtny talilclgh h day of NuvAiiibur, ' " ': ' ' '

"at«fl QctutMr 1{>, .875,Hy thoC'ourt; ' • • - •

, • , WOOPDRTDQE 8TI10N0.ELUIU COOK,A.'lf. IIKOWW,'. 1/ •A. J . DloFKOw,

;lo-oiwawdt - Jail ({(i.

HKlUPK'ii HALE.—iVCl1 of NeWJurwy.— lltftwefO'CH.

KNHOVEN, OonipUInsnl, and HUTU ANN.OAKKT.it tils., I»tii.'ii'l«uiB.—ft- >'»• tin lorcdomro. Juaed

iiy virttia uf thu aboTe-Btstod writ, lo me directed, Xrill olpolp tit Bklaftt public vendue, oil ' .

; .TUKftOAY. NOVIiMMJU l i . » T t \t go'olock i'. in., at tha HkrlU'i Ollko, la Ihn city of

Newllrunswlck, NrW J p r n V : 'All llio fiilU>wlojr dcMirlbi-ii ['"fvcl cf l*nd amt rrtro-

Ian*, TII,: All llio68 iroois or | ' ir(rls uf land sndiimn'Bt'B hfr«.n»ftfi* pitrtlculArly <>M»r,b«d, ilinntiifylntf and belnir lit iho oily v( N.'w Ilmnnwick, itj IN*routity<)fMhiaiiis(-](hmlH(iit0 »r N.IV .Ur*^ : Allthopto .tivrUIn two- lou »t»'l j.ircel» o( (ami aad nrrm-I urn Aliuniu; lying ami I'KIIIK ' " the city of NoW llttihi-wink afuicaaiil. mil buumloil mfullow*,; f, . , ••

l.ut N». I. Hi-iflnfiliirf no ihf noiili wl Bt rornrr of itlol-aaw orlatu Muwng 1" 'J'h- i»»» Kwdf ". f" th«

of i f i ru i in tx . In U" ••!') rf<y. of N*w•M; U\*iH*> runiiliitf n'irlli nl'mir *•(« P«»«



ou« lout lx>rthM o««l, lurly 1thirty mtn(ili


J h., U

I't'tOC Im l i i . r IIUIIIA thly In t


to Ilif line orr>fdil»llnn nf

i«l<t tlai' Ifl tli4

tn ill* ftHfi

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