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Continuing Saga ofAdaptive Testing Principles Applied to

Performance and Personality Measurement

Walter C. BormanPDRI, an SHL Company

and University of South Florida

Presented toGateway Industrial-Organizational Psychologists

April 3, 2013

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• Description of the “adaptive test” concept• Development of computer-adaptive rating

scales for measuring job performance• Development of NCAPS and GPI-Adaptive

personality inventories• Initial validation results• Faking issue• Conclusions and next steps

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Description of the “Adaptive Test” Concept

• Initial ability domain application• Our work began in the performance

domain• Forced-choice Computer Adaptive Rating

Scales (CARS)• Laboratory study showed lower standard

error of measurement and higher validity and accuracy for CARS

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CARS Performance Estimation Process

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Canadian Forces Project

• Performance rating scales for 8 leadership competencies for officers and CSMs in four rank clusters• Action Orientation and Initiative• Analytical Thinking• Behavioral Flexibility/Change Leadership• Commitment to Military Ethos• Communication• Developing Self and Others• Results Management• Teamwork

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Development of Competency Scales

• Workshops with officer and CSM groups to generate items

• Editing process• Items assigned to organizational level• Retranslation by I/O psychologists at PDRI and


• Result is four item pools with 484 to 576 items

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Development of Competency Scales(continued)

• Example items from Analytical Thinking• Consistently provides insightful observations

and analyses regarding the organization and solutions to problems (M = 6.12)

• Gathers and then analyzes information from a variety of sources to develop effective and timely solutions to problems (M = 5.13)

• Finds creative solutions to problems but is unable to translate these to relevant, realistic, and practical recommendations (M = 3.08)

• Has considerable trouble analyzing even straightforward problems (M = 1.29)

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Development of Competency Scales(continued)

• Example items from Action Orientation• Finds appropriate ways of accomplishing almost all

tasks through initiative and hard work, and follow-through is typically outstanding (M = 6.23)

• In most cases, takes the initiative to complete tasks on or ahead of time (M = 5.12)

• Is not proactive in moving toward objectives, but usually achieves mission success by making steady progress(M = 3.52)

• Is reactive to situations, slow to respond, and rarely seeks to resolve the larger issues (M = 1.43)

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Forced Choice Format: Example Item Pairs

Click on the behavior that is more descriptive of the ratee:

Is a good role model for others in the CF related to personal conduct and military ethos (5.69)


Usually accepts responsibility for own and subordinates’ actions (4.59)

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Forced Choice Format: Example Item Pairs

Click on the behavior that is more descriptive of the ratee:

Takes pride in serving the interests of the organization (5.42)


Actively and consistently promotes the vision and values of the CF; maintains exemplary conduct consistent with this vision (6.76)

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Forced Choice Format: Example Item Pairs

Click on the behavior that is more descriptive of the ratee:

Always ensures that subordinates follow policies, regulations, and orders (5.65)


Fully embraces the military profession and takes pride in the history, traditions, and values of the CF (6.47)

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Development of NCAPS

• Idea was to apply CARS concept to non-cognitive testing

• 19 potential personality constructs were identified

• Psychologists rated their importance for 79 Navy jobs

• 10 constructs selected based on means and SDs

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Constructs Identified for NCAPS

• Achievement• Social Orientation• Stress Tolerance• Adaptability/Flexibility• Attention to Detail

• Dependability• Dutifulness/Integrity• Self Reliance• Willingness to Learn• Vigilance

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Development of NCAPS(continued)

• PDRI generated 1725 items at all trait levels

• Construct and trait level “retranslation” was conducted

• 1494 items survived, 106-199 per construct

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Example Items for Social Orientation

• It is easy for me to find something in common with any person I meet (M = 6.36)

• It takes real effort for me to hide my impatience with people who aren’t very bright (M = 1.49)

• I am able to make friends when I put some effort into it (M = 3.63)

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Validation Results

• Concurrent validation study designed with 110 first tour Navy Sailors

• NCAPS and a conventional personality inventory administered and supervisor performance ratings gathered on nine “Navy-wide” dimensions


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Validation Results(continued)

• Unit-weighted composite of 10 NCAPS conventional against composite overall performance (r = .13 uncorrected;r = .18 corrected)

• Unit-weighted composite of 10 NCAPS adaptive against composite overall performance (r = .27 uncorrected; r = .37 corrected)


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Validities Associated With Different Numbers of Item-Pairs (Dependability)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Number of Item-Pairs


ity C





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Overview of Global Personality Inventory-Adaptive

• General assessment of normal adult personality with a focus on workplace applications

• Selection, development, classification of employees across levels and industries


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• Targeted a mid-level taxonomy similar in scope to NCAPS and with similar inclusion criteria:

• Comprehensiveness and breadth• Unidimensionality• Level of specificity• Expectation of criterion-related and construct validity• Also global applicability

• Review of dominant taxonomies resulted in 13 dimension taxonomy:

Measurement Taxonomy

• Self Development• Flexibility• Collaboration• Thoroughness• Reliability• Sense of Duty

• Achievement• Composure• Confidence and Optimism• Independence• Sociability• Influence• Innovation

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Statement Identification and Development

• Specification of score distribution and statement bank size• 7-point scale• Goal = 150 to 200 statements per trait • Facets specified as an item writing guide and to ensure

construct coverage

• Similar methodology to NCAPS statement development• Recruited experienced personality item writers • Item writing training• Pilot items reviewed by project team• Item writing assignments by trait; targeted to parts of the trait

continuum to result in coverage across trait range


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Manager-Level Validation

• Concurrent validation study with incumbents in first line leader roles

• Consortium of 8 organizations contributed 14 samples• Diverse set of organizations representing insurance,

telecommunications, financial services, healthcare, retail industries

• N = 1109 supervisors of hourly employees• N = 240 managers of salaried professionals

• The same job performance rating form provided consistent performance criteria across samples• 27 performance dimension rating areas • 7 global rating items


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Validation Results

• Concurrent Validity Study Against Supervisor Performance Ratings (N=1349)

• Unit-Weighted Composite Against Overall Performance (r=.28, corrected for criterion unreliability)

• Validities Asymptote at 5-8 Item Pairs• Testing Time ½ that of Conventional



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Faking ResearchUnderhill, Lords, & Bearden (2006)

• Investigate fake resistance of NCAPS • First study to evaluate the extent to which participants can

deliberately elevate their personality scores on NCAPS• NCAPS and non-adaptive/traditionally-formatted versions used

• Students (N = 148)• T1: respond honestly• T2: deliberately fake to make the best impression possible for

acquiring a job

• Differences in personality scores from honest to faking were compared for each instrument • Adaptive NCAPS: no significant mean differences between

honest and faking scores • Traditional NCAPS: significant mean differences on all traits



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Conclusions and Next Steps

• Performance rating application shows promise but field study needed: Canadian Forces

• Personality measurement application also promising• Modest validity improvement over non-

adaptive• Shorter testing time by ~50%• Faking not as serious as feared

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Conclusions and Next Steps(continued)

• Paired comparison judgment process and iterative IRT-based algorithm with raters or test takers may be an important factor in generating valid information for performance ratings and self-report personality reports

• More research comparing the forced choice adaptive format applied to performance ratings and personality testing to non-adaptive formats should proceed

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