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The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator.

Contract Basics

Mary Al Balber Assistant General Counsel

Session Overview Board Policies and Procedures

Using System Template Agreements and Forms

Where to find them & how to appropriately modify them

Procurement and Sole Source

Worker Classification


MnSCU Standard Contract Provisions Contractor’s Duties and Responsibilities, Consideration/Compensation and Prepayment, Indemnification and

Liability, Data Practices and Requests for Confidentiality, Intellectual Property, Governing Law and Venue, Delegation of Authority, Human Rights Requirement, and Signature Page

Non-template Contracts and Review

25 Considerations Before You Finalize and Sign

Ethics and Conflicts of Interests


There will be a question and answer session at end of the presentation.


Contract Basics A contract is: a legally binding

document that defines the rights

and obligations of the parties and

sets “ground rules.”


Board Policies & Procedures Board Policy 5.14 Procurement and Contracts

Board Approval required for contracts including amendments with values greater than $3 million.

Procedure 5.14.2 Consultant, Professional or Technical Services

Procedure 5.14.5 Purchasing

Link to Board Policies & Procedures: http://www.mnscu.edu/board/policy/index.html


Procedure 5.14.2 Consultant, Professional or Technical Services

Contracts Grants college/university authority to enter into contracts

up to $100,000 A 2-week public notice of Request for Proposals shall be given for contracts

greater than $50,000 Vice Chancellor/CFO approval required for contracts greater than $100,000

or longer than 5-year term Vice Chancellor/CFO approval required for inter-agency,

intra-agency, joint powers agreements, and master contracts in excess of $1 million

Contracts, including amendments, with values greater than $3,000,000 must be approved in advance by the Board of Trustees. Contracts include inter-agency and intra-agency agreements, joint powers agreements that do not create a joint powers board, Minnesota Department of Administration master contracts, Office of Enterprise Technology master contracts or Minnesota State Colleges and Universities master contracts with values greater than $3,000.000.


Professional/Technical Services Contracts

Intellectual in character and result in the completion of a task or a specific report or deliverable.

Services - Contractors are utilized for consultation, analysis, evaluation, prediction, planning, programming, and/or recommendations.

Contractor is an “Independent Contractor” not employee per IRS worker classification

If individual, must not be current State employee or have received an early separation incentive under Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy 4.11, Board Early Separation Incentive Program (BESI), during the one year period prior to the effective date of this contract.


Procedure 5.14.5 Purchasing Purchases $25,000 or less require quotation or open market

Purchases from $25,000 to $50,000 require sealed bids or two or more


Purchases greater than $50,000 require sealed bids by public notice

Purchases greater than $100,000 require Vice Chancellor/CFO approval

Funds must be encumbered prior to making an obligation to pay

Sealed bid solicitation is not required for purchases from:

Dept. of Admin., OET, MnSCU master contracts, and approved cooperative

purchasing agreements



Required unless other form approved by AGO or OGC

Procedure 5.14.2 Consultant, Professional or Technical Services

Part 3. Contract Preparation.

Contracts must be prepared on forms approved by the system office to assure that they include all state required contract language. Any modification of forms approved by the system office or the use of a non- system office form requires the review by the system legal counsel and approval of the vice chancellor-chief financial officer. System legal counsel includes either the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities General Counsel or the Minnesota Attorney General's Office.


MnSCU Finance Contracts website: http://www.finance.mnscu.edu/contracts-


What Contracts/Agreements are on the Site: Hotel Contract* Professional/Technical* Prof./Tech. Amendment* Services Contract* Guest Lecturer* Joint Powers* Inter and Intra Agency Agreements* Various Lease Agreements* Maintenance Service Master Contract* Occupancy/Facility Use Agreements* Clinical Affiliation Agreements* Income and Customized Training* Payment Card Industry (PCI) Amendment Template…and more!!

MnSCU Board Policies and Contract and Procurement Procedures:

http://www.mnscu.edu/board/policy/index.html Board Policy 5.14 Procurement and Contracts Procedure 5.14.2 Consultant, Professional or Technical Services Procedure 5.14.5 Purchasing

Access Approved Contract Templates Here! (Your FIRST stop for a Contract -- Bookmark!)


Facilities & Construction Related Contracts


NOTE: Policies and procedures relating to facilities design and construction contracts are addressed in Board Policy 6.5, Capital Program Planning.

Every campus has a construction program manager in the system office assigned to their campus to assist individual campus staff with policy, procedural, technical, and contract items related to design or construction.

Construction Program Managers names and contact information, list of assigned campuses can be found at:



Single Source Policy The State Single Source Policy can be found at:


Minn. Stat. 16C.02, Subd. 18: “Single source” means an acquisition where, after a search, only one supplier is determined to be reasonably available for the required product, service, or construction item.

Single source justification is not required for interagency agreements.

The burden of proof is on the agency to justify single source procurements.

Documentation of the basis for a single source determination shall be retained in the contract file.

The documentation is public information.

An agency may be required to justify its single source procurement in cases of audits, vendor protests, media or legislative inquiries and litigation.

RESOURCE CONTACT: Mike Nordby, System Office Finance Division



Single Source Documentation (cont.) Examples: Likely to be approved with minimal documentation

Legislative or an appropriation dictating who must perform a service or provide a product.

Specific expert witnesses required in writing by the Office of the Attorney General for litigation purposes.

Warranties voided if others provide service.

Examples: Likely to be approved with thorough documentation

Software license renewals/additions and software upgrades when available from only one source;

Equipment that legitimately requires brand compatibility with existing equipment when available from only one manufacturer or sole authorized distributor;

All other situations where a search fails to identify viable alternatives. (cont.)


Single Source Documentation (cont.) Examples: Unlikely to be approved

Agency or Campus perception that the vendor is the best qualified (this should be determined through a competitive process);

Lack of planning by the Campus resulting in limited time available for a competitive solicitation;

Special incentives or deals offered by one vendor;

Past or existing relationship with the proposed vendor or past performance by the vendor.


Worker Classification Independent Contractor vs. Employee

General Rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if you, the person for whom the services are performed, have the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result. Cannot hire state employees as independent contractors

Includes ALL MnSCU faculty, staff, full-time and part-time employees

Pay attention to “BESI” – “…he/she has not received an early separation incentive under Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy 4.11, Board Early Separation Incentive Program (BESI), during the one year period prior to the effective date of this contract.”

Link to further information on worker classification:



Encumbrance** Mn. Stat. 16A .15 Subd.

3 & MnSCU Procedure 5.14.2 Part 4 Funds must be encumbered prior to making an obligation.

Has work begun prior to contract’s full execution? That is not allowed per Minnesota law. No signed contract without encumbrance.

Process an MS16A.15 Form, found at: http://www.finance.mnscu.edu/contracts-purchasing/contracts/forms/index.html #1

An authorized employee must certify that the accounting system shows sufficient allotment or encumbrance balance in the fund, allotment, or appropriation to meet it. College, university, and system office administration must assure proper authorization is on file for employees charged with encumbering funds.

An expenditure or obligation authorized or incurred prior to encumbering funds is in violation of state law and ineligible for payment until made valid and is in violation of Minnesota Statutes Ch. 16A15, Subd. 3.

Statute and MnSCU policy: An employee authorizing or making the payment, or taking part in it, may be liable to the state for the amount paid. A knowing violation of Minnesota Statutes Ch. 16A.15, Subd. 3, is just cause for the employee's removal.


Necessity of Written Contract Clarity, completeness, and common understanding is essential;

Supersedes previous oral discussions or “how we’ve always done it;”

After contract signed, if wish to change it, conversations or e-mails to change the contract are not sufficient. Changes to contracts (amendments) must be in writing and signed by the parties;

Contract must be signed before (!) the parties begin performing duties under the contract - Good practice and state law requires

Good Contracts are Preventative Care:

Easier to work out issues before signing contract than to leave things unaddressed or “silent” and risk breaching the contract and/or litigation later.


Examples of Non Contracts Letters of intent; Verbal and “hand shake” agreements; Unauthorized deals or unauthorized signers; Jumping the gun or taking action before a written

agreement; Gifts.


Amendments, Addenda and Exhibits

When parties want to modify terms of Existing Contracts:

A superseding Amendment or Addendum is drafted -

May modify, add, or supplement existing contract;

Signature and date by authorized representatives of both parties needed for validity;

Amendments/Addenda reference existing contract, and state how it is changed;



Amendments, Addenda and Exhibits (cont.)

Proposed Contract - before signing, one party proposes contract and one party wants to change terms.

Parties can agree to modify proposed contract and then sign; OR

Both parties agree to additional language and terms of an Amendment or Addendum, but both parties sign the contract AND the Addendum or Amendment simultaneously (may need legal review or assistance).

OGC or AGO can help! Sometimes parties refer to Exhibits and incorporate them by reference so that

the exhibit is part of the contract, e.g.: “Exhibit A, attached herein, and is incorporated by reference in its entirety

as part of this Agreement.” Frequently used to describe details of responsibilities or other matters too

lengthy or complex for the contract.


Lead Time Plan accordingly– expect the best and

plan for the worst. Use System templates and forms. Allow time for negotiation. Answer questions, WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW

MUCH. Not every contract can be an emergency.


Term of Agreement • Have a fixed time period with beginning

(effective) and end (termination) dates; • No longer than five years per MnSCU Board

policy; • Avoid automatic renewal provisions, seek OGC or

AGO review.

21 21

Duties and Responsibilities Answer who, what, when, and think about how much.

Provide a specific description of the performance measures or other tools, including accessibility measures if applicable, that will be used to monitor, enforce, and evaluate performance. List precisely what you expect to obtain; e.g. list the time of performance, the final product quality. Write duties in a manner that allows contractor accountability and clearly shows who does what so that an uninvolved person can understand what needs to be done, by whom, and when.

Be specific enough to be able to know if the contractor delivered the services pursuant to the written duties and what was agreed upon in the contract.

Determine how you know when you got what you wanted; determine how you will enforce the provisions of the contract; develop specific requirements to deal with anticipated problems.

Opportunity to negotiate cost of service for each deliverable. (cont.)


Duties and Responsibilities (cont.) Avoid jargon and terms of art.

List precisely what you expect to obtain from the services; e.g. list the time of performance, the final product quality.

Omit language that isn’t a duty if using a proposal.

The contractor’s proposal is not written in an acceptable duty format.

List duties because proposals are not specific and are not drafted in legally enforceable language.

Avoid vague language, such as listing out goals of a project.

Do not include MnSCU duties under Contractor duties.

Do not include language in duties, including attachments, which conflicts with the template provisions.


Consideration and Terms of Payment Compensation

By deliverable or task, when possible.

Include rate of pay, how much for the services listed in the duties.

Reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses

Contractor’s expenses need to be identified before the contract is written and included in the total cost.

Per diem defined by Commissioner’s Plan.

Terms of Payment

Use “every other week” or “twice a week” or “monthly” after each specific task is completed.

Agree to pay 30 days after invoice is received.

Ensure we are not prepaying for services.



MN Statute 16A.065 prohibits the system office and the colleges and universities from paying in advance.

Board Policy 5.14.5 Part 6 allows prepayment:

1) Software or software maintenance contracts;

2) Sole source maintenance agreements;

3) Exhibit booth space and boat slip rental;

4) Subscription fees for newspapers or magazines;

5) Registration fees where advance payment is required or there is a discount for advance payment;

6) Library of Congress services.


Indemnification and Liability Be alert for sections in other parties’ contracts headed:

Hold Harmless; Indemnification; Limitations on Liability; or Liabilities. Indemnification: a provision in the contract in which one party agrees to

pay damages or claims that the other party may be required to pay to another.

Hold Harmless: a type of indemnity provision or clause that would require one party to fully protect the other party from a claim asserted by another. This may also include payment of costs and/or attorneys fees.

Colleges and universities prohibited by law from agreeing to indemnify the

other party to a contract (reference: Minnesota Constitution article XI, section 1 and Minnesota Statutes section 16A.138). Minnesota Statutes prohibit insurance of an obligation without an encumbrance and the Minnesota Constitution provides that no money is to be paid out without an appropriation.


26 26

Indemnification and Liability (cont.) It is permissible for other party to a contract to agree to indemnify

MnSCU, and the college/university. Be alert for attempts by other party to change MnSCU contract template language to limit their liability to “negligence” or “willful negligence.”

MnSCU Office of General Counsel and Attorney General’s Office may offer “compromise language” to substitute for prohibited provisions to clearly state that college/university liability is governed by Minnesota law: “Each party will be responsible for its own acts and behavior and the

results thereof. The State’s liability is governed by the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minn. Stat. Sec. 3.736 and other applicable law.”


Data Practices Act “The CONTRACTOR and MnSCU must comply with the Minnesota Government

Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to all data provided by MnSCU in accordance with this contract, and as it applies to all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with this contract. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statute §13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the CONTRACTOR or MnSCU.

“In the event the CONTRACTOR receives a request to release the data referred to in this clause, the CONTRACTOR must immediately notify MnSCU. MnSCU will give the CONTRACTOR instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released."

-- Don't delete or revise data practices language included in the template. If you have questions, please seek guidance from OGC or AG Office.


Confidentiality Clauses Proposed by Other Party

May be overbroad: Can’t agree to keep everything confidential Alternative language available if needed

Often, a CONTRACTOR will ask that MnSCU promise to maintain the confidentiality of CONTRACTOR’s materials or even the terms of the contract itself. We can’t do that unless the materials in question are classified as private, confidential or protected nonpublic under the Data Practices Act. “Trade Secret Information” may also be withheld from disclosure. It is defined in

Minn. Stat. § 13.37, subd. 1 (b): ) "Trade secret information" means government data, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique or process (1) that was supplied by the affected individual or organization, (2) that is the subject of efforts by the individual or organization that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy, and (3) that derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use.”


Standard Intellectual Property Language

MnSCU owns IP

Contractor warrants no infringement

Consult with Sarah McGee, Assistant General Counsel, for Copyright, licenses, and other potential intellectual property issues. [email protected]



MnSCU contracts provide that Minnesota law governs the contract and interpretation.

If other party is outside Minnesota or is another state, tribal or federal entity and wants its law to apply, OGC and AG’s Office can assist in negotiating or providing additional contract language.

Venue for litigation of a contract (preferred):

“Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this contract, or breach thereof, shall be in the state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota.”

Governing Law and Venue

Delegation of Authority Board Policy 1A.2.2


Process and forms on Finance website http://www.finance.mnscu.edu/about/delegationofauthority/index.html


Human Rights Requirements For all contracts estimated to be in excess of $100,000, all responding vendors are required to complete Exhibit B, the Human Rights Certification Information and Affirmative Action Data Page, and submit it with the response. All responding vendors shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota Affirmative Action law, Minnesota Statutes §363.A36. Failure to comply shall be grounds for rejection. (Contact OGC or AGO if questions of applicability or non-Minnesota vendor applicability.)


Signature Page All required signatures from both parties for contract to be effective.

Contractor always signs first!

Title required

Authority to bind

Signatures in Ink – Original Copies

Verified as to Encumbrance

Did you budget?

Authorized Signature

Delegated Authority to Sign.

Form and Execution

Did you have OGC or AGO review?


Not a MnSCU Form or Template? College/university must review for essential elements, prohibited provisions,

practicality and business decisions;

Don’t assume that a provision suggested by a party can’t be changed or modified;

If other party wants to use its contract form, consult with MnSCU Office of General Counsel or Attorney General’s Office for legal review and possible negotiation and recommended changes, or drafting addendum or amendment;

Use most current template directly from Finance website each time you draft to avoid use of outdated forms.


Contract Manager and Management Understand your campus contract process for reviews, approval, and

contract management.

The person responsible for…

Knowing the duties and deliverable timelines;

Developing a contract administration plan;

Monitoring and reporting contract performance;

Monitoring the contract budget;

Negotiating contract changes and resolving disputes;

Closing the contract upon completion or termination.

Contract Management should remain ongoing for the duration of the contract to ensure work is satisfactory, and the contract is being adhered to.

If work is unsatisfactory, consider termination according to the contract terms. Consult AG or OGC for guidance.


25 Considerations Before You Finalize and Sign!

1. Description of goods/services to be received by C/U/system office? Clear and understandable description of the subject of the contract. Limit use of highly

technical terms and jargon when possible.

2. Contractor’s legal name, full address (not a P.O. Box), phone, email, fax? Verify current information.

3. Contact person(s) for contractor, name, address, phone, fax, email address? Verify current information, especially if anything differs from (2).

4. Date contract is to begin? This may or may not be the date the contract is signed, however standard MnSCU

contracts state “whichever occurs later.” Do not begin work until the contract is “effective.”



25 Considerations (cont.) 5. Date contract ends?

This refers to date the contract would normally end unless terminated earlier for any reason. Please read your contract for termination date.

6. Other important dates (deadlines, mileposts, reports due, etc.)? Dates should be clearly identified. Use full dates (ex: “June 3, 2010”) whenever possible.

7. Have funds been encumbered prior to execution of contract? If the work or obligation has already started prior to the execution of the contract

complete the Minn. Stat. 16 A form found on the contracts website. By law, contracts must be in place prior to MnSCU taking on an obligation.

8. Procedure for renewal clearly identified and understood? Avoid “automatic renewals” or trigger periods to terminate or extend. MnSCU

contracts cannot extend beyond 5 years without additional authorizations. Agreeing to “auto renew” may require additional contract management/monitoring.



25 Considerations (cont.)

9. Procedure for termination clearly identified and understood? Read the contract template or what you are being asked to sign and agree to.

10. Person approving and signing has written delegated authority for the type and amount of contracts?

11. All exhibits, attachments, appendices, schedules, etc. attached? OGC and C/U business offices generally will not approve an agreement until all of these

documents have been provided for review.

12. Title and authority of person signing for contractor or vendor? Should be an officer or authorized agent of contractor.

13. If contract can be terminated at will (for no cause or without cause), verify that this is what your C/U wants in the contract. This may cause problems for C/U if it is providing the service and should be clearly

understood prior to signature.

(cont.) 39

25 Considerations (cont.) 14. Clear description of amounts of money or other consideration for

contract? Partial payments should be stated with due dates; amount tied to other amounts (e.g.,

deliverables, percentages) should be stated in clear terms.

15. Rights, obligations, duties of every party clearly listed? Each party’s responsibilities identified in understandable wording.

16. Time and place for performance of work or services? If performance of work or service extends over a period of time, include due dates if


17. If insurance is required, types and levels of coverage listed? The MnSCU Director of Risk Management and the State of Minnesota Risk Management

office should be consulted if there are questions about the levels of coverage and/or carriers.



25 Considerations (cont.) 18. Indemnification, liquidated damages, attorney’s fees, waiver of

contractor’s liability, waiver of statutes of limitations, pre-payment for services clauses. (1) These types of clauses are not allowable because of state constitutional restrictions.

Notify contractor that these must be deleted.

(2) AFTER attempting to have these deleted, if contractor refuses to comply, contact System Legal Counsel (OGC or Attorney General’s Office) for further assistance.

19. Governed by laws of the State of Minnesota? MnSCU colleges/universities/system office may not agree to be governed by the laws of

another state.

20. Venue for suits in court located in Ramsey County?

21. Confidentiality provisions? MnSCU cannot agree to keep information confidential if it is subject to public disclosure

under the Mn Government Data Practices Act.



25 Considerations (cont.) 22. Assignment by either party must be approved in advance in writing.

23. Has the contract been modified or required clauses deleted without AGO or OGC review? Use most current template directly from Finance website each time you draft to avoid

use of outdated forms. Ensure no changes are made. If there are changes by the contractor, contact our system legal counsel.

24. Avoid I’ll sign yours if you sign ours!

25. Spelling, formatting, grammar, punctuation, math, and general appearance of document are professional and accurate. MnSCU is one of the largest higher education systems in the U.S. Your work product

should reflect the professionalism expected of a college or university.




We are obligated to comply with law.

Violations can result in

criminal penalties;

employment sanctions-including termination.



The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Employee Code of Conduct Our Code is a compilation of various existing statutes and policies that

govern employee conduct.

Adopted as a system procedure


Frequently Asked Questions are linked on the above website.

Effective July 1, 2008.

Obligation to Avoid Conflicts of Interest

“When an employee believes the

potential for a conflict of interest exists, it is the employee’s duty to avoid the situation.”

Minn. Stat. § 43A.38, subd. 6.

Employees must report potential conflicts of interest to supervisors.

Elements of

Conflict of Interest

Use or attempted use of the

employee’s position

To secure benefits, privileges, exemptions or advantages

For the employee, family or an organization the employee is associated with

Which are different than those available to the general public.


Prohibited Conflicts: Personal Interest in Contracts

Employees involved in college/university purchasing decisions may not:

Have any personal financial interest in contracts or purchase orders (PO’s); or

Accept directly or indirectly anything of value (other than nominal) from an entity to which a contract or PO is or may be awarded; or

Accept a promise for benefit or reward in the future.



MnSCU Finance Contracts website:


MnSCU Board Policies and Contract Procedures:


MnSCU Request for Proposal Template

http://www.finance.mnscu.edu/contracts- purchasing/contracts/forms/index.html

Near bottom of Contracts page/Additional links and documents:

Procurement dollar threshold table (.pdf) (52KB) March 2010

Request for Proposal Template(.pdf) (155 KB) Updated: 2009


Contract Contacts/Resources System Office, Office of General Counsel:

• Mary Al Balber, Assistant General Counsel

[email protected], (651) 201-1752

• Heidi Slegers, Legal Assistant

[email protected], (651) 201-1755

• Sarah McGee, Assistant General Counsel

[email protected],(651) 201-1410

Attorney General’s Office:

• Michele Owen, Assistant Attorney General

[email protected], (651) 757-1322

• Patty Nolte, Paralegal

[email protected], (651) 757-1285

Assistance for RFP, Sole Source, Procurement & Tax:

• Mike Nordby, Campus Assistance Supervisor

[email protected], (612) 548-2059

• Steve Gednalski, System Director- Tax & Financial Services

[email protected], (612) 548-2043

System Office, Real Estate:

• Betty Ewens, Real Estate Manager

[email protected], (651) 201-1911

• Greg Ewig, Director, Real Estate

[email protected]

System Office, Facilities, Program Managers:

• http://www.finance.mnscu.edu/facilities/design-construction/responsibilities/index.html



Please Chat in your questions to the host or the panelists. You may also “Raise Your Hand.”

You will be called upon to ask you question & your microphone unmuted at that time.


How to Access Today’s Materials Within a few business days, the recording link and

PDF PowerPoint link will be posted on the OGC website: www.ogc.mnscu.edu. Click Webinars in the left hand column.

The links can be accessed in the Second Thursday



Contact Information Minnesota State Colleges & Universities

System Office

Mary Al Balber Assistant General Counsel

[email protected] 651-201-1752

Office of General Counsel


Please take a few minutes to complete our poll!


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