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All Cummins Affiliated Entities in India

THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Its use is restricted toemployees wit ! "eed to #"ow !"d t ird p!rties wit ! "eed to #"ow !"d w o !$e si%"ed ! "o"&disclosure !%reeme"t.

Policies and Procedures

Title: Contractor Safety Doc Number CORP-ABO(I)-02-00

Revision: 0

Department: HSEArea: All entities in India

Approved & Released Policies and Procedure

Implementation Date:anuary !""#

Type of Document: HSE Process Revie$ Period % &'( Days


T e purpose o' t is procedure is to est!(lis !"d m!i"t!i" t e mi"imum) re*uired Co"tr!ctorS!'ety +ro%r!m ,CS+- eleme"ts to protect t e Co"tr!ctor employees !"d Cummi"semployees 'rom e perie"ci"% perso"!l i"/ury !"d property d!m!%e due to t e !cti$ities o'wor# per'ormed (y Co"tr!ctors !"d to comply wit re%ul!tory re*uireme"ts.

2.0 SCOPE:

0.1 T is policy 2 procedure !pplies to t e Cummi"s or%!"i3!tio"s i" I"di!) i"cludi"% Cummi"ssu(sidi!ries !"d /oi"t $e"tures i" w ic Cummi"s !s ! co"trolli"% i"terest or m!"!%eme"trespo"si(ility.

0.0 It !pplies to !ll Co"tr!ctors !"d t eir employees w o wor# o" Cummi"s ow"ed or le!sed orre"ted sites.


BU Head - Administrative Head of any Cummins Business Unit which may involve morethan one unit of the particular Business.

Function Head - Administrative Head of any Cummins Function at the India Group level.

Contractor – Organization or individual that contracts with Cummins for the construction /supply of material / provision of services / expert advice / etc.

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Subcontractor – Organization or individual that contracts with Cummins contractor toperform part or all the obligations of the respective contract.

Plant Manager – A Manager, overall responsible for planning & executing of regular

operations/activities including HSE activities at manufacturing facility/constructionsite/project/research or sales office / any working unit. In absence of a Plant Manager thedesignated person shall be known as Plant Manager.

Section In-Charge– A manager overall responsible for managing a particular section of theunit.


4!rious people must wor# wit t e HSE Le!der to success'ully impleme"t t is pro%r!m.T eir respo"si(ilities !re de'i"ed (y 'u"ctio"!l /o( title !s (elow5

4.1 Plant Manager/BU ea!

i E"sure t !t o' !ll m!"!%eme"t) co"tr!ctors !"d co"cer"ed employees !re !w!re o' t eCo"tr!ctor S!'ety +ro%r!m 2 will (e o$er!ll respo"si(le 'or t e impleme"t!tio" o' t is policy

ii Supply t e re*uired resources to success'ully impleme"t t e CS+.

iii Re$iew !"d !ct !ccordi"%ly o" t e CS+ !""u!l !udit 'i"di"%s !"d recomme"d!tio"s.

4.2 Reg"#nal $SE %ea!er:

i T e Re%io"!l HSE Le!der !s t e o$er!ll respo"si(ility 'or supporti"% t e co"siste"t

impleme"t!tio" o' t is +ro%r!m t rou% out !ll sites i" I"di! ,T e Re%io"!l HSE Le!der !st e o$er!ll respo"si(ility o' e"suri"% t e impleme"t!tio"-.

ii T e Re%io"!l HSE Le!der "eeds to #eep t e Corpor!te !"d Se"ior Le!ders ip Te!m i" I"di!upd!ted o" t e o$er!ll per'orm!"ce6 e!lt o' m!"!%i"% Co"tr!ctor s!'ety !cross !ll o' I"di!.

iii T e Re%io"!l HSE Le!der will coordi"!te !"d m!"!%e t e o$er!ll) docume"ted Co"tr!ctorS!'ety +ro%r!m !"d !d$ice t e rele$!"t +l!"t M!"!%er !lo"% wit t e Site HSE M!"!%er!(out !"y pro%r!m de'icie"cies "oted re*uiri"% is6 er !ctio" or i"$ol$eme"t.

i$ M!#e routi"e sur$eys o' wor# !re!s to e"sure impleme"t!tio" o' t e Co"tr!ctor S!'ety+ro%r!m. I"'orm t e co"cer"ed +l!"t M!"!%er !"d 7U or Fu"ctio" He!d i" c!se o' !"y$iol!tio" !"d correct t e situ!tio" immedi!tely.

$ +eriodic!lly !udit t e Co"tr!ctor S!'ety +ro%r!m !t !"y o' t e Cummi"s sites i" I"di!i"cludi"% records li#e Co"tr!ctor8s u"dert!#i"%) tr!i"i"%) periodic !"d pre$e"ti$em!i"te"!"ce) testi"%) sur$eys) results etc. !"d !d$ice +l!"t M!"!%er or 7U He!d o" t estre"%t !re!s !s well !s !re!s o' impro$eme"t w ile #eepi"% t e A7O !"d Corpor!teM!"!%eme"t upd!ted.

$i T e st!tus (!sed o" score c!rd will (e prese"ted to 7U Le!ders ip te!m o" mo"t ly (!sis.

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4.& S"te $SE Manager:

i !s t e respo"si(ility 'or t e supporti"% t e co"siste"t impleme"t!tio" o' t is +ro%r!m !tis6 er site ,t e +l!"t M!"!%er !s t e respo"si(ility o' e"suri"% impleme"t!tio" !t t e


ii "eeds to #eep t e +l!"t Le!ders ip Te!m upd!ted o" t e o$er!ll per'orm!"ce6 e!lt o'm!"!%i"% Co"tr!ctor s!'ety !t t e +l!"t6Site.

iii will coordi"!te wit t e +l!"t Le!ders ip te!m to e"sure t !t t e Co"tr!ctor S!'ety +ro%r!mis (ei"% impleme"ted e''ecti$ely !"d !d$ise t e +l!"t M!"!%er !(out !"y pro%r!mde'icie"cies "oted re*uiri"% is6 er !ctio" or i"$ol$eme"t.

i$ M!#e routi"e sur$eys o' wor# !re!s to e"sure impleme"t!tio" o' t e Co"tr!ctor S!'ety+ro%r!m. I"'orm t e co"cer"ed Sectio" I"&C !r%e 6 Co"tr!ctor i" c!se o' !"y $iol!tio" !"dcorrect t e situ!tio" immedi!tely.

$ +eriodic!lly !udit t e Co"tr!ctor S!'ety +ro%r!m !t t e +l!"t6Site !s well !s (e i"$ol$ed i"!"y Cross&e"tity !udits !s re*uested !t !"y o' t e Cummi"s sites i" I"di! i"cludi"% recordsli#e Co"tr!ctor8s u"dert!#i"%) tr!i"i"%) periodic !"d pre$e"ti$e m!i"te"!"ce) testi"%) sur$eys)results etc. !"d !d$ise t e +l!"t M!"!%er !s well !s t e Re%io"!l HSE Le!der o" t e stre"%t!re!s !s well !s !re!s o' impro$eme"t !t t e site.

$i Mo"t ly st!tus i" t e scorec!rd ,Appe"di 9 A- s !ll (e upd!ted to Re%io"!l HSE Le!der.

4.4 Se't"#n (n)C arge:

i Assist i" t e impleme"t!tio" o' Co"tr!ctor S!'ety +ro%r!m

ii +ro$ide support to Site HSE M!"!%er !s re*uired.

iii must e"sure t !t Co"tr!ctor employees 'ollow s!'e oper!ti"% procedures.

i$ E"sure t !t !ll co"tr!ctor employees i" t eir wor# !re! !re complyi"% wit !ll eleme"ts o' t eCS+.

$ E"sure t !t !ll t e "ecess!ry co"trols !re !dmi"istered properly.

$i Noti'y t e Site HSE Le!der o' !"y oper!ti"% c !"%es or "ew i"comi"% processes t !t m!y!''ect Co"tr!ctor S!'ety +ro%r!m.

4.* C#ntra't#r/ C#ntra't#r E+,l#-ee :

i T e Co"tr!ctor must co"duct ! Ris# Assessme"t study 'or t e /o( (ei"% u"dert!#e".

ii T e Co"tr!ctor must e"sure t !t !ll super$isors) su(co"tr!ctors !"d employees !re wellorie"ted wit t e Cummi"s Co"tr!ctor S!'ety procedures.

iii Strictly 'ollow !ll t e re*uireme"ts outli"ed i" t e Co"tr!ctor S!'ety +ro%r!m.

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i$ I"'orm t e +l!"t M!"!%er 6 Site HSE Le!der 6 Sectio" I"&C !r%e !(out !"y co"cer"s orimpro$eme"t !re!s i" t e CS+.

4. Ma"ntenan'e an! Eng"neer"ng:

i Follow !ll t e eleme"ts outli"ed i" t e Co"tr!ctors S!'ety Tr!i"i"% +ro%r!m.

ii M!i"t!i" !"d ser$ice e*uipme"t to mi"imi3e !ll t e !ssoci!ted E"$iro"me"t !"d S!'ety!3!rds.


Co"t!ctor6 Co"tr!ctor Employees must 'ollow t e s!'e oper!ti"% procedures speci'ied (elow:

.1 3al" "'at"#n5 Tra"n"ng an! A3t #r"6at"#n # C#ntra't#r E+,l#-ee

.1.1 Pre) 3al" "'at"#n #r C#ntra't#r/ C#ntra't#r E+,l#-ee

All co"tr!ct employees must meet t e 'ollowi"% (!sic re*uireme"ts prior to st!rti"% i"iti!l or!""u!l tr!i"i"%5

• T e Co"tr!ctor must !$e t e !ppropri!te +urc !se Order6 ;or# Order to c!rry out t erele$!"t wor#

• ;or# permits) re%ul!tory !ppro$!ls 2 lice"ses 'or Co"tr!ctor 2 !ll Co"tr!ctor employees• Co"tr!ctor must su(mit !" u"dert!#i"% to c!rry out !ll wor# s!'ely !"d i"dem"i'y t e

Comp!"y• T !t "o medic!l co"ditio" suc !s yperte"sio" e ist) especi!lly i" c!se o' wor# !t ei% ts

!"d i" co"'i"ed sp!ces• No p ysic!l imp!irme"ts t !t would come i" t e w!y o' s!'e oper!tio"s• No "eurolo%ic!l disorders t !t !''ect (!l!"ce or co"scious"ess• Not t!#i"% !"y medic!tio" t !t !''ects perceptio") $isio") or p ysic!l !(ilities• No i"'lue"ce o' !lco ol• A$!il!(ility o' %ood *u!lity ++E

.1.2 Tra"n"ng

T e Site HSE Le!der must co"duct tr!i"i"% 'or Co"tr!ctor Employees !"d issue ! s!'etycerti'ic!tio" 2 (!d%e to e!c employee w o !s u"der%o"e tr!i"i"%. Records must (e

preser$ed o' !ll tr!i"i"% pro%r!ms. Re'er to HSE tr!i"i"% w ic is to (e imp!rted !""u!lly.

T e Co"tr!ctor Super$isor must !dmi"ister Tool 7o t!l#s d!ily speci'ic to t e wor# to (ec!rried out. Records o' t e s!me must (e su(mitted to t e Site HSE le!der.

Initial Training

Co"tr!ctor employees must recei$e i"iti!l tr!i"i"% i" t e 'ollowi"% topics5

• Cummi"s HSE policy• +ote"ti!l !3!rds !w!re"ess

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• Re%ul!tory compli!"ce• +ermit to wor# system• Co"tr!ctor S!'ety procedures• +erso"!l protecti$e e*uipme"t !"d t eir i"spectio"• Ot er u"i*ue or pote"ti!lly !3!rdous e"$iro"me"t!l co"ditio"s i" t e wor#pl!ce t !t could

!''ect s!'e oper!tio"s

Refer HSE Training and Evaluation at the time of renewal of authorization

HSE tr!i"i"%) i"cludi"% !" e$!lu!tio" o' t e e''ecti$e"ess o' t !t tr!i"i"%) s !ll (e co"ductedto e"sure #"owled%e !"d s#ills "eeded to wor# s!'ely !t t e time o' re"ew!l o' !ut ori3!tio"'or ! Co"tr!ctor to co"ti"ue wor#i"% wit i" Cummi"s premises. T e s!'ety certi'ic!tio"

(!d%e m!y "ow (e re$!lid!ted post t e tr!i"i"%.


It is t e respo"si(ility o' t e co"tr!ctor to e"sure t !t e !"d is su(&co"tr!ctor<s wor#me" !rewell i"'ormed o' t ese rules6i"structio"s6%uideli"es !"d t !t t ey 'ollow t em strictly w ile !twor#.

& T e co"tr!ctor will rem!i" tot!lly respo"si(le 'or t e s!'ety o' t e wor#ers wor#i"% 'or im i"Cummi"s premises !"d o' t e e*uipme"t !"d surrou"di"%s o' t e comp!"y !"d s ould si%"!"d su(mit t e prescri(ed u"dert!#i"% to t e co"cer"ed !ut ority (e'ore st!rti"% t e co"tr!ctwor#.

*.1 Stat3t#r- O8l"gat"#n

T e Co"tr!ctor !s t e st!tutory o(li%!tio" tow!rds t eir employees u"der t e Co"tr!ctL!(our ,Re%ul!tio" 2 A(olitio"- Act & 1=>1. I" !dditio" t ey !re !lso re*uired to 'ollow !llt e pro$isio"s pert!i"i"% to s!'ety l!id dow" u"der $!rious !ct 6rules suc !s5

& F!ctories Act & 1=?@ !"d SFR ,St!te F!ctory rules- & 1= B& !s Cyli"der Rules & 1=@1& +etroleum Act !"d Rules & 1=>& I"di!" Electricity Act !"d Rules& I"di!" E plosi$es Act& St!tic !"d Mo(ile +ressure 4essels Rules& I"di!" 7oiler Act& ESIC Act 1=?@6 ;or#me" Compe"s!tio" Act

*.2 7eneral Sa et- R3le

*.2.1 N# +#9"ng 5 Smo#i"% is strictly pro i(ited 'or !ll perso""el i"cludi"% co"tr!ctor wor#ers 2!ll $isitors i" t e comp!"y premises w ere co"tr!ctors !re wor#i"% i"cludi"% %!s cyli"derstor!%e !re!s) stor!%e !re!s 'or +etroleum +roducts ,e.%. T i""er) Diesel) !"d FO-) CN 6L+ Stor!%e !"d +!i"t 7oot s.

.0.0 C#n 3+,t"#n # !r3g/ al'# #l 5 Dri"#i"% o' li*uor wit i" t e premises o' t e '!ctory isstrictly pro i(ited. Co"tr!ctor<s employees must "ot report to wor# i" !" i"to ic!ted

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co"ditio". ;or#me" w o !$e co"sumed !lco ol 2 dru%s t !t will !mper t eir !(ility towor# s!'ely must "ot report to wor#.

.0.B $ealt C#n!"t"#n 5 e"er!l e!lt co"ditio" 'or $erti%o 2 rel!ted co"ditio"s suc !s (lood pressure o' perso""el will (e !scert!i"ed (e'ore st!rti"% wor# !t ei% ts or e"try i" co"'i"ed


.0.? Sa et- "n #r9 area 5 I' t e Co"tr!ctor is usi"% m!c i"es6e*uipme"t w ic !re electric!lly powered !"d t us pose ! !3!rd) it is imper!ti$e to isol!te !ll e"er%y sources !ccordi"% to t eComp!"y8s st!"d!rd LOTO procedures.

• T e co"tr!ctor s ould pro$ide t e "ecess!ry tools !"d e*uipme"t i" %ood wor#i"% co"ditio"to c!rry out t e /o( s!'ely 2 to (e certi'ied prior to e"try o" t e site.

• T e "ecess!ry perso"!l protecti$e e*uipme"t i" %ood wor#i"% co"ditio" !"d m!de (y reputed (r!"ds co"'ormi"% to ISI6 7S st!"d!rds !"d !ppro$ed (y t e Site HSE M!"!%er will !$e to (e pro$ided (y t e Co"tr!ctor !s !"d w e" re*uired !"d t e Co"tr!ctor s ould e"sure t !t t e

wor#ers !re usi"% t em w ile wor#i"%.

• T e Co"tr!ctor is !llowed to wor# i" t e speci'ied !re! o"ly. Tresp!ssi"% to !"y ot er !re!wit i" t e '!ctory premises is strictly pro i(ited.

• Co"tr!ctor<s employees must "ot t row or !llow !"y tools or de(ris to '!ll 'rom ! ei% t. I' !t!ll "ecess!ry) t e !re! w ere m!teri!l is li#ely to '!ll must (e suit!(ly cordo"ed o'' !"d !"employee o' t e Co"tr!ctor must (e posted t ere to w!r" t e p!ssers(y.

• A'ter t e wor# is o$er) !ll scr!p !"d surplus m!teri!l must (e remo$ed immedi!tely !s per t el!id dow" procedure. T e Co"tr!ctor must e"sure t !t t e wor# site is cle!"ed !"d le't i"%ood order.

• 7esides t e i"structio"s %i$e" i" t is policy) t e Co"tr!ctor must !lso comply wit t ei"structio"s %i$e" (y t e Site HSE M!"!%er 'rom time to time.

*.2. A''"!ent /(n;3r-/ Near M"

I" c!se o' !" !ccide"t resulti"% i" perso"!l i"/ury) t e i"/ured s ould (e re'erred to t e SiteHe!lt Ce"ter. A'ter First Aid) t e p!tie"t m!y (e re'erred to ! Hospit!l 'or 'urt er tre!tme"t.A report i" t is re%!rd s ould (e 'illed i" (y respecti$e pl!"t m!"!%er 2 'orw!rd to t e siteHSE M!"!%er .

I" c!se o' ! i"cide"ce resulti"% i" property6e*uipme"ts d!m!%e or Ne!r Hit Miss ,occurre"ce

w ic could !$e resulted i" ! perso"!l i"/ury-) s ould (e reported i" t e com(i"ed 'orm 'ori"cide"t reporti"% is !tt!c ed !s Appe"di 9 7.

C "l!ren are tr"'tl- ,r# "8"te! "n "!e t e a't#r- ,re+" e .

*.2.* Ele'tr"'al '#r! an! 'a8le g3ar!"ng

• E"sure t !t !ll t e electric!l cords !re pro$ided wit suit!(le plu%s 2 t !t t e i"sul!tio" isi"t!ct.

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• All distri(utio" p!"els s ould (e pro$ided wit ELC7 o' B mA wit t e e!rt i"% resist!"ceo' 0&? o ms.

• E"sure !ll e!rt pits !re tested !"d m!i"t!i" t e records o' testi"%.• No c!(le s ould cross t e w!l#w!y !t %rou"d le$el. I' ! crossi"% is u"!$oid!(le) r!ise t e

c!(le !t le!st B meters 'rom t e 'loor le$el to !$oid trippi"% !3!rds !"d d!m!%e to t e c!(le.• Two core c!(les !re "ot !llowed 'or use 'or !"y o' t e electric!l m!c i"es. T e e!rt i"% core

o' si"%le p !se or t ree p !se m!c i"es s !ll p!ss t rou% ELC7 o' B mA to pre$e"telectrocutio".

• 7e'ore co""ectio" to !"y electric!l !cti$ities) t e HT6LT c!(le "etwor# pl!" s ould (e!ppro$ed (y t e +l!"t 6Site HSE M!"!%er6Le!der. O"ly Armed c!(les !re !llowed to p!sst rou% u"der%rou"d (elow i"c es.

• Electric!l e*uipme"t w ic is to (e used s ould (e properly erected 2 e!rt ed.• ; e"e$er re*uired) %u!rds s ould (e pro$ided 'or %ri"ders) s!"ders) circul!r s!ws etc. !"d it

must (e e"sured t !t t e %u!rds !re i" positio" w ile e*uipme"t is i" use.• O"ly low $olt!%e curre"t s ould (e used i" co"'i"ed sp!ces. E.%. t!"#s) ducts) s el$es !"d

wet !re!s etc. Tools w ic !re to (e oper!ted o" i% $olt!%e ,0B 4 !"d !(o$e- s ould "ot

(e used i" co"'i"ed sp!ces. I"ste!d) o"ly p"eum!tic!lly oper!ted tools s ould (e used.• Electric!l !"d tools s ould (e o' %ood m!#es co"'ormi"% to ISI. Alw!ys e"sure t !t t e B

pi" plu% is i"t!ct (e'ore use.• Ne$er i"sert wires directly i"to t e soc#et 'or e te"sio" o' electric supply.• ; e"e$er !" electric cord e"ters t e c!(i"et 6 switc (o 6 tools etc. suit!(le %l!"di"% s ould

(e pro$ided. E"sure t !t t e %l!"di"% is i"t!ct (e'ore st!rti"% t e wor#.• All wires must (e properly co$ered) i"sul!ted 2 "o wires or portio"s o' t ese s ould (e ope"

or e posed i" !"y m!""er w !tsoe$er.• Si%"(o!rds must (e pl!ced "e!r d!"%erous electric co""ectio"s.• All pre$e"ti$e steps "eed to (e t!#e" to !$ert s ort circuits.• I' ! tempor!ry co""ectio" "eeds to (e t!#e") t e electric!l m!i"te"!"ce dep!rtme"t s ould (e

co"t!cted !"d t e electric!l power supply 'orm s ould (e 'illed up. A'ter t e /o( is o$er) t etempor!ry electric co""ectio" must (e remo$ed.

*.2. Sa et- "n t e 3 e # +a' "ner- < e=3",+ent.• Do "ot use li'ti"% m!c i"es) c !i"s) pulley (loc#s) s !c#les !"d swi$el u"less t ey !re tested

!"d ! $!lid certi'ic!te is !$!il!(le.• M!#e sure t !t t e s!'e wor#i"% lo!d !"d t e due d!te o' "e t testi"% !re disti"ctly m!r#ed o"

e!c item.• Use m!c i"ery !"d e*uipme"t !ppro$ed (y t e M!i"te"!"ce E"%i"eer super$isi"% t e

Co"tr!ct.• Records o' !ll certi'ic!tes !ppro$i"% e*uipme"t) m!c i"ery) pulleys c !i"s etc. must (e

m!i"t!i"ed !s lo"% !s t e s!me !re i" use !"d 'or two ye!rs !'ter t ey !re de&composed.

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*.2.> W#r9 Per+"t

All #r9 #n '#+,an- "te a # n 8el# nee! t# 8e 38;e't t# t e W#r9 Per+"t- te+.

- E"try i"to co"'i"ed sp!ce- Hot ;or# - ;or# o" Fr!%ile Roo' - ;or#i"% !t Hei% ts- E c!$!tio"- Electric!l ;or#

It is t e respo"si(ility o' t e Co"tr!ctor u"dert!#i"% to do t e !(o$e&me"tio"ed type o' wor#to o(t!i" t e proper ;or# +ermit 'rom t e !ppropri!te O''ici!ls o' t e Comp!"y (e'orecomme"ceme"t o' !"y wor#. All t e co"ditio"s !s l!id dow" i" t e ;or# +ermit must (ecomplied wit w ile t e wor# is i" pro%ress.

Entr- "nt# '#n "ne! ,a'e: E"try i"to !"y co"'i"ed sp!ce 'or !"y wor#) owe$er s ort)re*uires ! ;or# +ermit. T e wor# s ould o"ly (e c!rried out u"der strict super$isio"complyi"% wit !ll t e s!'ety me!sures speci'ied i" t e ;or# +ermit. T e perso" i" t eco"'i"ed sp!ce s ould !$e co"t!ct wit ! perso" !(o$e %rou"d !t !ll times. A rope to clim(out 2 !" !l!rm system 'or elp s !ll (e pro$ided (e'ore t e wor# st!rts.

$#t W#r9: All Hot ;or#s suc !s weldi"%) %!s cutti"%) t!rri"% !"d !sp !lti"% wit i" t e premises o' t e '!ctory re*uire ! ;or# +ermit. T e Co"tr!ctor u"dert!#i"% to do !"y Hot;or# wit i" t e premises o' t e '!ctory s ould discuss t e det!ils o' suc wor# wit t eS!'ety !"d Fire Dep!rtme"t (e'ore comme"ci"% t e wor# 2 prior !ppro$!l s ould (e t!#e"'rom t e S!'ety 2 Fire Dep!rtme"t.

W#r9"ng #n a Frag"le R## : ; e" wor# o" ! 'r!%ile roo' is to (e c!rried out) ! ;or# +ermitis to (e o(t!i"ed !"d co"ditio"s %i$e" i" t e ;or# +ermit must (e 'ully complied wit .

W#r9"ng at $e"g t : ;or# u"dert!#e" !t ! ei% t o' more t !" 0 meters ,7!rri"% AC s eetroo'- is co$ered u"der t is permit. ; e" wor# is to (e do"e !t ! ei% t ,more t !" 0m-wit i" t e premises o' t e '!ctory) ! ;or# +ermit is to (e o(t!i"ed !"d suit!(le !rr!"%eme"ts'or !ccess s !ll (e pro$ided (esides pro$idi"% ! s!'e wor#i"% pl!t'orm !"d suit!(le r!ili"%.S!'ety (elts s ould (e used 'or pre$e"tio" o' '!lls 2 elmets s ould (e used. For /o(s suc!s p!i"ti"%6w ite w!s i"% etc. suit!(le sc!''oldi"% must (e pro$ided. Multiple l!dders tiedwit o"e !"ot er !re "ot !llowed.

E?'a@at"#n: ; e"e$er !"y e c!$!tio" wor# is u"dert!#e" i" t e premises) co"ditio"sstipul!ted u"der t e permit must (e o(ser$ed. E c!$!tio" wit i" t e premises o' t e '!ctoryre*uires ! ;or# +ermit. 7e'ore comme"ceme"t o' !"y e c!$!tio" wor#) t e Co"tr!ctors ould o(t!i" ! ;or# +ermit 'rom t e co"cer"ed Comp!"y O''ici!ls.

• 7e'ore comme"ceme"t o' !"y e c!$!tio" wor# t e Co"tr!ctor s ould collect i"'orm!tio"re%!rdi"% t e loc!tio" o' !"y dr!i"!%e li"e) w!ter li"e) electric or ot er c!(les) ydr!"t li"eetc. t !t m!y (e (uried u"der%rou"d.

• T e Co"tr!ctor s ould t!#e utmost c!re "ot to d!m!%e !"y o' t e '!cilities loc!tedu"der%rou"d.

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• Speci!l permissio" s ould (e o(t!i"ed i' e c!$!tio" is to (e c!rried out "e!r t e 'ou"d!tio"o' (uildi"%s) compou"d w!lls or ret!i"i"% w!lls etc.

Ele'tr"'al #r9: All electric!l wor# must (e c!rried out u"der t e LT6HT electric!l wor# permit.

*.2. Wel!"ng

• Use weldi"% e*uipme"t i" %ood wor#i"% co"ditio" !"d o' %ood m!#e pre'er!(ly co"'ormi"%to ISI.

• E"sure t !t t e c!(le co""ecti"% t e weldi"% m!c i"e wit t e electric poi"t is i" %oodco"ditio") t !t t e plu% is i"t!ct !"d %l!"ds w ere$er re*uired !re pro$ided.

• Alw!ys use weldi"% retur" c!(les. O"ly directly l!id "o"&de'ecti$e e!rt i"% c!(le s ould (eused w e"e$er weldi"% wor# is c!rried out i" t e pl!"t. M!#e sure t !t t e e!rt i"% is closerto t e poi"t o' weldi"%.

• E"sure t !t t e weldi"% c!(les) electrode olders !"d retur" c!(les !re i" %ood 2 s!'eco"ditio".

• L!y c!(les i" suc ! w!y t !t t ey !re "ot su(/ect to d!m!%e 6 !(use due to s !rp ed%es) otsmolders) or (ei"% ru" o$er (y e!$y e*uipme"t or (y '!lli"% wei% ts.

• L!y c!(les i" suc ! w!y t !t t ey do "ot prese"t !"y trippi"% !3!rd.• E"sure t e welder !"d is elper use t e re*uired protecti$e e*uipme"t e.%. & weldi"%

%o%%les) !"d %lo$es) weldi"% scree"s) le% %u!rds etc.• E"sure t !t "o com(usti(le m!teri!ls !re !rou"d !"d weldi"% sp!r#s do "ot cre!te !"y

pro(lem6d!m!%e to comp!"y property.

*.2.10 7a C3tt"ng

• !s cutti"% torc es) "o33les) re%ul!tors) osepipes etc s ould (e i" s!'e wor#i"% co"ditio"

!"d o' %ood m!#e co"'ormi"% to ISI. O"ly (l!c# !"d red (r!ided oses s ould (e used.• E$eryd!y) (e'ore st!rti"% wor#) !ll $!l$es) /oi"ts) pipe co""ectio"s s ould (e tested to 'i"d

le!#!%es) i' !"y) (y usi"% so!p solutio". A"y le!#!%e s ould (e recti'ied (e'orecomme"ceme"t o' wor#.

• Hose pipe s !ll (e l!id i" suc ! w!y t !t t ey !re "ot su(/ected to !(use 6 d!m!%e due tos !rp ed%es) '!lli"% wei% ts) ot smolders) (ei"% ru" o$er (y e!$y e*uipme"t etc. E"suret !t t ere is "o trippi"% !3!rd.

• E"sure t !t t e %!s cutter oper!tor !"d is elper use t e re*uired protecti$e e*uipme"t e.%. 9s!'ety %o%%les) le% %u!rds etc.

• !s cyli"ders s ould pre'er!(ly (e mou"ted o" ! suit!(le trolley me!"t 'or t e purpose. I'"ot) e"sure t !t cyli"ders will "ot topple ,tie t em s!'ely-.

• Stic#i"% t!pes s ould "e$er (e used to pre$e"t le!#!%e o' %!s oses.

*.2.11 A , alt"ng / Tarr"ng :

Asp !lti"% 6 t!rri"% wit i" t e premises o' t e '!ctory re*uire ! ;or# +ermit !s t e processi"$ol$es li% ti"% o' 'ire 'or melti"% t!r !"d mi i"% t e !sp !lt. T e Co"tr!ctor s ouldt ere'ore %et loc!tio"s m!r#ed 'or t e purpose.

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T e i"iti!tor o' t e Hot ;or# +ermit s ould e"sure t !t t ere !re "o electric!l c!(les) %!sli"es or w!ter li"es (uried u"der%rou"d i' t e li% ti"% o' 'ire 6 weldi"% 6 %!s cutti"% etc. !re to

(e do"e o" t e %rou"d.


• T e co"tr!ctor must comply wit !ll loc!l E"$iro"me"t!l L!ws !"d Re%ul!tio"s.• Speci!l c!re s ould (e %i$e" to !$oid spill!%e o' c emic!ls especi!lly sol$e"ts) oil) s!"it!ry

sewer or !"y ot er c emic!ls o" t e %rou"d. Co"t!ct t e Site HSE le!der 'or 'urt eri"'orm!tio".

• I' t ere is ! c emic!l spill!%e o" site) i"'orm t e security dep!rtme"t !"d t e pro/ectm!"!%er6coordi"!tor immedi!tely !"d e$!cu!te t e !re!.

• O"ly !ppro$ed c emic!ls (y t e s!'ety dep!rtme"t c!" (e (rou% t i" 'or use. T e $e"dor isrespo"si(le to remo$e t e (!l!"ce !"d w!ste c emic!l 6 m!teri!l or dispos!l (y 'ollowi"%e isti"% re%ul!tio"s.


• T e $e"dor6supplier s ould dispose o'' c emic!lly co"t!mi"!ted w!ste !ccordi"% to t ew!ste dispos!l re%ul!tio"s to (e complied wit .

• ; e" c emic!ls !re "ot i" use) t e co"t!i"er lid must (e closed securely !"d stored i" t eide"ti'ied store or c emic!l lo!d or u"lo!d !re!.

• T e co"tr!ctor must cle!" !"d dispose o'' !ll empty c emic!l co"t!i"ers out o' comp!"y premises !t t e e"d o' e!c wor#i"% d!y.

• Empty or 'ull co"t!i"ers must "ot (e le't out side or u"secured i" comp!"y premises.

.0 C$EM(CA% SP(%%

• I" t e e$e"t o' !" !ccide"t!l disc !r%e o' ! c emic!l) t e co"tr!ctor must immedi!tely c!llcomp!"y security !"d e"%!%e i" co"t!mi"!"t !"d cle!" up o' t e c emic!l.

• I' t e co"tr!ctor '!ils to properly co"trol !"y !ccide"t) disc !r%e or spill) t e comp!"y !s t eri% t to t!#e me!sures to co"trol) cle!" up !"d mo"itor. All suc costs i"curred !s ! result o't is s !ll (e c !r%ed to t e co"tr!ctor.

• T e e"$iro"me"t!l imp!ct "eeds to (e !scert!i"ed (y t e Site HSE le!der.• I' t ere is !"y d!m!%e (ec!use o' t e !ccide"t!l disc !r%e) t e comp!"y !s ! ri% t to

su(se*ue"tly pursue d!m!%e cl!ims o" t e co"tr!ctor.• T e co"tr!ctor s !ll "ot old t e comp!"y li!(le 'or !"y li!(ilities or d!m!%es) cl!ims

i"cludi"% co"se*ue"tly d!m!%es !"d re!so"!(le !ttor"ey 'ees) 'or !"y disc !r%e o' succ emic!ls.

10.0 %OTO

• Loc# Out T!% Out s !ll (e !pplied 'or !ll e"er%y sources. T e m!i"te"!"ce dep!rtme"t must (e i"$ol$ed i" t is !cti$ity.

• T e Sectio" I"&C !r%e is respo"si(le to !pply t e "ecess!ry LOTO procedure.• M!i"t!i" tr!i"i"% 2 upd!te list o' !ut ori3ed perso"s.


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• Co"tr!ctor s ould su(mit ! old !rmless u"dert!#i"% i" prescri(ed 'orm!t !s s ow" i"Appe"di &C

• A'ter imp!rti"% s!'ety orie"t!tio" to t e Co"tr!ctor) e will si%" o" t e S!'ety A%reeme"t ,A p!rt o' I"structio" +oc#et 7oo#let&Appe"di &D- !"d retur" it to t e Site HSE M!"!%er !"dt e I"structio" +oc#et 7oo#let s !ll (e ret!i"ed (y co"tr!ctors to c!sc!de t e s!me to isemployees.

• +roper !ttire o' !ll co"tr!ctors perso""el is ! must. S ort p!"ts) s!"d!ls6slippers or (!re (odies !re pro i(ited. Dece"t clot es co"sisti"% o' ! s irt !"d lo"% trousers !"d s!'ety s oes!re re*uired.

• Co"tr!ctor8s Respo"si(ility5 Co"tr!ctors !re 'ully respo"si(le 'or t e s!'ety !"d wel'!re o't eir respecti$e perso""el. T ere'ore e pe"ses6compe"s!tio" 'or i"/uries t !t m!y result'rom !"y !ccide"ts !re t e co"tr!ctor8s direct respo"si(ility.

• D!m!%e !"d Losses to Cummi"s perso""el or property c!used (y ! co"tr!ctor6$e"dor will (e (or"e (y t e co"tr!ctor6$e"dor. A"y losses to t e co"tr!ctor6$e"dor8s perso""el will !lso (e (or"e (y t e co"tr!ctor6 $e"dor.

• S!'ety Si%"s5 Use o' prec!utio"!ry si%"s is ! must w e" wor#i"% o" e*uipme"t !"d powerli"es. Loc#out system s ould (e resorted to w e" "ecess!ry.

• Sleepi"% is "ot !llowed wit i" Cummi"s premises !t !"y time.• Security Se!rc 5 All co"tr!ctors6$e"dors6suppliers !re su(/ect to se!rc (y t e site security

%u!rds (e'ore e"teri"% !"d le!$i"% t e premises.• Co"tr!ctors6$e"dors6suppliers i" t e c!"tee"5 Co"tr!ctors6$e"dors6suppliers s ould (e !$e

!"d 'ollow c!"tee" rules. T ey s ould sit dece"tly !"d s ould "ot dispose o' tit (its) p!per)'ruit !rou"d !"yw ere e cept i"to t e (i"s.

• !m(li"%5 No %!m(li"% !s well !s !"y ot er u"discipli"ed or u"ruly (e !$ior s ould (ec!rried out wit i" t e premises.

• +erso"!l +rotecti$e E*uipme"t5 Co"tr!ctors6$e"dors6suppliers s ould we!r proper +erso"!l+rotecti$e E*uipme"t !s stipul!ted i" t e wor#i"% !re! !"d w e" de!li"% wit !3!rdousm!teri!ls suc !s s !rp o(/ects) '!lli"%6'lyi"% o(/ects) c emic!ls) p!i"ts !"d w e" wor#i"% !t

ei% ts.

12.0 D(SC(P%(NE

• It is t e respo"si(ility o' t e co"tr!ctors6$e"dors6suppliers to m!#e sure is employees !"dis su(ordi"!tes wor#i"% o" t e Cummi"s site (e !$e !"d 'ollow !ll c!"tee" rules li#e sitti"%

dece"tly !"d "ot c!rryi"% m!tc (o 6li% ter or ci%!rettes i"side t e pl!"t.• All u"discipli"ed or u"ruly (e !$ior (y co"tr!ctors6$e"dors6suppliers to comp!"y employees

is pro i(ited.• T e pe"!lty will (e decided (y t e I"iti!tor6 Dep!rtme"t He!d 6 Cummi"s +ro/ect M!"!%er

o" '!ilure to comply wit t e i"structio"s !s per 'ollowi"% ier!rc y5

M"n#r "#lat"#n: ,e.%.5 "o !rd !t) "o s!'ety %l!sses) "o (!rric!des i" pl!ce etc-5

First Offence : 4er(!l ;!r"i"% ,Cummi"s represe"t!ti$e to i"'orm Co"tr!ctor SiteM!"!%er-

Second Offence : ;ritte" w!r"i"% to t e employee wit copy m!r#ed to Co"tr!ctorSite M!"!%er !"d Co"tr!ctor +ro/ect M!"!%er.

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Third Offence : Termi"!tio" 'rom pro/ect

Ma;#r "#lat"#n: ,e.%. "o '!ll protectio") weldi"% wit out ot wor# permit) droppi"% de(ris'rom ei% t) orsepl!y etc.-

First Offence : ;ritte" w!r"i"% !"d6or termi"!tio" 'rom pro/ect

Second Offence: Termi"!tio" 'rom pro/ect.

Cummins reserves the right to terminate all work by the Contractor without warning basedon the severity and/or frequency of violation.

1&.0 RECORDS/%O7SAll rele$!"t records me"tio"ed i" t is policy s !ll (e m!i"t!i"ed (y user dep!rtme"t

14.0 PRO7RAM RE (S(ONT is pro%r!m) !"d its eleme"ts) will (e re$iewed !"d re$ised to re'lect !"y c !"%es i"oper!tio"!l procedures) e*uipme"t) or e celle"t m!"!%eme"t pr!ctices. T e Re%io"!l HSELe!der is respo"si(le 'or t e s!me.


A,,en!"? A : S'#re 'ar!A,,en!"? B : (n'"!ent Re,#rt"ng F#r+A,,en!"? C : $#l! $ar+le 3n!erta9"ngA,,en!"? D : (n tr3't"#n P#'9et B##9let

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ppendixS'#re Car!

A)* India Contractors Safety Pro+ram Scorecard&'a'uR/ /*

Procedure and Communication Pr+, .ur an. #+ , # n' . & 3n . y Bu n a.

Trainin+ Tra n n3 6+r a ,+n'ra,'+r n' r n3 '7 #r 6+r 8+rR 6r 7 r 'ra n n3 : ry '8 : +n'7 ;

Pro+ram elements R a n' n3 .+n y '7 n ' a'+r #r +r '+ 8+r ;Pr+, .ur '+ 6+ +8 . n3 u . a +n3 8 '7 '7 Pur,7a Or. r<n. r'a n3 n3 + 'a n . 6r+ '7 C+n'ra,'+rP r ' '+ 8+r n3 u . an. +n '+r .

Disciplinary Action Pu 7 . ' +6 a6 'y ru 6+r ,+n'ra,'+rD , # nary a,' +n n3 'a n n ,a +6 : + a' +n

Audit =uar' r y au. ' y ,r+ n' 'y &E L a. r

* C+ # 'In Pr+,

R a: n+' y ' 3un

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ppendix B

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ppendix C



It is expressly agreed and understood that ,to the fullest extentpermitted by law ,that…………………………………………………….(Contractor companies name)shall indemnify ,protect, defend, and save harmless , Cummins and itsGroup Companies, Partner Managed Companies (including theirofficers,agents,employees) (“Cummins”) from any and allliabilities,panelties,cost, loses ,dameges,expenses,causes of action,claim s judgment or any demands whatsoever,icluding prejudgmentinterest ,attorney’s fees ,expert witness fees and all other expert andprofessional fees and expenses (“ claims”) ,based on or resulting from anypersonnel injury ,including but not by way of limitations ,bodily injury,emotional injury ,sickness or disease, or death to any person ,including

but not limited to agents or employees by Cummins ,or damage to propertyof anyone,(including loss of use thereof), which injury sickness ,death ordamage result from, arise out of, or is in any way connected with theperformance of these contract. Contractors’ obligation under thisparagraph shall apply whether this claim is caused by or alleged to becaused by any active or passive act of omission of the contractor, Cumminsor other party in demnify hereunder, provided howerever,that thecontractor shall not be obligated to indemnify for those claims whicharise from the sole negligence or willful miss conduct of Cummins or itsagents, servants or other independent contractors (other than partiessubcontracted to contractors)who are directly responsible to Cummins. itclaims against any person or entity indemnified under this paragraph by anemployee of the contractor ,anyone directly or indirectly employed bycontractor or anyone for whose acts contractor may be liable ,contractorobligations under this paragraph shall not be limited by a limitation onamount or type of damages ,compassion ,or benefits payable by or forcontractor under workers or workmen’s compensation acts ,disabilitybenefits acts or other employee benefits acts.

…………………………………………………………Signature of officers of contractors Corporation date


Printed name of Officer of Contractors Corporation

…………………………………………………………Position Held by Signing Officer of Contractors

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ppendix D

P#'9et C#ntra't#r Sa et- Man3al

C >D+,u -n'( an.&-'' 0n3(> 70$%!> D-(9'

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Re@" "#n: Date Create!: *ctober !"", Date # %a t Re@" "#n:

%a t A,,r#@al Date:


Re@" "#n: Se'/Para C ange! C ange Ma!e: DateN6A I"iti!l Issue o' Docume"t an3ar-


1>.0 APPRO A%S:

1- Aut or o' Docume"t

Si%"!ture 5

N!me 2 Title 5 %al"t T" ar" ) Re%io"!l HSE Le!der

0- First !ppro$er

Si%"!ture 5

N!me 2 Title 5 D"ne Ca tell"n# ) 4ice +reside"t & Le%!l 2 Comp!"y Secret!ry

B- Docume"t !ppro$ed 2 rele!sed

Si%"!ture 5

N!me 2 Title 5 Anant Tala3l"'ar ) M!"!%i"% Director

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