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    USGS 3DEP Program Supports FEMA Flood Mapping

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  • • Certified Floodplain Managers are eligible for 1 Continuing Education Credit for participating in this webinar.

    • You must have registered individually and indicated you are a CFM at time of registration.

    • Eligibility for CEC is dependent on your participation in poll questions and time spent viewing the webinar, as determined by the webinar software.

    • Attending this webinar in a group setting or only viewing the recording is NOT eligible for CEC.

    Continuing Education Credits

  • • To suggest future CTP webinar topics, please contact Alan Lulloff at [email protected] or type a suggested topic into the Questions panel today.

    • ASFPM CFM CECs will be automatically applied.

    • Certificates of Attendance will be emailed, please contact [email protected] with any certificate issues.

    • Follow-up email with link to slides and recording will be sent next week

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  • ASFPM Mapping and Engineering Standards Committee

    Cooperating Technical Partners Sub-committee


    • Thuy Patton, CFMColorado Water Conservation Board

    • Carey JohnsonKentucky Department for Environmental Protection


    • Identify common concerns

    • Provide opportunities for information exchange

    • Identify training needs

    • Promote and document the value of CTPs

  • Agenda

    Introduction - Alan Lulloff

    USGS 3DEP program overview and how it supports the FEMA flood mapping program - Vicki Lukas

    State perspective & non-federal cost share -Thuy Patton

    USGS 3DEP Quality Control process - Amanda Lowe

    Considerations for airborne lidar mapping in riparian corridors - Josh Nimetz


  • + 8

    Vicki LukasChief, Topographic Data Services

    National Geospatial Progam

    September 24, 2018

    3D Elevation Program

    (3DEP) Overview for


  • + 99

    Apply lidar technology to map bare earth and 3D data of natural and constructed features

    Goal to complete acquisition of national lidar coverage with IfSAR in Alaska in 8 years

    Address the mission-critical requirements of 34 Federal agencies, 50 states, and other

    organizations documented in the National Enhanced Elevation Assessment

    ROI 5:1, conservative benefits of $690 million/year with potential to generate $13 billion/year

    Leverage the capability and capacity of private industry mapping firms

    Achieve a 25% cost efficiency gain by collecting data in larger projects

    Completely refresh national elevation data holdings with new products and services

    3D Elevation Program (3DEP)

    3DEP Status 2023

  • + 10+ 10National Enhanced Elevation

    Assessment (NEEA)Annual Benefits

    Rank Business Use Conservative Potential

    1 Flood Risk Management $295M $502M

    2Infrastructure and Construction

    Management$206M $942M

    3 Natural Resources Conservation $159M $335M

    4 Agriculture and Precision Farming $122M $2,011M

    5 Water Supply and Quality $85M $156M

    6Wildfire Management, Planning and

    Response$76M $159M

    7Geologic Resource Assessment and

    Hazard Mitigation$52M $1,067M

    8 Forest Resources Management $44M $62M

    9River and Stream Resource

    Management$38M $87M

    10 Aviation Navigation and Safety $35M $56M


    20 Land Navigation and Safety $0.2M $7,125M

    Total for all Business Uses (1 – 27) $1.2B $13B

    Flood Risk Management



  • + 11+ 113DEP for Flood Risk Management

    ■ Produce higher quality flood

    maps, including Flood Insurance

    Rate Maps

    ■ Manage dam and levee safety

    programs to reduce flood risks

    ■ Improve hydrologic modeling

    and flood forecasting

    ■ Improve State and local flood

    risk management and response

    ■ Improve storm water facilities

    and dam design

    ■ Extract building footprints and

    identify the finished floor

    elevation to quantify potential

    damages based on flooding


    Conservative annual benefits estimated at $502M

    Lidar aids hydraulic modeling to determine flood-inundation on

    the Saluda River, near Greenville, SC

  • + 12+ 123DEP for

    Flood Risk


    3DEP website –

    see publications:



    Direct link:



  • + 13+ 133DEP Status

    ■ 3DEP is managed by USGS on behalf of a broad

    partner community that includes state, Federal, and

    local agencies, as well as the private sector and

    non-profit groups

    ■ Since the beginning of FY15

    ■ Over 200 partners – including 16 Federal

    agencies and state and local governments from

    44 states and territories – have contributed

    funding for 3DEP data acquisition across the


    3DEP is built on partnerships

    3DEP Status


    Goal to provide ROI 5:1 with

    potential to generate $13 B/year

    ■ USGS and partner investments totaling $299.6M supported acquisition of

    1.5 million square miles of data

    ■ Demands for higher quality, repeat coverage, new products and services

    continue to grow

  • + 14+ 143D Elevation Program (3DEP)

    Data acquisition investments by all

    partners, by fiscal year - FY18 in progress

    Data are available or in progress for 48% of the Nation *includes lidar and AK IfSAR

  • + 15+ 15Supplemental Funding

    California Wildfires

    Hurricane Harvey

    Hurricanes Irma and Maria

    3DEP Acquisition

    ■ $20.3M supplemental funding to for lidar acquisition

    following last year’s hurricanes and wildfires

    ■ Supplemental was augmented by a total of $28.8M in

    partnerships and $3.4M 3DEP base funding to complete

    coverage of the impact and adjacent areas

  • + 16+ 163DEP-Quality Coverage by State

  • + 17+ 17

    ■ USGS and NOAA co-lead the OMB A-16

    Elevation Theme

    ■ 3DEP Executive Forum

    ■ Facilitates executive collaboration on

    strategies to fund and implement 3DEP for

    the benefit of all its stakeholders

    ■ Executive Outreach to Industry Partners

    and Stakeholder Groups

    ■ Provides direction to 3DEP Working Group

    ■ 3DEP Working Group

    ■ Coordinates implementation of 3DEP

    Member Agencies

    Bureau of Land Management

    Department of Homeland Security

    Department of Transportation

    Environmental Protection Agency

    Federal Aviation Administration

    Federal Communications Commission

    Federal Emergency Management Agency

    US Forest Service

    US Fish and Wildlife Service

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    National Park Service

    Natural Resources Conservation Service

    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

    US Department of Agriculture

    US Army Corps of Engineers

    US Geological Survey

    American Association of State Geologists

    National States Geographic Information Council

    3D Elevation Program (3DEP)Governance

  • + 18+ 183DEP FEMA Partnership

    ■ Investments driven

    by flood mapping


    ■ Flood mapping

    requirements are

    coordinated with

    state floodplain



    Projects with FEMA funding

  • + 19+ 193DEP Data Acquisition Partnerships

    Together determine the

    annual acquisition plan


    Broad Agency

    Announcement (BAA)

    Fair and equitable process

    for non-Feds to partner with

    Federal Agencies

    Announced on

    FedBizOpps.gov and


    Competitive, selection based

    on documented criteria

    Can include Federal


    Partners can propose to use

    USGS contract (GPSC) or

    their own contract


    Partners =

    3DEP Working


    Federal Interagency

    Agreements (IA)

    FY19 BAA released September 17

    FY19 BAA Webinar August 22 -

    presentation with notes available

    FY19 BAA Proposals due Nov. 9,


    Awards issued Nov. 2018 – March

    2019 based on the availability of


    BAA stays open all Fiscal Year

  • + 20+ 20

    Goal to develop a comprehensive multi-year plan

    3DEP Data Acquisition Partnerships

    Purpose – move beyond

    opportunistic annual process

    to a national, systematic


    Facilitate greater

    investments and

    leveraging through longer

    planning lead times

    Allows for improved

    reporting and justification

    of investments

    Presents a plan for

    nationwide coverage



    State, local, tribal and

    other partners

    3DEP Multi-Year State PlansFederal Multi-Year Plan

    Comprehensive plan for

    nationwide coverage

  • + 21+ 21Federal Input to the Multi-year PlanFY19 3DEP Broad Agency Announcement

  • + 22+ 22Federal Input to the Multi-year PlanFY19 3DEP Broad Agency Announcement

  • + 23+ 23State Input to the Multi-year PlanNational States Geographic Information Council Project

    NSGIC project will develop

    Guide to the development of a 3DEP

    Data Acquisition Plan

    State plan template

    Best practices

    Pilots to test and refine materials

    3DEP Workshop at the October 2018

    NSGIC Annual Conference

    Pilot Participants will share experiences

    and insights, participate in acquisition

    plan development activities, and

    coordinate with federal agencies

    USGS, NRCS, FEMA to participate in


    Pilot State Participants

  • + 24+ 24

    3D Nation Elevation Requirements and Benefits Study

    Understand inland, nearshore and offshore bathymetric data requirements and benefits

    Understand how requirements and benefits dovetail in the nearshore coastal zone

    Plan for the next round of 3DEP after completion of nationwide coverage

    Gather technology-agnostic user information to be able to assess new technologies

    against requirements and identify the tradeoffs between different approaches

    3DEP Future Acquisition Partnerships

    Improve our understanding

    of needs to guide

    development of the next

    generation of 3DEP

    products and services

  • + 25+ 253D Elevation Program (3DEP)Endorsements

    National lidar program is a priority of the National Science and

    Technology Council’s National Plan for Civil Earth Observations

    National Academy of Public Administration report on FEMA

    Flood Mapping recommended that OMB implement the 3DEP

    plan for national lidar

    Endorsed by 30 groups including ASFPM – Thank you!

  • + 26+ 26Get Involved in 3DEP AcquisitionResources

    ■ Learn more about 3DEP



    ■ Direct link to collaboration and



  • + 27

    3D Elevation Program (3DEP)


  • Poll Question

    Nationwide coverage of 3DEP data available or in progress is:

  • State Perspective 3DEPSeptember 24, 2018

    Thuy Patton

    Colorado Water Conservation Board

    Watershed and Flood Protection Section

  • LiDAR Acquisition by Year

  • Poll Question

    The non federal match requirement for 3DEP is 25% of:

  • Quality Control for

    the 3D Elevation


    Amanda Lowe, Supervisory Geographer, USGS

    National Geospatial Technical Operations Center

  • + 34+ 34High Level Systems Overview


    Elevation Systems





    System (PTS)


















    TNM Viewer


    minor in-house edits

  • + 35

    Provide an independent validation of lidar/ifsar data sent to the NGTOC for

    suitability for the 3DEP

    Provide feedback/recommendations regarding lidar/ifsar and derived

    products based on project requirements and USGS base specifications

    Create Standard 3DEP Products for dissemination through The National Map

    Where possible and appropriate, edit existing lidar projects to bring the data

    up to minimum acceptable quality for 3DEP and inclusion in The National


    Role of NGTOC Elevation

    Operations in the 3DEP

  • + 36Base 3DEP Specifications

    USGS Lidar Base Specification Version 1.3: Identifies and defines minimum requirements for acquisition, processing, and data deliverables as required by the United States Geological Survey for inclusion in the 3DEP. References several industry standards and specifications.

    American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) LAS 1.4 Specification: file format specification for .las (point cloud) format. Referenced by the USGS LBS 1.2 as the required file format for lidar point cloud. Industry standard.

    ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data: identifies methods for positional accuracy testing for high resolution elevation data. Referenced by the USGS LBS 1.2 as the required method for accuracy assessment

    OGC Well Known Text Version 2001: format specification for Well Known Text used to identify spatial referencing information in a las file. Required by ASPRS LAS 1.4

    Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM): Maintained by the FGDC, current standard for XML metadata. Referenced by the USGS LBS 1.2 as the required XML metadata format


  • + 37+ 37Quality Control Tools



    Global Mapper


    Custom Tools in Production

    Vertical Accuracy Tool

    P2 - Parallel LAS Pyramiding



    LAS WKT Writer

    QC Database and Report Generator

  • + 38Quality Control:

    Deliverables Check


    Control and Data Validation Check Points

    Raw Point Cloud

    Classified Point Cloud

    Bare-earth DEM

    Hydrological Breaklines

    Other required by Task Order (Intensity Rasters, etc.)

  • + 39Quality Control:


    Read all reports delivered by Contractor

    Run XML metadata through USGS Metadata Parser

    Check content of all metadata deliverables

  • + 40Quality Control:Accuracy

    Absolute Vertical Accuracy

    Non-vegetated Vertical

    Accuracy (NVA) of the

    Unclassified Point Cloud

    NVA and Vegetated Vertical

    Accuracy (VVA) of the DEM

    Relative Vertical Accuracy

    Inter-swath Accuracy

  • + 41Quality Control:Absolute Accuracy

  • + 42Quality Control:Relative Accuracy – Interswath – Visual Cues

  • + 43Quality Control:Relative Accuracy – Interswath – Visual Cues

  • + 44Quality Control:Relative Accuracy – Interswath (Dz)

  • + 45Quality Control:Relative Accuracy – Interswath (DQM)

  • + 46Quality Control:

    Point Cloud Statistics and Validation

    LAS file formatting and header population

    LAS Version

    Spatial Reference – Well Known Text

    Bounding Extents – header vs. points

    Point Count – header vs. points



    Intensity Values


    Edge of Flightline

    GPS Time Range

  • + 47Quality Control:

    Point Cloud Statistics and Validation

    LASQC Output:

  • + 48Quality Control:

    DEM Visual Review

    Checking for any above-ground

    features that should not be present

    in the Bare Earth DEM

    Verifying the ground was

    classified correctly in the point


    DEM with Vegetation Classified as Ground

    Profile of DEM with

    Vegetation classified as Ground

  • + 49Quality Control:

    DEM Visual Review

  • + 50Quality Control:

    DEM Visual Review


  • + 51Quality Control:

    DEM Visual Review

    Data Voids

  • + 52Quality Control:

    Hydrological Breaklines


    mapped waterbodies, streams,

    rivers, reservoirs, and other

    cartographically polygonal water

    surfaces are flat and, where

    appropriate, level from bank to


    surfaces of streams, rivers, and long

    reservoirs demonstrate a gradient

    change in elevation along their

    length, which is consistent with

    their natural behavior and the

    surrounding topography


    elevations removed from the tops of

    selected drainage structures

    (bridges and culverts) so as to

    depict the terrain under those


    enables hydrologic and hydraulic

    models to depict water flowing

    under these structures, rather than

    appearing in the computer model to

    be dammed by them because of

    road deck elevations higher than the

    water levels

  • + 53Quality Control:

    Hydrological Breaklines

  • + 54Quality Control:

    Hydrological Breaklines

  • + 55Quality Control:

    Hydrological Breaklines

  • + 56Quality Control:

    Hydrological Breaklines

  • + 57Quality Control:

    Hydrological Breaklines

  • + 58Quality Control:


  • 59595959Amanda Lowe

    Supervisory Geographer

    [email protected]

    Image of Zion National Park, Utah

  • +

    September 24, 2018

    Joshua D. Nimetz

    U.S. Geological Survey

    National Geospatial Program - National Geospatial Technical Operations Center

    [email protected]

    Considerations for

    airborne lidar mapping

    in riparian corridors

  • 61616161

    Overview of concepts

    Collection characteristics of the airborne lidar

    point cloud data

    Defining low-

    confidence areas



  • 62626262Collection characteristics of the airborne lidar

    point cloud data

    Several factors determine ability of sensor to detect ground surface in dense vegetation including:

    Spatial resolution – typically referred to as nominal pulse density or nominal pulse

    spacing. QL1 is better than QL2

    Look angle a wider angle of incidence means pulsed laser energy travels through

    more of vegetation structure to reach ground

    Pulse discrimination and laser power are key factors in capturing vertical structure of

    vegetation – not directly related to ground surface, but still important

    Vegetation growth cycle: barren or fully emergent?

  • 63636363Low confidence areas – ASPRS definitionDefined by low ground point density; indicates poor vegetated vertical accuracy

    Vegetation obscures detection

    of ground surface

    ASPRS suggests one

    approach for delineating areas

    of low confidence

    However, not currently a

    requirement of the 3DEP lidar

    base specification




  • 64646464



    Defined by low ground point density; indicates poor vegetated vertical accuracy

    Low confidence areas – ASPRS definition


  • 65656565



    Defined by low ground point density; indicates poor vegetated vertical accuracy

    Low confidence areas – ASPRS definition


  • 66666666

    GPS/GNSS where possible; conventional land surveying where not

    Ground-truthing survey

    Point cloud vertically aligned

    with non-vegetated control


    Vertical accuracy assessed with

    check points

    GNSS surveying in signal-

    deprived areas leads to

    inferior results

    Image courtesy of Dewberry

    Image courtesy of Merrick

    Image courtesy of Woolpert

  • 67676767Take-aways

    Work with airborne lidar contractor to determine best

    collection strategy for heavily vegetated areas

    sensor characteristics good for foliage penetration; max

    field of view; multiple looks may be advantageous

    Consider requiring a low confidence raster or

    polygon feature class as an ancillary deliverable

    Require that vegetated vertical accuracy check point

    survey is done within close timeframe to airborne

    lidar flights - growth conditions should be modeled

    Require ground photos of all check points for

    interpretation of accuracy assessment results

    NPS of 1st returns ≈1.2 ft

    NPS of ground points ≈ 5.7 ft

    Coniferous riparian zone

  • 68686868

    Thank you…

    Points of contact:

    Josh Nimetz – elevation program area lead; NGP-NGTOC [email protected]

    Jason Stoker – chief elevation scientist; NGP [email protected]

    Amanda Lowe – elevation unit supervisor; NGP-NGTOC [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Questions&


    Alan Lulloff

    [email protected]

    Vicki Lukas

    [email protected]

    Thuy Patton [email protected]

    Joshua Nimetz

    [email protected]

    Amanda Lowe

    [email protected]

    Cooperating Technical Partners

    Information Exchange

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Poll Question

    Please rate this webinar.

  • • Certified Floodplain Managers are eligible for 1 Continuing Education Credit for participating in this webinar.

    • You must have registered individually and indicated you are a CFM at time of registration.

    • Eligibility for CEC is dependent on your participation in poll questions and time spent viewing the webinar, as determined by the webinar software.

    • Attending this webinar in a group setting or only viewing the recording is NOT eligible for CEC.

    Continuing Education Credits

  • • To suggest future CTP webinar topics, please contact Alan Lulloff at [email protected] or type a suggested topic into the Questions panel today

    • ASFPM CFM CECs will be automatically applied

    • Certificates of Attendance will be emailed, please contact [email protected] with any certificate issues

    • Follow-up email with link to slides and recording will be sent next week

    Thank You for Joining Us!

    Closing Comments

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