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Coordination of replicationand transcription alonga Drosophila chromosomeDavid M. MacAlpine, Heather K. Rodrı́guez, and Stephen P. Bell1

Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Massachusetts 02319, USA

The mechanisms by which metazoan origins of DNA replication are defined, regulated, and influenced bychromosomal events remain poorly understood. To gain insights into these mechanisms, we developed asystematic approach using a Drosophila high-resolution genomic microarray to determine replication timing,identify replication origins, and map protein-binding sites along a chromosome arm. We identify a definedtemporal pattern of replication that correlates with the density of active transcription. These data indicatethat the influence of transcription status on replication timing is exerted over large domains (>100 kb) ratherthan at the level of individual genes. We identify 62 early activating replication origins across thechromosome by mapping sites of nucleotide incorporation during hydroxyurea arrest. Using genome-widelocation analysis, we demonstrate that the origin recognition complex (ORC) is localized to specificchromosomal sites, many of which coincide with early activating origins. The molecular attributes ofORC-binding sites include increased AT-content and association with a subset of RNA Pol II-binding sites.Based on these findings, we suggest that the distribution of transcription along the chromosome acts locally toinfluence origin selection and globally to regulate origin activation.

[Keywords: Origin recognition complex (ORC); origin of DNA replication; chromatin immunoprecipitation(ChIP); RNA polymerase II; transcriptone; chromosome organization]

Supplemental material is available at http://www.genesdev.org.

Received August 5, 2004; revised version accepted October 14, 2004.

Replication initiates at many sites along eukaryoticchromosomes that are marked in the G1 phase of the cellcycle by a multiprotein assembly called the pre-replica-tive complex (pre-RC) (Bell and Dutta 2002; Mendez andStillman 2003). As eukaryotic cells enter S phase, a sub-set of these assemblies are directed to initiate replicationin a defined temporal order (Fangman and Brewer 1992).Although the large majority of replication initiation fac-tors are conserved in all eukaryotes, how metazoan ori-gins of replication are defined, regulated, and influencedby other chromosomal events remains unclear.

The nature of replication origins and the sequencesthat define them are poorly understood in metazoan or-ganisms (Gilbert 2004). Studies of human origins of rep-lication at the lamin B2 and �-globin loci (Aladjem et al.1995; Abdurashidova et al. 2000) and the Drosophila am-plification locus on the third chromosome (Delidakisand Kafatos 1989; Heck and Spradling 1990; Lu et al.2001) have identified relatively defined sites of replica-tion initiation. In contrast, studies of the Chinese ham-

ster DHFR (Vaughn et al. 1990) and human rDNA loci(Little et al. 1993; Yoon et al. 1995) are consistent withinitiation occurring over broad regions (5–50 kb), al-though there are sites of preferred initiation within theseregions (Kobayashi et al. 1998).

The binding of the origin recognition complex (ORC)to origin-proximal DNA is a critical early event in theinitiation of eukaryotic DNA replication (Bell 2002).Once bound to DNA, ORC directs the formation of thepre-RC by coordinating the assembly of other replicationfactors onto the origin DNA (Mendez and Stillman2003). In vitro studies of ORC from metazoan organismssuggest that these proteins have only limited DNA se-quence specificity (Vashee et al. 2003; Remus et al.2004). This has led to the suggestion that other DNA-binding proteins or aspects of chromosome structure(e.g., local chromatin modification) are required to directORC to sites of replication initiation.

It has long been recognized that in metazoan cells,euchromatic regions of chromatin replicate before het-erochromatic regions (Stambrook and Flickinger 1970;Goldman et al. 1984; Taljanidisz et al. 1989; Gilbert2002). More recently, studies using limited cDNA-basedmicroarrays have demonstrated that there is a correla-tion between the time of replication and the transcrip-

1Corresponding author.E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (617) 253-4043.Article and publication are at http://www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/gad.1246404.

3094 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 18:3094–3105 © 2004 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/04; www.genesdev.org

tion of nearby DNA within the euchromatin (Schübeleret al. 2002; Woodfine et al. 2004). Consistent with a con-nection between the transcriptional machinery and rep-lication initiation, the normally nonspecific initiationobserved in Xenopus egg extracts can be localized by theassembly of a transcription domain (Danis et al. 2004). Inaddition, transcription from the DHFR promoter in CHOcells acts to regulate and define the boundaries of initia-tion zones (Saha et al. 2004). Finally, in Drosophila, sev-eral transcriptional regulators, including E2F-, Rb-, andMyb-related proteins have been implicated in the regu-lation of the chorion locus amplification during oogen-esis (Bosco et al. 2001; Beall et al. 2002). Despite thesefindings, the step(s) in the replication initiation processthat are influenced by transcription remain poorly un-derstood. Changes in transcriptional status could influ-ence the initial selection of potential origins of replica-tion during G1 (e.g., pre-RC formation) or the activationof pre-RCs during S phase. Similarly, it is unclearwhether the effect of transcription is exerted locally orover large chromosomal domains.

Identification and characterization of metazoan repli-cation origins has been hindered by the complexity ofthese genomes and the lack of robust assays to compre-hensively monitor DNA replication. To address howmetazoan sites of replication initiation are selected andregulated, we have developed a systematic approach tostudy the replication and transcription of a metazoanchromosome arm at high resolution. We found that thedensity of active transcription (as measured by RNA PolII binding along the chromosome) correlates with repli-cation timing, and that this correlation is not at the levelof individual loci, but rather over extended chromosomaldomains. By combining the identification of ORC-bind-ing sites with the mapping of the earliest replicating se-quences, we identified >50 new origins of replication,greatly increasing the number of known metazoan ori-gins. Finally, we show that ORC-associated sequencesoverlap with a subset of RNA Pol II-binding sites, sug-gesting that transcription acts locally to define sites ofpre-RC assembly and globally to regulate the temporalpattern of origin activation.


To address the mechanisms of metazoan origin selectionand regulation, we initiated a comprehensive survey ofreplication dynamics along a Drosophila chromosome.To characterize replication timing, identify origins, andmap protein-binding sites along a Drosophila chromo-some, we have designed a high-density genomic micro-array that covers the left arm of Drosophila chromosome2 (representing 20% of Drosophila euchromatic se-quence) with 11,243 nearly contiguous 1.5-kb PCR prod-ucts. Because almost 90% of the nonrepetitive euchro-matic sequence from chromosome 2L is represented onthis array, we were able to investigate replication timingat both inter- and intragenic sequences (∼40% of the frag-ments on the genomic microarray represent intergenicsequence). In contrast, prior studies using cDNA-based

microarrays lacked data from intergenic regions andhad only limited resolution (∼25 kb/cDNA) (Schübeler etal. 2002; Woodfine et al. 2004). In addition, the high den-sity of the array allowed us to localize chromatin-asso-ciated proteins, including ORC and RNA Pol II, at 1.5-kbresolution.

The temporal pattern of replication is definedby the transcriptional activity of broadchromosomal domains

Replication timing data for chromosome 2L was gener-ated by pulse labeling either early or late-replicating se-quences from synchronized Kc cells with the nucleotideanalog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Kc cells were syn-chronized by treating the cells with the molting hor-mone ecdysone, resulting in a G2 arrest. The cells werereleased from the ecdysone block into medium contain-ing hydroxyurea (HU), which resulted in an accumula-tion of cells at the G1/S transition. Following releasefrom HU, the cells proceeded synchronously through Sphase over the next 7 h (Fig. 1A). Early replicating se-quences were labeled with a 1-h pulse of BrdU at thebeginning of S phase, and late-replicating sequences werelabeled with a 1-h pulse near the end of S phase (Fig. 1B).The resulting late or early replicating BrdU containingDNAs were enriched by immunoprecipitation and dif-ferentially labeled using either Cy5- or Cy3-conjugateddUTP and hybridized to the genomic microarray.

Analysis of the relative replication time of each of thesequences on the array from four independent experi-ments revealed clear early and late-replicating domainsin the raw data (Fig. 1C, gray dots). For replication tim-ing, we expect that adjacent chromosomal regions willhave similar replication times. We tested this premiseusing the autocorrelation function, which calculates thecorrelation between each data point and its chromo-somal neighbors. We observed a strong and significantcorrelation for up to 100 neighboring data points (Sup-plementary Fig. S1). In contrast, no correlation wasobserved for the same data ordered by position on themicroarray.

A replication timing profile was created by applying asmoothing algorithm to the data (Fig. 1C, solid line). Thepeaks and troughs of the curve represent the earliest andlatest replicating chromosomal domains, respectively.We found that the size of these timing domains rangedfrom 18 to 790 kb with a mean of 257 kb. The replicationtiming profile generated for chromosome 2L was in closeagreement with a previous study of replication timing inDrosophila Kc cells using cDNA-based microarrays anda different method of cell synchronization (Schübeler etal. 2002; Supplementary Fig. S2). The earliest replicatingdomains along the chromosome most likely contain ef-ficient early activating replication origins, whereas thelatest replicating domains contain sequences that arereplicated in late S phase. However, it is impossible todistinguish whether those sequences that appear to bereplicating in mid-S phase are the result of origin activa-

Mapping Drosophila origins of DNA replication


tion during mid-S phase, or the result of inefficient originactivation throughout S phase.

The high resolution of the genomic microarray al-lowed us to investigate how these early and late-repli-cating domains were connected to the molecular archi-tecture of the chromosome. Specifically, we examinedhow replication timing correlates with gene density,gene expression, and active transcription. Although priorhuman (Woodfine et al. 2004) and Drosophila (Schübeleret al. 2002) replication timing studies using incompletearrays of cDNAs have demonstrated a correlation be-tween time of replication and the probability that a spe-cific gene is expressed, it remained to be determinedwhat step(s) in the replication initiation process are in-fluenced by transcription. Similarly, because the priorstudies lacked contiguous intergenic sequences, it wasunclear whether the effect of transcription is exerted lo-cally (at the level of individual genes) or over large chro-mosomal domains.

To quantify transcription along the chromosome, wehybridized labeled poly(A)-containing mRNA from asyn-chronous cells to the genomic microarray, using totalgenomic DNA as a control. The resulting pattern of ex-pression along the chromosome was in close agreementwith the predictions of inter- and intragenic sequencesfrom the Drosophila annotation project. In Figure 2A, wecolored each of the individual array DNA fragmentsgreen if the fragment had any overlap with an annotatedgene. Sequences that did not overlap with annotatedgenes were colored red. We see enrichment of poly(A)-containing mRNA almost exclusively at fragments thatoverlap with annotated genes (green). It is important tonote that we do not see mRNA enrichment at all of thesequences that overlap with annotated sequences. Thesenonenriched sites are almost certainly due to the factthat not all annotated genes are being actively tran-scribed, or that some transcripts contain large intronsthat overlap with the array fragment.

Logistic regression was used to model the probabilityof a site being annotated as a gene as a function of mRNAexpression (Fig. 2B). Logistic regression is a statisticaltechnique used to model the probability of a binary out-come (whether or not an array fragment overlaps with anannotated gene) as a function of a continuous predictorvariable (e.g., the level of mRNA expression). We foundthat the modeled probability of a site being annotated asa gene increased markedly with detectable mRNA ex-pression levels. The blue and red lines represent themodeled probability and 95% confidence levels, respec-tively. For comparison, each sequence on the array wasordered by mRNA expression levels and sorted into binsof 200 (gray bars). The height of the bars is the fraction ofannotated genes present in each of the bins. The width ofeach bar is defined by the range of mRNA expression forthose 200 sequences.

Because steady-state mRNA levels may not accuratelyreflect the rate of active transcription, we also used ge-nome-wide location analysis (Ren et al. 2000) to identify∼1000 RNA Pol II-binding sites along the chromosomearm that were significantly enriched over the total popu-lation (p < 0.01). Briefly, chromatin immunoprecipita-tion (ChIP) with antibodies directed against the CTDdomain of RNA Pol II was used to enrich for RNA PolII-associated sequences. These enriched sequences, aswell as nonenriched control DNA, were differentiallylabeled with fluorescent nucleotides and hybridized tothe microarray. Thus, the ratio of immunoprecipitatedDNA to control DNA is indicative of relative enrich-ment along the chromosome. It is important to note thatthe log2 enrichment ratios detected for fragments on thearray are dampened by the normalization process, arrayfragment size, and complexity of the genome, and do notdirectly translate into the actual fold enrichment for anygiven target (see below). Thus, the significance of theenrichment over the total population, in this case(p < 0.01) or >2.3 standard deviations, is used as a selec-tion criteria.

RNA Pol II localizes to sites of active transcription.We found that RNA Pol II is primarily associated (80%)

Figure 1. Replication timing profile for chromosome 2L. (A)FACS profile of Drosophila Kc cell synchronization. Asynchro-nous log-phase Kc cells were treated with the molting hormoneEcdysone to arrest the cells at G2. Following 18–20 h, the cellswere washed and resuspended in fresh medium containing HU.The cells accumulated at the G1/S transition within 12 h. Fol-lowing release from HU, the cells proceeded through S phase. (B)Early and late-replicating sequences were specifically labeledusing BrdU. Early or late-replicating sequences were labeledwith a 1-h pulse at the beginning or end of S phase, respectively.The BrdU containing DNAs were enriched by immunoprecipi-tation and differentially labeled with Cy5- or Cy3-conjugateddUTP. (C) Replication timing was determined for each of the11,243 unique euchromatic sites on chromosome 2L (gray dots)as the ratio of early to late BrdU incorporating sequences. Thereplication timing profile (black line) was generated by applyinga smoothing algorithm to the raw timing data. The numberedcytological intervals of the chromosome are indicated at thebottom.

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with intragenic sequences, consistent with it markingsites of transcription (Fig. 2C). Logistic regression wasused to model the probability that a site on the array isannotated as a gene as a function of RNA Pol II enrich-ment (Fig. 2D). As with the mRNA analysis, we find thatsites that are strongly enriched for RNA Pol II have ahigh probability of coinciding with an annotated gene.Finally, we show that RNA Pol II is specifically associ-ated with expressed sequences as detected by mRNA hy-bridization (Fig. 2E). These findings strongly support theaccuracy of our RNA Pol II localization studies.

Using this chromosome-wide profile of the transcrip-tome, we assessed the correlation between replicationtiming and active transcription. The moving average(n = 100) of RNA Pol II enrichment along the chromo-some was plotted as a heat map, with red representing ahigh density of RNA Pol II, and white representing re-gions of low RNA Pol II density (Fig. 3A). Comparison ofRNA Pol II enrichment along the chromosome to thetime of replication for the same sites revealed that earlyand late-replicating sequences are sharply defined by thetranscriptional profile of the chromosome. For example,at 16 Mb, we observe an actively transcribed early rep-licating domain flanked by later-replicating transcrip-tionally inactive domains. Although almost every late-

replicating domain is marked by low transcriptional ac-tivity, we do see some early replicating domains withlow transcriptional activity (see the early replicating do-main at 14 Mb). However, even in this case, the adjacentlater replicating sequences have relatively lower RNAPol II density. This suggests that the transition fromearly to late-replicating sequences is defined by changesin the local density of transcription rather than absolutelevels.

The earliest replicating sequences on the chromosomehave a higher density of RNA Pol II than the latest rep-licating sequences (Fig. 3B). A clear correlation betweenreplication timing and RNA Pol II density (R2 = 0.361)was observed. Indeed, the earliest replicating decile ofsequences are 10 times more likely to have sites of activetranscription (RNA Pol II binding) than the latest repli-cating decile of sequences. Correlations were also ob-served for mRNA expression density (R2 = 0.299) andgene density (R2 = 0.228). In contrast, experiments withmock immunoprecipitated material showed no signifi-cant correlation (R2 = 0.034).

The high density and nearly contiguous nature of thismicroarray data allowed us to investigate the size of thetranscriptional domains that influenced replication tim-ing. We calculated the correlation coefficient for replica-

Figure 2. Analysis of the transcriptomein Kc cells. (A) mRNA expression alongthe array matches the chromosome anno-tation (Celniker and Rubin 2003). A scat-ter plot of the mean log ratio of mRNAexpression versus the average log inten-sity of each site on the array. The red andgreen spots indicate intergenic and intra-genic sites on the array, respectively. Asite was scored intragenic if it had anyoverlap with an annotated gene. Thedashed blue line represents the confidencelevel (p < 0.01) of the enrichment. Note,that the majority (>85%) of enriched sitesoverlap with the annotated genes. (B)Probability of an annotated transcript in-creases with mRNA expression levels. Lo-gistic regression was used to model theprobability of a site being annotated asa gene as a function of mRNA expression.The blue and red lines represent themodeled probability and confidence lev-els, respectively. The Likelihood Ratio(L.R. = 1511) is a “goodness of fit” test sta-tistic comparing the fit of the modeleddata to the fit of the null model. The L.R.has a �2 distribution with one degree offreedom. The fitted model is significantly(p < 10−16) different from the null hypoth-esis. For comparison, the raw data was or-dered by mRNA expression and sortedinto bins of 200 (gray bars). The height ofthe gray bars is the fraction of annotated

genes in each of the bins. The width of the bar represents the range of mRNA expression for each bin. (C) RNA Pol II enrichmentmatches the chromosome annotation. See above for details. (D) Same as B, except using RNA Pol II (L.R. = 798, p < 10−16). (E) Logisticregression modeling the probability a site is expressed (determined from mRNA enrichment) as a function of RNA Pol II enrichment(L.R. = 1288, p < 10−16).

Mapping Drosophila origins of DNA replication


tion timing and the density of RNA Pol II-binding sitesusing increasing window sizes of sequence. If individualgenes were strongly influencing the local time of repli-cation, then we would expect a strong correlation evenwith relatively small windows (<15 kb). Instead, the cor-relation between replication timing and RNA Pol II den-sity shows a dramatic increase with window size, peak-ing at ∼180 kb (Fig. 3C). Similar results were observed forgene expression and gene density. From these data, weconclude that early replicating domains are defined bythe integration of transcriptional status over large do-mains that include many genes, rather than at the levelof individual genes.

Identification of 62 early HU-resistantreplication origins

The almost complete coverage of the chromosome armby the microarray provided an opportunity to determinewhether specific sites functioned as origins of replica-tion. To precisely localize replication origins, we ex-ploited the effects of the replication inhibitor hydroxy-urea (HU). If HU is present as cells enter S phase, thenreplication forks derived from early origins arrest afterreplicating only origin-proximal sequences. Studies inSaccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomycespombe indicate that the resulting fork arrest also pre-vents late-origin firing through activation of the intra-S-phase checkpoint (Santocanale and Diffley 1998; Shira-hige et al. 1998; Kim and Huberman 2001). Thus, if cells

enter S phase in the presence of HU, only sequencesadjacent to early origins are expected to incorporatenucleotides. Although related checkpoint pathways ex-ist in Drosophila (Garner et al. 2001), their effect on late-origin firing has not been determined. Studies in S. cer-evisiae have used HU treatment to successfully mapearly origins of replication (Yabuki et al. 2002; Katou etal. 2003), and we have taken a similar approach to mapthese sites in Drosophila Kc cells.

To identify early origins of replication, we releasedG2-synchronized cells into medium containing HU andBrdU. Only sequences immediately adjacent to early ori-gins are expected to incorporate BrdU. The BrdU enrich-ment for each site on the array was plotted as a histo-gram against chromosomal position and overlaid withthe replication timing data (Fig. 4). The dashed black linerepresents the upper and lower boundaries for sites beingstatistically enriched (p < 0.001). Each of the early rep-licating domains from the timing data contained at leastone peak of BrdU incorporation in the presence ofHU. Importantly, almost no BrdU incorporation wasdetected in the late-replicating domains, consistentwith the identified regions acting as early origins of rep-lication and supporting the existence of a Drosophilaintra-S-phase checkpoint that inhibits late-origin firing.A noticeable exception to this is at the extreme right endof the euchromatic chromosome, where we see BrdU in-corporation in a late-replicating domain. This region ofthe chromosome is very gene poor and dense in repeti-tive sequences and likely represents the transition of

Figure 3. Replication timing correlateswith the transcription profile of the chro-mosome. (A) RNA Pol II density delineatesearly and late-replicating domains. Spatialplot of the moving average (n = 100) ofRNA Pol II enrichment along the chromo-some, represented as a heat map (red, mostdense; white, least dense). The gray regionson either end of the chromosome representregions with insufficient data for the mov-ing average. The smoothed timing data wasplotted as black curve. (B) Actively tran-scribed regions replicate early. The movingaverage (n = 100) of RNA Pol II enrichmentusing windows of 180 Kb plotted as a func-tion of replication timing. An R2-value of0.361 was calculated for the correlation(without using a moving average). (C) Tran-scription over large domains influencesreplication timing. An R2-value was calcu-lated for the correlation between replica-tion timing and the density of either RNAPol II (red), gene expression (green), anno-tated genes (blue), or a mock immunopre-cipitation (black) using windows of increas-ing sequence.

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euchromatin into heterochromatin. Although repetitivesequences and regions of very low complexity wereomitted from the microarray, we cannot determinewhether this is bona fide early replication, or an artifactdue to neighboring repetitive sequences.

On the basis of these sites of HU-resistant BrdU incor-poration, we identified 62 early replicating origins(Supplementary Table 1). In each case, we defined anearly origin as a region having more than six contiguoussites of BrdU incorporation that were significantly en-riched (p < 0.001) over the population. We have usedquantitative real-time PCR to directly address the en-richment of BrdU incorporation at a small subset of se-quences on the array (Supplementary Fig. S3) and seestrong enrichment (five- to 20-fold) at sites identified asorigins, and little or no enrichment at the multiple non-origin sequences tested. It is important to note that, dueto the chromosomal scale of Figure 4, not all 62 of theearly origins are clearly resolved (see SupplementaryTable 1). Although the mean size of the region of BrdUincorporation for these origins is 32 kb, in each casethere is a clear peak of incorporation that is most likelythe site of initiation. Taken together with the pattern ofreplication timing, these results indicate that replica-tion initiation occurs at distinct sites in the Drosophilagenome.

To determine whether the sites that we identified in-cluded the only two previously identified Drosophila ori-gins of replication, the microarray included sequencessurrounding the DNA Pol � locus origin (oriD�) on chro-mosome 3R and the chorion locus origin (ori�) on chro-mosome 3L. Previous studies indicate that the oriD� ori-gin is early replicating and initiates in the presence ofHU (Ina et al. 2001). Ori� was identified due to its in-volvement in the specific amplification of the chorionlocus in follicle cells during oogenesis; however, its usein other tissues is unknown (Spradling and Orr-Weaver1987; Heck and Spradling 1990; Calvi and Spradling1999). We detected a zone of HU-resistant BrdU incor-

poration immediately upstream of the DNA Pol � locusat oriD� (Fig. 5A). The apex of BrdU incorporation coin-cided with a region previously identified as containingreplication intermediates by two-dimensional gel elec-trophoresis and nascent strand analysis (Shinomiya andIna 1994). In contrast, no BrdU incorporation was de-tected at ori� (Fig. 5B), suggesting that this origin is notused or fires late in Kc cells. We did, however, detectmultiple peaks of early BrdU incorporation 50 kb up-stream of the chorion locus.

Identification of 491 ORC-associated sequencesby genome-wide location analysis

Studies in a number of eukaryotic organisms indicatethat ORC is localized to origins of replication and directsthe formation of the pre-RC, a critical intermediate inthe initiation process (Bell and Dutta 2002). A previousstudy in S. cerevisiae indicated that ORC localizationcould be used to identify potential origins of replication(Wyrick et al. 2001). Thus, we sought to identify ORC-binding sites along the Drosophila chromosome to fur-ther refine our mapping of early replication origins aswell as to identify potential late-activating or inefficientreplication origins.

Using genome-wide location analysis of ORC, weidentified 491 ORC-binding sites (p < 0.01) along thechromosome arm (Fig. 5C). Interestingly, 20% of theORC-binding sites were clustered (immediately adjacentto another ORC-binding site), in some cases spreadingover >5 kb. The median distance between nonclusteredORC-binding sites was 25 kb, which likely represents aminimum replicon size and is consistent with earlierestimates of replicon size (Blumenthal et al. 1974). Asimilar clustering of ORC-binding sites was observed atectopic sites of amplification under control of the ACE3element required for chorion amplification (Austin et al.1999). This distribution of ORC along the chromosomeis distinctly different from that of S. cerevisiae, where

Figure 4. Identification and mapping of HU-resistant early replication origins. Early origins were identified by releasing cells syn-chronized at G2 into medium containing HU and BrdU. Only those sequences immediately adjacent to replication origins are expectedto incorporate BrdU. The blue histogram represents BrdU enrichment along the chromosome. The replication timing profile is overlaidin red. Early BrdU-enriched peaks above the dashed black line (p < 0.001) are significantly enriched.

Mapping Drosophila origins of DNA replication


clustering of ORC is only observed at the telomeres(Wyrick et al. 2001).

Consistent with ORC’s role as an essential replicationinitiator, ORC-binding sites were associated with earlyreplicating origins. We observed that the probability ofORC associating with a sequence on the array increaseswith BrdU enrichment at early origins during HU arrest(Fig. 5D). In contrast, at sites that are not enriched forBrdU, the probability of finding ORC is similar to itsglobal distribution (4%). Note that we do not expect tofind ORC at all BrdU-enriched sites, as the zone of BrdUincorporation at early HU-resistant origins of replicationis likely larger than the potential sites of initiationmarked by ORC. In contrast, if we randomly select 491sites along the chromosome, we see no statistical asso-ciation with early replication origins (Fig. 5E). ORC-binding sites were found within 73% (45) of the regionsof HU-resistant BrdU incorporation (SupplementaryTable 1). When ORC was localized within these regions,it was most frequently (78% of the time) at or near (<5.25

kb) the apex of BrdU incorporation. These results arecomparable to prior results in S. cerevisiae, where pro-ARSes (sequences associated with the MCM complexand/or ORC) (Wyrick et al. 2001) coincide with 90 of 122(76%) early HU-resistant origins (Yabuki et al. 2002).

AT-content, intergenic sequence, and RNA Pol IIare molecular determinants of ORC binding

The identification of ORC-binding sites along the chro-mosome provided an opportunity to identify the in vivodeterminants for ORC binding. ORC was observed atonly 28 sites that were predicted to contain >70% exonicsequences in contrast to the 81 sites expected by chance(p < 10−9). The AT-content of the ORC-bound fragmentswas also significantly skewed. The mean AT-content ofthe sequences associated with ORC was 62% comparedwith 57% for all the sequences on the array (p < 10−16,Fig. 6A). We saw no increase in AT-content when wesampled the sequences identified in other genome-wide

Figure 5. Identification of ORC-bindingsites. (A) Replication of the DNA Pol � lo-cus on chromosome 3R. The gray histo-gram represents sites of BrdU incorporationduring HU arrest (early activating origins),the red circles represent ORC-binding sites,and the blue oval represents a zone of rep-lication initiation previously mapped bytwo-dimensional gel electrophoresis (Shi-nomiya and Ina 1994). The gene structurefor both the Watson and Crick strands for130 kb surrounding the DNA Pol � locus isdepicted below the histogram. Exons areindicated as black boxes connected by ahorizontal black line. (B) Replication of thechorion locus on chromosome 3L. (C) A to-tal of 491 ORC-binding sites were identi-fied on chromosome 2L by genome-wide lo-cation analysis. A subset of ORC-bindingsites are shown in red overlaid on a portion(6 Mb) of the early activating origins (grayhistogram). The ORC-binding sites repre-sent <5% of the analyzed data points. (D)The probability of finding ORC associatedwith the DNA increases with BrdU enrich-ment at early origins. Logistic regressionwas used to model the probability of a se-quence being associated with ORC as afunction of BrdU enrichment during HU-arrest (L.R. = 265, p < 10−16). (E) Same as D,but using 491 sites from a mock immuno-precipitation (L.R. = 0.08, p < 0.777).

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location experiments (including RNA Pol II, Fig. 6A).These data suggest that ORC binds preferentially to AT-rich, intergenic, and intronic sequences.

Given the relationship between transcription and rep-lication timing (Fig. 3), we also investigated whetherthere was any overlap between ORC and RNA Pol II-binding sites. Interestingly, 178 of the 491 ORC-bindingsites (36%) overlap with RNA Pol II-binding sites (Fig.6B), a proportion significantly (p < 10−16) greater than the43 sites expected by chance. As described above, the vastmajority of RNA Pol II sites are coincident with poten-tially transcribed sequences. In contrast, the ORC-bind-ing sites, including the 178 sites that colocalize withRNA Pol II, show no preference for transcribed regions.One possible explanation for these findings is that ORCand RNA Pol II are colocalized at transcriptional pro-moter regions. Indeed, we find that 92 of the 178 sitesthat interact with both ORC and RNA Pol II overlapwith transcription start sites of annotated genes, signifi-cantly greater (p < 10−13) than the 48 expected by chance.


We have used a Drosophila genomic microarray to iden-tify 45 ORC-associated early origins of replication. Wehave also examined how the transciptome influencesreplication timing. We found that early replicating se-quences are defined by large actively transcribed chro-mosomal domains and that the transcriptional status ofindividual genes has little effect on replication timing.Finally, we show that ORC is localized to specific sitesand many of these sites overlap with RNA Pol II-associ-ated sequences, suggesting that origin selection is influ-enced by transcription.

Our replication timing data revealed clear early andlate-replicating domains. These domains were oftensharply defined by the density of transcription along thechromosome. The density of RNA Pol II along the chro-mosome was an order of magnitude greater at the earliestreplicating sequences as compared with late-replicatingregions. These differences suggest that the molecular ar-chitecture of the chromosome may define both the tran-scription and replication profiles of the chromosome.These transcriptionally active and early replicating do-mains may be physically marked by a change in chroma-tin structure that allows for increased access to both rep-lication and transcription factors. It is possible that thesedomains are defined or restricted by elements of higherorder chromosome structure, such as matrix attachmentregions, transcriptional insulators, or chromatin loops.However, the state of the chromatin, whether euchro-matic or heterochromatic, cannot be the sole determi-nant for origin activation, as there are examples of effi-cient heterochromatic origins in S. pombe (Kim et al.2003). Interestingly, the gene-sparse, late-replicating re-gions we identified in Kc cells overlap with late and un-der-replicated regions found in polytene salivary chro-mosomes (Zhimulev et al. 2003, Supplementary Fig. S4).Taken together, these data suggest that the temporal pro-gram of replication is defined by chromatin structure andconserved in different Drosophila cell types.

We have used HU to arrest cells early in S phase and torestrict BrdU incorporation to sites overlapping and im-mediately adjacent to early origins of replication. Usingthis approach, we have identified 62 sites along the chro-mosome arm that are used as early replication origins. Arecent study observed a change in the local pattern oforigin usage at the adenylate deaminase2 locus in re-sponse to HU treatment (Anglana et al. 2003). Althoughour use of HU could have affected the set of origins weidentified, we think that this is unlikely. First, the pat-tern of early and late-replicating regions we observed us-ing an HU-based protocol is similar to the pattern seenby others using approaches that did not involve replica-tion inhibitors (Schübeler et al. 2002, Supplementary Fig.S2). Secondly, our studies used arresting concentrationsof HU, unlike the hamster cell studies, in which lowerconcentrations of HU that slowed but did not com-pletely arrest replication were used. Given that we findonly a limited number of sites of BrdU incorporationunder these arresting conditions, it is likely that only theearliest replicating origins are able to initiate before theintra-S-phase checkpoint prevents other origins from ini-tiating. Finally, even if these origins represent only asubset of the origins along the chromosome, they are avaluable new resource, given the paucity of metazoanorigins available prior to these studies.

Our findings provide clear evidence that ORC is local-ized to specific chromosomal regions. Consistent withthe role of ORC as an essential initiator, we find thiscomplex is localized to the majority of early replicatingorigins, most often at or near the apex of BrdU incorpo-ration. Although we do not detect ORC at 27% of theearly origins, we do not believe that these represent sites

Figure 6. Molecular predictors of ORC localization. (A) ORCpreferentially binds AT-rich regions of the genome. The densitydistribution of AT-content is shown for ORC-binding sites. Themean AT-ratio of ORC-associated array sequences was 62%compared with 57% for the all of the fragments on the array(t = 24.23, p < 10−16). The frequency distribution of AT-contentfor a mock ChIP (green), and RNA Pol II (blue) were statisticallyindistinguishable from that of the entire array (black). (B) ORC-binding sites colocalize with a subset of RNA Pol II sites. AVenn diagram depicting the overlap of RNA Pol II and ORC-binding sites along the chromosome. The degree of overlap washighly significant (�2 = 357 and p < 10−16).

Mapping Drosophila origins of DNA replication


of ORC independent initiation, but rather a limitation ofthe ChIP technology. We have by no means exhaustivelyidentified all of the ORC-binding sites along the chro-mosome, as many ORC sites are likely to be occludedfrom antibody access by additional chromatin-bindingcomplexes. In addition, many ORC-binding sites arelikely present in the repetitive and low-complexity se-quences (Pak et al. 1997) that are necessarily omittedfrom the array.

In contrast to S. cerevisiae, where ORC binds dis-cretely to single sites along the chromosome, we see sig-nificant clustering of ORC along the chromosome. Al-most 20% of the identified ORC-associated sequenceswere immediately adjacent to other ORC-associated se-quences. This clustering of ORC along the chromosomewas also observed at extra chromosomal copies of theACE3 locus in amplifying follicle cells (Austin et al.1999). Because the ORC-associated sequences often span>3 kb, we can rule out trivial factors such as shear size ofthe chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA. These clus-ters of ORC-associated sequence may represent uniquechromatin environments favorable to ORC binding, orpolymerization of ORC on the DNA following a nucle-ation event at a specific site.

The type of ORC association may influence the natureof replication initiation at a particular locus. We foundthat 36% of the early origins contain clusters of three ormore ORC-binding sites. For example, at oriD�, ORCwas continuously associated with a 10-kb region thatoverlapped a broad region of BrdU incorporation (Fig.5A). Interestingly, the analysis of replication intermedi-ates by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in this re-gion revealed multiple initiation sites over the entireregion (Ina et al. 2001). In contrast, at the origin identi-fied upstream of the chorion locus (see above), threeseparate peaks of BrdU incorporation were each markedby distinct ORC-binding sites (Fig. 5B). This form ofORC association with origins may be analogous to thehuman lamin B2 locus, where replication initiates at adiscrete site (Abdurashidova et al. 2000). Thus, the originat oriD� and the origin upstream of the chorion locusmay represent two distinct types of origins, those de-fined by broad domains of ORC binding and those asso-ciated with more discrete ORC-binding sites.

Despite finding ORC at specific regions along thechromosome, the exact mechanism that leads to ORClocalization remains to be determined. There are mul-tiple molecular characteristics of the sites of ORC local-ization, including increased AT-content, noncodingDNA, and RNA Pol II association. These molecular pre-dictors of ORC association could be directly involved inORC DNA binding, could bind to one or more factorsthat facilitate ORC localization, or could be required foranother origin-related function (e.g., DNA unwinding). Itis important to note, however, that none of these at-tributes are individually sufficient to identify ORC-bind-ing sites. For example, high AT-content by itself wasinsufficient to define an ORC-binding site, as many se-quences on the array have AT-content >62%, but are notrepresented in the ORC-associated sequences. However,

ORC was seemingly excluded from sequences with lowAT-content (Fig. 6A), suggesting that increased AT-con-tent is necessary, but not sufficient for ORC association.Indeed, we have been unable to identify a consensus se-quence within the 491 ORC-bound DNA sequences. Thelack of a consensus sequence is consistent with the ob-servation that metazoan ORC has only limited sequencespecificity in vitro (Vashee et al. 2003; Remus et al.2004). We propose that the attributes we have identifiedcooperate to define sites of ORC localization. It is certainthat there are additional determinants that we did notidentify in our studies. For example, the topology ofDNA can strongly influence Drosophila ORC binding(Remus et al. 2004). Nevertheless, the availability of nu-merous known Drosophila ORC-binding sites associatedwith origins of replication will greatly facilitate futurestudies of ORC localization and origin function.

Because only a small subset of origins are likely toinitiate in the presence of HU, it is not surprising thatonly a subset of ORC-binding sites are associated withthe early replicating regions. We anticipate that many ofthe remaining ORC-binding sites are associated with ori-gins that fire later in S phase. The methods used in thisstudy did not allow the confident identification of late orinefficient origins. However, studies in S. cerevisiaehave shown that abrogation of the intra-S-phase check-point results in the activation of late-replication originsin the presence of HU (Santocanale and Diffley 1998;Shirahige et al. 1998), suggesting that a similar approachcould be useful for identifying late-activating metazoanorigins. In addition, it is possible that a subset of theORC-binding sites that we identified are involved inother functions, such as gene regulation (Bell et al. 1993;Foss et al. 1993) or the establishment of heterochromatin(Pak et al. 1997).

We propose that the frequent colocalization of ORCand RNA Pol II reflects a connection between transcrip-tion and ORC localization. Although it is possible thatthere is a direct interaction between ORC and RNA PolII, we have not observed such an interaction in coimmu-noprecipitation assays (data not shown). In addition, themajority of the sites of RNA Pol II association do notinteract with ORC. An alternative hypothesis is thatORC localization is, at least in part, facilitated by a sub-set of the transcription factors that serve to localize RNAPol II. Indeed, previous studies have shown that bothDrosophila E2F1 and Myb interact with ORC; however,ORC is still localized to the chorion locus during ampli-fication in Myb mutants and mutants of E2F1 that do notinteract with ORC (Bosco et al. 2001; Beall et al. 2002).One possible explanation for these findings is that Myband E2F1 act redundantly to recruit ORC throughout thegenome. We propose that ORC, like RNA Pol II, can berecruited by many different transcription factors, whichwould lead to the frequent colocalization with RNA PolII, but not any particular transcription factor. These fac-tors could recruit ORC by direct interaction or by estab-lishing a chromatin domain that is conducive to ORCrecruitment (Bell 2002).

Our findings support a connection between the mo-

MacAlpine et al.


lecular architecture of the chromosome and the replica-tion process at two levels. First, the frequent colocaliza-tion of ORC and RNA Pol II leads to the hypothesis thatnearby transcription factor-binding sites influence theearliest steps of origin selection by facilitating ORC lo-calization and subsequently pre-RC formation. Second,the decision of when each origin initiates replicationduring S phase (which is mechanistically separate fromORC localization and the assembly of pre-RCs in G1phase) is connected to transcriptional status in a moreglobal manner. The more transcriptionally active thechromosomal region, the greater the likelihood that rep-lication initiation will occur early in S phase within thatdomain. Our findings indicate that transcriptional statusis integrated over broad regions (>100 kb) of the chromo-some (rather than individual genes) to determine thetime of replication of each chromosomal locus. Furtherexploration of the connection between higher order chro-mosome structure and DNA replication will provideinsights into the coordination of the molecular eventsthat must occur to propagate and maintain genomicinformation.

Materials and methods

Array design

The genomic array used in this study, dros_chrom_array-_MIT_120803, was designed in our laboratory. The array con-tains 13,440 features spotted on glass Gaps II slides (Corning) in32 meta grids. There are 11,243 1.5-kb amplified PCR productsthat tile the nonrepetitive sequences of chromosome 2L. Inaddition, there are 287 1.5-kb features from chromosome 4, 90features from chromosome 3L, 177 features from chromosome3R, and finally, 48 features corresponding to telomeric se-quences. The features were all amplified from BACs andvisually verified. The oligos for amplification were designedfrom the final release candidate for release 3.0 of the Droso-phila genome using custom Perl scripts and Primer3. The prim-ers were synthesized by Operon. A file with all of the coordi-nates of the array features is available at http://chromosome2L.mit.edu.

Cell synchronization and BrdU labeling

Kc cells were cultured in 15-cm plates at a density of 1 × 106

cells/mL in Schneider’s Media (Invitrogen 11720034) supple-mented with 10% FCS and penicillin/streptomycin. The cellswere arrested in G2 by the addition of the hormone Ecdysone(Sigma H5142) at a final concentration of 1.7 µM. To arrest thecells at the G1/S transition, the cells were released from Ecdy-sone into 1 mM HU. For replication timing, cells were pulsedwith 50 µg/mL BrdU (Roche 280 879) for 1 h at either 0 or 6 hfollowing release from HU. For identification of early origins,cells were released from G2 into medium containing both BrdUand HU at the same concentrations as above. Cell cycle pro-gression was monitored by FACS.

Enrichment of BrdU-labeled DNA

DNA was isolated as previously described (MacAlpine et al.1997). The isolated DNA was sheared to an average size of 1 kbby sonication (Branson Sonifier 250). Approximately 10 µg of

the labeled DNA was heat denatured and diluted in 500 µL ofChIP lysis buffer (Austin et al. 1999). BrdU-enriched sequenceswere immunoprecipitated using magnetic IgG Dynabeads (Dy-nal M-280 Sheep anti-mouse IgG 112.01) precoupled to anti-BrdU antibody (BD Pharmingen 555627). The samples werewashed and eluted as described previously for ChIP samples(Austin et al. 1999). For the identification of HU-resistant earlyreplication origins, DNA recovered after immunoprecipitationfrom cells that were not treated with BrdU served as a control.

Chromatin isolation

For each experiment, ∼5 × 108 Kc cells were collected fromasynchronous cultures. The cells were washed twice in 1× PBSand resuspended in hypotonic buffer (20 mM K-HEPES at pH7.8, 5 mM KOAc, 0.5 mM MgCl2) for 20 min to induce swelling.The cells were broken by dounce homogenization and the nu-clei were collected by low-speed centrifugation. To decreasenonspecific signal, the nuclei were salt extracted for 15 minusing hypotonic buffer + 0.5% NP40 and 100 mM NaCl. Fol-lowing salt extraction, the nuclei were washed and resuspendedin hyptonic buffer. The nuclei were cross-linked with 1% form-aldehyde for 5 min and quenched with 125 mM glycine. Thecross-linked nuclei were pelleted, washed in 1× PBS and resus-pended in 500 µL ChIP lysis buffer. The chromatin was shearedby sonication to an average size of 1 kb.


The chromatin was immunoprecipitated with either anti-DmORC2 (Austin et al. 1999), pre-immune sera, or anti-RNAPol II (Upstate 05-623) antibody as described in Austin et al.(1999).

mRNA expression analysis

Total RNA was isolated from asynchronous Kc cells usingTrizol (Invitrogen) and subsequently purified using an RNeasykit (QIAGEN). Total RNA (10 µg) was directly labeled witheither Cy5- or Cy3-conjugated dUTP (Amersham PA55022,PA55302) using oligo d(T)18 primers and Stratascript reversetranscriptase (Stratagene, 600085). For the mRNA expressionstudies, labeled total DNA (see below) from asynchronous cellcultures was used as the opposite channel control.

Labeling of DNA with fluorescent nucleotides

The immunoprecipiated DNA was labeled with either fluores-cent Cy5- or Cy3-conjugated dUTP (Amersham PA55022,PA55302) using Sequenase (US Biochemicals 70775Z) and a ran-dom nonamer oligo (IDT). The immunoprecipitated DNA (100–300 ng) was dried in a speed-vac and resuspended in 10 µL ofSequenase primer mix (1× Sequenase buffer, 5 µg of randomnonamer, 5 mM dUTP-Cy*). The samples were heat denaturedand cooled to 4°C in a thermocycler before adding 5 µL of Se-quenase reaction mix (1× Sequenase buffer, 1.5 mM dATP, 1.5mM dCTP, 1.5 mM dGCTP, 0.75 mM dTTP, 500 ng BSA, 3.5mM DTT and 13 U Sequenase). The reaction temperature wasslowly ramped to 37°C and incubated for 30 min. Followingincubation, the sample was heat denatured, cooled to 4°C, andfresh Sequenase (4 U) was added for the second and final roundof labeling. Following the labeling, unincorporated nucleotides,oligo, and dye were removed using Microcon filters (MilliporeYM-30).

Mapping Drosophila origins of DNA replication


Array hybridization and washing

The slides were hybridized and washed as previously described(Wyrick et al. 2001).

Real-time quantitative PCR

Quantitative real-time PCR was performed using an ABI Prism7000 Detection System (Applied Biosystems). PCR reactionswere performed using TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix(Applied Biosystems) with 1–5 ng of template per reactionand 500 nM primers. All primer pairs were designed byPrimer3 and generated amplicons <100 bp. A detailed list ofprimer pairs and coordinates is available at: http://chromosome2L.mit.edu.

Data analysis

The slides were scanned using an Arrayworx Auto E scanner(Applied Precision) and initial Tiff images of each channel wereacquired using the Arrayworx software. Image quantitation wasperformed with Spot v2.0 (CSIRO Mathematical and Informa-tion Sciences, Image Analysis Group). The nonlinear filter, mor-phological opening, in the Spot software package was used toassess slide backgroud. The slides were normalized using loess-based normalization in the M/A domain (Yang et al. 2001). Spe-cifically, we used the sma package for R (v1.8.0), a computerlanguage and environment for statistical computing. We alsoperformed scale normalization across slides (experiments), soeach experiment had the same median absolute deviation. Theaverage log ratio of enrichment for each spot on the array wascalculated for at least three independent experiments. Subse-quent statistical measurements were performed using these av-erage values in R. The replication timing data was smoothedusing the loess function of R with a span value of 0.016. Theearly BrdU incorporation data was smoothed using the movingaverage of 10 adjacent sites. All p-values were calculated fromthe normal distribution. For mRNA expression, the mean andvariance of spots on the array that did not overlap with anno-tated genes (5068 sites) were used to model the normal distri-bution. For BrdU enrichment at early HU-resistant origins ofreplication, we used the mean and variance of those sites thatcorresponded with late-replicating sequences (5480 sites) asidentified in the replication timing profile to model the normaldistribution. For RNA Pol II and ORC, we modeled the normaldistribution on the mean and variance of the negatively en-riched spots and their absolute values (>6000 sites). Logisticregression analysis was performed using the Design and effectspackages for R.

R and related software packages are all available at http://www.r-project.org.


We thank Terry Orr-Weaver, Julia Zeitlinger, Milan de Vries,Hannah Blitzblau, John Randell, and Cary Lai for critical read-ing. This work was supported by the Howard Hughes MedicalInstitute. D.M.M. is a fellow of the Damon Runyon-WalterWinchell Cancer Fund.


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Mapping Drosophila origins of DNA replication


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