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I want my publication to have the aesthetic of a national information booklet such as these ones available to Brits during the 50s and 80s. These are UK civil defense booklets which were issued to families so they knew how to be protected from a nuclear bomb. I want my rules book to be presented in a similar fashion giving people the do's and don't of living on airstrip one.

Protect and Survive is a public information series on civil defence produced by the British government during the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is intended to inform British citizens on how to protect themselves during a nuclear attack.


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Similar to protect and survive, Survival Under Atomic Attack was the title of the official United States government booklet. It was released at the onset of the Cold War era, the pamphlet was in line with rising fears that the Soviet Union would launch a nuclear attack against the United States, and outlined what to do in the event of an atomic attack.

Following the detonation of an atomic bomb by Russia, Iowa Light and Power supplied customers with this what to do card as a smaller primer to help citizens ready themselves for a possible surprise atomic attack.

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Protect and survive also issued public information films which were aired on television teaching people of the United Kingdom what to do in a nuclear emergency.

This advert has been made by the BBC for the up and coming drama 'In The Flesh'. The concept behind it is similar to the Protect and Survive short films made in the 1950's.

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